Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 07, 1856, Image 1
'I . VOL. XXXVII IOLD FRIDAY ■VffiMNO. » -’ol.cfc P. Mf. NOTICE; mm in bio not ccordlng to _ . .... .... .... Organ, the lug of Pronto la so exasperated at tbo con- ict and language of tho federal government affair, l '' Tho Kxocutlvo Committee of the Dem-1 duot and language of tho Itortv'will meet it iti usual ultce °. r Bwltaerland In tho Neutohatel affair, that ho wratlo r any will meet«tu must place I thmtcna to proceed to the military occupation TO-MOBROW, (Saturday Evening,) at I of the canton of Ncul'chatcl, In tlio event or , e niatiub / 4 el ffK*, Itbe proaecutlon ot the royalists prlaonora not past 7 0 0I00K. t I being auapendedt" that "tho Spanish Diiention Ky order B. WAYNE, | affirms.that If the Mexican government relhaea Chairman H. H. Scranton. Seo’y. uov7-2t to falfUl the convention with regard to what la doo to Spanish auhJecte, the Spanish gov ernment baa determined to act with tho great- ' energy, and to demand the oxecutton of the .--iventGoj" that "Neapolitan aOalra has as sumed ne newphnregind were loan unsatisfac tory a condition as ever;" that “the Parts -. of tti e London Tlmos Bays a ,je .forthwith assembled la Paris ded beyond question that three Northern Ibiau'lilMlpafiUe^mJd thoselSwren thB^nlUcs Jersey and |orRus»le;"andthat“the Fatherland TnatlaiaT BaeoiT«-8omo ban are even vet tbit aa to the mult of the eleotlon—mflrely Icorrcipondent or_t givundltn, however, In our opinion. It la act- £*arrangethedlfflc Niw newapa* States, Pennsylvania, . , 4T * Koto "' for Buchanan. wlut these qutltlona are. Ifweadd to those the whole Southern vote ?giieuor axarnma. (HO), aibitie Haryl.nd (8), and Louisiana (8), Among the artleiea contained' In the treaty to wit, 108, we have as Buchanan's vote 103— I of Paris, was One stating "that the act of the fourmor. thm, me nroromry forhU aVrotto,, Then. 158 vet s are certain, beyond qn»-1 port of XelawofUie Hon. empire;” and for the purpose of carrying this But we do not nmoede that Illinois has gone I Into etTeot France, Austria,Great Britain,Trus tor Fremont. Our Mends expected fia&8gl»i gains In the eoutbero portion of the auto-the * anavtgn&e atate^from Isatoha to TuJ- last to be heard flrom. We shall be surprised Each of the contracting Powers Is allowed the If they do not overbalance the Black Republl- privilege of stationing two small ships at tho ,. ,v. I mouth of the Danube. The Islands which are can gains In the north. situated at this part of the river, nnd which As regards Louisiana the chances are that I command its navigation, arc claimed by Tor she has gone Democratic; and the same Is true key, but during the war wero in possession of of California. Busaia,whlchatlUretalusoneof them, called or uaumnua. _ tb , ij, of Serpents, and Horn which it is al- PnminxnOT op Tm llaiM Tamix.—From leged she relbaea to retire. The telegraph has iSpi^SS^ Sgiaai* hM w “- holders In the Atlgntlo A Gulf Ballroad, It will I tux niafoutan difficulty. be seen that they unanimously express a preN I King Ferdinand of Naplea, or King Bomba, .trace for Dr. J. P. Boreven tor the Presidency as he is called, has long since excited the atten- , h . comuanv We believe that the first thm of Europe by his execrable tyrauy to his ° !r. 0 ““fVr „ subjects. Alter the close of tho Crimeauwar, joblic suggestion of Ms name In that connec- Napoleon notified Ferdinand that France tioDtame bom the gentlemanly editor of the would intervene in behalf of the Neapolitan Riisbrldge Arm. I subjects, and aome concessions to popular lib* Mipocug a— lerty would bavotobo made. England aup- hmttx's oax™ ess.—A work very popnlat with the ladle's' government of hb subjects. Prince Gortscha- belleve, has been bid on our table by Ma. I ioff, on behalf ot Russia; has protested against ras It for sate. I the interference ot France and England with J. B. CunnAos, who hu It for sate. Flnt Gun from Florida. Tallahassee, Nov. 4, 1858. The vote at thb precinct has Just been cennt' ed out, and stands thus Itan afihirs. Austria in in her iNeapoiil Iqiqu cl __ English tfeeta are ready to' sail from Naples to | enforce the demands of an ultimatum sent to Ferdinand by their respective governments. Diplomatic relations with the Court of Bomba For Buchanan .,...187 haveceased, and matters wearawarllkoap* For Fillmore.... t 135 I pearance, TllE bolgrad difficulty. tiainvitv 82 Bolgradb the chief town of tho Bulgarian “ , r , , ... and Bosnian eettlementa in Bessarabia,and This Is a handsome majority, and indicates I n,i..i„ with the means of establish- that the county (Leon) haa gone tor theDe. ling communication with the Danube. Bes mocracy by some 158. rahla, in whloh it b situated, was formerly a n R n part of Turkey, but was ceded to Russia by tiro loan), ve iSe i/s I treaty of Bucharest, in 1812. The allies, anx* The majority for Perry (Dem.) for Governor I tons to reduce the power of Russia, endeavored, st the Into election was but J8 In Leon county. | by their plenipotentiaries at Paris, to inoludo We have no donbt that Florida haa gone for Buchanan by from one to two thousand. by l r Bolgrad in tho‘ new boundaries of’ Bessurabln. I Russia contends that Bolgrad still belongs to her, and Bhauld not go with that portion of Bessarabia which returns Into the possession or the Bnltan, by the action of the Paris confer- [ once. Thb is the question in dispute, which la Ur. Buchanan 130 Hr. Fillmore M Majority for Hr. Buchanan.. . 40 Bryan County. Bkyan Co., Ga. Nov. 7,1858. _ ■ Metere. Editor: Here b the correct number to come up for settlement before the second nniint In tM. smnt. sn Tnssdav lot Congre* of Paris. It Is somewhat like our of votes polled In thb county on Tuesday ““ boundary dispute with Mexico before the pnr- for President. | chase or the Mesllla valloy by Gadsden. ran aoNTKNUUKo claim. Thb question b not likely to be a serious one I in Europe, as the great Powers will not put I themselves to the trouble of seeing justice dono - - . . to a little repobllo of 450 miles square. Bo- We have bad ragged paths to travel In this t we en the Albanbn mountains and the Adriatic, county tor the past year, hut yon will sea bom lies the Chrbtbn Republic of Hontenegro, Ih. Of tbs oldBncks have Whloh, tor four centuries, has beenatuar the Sbovnvote Umkswaa of Urn OMBnan nave wM> |, Qrkey _ ; n 1B U, tho entire coast of Cat- nibbed tho velvet off and-leaped through ‘he I taro, on the Adrlatlc, was taken from them, by great deaertof K. N.’bmwltk the least trouble the Vienna Congress, and adjudged to Austria, imagionable. Seeing the ue«rslty or having a sea port, the . _. tnr ,tv snf or Montenegrlns have addressed a note to the Liberty oonnty hu given a majority or so lor Euro ‘ Powe „, requesting them to gusran- Buchanan. tee to tne Republlo the pen of Antivnri, nnd ——— an extension of their limits towards the frontier Louisiana Election. Lf Albania. It blikely, thb requeat being ro it b strange that onrtdegrnpblecorrespond. ent should have left us for 48. hours without » I Porte, word of intelligence from Louialsns. He re- I xhi swiss question. ports to ns the resnlt in MissWppi, ArkiMM, Untu 1848 the Canton of Neufchatel. which Vlrglnis and North Carolina, as to whloh there f onn put of the Swiss Confederation, acknow- was no doubt, leafing us entirely in the dark | lodged th« as regards Lousians, whose fote (since the re- Republic of tiL Domingo through theeflbrUof her Consul there, Begovlo. Bbe is arming the mal-contents of the llcpubilo who are to over throw it and dueluro in favor ot Spain. Ex- Prcstdeut I'aea is the leador among the na* tlvi* of St. Doraiugo, who is aiding Segovio in hU work. ' MEXICO, Both Great Britain and Spain areabout hn* I' tho point of the bayonet, tho pay ment of claims held by their respective subjects ugainst the Mcxioau Uoverupient, At the pres ent moment u formidable armathont Is prepar ing in Cuba, with all convenient speed, to soil for Vora Crus, uud General Urbiatomlo, late Captain General of the Philliplues, a modern Bobudll, is expected to take eommaud or the lund forces. This is the moment ohuseu by Eugland to press soino trilling claims that Brit ish mercbauU (Messrs. Barron & Forbes) have agaiiiht Mexico, and it would seem, from the simiittuueous movement on her part and that or Spain, that there is uu understanding between the two uatious, TUB PERSIAN OCCUPATION OF HERAT. Herat is the name of an independent chief- ship, /iOO miles west of Gabool. In 1838, its cupitul city, which bears its name, was besieged oy the Persiaus, hut they were forced to retire, and sipee then they appear to have had a long ing desire to add it to. tbs empire of the Shan. It has, however, managed to maintain its in dependence. England, fearing that It would cveutually fAll into tho bands of Russia, entered into a treaty with tho Shah in 1863, by which Persia was bound not to enter upon any meas ures that might have the acquisition of Herat, either by Persia, Russia or ouy other Power in contemplation. Russia»qs coveted tho posses sion of Herat for many years aaa point d’appui fur future operations in the East. The Persians are well kuuwn to be favorable to the Czar, and duriug the last war it required ail the diploma cy of Euglaud to keep them In a neutral posi tion. Advices from Bombay, under date of Bept. 12, are tilled with accounts of the prepar ations made by the Indian and British Govern ments to invade Persia.' The reason of this invasion is the reported occupation of Herat by the Persian troops. TUB DANUUIAN .PRINCIPALITIES. Tim Danubian Principalities, Moldavia uud Wallachia, previous to the Russo-Turktsh war, were under the suverainty of Turkey, without however being absolutely dependencies of that power. They have paid tribute to the Porto, but have always claimed separate governments made their own laws, und nave been ruled by their Hyspodars. The Czar claiming the pro tectorate over the Greek subjects of the Otto- inau empire, and the Sultan refusing to recog nize the olaim, a Russian army was sent against Constantinople, through the PriacipuJities. They were opposed with determined bravery by a Turkish atmy under Omer Pasha, and after the celebrated siege of SlUstrla withdrew across tho Dunubo. Their withdrawal, how ever was caused by the landing of the Allied forces ut Varna, and tho fear Rut their re treat would be thus cut oft'. The Russians accordingly retired into Bessarabia, and soon alter the war was transferred to the Crimea. Duriug tho siego of Sebastopol, Russia offered to give up her claims iu regard to the protecto rate of tue Principalities, and as a sort of guar antee of lior good faith in the matter she tes tified her wilfinguess that Austria should upon a military occupation. The Austrians entered the Principalities, and have now signified their intention to remain there till the boundary question of Bessarabia is definitely settled. A commission appointed by tho Peace Congress was directed to meet at lfucharost, for the purpose of reorganizing the government of tho Principalities, in accordance with the treaty of Paris, and the action of this commission is to be submitted to the second Congress which Is to meet at Paris, for final determination.. These, says theN. Y. Herald from which tho SAVANNAH, GTA^RIDAY, NOVEMBER 7. 1856. >jjM' NO13D01 (Comaiwijdcnco oTUia St- Louts llaputitiKUSi.J' From Koimu. Irotort—Governor alt—Rwntr.. fftwtjnm Port Scott—OUt Gtary—The Murder Tri ■gXT.Oct. 18,1858. WXSTFOXI ■nlvid In. were,held I proeUYert ■testing and rom Fort Boott, K. T., Las just .He brings Mwa that elections lotbon eifl Allen oountlee, and icu cuuuuca, hiiu , Gen. Whitfield illtlonlst» In that some, and kept Law and Order them well. The, Lecompton to* tuall, aid start Brown to-day. iwn woe within rued out end thr When Cot. Jones lefteve'rythingwaa still,and tho people were getting along as well as could he expected, . From a gentleman down I day, I learn that Gov. Geary In quest of old Ossawattom When last heard from, Old I ten miles of West Point, kiHug cattle, robbing travelers, and, in the name of the "Northern Army." keeping up war generally. He is a radical. Garrison, Fred. DougluTlennlon Abo. lltlonlat, and eaya It Is useless to cry "pesos, K o." tor “Ihere la no peaoe 1" The reason at peace to Kansas Is death to Brown ^o ho ta for war. I also learn that the Grand' Jury haa been Ineeaaion all.the week, audit is understood that they found true bills against most of the S riaoners who wore committed for murder in re first degree. Their trial has commenced. •Tho prisoners have able connatL and doubtlcsa the court will not got through their cases tor six weeks. It his been rumored Hero today that to tmurepeaca-permanently,' Got. Geary haa pnt the Territory under martial law. I place no. reliance In the rumor, tor although ho is a man willing and ready, Jackson-like, to "take the responsibility," yet I do ntt think such a step was necessary, and therefore discredit tho rumor. Aa tores heard front, Whitfield hse tolled 8103 votes. Voto "for" convention 1,* 125, “no" convention 391; majority for conven tion 834. Mild weather again. Frost to-night. Latirfkom Havana.—NoW Orleans, Nov' 5.—The U. S. Mall steam ship Black Warrior, Capt. J. D. Bullock, has arrived from New York via Havana, with advicea from the latter port of tho 2d instant. A Spanish brlg-of-war had wiled with 0,008 stand of armo tor the insnrgonU In BL Domin- “■). .7 It waa reported also that active preparation. .. , to, an invasion of Mexico, In are in, vlewol Republlo and Spain. Abhestof a SwiPDLKm—Ritoal Kellor, one of the firm of Jaoks, Kellor to Co., of St. Louis, was arrested on tho 24th utt. He Is accused of having tor some time past curried on a bold is In the cities of Baltimore, New York and Ion, by whloh certain merchants are losers to the tune of $150,000. It Is charged that ha represented himself In the city as a man of large means, whoee property wua wholly unln- These Immediate- li sold for cash at a figure far below the) origi nal cost. aovrelgnty of Prussia, hut having If asserted its Independence In that as regarda Lousiana, whose rote (since the re-1 -g— oooi its place In the Helvetian ltepub- port from New Orleane) hu been Involved in I ftc ae an Independent Canton. Prussia now the utmost uncertainty. We have nothing tor- lays olaim to her former dependency, and has . - . .* ... w .. Ik>.« ..JuMvInn In mnaln If. fhPItlJDQ ditiun of the leading European Powers, finan cially exhausted by a two years’ war, it is not presumed that they will lead to guy serious re sult: but us questions in dispute they are pro bably worth the space devoted to tboir explana tion and elucidations _____ [From tho Bainbrldge Argus.l Bloekhnldertt* Meitlug. Bainbridob. Ga., Oct. 30,1860. The stockholders of tho Atlantic and Gull Railroad, in obedience to a previous call, met this day at Bainbrldge, at 1 o’clock, P. M., and organized a meeting by the appointment of Daniel Rambo, Esq., to fill the chair, and W. J. Smallwood to act as Secretary. Col. C. J. Munneriyn, the commissioner for this couuty, being requested, arose and stuted the object of the meeting to be to bear a report of the proceedings or the late meeting of Com missioners at Mifiedgeville,aud appoint a proxy or proxies to represent the stockholders of this county iu the election of Directors of the Road, shortly to take place. CoL Munneriyn then gave a full report of tho lite action at Muledge- ville, which waa gratifying to all present, Mr. Willis M. Russell moved that Col.O.J. Munneriyn be appointed proxy to represent the entire stock subscribed by the citizens of Deca tur, with power to appoint a substitute in case be should not ba able to atted the meeting for ttarfram thAtaas^r but the following dbt» I boon endeavoring to regain it through its agent the election of directors, ther from Uj$t quarter but the following dls- . Switzerland, the Count de Pourtalea, chain- Mr. B. F,;Bruton proposed that tho name of nafoVaa ealilah annaavln lit* (Iharlaa4nn m. I, . . . '»» > tri 1 — ■ * - • • ... patches, which appear In the Charleston pa-1 berlain to tho'ProHlan King, and a man in pen of yesterday: great fairor at the court of that monarch. Tho AnotmrA,Nov.6, P.M. Count exotted by merne ot'hismoney and in- Louisiana.—The returns coming in from the I fiucnce, an insurrection iu Neufchatel. the ob- several perishes and district* of jeot of which was its rejaaoexatioatotoe crown Democratic gains, largely in seme cases, bnt |°f his royal masters; but^^the insurgents were the State resnlt la not yet ascertained. ‘ inf OrlrarasIan/the'votMpoM*fd?short liSadvantogeorthe insurrection which Imke of the registration by 3,000. £^ h m e eI1 tod by hifa“rat. the’"^^* Niw Oblxamb, Nov. 5, P. H. Pmeslaronewed hie claim to the possession of Louisiana.—Returns come In slowly, but it the Canton,and haa now determined oeiibm t la now believed that the Buohanan tloket baa it to the oouriderattonof theGernmn Diet of eravsilcd. Frankfort. The French Emperor, meanwhile 1 I fearing that the dlffleulty may involve other . — lEuroncan Powers in a conflictendangering the Ulack "Republican” Corruption BI *“ | oeaceof the whole continent, has advised the ieral government to re-leusc the prisoners, >lr.L.M. Griffin bo Included as a proxy with that of Col. Munneriyn, which was accented. With this amendment, the motiun of Mr. It woe unanimously adopted by tho meeting. It was then moved by Mr.R. McEIvy thal stockholders indicate their preference tor some person to be presented from this county a: candidates for Direetore, which was adopted and Col. John W. Evans proposed the name o Col. C. J. Munneriyn as tho first choice of tho county for Director, and, if tho county should bo awarded two Directors, tbe name of Hon. Alexander A. Allen as the other. The proposi tion was received and unanimously adopted. Sir. W.M. Russell also moved that while we relyimplicttlyuponl and will chcertully covered In Philadelphia. 7b the Editor» of thi Nne York Doily Niwi : and to extend an amnesty to the offenders. The The tollowiur is a correct conyof a tele-1 government has » tor «om?lM w«bjhead* rt in J thf. sSro Md 7 d?v T holding the rest tor trial. It lmsVwevor, del rt in thl» Stole and oity. | aftw consult ation with the chief ox ecatlve authority of Neufchatel, to retain its milttaty occupation of that Canton until the termination of the legal Investigation In regard to the origin of the insurrection, TUB DAHISU BOUND DUES. This queaton mure nearly affects the United e on the alert In this State and olty. RJ.Walkib. PntLADXLFBiA, Honday, I Nov. 3,1858. f Thi Him. Robert J. tVolker, New York Hotel: 8m: Stupendous frauds of the Fremont lead- era have been detected. Money has been paid states than any other of Eusupean origin. Den- profusely by them tor corrnpt purposes, to pur- murk has always required vessels passing Els!- chase election officers, brine Democrats, he. non to pay Sound Dues. This payment the Tuescheme hu been discovered, and a portion I United States has refused to make, on the ofthe money, nearly five hundred dollars, Is In ground that tho ocean Is a free highway: the heeds of the authoritlei. Parties directly Denmark derives 91,500,000 from these dues. Implicated ere known to bo Intimate trienda of ffho Danish government is now desirous of Fremont. They boasted to their victims of I settling the matter by capitalizing tlitainmonnt, similar arrangements throughout Pennsylva-1 which ehontd be raised by the various States in ala, New York and Ohio, warrants have been 1 proportion to the extent of their yearly contri- issued tor their arrest. The Democratic Cen-1 buttons. This, it appears, Is Uxed ut 830,000,- tral State Committee warns the D.mooratlo 1000, and our share ol tho mm would bo nearly petty la every town and township to watch U million. The eum would be ol litttoconsc- the electoral ticket and ballot-boxes carefully, I quonce In itself, and would not amount to more tod enjoin upon all Democratic officers of elec-1 than the United States offered to Denmark as tlon, and all others, to exercise tho utmost vi« Ian Indemnity for the oxpqtiae incurred by her gilance, nnd expose every attempt at corrupt-1 in building, lighting and repairing beacons und ion. John W.Founiy, Chairman of I lighthouses along her coast. But there are theDemocntloStatoCentnlCommlttee. I graver intereste Involved. If tho lour alloted share of this capil luyment of itton fund it. 0W»i| rtbu| P** 1 "* C°»H Tkaux.—Advices from "ytbe'Kulsh^^wraninontf iUs'evWMt'that mewed end ttmtthe antlltywas excellent, h ^ e “yi“ d tatod“ Wecould netdesiren more Edition to a luge Beet a ready tn port, two .Thu., torthe settlement of thleqnes- hundred vessel, wen already In the river and ggf 'y g whilib hss always abSttod I Danish usurpations, looking upon Denmark os 1 a territory whloh mist sooner or later belong TunCaonn Jamaica, W. Ir-Tha present I to her, hu at the present moment no desire to feu's crop of altoplco-plmento Is said to tall I champion that country or embroil herself with "tort ofthe ordinary average. In many parish- the United States. By late news fr om Europe Jstthas tolled altogether. Some properties, we learn that Russia, Sweden and Norway have Iwt have generally reallxad 2,000 bags, will I signified their assent to the capitalisation pro ud reap 100. Iject, and that all the difficulties are definitively * *—n ;— | arranged in consequence of the accord between Fin at Oaskoaolltoh, La.—New Or- France and Englnud, so farts Europe to con- -mi, Nov.6^-A fire occurred last night In I cerned, hot not In regud to tho United States, Csi.-ollton U,, .which destroyed proputy to with whloh It to itlU in open question. ■be imoont of 148,000. Ispain and bt. dohinoo—tuiih inbnoolioub. i . . | The recent revolution In Spain but brings D«srnoonv« Fuu.—There wins torge fi-e 1 that government Into the same position which “ Bellefontalnt, Ohio, on hut Saturday night, I It occupied In 1854, before Narvaez was over- which destroyed from fifteen to twenty hotld-1 thrown by Eujutere nnd thn Ubsral puty. pjs, Including tho entire bualnera put of the Tho policy otEaputer ;, was the sale of the town. Among those deetroyad were tho Poet church property, and other ro,orras whloh Office and the Exchange dank. The loss Is proved too rtdlcnl tor tho exoitlog etateof variously estimated at from fifty to ooe bon-1 feellngltn tho country, and hence we see he hu died tkoomnd dolluA There were no engines bean overthrown and NarvAex occupies about 'ntown. Itha asm* position he did to 'fit—Lonto Nano- — ■ . —■ ... I leoti haa written u letter to the Queen of Spain, Professor John Crawford, one of tbs editors advising her to uunne a liberal policy with her if toe Memphis (Term.) Eagle and Enquirer, 1 dled on the 27th nit. | v Spain la trying to grin poiwoslon with the People are prone to condoms in others what they practice in themselves without scruple. _ starch telle of a wolf who, in peeping into a hut where a company af shepherds were regal ing themselves with a joint of mutton, exclaim ed, “What actomor would they have raised had thoy caught ma at such a banquet.” Gin Housi and Thus Nxonoxs Burnt—On finy tost thegbr house of SrR Cookrili, in this county, was burnt, and in the pick room, three out-lying nogrocs of J.L. Malone. An old negroe woman or CockrIU’s, who was har boring the runaways, curled them provisions where they were secreted in the pick room; After eating, one of them lighted a match ia there to smoko, from whloh the lint in tho room eaoght fire, and burnt the three to death before they could get out. Two however, lived, to get ont, but, bnt died soon after.—Tvociun- bio (Ala.) Enquirer. SnirriNO in Port—On the 1st Instant there wero lu port at New York 705 vessels, Bo: 218 Baltimore 80; and on tho Bth nit., at Char leston 88, Savannah 41,-Now (Means 128, and Moblbo22. »ivoa*, — N. P. Wlcklltfo, s prominent citizen of Bards- town, Ky., fell dead n few days since. Myer Myers, an old citizen of Norfolk, Va., was serloosly Injured Saturday by a fall. ly abide tho action of the Stockholders’ meeting nt Mlllcdgcvillo, we de cidedly prefer Dr. James P. Screven, of Savan nah , tor the Presidency of tho Company. The motion was put and unanimously adopted. Col. A. T. McIntyre, of Thomas, who was present, being called on, responded in an able and happy manner, congratulating hto fellow- citizens of Southern Georgia on the auspicious occurrences ofthe last few weeks looking to our Railroad interests, end hoped that as every citizen of Decatur was to be beneflttedby the Main Trunk Road, all would come forward un hesitatingly and subscribe stock to tho extent of tholr ability. Alter Col. McIntyre concluded his remarks, This payment the tho meeting adjourned,sine die. nake, on the DANIEL RAMBO, Chm'n. W. J. Smallwood, Bec'y. A Slave Girl In Boeton Set at Liberty. A brief and unusual excitement was created in and about tbe Court House about noon to day, from tho fact that apon n complaint mado by Robert Morris, Esq., a writ ot habeae corpus was Issued ky Judgo Herrick, nnd placed in tbe hands of Deputy sheriff Merrill, directing him to bring with him before Court, a colored girl namedllury Ann Miranda, was alleged, waa restrained of her liberty. The writ also commanded the Sheriff to enminon one John W. Smith, who resides at No. 7 8eaver Place, to appear and show why the said Mary should not he discharged. It was stated that tbe girl in question waa in dented to Mr. Smith somo foar years since, by Iter UlUBUjr nb UlUOUUbUi OUU HUM* uutlllj period she had resided inSmlth'sfnmlly. The girl states that ehb Is new thirteen years old, and that about to nr years og* sbo left Amvillo (she could not name the State) in company with Mre. Smith, with whom she came to this city. She also states that she was sent here by her master ta take charge or in lntont child; that her muster died about two years since, which time no remittances hnvo been received tor the support of that child; that tbe relatives or family of her deceased master have once sent for her to return, but tbit Mre.Smith refused to allow her to go. The girl in answer to interrogatories from the Court, stated that she bad not bofora left Mrs. Smith because sho would not let her go, but that she did not wish to.Hie with her any longer, hut on tho contrary was desirous or tawing bore Mr. Smith did no t eppear before the Court in answer to the summons, and the Gout at once ordered tho discharge of the respondent, and decreed Mint eho wns at liberty to go where olio pleased.—Boston Journal of Saturday, So^Kazr^ So says a dispatch which we find in the Charleston paper*. progress >f approaching.hostilities between that .... 'K _ ..with upwards or 206 UliMtroUonS. All th« Oltxn Dookn required for students In the Medical College. Atnoug them: Neil! ‘h - Smith's Compendium, William’* Principles or Medicine, Duugllsou’s Physiology, ThorapeuUc’i. Practice, New Remedial Di-itluiiary, ka. t do. Carpunter’s Physiology, IHet'y S-rgory, ErlchsonM, Miller's, Forgo non’h and other work* on Rurgory; Wood's, Uarlow'*, Bvll & Bioko'*, Dickson's, aud other works on lYaoticej Gsswiub's Midwifery; Mclg’s ObaU'tricB, aud many recent works on Medical sub* Jects. t phy—62 maps. ... ... jtt—beautifully Illustrated. Poetry or the Woods, or the Field and of tho Year—fine plates. tiovO W. THORNE WIIjUAMB. Hum improvki) mm mminbh, T\ (SIGNED KxproMly'ror making Bam-aud JL/ which U decidedly superior machine Ibrtbat purpose.,. Spool ean be used orirn) -f^lrod length, not heed to be elu ml until the Bag manauTttctnrer. particular! Invited grow Htrccl by mbUKSa —*- and whloh will Whoteile luted. «tn Mid Hour tuor.ehsntaare HrTtVviftft uni.' til and examine Long's AUas or Clauloal Goography~ Sabbith Bells chlmod by tho Poets—b wirrrawj: Mirons, so., .,t,, ;kwheat and hyE flour. Io. 1 Mackerel, Salmon and Codfish, a Extra Bunch Onions. V, B. SHACKELFORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah, Ga. Office removed to Hodgson's new buildings, over noO TISON k GORDON. fit WHITE SATIN ft KID SUFFERS; K ECFIVED by late arrivals— Ladloa Wnlto Fatln Slippers, •i*' ! dO do‘«. Kid do Mlines Black Gaiters and Morocco Boots,- ■ - Ladles Polka and JonnyUnd Boots. M. J. BUCKNER, novO No. 71 and 162 Gibbon's Range, _ PER STBAMBH AUGUSTA, AT Yh« Rarannali Grocery A Fault Depot. QA thoC))oicu»U Eating -Apples. *IV fi doFlueQalnces.UFraUDates. 10 Boxes I^monia New Figs, fjsyerand Bunch Raisins, do Currants, Citrons, fcc., *«».,•• NEW BUCKWr L Now No, * 1 Crate I 1 do- do Cabl _ Pigs Foe> and PigsHcuds In Pickls. Bath Brick, Currlff Powder. Hup. Sago Choose, . CuruHtaroh. Fresh Biscuit, fifteen different kinds, • Stuart's Byrup ALSO RECEIVED. 30 BunohoR Bananas. 10000 Nassau aud Havana Orange*- ' All tor sale on the most reasonable oct30 _ WM. H. Owes Hav'h, Albany h Guur*.R. K. Co., I- 8avannah, Nov* 6,1850. .j > mHK Seventh Iratalm ut of 10 per cent, on'tho X capita) Block of tbe Bavannab, Albany and Guir'Rall Road Company, by a RoiOluUon of the Board, Is hereby ordered to be paid on or' before tbe lOtb day of January, 1857. ‘ 4 WM. WARING HABERSHAM, uovfi Secretary and Treasurer. Q 1 si BO Alt DIN U . NVLiHAL. guutiemutior small t'ainiiiea can oe ) ucuoiuniotlulcd with good Rooms uud Board, at Drayton itreot. opposite tbe Ice House, dec Ifi-tT MRS. M. 8. lUYMEtt. ILBanyale. \ bbls Read k Bro's, Albnuy Alo, "a suporl- ia\J orarttclo," landing per sobr Target, and lor solo by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. Having made arrangements wUb Messrs. Road k Kro’s., lor sale or tholr Albany Ale, shall be con* stantly supplied, and oflbr tho samo at lowest cash prlco. oc31 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. 50,000 “ " ,vorlte *** * 7 • Iutegrldad, Cobdon, MUU.ER k MICHELS, corner Bay und Lincoln streets. oct28-eod3t ' TtRUiT, TURTLE, kc.—The cargo or the schr. British Queen, In three days from Nassau, N. ” consisting or ORANGES, LEMONS, - BANANAS. TURTLE, Ac. For uulo by . YONGE k FRIERSON, octfiO-fit No. 94 Bay street. BUCKWHEAT A MAUKEKEL. OA X bbls Froab Buckwheat, £l\J zo M do. fib bozo3 do. 20 bbt< Vow No. 3 Mackerel, 10 K do large No. 1 do. 10 U no small No. 1 do. landing aud for sale by oct 31 SCSANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. GUNNY CLOTH. ejA Rolls heavy Gunny Cloth, lOU For vale by oct24—lmo J. W. LATHROP ti CO. A8B1ZE OF BREAD. Cirr Tmkasuksr’s Ofpjcb, t Havanuabt 1st Nov., 1850. J mHK average prlceo or Flour tbe past month . . being Eight dollars per bbl, Bread must weigh follows { 10 vent loaf most weigh 2 ft Ooa.. 8 “ “ “ - “ 1ft Oox. 3 “ •» “ “ 9% OX. JAMES K. WH.K1N8, uovl . City Treasurer. STEEL PLATE ENGBAVINGS. QT-KL Plate Engruviugs oT Buctauau, Breoklu- O rldgo, Stephens of Georgia, aud Preston H. Brooks of South Carolina. For saloby J. B.OUBBEDGE, Agent, octSO Marshall Houio Building. THB LADY’S GVIDB in raaiiuors, dress and 7,o. JUR—60o bbls. extra and superfine Flour, as . ; sorted brands. 600 sacks extra and auperfine Flour, au'd brands 160 quarter sacks double extra, 100 bbls. Gobdletvllle double extra o* 2 YOUNG k WYA'a'l’. LE, K)TATOK8, Ab-' . 26 bbut Taylor k Son's Ale 60 bblaPotAtoCs 10 bbls Apples Rocoivod aud for sdio by qov4 MoMAPON k DOYLE. f|W PERFECT gentility, m iuuuuuid, us non uuu X conversation, in tho rutnlly, iu company, at tho pianoforte, the table, In tbe street, and In gon- tlcmens society, Alsoausefol instructor In letter writing, toilet preparations, fancy needlework, miUlnory, dress making, oaro or wardrobe, tbe hair, tcoth, hands, lips, complexion, etc. by Emily Thornwell, author of 1 ‘Homo cares mailo easy." For ealo by WARNOCK k DAVIS, octl8 • 160 Congress stroct. S UNDRIES—Just received— 60 boxes Coffee, Pepper and Mustard 60 " Beadoil Starvh and Boapi 26 “ Adamantine and Tallow Candles 50 bbls aud bags extra Family Flour 30 “ l*otntocs and Onions 40 gross Wood and rapor Matches 50 dozen assorted Brooms and Palls : 100 “ Scrub Brushes and Glothea IJuea ! 60 “ Wash Boards , 810 bags Java and Rio Coffoe. For sale bj > nivrr RHOADS A SON’S. J 7IXTRA prepared Mucllogo for offico and general use, being a substitute for Wafers, Scaling ax, Gumarabic and all other inconvenient pfe paraiiousnow in use, is always or good conslBtonoy, does uot turn sour and Is ready tor use at any moment. For salo by WARNOCK k DAVIS. not 18 169 Congress streot < FOR SALE. f Slx Tracts of Land, 500 aero* each. H or talUr from thi* city or Ravatmah i*u tl»e B. Gull Kail Road, well adapted to tU. growth Rite, Cotton and Cun, on: Wtco mtogi to pay ten tlmos over. Apply to fob 27 U C. A. CLOUD Indebted to tho late firm are ropttestod to make Immediate payment. Mr*Convers Parkhurst, will attend to tbe settlement ofthe affairs of tbe said firm. C. PARKHUR5T. Republican copy. 3m oct 30 /RANDLES,—Eight h 1 J and Star Candles: (Cntnntraiol Sntrllipnre. Savannah QIarkvt, November T* COTTON—A bettor reeling was manifested in tbe market this forenoon;676 balos were sold, viz: 167 aTTltf, SiatUX, 64atUX. OflatllX, 304 at 12, and 43at12Xc, Exports. NEW YORK—Brig Phllura—529 biles upland cot ton. .. .Brig Sarah Wooster—112,00011 lumber. BALTIUORE-Sehr Woodbrldge-118 halos cot ton, 2 bbls brandy, 2 tes fruit, 43,211 ft saw odium- bor, 1 tee ilce NEW YORK, Nov. 3—Cotton—Prices havo ox* perleucod no chaugo; Httlo has been done since the receiptor tho steamer's news; sales for tho day about 1000 bales. We continue quotations: NEW YORE CLASSIFICATION 100 half boxes Adamantine Candles; 60 do Hotel do; 160 do Sperm, Patent, Sperm and Tallow do, In store and for sale, by OCt20 WEBSTER k PA1MES. C ODFISH, Potatoes, *C, 20 quintals Codfish. 50 bbls. Mercer Potatoes. 100 boxes Herrings. In store and for sale by oet27 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. H AY—200 bales prlmo Eastern Hay, lu B>ore anil for salo low. to close consignment, by nov4 CAULETON k PARSONS. QiiUlCE BU1TKK.—15 kegs chotco Butter Just re Upland. Florida. Uobilo. N.O&Tx Middling. ... ..12X 12J4 viH 18X Middling Fair. ..13X 12X 18 13« Fair .13 18 13X 14 Coffee—Our market remains steady wl th but a very small business doing; tho only sales oflmpor* tones aie 425 bags Rio at OXfSiUc. Rice—The market is slightly heavy with but a limited demand; silos of 6u 4Xf3)4X°* CHARLESTON, Nov. 6—Cotton—The domond for this article continues unabated. Prices ruled Tery full to-day, and tbo advance oT yesterday was fully sustained. Tbo transactions amounted to 2,000 bales, at extremes ranging from 11 to 12Wo. ft ft. Colfeo—A cargo or recent importation from Rio, cousUUug of 6,600 bags, was offered at auction by Messrs. H k A P Caldwell k Co, this forenoon, and in UUIo more than hair an hour tbo whole cargo was disposed of, at extremes or 101*16011X0**- averaging in the neighborhood or 10Xo> all round, This, wo bellevo, was the largest cargo ever re' calved lo Charleston. MOBILE, Nov. 1—Coltou—The sales to-day were 900 to 1000 bales. The market closing a llttlo easi er. We quote Miodllngs at OXO^Xo. V ft. AT1.ANTA, Nov. 4—Cotton continues firm at from lOfHMX—fine and good donund. J 1 • o a, 1 ll( ^pipping anmugratr. Fort of Savminnh November 7 Arrived. Br. bark Kathleen, Fader, Bermuda, lu ballast, to Wober Bro's. Cleared. Brig Phllura. Sprague, New York—Brigham, Kelly k Co. Brig 8arali Wooster, Mooro, New York—Beers, SEUYSSEbSVTWUS W “'»' Bsltlmoro—St^hun, Kelly A Co. Memorandn. New York, Nov 3—Arr, nebr Loyal Scranton, Gosieo, Savannah; old, bark Maria Norton, Buck ley, do. Baltlmi nab. more, Nov 3—Arr, schr Ney, Ward, Sevan- Missing Vessels—Nark N ONucliauan sailed from Key West for Pensacola on Aug 27th, with a cargo or bricks Tor Fort Jefferson, since which time she has not been beard from. Brig Sea Bird sailed same day, for same place, and has not been heard or. Both vessels wero undoubtedly lost in tbe destructive hurricane of the 28th and 29th of Au gust. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE. A LL persons Indebted to the Estate of Jane Mo* A. Donald, late oT McIntosh county, deceased, are requested to make Immediate payment; tbos having demands against sold Estate are requested to prosest them, duly authenticated. MUSES a HARRIS, Executor. Nov. 7 th, 1166. nov7 ' no?7 FOR PHILADELPHIA—The .first class schr. IDA, Capt. Corson, will have despatch, — of freight apply to 0. A* GREINER. HAVANA SEGARS. 1A/) ADD HAVANA SEGARS. - .UUel/v/ULaRosaLondres, La Fair do la Flores Regalia Londres, . La llodowa Londres, . Legltimos do i Hoe Cabanas. Flor Qua. La logenuldad. El Mayor Ringgold, 1a a C'axa, La lntogredad Londres, • Fulmlnantes do , Do las Mcjorcs Vegas do La Roso do Santiago de La l'untualoded do Ole Anselmo Gazalcz do La Pulldaz Regalia do LaFleldeP. S. 0. do La Rio Hondo, El Otuto do Oriou, 1 a Conflanzm Opera, I Ia Rlstori Londres, ‘ Martinez Q Hlza. . : do GiUmlrodos Itendres, Caffra Ucgul'a, Flogro Clloudrados do All tho abovo Scgars are for sale by A. BONAUD. oct31 corner Bav and Bull-sis. hundred boxes Adamantiuo M ACKEREL.—20 hair barrels medium site No. 2 Mackerel. 26 quarter barrels large, No. 1. 26 Kill's large No. 1 Mackerel. Iu store and for saio by oct27 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. celvod and tor salo by Oat 22 YQUN INO k FRIERSON, 94 Bay-i GROCERIES. boxes Cbolco Tobacco, "various brands" 200 W bags CbolceRio 'Coffee^ do*, Pilot do, 60 bbls Sugar Biscuit, Butter do, Soda 60 boxes assorted Cordials, ISoap, Snuff, 60 “ “ Candles, 25 “ Adamantine Candles, 26 “ Tallow • “ 26 u Assorted Pickles, 20 (< Ground Coffee, 60 “ Colgstes’Family, Palo, &No, 25 Jars French Rapoo, 26 do Macoboy 20 nests Tubs. 20 dox Painted Buckets. 50 boxes Extra, First and Second qualities Lemon Syrup, 60 boxes ticbcldam Schnapps, 60 “ Claret Wino, 100 " Pipes, assorted sixes, 60 chests Black Teas,varlouB qualities, 60 qr do Hyson do, superior, 26 eighth do do do do, 60 gross Goodwins'Yellow Bank, So* lace and purs American, Fine Cut Tobacco. 200 reams Wrapping Paper, all sizes. 26 boxes Macaroni. 26 do Vermicelli, 26 cosos Olive Oil, 100 Wholo, half and quarter kegs F F F GunPowdcr, 600 boxos Sardluos.puartor and balm For sale by J. V. CONNERAT, oct29 No. 162 Bay-street. UHOUK1UUS. Bbls No. Prime Leaf Lard ggu 100 Boxes Scaled Herrings 100 do White Goetaen Choeao 60 boxes English Dairy “ Qhbds Codfish 26 kegs choice Goshen Butter 76 boxes Beadell’s 6 A 8 Tallow OandlM 60 boxes Colgatos (Oriental) 60 dozen Brooms 60 " painted Buckets 60 boxes new Raisins 76 “ Imported Negro Pipes 26 bbls band-made Sugar Crackors 26 *» Butter and Soda 60 Soda “ 100 boxes Oswego and Beadell’s Pearl Starch 100 " Smith k Buchan's Family Boap 75 “ Colgate's ft Bnr “ 60 ** “Palo « 60 boxes Grant A William's 6 &8 Tebocoo For saloby bCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO oct 24 S' leaned Sugar [UNDHIES— 26 bhds. P. R.Su 110 bbli. Stuart's I 100 kegs Bod? 100 boxes Garb Soda 100 do Lemon Byrup 1000 K and boxes Sardines 100 coses Bchnappi 100 M Imported Mgan 60. M American do Rocelved and for sale by * DOYLE. CJi O 26 bbls Stuart’s crashed 20 do do powdered do 60 do do A clarified do 60 do do-B - do - do 60 do do 0 do do In store and for sale by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO* i terms, by FARRELL. FOH SALE. PRIZES OUARA TOD I 109.000 DoUare—l»,OQ» ■mx.k Osslffl JA8PHB COUNTY A8AD1NY f71.AHH B. To be diawu November 16,1164, at Uoaoort Half, Macon, Ga., under tbo sworn luperlntcndflhooot Cot. George M. Logan andJas. A. Nlsbot, . 49* Remember this Lottery boa only fifteen thuusand numbers— ess than any Lottery li lb* world, theroforo It is the beet for lavestaeot, Ex amlnetheBohemel i'OHEME. IprlWrf..;:; ....... Oli.OTO i “ ’K.'!!!! £000 4 “ of$1,000are 4,000 6 " , of 600 are 2,600 80 " or 100 fire rjooo 1,600 " or 40 are 00,000 AmoxnunoM nuxw. * 20 approximations of 1100 ore 12,000 00 " " 60 ore 2,600 60 " " 20 are 1,000 1,712 prltea amounting to........... I102.0C Tickets 110-Hhives 16-Quarters 82.M. e r Prizes payable wUhout dedactteo. 01,600 Prises of 840 are determlaed br the last figure of the number that draws the Capital Prize of $16,000. Tho Capital Prlte will, of coarae, end with ono or the figures—1.2,3,4, i, 0, 7,1,9, 0. Those Whole Tickets ending with the oast figure as t,ho last la the Capital will be entitled ta 940. Halve# and Quarter* In proportion. 49-Persons sending money by moll need M rear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to . Communications confidential. Bank notes of »ou»4 banka token at par. 49»Thoae wishing der immediately. Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, oct 10 Maoon.Oa X>ACUN—24 hhds. prime Bacon btdee; shhds. r> primo Bacon Bboulders, landing from steamer ■ • Koystono State," end for sale by sent26tr^St OGfAVUB COHEN. dog particular numban ahonlA a UNNY BAGGING-60 bales extra heavy Goa* ny Bagging, on board bark Indiana, from Boa* too, for sale to arrive. .... OC127 tf BRIGHAM, KILLY k 00. SEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. rffHE uuduralguea hnv. and are so* teorirtaf ■ ihuir stock of _ • Foreign nnd Domestlo Dry Goods. To whloh they Invito tho attention or their friends and customers, and public generally, as they feel quite confident that they can offer such induon monts os will satisfy the closest buyers. In oat lino will be found a full supply of i*Unters» Goods, such as Kerseys, Blankets, Unstys, Flatmeli, Shootings, Shirtings, Cloths, Cassimores, with n good variety of other styles. Fancy Drew Goods, such os rich, (sll wool,) De lAlnes. Worsted Plaid*, Cashmeres, English and French Merinoes, Bilks, black and colored. Also, Moire Antique Bilk*, Em broideries, Mantillas, Cloaks, Drees Trimming*, 4cc.. Ac., all of which we offer on liberal term*. Cali and examlno at WELLS 4 WILLIAMS, oct 12 No. 149 Congress itmt. TTARmiS^New MmRhl?fagM^n? fo^Norem* n ber. Received and for sale by WARNOCK 4 DAVIS, octfil 169 Congress *f JurrEU AND CHE hat—Just receives per steam ’ out 2 Mr DAVID O’CONNOR, corner Broughton and Drayton its BEAL FBEBOHEKBBOIDEBIBB HENRY LATHROP & CO. W OULD invito the attention of the Ladles tu their very larggand rich stock of aanMBipan&aiBaaB •pened THIS DAY, embracing Iho following styles Real Thread, Honlton and Molteso BETTS French, Muslin and Gambrio “ Mourning Betts, In Book, Cambrio and Unea Cambric and Swiss. Edgings and Inserting* Embroidered, H.B. Bordered Hdkfe Muslin and Cambric Bands Misses Beits, in great variety Infants! Caps,trimmed. —ALSO— Children’s Worsted Capes Opera Hoods, Tlee, Ac. Colored, Silk and CashmereBcaris. oct 6 C OFFEE.—Flvo huudrod • bags Klo Coffee, fair and cbolco; 40 bags Old Government Java CoIIee; CD mats do do do; 6 casks Plantation Coffee, very choice; 76bngsLaguyr» do; 60 boxos Ground Java and WI Coffee; In Btoreandforsaloby octfifi WEBSTER k PALMES. FOR SALE. A LIKELY NEGRO WOMAN. GOOD COOK A N WASHER, AND PLAIN 1RONER AND SEAMSTRESS. For particulars enquire at this office. oot 9 LADIES FUB8. r UBT RECEIVED—A Urge aud varied lot of LA DIES FURS, consisting of tbo followlug styles! Victoria Pelerlues, Silver Martin Vlctorinos, British Bablo do Genet do ^ Im’n Fitch Martin do Belgian Genot cuffs, Lynx do British and French Sable Cuffs, . Swan Trimming, 4w., by octOfl HENRY LATHROP 4 CO. inks, SHUSHES; WaHI uuiKua, sin., ao.— 100 dox Clothes Lines 200 do Fish do 600 do Scrubbing Druahcs 60 do Wash Boards 60 do Barrel Covors 60 reams Wrapping Papor 60 bales do Twine 60 boxes Pipo Heads 100 boxe^Eng Pipes 100 boxes frosh ground Popper 260 boxes Vwtorla Blue- 100 boxes Tlgor Mustard 100 boxes sup'r Carb Soda 76 kegs washing do 100 doz 2 and 8 ply Broom*, llocoivod and for salo by oct22 McMahon & doyle. B randies, wines, &o.- 6 hair pipes Pale Otard Dupuy & Co’*. Bran dy, 1862. 4 6 hair pipes do do do do 1864, 7 qr casks Old Jean Louis Cognac do, 6 hair pipes Sazerac do, 26 qr casks Port Wine, 26 qr do Malaga do, 10 qr do Madeira and Sherry Wines, 10 pipes Holland Gin, 60 baskets Hoidaelk Champagne, 26 do Hungarian Lion do, 60 bbls X, XX, XX X, and Extra Uononga hela Whiskey, 160 bbU Domestic Liquors, assorted, For salo J. V. CONNERAT, oct 28 No. 162 Bay -stroct. ^ CKOEY NUTS. Pocan Nuts, Brazil Nuts , A monds, of all kinds, rooolved per staem e aud for aale by J; D. JESSE. OCt ell ■\ronCE—7 dozou CANES, araorted, received i.Y this dayjmr steamer, and for sale low by G.M. GRIFFIN, Successor to Ute M. Eastman, corner Bryan and Whitaker st*. ■CUOURr-20 barrels Hiram Smith Flour. J; 26 half barrels Extra Gennesaeo. 76 barrels Domnoad and Oakley Hour. 60—98 and 49 Sacks Domncad Hour. Received and for aale by oct 20 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON 4 00. COFFBB, SUGARS A TBA8. Bags Prime Green Rio Coffee 250 100 do Fair do do do 60 mats Old Government Jay* do 76 bagsLagulrado 10 hhds Chaleo fit Croix Sugar 10 do do P. R, do 20 half chosts fine Hyson Tea 60 10 lb caddies extra fine do do 20 hair chosts fine Block Tea, M lb papers 16 do do do Oolong Black Tea, tin foiL 60 eaddles extra flno Oolong Black Tea, Olbs just received and for sale by : oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO L IME—1,000 CMks beet quality of Lump Lime. landing and in store, for sale low by nov4- . • CARLETON 4 PARSONS. S IGHT EXCHANOE on New YoTk for sale by C. A. L. LAMAR. Oct 21. /RANDLES, STARCH, SOAP, 4w— \J 60 boxes Sperm and Patent Sperm Candles . 660 boxes and half boxes Pearl Starch 160 " Colgate's No. 18osd 60 " Beade^Bmlth hOo^at*’*Family an 200 “ Adamantine and Tallow Candles 60 *• Pipes and Pipe Heads Ia store and for sole by oct 2 HOLCOMBS, JOHNSON 4 00. H errings 4 potatoes- 76 boxes Smoked Herrings 60 bbls fine eating Potatoes Just received and for sale by O0H BCRANTON, IN 4 00. ship Florida: 10 kegs choice Gosboa Balter. 10 boxes English Dalnr Cheese., for site by K. H. WATSON k oft. Corner Whitaker street, and cto Congress street Inn i~1ANDLES, boap, STARCH, V 60 boxer 60 boxes Adamantine Candles, star bread 60 do Beadell’s 04 8 Tallow Candles 60 do Colgate's do olgst loo do Smith's 4 Buohan’a Family Soap 100 do Colgate's no. land lb bar Soap 60 do do Pale do 50 do Oswego Pearl Starch 60 do Beadell’s do do 60 do Soda BlsculU 26 bbls Sugar do, handmade 26 boxes ground Popper, X lb papers 60 mats Clnnamou, In store and for sale by oo21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 CO. PLAN very complete and extensive assortment or the abovo Plantation Goods, fiebley's Goods, or all de scriptions, befog among the iot whloh ore now opened and for sale by oct 1 LADSON 4 ROGERS. T)IG AND BALT HAMS AND8HOLDERS. Just re* JL calved 3 barrels Pig Hama and Shoulders, loooxtra family Smoked Hams and 8 hhds fihoul* dors, also 8 casks Sugar Cured Homs, whloh I will sell for 12K cents per lb. DAVID O'CONNQR, oct 23 Corner Broughton 4 Drayton-st. KNIGHTS & THEIR DAYS, B Y DR. DORAN, author or "TableTraits," 4o. The Hills of the Shatemuo, by Mias Warner, author ol'" Wide, Wide World," Ao. A Pilgrimage to Ei Medinah and Meooah,by Lieut. Burton, ortho Bombay Army, with mop and lUas* (rations. Tbe Humorous Poetry of the English Language, from Chancer to Saxe. Lorlmor Uttlegood, Esq., a young gentleman who wished to see Life, by Smedley. Third volume Irving's life of Washington—cheap edition. Wood, Tberapowtio and Pharmaoalogy—a new work. Simpson’s Obsturotrlcs—2 vols., complete. Young America's Picture Gallery—70 Ulnstra • )bl. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, oct 9 & |33 REWARD. Runaway, on tbe 2d instant, my aegre man POMPEY. He Is about twenty-fear years or age; six feet high; stout built; not very dark complected; baa a down look in u^wuntenanco; has a scar on tbe top or bis fool, cut with an axe. He was raised in North Caroli na, Robeson county; and may be trying to make bis escape back. Any person bringing hun to ora, or confining him in Jail so that I get him, I will peg tho abovo reward. 0. W. CRAWFORD. Colquitt P. 0., septl7—2m Montgomery oounty, Ga. TLsu DROUGHT TO JAIL. Brought to jril la Swataiboro, Beaanoal Go., itheitaloituL oastromaai Usayo U. oameU Bury; that he belongs to ths relata niTboraas Ctay, ot Brysa County. On. as Is or light complexion, with o slight acor oror Iho lel» eyo|ahout5lh<t8K Inches In height, and nhonttl Ih. oner Is reqnsrtodto com. tormrd, poy ohsreeo and take hlmavoy, u bs will bo dstU wlti as the taw direct.. BKNBY OVHtWBOT, ]•* Jslor. GODEY’I LADY'S BOOK F R November, Graham's Illustrated Monthly for November, Arthur's Homs Msgulns for November, Peterson's Ladle. National Baguio, for Novsm- lira Stephen’. New Monthly Itagutaa, tor No, B&llou’u Boltar Monthly tor Rovambor, Received .id Ihr ariu by _ WARNOCK k DAYI jWBAOUU, : MA,, XW1NE- ■Rim i da via, Bookstfiera tod StaUonsre lWOocgreurwt to boxos choice brand. Tobacco 95 chuUOoogor Oolong TM 95 UK chute chotco Gnia TU 95 hriu Wrapping Twlu Receive end rorsslsby sopt88 - McMahon * doyli. P»*Y Bbls.~Arolurqgmti7'OimiL. Betts E and sotns fine Tomato.., for ul. by oc* a