Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 15, 1856, Image 1
VOL. XXXVII I OLD SERIES.! SAVANNAH, UA.. )AY, NOVEMHEE 15. 1856. NO 14003 niiiti(ilAi\ A JOtHNAL. . UDAV E\ RNINO, * o’clotk P J* NOTIOK. I'lm Biimutivo Oommlttoa ortho Dem- ocratie Party will moot at it* uiunl place ■I1IIS KVKNING, Nov. 15, % past 7 o'clock. .. II, order B. WAYNBi Chairman II, II. Soramton. Sio’y. novlfi. Q X CollKlon. of Shl|W—Great Lou or Life Feared, Xc«r Yoke, Not. 14.-The French Iron steamer Lyonnais from New York for Hivro, came in collision with an unknown teasel off Nantucke* 011 tba night o ' the 2nd. The unknown vowel is supposed i > hate sunk immediately. The steamer «• nmeneed kinking the follow* in,; day, when ale was abandoned, the paaseu* gera and crew t lelug to the boats. One boat, containing foui.ten persons, has been picked up and brouglu in. Tbe fate of the otber boats containing a hundred persons, is un- kuown. It is feared that they are lost. The passengers were all Frenob. Tim following are atnogg-ilioseSated: Mr. Sliallor and wife, of Florida, Solomon Domingo, and Ernestine Bollett. Tbe balance sated con* dated of the crew. The Steamer Gordon. Returning from Charleston on the last trip of the Gordon, it was gratifying to find aboard a largo numbet of follow passengers. Gratify ing as an indication of publio fator towards one of tlm best steamers that has eter natigated our wuters. To those having occasion to visit Charleston, <x even further North, the Gordon may be commended in very strong terms. Going on board, nt 6 o’clock, p. u., the passenger has served up for him, before crossing tbe bar, an excellent supper. Then, betaking himself to Us berth, he wakes up the next morning In Charleston, alike unconscious (in good weattier) of sea sickness, and of tbe annoyance of watch ing baggage of a personal transfer from one line of railroad to another. For cleanliness, staunchness, smoothness and steadiness of motion; attention eu the part of officers*—lit fine, for whatever contributes to the earn fort of the traveller—commend us to the Gordon. We say this without being in the smallest degree interested in her dividends—hot hap pening to be the owner of any of her stock. George Gemenden was yesterday elected First Lieutenant of the DeKalb Riflemen, vice Mr. P. Haller, resigned. Unit. John V. Mason.—Extract of a private letter dated Paris, October 1856: ".Indue Mason lias entirely recovered from tbe shuck iiis system received by an attack wine yours ago, and nevei eiyoyed better health or greater exuberance of spirits than at tbs present time. Tbe Judge rises early and takes his matutinal walk before breakfast; is aost indefatigable in the performance of bis official duties, tbe performance of which meets with the heart? approval of his countrymen •broad, and from his through efficiency and urbane manners, no foreign representative at tills Court posesses more than Judge Mason, tbe respect and confidence of Louis Napoleon, and over whom, I am assured, none has acqui red more influence." Oca Anxious Friends.— 1 "By the time this reaches you, you will be so absorbed in your Presidential election that my news will excite but little interest. The intelligence reaching us from yon reassures us in our hope—the hope 1 exuressed some time since as general in England—that Fremont’s success is all hut cer tain. Although events are closlug troand us, and wo are now finding occupation for our thoughts on matters reply concerning our selves, we liavo time and sympathy to bestow upon von iu your present struggle, and public opinion is freely expressed here on your mut ters; and 1 have no hesitation whatever iu saying that England is heart and soul for Fre mont’’—London Corresmndence of the JVew York Herald. “ Although there are a variety of subjects of a sufficiently exciting character before the Freuch mind at the present moment, all are more or less secondary to the interests which tbe Presidential contest in the United 8tate9 produces, and the “ Georgian’ revelations of fhe tandon Times—if so unmistakeable a hoax may receive so important an epithet— have at least served the purpose of giving in ordinate piquancy to tho interest already ex isting in relation to American affairs. Here the feeling is unanimous in favor of Fremont.’’ —Parris Correspondence of the New 1 ork Herald. Pat ofthk Members of tbb Roods Island Legislature.—Tho Providence Jeurnalsays the proposition to double the pay of the mem bers of the General Assembly was most em phatically rejected at tbe olection on on Tues day. "The people seem to think that one dol lar a day is ample compensation for the services rendered by their legislators." Who else can they hire so cheap os that ? Visit of Ennlish Wbithbs to America.— A private letter from London assures us that Douglas Jerrold aud Charles Kingsley will visit America in the course of the coming winter. There was at one time a rumor that Mr Jerrold would lecture during his sojourn in the United States.—Boston Allas. FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE. MAILS BY "THE BALTIC. MleumUraUiidlitg between England and France. The mails by the Baltin are to hand, with forelgu intelligence to Wednesday, the 20th of October. HKKIOUB MISUNDERSTANDING BETWEEN ENGLAND AND FRANCK. The attack or the Faria Monitour has created S uch excitement in England and Frauce. In iris the eflbct is visible on the Bourse, and at home the publio journals have taken up the sutyeut with a seriousness uncalled for by the geueral and indefinite naturo of tho accusations. The Times, in a long leader, says that, without pretending any sympathy lor the manner in which the present government of Franco was established, or with tho principles on whloh it is based, it recognizes in his Kresty, the Em peror or tho French, a faithful and honorable ally, whose good faith and etl’eotivo co-opera tion with tuts country are embalmed in the glorious memories of a successful war; but re plying to the suggestion of the Monitour, of danger to the alliance, the Times says: There it danger to tho alliance, but that dan- goc4>roceeds, not from the juBt and honest strictures of the English press on public men, whose characters are public property, but from the conduct of some who, raised suddenly to high office, seem inclined to enter on a career at once fatal to France and false to Eugland. Those ore tho worst enemies of the French and Ihd English alliance, who can see in govern ment uo higher aim than their own interest, aud so become oareless of the welfare of tho Auftiou. aud the trust confldod to them. We- have also observed with pain that the Government of France has conducted its ope rations in many respeots ostentatiously in de fiance of the ascertained and recognized prin cipals of political economy, and thus provoked a collapse, which come when it may, cannot fail to be injuries to the Government, calami tous to France, and deeply prejudicial to this country. We detest the restrictions on per sonal liberty in France. We abhor her whole system of passports and its atteadaut annoy ances. It la idle to tell us that the fr4e di* oussion of these things is consistent with the alliance between France and England. It is because we are allies—allies to an extent which uo merely political act can make us—allies iu commerce os well os in nrms, because France cannot suffer without inflicting corresponding sufferings on Ecgland—that we now claim to exercise the right to discuss measures and men in which we as well as she are deeply interes ted A newspaper statement from Paris says a dispatch had been received irom tho British Government announcing the unpleasant effect produced upon tho British publio by the uote of the ttouteur, and adding that explanations would be demanded of that part of the note which refers to the possibility ot alliance be ing endangered. ENGLAND. Lord Palmerston, with a party of friends was craising in Southampton water lately, near the Merrimao frigate. Lieutenant Harrison, went alongside the steamer and invited his lordship on board, which, however, Palmer ston declined, on the plea of tbe hour being late, expressing at the same time, admiratiou of the outward appearance of the frigate. The London Daily News announces the fuilure of Fox, Henderson A Go., the firm of eminent contractors, which is attributed to the tightness of the money market. Sir Robert Peel, at a dinner given at Stafford, lust week, to the Colonel and officers of the Staffordshire Militia, gave the result of his re cent Russiuu experiences, stating "truths” of which the people here at home had hot little conception. He said, "he hud seen assembled in Russia 120,000 of the fiuest infantry in the world. Those troops in stature and appearance exceeded anything he had ever before witnessed and he had been over the whole of Europe, yet he had no doubt that the pluck of the English arms would boa match for them. He had visited tbe fortress of Cronstadt, and there was but one opinion, from the Grand Duke Con stantine down to tho youngest middy on lyyud the Vladimir, that, had the euergy of the com mander equalled the pluck of the British uuvy, that fortress at tbe present moment would be crumbled lu the oust. Sir Charles Napier had been through the whole of the fleet and fortress, and-he give it as his opinion that it was impos sible to destroy the fortress. It was certainly very clear at this moment that it was hnposible to attack Cronstadt with success now; hut when the war commenced the case was very different; and if the man who cammunded tho fleet at Copenhagen had commanded the Baltic fleet, or if a man possessed of the spirit aud capacity of a Nelson nad commanded that fleet, he had not the slightest doubt that, as the fortress at Copenhagen yielded, so would Cronstadt liavo fallen.” The Credit Mohiller will propably be wound up, as In the present monetary pressure iu France its functions cannot be continued with out danger. Tub Democratic Delegation from New York in tiib next Congress.—The New York Express, iu speaking of tbe New York city del- egutiou, says "it is tho ublest in intelliect that the Democratic party has elected for years and yearsHud the Express extended its com- picndutiou to the entire democratic delegation, it would have been equally correct. Ably as the delegation concededly is from the city, we “Ward nothing in saying that no members from this State will exercise a higher or more deserved influence in the House of Representa tives than Israel T. Hatch and ErastusCo uiug. —BuJfjlo Courier. We are satisfied that tho fiufililo Courier jostly estimates tho consideration and influence that await the democratic delegates from this State in tne discharge of their Congressional duties.—Jour, of Commerce. [Freni ibo Keuthcky Ago. J Strayed or Stolen—Has anybody seen him, -left the house of bis afflicted mamma—Mrs. Fanny Tick—her sou Sammy. Ho was lost *een about two o’clock last week. Ho is a "lusty young giant,” ‘a brave American boy," »“d "a vigorous youth.” About a year ago he was ill the habit of being "around," and was "all right on the goose." He hud a playful habitof burning Irish dwellings, aud ahootini the women as they attempted to escape. H •xwld whip any woman of his weight in the county. Any body who will give uis mourn ,n g mamma any account of her son Sammy or- “I "his foot prints,” shall be rewarded with a copy of Guirett Davis’ great speech, and a w py of "Danger in the Dark"—invaluable "Mss. Fanny Tick. The phrase "giving quarter” originates, bom au agreement between tbe Dutch and the tyaniarda, that the ransom of an officer or foldier should be the quarter or his pay. Hence, - •' their was 10 teg quarter was to offer u quarter of t pay for their safety; and to refuse quarter uul to accept tbqt condition as a ransom. "HowIs your husband this afternoon, Mrs. squiggsl’"\Vhy,the doctor says as how as, {| he lives till the mornlu’, he shall have some Holies of him, hut If he don’t, he must give him The British screw steamshlu Tempest, i’SW'* *xr\nd at New York on Sunday, • a toisteroo* paiage of twenty-nine day*. from after London, Wednesday, Oct. 29th.—Cornmer* clal letters from Paris describe trade in France as generally suffering from the difficulty iu ob taining discounts, caused by the stringency of the rules of the Bank of France. Credit is restricted on all sides, the eflbct of which is extending to every brunch of industry. It is principally felt by the manufacturers and wholesale houses. The retail dealers hud scarce ly commenced buying in their stocks for tbe winter season, when the measures adopted by the Bank caused them to limit or withdraw tbeir orders. Tho sales were not only affect 2d, bat all speculative transactions were suspended,and dealers were limiting their purchases to the necessities of their daily business. But few export orders for Parisian articles liavo been received since the commencement of tho month, the monetary crisis, now general all over Eu rope; having suspended operations. Tho bal ance of the trade is, however,thought to be still in favor or Franco. HANOYEn—TUK UNITED STATES AND TUE STADB DUES. A dispatch from Hamburg says: "Tho news thAt tbe United States have taken the initiative in proposing negotiatitlons for the removal of tho duties levied by tbe king dom of Hanover on the trade of the river Elbe, at Stade, has produced a very lively impression on the citizens of Hamburg, whose enormous commerce has to bear the burden of these du-* ties. Hamburg has at all times oppposed this imposition, for which not the slightest legal foundation exists. The proposal of the United States is at present tbeir only ray of hope. The negotiations weraAncrely intended for tbeabo- tion of the Sound dues, as well os carrying out the stipulations of the Treaty of Paris, with re gard to the freedom of the navigation of the Danube. But such measures go far to persuade citizens of Hamburg that something else may be anticipated.” HOLLAND. From a tabular document, just published b; tho Minister of Finance, in the official Haul! Courant, it appears that the public income for the first nine months of this year amount to 40,699,749 florins, which gives an excess above that of the sumo period in 1855 of about 1,000,000 florins, aud of 800,000 florins above tbo general average for the service of the pres ent year. Tbe report states that there is a marked progress iu all the branches of the pub lio revenue. A Dutch vessel of war is about to proceed to Madeira to take chorgo of the twenty-twa Malays, who, after settiug lire to the bark Twenthe. deserted her. Tho savages are to lie tried at the provincial court of justice for South Holland, and it is hoped justice will be done “'em. On the 15th of October the quautlty or raw •agar in the depot in Holland amounted to 17,602,207 Dutch kilogrammes, or about 17,500 tous English. Tiltons, the nutioual poet of Holland, died saddeuly while correcting a proof sheet of a new edition of his poems, in his 80th year. Tbe chelera Inn again made its unwelcome appearance in Holland. EARTHQUAKE—TERRIBLE EFFECTS. A severe earthquake had taken place, which was felt thrauglimit Egypt. Two hundred houses were demolished in Oulro. The city of Rhodes was in ruins,some damage was also done in Smyrna. Fortunately but few lives were lost. The earthquake ulso did great damage in Malta, Messina, Pox/aIo, Syracuse, Catania Candia. Cerigo, Gran Michel,and other places in the Mediterranean. Houses, churches and mills were reduced to mins. Fifty lives are known to havo bean lost. Several vessels aud steamers in the Mediterrauosu felt the shocks severely, On hoard many of the ttenmersthe machinery was stopped. The shocks extended fromthelltbto the 10th of October—During tho whole time Mount Etna was emitting dense volumes of smoke. In vttrltnm u»rta of Italy, tiro, the almoin were felt, At Brindsl the people put to sea In boats. At other places the people fled from their houses and encamped for many days in the Helds. Another shock visited Naples on the night ol October 10th, causing groat consterna tion among the inhabitants. PERSIA. Dispatches received nt London and Paris ou Tucsduy, utato that the French Ambassador to tho Court of Porsia has returned from Teherau to Constantinople. II is said that His Excel lency has engaged the Shah to make peace with England. The preparations for tbe English expedition to the Gulf were continued. The Persians were fortifying Herat. Mlwloimrv Operations among Slave* In Sonth Carolina* We tuko tlie following totter from the Charles ton Courier, K was written by a member of the So. Ca. Methodist Conference. Richard Ykadon, Esq.—My Dear SirI have been quite interested in reading your ao* count of the interview between yourself and ; rouv Boston friends (?)—Messrs Parker and iairi.ou; aud if 1 thought you needed uny help, or any confirmation of your statements in reference to the religious instruction of the slave population iu the South, I would most cheeriully give you a short account of the inis-, sionury ope.atious in this section of tho coun try, coirooorative of the same. But i presume this is not necessary. Your position enables you to know what the different churches are doing throughout tbe State and South in this "goodly work.” Besides, so far us these gentlemen and others of the same school are concerned, 1 fear our labors would he lost; for "A man convinced against his will, Is of the same opinion still." However, hoping to subserve the interests of this good cause at home, I will state a tow facts in this connection, which you are at liberty to publish or suppress us yoa may judge best. For several yean 1 have labored as missiona ry to the slaves on "Pon Pon” river and the Huruuudlng country. Lust year it was thought to bo advisable to enlargo and improve the mission, by giving up plantation preaching and building neighborhood churches, alter the plan of the one at Willtown Bluff, which accommo dates somo six or eight plantations, and which has worked bo well for so long a time, thereby enabling the missionary to better Nerve a much larger number of people, and consequently tt do much more good. Accordingly, the money and workmen necessary wore offered and ac cented, uud in November last three large and comfortable houses, in convenient and central positions, were dedicated to tho worship of Almighty God. We have one more com* menccd, which, when completed, will make us five, where the Gospel is preeched every other Sabbuth to large, well dressed, attentive and interested congregations. Besides, wo have some fifteen classes of children who are cate chised daring the week, whou the aged uud sick are also visited uml instructed. Some of these classes can repeat all of Bishop Caper's catechism, (which contuiuH the whole plan of salvation in as pluin and simplo language as could be desired) together with the "Creed aud Teu Commandments,” and some miscellaneous Bible questions. Sir, it would do any lover of sacred song good to hear either the.childreu or congregations sing, with full voices and wurin nearts, some of the "Songs ol Zion.” Some two years ago, Rev. Dr. Styiles preached for us while ou a visit to a friend, aud alter tho ser mon the congregation sung that hymn of Hun ter’s, "Give me Jesus,” and the Doctor said ho was so affected that it seemed to him that his "heart was soluble—it was all over him. But, air, besides the labors of llie missionary, whose whole time is, or ought to be, devoted to this work, wo havo two zealous clergymen, who preach nearly every Sabbath to the Dlacks, either in their churches or on some plantation, in udditiou to their regular service, which is intended for both whites and colored. They also perform other duties for their benefit during the week, us visiting the sick and cate chising the children. Suppose now, we put these things together, aud notice, Urst the pecuniary interest tclt ami manifested? Tho cuarch buildings and mis sion parsonage, which has also been recently mrchused, are worth some two thousand dol- urs, and have been provided, in addition to the annual contribution of the planters, for the support of the missionary. Again, it is be lieved that for the present year-and we hope in all succeeding ones—the amount of his sala ry will he raised here, without any assistance from ubroud. We uotice, next, the amount of effort and labor expended for the spiritual good of these people. Some seven sermons was preached in this neighborhood nearly every Sabbath, and five of them are entirely for the benefit of the slaves. Here all the ordinances of God’s house are administered, the discipline of the church executed, the holy communlou given, their children baptized aud instructed, their sick visited, and their dead buried. But the result: are all converted ? We answer, no There are many vicious still; but the gospel did not make them so. They are so as among the whites, in despite of it We would not he so unreasonable as to call the aching of the “ Cross of Christ” a failure, :ause every old and shrivelled arm is not made strong, or every moral disorder, healed by it. Perhaps it is performing its saving missions as efficiently und rapidly among our slave population as among any other class of society. Our hearts oiten rejoico to witness the tear of penitence, the humble confession, tho joy of pardon, tbo correct life, and tbe triumphant death. We hear the united testi mony of ministers, owners and overseers that incalculable good lias been done by the plain and earnest preaching of the Gospel. Last March, I received a note from a Christian lady in these words—" A most excellent old servant, of your church died here to day. If ever a Christian onjoyed perfect peace in his last hours, this good old African did*” To some extent it is customary for the owners, overseers, and negroes to worship together, when con venient, which results, I think, in great good —a sort of cooial benefit. Religion is love ; and begets love- Thus a mutual regard is en- aouraged—respect and fidelity on the part of servant, and kindness on tbe part of the owner. I have seen the penitent overseer kneel at the altar of prayer with the Blave he man aged ; the master and servant mingle their tears of joy under the preaching of God’s Word, and at the same altar, in the negroe church, commemorate the dying love of Jesus. Now, while I admire all this, and would hear tily commend to the notice of all engaged in this blessed work, both masters and preacheii, th's feature in their operations, the building of neighborhood churches, tot us not indulge in any self congratulations. To do less would not be discharging our .whole duty. One of the soverest charges against tbe Jows was this: "Forbiddiug ns to speak to the Gentiles that they might oe saved.” These Gentle "poor” should'•have the gospel preached to them:" aud woo Is unto us if wo withold it. I read in tbe "Book:” "And hath mude of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.” They are our brethren then, and wo are their debtors. While they "minister to us in carual things,” it is plainly our duty to "make them partakers or our spiritual things.” Let us make haste then to give them the "Bread of Life” before they die, remembering that soon we must all stand side by side in the judgment. Will your Boston friends mako tbe applica tion ? "A word to tho wise." What have they done to christianize and savo their poor ser vants or "helps."’ What, for the poor negro? Echo answers, what 1 W. C. Kir klakd. Adam's Run, Nov. 4, 1856. A lady with flushed face and carbuncled nose consulting Dr. Cbyne,exclaimed: "Where in tbe name or wonder, Doctor, did I get such a nose as this ?” "Out of the decanter, madam out of the decanter,” replld the Dootor. taintrcinl 3nttiligtnu. COTTON—Bales this forenoon 375 bales, vis: 82 at 10ft, 24 at ll, 103 at 11*, II at UK. 84 atll*, 87 at UK; 14 At lift' Exports* NEW YORK—steamship Augusta—243 bales cot ton. tBl otsks rloo, 6 halos wool, aid sundry pk«H iudae...,8chr 1 Raytnoud—100 alike rice, 30U bales cotton, 18 Fees and 25 bbln poUfc brandy, 09 sks wheat, IQ orates wax, 2 bun sheep skins, and 14,000 ft lumber. HAVANA—3chr A Dovereux-rtCO bbls potatoes, loO empty hhds. GEORGETOWN, D. C—Schr Sheet Anchor— 131,*65 foot sawed lumber* *BW ORLEANS, Novt. lO.-Cotion-Tbo mar ket his been nearly at a aland to day. parties gen erally awaiting later adviooa from Liverpool, cow about due by the Baltic,aud tbo sales havo amount ed to barely 1700 bales, In several small lots, pri ces huvlog an evident downward teudeuoy, and our quotations being at the moment nominal. LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Inferior — (S — | Middling. Ordinary.... lOfcftliiK Good Mid 1 . GoodOrd....ll ®11* Mld’g Fair, Low Mld....llK®llK | Falr....,....13'"(®18k- Good Fair f » >.4... — ©— STATSXKXT OP OUTKMtj Block on hand latBoptember, I860 bales 7,255 Arrived since. 370,133 Arrived today 8.533 891,001 Exported to dato 143,847 Exported to-day . 1,751-160,308 stock on band and on shipboard not clear ed 241,503 Exchanges—Very little ohange. Loudon,[clear billil.8®8K and 8tfper cont. prem. Paris 6.28* a 5.23# per dollar. New York 00 days 1# a 2# per cent. dlso. Now York Bight X(3>X per cent die. Arrived. Steamship Florida. Woodbull, 53hours from New York, to Padellord, Fay h Oo. Bohr HarU'etne, flraffam, New York, to Brig bam, Kelly A Co. Scbr Eliza Auu, Domingo, Ogechea, with 2,800 bushels rough rinc—to R Habersham A Son 8toaraor Gordon, Brooks, Charleston—to J P Brooks. Barnwell’s flat, from plantation, with 1200 bus Rough Rico—R Habersham A Bon. Cleared. steamship Augusta, Lyon, New York—Padoll'ord, Fay & Co. Scbr T Raymond, Hulie, New York—Ogden, Starr fi Co. B.-br Abbot Devereux, Alchoru, Havana—J A Brown. BJbr Sheet Anchor, Huke, Georgetown, D. C— Steamer Wolaka, MoNolty, Palatka, Claghorn A Cunningham. Departed. Steamer Wulaka, McNelty, Palatka, Ac. Sadledi 7 Steamship Augusta, Lyon, Now York. memoranda. New York. Nov 11—CM, soliM Jno Boston, Hu go, uud W Raloigb, Mankiu, Favannab. Bodtnu, Nov 10-jCtd* brig Carlanu, Ames, Jack sonville. Holmnu Hole, Nov 7—Arr, brig H FRyder, Bart lett, Boston, for Jacksonville. FOREIGN PORTS. Plymouth, Oct 24—aid, Abagaii, Harris, Savan nah. ltof....UKf3>U# Mid’ng 12 @12* r*ir...iaxffliaji pipping Sttfelltptt. Port of Savannah,. .November 15 Paaaengers. Per steamship Augusta, fur New York—Mrs M White, G II Gregory, Mrs Smith, Mrs W B Carter. Per steamship Florida, (hr New York—D E Dy er uud Lady, C Gordon, W A Dickinson, LChovcs, . r, lady, child uad nurtw, 2 Mlm*s Cbeves, J1.Di ver, G D FUb, S B Tbuumitm, K S Hicks, Captain Held, DSN, UDickersou, VBloat, JEIIltt, Fl> Jones, T F FUud rtau, W 11 Smith, J F S Hoald, M Aarou, Cunt D Oiliuger, U S N, Miss Doughty, MUs Crowell, W L lane, S F U Iauo, WW Currie, NP Crowell, Mra Colvin, Visa Simpso , Mrs Hunter and daughter, Mrs Eckrnan and inft, Mrs Gilbert aud maid, O M Dorman lady, child and nurse, Miss Strong, J A Charlotte, P O Gorman, T 8 Leahy, Mr Strong, JJGriUlu, ES Houghton, Dr Freeman. Hon G Hawley and lady, Mrs Montgomery, Mrs M W Montgomery, Misa Gardner, Miss Wilson, G H May, and 81 steerage Per steamer Gordon, from Charleston—J Maul- gault and Osvts, Mrs Wllion, 2 children and svt, R B Hilton, LRorenbott and5negroes, ALatbropand daughter, Mrs Hall, E Molyneux and family, WJ Carson, Mra and Misa Frayaor, J H Garland and la dy, Mra Ulmo, B Gardner, J M Morris, L J Davis, R B Young, E Hutchinson, K L Morris and lady, Mra Thomas and 2 children, and 15 deck. Consignees. Per steamship Morlda, from New York—C RK agt, H N Aldrich, J W Anderson, G Brown A Co, Brigham, Kelly A Co, Boston k VUlalonga, N K Barnum, J A Barron, Butler A Frierson, O L Cope, Crane, Wells A Co, M ACohen, Cohens A Herts, m U Cooper A Co, D D Copp, Claghorn A Cunningham, Boll A Prentiss,D Bolden, W Dueoon, Dana A Wash, burn W G Dickson, A Doyle. W D Etbealdgo, Ein stein A Eckrnan, E Fitzgerald, Fried A Bro, Foote AJaudon, HUillam, JB Gilbert, J L Gullmartin, W HGuiou, W W Goodrich, Gilbert A TUden, Ham- den’n Ex, A Haywood, J R Habersham, H P Hor ton, Hono A Connory, W Hale, O Jobuson A Co, Kennedy A Beach, CAL Iamsr, 8 M Lafflteau, W W Lincoln, LLegrlos, Morgan A Co, McMahon A Doyle, Moore A Co, Neely A Co, Nevitt, Latbrop A Rogers, Ogdon, Starr A Co, Patten, Hutton A Co, E Parsons A Co, Ruse, Davis A Long, W A Thomas, T 8 Wayne, Wood A Co N B A H Weed, Young A Wyatt, W P Yonge, D B Nichols A Co, and others. Per steamer Gordon, from Charleston—C R R, Fla boat, J Orman, G N Nichols, W Duncan. T Wal ter, T Alby, Hardee A Co, G U Griffin, E L Herriott, J E Godfrey, Carleton A Parsons, Bell A Prentiss, Gapt F M Bailey, Solomons A Co, R L Morris, NLA R M Mullno, Soullard A Crowder, Mra J F Tnomas. NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tbe Estate A. of Mrs. KMKA ANN JEWE1T, deceased, wiU hand them In duty attested, and thoso Indebted wilt please make payment to FRANCIS J. CHAMPION, no4-lm Sole quallfled Executor. . UtrAltl/ING* A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN cau bo acuummo- dated with board and lodging on Broughton atroet, nearly oppotdto H. Morse's Houso Furnish- |ng Store. Also, a few Day Boordors. nov!2 HJiVXHftXU WATEH works* OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, I November 13tb, 1858. f T HE WATER KENTS for the present year wore due from the 1st instant, and payable at tbo office of tbe Board. The attention ol those persons supplied with water flrom the works la called to Section 20 or An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for the care and management or tbe Savannah Water Works, novlfi K. J. R. BEE, Secretary. ALBANY ALE. 4k bbls Read A Bro’a, Albany tie, "a supori- AU or article,” landing per scbr Target, and for sale by SCRANTON, JuHNBTON A CO. Having made arrangements wtih Messrs. Read A Kru’s., for sale of tbeir Albany Alo, shall be evu- stautly supplio|t, and ofl'ur tho <iumo nt lowest cash tMiy'l SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. £ ONDON PORI EU AC.—Just received 15 casks, qta. and pw. Byass Loudon Porter—also Otard Sonette Brandies, Port, 8cherry, and Motilra Wines, Ac. Ao. Choice articles In glass and wood Tor family use bv DAVID O’CONNOR, out 28 Corner Broughton * ’Drayton- S IDES AND SH0ULDERS-15 hhds aud 20 bbls bright 81dos aud Shoulders, Bacon, recolvcd per fctoamer Keystone Slate, and for sale low from the whartj by sept23 CHARLES A GREINER. J UST RECEIVED—ICO baskets Mum Champague, 25 boxes Imperial, 25 boxes Cabinot, 10 boxes Cordon Rougo. For sale by A. BONAUD. novlO corner Bay aud Bull sts. I N A TRUNK, stolon In Ibis city, by a negro iu AprD» 1855, were Bonds of tho city of Augusta, marked Let. C. No's. 10 A 11, eauh $1000, with couuous attached for interest siuee Out. 1851. The public aro beroby cautiouod not to purchase said Bonds. novlO-lm C UEaSE, BUTTER, Ao—200 boxes Goshcu Chooso; 5‘J do English Dairy do; 25 canes Pine Apple do;5) firkins Choice Butter;6 casus (# aud # boxes) Sardines; landing and for salo by H01J70MBK, JOHNSON A CO. novl2 C ANDLES. STARCH/SOAP, Ac. — 50 boxes Sperm and Patent Sporm Caudles 650 boxoa and half boxes Pearl Starch 160 " Colgate’s No. 1 Soap 60 “ Beadol, Smith A Colgate’s Family an Palo Soap 200 " Adamantine and Tallow Candles 60 *• Hjhjs and Pipe Hoads Iu store and tor sale by oct 2 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. W OLFE’S CELEBRATED AROMATIC SCUKIO- AM SCHNAPPS- 200 d zen quarts and pints, for salo by the quan tity, at New York prices. oct20 A. BONAUD. IJKANDY, (JIN, HUM, IJ 25 bbls Domestio Rruudy 20 X casks 4lh proof do, twigg hoops v6 X do do do, do 50 bbls E Phtlp’s Rye Gin 50 do Luthor Felton’s Boston Rum 76 do N. O. Rectified Whiskey 20 X casks Malaga Wine GO bbls Old P AUGln, Iu store uud lor sate by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A OO. L ines, brushes, wash boards, ac„ Ac— 100 Uoz Clothes Liuos 200 Uo Fish do 500 do Scrubbing Bru>hcs 60 do Wash Boards 60 do Barrel Covers 60 roams Wrapping Paper 60 bales do Twine 50 boxes Pipe Heads 100 boxes Eng Pipes 100 boxes fresh grouud Pepper 260 boxes Victoria Blue 100 boxes Tiger Mustard 100 boxes sup’r Garb Soda 75 kegs washing do 100 doz 2 and 3 ply Bruoms, Uoceived and for salo by oct22 McMAHDN k loYLK L IQUuRS, SUGAR Ao- 75 bbls Domestic Brandy 100 bbls PII Glu 125 bbls N E Rum 100 bbls Rectified Whiskey, 75 bbls X. XX, XXX do 50 bbls Old Ryu do 60 btads P R, M and X O Sugar 126 bbls Stuart’s ABAC do Received aud fur Balo by McMAHON A DOYLE, nov4 No 206 A 207 Bay at. buckwheat: J UST RECEIVED a uow supply of that Extra Fine White Buckwheat, which was bo much liked last winter. This ariiclo is pronouucod by those who have used it to be suiwrior to any other made AISO, -. : « ory Nuts; Apples, Ac., at novfl—2t DICKSON’S. Double Extra Family Flour, of Unit quality, and24 pound bags.^ Quinces, for preserving; Hick* G RATES—GRATES—Tho finest lotofUratos over offered iu Savannah cun bo found at KENNEDY A BEACH’S, P IG AND BALT HAMS AND SH0LDKR3. Just re ceived 3 barrels Pig Hams and Shoulders, lOO.extra flunily Smoked Hams aud 3 bbds Shoul ders, aUo 8 ensks Sugar Cured Hams, wUicb 1 will sell for MX uuuts por lb. DAVID O’CONNOR, oct 23 Corner Broughton A Drayton-et. B utter a cheese- 26 keg i choice Goshen Butter 60 boxes do do Cheese Landiug per steamer and for sale by Oo21_ SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. I MPORTED L1QU' RS— 10 casks o D A Co pale and dark Brandy 5 pipes Holland Gin (MedeB Swan) 5# do Madeira Wine. For sale by oc21 8CRANT0N, JOHNSTON A CO. Ntw UUuurtistmtnts. FOR NEW YORK.- Will tail Wednesday, 19/A Nov., at 12 o'clock, M. Tbo steamship FLORIDA, Captain Woodbull, will leave as above. 'For freight or passage apply to I PADELFORD, FAYA CO. j$9» Berths not secured until paid for. Cabin Passage $25 Steorage Passage 8 A*-Shippers of Cotton by these steamships will tloase uiko notico, that no Cotton will be received at - presses that is uot distinctly marked on the edge tnf * * oftue bale. uovl5 Central R. Road A Banking Co. of Ga.1 Savannah, Nov. 13,1850. / The Annual Meeting of Stockholders will RY be bold at tbe Company’s Office, West Broad street, ou Tuesday, tho sixteenth day of De cember next, at 10 o’clock in the forenoon. Stockholders will be passed to and irom the meeting ran. novlfi—td GE '. A. CUYLER, Cashier. ItIUDICAIi GAUD. iv-JBQ. DR. J. R. SMITH has removed his Office RY to Broughton street. In Dailey’s Building, a Tew doors above Bolden’s Hut Store. Residence at, Mrs. Remsbart’s. West Broad street. aeplB FULLOW-CITIZBNS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. 1 am a candidate for re-eloctioa to the of- RY lice ol' Receiver of Tax Returns in January uext, uud respcolffilly selicil your suflVages. augll JOHN REEDY. TO THU VOTURS OF CHATH AM COUNTY. Follow-citizens, I am a candidate at the W&W olection, in January next, for tbe office of Tax Collector, and solicit your Bupport^^^ Savanuab, Sepu 30th, 1850. octl PROCLAMATION. MAYOR’S OFFICE, SAVANNAH, November lfitb, 1850. Thursday, tbe 20tb or November, having been set apart by tbe Executive or tbe State as a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, ll U requested that divlutj service may be held In tbe Churches of tho oily on tbe occasiou, and thanks rendered np to a merciful God tor the special health and prosperity widen hns blessed our community during the past year. [u 8.] EDWARD 0. ANDERSON, Mayor. Attest: Kswahd 0. Wilho.v, Clerk of Councjl.[novia NOTICE. DR. J. P. SCREVEN ws* this day elected a Director of the Merchant’s and Planter’s Bank, luplaceof Seaton Grantland, Esq., of MU< ledgevlllo, reslnged^ novl C IOCua NUTS—ouo Cocoa Nats, received and lor sale by [septal J. D. JESSEE. NOTICE. Conaguoes per brig C. F. O’Brien will HY please attend to the reception oT their gooda lauding Ibis day at Philadelphia Steamship Wharf, novlfi CARLETON A PARSONS. NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the estate of Daniel O’Conner, deceased, will hand them in. duly attested, aa required by law;uud those In debted will please make payment, to W. R. SYMONS, Qualified Adm’r. November 8th, 1850. novB C ORN—1200 bushels prime Beach Island Corn, Just received andTor sale by Stpt 19 WEB3TKR A PALMES. Store and House Furnishing Establishment, Hodgson’s Block, corner Bull and Broughton sts. oct 15 C ODFISH, Potutoos, Ac, 20 quintals Codfish. 50 bbls. Meteor Potatoes. 100 boxes Herrings. In Btore and for sa;e by ~ oeU7 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. M ACKEREL.—20 hair barrels medium size No. 2 Mackerel. 25 quartor barrels large. No. 1. 25 Kilt’s largo No. 1 Mackerel. In store aud for salo by OC127 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. OFFICE FOE BERT. Having romovou to tbo offioo heretofore oo- cuplod by Wm. 8. Basinger, Esq., my (brmer office is tor rout. Uovlfi-lW JOSEPH UANAHL. FORRKNT. A comfortable * wo atorjr houso on a base- E mont, corner Si. Jullon and Liucoin streets. .Possession given Immediately. For partiou- nquiro of J. J. Gammon on the premises, novll* _ G. M. GRIFFIN has uow in employ a first rato Jowelor, aud all work Bent In will bo done in a propor rnuuner, aud with dispatch, nov 11 B ackgammon boards, Chess Mou, Drawiug Pencils, Bristol Boards. Water Colors. Porte Monaios, Card Coaos, Portfolios, Ac., Ao., tor sale by WARNOCK A DAVIS, novlS 169 Congress street. B LANK B OKS, of all kinds; toll bound Day Books, Ledgers; Houruais, Ao., and bali'bouud do, made of good papor aud well bound; also, Pass Books, Memorandums, Writing Books, Ac„ for salo by WARNOCK A. DAVIS, novl3 159 Congress street. L ETTER BOCKS, Copying Presses, Oil Paper, Copying Dt usbos, mid fiuo Blotting Taper, tor sale by WARNOCK A DAVIS, novl 3 159 Congress street. YTTRITING PAPKItS.—For sale at remarkably vv low prices nluo ami while ruled and plain toolacap, do do lettor papers, i ngltsh and French packet aad commercial post; also, a fine soloction of pink, bull; violet und ether colors of noto auu totter papers, small .-sizes, suitable for lady’s uae. WARNOCK A DAVIS. nqyl4 159 Qougresa street. SCHOOL BOOKS—A full supply of tho different O School BookB uow iu uso, suob as spelling hooka, rondora, grammars, arithmetics, ouomla- trics, geographies, philosophies, histories. Ao., Ao. For salo by WAR NOOK A DAVIS, novlfi 109 Congress street. KaTilOO REWAliraet Somepersou or peranus bavii-g counterfeited a TEN DOLLAR B1L of the Merchants’ and Planters’ Bank, and put the suuio iu clrculatiou, tbo Board, by Resolution, offer a Howard of Ouo Hundred Dol lars lor delecting the couuturieiter aud furnishing proof for conviction. IllltAM ROBERTS, novll President. CAUTION. CENTRAL RAUJtOAD BANKING CO. OF GA., 1 Savannah, Nov. 11,186(1. j T HE PUBLIC is hereby iniormud and put upuu ils guard that spurious uotos iu Imitation of the Ton Dollar notes, of tile is*uo of this Bank of 1855, havo bccu recently put iu clrculatiou. Tho spuri ous notes aro photographo, aud ure easily detected The red letters TEN ure painted, and tho wholo ap- purrs us a much rubbed uud defaced hill. A reward of Fivk Hiwuhko Dollars is hereby offered for proof to conviction of any person who has so couutorioitod the uotos of this Institution, or who hns uttered tho futoo notes, kuowlng them to bo false. R. R. CUYLER, President, novlfi ftoTlOb. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Jano Mc Donald, lute of Mclntoih eouuty, deceased, aro requested to mako immediate payraout; ihos- having demands agaitut said Estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated. MUSKS D. Harris, Executor. Nov. 7th, 1860. nov7 WANTED. B V an English widow lady, a situation lu apri- vato laiu..y, os Teacher lu young children, or would accopt a idiuatiou iu uny capacity requiring a trust worthy pomon. Having boon accustomed to rollnod socloty she 1b fully competent to dischurgo those duties so osbod- tial to a homo education No objection to tho coun try. For address apply at this papur, or address a noto to L. M. G. novll-3t WANTED. SMART ACTIVE Colored BOY to be about Btore. novlO A. BONAUD. WANTED. I iHlIbJK UUNDKED ACTIVK YOUNG HEN to Ml os local aud truveliug agouts In a business easy, uaetol and bouorahlo, at a salary or $100 per mouth 1 A capital of $5 ouly required I No patent muitiulue or book buntues*. Full particulars given (flreo) to all who enclose a postage Htamp or a three cent pleco, and address A. U. MARTYN. sept22—w3m Plalstow, N. H. PRIVATE BOARDING. FEW single gouucmou cau obtulu good Board and Lodging at the So. Weal, cor nor 8L ullen and Price Htroot’x. oot23 2w Ao Omen Sav’h, aijuxy A Gul* R. R. Co.,) Savanuab, Nov. 5,1850. / TITHE Seventh Instulm. nt of 10 por cent, ou th X Capital Stock of the Savunnab, Albany and Gulf Rail Road Company, by a Resolution or the Board, Is hereby ordered to bo paid ou or before the 10th day of January, 1867. WM. WARING HABERSHAM, novfl Secretory aud Treasurer. GROCERIES. 2Q0 boxes Choice Tobacco,^* various brands” do, Pilot do, ’ 100 bagsCboico Rio Coffee, •" * blsS — " Soap, Snuff, 20 nests Tubs. 20 doz Painted Buckots. 50 boxes Extra, First and gocond qualities Lemon Syrup, 60 boxes Scbeidain Schuapps, 60 “ Claret Wine, 100 " Pipes, assorted sizes, 60 chests Black Teas,various qualities, 50 qr do Hyson do, superior, 25 eighth do do do do, 60 gross Goodwins' Yellow Bauk, So- laao and pure American, Fine Cut Tobacco. 200 reams Wrapping Paper, all sizes. 25 boxos Macaroni, 25 do Vermicelli, 25 coses Olive Qll, 100 Wbolo, half and quarter kegs F F F GuuPowdor, 500 boxes Sardincs.puartor aud balvos. For sale by J. V. CONNERAT, octfig No.,162 Bay-street. C HOICE BUTTER.—15 kegs choico Butter just re ceived and lor salo by Oct 22 YQUNG k FRIERSON, 94 Bay-s O NIONS—40 bbls Onions landing ibis day per bark Indiana and tor sale by no?12 CARLETON A PARSONS. RANDIES, WINES, Ac.— 1 5 half pipes Pale Otard Dupuy A Co’s. Bran- ly, 1852. 6 halfpipes do do do do 1854, 7 qr casks Old Jean Louis Oognao do, 5 halfpipes Sazerao do, 26 qr raaks Port Wlue. 25 qr do Malaga do, 10 qr do Madeira and Sherry Wines, 10 pipes Holland Gin, 60 baskets Heldselk Champagne, 25 do Hungarian Lion do, 50 bblsX, XX, XX X, and Extra Mononga- hela Whiskey, 150 bbls Domestic Liquors, assorted. For sale J. V. CONNERAT, oct 28 „ No, 162 Bay-street. QL jj 26 hhds. P. R. Sugar 150 bbls. Stuart’s Reflnad Sugar 100 kegs Soda 100 boxos Carb Soda 10<> Uo Lemon Syrup 1000 X «»d X boxes Sardines 100 cases Schnapps 100 M Imported Began 60 M American do Received and tor salo by 4 oct 16 MoUAHON A DOYLE. S OAP, STARCH AND CANDLES— 100 boxes Smith's A Buchan’s Family Soap 60 " Colgate’s pale do 50 “ do No. 1 ft Bar do 25 " Oswego Pearl otarch 60 " Colgate’s and Beadell’sTallow Candles Landing flrom schooner Loyal Scranton, and for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. oct 12 boxes Adamantine S'lANDLtt),—Eight hundred and Star Candles: 100 half boxes Adamantine Candles; 50 do Hotel do; 160 do Sperm, Pateut, Sperm aud Tallow do, In store and tor sale by 0020 WEBSTER A PALMES. 60 bbls Sugar Biscuit, Butter do, Soda 60 boxes assorted Cordials, 60 “ “ 25 25 25 20 50 Gandies, Adamantinu Candles, Tallow “ Assorted Pickles, Ground Coffeo, Colgatos’ Family, Palo, A No. 25 Jars Frouch Rapes, 25 do Macob'oy HAVANA SEGARS. 1 flA AAA HAVANA SEGABS. lUv«vvU La Ro3a Londres, La Fltir do la Flores Regalia Londres, La Ho down Londres, Lcgitimos do Hoe Cabanas, Flor Una, La Ingcnuidad, El Mayor Ringgold, La a Cazi, La iutegredad Loudres, Fulminantes do Do ias Mejorcs Vegas 'do La Roso do Sautiugo do La Puntualcded do Ole Ansclmo Uuznlez do La l’ulidaz Regalia do LaFlel do P. S. 0. do La Rio Houdo. El Otnto do Orion, La Conflanza Opera, La Ristorl Londres, Martlnoz Q Hiza, do Cilindrados Loudros, Caffra Regain, Fiagro Cllendrados do All the above Segars aro for salo by A.BONAUD. oct31 cornor Bav and Bull-sis ,110 prizes, a • ouuting to $382jB10 Tickets $20—Halves $10-Quarters 9$ 49* All orders tor Tickets or Package* in any of tbe Maryland lotteries will receive prompt atten tion, and (lie drawing mailed to all purchasers Im mediately. Address T. H. HUBBARD A OO. No 39 Fayetto street, or Box No. 40., oct 1—ly Baltimore Md. C OFFEE.—Five hundred bags Bio CoObe, fitir and choice; 40 baga Ola Government Java Coffee: 00 mats do do do; 6 casks Plantation Coffee, very choice; 75bagsLaguyra do; 00 boxes Ground Java and WI Coffee; In store aud tor sale by 00120 / WEBSTER A PALMES. S 1 JB PPLES, CHEESE, BUTTER, HAMS AND PO- L TATOE3— 15 bbls Apples, 25 boxes cuoese, 15 firkins Butter, 5 casks Hums, 63 bbls Potatoes, Received per steamer and for sale by novlfi McMAHON A DOYLE. a LK—60 bbia Tkylor A Son’s jcL Received and tor sale by 4)AA Reams Wrapping Paper, A UU 7$ halos do Twine) Received and tor sale by UOV13 McMAHON A DOYLE, /^.OHHEN BUTTER AND CHEESE-20 kegs Go- VJT shun Butter; 60 boxes do Choose; landing from steamer and for sale by septl7 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO OAKD1NE3, SARDINES— O 6000 boxes, X sod X boxes, WTir Bala Hu fj ff BBLS. Hraudy; 60 X casks Brandy; 76 bbls 1 [ O Gin; 100 bbls Rootified Whiskey; 400 bbls hum, Lecelved an d for tale by cot 16 i.aMAHON A DOYLE. GROCBRIBS, 60 boxeB Grand A Williams’s 10 ounce Tobacco. 60 bbls Luther Felton Bostou Rum 23 " Boston « 20 " Old P. H’Gin 60 " E- Phelps Rye Glu 60N.O. Rectified Whisky 25 bbls Domestic Brandy 26 X casks 4th proof Brandy 20 X " " " " 26 X " Malaga Wlue 50 bols Crushed and Powdered Stuart’s Sugar 60 " Stuart’s A. A B. Clarified Sugar 50 " " U. “ •• 10 hhds choice St. Cruix " 10 " " P. R- 60 " Prime Baeou Sides 20 " " "Shoulders 16 casks Byass Lonpon Porter 20 X casksTenerlffe Wine 100 Bags Prime Uroen Rio Coffee • 100 " Fair do " « 50 bags ceoice Government Java Coffee in 1 73 boxes Adamantine Candles. In store and for saleb y SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO 00t25 S UNDRIES—Just received— 60 boxes Coffee, Pepper and Mustard 60 " Beadell Starch and Soap* S'*. ^ J«m*uUna and Tillow CudlM N bbl.ud t)**a extra Family Flour 80 >> I’Diatoe.aml Onions* OOiroe. Wood and Foper Uuoku to doxoo assorted Broom, and Falla 10O •• Sorob Brushes and Clothe. Line. I. " Wuk Beards 810 bags Java aud Rio Coffee. . „ DAVID O’OONNOB, s:to corner Broughton aad Drayton ala. A OB AND MAR (LAND LOTTERY FUB MOVEUBFB. 1860* (until. Banna Flu.) CLAM 0, GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, To be drawn B VTUHDAY, Nov.22d, in Baltimore, Maryland. R. France 4k Co., Manage re. Prizes amounting to 9382^00 will be distribitad aucordlug to the following Splendid Scheme: 30.00 Number^—1,110 Prints I Prises payable without deduction. 1 prise., 1 1 1 2 2 6 6 200 .9100,009 - W,000 ... 25,000 ... 16 000 11,040 ... $.000 ... 2,600 ,.. 2,000 ,.. 15)0 ... 1000 TUART'8 REFINED A CLARIFIED SUGAR— 25 bbls Stuart's crashed Sugar 20 do do powdered do CO do do A clarified do 60 do do B do do 50 Ub do U do do In store and fur sale by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A OO- . pi ANGLES, SOAP, STARCH, Ao— J 6o boxes Adamantine Candles, star brand 60 do Beadell’s 0 A 8 Tallow Candles 60 do Colgate’s do do do loo do Smith’s A Buchan’s Family Soap 100 do Colgate’s no. l aud lb bar Soap 60 do do Pale do 60 do Oswegu Pearl Starch 50 do Beadell’s do do 60 do Soda Biscutta 25 bbls Sugar do, baud made 25 boxes ground Pepper, X lb papers 50 mate Cinnamon. In store and for sals by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. UTTER AND CHEEHE^-Jusi receives per steak ship Floriua: 10 kegs choice Goshen Butter. 10 boxes English Dairy Cheese.* Fur sale by R. H. WATSON A 00. Corner Whitaker street, and ict6 Congress street Une. Ale, novlfi McMAHON A DOYLE, Soto Agents. For sale by octfitl A. BONAUD, oornor of Bay and Bull i iQTATOKS, Ac- 50 bbia Mercer Potatoes 30 do Red and Whlto Onions 26 do Choice Apples, Landing uud for sale by HOLCOMBE, oct22 JOHNSON AGO. TCuJUR—60o bbls. * xtra and superfine Flour, as- Jj sorted brands. 600 sacks extra and su orflne Flour, ass’d brands 160 quarter sacks doublssstra, 160 bbls. Goodletville double extra o' 2 YOUNG A WYAVt. A LE, POTATOES, Ac- 26 bbts Taylor A Son’s Ale 60 bbls Potatoes 10 bbls Apples Received and tor sdle by nqv4 McMAHON A DOYLE. S OAP, STARCH, «u— 160 boxes Bcadel’s Family Soap 150 do Colgate's do do 100 do do Pale do 160 do do Nol do 100 do Castile do 16 do Assorted Toilet do, Reoeived and Ibr sale by nov4 McMAHON A DOYLE. B UTTER A CHEESE— “ 25 kegs Choice Goshen Butter, 60 boxos English Dairy Cheese. 100 do Choico Goshon do, white, landing per steamer and too sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. I) .OMES1T0 LIQUORS— 250 barrels Ohio Rectified Whiskey, 100 do Pikes Magnolia do. 120 do E. Phelps’s Gin. 26 do Conn. River P. A H. Rye Gin. 20 do Brandy. 35 quar and eighth casks Twigg Hoop’d 4th pr. 20 do do llagonolla Wine. 75 barrels Ohio Monongahela Whiskey. on do Gibsons Mountain do. do Bon Bussells Nectar do. do Gibsons old Family Nectar Whiskey do White Rectified do. do . Old Kentucky Bourbon do. do aud puncheons Georgia Peach Brand do Virginia Apple do. and tor sale by 20 16 6 40 6 40 10 In store sep 18 WEBSTER A PALMES. S OAP, Sl'AKUH, SUGAR, SYRUP, 4o., Ao— 600 boxes Family Palo and No. 1 Soap 150 " Frazor’s Beadle and Oswego Starch 100 bbls. Stewart’s Clarified Sugar 60 dozou Lomou Syrup 60 boxes super Carbon Soda. Recclvo4 and for sale by aopt 28 McMAHON A DOYLE, P ICKLES, PIPES, PAPER, PEPPER- 76 boxes Pickl s, X and X gallon Jars 600 gross Engllesb Pipes 260 " Ptpe Heads 600 roams Wrapping Paper 100 boxos fresh ground pure Pepper. Received and for sate by McMAHO sept 28 HON A DOYLE, mOBACUO, TEA, TWINE— X 60 boxes choice brands Tobacco 26 chests Cougor Oolong Tea 26 hair chests choice Green Tea 26 bales Wrapping Twine Received and tor sale by sopt28 McMAHON * DOYLE. B uckwheat- 26 half bbls New Buckwheat, 60 quar do do do' 6ue!ghthdo do do Landing and for sale by nov4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A OO. H errings a potatoes- 76 boxes Smoked Herrings 60 bbls fine eating Potatoes Just received and tor sale by oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNBTC liTRUIT, TURTLE. Ac—The cargooi British Queen, in three days from 0BAN0I8, TURTLE, YONGE A FR11_ No. $1 Bay For sale by oct29-2t 13U0UR AND MEAL.' X 600 sacks Carmichael’s Superfine Flosr: 76 barrels Extra Flour. 60 sacks Corn Meal Diploma. In store and tor sale by oct20 WEBSTER A PALMES. “ X <WXM Feople’a ud Bom Twin Fucr- 40 K(*,xtra TwUt .Dd PmcDm; 7| AUo, Virgin Utfud FUimUo; 2. boxM fin. Cut 8moklX( ud Cttawlnx do In.lnr.Md lhr.ta.bF p,u * MtW