Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 15, 1856, Image 2
OBjUlfrftt »ftt» Pity tndConnty , Bt B. HILTON & CO. fiMFUHOM UD FOBMSHIM. moch etelnei on the cheetaVnil .boat file eyee with frteklee, gray eyes, and a countenance, Kimlfi"® children call aing-aong: bb mahnci* arc un commonly quiet and nwernd, if not awkwanl, but when In company with Intimate Monde, and whan Interacted in uuy object, ho wakes up, and hb whole appearance greatly change* At school and college Walker was moat taci turn and studious i ho was particularly profl- olentln mathematics and the exact sciences, and on hb graduation at the University ot Nashville, he went to Edinburgh, where he went through the school or medicine, and af terwards attended leoturcs on that science at Paris, and then traveled over a considerable ortlon of middle and Southern Europe. On jb return to Nashville he found that neither bb health nor hb temperament fitted him for the life of a physician, and camo to thbeity with the Intention or studying law and obtain ing admittance to the bar. He pursued hb studies for some time, and was admitted to practice, but never, we think, mado any very strenuous attempt to advance In the prolcsslon. Shortly afterwards hebecumo connected with the Crescent, and dovotod himself with groat earnestness and leal to edltitorlal labors. The experiment did not, however, prove so fortun ate as he had expected, and he therefore gave it up, and followed tho oxamploof many other adventurous and ambitions spirits, by going to California. In that Stats no was also ror a wbilo connected with the press, and at the period of the descent upon Sonora, which he made with a handful of followers, he was, if wehavonot been misinformed, again tryin) bb luck at the bar. However ill-advbcd am unfortunate that adventure may be regarded by many, all will agree that, so far salts hsl- toiy has transpired, Walker displayed Indomit able nerve and herobm in the midst of the sternest difficulties. Under hb calm and unreserved exterior Walker conceab tho rarest determination tuid the moat unfiinchlng courage. He b, we are inclined to think, slightly fanatical In hb views when interested or resolved upon a matter, and probably never thinks of concession to any person, or under any clrcnmatanccs. Ho is also strictly just and Impartial in his course, and Uttlo given to making distinctions in his treatment of those who offend against disci pline. Inpreofofthb, we heard the otherday from a most reliable source, that his own t F. SSK&oV- - Assistant Bdltor ■ATOMPMf I MOBIIlHg, 1V*W IB, ISM, gwkllrtptUn Prims afgavaasali Papers by oemmwuadsrsuadlag, the proprietors and publishers of Ihe thres papaes bsued la fiavaaaah, have adapted the foUowtng uafform raise of tub- seriptlea, to lake edbel tela day: daily Payer, per annua, la advance da 00 Prl-Weelny in. •• too Weekly, augb copy, la advauoe a oo Weekly, are copies, to oao address • 00 Weekly, «|tit " 10 00 Weakly, tee « •• •> 10 00 Weekly, Iweety" •> •• no 00 When ass paid wltela one month front tee time afaoboottbees the oharge tor tee Dally will be teem Seders, sector tee Tri-Weekly jtee. The Weakly wtU be sent only to teoae who pay In idnaoi. Tto paper will Invariably be dtsoontlned upon Ha aspiration ot tha time for which It has boon paid. Tha above ratea to taka effect from and after thli SNEED k HIM! : R. B. HILTON k uc THOMPSON & Wl; 11NG1 Savannah July 1, IBM. d Journal Set*. BY TELEGRAPH. Haw York Market. Maw Tort, HoT.Ii.~Tho Harket exhlb> Hs no now fottams, quotations steady, demand Mr. Bales for coo day 1000 bales. Middling Orleana 10). Corn Market. Wxed oom quoted at 88 to 69 cento. The Pol pit end the Stags. Tho" Amluadab Sleek’s” and Rifle Beachera who infeet many of our Northern Pulpits, and who hava recently Indulged themselves in theatrical demmebtionof their Southern breth. ten and highly dramatio appeab for "Bleed, tag Kansu" and “Free Niggers” an wont, in Hassef political, qolct tovsntthelrwrathupon tec Stags and Its votaries, and to hurl their aaathsmuat thou,who, fTomataste for its attneUons, or from other cause have seen fit to axtond to It their patronage. Professing to bo the followers of 'Him' whose mission on earth was one of Love and charity, they havo attempted to render mom boiated than it already b—the poaltlon of thoee who follow the walks of tho Drama and to pradlct and insure for those of tho outside world a safe ud speedy arrival at a well known but nameless place, who ahall extend a helping hand or a sympathetic foeliog to thb clast of tho community. Wbibt in common with others we regret the abuaei to which the Stage hu been subject, wa can nevertheless see much good to result from lb teachings and can see no good reason why hs who follows hb profession, carrying srlthhlm the character and bearing of a gen- Usman should not occupy u high—If not a higher petition—than he. who desecrates tho "Hook of Ood” with a traitors voice apd drags tha holy garments of Boligion, though tho mire and dirt of a political arena and drowns them totha sinks of Fanaticism and Intolerance. But recently the stage, through one of its representatives, in a quiet way, hu set before tkeae Pharisaical freedom ehrlekem a lesson from which It would bo well for them to profit. Whilst tha Bev. Klfle Beeoher and hb worthy coadjutors have been raising funds to arm brother against brother—exhorting from their pulpib their flocks to vote for a man who would destroy the government which protects them! whilst they have been tablng the torch of fluatlolam to Infirrbte tho minds of men and to drive them away from the serious concents of Ilfs, and have proved forgetful of the salva tion of those under their charge, and recreant to all tha Ugh duties imposed by their profes- •km,—Hr. Fleming, an actor in Boston, a gen tleman whose talents have adorned his profes sion end exalted hbname, hu thrown aside the "sock and boakln,” forsaken the tinsel and mockery of mlmlo life, ahd devoted himself to tho study of tho Scriptures. Schooled in tho experiences of life, he will doubtless reflect credit upon hb new profession, and exert a wide ud beneficial Influence over hb fellow mu; udwe can but say in conclusion, with a eotemporary, that If the change should go Cuther, we would be blessed with better preach- eraud better actors. John Minor Botta. Since the election hu passed off, the Rich mond papers have been amusing themselves by •xooriating the above named politician and hb "tafi.” The lut mentioned designation, b in tended foracertain set of bangers on of tho afennld Botta. Theysay in.Rlohmond, when, ever he goes iato tho country to address the people,that he always carries hb tail with him. The Uehmond Examiner, received yesterday, contains a scathing utlre Jnpon thb renonned Statesman,ud hb “tail,” ud advises them to Imitate the public menof Japan who happen to Ml Into disgrace—According to that pa- P9Te “ When a Japanese mudarin finds that he hbnael ended, lnitead of going to tho country, as Eng lish ministers do, or to lobbying ud pension agencies, u American ptlitlelans out of em- plopment, are in the habit or doing, ho obtains {timladon of the emperor to commit suicide. Thb permission b invariably granted, as the emperor of Japu very properly docs not wish hbBngdomtobo aCheluca Hospital for broken down ud Invalid ex-mandarins. Clothed with fall nower to kill himselt, the broken mandarin Stuns to the bosom of lib family, Issues tick- eta to a small circle of select Meads, entertains them handsomely, gives a few parting Instruc tions to bb afllloted family, takes leave of hb Monde, seizes a long, aharp knife, very like an .Arkansas tootsie*, inserts It in the region or the umbilical cord, ud by a rapid upward Jerk of tho right hud and am, rips himself op to tbs hseaat bone ud rolb over dud on the Boor. A certificate of tho demise of the do- •used mandarin bthenwrittenonplnk paper, signed by his friends, who constitute a sort ol ooronsr’a Jon, and- forwarded to the emperor, who officially announce tho herobm of the dud mu and congratalates tho people of Japu upon a custom which hu rendered Japan bo free from the annoyances of discon tented politicians u Ireland b ot frogs and serpents. And u no Japanese polltlclu ever adiralvee defeat, the people of Japan an for tunately free from factious, hungry ud un principled demagogues” And richly doeethb mu deserve every thing that can be said of him. Ho Mka about foreigners. We had nther have twenty thousand of the poorest ud most ignorant fonlgnera that ever leaded from an emigrant ship, oven If they could do til tho bum that hu been Hold of them, thu one such pestilential traitor. Wo hope sloeeratythat the Blcbmond papers will sontlnos.Ud not leave a thread or fibre of him — “ to tell tha tab that the old Dominion ever bad uhiu. General William Walker. We paroalve to muy of our exchangee, with in the lut few days, an extract from a late 1 — sni..l .:lf_ aiJI_l.M._ an hu drawn all net upon hlm. b about forty nara of ago, and b a native of Alabama, and giving aoma dettib u to hb early life ud edo- oatlon which BF- 5 Tha writer of this article hu known Williem Walker fromhb childhood, and hull there t clear majority ol ^ Black ItopublloftnuroM the mala toptcaof interest In the oampalfn, and consider Fillmore as the repreaentatWe of the former, and Fremont of he tatter, it Is ouriona to note how completely and overwhelmingly these isms Wave beea re* joked hy the American people. Nearly two* thirds of tho vote of the country has been cast agalnBt both of them. The entire Fillmore aa well aa the Buchanan vote purported to be an* miatio to Black Republicanism, leaving the jr with not much over one-third of tho vote of tho oountry. On the other band, irthe Fre mont vote la counted at antagonistic to Know Nothlnglsm, and It Is added to the Buchanan )to,as against the doctrines of that party, how Nothingtsm is loft in a minority of lean ion one-third of the popular vote. The 4 — blended brother, who held a commission, having been guilty of an imprudence which disqualified Him for duty at the moment, he ordered that he should be reduced to the ranks, and his commission forfeited, norwoald he recede from his position, although strongly urged to clemency by many or his leading and most trusted officers. The most serious error which Walker has committed since he landed in Nicaragua, and one whloh has unquestionably compromised him to a considerable degree in the eyes oi many who were willing ana desiruus to aid in any steps which have for their object the set tlement of affairs in Central America, in such manner as will lend to the establishment of order, and the prevention of European intrigue against the interests of this country, bos been the very objectionable character of several in dividuals upon whom he has conferred respon sible and conspicuous positions. There was no excuse, for instance, for send ing suoh a man aa Parker H. French os minister to this country, nor for conferring high military rank upon Scnessinger. He is now, however, happily rid of both, and among the many brave ana intelligent men who are flocking to join his standard, he will no dobat find better ma terial of which to make both colonels and pleni potentiaries. That he will maintain his position pins the motley host of mongrel natives and [venturers Europeans with whom he will have to contend, there can be no doubt. His great ger would be from an invasion by French or English forces, but that can scarcely occur before he will be also prepared to resist it by the large accession of strength which he will receive by immigration from this country.— Louuiana Courier. Will Dkservkd Honors^- it is with great pleasure that.we have learned that Langdon Cheves, Jr. Esq., of South Carolina, and wm. B. Hodgson, Esq., of Georgia,have beenadmitt ed as honorary members or the American In stitute of this city. These are well bestowed oompliments.aud it is but rarely as the Institute confers these honors,it must bo the more highly appreciated. Among the last on whom this com pliment was conferred was Henry Clay. Messrs. Cbeeven and Hodgson are highly honorable and eminent gentlemen of the South, and greatly distinguished as agriculturalists. We clip the the above from the New York Daily News—and would say that the compli ment has been bestowed upon a gentleman, whose literary and scientific attainments rich ly merited it. We refer to onr fellow citizen, Wm. B. Hodgson, Esq. Theatrical Spree^-A most extraordinary feat.ia to be attempted on Thursday erening next, by Messrs. Brougham and Jarret namely, to play with the Bowery company in New York and Philadelphia on the same night. That it will be accomplished,barring accidents, we have not the slightest doubt, for with two such enterprising characters “ there is no such word as fall.” A short piece will be played at the Bowery, commencing at 7 P. M. The ex cursionists will then proceed to Jersey City and take a special train for Philadelphia, ar riving there at half past ten. The burlesque of Pocahontas will be played at the National, and tho whole affair will terminate with a grand banquet at the Girard Honse. Tho Company will return to Now York by the half past-one train. The tickets, entitling the holders to all the privileges, cost $10 each, and only twenty five arc to bo issued. They will be eagerly purchased. Death of Roubkt H. Dixon.—This gentle man who was well kuowu in Georgia, died at Rockbridge Alum Spring, Va., on the 2d instant,In the 57th year of uis age. He’was for many years actively engaged in the politics of tho country, and frequently represented Talbot County in the State Legislature. His strong native sense and sound made him a very efficient man in all that he undertook. His integrity commanded the re spect of all who know him—his candor, kind ness and benevolence attached to him all with whom he came in contact In him was ex hibited one of those rare instances of a man who was able so to temper ardor and firmness with moderation and kindness, as in tho most heated contest to colciliate his opponents with out sacrificing his principles. Of all those whoknew him,and they wero many, we think there is not one to whom the tidings of his death will not bring a feeling of sorrow ami re gret.—Comer Stone. The Pore Trade.—Tho slaughtering of hogs will commence by tbo Now York City packing houses in the the course of a few weeks, when tho Journal of Commerce esti mates that 200.000 will be killed. One firm, Van Brunt & watrous, expect to kill 00,000, or 1,000 per day. The Journal saysWo are Informed by a gentleman who has Just re turned from the west, that while there is no scarcity of hogs, there is at this time no in ducement |,to drive them forward; for while five cents per lb., live weight, is given for hogs in Chicago os at present, ana six and three quarters in New York, the difference leaves bat a small margin for . profit, after paying for transportation and othi “ The Popalar Vote. The returns from the different States are as yet necessarily so imperfect that it is Impos sible to form a very exact idea of the popular vote. As soon as possible wo shall collect and publish it complete, but in the mean time wo wish to direct attention to several apparent features of it. Tlte Republican.! claim great credit for tho rote they received. They boasted seme fetr months ago of how badly they ■ would beat the Democratic party, and spoke exultinglv of the Immenae tide of popular sentiment that would •weep Fremont Into the Presidential Chair. They now boast because their defeat has not been more overwhelming; but, ofter all, their ■trength la mere apparent than real. They act out with the idea of combining and consolidating the North in one unbroken pha lanx. Yet with til their efforts tbelr candidate, Fremont, has not obtalued half the votes or the people of the non-alaveholdlng States, He la In s minority In tho Union, we judge, of at leasts million of votes, and although ho has carried more States than Fillmore, he haa re ceived la the nation at largo but comparatively few, If any, more votes than the Utter. Outside or New England, Michigan, Wiscon sin, and perhaps lows, Fremont is In s decided minority In even State in the Union. He lisa a decldsd majority In but sight, including town lead. No. Inches inuif are. uowevor, SO utouucu 111 U1« nununn lUtes, that they cannot he telly separated but, onough la known to clearly indicate thi -JHRPL — * wo ilended in the Northern sot that tho Dcmocratio party, In oi. Mth Black BepubllcanUm and Know Nothing- Um, Is susUlned by the Intelligence and the patriotism of an Immense majority ortho citi zens of tho United States. fretting In winter, one brol , - . • LANDS.. -. Aw In good condition—To thoae outride the enclosed works, thu drain, flood-gates, embank ments, have recently been pat in good order. wot* ON HAND Ni. 0 i-leaves 4 Branches 12 8 loaves 12 Branches 4 Sleavs* 10 fileuvM 0 Branches 12 Bend 0 1'ipoa 12 Pps6&4ftig8 10 “0ft leug 1 Inches 0 B 10 4 5 0 12 Slop (atea Hydrant Banda Seducing pipes Hydrants Broken Hydrant 12 Ono 2 and one Sfeet lotij lohj. R. D.GUFRARD. aupt. 8, w. w. PROCEEDINGS OF COUNCIL. Savannah, 13th November, 1850. Council met. Present, His Honor Robert D. Walker, Mayor pro tom.; Aldermen Allen, Basinger. Champion, Cohen, Kelly, Posey, and Arnold. The minutes of tho lust meeting of Council wore read and confirmed. The Information and Flue Docket* wero read and confirmed, except whoro appeals hud been made. Al’PKALH, AC. Tho City of Savannah vs. Johu Williams— Riotous and disorderly conduct in Bay street, near J. Kelly’s boarding house, October 14th, 1850, at 24 P.M. Fined by his Honor the Mayor $10. Appeal cutered. Geo. A. Gnrdau, Esq., appeared as couusel for defeudunt. Witnesses sworu—For information, M. P. Little, M. P. Broach, Wm» Reed, Wm. Dauiel, Jas. Kelly. On motion of Alderman Arnold, seconded by Alderman Cohen, the case was dismissed. The City of Savannuh vs. Patrick Reilly— Same offence. Fined by his Honor tho Mayor $10. Georgo A. Gordou, Esq., appeared os cousel for the defendant. Witnesses sworn- for information, the sumo as in last ease; for defendant. James Monnahan and Geo. Powers. On motion of Aldermau Arnold the tine wt>* reduced to five dollars. The City of Savannah vs. A. Cordez—Drank and threatening tho life of officer in discharge of duty, 11:20V. M., Oct. 28th, 1850. Fined $10 by his Honor tho Mayor. Appeal entered. Witnesses sworn—lor information, F. P-Cou- don, and M. P. Weedun; for defeudaus, John Doyle, Johu Tanner, and Johu Wodier. On motiou of Aldermun Arnold, seconded by Alderman Cohen, the fine imposed by the Mayor was confirmed. The City of Savannah va. William P. Bowen, Jr.—Drunk end disorderly iu the streets, and abusive to officer iu the officer, 6} P. M., Nov. 0th. Continued by tho Mayor over to next meeting of Council. Witness sworn—M. P. Woods. On motion of Alderman Champion, seconded by Alderman Arnold, the defendant was lined five dollars. ORDINANCES. An Ordinance entitled an ordinanedto amend 1 ordinance, now in force, regulating the market; offered by Alderman Champion at the last meeting as a substitute was again read and amended, and referred to thu Market Commit tee, to report at the next meeting of Council. Th titi f H £T h T Lo i8, I to pay Sim $25 for building a piattorm or stage at the foot of West Broud street was read and referred to the Committee on DockB and Wharves. ELECTIONS. G. E. Be vans was unanimously elected a Veuder Master—tho firm to be known os Cas ein & Co., and store on the corner of Jefferson street and Congress street Lane. RESOLUTIONS READ AND ADOPTED. By Alderman Cohen,seconded by Alderman Basinger. Resolved, that the three Aldermen, vis: Messrs. Walker, Champion and Lacklison re cently elected to vote the stock held by the city, be, and either of them are hereby authriz- ed and empowered to vote tho stock subscribed by the city to the Atlantic and Gulf Road— and if they be unable to attend at MUledgeville that either of them may appoint a proxy. By Alderman, Champion seconded by Alder man Bitinger. Resolved, that the stalls in the market be plainly numbered and that such alterations and arrangements be made as the Market Com mittee may consider advisable. By Alderman Basinger, seconded by Aider- man Champion. Whereas it is unadvisable to issue bonds to a the subscription to tbo Atlantic ftGulf road, as directed by the Ordinance, passed at the last meeting of Council, if any other mode of paying said subscription should present Be it therefore resolved, that tho Mayor be requested to delay prepaing and issuing said bonds for the present. By Alderman Arnold, Resolved that the City Surveyor be requested portions nut sold or leased. By Alderman Clmnipiun, Resolved, That the Marshal advertize the Stalls in the Market according to Ordiuuuco for sale, for one year from the first Wednesday in Decern cer next. MISCELLANEOUS HATTER. The following communication was read and confirmed. Savannah, Nov. 13, 1850. lo the Honurublo the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Savannah. Gcntlemeu—The Bund of Commissioners of the Savannuh Water Works, have tho honor to submit tho reports of tho Superintendent and Engineer upou the condition of the works and of tlie lands and property connected therewith and of the Secretary upon the receipts and ex penditures. Vciy respectfully. JAMES I*. SCREVEN, Char. Savannah, Nov. 3, I860. To Dr, J. P. Screven, Ch’n Com. Sav. W. W., Sir:—I have tho honor to submit tho follow ing report of tho condition of the Works under my charge: Receiving Reservoirs.—The receiving res* ervoirs are in good condition, with the excep tion of some smuil cracks in the sides, caused by thrust of earth, (and the arches of No. 1 and 1, which will require a little repair. Engine House,—The jar from tho pumps having caused the wails to crack over the war- dons, it was fouud necessary to brace them. This has been eflcctnal, and no further trouble is anticipated. Pumps.—The pumps are in good ordeu. Nos. 1 and 2 working.quite efficiently—No. 3 not so well. Upon taking charge of the Works I found them vory much out of repair. Their frames wero cracked iu several places; they have been braced iu such* maimer as to muko them probably stronger than they were before. 1 he Joint faces were corroded so that it was found necessary to place thicker gum between them. When wo received the joints they were also so cut around the exhaust passages, by the water beating through, that, not being able to pluuo them olf, we had to insert pieces of brass to make the faces true. They also worked upon each other ut each reciprocating motion ofthepistern. To remedy this, their bolts be* lug rough and playing loosely in their holes it was found necessary to ream the holes, ant have nearly an entire new set of bolts turnet and properly fitted to their places. No 3 never worked so well as the others, from the day it was delivered to the city, its highest speed be ing 45 strokes per minute, and that difficult to maintain regularly. We have improved it somewhat, it being more regular in Its motions, ••***', ww euw wuuo nvift. Bill Bcqucntly burning one third more fuel. • Boilers.—The boilers are in good condi tion. The pipes to their percussion guagei have been renewed. The brick work namely, tho foundations and furnaces, havo put na to some expense. The furnaces bnrning out, and the foundation wulls cracking from heat and settelement. It is highly probable that we will havo to take them one atattmoaud re build them iutho course of the year. Their Steam pipes have been covered with canvass. Distributing Reservoirs.—The distribut ing reservoir is in good order. Tho float has required some little repairs and new cords. Pipes, Stop Gates and Hyduants.—Tho pipes stopgates and hydrants are in good con- dition. There have been two small breaks in pipes, one In six Inch main, Liberty Cor., West Broad Street, one in four Inch main, In Br|an between Farm and West Broad street; to 1st for. I860. TO patdOflicora and Employees $4,6 “ “ For 148 tons or coal ],? “ “ For 34M cords or wood 1 “ “ For oil, tallow, picking, esment, leather, turnoaso 1 “ *• For emery paper, cotton yarn, coal shovels, cotton ropo Ac, •• “ For 1 bale ootton waste Ac. Total expenditures $6,: Add stock on baud 1st. Nov. 1866, $811-4,1 UBS STOCK ON HAND, 1ST MOV. I860. Coal/etons 1 Cotton wasto (HI, tallow, packing Ac. 8 (VT Total Havsnimh, Nov. 12th. 1856. ouu4jaNEOUB and Fancy Books, such as Minateres, Prttly Editions of the Poets, and Annals for 1857, Ac., Ac*, ror saD by uoul4 WARNOOK A DAVIB. K.J. R* BEE, Sscy. 1855, to 1st noteriiir 1806. Received and du|»osited with thu City Trea surer, us pur fcchodtile N 00,246 60 Impended as per schedule A.... 600 78 do do” B... 48 30 do do C... . 31 60 il» do n... . 03 53 do do E... . 340 37 do do F... . 6,199 42 do do G... . 607 33 do do H... . 116 62 d<> do I... . 127 19 do do 1C... . 106 61 do do J.... 41 15 do M... 31 81 Excess or receipts 51,0! In the ei|ieuditurA3 are included stock on band In plp**s. branches, etc., for future extena ona $ 588 63 'The coat of piling rlvor frout to be placed to construction ac count 813 50 Stock of uoul, o I, etc., on baud 128 67 ' $1,030 90 R. J. It. BEE, Secrets Savanuub, November 12lb, .16B8. Amount of accounta passed $2,942 41. C ell adjourned. EDWARD G. WILSON, Woman should bo Conclusive. NifW ORK, August 2,18 49"Mrs. Into, of No. .‘2 Second street, bi ing her child, about thr . < years old, to bo troi with worms, purchas t oao bottle or Dr. M’l. Celebrated Vermilug , proparod by Fleming I charge u large number of worms. mifogu. It will cure. The mouey will be refun iu all cases where it docs not give satisfaction. Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. Al fugca In comparison are worthless. None geuuiue without the aiguoturuof [13] funeral jJnoitation. The Relatives and Friends of SAUJ. and Zubly utrerts, This Afternoon, at 3 o’clock. (Cnmmraiitl Sutrllipct. Savannah Market, November 15. COTTON—Thero was a good demand yostc for the staple, aud holders are on tho reserve. Uxporta, LIVKRPOOl.—Ship Borneo-1,781 t cotton, 2,100 sks wheat. ST. JOHN’S, N. B.—Brig Lincoln 308 feetp p limber, 0,853 do lumber. Port of Savannah... ...November 15 Arrived. Beaufort, Ac. to J p Brooks Stoamor Klim, Kconlor, Paraobucla. to Raysor. Judge King’s flat, from plantation, with 1 bus rough rice, to Haborsbum A Son. Cleared. Departed. steamer .Swan, Johnston, Domoro’a Ferry. Memoranda. r»m, Savannah; bark Peter Domill, Hooy, d< Witmluglon, Nov 12—Arr, uchr Amelia, Jacksonville. FOREIGN PORTS. Passengers. S1’ Mills, J Watson, Mrs How aud son, J Ho Hiss Mount, Miss Wall, W T Jones, Dr Myers. Receipts Per Central Railroad. Nov. 14.—1348 bates cotton, 91 bozos oopi ore, 100 bbls flour, 22 bbis dried fruit, 800 h r Rabun A 8, aud others. Consignees. nor, Boston A VUlaionga, and others. Neu> 2Uu>ertisement0. SOB H4WKIHBVILLEJ ft 1 T hn Hteamer OAK. Chpt. U Jf£2gQB^.receivo what iroixht offers <1 Uuy, ut wniiuk’M wharf, andToavoas al o'clock 'Ills evening. nol5-lt J. W. LATHRoP NOTICK • Ut — 1 TO RRNT, MM Btroot. at $300 each. Apply to nov12-2aw2w IOPY1NG BOOKS, Letter Proves, riopv Vj Co sale by - - w Cti\ Bbl* and boxes of Boston Crackers, Water P OU Crackers, Oyster Crackers. Sugar Crack- K Fancy Craoksrs, Soda Blsoult. Milk Blsoult, Egg 1 Biscuit, Maple and Wine Biscuits, fresh from TT- V tus’a celebrated Bakery, Just recelvod by novl4 . ’ J. D. JK8K. S Bbls nsw Champagne Cld6r, 5 bbls now Buck- O wheat, just received per bark Marla Morton, ^ and for sale hy uorU J, B. JESSE. “ TlB-a, FHNtj, FENB—A luge ae.l Mtn.cleo- o XT lion or superior Steel Peua; also, Gold Pens Iu i Gold and Silver oases, in groat varloty, for sain hy novl4 WARVOCK it DAVIS. UUANUF, GIN, HUU, to- D 26 Ibis Domestic Brandy 20 w casks 4tU proor do, twigg hoops 26do do do. do 60 bbls E Phelp’s Kyn Gin 60 do Luther Folum’a Boston Rum 76 do N. 0. Rectified Whiskey 20 M casks Malaga Wlue 60 bbls Old PA HUIn, In store and for sale by 0021 HURANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. CSTUART’S RKFINEU k VUKIFUO) SUGAR— 1 O 26 bbls Stuart’s crashed Sugar 20 do do powdered do 60do do A clarified do 60 do do B do do 60 do do C do do In itoro and for sate by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON It CO* ; riANDUS, SOAP, STARCH, »c- 60 boxes Adaroantlno Candles, star brand 60 do Beadell’s 0 k 8 Tallow Candlee “ 60 do Colgate’s do do du 100 do Smith’s It Buchan’s Family Soap 100 do Colgate's no. 1 and lb bur Heap 60 do do l’alo do 50 do Oswego Pearl Starch 60 do Boadoll’s do do 60 do Soda Biscuits 26 bbls Sugar do, hand made 26 boxos ground Popper, .‘4 lb papers 0 5o mate Cinnamon. In store and for sale by oc:l SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. TbUTlER AND CHEESE—Just rocoiveo per steam Jj ship Florida: 10 kogs choice Goshen Butter. 10 boxes English Dairy Cheese. For sale by R. U. WATSON It CO. . Corner Whitaker street, aud net U Congress street Luue. A PPLES, GHEES’-', BUTTER, HAMS AND PO- iL TATOES— 1 15 bbls Apples, - 25 boxes cneeso, *9 15 firkins Butter, 6 casks Hams, 50 bbls Potatoes, Received per steamer and for salo by uovi3 McMahon u doyia;. A LE—60 bbls Taylor k Son’s Ale, A. Received und for sale by MoMAHON It DOYLE, novlS Solo Agents. fi)AA Reams Wrapping Papor, . 4\J\J 75 bales do Twine, Received aud lor sale by novlS MoMAHON It DOYLE, O^HEN BUTTER AND L'HEEfiE—20 keys Uo- B VJT ehen Butter; 60 buxos do Ohoese; landing from Btearaer and for salu by septlT • S*'RANTON, .IOHNmTON It CO Ci ARDINES, SARDINES— . O &000 boxes, )i aud >4 boxes, For sale by A. BON AUD, u oot'20 corner of Bay aud Bull t-t. * TJUTAlutS, *o.—- i JT 50 bbls Mercer Potatoos , 80 do Red and White Onious *25 do Choice Apples, Landing and for sale by - oct22 HOLCOIIBF, JOHNSON 4 CO. t fre BBL3.Nr»0lly; SOX casks Branflr; 76 bbl, 11 lOolbilOO bbl. BocttUoU U’uUkoy; lee bbl., ■ hum. Lccelveda- d for salo by oct 15 OMAHON It DOYLE. d |7.^JUlt—60o bbla. . xtra ami superfine Floiir, os X sorted brauds. 600sacksextranut! a>. t rflne Hour, a^’o brainls 110 quarter sacks double extra, y 100 bbls, GoodletvUIo double extra o' 2 YOUNG It WYAVT. s A LE, POTATOES, Ac— , JjL. 25 bb:s Taylor k Son’s Ala 60 bbls Potatoes * 10 bbls Apples Received and for adie by nov4 MoMAHON k DOYLE. OOAP, STARCH. Ac— O 150 boxes Bcadel’s Family Foap 150 do Oulgolc’s do do 100 do Uo Palo do 160 do do No 1 do 100 do Castile do 16 do Assorted Toilet do, " Received and for sale by i- nov4 McMAHON k DOYLE. r - -DUITER 4 CHKKSE— d Jj 26 kegs Choice Goshen Butter, 50 boxes English Dairy Cheese, fg 100 do Choice Goshen do, whlti-, landing per steamer and fo» salo by ool24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. 1 a* ‘MFiSTIC LIQUORS— SJ 250 barrels Ohio Rectified Whiskey, 100 du likes Magnolia do. iy 120 do E. Pholps’s Gin. , a 25 do Conn. River P. It H Rye Gin. 10 20 do Brandy. at 35 quar and eighth casks Twigg Hoop’d 4th pr. at 20 do do Magonolia Wine. 76 barrels Ohio Mouongahela Whiskey. 20 do Gibsons Mountain do. 16 do Bon Russells Necter do. , 6 do Gibsons old Family Noutar Whiskey te 40 Jo B'bllo RectiUcd do. 6 Uo Old Kentucky Bourbon do. j 40 do and puncheons Georgia Peach Brand ’ 10 do Virginia Applo do. In store and for sale by - tep 18 WEBSTER It PALMES. CJOAP, STARCH, SUGAR, SYRUP, Itc., lie.— O 600 boxes Family Palo and No. 1 Soap — 160 t razor’f Beadle anti Oswego Starch 5 100 bbls. Stewurt’s Clarified Sugar 60 dozou Lemon Syrup 3 60 boxes super Carbon Soda Reccivc4 and for salo by ^ sept 28 MoMAHON k DOYIiE. T)ICKLE3, PIPES, PAPER, PEPPER- lx X 76 boxes llckl s, >4 and X gallon jars 600 gross Engllosh Pines C 260 “ Pipe Heads 600 roams Wrapping Paper 00 100 boxes fresh ground pare Pepper. Received and for sule by sopt28 McMAHON It DOYLE, . mOBACOO, TEA. TW1NE— & X 60 boxes choice brands Tobacco ... 26 chests Cougor Oolong Tea " 26 half chests choice Grcou Tea 26 bales Wrapping Twine Received and for sale by aopt'28 MoMAHON It DOYLE. -QUUKWHEAT- JJ 25 half bbls Now Buckwheat, 60 quar do do do Kn 6u eighth do do do e Landing and for sale by lf ; nov4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON It 00. . TTERR1NG8 k POTATOES- ’ XI 76 boxes Smoked Herrings 60 bbls lino eating Potatoes Just recoivcd and for sale by it- oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON It 09. TTIRUIT. TURrLE. '&o.—The cargo oT the sohr. X British Queen, in throe days from Nassau, N. P., consisting or - ORANGES, it, LEMONS, M BANANAS, or TURTLE, ko. For sale by YONGE It FR1ERBON, oct29-2t No. 94 Bay street. T71L0UR AND MEAL. er X 600 sacks Ctrmlchacl’s Superfine Flour: •a, 76barrpls Extra Flour gs 60 sooks Corn Meal Diploma. It In store and fort sale by -0, ool20 WEBSTER It PALMES. k* mOBAOCO.—Two hundred and fifty boxes Grant i« X * William’s Tobacco, 6’h and 8’s; 0 400 boxes assorted brands, pounds 3’s. 6’s 8’s, ■ 10’s and 32’s: 20 M boxes People’s and Rose Twist Fancy; 40 kegs oxtra Twist and Pancake; Also, Virgin Learann Palmetto; . 26 boxes Fine Cut Smoking and Chewing do, y- In storo aud for tale by oct26 WEB&TER k PA1MES. TM PORTED LIQUORS— X 10 casks 0 D It Co pale and dark Brandy 6 pipes Holland Giu (Medea Swan) 6* do Madeira Wine. For rale by ™ 00-41 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON 4 00. 6 /CODFISH, Potatoes, Itc, v 20 quintals Codfish. 60 bbU. Mo.cer 1*0101008. — 100 boxes Herrings. v In store snd for sa.o by , h oet'27 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON It CO. th Tlff’ACKEREL.—20 baffharrols medium sixs No. er -LVX 2 Mackerel. 26 quarter barrels large, No. 1. 25 Kill's largo No. 1 Mackerel. In Btore and for salo by es 00127 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON It CO. I^HOICE BUTTER.—16 kegs choice Butter Just re V ceived and for sale by OOt -22 YQUNG k FRIERSON, W llay-s 0, jjAY-reora.- OHARTKHOAK FJfiB AND MARINE Insurance Company, mtAIMPIgQDlBaDp OKBSyffo Capital DIRXCTORH/ Ralph oillett, Almijto W Blrge, UarwUal Hudson* Charles Mjh “arehsm Oris wold, U K W Welch, SMH&. IWra* Soo Oreu, j B Ru.Mll, liil.Bi W llOUKU, AROIII.ll, BUOtborn. RALI’H GUiLETT, I'rclilfHt Ju. H. m-KiUce, HtT.'y The eubtoriber htvleg boon ejpoleteJ ,000. HAD FOR |I0. (XtlB-tf A. WILBUR, Agout, 111 Bqy at, noxt to News office 13 UCKWHEAT of tho best quality, HUOKED SALMON'. ANCHOVIES, CODFISH, Mackerel, No l, In KUs, Salmon, do do, Pit) HAHN, small size, do BHt.ULDKKP, dodo, Canadian Oat Meal, Extra Quality In small bags, FRKNCI1 BRANS, 20 bbls handsome TABLE APPLES aud COOK- NG do, r> 130XE8 L14MONS, HEW PIGS, FBUHES AHD DATES, FRESH BISCUITS, in 16 varieties, some entirely jdw; together with a good supply oT 8taplo Groce ries, per etoumer* Knoxville and Augusta, for sale by WM. H FAUKEi.L, Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot, uovi2 corner Broughton & Whitaker its. CLASS J. To be drawn in the City of Montgomery. Alabama in public, on THURSDAY, Nnvcmbor I8tb, lBfio' ontheplanof SINGLE NUMBERS gAMCEL 8WAN, Menojjtr. 30,000 * Ticket e Only! | Prises amounting to 200,000 Dollars! distributed according to Him following UNRIVALLED SCHEME! WHITE SATIN ft KID SLIPPERS. K ECE1VED by late arrivals- Ladies White .r'atin Slip|»ers, do do Kill do Misses Bluck Gaiters aud Morocco Boots, ijtdies l’olka aud Jenuy Lind Boots. M. J. BUCKNER, nov0 No. 7Land 162 Gibbon’s Range. GO a PABTNEB8HIPNOTIGE. rpHE UNDERSIGNED have this day formd a co- X panuursbip, unde- tbo uanio of LAWTON k BASINGER, for (be practice of Jiiw in all Us branches. Ofiloo on tho Buy—next door East of City Hotel. A. It. LAWTON, uovl-lw WM. S. BASINGER. ASSIZE OF BREAD. Citt Tkkasokkh's Offics, ) Savannah, 1st Nov., 1860. j T HE averugo pricec or Flour the past month being Eight dollars por bbl, Broad must weigh a- follows 1 iu cent loaf ntnst weigh 2 lb 0 ox. 5 “ “ “ “ lffiOoz. 3 “ •* “ UKcz. JAMES 8. WILKINS, uovl CUy Treasurer. FRESH FRUIT AND GROCERIES. PKR HTEAMER AUGUSTA, AT The Savannah Grocery & Frolt Depot. QA BBLS. ef tho Choicest Eating Apples. Uv 2 do Flue Quinces, 3 Fra is Dales. l'i Boxes Lmnous. New Figs, Ltyer aud Bunch Raisins, do Currants, Citrons Am., c. NEW BUCKWHEAT AND HYE FLOUR. Now Sjn. 1 Mackerel, Salmon and Codfish. 1 Crate Extra BuuohOnions. 1 do do Cabbuges. Pigs Feet and Pigs Heads in l'icklo. But! 1 Brick. Currie Powder. Sup. Sago Chceso, Corn Starch. Krunh Biscuit, flfiueu dtlforeul kinds. Stuart’s Syrup ALSO RECEIVED, 30 Bunches j-uuanos. 10J0U Nassau uud Havana Granges. All for sale on tho most reasonable terms, by oct30 WM. H. FARRELL. H HARPEK FOR NOVEMBER. ARPbK’s Now Monthly Magazine for Novem her. Received and for sale' by WAltNOCK k DAVIS, oot24 169 Congi ran st- ladies furs. J UcT ltKPEIVEi:—A large uud varied lot or LA- I'IKS FURS, consisting i.f the following Myles: Victoria Pelerines, Sliver Martin Viutorines, British Sable do Genet do liu’n Filth Martin do Belgian Genet LuilV, Lynx do British and French Subic Culls, Swan Trimming, fco., by octOO HENRY LATHROP & CO. _ HOSIERY, GLOVES, ftC. TyECLlVhD j"-r late arrivals— XV I a-.lles Black and White 8-lk Hose, di» i'i* Haw do d- Bl ick Burmese Wut-1 do da Aruuriau end Cashiuerh do W dtu, Slate, Brown aud Blsck (.niton Hose. Ala -, a full a u Ki.rnu(iut of Alexandres Kid Gloves, Co'd and Black ?hk do ,dn Cashmere do Ladies Muriuo Vests, do -Ilk do, by 0Ct26 HENRY LATHROP A*CO. OUNNY CLOTH. 1 Kfh Bulla heavy Gunny Oieth, iOU Fort-ale hy oct24—lmo J. W. LATHROP It CO. COFFKB, SUGARS dt TEAS. Bags Prime Green Rio CoUhe 100 do Fair do do do 50 mats Old Government Java do 76 bagsl.aguira do 10 hlids Chaleo St Croix Sugar 10 do do P. K, du ‘20 hair chests Uno Hyson Tea 6. 16 lb caddies extra flue do do *2U hsirnbestfi lino Black Tos, >4 lb papers 16 do do do Oolong Black Tea, tin foils 50 cuddies ‘ Xtra flue Oolong Black Tea, Olbs- uiifet received and for salo by OC21 .SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO- BUCKWHEAT & MACKEREL. bbls Fresh Buckwheat, iSVJ -.0 >4' do. '26 bozus do, 20 bbH New No. 3 Mackerel, 10 >4 do large No. 1 do. IU >4 uo .-mall No. 1 do. landing aud for sale hy oct 31 SCSANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. 50,000 k; 7 Integrldad, hd( FOR SALE. SHUARS of the favorite brands , Cohili MU1J.EK k MICHELS, cornor Bay and Lincoln streets. NEItCJO SHOES. G EORGIA mado Bmgaus, for salo by. M. J. BUCKNER, 71ft 152 Gibbons’ Building. oct 18 CANDLES. S PERM ACETTI, Adamantine and Tallow or various brands; Soap of various brands, Iroto 6, 8, 10 and 12 cents. Chemical Soda Soap 10 cents; Wo man’s Friend 10 conts. Call and oxamino at BARRON'S Family Grocory, sep20 Whitaker aud Charltoit-streot* DICKEN'S HOUSEHOLD WORDS F OR NOVEMBER— Reueived uud for salo by uovfl WARNOOK k DAVIS. GROCERIES. 0/1 Bbls No. Prime Leaf lard M\J 100 Boxes Scaled Herrings 10j do White Goshen Cheese 60 boxes Kuglisb Dairy “ 2 hhds Codfish ‘25 kegs choice Goshen Butter 75 boxes Beadoll's 6k 8 Tallow Candles * 60 boxes Colgatcs (Oriental) “ 60 dozen Brooms 60 “ painted Buckets 60 boxes new RaisiuB 76 “ imported Negro Pipes 25 bbls hand made Sugar Crackers 26 “ Butter and Soda “ 60 soda “ 100 boxes Oswego and Beudull’s Pearl Starch 100 “ Smith k Buchan's Family Soap 76 “ Colgate's lb Bnr “ 60 « “Palo “ 60 boxes Grant A William’s 6 A 8 Tobacco For sale by t^RANrON, JOHNSTON k CO oct 24 B RANDIES, WINK8, Ac.— 6 half pipes Pale otard nupuy A Co’s. Bran dy, 1852. 6 half pipes do do du do 1864, 7 qr casks 1 >ld Joan Louis Cognac do, 6 halfpipes Bazoruc do, 25 qr casks Port Wine, 26 qr do Malaga do, 10 qr do Madelrautnd Sherry Wines, 10 pipes Holland Gin, 60 baskets Hoidseik Champagne, •26 do Hungarian Lion do, ■ 60 bbls X, X X. X X X, aud Extra Monouga- hela Whiskey, 160 bbla Domestic Liquors, assorted. For sale J. V. CONNERAT, oct 28 No. 162 Bay -street. CtUNbiUBS- 0 *6 hhds. P. R. Hugar 150 bbls. Muart’a Refined Sugar lw kegs 8oda lou boxes Carb 8oda 1(H- do Lemou Syrup 10 K) >4 and X boxes Sardines 1 0 cases Schnapps loo M Imported 8eg*r* 6it M American o Roooived and for sale by oot!6 McMAHON * boYU. I prize or. 1 do do 1 do do I do do..♦ 1 do do 1 do do 2 do do 2 do do 20 do do 60 do do 76 do do 100 do do 126 do do.... $6u,noo u 20,000 ‘20, QUO is 10,000 is 10,000 lb. .. 6,000 Is.. •2,600 Is 1,000 Is. 600 Is 300 is ‘200 U 100 Is is., 460,000 ‘20,0101 SO,ODD 10,00,1 10,1100 • t.we 0,000 s,oo« 10,000 .6,1-nu 15.000 10.000 ',600 4 prixes of»400 approxlm'g to$60,000arc l’ooy 4 4 “ IV. 4 “ 8 “ 8 « 80 “ 200 •» 800 1,000 prizes amounting lo.. 300 260 170 200 16o 60 40 20,000 arc l’uoij 80,000 are 1,000 10,000 are 800 10,000 are 700 6,000 are COO 2,600 ore 480 1,000 are ggu 600 are 2,600 800 arc 5;000 200 arc 0,0(0 woo.oon PRICK OP TlCliCTfi, Whole Tlcketa 810; Halves tr5; Quarfors h'l 50, PUN OP THE LOTTKKV. 30,000 Numbors correspoudlng with tho&eon il.o Tlcketa are placed in one Wheel The lirst 88u Prizes are placed in another Wheel. A number 1, drawn from the Number Wheel, and at the tamo time a Prize is drawn from tbc other wheel. The Prixo drawn is placed against the numbor urawm This operation Is ropeatod until all the Prizes are drawn out. APPJIOXUUT1U.V PRIZES, The two precodtng and tho two succeeding Sum. bers to thoso drawing the hret 200 prize- will be entitled to tho 800 Approximation Prizes, »• cording to tho Scheme. In ordering Tickets eucloso the money to our ad- dress for tho Tickets ordeied, on receipt of whi.-h they will bo forwarded by llrel mall. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be sent to purchasers immediately aft or the dr,.w- Orders for Tickets should he sent In early. ^■Purchasers will please write their fdgnaiuivi plain, and givo their post ollice, county and Slat-. j$3T Remember that every prize is drawn, aid payable In full without deduction. jW Allprizes of $1,000 and under, paid imtnmii- ately after the drawing,—other prize* at the usual time of thirty days. A11 communications strictly conlldentini. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed in other Tick* 0 at either olBco. Orders for Tickets can bo addressed either to 8. SWAN A CO., Atlanta, Ga„ or 8. 8WAN, Montgomary, Alu., uud - Box 82, Savannah P O tSf As the above is not an “odd and even num ber scheme,” no Certificates of Packages can be sold in it. • ci 14 SOUTHERN LOTTE KY ON THE HAVANA PLAN 1 PRIZES OUARA TiED I 109,000 Dollars—19,000 Numbers Only] JASPER COUNTY ACADEMY LOTTERY. ■T AUTHORITY UP THK STATE OP (OolUiU, CLA&ti 8. To be dtawu November 15, 185-j. at Concert Halt, Macon, Ga., under tho swum supcrintendcnct-ot Col. George n. lx>gau and J;h. a. Nishct, Remember this Lottery lies only fifteen thousand numbers—css than any l ottery in tlm world, thereiore It is the best for investment. Ex amine the Scheme 1 SCIlr-ME. 1 prize of $16,063 1 1 4 *• of $1,000 are 6 •* of 600 are 80 “ of 100 are 1,600 “ of 4unie APPROXlil.MIOX PEI7.KS. •20 approxituallons orgiounr”... fio “ “ 6uure... 60 « - ‘20 nre... 6.000 . *2,000 , 4,000 , *2,600 8,000 00,000 ,.82,000 .. ‘-'.60:) .. 1,000 ..*102, Of 1,712 prixes tmonnlitn: t >. ■ Tickets $10—Halve? $5—Quarter.* 12.60. Prizes payable without dt-ducunn. The l,6oo Prizes of 840 are determined by tha last figure of tho umnnn*thut draws the Upital Prize of $15,000. The Capital Prize will, cl com se, end with ouo of tho figures—1 *2, 8.4, 6,0,7, B, ft, 0. Thoso Whole Ticket* ending with ihirarro figure os the last In the Capt • will be eni t’.od to $40. Halves aud Q uirteis iu prepi-rliun. 43* Persons sending money hy mail need no fear its being lost. Order* punctually attended to Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound banks taken at i»ur. J03-Those wishing particului numbers should order immediately. . Address JAMES F. WINTER, ilorniger. oct 10 Macun, Ga DR, KANE’S A RGUG EXPLORATION Hi O0J, ’4 Mild ’6, llltlS- trHtid witli upward-* of fiouengravingri. Westward Empire, or tho Great Drama ol Humsu Progress; by EL Magoon The O’Briens uud tho o’Elakertys; by Lady Mor gan; annotated by HSnclton Mackenzie; 2 vols. Yoikom’s History of Texas; 2 vols. American Poulterer’s Companion; hy C N Be- ment, with 1*20 ilhr-iiutloua. A Child’s History uf Rome: by .1 Bounor. The United Annual Digo -t of Decisions In the Su preme, Circuit aud Dls’ilct Courts. ALfeO : Gold Pous Iu great variety. novl‘2 W. i HORNE WILUAVS Companion to ‘‘Dick Tarleton.” M ARION HARLAND, or Lessons of Life; com plete; price 53 cents; by J Fredct Ick Smith, The Pictorial Adventures of Margaret Catebpo'e, the great Amortcan Horse Thier ALSO, Putnam’s Mouthly for November. Knickerbocker Magazine for November. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine lor November. Household Words for November. Frank Lesllo’s Gazette or Fashions for Novem ber. Received and for ealu by WAKNGCK k DAVIS, novl2 159 Congress street. TIME BOOKS. W EEKLY AND MONTHLY TIME BOOKS; Bank cheeks; Portmonmos uud Pocket Book*; Bill hea l Boxes, It'll Files; Note Paper; Visiting and Playing Cards; Band Boxes; Calendars; Paper Cutlers; Marking Ink, Carmine Ink, Inkstands; Perforated Board, Porte Board, Tia-tio Taper. J. B. CUBUEIN.E. Agent. nov7 - under the Marshall Hou**. Family mules. F iMILY BIBLE-, of varlmm qtiuliH*-; Tinker Pocket liihlcfe: Prayer Houks, A<- Ac. f»r salo by J. 11. CrifflFDGK, Agen', nov7 under the Mur.-lih l House. GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK F R November, Graham’s Illustrated Mo tbly for November, Arthur’s Home Magazine Tor November, Peterson’s Ladies Nationul Magazine for Novem ber. Mrs Stephen’s Now Monthly Magazine, tor No vember. Ballou’s Dollar Monthly for November, Received o»id for salo by WARNOOK k DAVIS, Boe.ksetiers and S'atiuuers oct 22 169 Cnngrc.<i»rcft a ROCERlES,—160 Bbls A U k C Sugar: 25 llhdri N O k P It Sugar ; •Trti Sacks Rio Coffee, all grades ; Uu Boxes Colgatea No. 1 Palo aud'.Faim Soap. 10U Boxu- No. 1 do; ‘2nd do Adamantine (hndles; 50 no Sperm; loo do starch; 100 du Tobacco. For Ml. by 1M1 OERS XOHRLS *» 0. novfl H ICKORY NUTS. Poc-iu Nu\3, Brazil Nuts, A luoada, of all kituh, received por stMtoe mid for sale by J. H. JESSE. oct2i ■ijFoinbB-l "deice"CANE3. a-nortcd, this day per steamer, and for sale luw by U. II. UBIFF1N, 1 Successor to Iato M. Eastman, oct 7 corner Bryan andWHtake* »ta. mEA, COMEE AND PEPPER— X 20 half ohosts Black Tea, 50 do do Green Tea, 160 caddies 2,4 and 0 lb Black Tea, 160 do 2 and 4 lbGrecu r e», l&u sacks Green Rio Coffee, 71 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee, lot) do do do Pepper, .ft bags Whole Popper, “A" 4 b ’ KcfiiBoM a ront.