Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 08, 1856, Image 2

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m O Y 0 " 1 *- W-\V«M)r and Weekly. OBoialPaperofthe City tnd County '' ‘ ‘ ft. B. HILTON & CO. The Vmr LMsSSsJl > B#bto? 1 »Wh. luwk : lly Pattewoii" In HnI ftteMsns* i i. Pi PltOPniKTORS AND ■•UM.IBBCM. a u i, 11 f- - ' Editor. *. P. HAMILTON. - - A«.l.l«nt K.Utor IDAY MORNINU, NOV. 8, 1886.’ 'tfv ■nlucrlplloii Prior, of Hnvniinnh Paper. Br eoramou uudcrslauJlng, llio proprietors and publishers ol tho throe papers Urawl In Savannah, bare adopted tho following ualt.uu mtoeoCeuti- acripUiui, to take effect this ilaj: Mly Paper, per annum, in advauco.. Trl-Wookiy “ •» Weekly, stuglo copy, iu advance Wookly, uro copies, to ono address,., Weekly, eight “ “ Wookly, ten " •' « Weekly, twenty “ “ “ When not paid, within ono month from thotimo of eubioriimtg tho charge lor the Daily will bo tmen dollars, ami tbr tho TrL Weekly,/!«, Tho Weedy will ho nent only to thoec who |»y lu advance. The paper will invariably ho disconlincd upon tho ekpirnttori of tho tirao for which U has been . P»'d., Tho above rates to take offect rrom ami after tills datel . a . BN'KKIi .V -JUS, Republican, H. B. HILfON u.. Georgian c£ Journal THOMPSON' ft M l.TIlNGTON, Newt. SavuuuaU July 1, lH5t>. .*0 00 . 4 00 . a oo . 8 00 .10 00 .12 00 .20 00 We atop the preai to aneotraot to our ntMn, if not the wty Utett, it lent the moet ueex- ported item of polltloil nem which hu yet come to hand. It cornea neither from New York nor New Orleane, but item Auguita; and ■cat tho publlo should eoepect that wo quote ftom the memolre of the fumona Munchausen, weatato particularly that the following la ex tracted, errhatfm el literatim ftom tho Ohroul. ole A Sentinel of yesterday : “To Ur. Fillmore ami his ftlenda. and to them alone. Is duo tho honor of defeating Mr. Fremont" Comment Is unnecessary. We can only add the following: 1IIII! Ill '.and hara done It quietly—havenot If ""TJfoul or up* U “ ft. W. aro Wn»t gregatlon. Tlio dllDonlty between the d gontlemau and bis congregation, It remembered, resuIU from a political ui uw ui./ non, me maui uo.oro—give mem sermon preached In Ills church In the early liquor to drink, and Male bread and worm, part of the present political canrae,. Hr. Tyng the Mtty of which, wo claim to bo an humble member did not collect meu In warehdusee.or In the City Hail, the night bolero—give them The Lamar House—Knoxville. We direct tho attention of tho public to the Card ol tho Messrs. Lanier, of Knoxville. Ono of these gentlemen la renowned throughout the Union ns tho former proprietor of the tinnier House, Macon. Tho other wo know to bo one of tho best of men. It will bo scon that they have given to their present establishment the namaof tho “Lamar House” In honor of our fellow citlxen C. A• L. Lamar, Esq. It was.formerly known aa the Colomnn House. If tho prepriotore receive tho patronngo which they richly merltathoy will bnvo thoir hands, aye and their house, foil. BY TELiHG-H. ) Vote of the New York—Grand Total, Nsw Yoax, 'Nov. 7.—The following is tho result of the Presidential election throughout tho Union, not counting California t Buchanan has 159 hu u> -wiont« Fillmore “ 8 Now York has given Fremont 250,000, Bn. chanan 200,000, and Flllmure 125. [Buchanan’s vote of 159 is made up of that of all thoSouthero States, with tho exception of Maryland.] Skbioiis AccrotsT.—A serious accident hap pened yesterday afternoon to Sarah, a colored servant of Mr. William Warner. It appears that the girl was sent by her master to deliver n message to eno of his employees, at work In tho upper story of bis carriage estahllshmeo^ and while on tho way to execute the errand, she fell through tho trap door of that floor, to the mala floor of tho building, and was MrlonB- ly Injured. She was conveyed to tho residence of Hr. Warner. Medical attendant pronounoed no bones broken, yet that ahe hid received serious internal Injuries but was getting on as well as the circa instances of the case would ad mit. mien cheese to eat: and after gettlogthcm huddled together In these places, with a pleat!* fol supply of cheap whisky, place a sentinel at tile duor, with strict ordeni to let nil in that applied, but to let none out till the polls open ed on Tuesday morning; and then the most dsubtfw ones only to bo let out ono at a time I We are proud to say that the Democratic party resorted to no such means to bring abort tbo glorious result over which we ore rejoicing. Tho opporranco of tho large uud beautifully finished room In tho City Hall, un Tuesday morning, after Its lodgers had been taken out, was losthsomo Indeed. The walls splotched end blackened with light-wood smoko uud to bacco spittle, the floor almost mined by tbe promiscuous throwing down iif chai red pine, tobacco juice, the emptyings uf nauseated stomachs, and tbe spilling ul bad whiskey nil over It—presented a scone revolting to all do- cenoy; and wo again repeat, tbut we are huppy to say, the Democratic purly bad no part nor lot lu thua desecrating our betntilul City Hall, wbiob was designed for very, different pur pose?. r Wo intend to institute a dfllgout enquiry and tty and And out whgt party It Was that' re sorted to tho means alluded to to carry thU county for Fillmore. At present, we only know that It wasn’t the Dciuucntiu party.' In the course or our Investigations wo msy dis cover. who Struck “Samuel" to tho time of 000 votes—Atlanta Intelligencer. iv. Dunimr A Tyno.- At tho election hold resiguaUon of tho motor, Bov. Dudley A. Tyng, the pterions artton or the-Vestry having been ' lined,by a ; majority of tho legal vrten of *" Itehn footling tt Incumbent on him to denounee slave ry and to commend tho candidates of tbo party opposing It.—Phil. Journal. Some wag took a drunken follow, placod him In acofltafwltli tbo lid left so that ho could raise it, placod him In a graveyard, and wait ed to sou tho ellect. After a> short time the fumes of the liquor left him, and his position being rather confined, bo Bat upright, and after looklug around, exclaimed: i" well, I'm tbe first that's rlz I or else I'm confoundedly be lated I" Daniel Dancer, when he bad 3,0001. a year, used to beg u pinch of snuff from all bis frlonds and when nls bqx was full, bartered its content! for a tallow caudle. Hut hta parsimonious In genuity uppenrs contemptible in comparison with tout ol tbe Itusslso miser, who learned to bark that lie might avoid the expense of keep- luff n dog. The servant of a Prussian officer one day met a crony, who inquired of him bow ho got along with his fiery muster. “O, excellently,’’ an. swered the servant: “we livo on very friendly terms; every mornlog wo bent each other's coats; tho only difference is, he takes his coat off to bo beateu, and I keep mlnoon.” Now York market. Naw Yoke, Nov. 7.—There has been only a moderate business don e In cotton to day —Sales 600 bales. Sterling exchange doll at n- Congressional Election In New York Nxw York, Nov. 7.—The Demoirats have gained 1 eleven members of Congress in New • - Yo»k. ' .'H'JSI''U7 ■ ■ New Jersey. Naw York, Nov. 7.—Buchanan’s plurality in Bow Jersey, Is flftcei thousand. Blackwoods Magaalne. We are Indebted to Col. Williams, agent of tbe American repnbllahers, for tho Ortobertssue of Blackwoods Magazine. It Is published by Leonard Scott & Co., New York for 13 a year, or 310 for Blackwood and tho four English quarterlies. The following Is the table of contents: Tho Athellngs; or, The Three Gifts.-Part V. Wayside Songs, original and translated; Our Toor in tha Interior of the Crimea; Mr. Bat tler’s Beriew; Family History; Bea-slde Studies —Part III; A New Una; African Travel. id-ili . I h Tile Election. We have the pleasure this morning of nonneing beyond a reasonable doubt, the elec tion of James Buchanan and JobnC. Brechin, ridge, os President and Vico President of tho United States. It Is permitted to us to join our congratola. tion with our brother Democrats of every section of this broad Union. To offer tho right hand I i of fellowship to those stern and truo patriots of tho North, who have stood so nobly by their ’ " oonniry.and hare breasted a storm, the violence aiilciJ. ®f.whlch^wn;tn of the South can for one mo- meat appreciate. It is easy enough for a South* era mao, to cry aloud for tho rights of the South, but tn face of tho violence which has swept the North, causing every thing to bend and crack before it, tho spectacle which has been ptesented by our friends there, is one of moral grandeur unsurpassed—aye, uncqnalcd in the political History of tho world—While onr de testation of that vilo horde, whose solo capital has been an Indiscriminate attack on tbe South is unutterable. Onr hearts must glow with trno - fraternal feelings for those lovers of tho Con stitution who bore made ns anew, lovers of tbe Union—as long as snch meu exists wo are wil ling to cheat them on; to strengthen tbelr bands, and to fight over and over with them the battle of our country. Wo will stand by them and never desert the fiag, until to hope any longer would be worse than weakness. Flushed with the triumph of our party iu a national point or view, us far us our own Stato Is concerned, we have scarcely the exult ing feelings attendant npon victory. There con bo no victoiy without a battle, and iu Geor gia wo have uever considered that there was one. Had it not been for tho mnicipnl elec tions in the various cities aud towns, wc Imvo always believed tbut there would have been no Fillmore electoral ticket In this State. The American party in Georgia have had no nation al organization, and no national princip! s to light upon. When we used to meet our ancient foo, tho Whig pnrty, wc could exult over our successes; hut now .wc can only regret that partyzenl should lead the former so fur from the path clearly pointed out for Southern men. It Is lu no spirit of taunting that wo say this, but to substantiate that which we have always as serted. In one thing, ut least, we bolievo every South ern man can join with us—in an unqualified exultation that tho equality of the States of this Union has been preserved. Baxib Count—A correspondent sends us the rote of Baker connty aa folltwa: Buchanan 453, Fillmore 175, B, P. Brooks 4, Disunion 2. McIntosh—A friend send* ua tho consoli dated vote of McIntosh county, giving 163 for Buchanan, and 40 for Fillmore. Hewrltea: “ The day passed off quietly, and the Democ racy ore well satisfied with tho result.” [Wo should think they might be 1] Another Trick. We publish below anoteer gull-trap which hu been Invented by tho Fremont abolitionists. Thay din hard, bat struggle as they may, their doom Is sealed: Tan Boous Slavs Gihl—Tricks or tuh Niooeb Bkpoblioans—The Nigger Itepubll- cans, In their desperation, are resorting to the moot barefaced humbuggery aud imposition upon the people, tn the hope of cheating them out of their votes. The most ridiculous affair of this kind whleh hu come to our knowledge, of late, Is tho exhibition of a little mulatto S ri at their meetings, whom they represent to i, or to have once been, a slave. This little girl wu exhibited at the recent Black ltepubfican meeting at Littleton, and represented on that occasion to be a slave purchased by Mr. Snmner. It may possibly be one of the slaves Inherited by a brother of bis in right of his wife, wht wua Southern woman. These Abolitionists, when they have slaves descend to them, either keep them In slavery, or sell them aud pocket the cosh, whleh la the price of tbelr blood. Bat the little girl In question, we understand, la really a mulatto from Boston, whom the Nigger Republicans have rigged up and taught to play her partin tbe ridiculous farce, sho hu never seen a day of slavery In her life, and in that respect is a bogus concern. Tho trick is in character with tho general course of ac tion pursued by the partisans or tbe great beef speculator. None but tbo flats wUT be hum bugged by a trick so transparent ond contempt ible—Concord (AT. H.) Vemocratic Standard. Tnn PniLADKLPHiA Mint—Tbe coinage at this mint during September amounted to 2538,172, of which 280,000 was In three cent pieces, 2310,000 in live, and 2380,000 in ten cent pieces, besides 2350,000 in twenty-five cent pieces, l’bc mint has now on band 22,232,215, of which 21,027,039 Is in gold and 21,204,245 in silver. Li B Y Visit ay Esousn Wkitkiw to Ahibioa— A private letter from London assures as tbut Douglas Jerrold and Charles Kingsley wilt visit America in the course of the coming winter. There was at one time a rumor that Mr. Jerrold would lootnro during his sojourn In tho Hulled States.—Boston Altai. Old Times in Bourn Carolina—LsbI week in Newberry, 8.0., B. P. Taylor a white man was convicted of sheep stealing tn five cases and sentenced to receive 39 lashes, or pay a fine £70 sterling. Tho latter alternative wu taken by the prisoner. [communicated.] Bicnono’, Not. 7,1856. Editoriaf the Georgian Qr Journal: Gentlimxn: Old Liberty baa again nobly sus tained herself in the late fierce straggle for the rights of tho Booth, and given Buchanan and Breckinridge the handsome majority of 57. The day wu very unfavorable, and a num ber of onr democratic friends were detained at home by sickness; yet Know Nothlngism, sadly on the decline, hu again received a blow from whioh it will nover recover, so long u oar elUzens contlnuo to be thus true to them selves and the Constitution of their country. Too muotr praise cannot be accorded to the 1132d district of our county, but recently es tablished one of onr precincts, where 60 votes were palled for our candidates, and not ona against them. It Is Indeed the Bannsr District of Liberty county. Enclosed 1 send you the consolidated returns of the county. Very respectfully, A Bri’EKlNTBNDBNT OF TUB ELECTION. The Elution—Fearful Disorder—New York City is passing through olo of tho most disorderly elections experienced herein many, years The 3th Ward rowdies, the Anti-Wood men headed by Councilman Kerrigan, and the Wood men by Pat Mathews, had a desperate collision about 0 o'clook, when pistols, knives, clubs and brlobata were freely used. Upwards of 20 shots were sold to ho fired, and several persons were wounded, bat not dangerously. A considerable number of beads were out open by brickbats. The police managed to suppress the riot but made no arrests. In tho 1st Ward, tho McCay uud Wilson parties had a sklsmish about 10 o’clock. Two men were shot and slightly wounded. Others had their heads out open and were driven from the polls. “ Activity Barke,’’ n California culprit, wu among the “ shoulder hitters,” and wu arrested. He war, however, soon balled and returned to the Ward. Another fighter namedColllgan wu arrested and was also baited. In the 3rd district of the 21st Wnrd there wu also a desperate melon, but tbe particulars have not u yet reached us—2V. Y. Mirror. No Family Should be Without Them. We speak uf M'Lano’s IJver Pills, prepared by Fluraiug-Bros., Pittsburgh, Pa., which have be come uu intlispcusabio Family Medicine. The ftighUul aynqnoma which arise from a diseased Liver themselves, more or less, ID overy family: dyspepsia, Hick headache, obstruction of tho menses, ague and fever, pallia In tho aide, with dry hacking cough, are all the results ef hepatic de rangement—and for tbeso Dr. M’Lano’s Pills are a sovereign remedy, Tboy have never boon known to fail, and they should be kept at all llmei by lam Hies. IlinwriniM—Take two or threogoiug to bed, overy second or third night, if they do not purge two or thruo times by neat morning, take ono or two more. A slight breakfast should Invariably lullow their use. Tbo Liver lilts may also be used where purging Is simply necessary. As an null biillous purga- tlvo, .they are inferior to none. Aud in doees of two or throe, they give astonishing relief to sick headache: also in alight derangements of the stom ach. 3- Purchasers will ho careful to oak for Dr. tPI-ane's Celebrated Vermifuge, mannlncturcd by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. Thorn are other 1111s purporting to bo Liver tills, now before the public. Dr, M'Lane's gonuluo Liver Pills, also bis celeb: uted Vermifuge, can now be had at afire spcctable drug stores. Noncgcnuluo without tho signature of FLEMING BROS, [12] novS The Idleetlon Itlots In Baltimore. 1 Tbe Preaideatlel election In llaltlmnro Tues day wu the occulou or a bloody riot, not withstanding a largo force of the day and night police of that city had been ordered out undarmed. Tho flretactor disorder took place In the morning about 10 o’clock, when police man HcCafferty wu shot in the thigh. The Ban uvi: At the 6th ward polls, usually rather quiet aud orderly, a disgraceful row took place. It ajipeani that a quarrel ensued iu relation to tho right of a party to vote, which soon resulted in ilows, whereupon a pistol was tired, tbe ball from which struck and ponotrated tho liuud of n young man named William Bright and aftcr- wanls entered the right side ot the abdomen of Mr. ftichard Pryor, and passed immediately under tho artery or lobe of the fiver. Ho was attended by Drs. Johnson and Wayaon, who, nt a late hour last evening, feared a fatal result. Ho Is 111 u very dangerous condition. While passing along the eighth ward polls, tho pencils who were carrying him on a settee wore cowardly mulled by a number of lawless desperadoes, who threw bricks and atones at them. In tho moan time, It wu rumored that the person who fired tbe pistol wu Charles Hannlgan, a member of the Empire Club. Ac cordingly, the police were in search, and noon alter officer Hannlgan, brother of the accused, succeeded In arresting him. He had taken refuge in tho house of tbo Empire Club. He wu locked up In tho Central station house, and In a short time released by Justice Morrison, la the snm of 22,000 security to answer a further examination. As for Bright, his wound is ol a painful character, tho hand belnrg much shattered. About half past three o'clock word camo to the station bouse that a large party of meu ftom tho eighth ward, armed with muskets and every description of smalt arms, had attacked the wreath ward, and that a riot ensued. Twenty five armed policemen were quickly sent to the place, hot they found themselves utterly misfile to cope with either party of the rioters. The men ftom tho seventh ward ralli ed, and drove back tho assailants to the Belair market. They wore, howover, in turn driven back, tbelr assailants attacking tho sixth wurd. Voting wu there suspended, the judges closing the windows and refusing to receive a vote un til order was restored. In a flew minutes the high constable, deputy high conetable and ser geant Tayman repaired to tho Belair market, and their took possession of a swivel. Thoy succeeded in unmounting It, but were fired at by a number of men, armed with muskets,who we roconcealed In tho market pillars, Capt. Herring saw one man taking deliberate aim ut him with a musket He rushed forward and seized him, but he wu quickly forced away. Sergeant Tayman tun a man as far as the house corner of French and Foundery streets, and there took two loaded muskets from him. In tho meantime the fight,or bottle, as it should be more appropriately styled, raged with in creasing spirit and fury. Aiaqulth street, be tween Gay and Holland, Holland street, Or leans street, and the space near the Belair mar ket were tbe scenes of carnage and dreadful havoo. Swivels wore freely fired, with the usual accompanlmentof small arms. A largo number of windows were broken, and houses otherwise injured, whilst those residing in tho neighborhood closed their residences and re tired ftom sight. Tho riot lasted for aboutone hour. About 12 persons were convoyed to the apothecary estab lishment ol Thomas 8. Whittle, Esq., comer of Alsqulth and Orleans streets, who kindly fur nished everything that was required by tbe physicians in attendance. WtiTIUK. ‘LLUeraona tMehled n, Ihe telale iS Jane Mc- ' iwiil, laic or MoJutoih r.eimiy,,deceased, incited til Inako Immadtale payment; itue ..Jvhik demand* asalmt enld Estate are 'requested “^^"“-M^a^rExicntor. Nov. 7tb, 1866. . ^ nov? Jftt FOR I'HII.AIjKI.PHIA--Tho Oral *o1m< (jUferichr.IDA, Capt. Comm, will lmvudo*patub. or uuiuuca of freight apply to 1 uov7 O. A. CJREINER. , % HOSIERY, GLOVES, 60. lEOFiyH i» per late'Brrlvftltf— ' SWAN k COs L0TTB [ivnoims or m n«, w Totem ) » O °0. TO_BE HAD KORpI an! 1{ Ladles Black and White S tic Hose, Oo do ,K*w da d'» Black Burmeao Wool do 2I0 Arnurlau aud Ctuhmoro do While, Slate, Brown ahd Black • oUoii AU ■, u full avHoriimmt of Alexandrea Kid Gloves, ( olM uud Uhfckrtikd-t i)i do Caalmiorfl do \ L*dle3 Meriuo Vtutp, do VUk JO, by a itclMO HENRY LATIIBQP k CO. CUS8 J. W be drawti In the City or fl «S^W UK8f,AV ’ ! '»'<S| T IQUORS, SUGAR toi— I A 76 bblB pomostlc Brandy on the plan or SINGLE NUMe mtUEL BWAnTm!^ 200,000 DoL i 7WIU be distributed kcm,,,, J? . UNRIVALLKO S Jhntral jhnritation. Returns of Liberty Connty. Dem. Ticket. American Ticket. Wm.H. Stiles.... 190 W. H. Crawford. ..135 [verson L. llarris.. 100 B. H. HUI . 132 Thos. M. Forman.. 191 Wm. Law . 135 Snm’l Hall 191 Wm. M. Drown. . MM Joe. H. liamsay.. 191 \V. Poe 135 L. J. Gartrcll 191 E.Y. HUI . 135 J. W. Lewis 101 tieo. W. Gordon . 135 J. P, Simmons.. 191 C. Peeples . 135 T. P. Sallbdl 191 EU Baxter .. 131 Thos. W. Thomas. 100 A.R. Wright.. . 135 Majority of highest Democrat over high- oat K. N 50 Majority of lowest Democrat over low est K. N r>8 Total majority 57 UottsUm Dying Out# The vole in no city of the Union thua fur re* ported (always excepting our owu glorious Savannah) has afforded ua so much pleasure aa that of Richmond. First Federal, then Whig, then Know nothing, Richmond baa ever been, by an overwhelming majority, opposed to tho Republican or Democratic party. To go back no further than to 1814, the following figures show the relative strenght of the Democracy of that Gibralter of Federalism to their op ponents: Clay’s vote tbut year was 847; Polks was 282 —not quite one third that of Clay. In 1848, Taylor’s vote was 1004, Cass, was 345—a fraction over ono third that of Taylor. Aiotui The cohatitntion of Virginia being changed in 1851 and suffrage extended, the vote of 1852 was much larger than that of any previous year. It stood: Scott 1851, Pierce 1012: Whig majority 842. Last year Whiggery gave place to Know Nothlngism (a rose (?) by auother name) with the following result: Flournoy 2154, Wise • 1166. Know Nothing majority 978. And now mark the chango brought about by JohnM.Bptts’ treason to the South. Rich mond Is his homo and tho seat of bis power. He was,moreover a Fillmore elector. Last Tuesday’s work resulted in this wise: for Fillmore 1,759, for Buchanan 1,476—leaving against tjie Democracy the beggarly majority of 283. : . Botts, during the late canvass, not only join ed In tha ftlack Republican outcry against tho aggnwrtitas of tho South upou tho rights of the North—ho went so far aa to outrage Mr, Fill- moro’s conservative supporters in Pennsylvania by urging abandon (heir own electoral ticket, and make common cause with the Fre- monters, for tho purpose of defeating Buchan- tt./ttlil: .an in that State..' There is no reason to doubt that for these service^ Botts would receive a . cabinet appointmont from Fremont had he bceu elected. Tho moral effect of tho rebuke : - Which Richmond has administered to his treachery and selfllshoesa cannot fail to be ben eficient Y.J Wjo regret to announpo^he death, at their nlly residence, yesterday afternoon, after a Illness,ol Mm. M. A. Rinrdon, relict of the >. Riordon, and daughter of tho late D6m< •’Byrne. Tho funeral will take place noon at half past three o’clock. Crawford Cuonly. Knoxvillk, Ua., Nov. 5. To the Georgian Journal: % Tho consolidated voto of Crawford County Is now completed, the followiug Is the result: Buchanan and Breckinridge 378 Fillmoro and Donelson 228 Majority for Buck and Brack. 150 This has been a clear gain of seventy five votes for Democracy over the Know Nothings sinco the Governor’s election. Yours truly. From Havana# A correspondent of theNcwYerk Herald, writing from Havana: under date of the 29th communicates the following as the latest intel ligence : Yesterday morning was ushered iuby the rattle of small arms, by wAy of preparation for the two expeditious which we are now flitting out against tho Dominican republic and tho republic of Mexico. The Spanish brig-of-war Habauero left port yesterday, in the midst of tho fireworks, bound for a cruise, and by accident to call ut St. Do mingo city, and put six thousuud stands of arms in tho bands of Segovia, fur the useol the newly matriculated Spanish subjects, and to overthrow the Dominican republic. We have been getting up some excitement on account of the arrest of a man cullled Kin ney, who was employed us pilot on board of the old liuc of steamers, for servicn of the steamers on entering tho Mississippi aud up tho river to New Orleans. All the disugreca- bie part of this matter would have becu pulsed If Capt. Kinney had obeyed the summons served upon him to attend tne call of justice, with his Uombrt 6u«no, as required by our laws. There is no chance to nurse au outrage, uu the party is uot a shipped member of tuo crew, or officer of tho steamer, but a Belize pilot, waiting outside, iu Havana, to take tbo steam- ears over the bar at the mouth of the Missis sippi river. Our business bos not boen inactive, although no large transactions in sugar have been con summated since ray previous advice. Low grades have subsided in favor a fraction, and superior have advanced a shade, hut the last without altering the quotations of her trade board or "College of Brokers.” Bxchango from bad to worse. On New York, 8 to 8£ discount*, other Northern cities a little more so. London 4 to 4} premium. United States gold coins not in demand, but price stated at 10 per cent discount; silver half and quarter dollars at 20 do; dimes aud half dimes, part; Health, 29 per cent premium. The Trleuity aud acquaintances or Mrs. D. O’Byrns aud family are respectfully invited to attend tUe funeral of her daughter, Mrs. M. A. RIORDON, thti afternoon, at half.past three o’clook, from tbo resi dence of Mrs. O’Byrne, No. 86 West Broad street. Savannah, Nov. 8th, 1866. Augusta, Nov. 6.—Louisiana.—This State gives Buchanan 1500 majority. Kentucky.—In this State Buchanan has 4,000 majority. Indiana.—In this State Buchanan’s majority ifl 10,000. Mr. Buchanan is elected President, having so far received one hundred and sixty votes. Augusta, Nov. 6.—Illinois is doubtful. Bur lingame is certainly re-elected to Congress. The result in Michigan secures a Black Re publican Senator in place of Mr. Cass. Auoubta, Nov. 6, P. M.—Louisiunu.—The returns have decided a majority of 2000 for Buchanan. Augusta. Nov. 7, A. M.—Illinois.—Tho De mocrats claim the State by 0,000—not concede ed, however, by the Fremonters,who still claim it (Cnnitnmittl Mlligrntr. Fight Between Mexican Wak Steamehs. New Orleans, Nov. 8.—The crew of tho Mexi can war steamer "Democrats” recently ran off with the res8el,andappearlng before Coatzcoal- cos, forcibly carried off the collector of the pert and the specie. The war steamers Guerrero was scut iu pursuit of her, and met her of Cam- teachy. A fight ensued, which was witnessed jy the passengers of the schooner Joven Maria, which arri ved at this port; bnt the result is un known. Savannah Market, Novembers# COTTON— 1 The transactions yostorday shows too market to bo In a bettor condition, with prices un- chuugcd. Sales of tho day amounted to 742 bales, V !Y I! T 11 F0R 7AT, a reply to “ Uncle Tom's C atl -%, 74ntllMi 60 at 11%, 27~nt12, and 61 and **Drod,’’by a lady of Now Orleans, bales ut 12% cents. - -- * • • TIT FOR TAT. Cabin ” Kxporu. BUNION—Per brig J L Liucolu—ICO casks Rice, 491 bales Colton, 6 bales Wool, and 400 Dry Hides. AUGUSTA, NOV. O.—CoTroN—There was agood demand to day, but prio«s wore rather too stria- goal for buyers. Bivkk—lu fond boating order. How to Dress with Taste, containing bin's upou the harmony of colors, tho complexion, Ac.. Ax., beiug a suitablo companion for tbe toilet table. BriJal Etiquette, a sensible guide to tho etiquette uud observances of tbe marriago ceremonies. How to Behave, or tbe Bpirit of Etiquette. How to Woo and How to Win. How to be a Lady,a book for girls, containing use ful bints ou the formation of character. How to bo a Man, a book containing usoru! hints on the formation of character. IjjipjiiuU Mcllipcc. Perl of Hiiv.iiiiinl. November 8 Arrived. Steamer Eliza, KeeWor, Berry's Limiting, with wood—to U U Haysor. Habersham’. tlEt, from plantation, with 1000 bUHheU rough rice—to K Habersham & Eon. Pullen', fla.. from Tw.edsljo plantation, with OO casks clean rice—to Jehu Williamson. Tho Buainoe. Man’. Advisor, consisting of tho Bnsluoss Mali’s Asslstaut aud Ready Reckoner, tho Trader’s Guide, and the Landlord’s and Tenant’s Assistant. Tho Tradesman’s and Mechanic’. Counsellor aod Beady Calculator, comprising the Tradesman’s Guide or Law of Trade, with a supplement of Rules and Tables. Reoolvod by J. B. CUBREDGE, Agent, novf under the Marshall House. Flowers' raft, tram Bed Blun; with to bales cot. ton—to E C Wade. Votes In Principal Cities. We are indebted to Mr. Flggot, of the As sociatod Press, for tho following atatement: Buchanan. Freemont. Fillmore. Philadelphia -38,120 10,075 12,353 Alexandria, Vs..... - 204 New York City,,,.40,741 17,889 10,957 Orleans Co. N. Y... 1,036 3,1*5 1,415 Tompkins Co. N. Y. 1,410 4,073 1,475 Monroe Co., Pa.... 1,600 maj. Oarbon “ “ .. 800 “ Lehigh “ “ .. 1,000 " Bucks “ “ .. 700 “ Northampton “ .. 3,000 “ Baltimore City.... 7,007 Alleghany Co. Pa.. 6,000 Chicago, III 1,537 Contlilutionaliel. [From the Pennsylvanian.] . Southern Abolltlenlate. There are twonoliypelltloUnsattheBontb whoso sentiments on the Bnbjeot of negro sla very,have long been considered unsound. We refer to the Hon. John H. Botts, of Virginia, andHon.KennethBayner,of North Carolina. Snapioion now ripens Into reality npon thla point. Their letters endorsing the Abolitionist fusion ticket in Pennsylrania.the speeches of the last named gontleman in bebalr of the Fremont Electoral ticket, settles this queetlon beyond forthcr doubt or controversy. While we are able to take good care of our own bedlamites, toe reipectfully aekthe South to take care iff Ike Abolitionilte within her om bonfire. This, it mast be conceded. Is a very reasonable request ot the Pennei,loanian. And we take it that es regards Virginia and North Carolina tho twenty thousand democratic majority In each will take care ot their ubolitlonlsts. Tho Irish census tables, just published, re- port that In ono year there were 21.770 deaths from starvation! The editor of the Hedlcel Times, commenting upon this appalling state ment, gays: “The figure must be fur short of the troth. Tho harrowing details given In the body ol the report leavo no doubt that multi tudes perished by the wayside, and the In cheer less Irish hovel, whom neither policeman nor coroner'sinqnesterer took note of," , Where lathe dutobesaof SutherlandT Seventh and Eioath Districts.—In the Seventh Congressional District the reported Democratic majority Is about 50 votes. In the Eighth District the Democratic majority b about 1150.—CottiftfulfbnaNif. Wood’s raft, from Matthews' Bluff, with 6 bales cotton—to Bella A Foster. Hebert's raft, from Huvaunuh River, with Id hale collou -to Beaten A Vfilaluoga. houses' rnft, from tavunnuli Klvur, with S bale, cation—to N A Hardee A Co. Timid HOOKS. W EEKLY AND MONTHLY TIME BOOKS: Bauk Cbecke; Portmonaioa aud Pocket Books; Bill head Boxes, Bill Files; Nuto Paper; Visiting aud Playing Cards; Sank Boxes; Calendars; Paper Guttors; Marking Ink, Cnrmlno Ink, Inketnndi; Perforated Board, Paste Board, Tissue Paper. J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent. nov7 under Ihe Marshall House. (dpecial Dispatch to the New York Daily Times.) Fusion In Pennaylvalilti Complete. Philadelpiiia, Monday, Oet. 3.—Every, thing here looks promising. The straight Fillmore Executive Committee, at ibaesalon this afternoon, withdrew tho Fill more Electoral Ticket, and indorsed the Union Electoral Tioket unanimously. They adjourned with three cheers for the Union Electoral Ttekot. Great excitement prevails at the American headquarters, and the enthusiasm at the result il ImmiWft. Iu addition to tbe thirteen electors on the straight Fillmore Electoral Ticket who were telegraphed as having resigned last night, we add two this morning—Henry M. Phillips of the Twenty-second District, and Mr. Wright of the Twenty* flnt. Joseph R. Ingersoll will resign toMlay, and Daniel O. Hitner of Mont gomery. Cleared. Brig J L Uucolii, Webber* for Boston—Hunter k Uammoll, FAMILY BIBLES. F AMILY BIBLKS, or various qualities; Tuck or Pocket Bibles; Prayer Books, &c., ki:, ror salo by J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agout, iiovT under the Marshal) House. Departed. Steamer Swau, Johnson, Demery’s Ferry. Memoranda# Philadelphia, Nor 4—Arrived, brig Molunkus, ftn Jacksonville; anasebr Q G Watorberry, fm Sa vannah—morning or 1st lost, In the Guir stream, encountered a strong gate from 8 W, during which carried away jib and split foresail. Now York, Nor 4—Cleared, sohr K Kidder, for Savannah. BUCKWHEAT. J UST RECEIVED a new supply of that Extra Flno White Buckwheat, which was so much liked last winter. This ariiclo is pronounced by thoso who have used U to lio superior to any othor mado. ALSO, Double Extra Family Flour, or first quality, iu 12>^ and 24 pound bags. Quinces, for preserving; Hick ory Nuts; Apples. &c., at novO—2t DICKSON'Bj Murderous Assault op two Tureisu Wo MEN ON TBB CATHOLIC BlSOOP OP Mo.STAK.-oA correspondent cf the Augsburg AUgemeine Zeitaog writes from Constantinople September “The Catholic Bishop of Moatar and Apos- tolio Vicar of the province of nenegowina, Mr. Barisich, barely escaped with his life on the 1st Inst, in - his own houso. Two Turkish women having been informed that tbe Bishop wished to prevent a Christian girl named Catherine Ragan from embracing Islamism, went to his boose and requested to see the bishop. They were veiled, but both were firm ed, one having concealed under her dress a pistol, the other a large yataghan. No sooner had the bishop entered, when ona of them, a certain Kaduna Gioguscha, rushed at him with the knife, directing a blow at bis breast, which would have instantly killed him but for'bia admirable presence of mind. He retreated rapidly, screaming for help, and soon several servants appeared, .who secured the women. Ischak Pasha, the Governor of this province, had them brought before him. and, having in vestigated the case, sentenced them to several years' Imprisonment, notwithstanding the strenuous efforts of several influential Turks, who wished to convince him that the females were lnnatio.” Receipts Per Central Railroad* ’ Nov. 7.—1021 balpscottsn, 144 sacks wheat, 148 sacka coru, 18 bales yarns. 26 boxes copper oro, ami mcrchan 'lzer-to D k W Wootlbrldge, Ordor, C k H. Railroad Agent, N A Hardee It Co, G B Cum ralng, J W1 Athrop k Co, Belra & Fostou, Friorson k Butinr, A Hnrtridge, Soullard k Co, Rabun & Smith, Boston k Villnlonga, Bothwcll k wbltehoad, Tison & Gordon, Hardwick ft Cook. Brigham, Kelly ft Co, Way ft Tnylor, D F Green, Young ft Wyatt, Gultmartin ft Co, O Cohen, W J Farr, Cooper ft G, AIIH Dawson, J Ingersoll, Fatten, Hutton ft Co, G A Gordon, Yonga ftFrlorsou, D DCopp, Williams ft Raidin', J Frazier, F Rfloululng, Padolford, Fay ft Go* Rune, DavU itLQagt 'iAckett k SaclUng*, and W Battsraby ft £a. DICKEN’S HOUSEHOLD WORDS F ORNOVEMBER- Roccired aud for salo by novfl WARNOOK ft DAVIS. CANDLES. S PERMACETI!, Adamantine and Tallow of various brands; 8oap oT varluus brands, from 6, 8,10 and 12 cents. Chemical Soda Soap 10 cents; Wo man’s Friend 10 conts. Gall and examlno at BARRON’S Family Grocery, Whitaker and Charlton-atrcets. ■ep26 NEW ADVERTISEMENTS NOTICE. A LI. persons having demands against tbo Estate A of Mrs. ELIZA ANN JEW BIT, deceased, will hud them in duly attested, and thoso indebted will please make payment to FRANCIS J. CHAMPION, no4-lm Solo Qualified Executor., miLLVU LANIER. SAMPSON LA am PORMMLY UOLIMAN UOCPXj nOXVILLE, TENNESJW Ur. Sterling iuior, late of the Luler Houao House, Macon, Ga., and Sampson Lanier, late of Tuakegoe, Alabama, will .be happy to m.*et all friends and custom- era at the Umar Houae, where they have ampin accommodation for two hundred ud fifty persons. nov8 8. ft S. LANIER, Proprietors. FOR CHARLESTON DIRECT. BOOTS AND SHOES. THE subscriber bos opened a BOOT ud SHOE STORE at Lj V Noe. 71 aod 162 GIBBONS' w^^^^DBUILDING. next door to tho ■- Clothing Store of George S. Nichols ft Co., and i licita the patronage of ills friends ud tho publlo general, oct 7—ly M. J. B1 tbo publlo U IUCKNER. Ghiimtanity in Turkey.—Since the pub* llcRtkraorthe n«w toleration law in Turkfey One hundred and six Christian churches have boon repiired or constructed. The Sultan alone contributed $5,000 to one bnildlng. In fact, everything ia done by him and his gov ernment to conciliate hta autyecta in this re* ■poet. The superior steamer GORDON, J, P. Brooka,Commander, having ., -r been thoroughly overhauled ud fbrhlshod with a new boiler, will run regularly— twlcoa wook—between Savannah and Charleston; leaving Savannah every Wednesday ud Saturday oftvruoous, at 6 o’clock, and returning will leave Charleston overy Monday ud Friday afternoons, at 6 o’clock. Fur freight or passage . i.‘ • T‘i i’i. Je.r.rBIMlOKS, Agent* novo ., Charloston wharf. NOTICE. DR. J. P. SCREVEN was this day olocted a Director of the Merchant’* and Plauter’s Buk, Inplacoof Seaton Grantland, Esq., or Mil- tedgavlllo, realngod. uov6 /CRATES—ORATES—Tho finest lot or Grates over KJ offered InBavunah can be fbund at KENNEDY ft BEACH’8, Stove ud House Furnishing Establishment* HodgBon’s Block, oct 16 corner Bull ud Broughton its. S OAP. STARCH, ftc— . 160 boxes^BeadoPs Family Soap PRIVATE BOARDING. A FKW rt.nalo gentle won can obtain good Board and Lodglmt at tbo So. Wost, corner St. in ud Price Street’s. 00123 2w Colgate’s do 100 do do Pale ISO do do Nol 100 do CMUIe 16 do Assorted Toilet Received and Ibr sale by nov4 McMAHON ft DOYLE. do do do do do, 100 bbU P li Glu 126 bbls N E Rum JQi) bids Rectified Whiskey, 76 bblH X. XX, XXX do - &U bbla Old ltyo, do 60 hhds P R, M and X O Sugar 126 Ibis Stuart’s A B ft C du Received and Tor sale by McMAHON ft DOYLE, nov* Vo 204 ft 207 Bay at. UHOCERfBfe, 1 do do 1 do do 1 do do 1 do do 1 do do 2 do do 2 do do 20 do do 60 do do 76 do do ’ 100 do do 60 boxes Grand ft Williams’s 10 ounce Tobacco. Gobbis Luther Felton Boston Rum 23 •* Boston “ 20 “ OM P. H*Gln 50 “E* Phelps Rye Glu 50 N O. Rectified Whisky 25 bbls Domestic Urundy 25 >a‘ casks 4th prouf lliamly 20 “ “ “ “ 26 % * Malaga Wluo 60 hoU Crushed and Powdered Stuart’s Sugar 60 “ Smart’s A. .v B. Clarified Sugar 60 “ “ C. “ « 10 hhds choice St. Cruix “ 10 •• “ P. R- 6o “ ’’rime Bucou Sides 2u " •• ‘*Shouldors . 16 ca-sks By us* 1/rapoa Porter 20 a ca»k*Tonerlffo Wine ldO Bag* Prime Green Rio Coffee 100 “ Fair do “ «, 60 Mg* oenicoUovornment Java Cufibe in mate 76 lioxos Adumautlno Caudles. In store ud for taleb y ANTON oct 26 4 prise. ofriOO approxlm' 4 •» 260 <t 4 *« 176 ii 4 « 200 it 4 « 160 8 «• 60 M 8 “ 40 a 60 “ 35 200 •• 26 4. 300 •• 20 •50,100 i, 1 20,000 n;"t 20,000 is I 10.000 10,000 6,000 i,. "| 2,600 U - B 1,000 It, _ 600 ij 1 300 200 U. "“I 100 is V PA ■ I ttfojL Mil t\ a 1 1,000 prizes amuuuUug to 1 Whole Uckeji woJaSra .SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 0(1 30,000 Numbers Ttckett are placed lu ou. Si 11 Prlioe are pUced in euotber vfEi ?l Ume a Frlse la drawn irom Ho mh.r .’1 Priso drawn in plaeed agalnat me iif SamfouV 011 U "‘"“‘““•U Sh| GKOUERIES. boxes Choice Toboccu, “various brand*” tuKJyJ 100 bag* ( buice Rio Cutfee, AITROXUUTWX HUZK. The two preceding ud fee twosaewt bera to those drawing fee trat 200»*« StoScbem 8 . 800 Ap|, ™ ,lmUk *>^l do, Pilot do, 60 hbl* .Sugar Biscuit, Butter do, Soda eSSSSSsssi 60 boxes assorted Cordials, 1 Soap, Snuff, Caudles, Adamantine Gandies, Tallow “ Assorted Pit kies, Ground Coffee, Colgate*’ Family, Palo, ft No. *k®y will be forwarded by first mill. 1 Tne list of Drawn Numbers and jy aent to purchasers Immediately ifSa n %rd. 26 jars Frcuch Rapee, 25 do Macoboy 20 nests Tubs. 20 dox Painted Bucket*. 60 boxes Extra, First aud 8ccoud qua) I tie* Lemon Syrup, 60 boxes ScUddam Schnapps, 60 : Claret Wlno, 100 “ Pipes, assorted sizes, 60 chosts Black Teas,various qualities, 50 qr do Hyson do, superior, 25 eighth do do do do, 50 gross Goodwins’ Yellow Bank, So lace and pure American, Flue Cut Tobacco: 200 ream* Wrappiug Paper, ail sizes. 25 boxes Macaroni. 25 do Yormicelll, 26 case* Olivo Qil, 100 Whole, half and quarter kegs F F F Gun Powder, 60o boxes Sardines,puartcr aud halves. For salo by J. V. CONNER AT, ocfeO No. 162 Bay-street. ~ GROCERIES. rders for Tickets should be sent a onr, I , ^-FV’urchasers wrlJJ please writo ibau * plain, and give feeir poet ofllce, couttj u every prize is in payable In full without deduction. ftrAl ,p rttMoril,00° and under, fii ately after fee drawing,-ofeor prizes u time ot thirty days. All communications Btrlctly couDdttu- Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in ofel at either office. ■ Ordera for Tickets can bo addressed tL. 8. SWAN ft CO., AtlafitifaL S. SWAN, Montgomery, Box 62, SavuUfl As tbe above is uot an “odd asind ber scheme,” no Certificates of I’atkia1 sold In it. ^ f 20 Cheese Bbls No. Prime Leaf Lard ICO Boxes .'Tcalod Herrings 10 du White Goshen Cb 60 boxes English Dairy !4 hhd* Codfish 25 keg* choice Go*hen Butter 16 boxes Bcadcll’s 0 ft 8 Tallow Candles 60 boxes Colgate* (Oriental) “ 60 dozan Brooms 50 “ painted Buckets 6b boxe* new Raisins 76 “ imported Negro Pipes 26 bbls Iiunit made Sugar Crackers 26 •» Butter aud Soda •* 60 Soda. “ 100 boxes Oswego aud BoadclPs Pearl htaroh 100 “ fc'mith ft Buchan’* Family Soap 75 « Colgate’s ft Bnr 60 “ ••Pale “ 60 boxes Grant ft William’s 6 ft 8 Tobacco For salo by isCRANroN, JOHNSTON ft CO oct 24 JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER AU* xt ran Savannah Gr —AND' FRUIT DEPOT, IOO lbs. Victoria and Catawbuiitfl 40 bbla. Splendid Eating APPLE. Large Preserving PEARS. QUINCES, Like the Last. Chesnuta, Hickory Nuu, and Fred ft Green GINGER. Tomatoes, Beets, Car rota, Ac. R^re Flour^ Oat^Meal, PwijMfJ. 10 kega Extra Goshen BUTTER. 6 do Choice do. And low priced qualities, together ldtrl aisortment of Fresh BISCUIT. oet 16 W. H. FiSi WANTED, T hree hundred active youksiqiI ‘as local and traveling ageuUaikr easy, useful and honorable, at a ulirjiff4 mouth 1 A capital or $5 only required! mealciue or book business. Full pubdal (free) to all who enclose a postage Ru cent piece, and address A. B. 1" scpt22—w3m JUNDK1I,T— j 26 hhd*. P. K. Sugar 150 bbls. Stuart’s Refined Sugar 100 kegs Soda 100 boxes Carb Aida 10*» do l^iuon Syrup 1000 )i and Yi boxes Sardines UO cose* Schnapps 100 M Iiu|iorted Begars 60 M American do Roceivetl unil fur snlo by out 16 McMAHON ft DOYLE. STAPLE DBY GOODS. C OTTON and Linen Sheeting), Sbirifipi Linens. Pillow Cose Linear, Mi E;f peri, Huckabacks, Huck and Fiue laotdlfl 8. 9 and 10# Sup. Irish and Scotch TableIkT Napkins aud Doyles, Heal Wchh ud a Flannels, Fine Bath and Whitney Blutal and OoUon Bed Tick, ftc., fee ] For sale at the lowest market prices, tj I DkWIIT k I* 1 nov6 QT O 26 bbls Stuarl’s crasbcd Sugar 20 do do powdered do 00 do do A clarified do 50 do do U du do 5U do do U do do In slorc aud for sale by 01521 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft OO* GSKT’S AMD B0Y3 WEA11 B LACK Cassimeres aud Uoeikinr, fei Black and Col'd Cloth;, Tweeds, ritrl Veatlngs, Merino and Cotton Under Ginual siery ot' ail kinds, Gent’s J luen Cambric ■ Hom’d Stitch’d do. do., Col’d Bordendt,i Napoleon Ties and Cravatr, Ac., kc fbrr" *■“ or sale by nov6 i.Lwrrr t nos G ROCERIES.—150 BbU A B ft C Sugar; I 25 Hhds N O ft P It Sugar; C ANDLES,—K'ght hundred boxes Adamantine and Star Caudles: 100 halt' boxes Adamantine Candles; 60 do Hotel do; 160 do Sperm, Patent, Sperm and Tallow do, In store and fur salo by «etS» WEBSTER ft PAIA1E3. C ODFISH, Potatoes, ftc, 20'quintais CodlLsb. 60 bbls. Mercer Potatoes. 100 boxes Herrings. In store and for sa.o by oet-27 HOI.COMBE, JOHNSON ft CO. M ACKEREL.—20 half barrels medium size No, 2 Mackerel. 25 quartor barrols large, No. 1, 25 Kitfs largo No. 1 Mackerel, lu store and for salo by OC127 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON ft CO. H AY—200 bales prime Eastern Hay, in s’ore _ uud for sale low, t j close consignment, by nov4 OARLETON ft PARSONS. C HOICE BUTTER.—U kegs choice Butter Just re ccivcd and fur sale by Oet 82 YOUNG ft FRIERSON, 94 Bay-s B randy, gin, rum, &c- 26 bbls Domestic Brandy 20 <£ casks 4th proof do, twigg hoops 26 )* do do do, do 60 bbls E Phelp’s Rye Gin 60 do I.ulber Felton’s Boston Rum 76 do N. O. Rectified Whiskey 20 }i casks Mulngu Wine 50bbls Old P&HGIn, lu store and for sale by oo2l SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. t UTTER ft LTllOgti- • sum jD 25 keg choice Gosbeu Butter 60 boxes do do Cbeuso Landing per steamer aud for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO. oc2l W OLFE’S CELEBRATED AROMATIC aCHHD- AM SCHNAPPS- 200 d< ten quarts and pints, for sale by tbe quan tity, at New York prices. (KISS A.BORiUD. , 10 boxes Nassau Lemoni and _ Oranges, received por iteann-r, and for salt by JylT J. D. JESSE. yyUISKEV—97 barrel* Whiskey for safe, to ar rivo by acbr Julia A. Rich. oet 16 LOOICETT ft SNF.LLTNGS. CHEESE AND POTATOES. pj boxes Cheeso ; 60-Bbls Potatoes;jiist recvlv* | O od, and for sale by 9 novfl RODGERS, NORRIS ft 00. jpEACH BiLtNDY—1,000 gallons pure old Peaoh Btaudy, fur sale by oct 2 YOUNG ft WYATT. H EW BUOKWHEATjust received por late arri- r .e a, a... . .. * • A. >>'■* and fur sale by uct 21 J. D. JrSSE. I MPORTED lJQpORSrr 10 casks! 1) ft Co pale und dark Brandy 6 pipes llollaud Gin (Medea Swau) 6 ft do Madeira Wine. , For rale by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft OO, WASH BOARDS, &C., SO.—’ E iHia uThjohb!. ’ ...100 dux Ciuthes Uucs 200 lio Fish do 600 do Scrubbing Brushes 60 do Wash Boards 60 do Barrel Covers 60 roams Wrapp’ng Paper .60 hales do .TwiUO - • . 50 hoxe* IHpo iload* 260 boxes Victoria Blue 1 100 boxes Tiger Mustard 100 boxes Hiip’r Curb Soda 76 kogs washing do 100 d(«>2 and 3 ply Brooms, Received and for sole b; 00122 1)Jlw> aoi Sucks Rio Coffee, all grades; 160 Boxes Colgate* No. 1 Pale ul'^ Soap. 100 Boxes No. I do; 200 do Adamantine Candles; 60 do Sperm; 100 do Starch; .100 do Tobacco. MAIlflfJ „ For sale by ItODOEIH NORPiS.t novfi M olasses.—Thirty Hhds cum » f - .twonty-fivo barrels do dojseventyfin 1 Q. do. For sale by novfi RULKiERS; NQRMj NKKGO SHOKK EORGIA made Broguns, lor tale^b}^ oot!8 T14k 162 UlbbouPBaJO CtOAP, STARCH ANDCANDLBJ— . P.100 boxes Smith’s ft Buclian'sHWf 8 * Colgate’* pale do No. 1 lbBar Oswego Pearl etarch Colgate’s uud B°adeUiTiJ»« vv w.gura w ———- - . Landing from sclioouer U>yal »fW'™; tie by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON*' sale oct 12 B uckwheat- , . , 26 half bbls Now Buckwheat, do do 60quar do 6o eighth do do Landing aud for sale by nov4 HOIXXJlIBE, JOHNsON ircTlEESE.* M i Butter. . W0 boxes Choose. In itore •jwjgjj oct 20 holcombMQH^! OHHEN RUTTER AND Gr shun Butler; 60 boxo* do ihMrf- from steamer and for sale by . —ptlT Ri Tt ANTON. JQHhgwj] gAkDlN.ES, SARDINE^ _ 6000 boxos,. For salo by and >* boxes. ’ a.r>n? core or GO'EY’S LA1)Y;« JIUH KOVlOIBER-HeeAvea^y unertha Narsl^J /CHOICE Mercer Potatoes .-Fiva Vjjw V Choice Mercer rotateea for. W peragooser Id., from Tjll/JUK AXU MKaL. Jj 600 sacks CarmicbaelV Sr .perfin* , * 1 76 barrels Extra nwr 60 sucks Corn Meal, lrdoma in store and for aalo by . 0Ct2fi WE0STEH*I A BACCO.—TWP hur“ ld 7id w d fifty 10 ft Wflllam’dToL ft WUllamfe Tob wa&)t 6’i ami 8'*; , 400 boxes asae rtc d brands, pou Ddi ' 10’S and 32’r WEBSTER kji 1 T ■***■*i In store rjjd for rale by ‘Df/TAtOES, Ao.— x, 60 bbla Mercer P^tatow M do Red and White Onions 26 do Cboica Apples, “ d BBbS.Bf. ? dy;SOKCU BPMjL*pV: W aSSSWJGWiViiwi’ 1 ^{jerteed^foreg^^ ■■ ■ " 1 ,1 BATH HOUb^ ft.DOYLK. Saturday8tboTNov. Shouldtberei dent number of aubscriben obtained date tho Bath House wUl bo c *J od ^J‘ f |P ocin-uims