Newspaper Page Text
■iiUrttiiiA A JOliRML
mohoXy mvumiso, » tfiwh »■ si.
RitMiiln Kir*.
N««r Ymut, No*. IB—TUrtt wans great Bn-
t >.J»y »t Tlire. Rlvom, Canada. At latest nr-
ooiiutr half tho town had been conaurand.
Hctwricd Hank Failure.
New York, Not.'IO.- It la reported lu thin
city lb it the Itank of Kad Tonneaaw baa
Wreak of Um aaperlor.
New You. No*. 15.—It baa been aacertained
tlial tbiity-flra persona parliMI), Ibo wreck
of the steamer Superior, on Uke Superior, re-
imrted a-une daps ago.
mid return bach to the hole mm wiuiheii they |
had thekinoritp loeouie. I eaunut liut inisaa tliii last IlUllffiiftottl IVn-
alight cnconilum mi the Hoouml liifnntrp, com • 11,. vluw 1 ■ 1 '
inanded by Col. Uclntiisb, couipomu^coldly uf
Kunh. r In regard to Ike Lyonnais—
Another Wreck.
Nt:w Yi aa. No*. IT.—The aonlilng crew of
the Krcu.-h steamer Lyonnala aaya that the ship
with which she came In collision displayed no
lights, but Bred tin guns alter striking. Cries
of distress were li .ud for ten minutes; then all
became silent, when she undoubtedly went
down. No due his yet been obtained in re
gard to the mysterious vessel.
Accounts hare been received of the total
wreck or the ship Lady Franklin, horn New
fork for Trieste.
Now Yoiu.Not.IT.—The reasel which came
In colllmlon with the £pwmiii was the baric
Adriatic from Saramudi. She arrived at Glou
cester yesterday but little damaged and un*
conscious- of the terrible mischief she had
ruins ssareToa.
The Adriatic was from Belfkst Heine, bound
to Savannah, she saw the ateamer twenty
mluutea before the collision.
Auausra. Nov. lTIh.—Tho Bank of East
Tennessee baa not anapended, report la untrue.
Tho Vote of Tennessee.
The Nashville Union has returns from all but
six counties in Tanneasao—showing a majority
of 6,633 for Buchanan. The other six counties
gave at the last eleotlon o Deinocratiu majority
of 315. Report aaya tbat Buchanan has madu
a phi In them of 600. If ao. hla majority in
tl.c state is upwards of TOOO.
Fnun ItKLias (Hosmiau).*-The brig Alrnc-
cuhali (of Goldsboro), Capt. Cole, from Belize
(Hnndums), bound to New York Indeuod with
Logwood and Mahopny put Into this port this
morning in distress, Capt Cole reports tbat he
sailed from Belize on the 25th ult, off Double
Head, Shot Kays 0 and T Inst. In n gale of wind
sprung n leak'and made for thlaport to repair.
Sailed in company with Brig Eh A. Reed hound
to New York. The brig Ida from Wilmington,
with it cargo of Lumber was passing in when
the A. milled. Left in port of Belize, Bark Ca
det uiiil Brig Hope from New York, discharg
ing, ship John Camming from Chugtes was
loading lor a portiu Europe.
The cargo of tho Alrnconbuh will have to be
discharged to repair damages.
Umin Fioutino ik Pnosrscr.—The Picayune
says it has received by the Tenneseeu, Intelli
gence horn reliab'o private sources tout Gen.
walker would attack the enemy npln at Ma-
saya as soon ns the reinforcements that went
out by the Tennessee, from this port, and the
Texas, from New York, had teachad Granada.
The lorce of tho enemy at Hasaya was suppos
ed tube about l,600man.
Lais and Interesting Accounts
The Ttoouui, whose arrival atNewOrleana
his already been annoonced by tolegraph,
brought some Interesting Intelligence from Ni
caragua Previous accounts of the bottleaof
Huaoya and Granada are confirmed, except ns
regards the loss of the enemy, whleh was ever*
stated. A correspondent of the Plceyuno
gives the following information u! the present
posture of afililn:
From several ofthe officers of the Nicaragua
army, on leave of absence, I have gathered thi
following facts: Gen. Walker instill at Gntu-
di, bat will no doubt march on and attack Ha
saya Immediately on tho arrival of Col. Jague’s
reinforcement. The enemy are said to been
trenched In Maaaya, 1,500 strong. So you maj
look for exciting newain my next. Col. J. C
Kewen, who la now on bis way to the United
States, goes as Commissioner for the Southwest
portion of tho United States. Col. Fisher,who
will have arrived lu New Orleans before this
reaches yon, haabeen appointed, In conjunc
tion with Col, J. A Jaques, (who no doubt will
socn return) as special agents, in connection
with Col. Kewen. Every peisnulon has beeu
used to induce Col. Jaques to return by this
steamer, but ho has withstood all persunaions
ud temptations, and hu determined to pro
ceed with his reinforcements, and lend his per
sonal assistance in the hiking of Uasaya, being
anxlousto have one brush with the enemy be
fore he returns to the United States ns Special
Agent for Nicaragua.
Fermln Ferrer, Esq., late Secretary of State,
goes out os Minister Plenipotentiary In the
United States.
In retaltatidn for the butchery orLIenhCol.
F. A. Lalne, taken prisoner ut the battle of
Masaya, two prisoners, one a colonel, taken
prisoner by the Nicaraguan army, were ebut,
by order at Gen. Walker. They were shot Uke
soldiers, while Col Lalne was butchered like a
Another correspondent gives the following
. report of the late battles:
(Oorrtrp iii.lcut of ibo Picayune.)
Granada, OcL 2d 1856.
Dear Alii—The prospect of a steamer's leav
ing bore lor New Orlcaos, Induces me tout-
leurpt once more the lndltement of a letter for
your perusal, thinking that something Arom
tbese putts in tho shape of news would prove
acceptublu. Since the two skirmlshea (ought
atfiah Jacinto, tho particulars of wbloh you
have no doubt been nude aware of, nothing
worthy of note transpired till the 11th Inst.,
whin Gen. Walker, after concentrating his
forces in Granada, marched them on Hasaya, a
town some Utteon miles distant, occupied by
theonemy, numbering some 2jOOO men, under
the leadership of Gen. Jeres.
Our force consisted of 1st ltlfies, under Col,
E, J. Sandora; 2d ltlfies,under Col. Jaek Allen:
1st Infantry, under Col. John Harkham, and
2d Infantry, under Lieut. Col. McIntosh—in
ill 1,060 men. At daylight, on tho 12Ut Inst.,
the bull opened, tho enemy opening the fire.
Before proceeding further I muy here mention
tbit Unsayo has three pluaas, the centre one
and largest is strongly fortified, and capable of
holding 3,000 men, The lit BiHe Battalion,
posted on the extreme right, were ordorud to
charge the first plain, which they did In gal-
hurt style—the 2d Rifies, 1st and Id Infantry
well up, ready to aecond them in any man ecu-
m. This plaza was soon taken wheo the
whole command was posted in advantageous
positions, and tho trail fairly opeued.
Our meo were in high spirits and olieyed the
cotmnands of their officers to t oharm. From
daylight till dark on Incessant fire was kept up
k! both sides, our party suffering very little.
At tills stage of the game news reached the
(SKral-in-elilef that u strong detachment of
■ho enemy bad attacked Granada, whloh point
*e bad left to bo protected by about 140 men,
the majority of whom were citizens. Immedl-
stely wo were ordered book and formed to take
op our line of march to Granada and render as
sistance to our Mends, The sick and wounded,
under a strong guard, were placed in front—
the lialaneo following. I may here state tbat
our Inns during Uta day amounted to shoot three
non, while tho enemy loot all of400 men killed,
•boat 200 by desertion, and I cannot tell how
■cany wounded. Hy chances of forming tn
estimate ol the enemy's loss were oxtremely
good, and lam safe In asserting that bad
oat been obliged to answer tho sail of duty l
return to Granada, In six hours more thii oaemy
would have bean forced to oncost* Hasaya
u uy v.uis muiuMinut quui|knhju UDIVIIT ui
a muu (ram New (menus. No lot uf men
not better; many had uuver seen n fight
Ireforo, lint went In coolly followed their officers
through tho Ihlokest of tho light.
I will now resume i After u hard night's
march wo neared Granada and heard tho thun
der's roar that plainly told ns ItralUransda was
attacked nml our pretoncu was needed. The men
needed an stimulant to force them on, but. Jad
ed an they were, they answered the call made
on them, uuil advanced in double quick time,
We reached the outskirts uf tho town mid met
he enemy, who we received, and returned the
lotteet fire that I have ever oxpcrlccil. The
flunk' bulls whistled, hilt It lasted but u short
time; tho enemy were forced to fly, nnd we
entered the Plaza cheering like madmen—the
foe Hying* before us—our loss estimated at
about twenty men. The detnehmeut flint at
tacked Urauadii consisted of a force of him
men; composed of Giiatamallans and Chamor-
stas, from Chunlnles, under command of Gen.
Both victories were oompluto, uud you may
Krom Oregon.;
rfub arc t
that our enemies uro satisfied with their trial
of American prowess. No doubt that when
you hear from me again we shall hove had
another engagement with the enemy, but that
will decide tho matter; it will ho the last dance
of > big bull, and 1 promise you that when on his wav up to the Dalles, and It won
next I write, my letter will contain on epitaph HU VPf^U ie been drowned,
to the memory of an ambiguous uud cowaruly * rom * uget Sound tlierc is uothimr new: the
fO£ t Du/lnsiasdoH on in.w nt flsussoila U'n
Headquarters are now at Granada. Wo
are free from alekuesa; ready an wllllug to play
euchre with Costa Kloa, Guatemala and SAu
Salvador, and give them the right bower.
J. 8. L.
The following items cf California intelligence
are from the Alta California, or Oct 20th:
Nothing has occurred during the past two
weeks calculated to impart any special interest
to the new* from this State. The excitement
oaequent upon the action or the Vigilance
_ immlttee has abated with the dissolution of
that organisation, • As a body, the committee
exists no longer; though, doubtless, the indi
vidual members hold themselves in readiness
to act as a unit, should any exigency arise re
qulring their mutual co-operation. It is to be
I loped, however, that no such contingency will
happen, and that its present disbanding will
be Hnal and complete. Suoli is the earnest
purpose and desire of the committee them*
selves, and nothing will defeat this determina
tion but some acton the part of their opponents
compelling the members to re-nnlteror their
own safety.
In this oity the Republicans and the People’s
party have united npon a local ticket, thereby
rendering the election of the reform candidate*
for our municipal officers well nigh certain.
There is also but little doubt that the leglidutive
delegation from this district will consist of
men pledged to vote for an amnesty act, and to
carry out generally the views of tli ‘ "
Ale to the Committee.
; paid to political af-
e State, aud how Col-
Great attention is being
fairs throughout the entire ,
ifornia will cast her vote on the Presidential
question is a matter of eutire doubt. Tho re*
i option of the Maine news has no doubt acted
favorably on tho Republican cause, and in
spired its supporters with additional hope o!
success. Stilf this does uot appear to have Im
paired the confidence of either or the other
parties in their ability to carry tho State.
Since the sailing of tho last steamer, our
8tate Agricultural Society have held their An
nual Pair. It took place at St. Joso, commenc
ing on tho 7th instant. It was numerously at
tended, and was an exhibition that would have
reflected credit upon an older commuiity. In
almost every deportment the articles exhibited
wore an improvement on those or last year;
while in some things the articles displayed
were such as Califonua alone can produce.
Trade, as a general thing, has been active
during the last two weeks; the amount of goods
going into tho interior has never been exceed
ed for the same space of time. Thero is a good
deal of building and various other kinds of
improvement going on in and about the city at
trecent. The prospect now is that we snail
«ve a wet winter, which, by furnishing abun
dance of water, will insuro a prosperous season
to the miners.
I may here state that
[rum Puget Sound there la nothing new; the
Indians have created no further disturbances
in the vicinity of the Sound since our last
A severe storm passed over the regiou ubout
Crescent City on the 7th of October. Whaling
was being carried on iu the Bay to a consider
able extent, and shipments of oil to the extent
100 barrels had already been made to San
Praucisco. A wagon road into the mines had
been begun, and it was expected it would be
completed this season.
The Indians having stolen several head of
cattle from Augel’s Ranch, Humboldt Bay,
were pursued by a party or whites, who, having
overtaken them on the Divide, near Redwood
Greek, killed some ten or fifteen of their num
ber. In tho skirmish, one of the attacking
party was waunded in the thigh.
tire party fa-
A notorious highwayman, known as Tom
Bell, has beeu token and executed, iu Tulare
county. Sovoral, reputed to he of his gang,
have also been arrested.
Robberies and murders have been less fre-
J uent in the mountains lor the last week or two,
Ince more airingent measures have been adopt
ed for their suppression.
The proclamation of Gov. Johuson, declaring
this city in u state or insurrection, has not yet
been withdrawn.
. John B. Robb, well known from his cunuec
tion with tho press, both here und iu tho Past,
died at Sacramento on the flth of October.
The Indians iu Clinton Valley, Mendocino
county, having stoleu a lot of cattle, were
mrsued by a party of whites, and about fifty of
heir number killed, according to report.
A man named Coiebrook was lmng by tiio
mob at AngeVs Cutup for killing Dr. Armstrong
by stabbing him with a knife.
Martin Gallagher, one of the Vigilance
Committee exiles, returned lrom tho Sand
wich Islands ou the 5th lust, in the brig
Glencoe. He was disguised, and uussed under
the assumed name of Wilson Hunt. The Vigi
lance Committee are on the lookout for him,
but as yet his whereabouts remain unknown.
The health of the city continues generally as
good as usual, The whopping cough and
measles prevail among children, the ’ ‘ *“
a very severe form.
Mr. Poiten, representing the owuers of tho
rich sliver mines at Tubao, iu tiro Gadsden
purchase had arrived at Tueson, with a com
pany of men designed for working these mines
on an extensive scale, Col. James Douglass,
long resident of Mexico, had already com
menced operations at auotlier mine gin the
Tho Arizona cop|>er mines being worked
briskly; n considerable quantity of rich ore
bad been taken ont, and packed as far as the
Gila. There Is a prospect of thiB river prov
ing navigable fo small steamers a long distanco
up. which has already had a favorablo in
fluence on tho valuo of the copper an sliver
mines iu ite vicinity.
Ex-Gov. Gandara hud attempted to get up
a revolution in the State of Sonora, hut being
defeated by Gov. Augillar he had fled to a
tribe of Indians for protection.
The crops of wheat corn and barley, at Ban
Bernardino, have been good this season, af
fording ample supplies for tho people of tho
settlement, and something to spar©. Readies
and grapes sufficient 'for home consumption
had also beeu raised, aud it was calculated
much wine would be made next season.
A severe shock of an earthquake had been
felt at San Diego on the 20th September,
causing mucli consternation, especially among
the Indians. The walls of many of the houses
were cracked, and the plastering shaken
down. The shock was accompalned with an
ocillating movement of the earth, and a sound
like cars pas-dug over a bridge.
Rrom Los Angeles we learn hat the grape
crop in that section has been abundent the
resent year beyond all precedcrt. Between
ffinVdO.OOO 'boxes were shipped to this
city ou the Senator, on her last trip.
Camfobnja Cotton!— 1 fhe Alta California
thus notices a sample of California-grown
cotton: . ,
It is as white oh the drilled snow, and as
silky as the dowu on the breast of a cygnet.
This Is a part or the first crop, hut a few potty
all told, that has ever been produced in this
State. It was ralscg, it appears,) as far uortli
as Shasta, and is equal in staple to anything
we have ever sceu in Georgia or Alabuma. I t
does not seem, however, to have been woll
ginned, inasmuch as we find a couple of seeds
hid away iu its unsullied texturo. But then
we suppose cotton gins aro not quite so com
mon as gold washers in California, nor will
they be for many years to come. Yet no doubt
onr plains will bo white with the bursting bolls
of this useful piunt, long after the rocker aud
arrasta have ceased from their lahors in tho
mountains. *
In truth, we owu to a strange sensation, us
we look upon the Iitt!o flock lyiug thero before
us, so gossamer like tbat wo duro not hreatbo
full upon it, lest it float away like the dowuy
seed we chased iu our school boy days. ;In
this Uttle wool-liko look we see new sources
of production ; now u venues of wealth open
ing to the industry uud enterprise of the future.
In it we have an osautanco that California will
always be able to clothe her own children, per
haps be able to spare something towards doth'
ing the people of leee favored lands.
lo October
Thu Aitu Culilurnia gives the following
summary ol the news:
Tim Indian (roubles iu this Territory have
rouently been renewed, und threaten to become
mure serious and extouslvo Unit ever before.
Gov. Stevens, who had advanced iiite the Walls
numtry, for the purposo of negotiating a gen-
rro pure. with all (lie tribes m that quarter,
bail Is'.'ii i.bllltcd (graffiti) tho same, logotlior
with siivli U.S lmi|>s its bail amninwiilcil him.
!"r t 'l')lfflur!".'i' ,r >' t» lire north and east of
ili.liii Hay s lllvi'r was, at lust aocoimta, In Ilia
iiMH'Mlun "I tho savages, iiiimberluu about
lilwtliotVsaiiil) niiiiiy ,.r whom wore aimcil
'"till gnus.
Ool. Sloptuc bail coma into Uro Dallas with
Ills Dominant!; abandoning tho whole country
ahovD to tbo Indians, except ono block-houao
livid by lilly iiivu, whom ho lulonded to relievo
os soon as lio could procure forage. Gov.
rituvciw had addressed tile people or Portland,
and slated tbat tho Indiana bid noted faithless
III all their transuetionn with tho whites, that
nothing would satisfy them hut ou unconditional
surrender of tho entire country to tho east side
of tho Dulles, und that there remained only a
iros|H!ot of another general war with all the
rllies in that quarter.
Tho sale of tlio public property used in the
recent lodlnn war had taken place. The at
tendance was large and Uta prices obtained
very lair.
Lieut Mlllor disappeared from the ateamer
white on his way ii|“‘" " * *■
. Litxh vhum Utah—The rim Francisco
papers rcolvtd by (lie Tonnesseo liava advices
fr.ii. 8a t lake to the lid of September. The
Alta California eayi:
The emalbuox had been Introduced Into tlio
Territory by Immigrant. rroustbaEMt, causing
much consternation among the Balnta, though
It dues not appear to htvo spread to any grout
extent, or to have proved generally fatal whare
It had occurred. The papera are filled with
matters relating to tho ehuroh, and we can
learn but Util, through them touching Ibo
worldly eondltldu and proepcctn or the people.
The Crops, however, we have rcaeoato believe,
nave liecn short,and anothergoason or famine
awaits tlio miserable creatures who li ,vo been
deluded into this laud of drouths and deserts.
Tho elder, who have been abroad seem to
have met with Imt poor success In tho busln-ns
»f making proselytes, tlmughlhelr labors were
carried on among tbo degraded, and Imbecile
raeesorclibia.udUio South Baa, Vjto, of oil peo
ple, would be moat likely to embrace tenet,
no congenial totheiri* “ ‘ *
ted nndentandiogii.
and porvor.
Dxviition to ran Union.—Ueneral Motrin
heantllhl national lyrio," The Flag of oar Union
Fonver,” has done more, towards electing
Buchanan than any other “docomont” of the re
cent canvass. It touched the right nerve aud
S reduced o thrill of patriotism throughout the
A union .'flakes—a union of Muds—
A union of States eons uisy sever I
A union or bearU—a union of hands—
And tho Fug of oar Union far.ver!
—N. l r . JVmm.
Simons AcniDiDT ox tub 8o.Cs. IUi
rosd.—Charleston Nor. 15—A.rtrloua accident
occurred to the Colombia train of the South
Carolina railroad, aloe mile, below Bnnoh-
vllle, to-day. A roll broke and three paasen-
ger cars were thrown nlTthe track. Hr. Ryau
and r negro woman were severely tf not Ik-
tally Injured, and about twelve others were
more or lias wounded.
Fiizmukt Von IK Vlttoixra.—On the ere
of the election Uotta announced In a publle
•pcffh thot Fremont would receive 10,000 votes
In Virginia. On the boils of this assumption
tho same Individual predicted that Fillmore
wou dget the electoral vote or the State. The
result Is, that Fremont received eomethlng lew
Baohanan carries the State
by 30,000 majority—Whence eomeo the inspira
tion of prophaoy upon Botta l—RtchmondEn
Cotton Prices and Esttaiatea.
W. P. Wright Cotton Broker of New York in
Ills circular tor the last European steamer says:
Iu our market the some cause, as belore
noticed have continued to exlit and restrict
business. No exporters are found who are wil
ling ut present to purchase to any extent, and
speculators are entirely out of the market.
Alter the Canada's news the principal sales
were elleetrd, slid were lor our own spinuen,
but ultliough nil advance was asked, none was
mid. On Monday, after the Baltic's news,
10111011 were anxious to sell, hut could not find
iimlinsers. Yesterday, huwever, submitting
on decline of },ier lb., induced some buying
(or export, end tho sales were ubout 3,000 hales,
the mnrkct closing rather depressed nt the sub
mitted quntatlnns. The sales of the week I
estimate ut 8,000 bales; the export dutlug the
same time has been—to Liverpool, 2,441; Bre
men 300; Itavro, 207- Total, 3,008 bales.
Crop, Receipts, Exports. Ac.—I hare re
ceived the data upon which to form my opinion
on thu subject or crop, and nrrive at the con
clusion tliut tho total for the present season
will net reach 3,000,000 or hales. The re
ceipts at New Orleans continue heavy, and
chiefly fram the main river, where mere then
usual facilities la the number of bout, arc
oficred by the low state of the upper rlron.
In Mobile tho receipts aro mostly Gy ratlrord;
’ tolegraph we leurn of the probability of n
3 In the riven tributary to Ibis place. In the
Atlantic States the receipts are also fair; an
I hove before remarked the liidueemeuta for
plantcro to hurry their crop to market are so
strong this season tbat the entire crop will he
>rcel|dtated into the ports earlier perhaps
ban in any former year. The exports to
Great Britain continue on a very moderate
scale, being hut 04,000 bales since tho 1st
Sept. Inst against 192,000 to same da e last year,
nor Is this soon to lie increased, as nrylltdc
has been done, even to tho latest dates from
tbo South, to Liverpool. For France tho ex
ports era In excess ol last year, wlillo to the
other foreign ports n fair business baa been
done and is still delug in Southern markets.
Onr Northern splnnere havetaken n fair sup
ply mid lire yet buying.
Neill Brother A Co's. Circular of the 12th
speak, as follows:
Stock.—The stock of cotton at nil the porta
Is unprecedentedly largo for tho aemou,
amounting to 350,(IDO hales, against 284,000
last year, 22C,000in 1854,214,000 In 1053, and ' ship .UfolUa. Venloso, Barcelona, iu Imllasl, to
302,000 in 1852. WoberBro’a. Monday murnlcg.
Sronn ik Caddo Parish.—Doeioge fo Cot-
fon.-The Shreveport South Western, or Wed
nesday last, says t
, We had heavy rains,accompanied with thuu-
der and lightning, on Sunday night. It rained
again on Monday, aRor which the wind blew a
heavy gale from the north all ulgHt, whloh did
great damage to the cotton. Humlredaof bales
were destroyed.
Kektuoxv—Official returns from all the
counties lu Kentucky hut thirteen give the fol
lowing result:
For Buchanan, 47,427
For Fillmore 42,826
Majority ‘4,001
Tho counties to be heard from, in the lest
election, gave Clarke, (dein.) a majority of
1702 They’hove now, no doubt, given Buchan
an more than two thousand majority; uud lilt
majority In tho State,will be about 7|000.
Savniumlk Market, Narember 17.
COTTON—Tho sale* ibis forenoon woro limited to
150 bslc*, vis: 40 st lift, 18 at 11 87 stlltf,»»
st 12, *2 st 11«,and Wat lift.
BOSTON—Sellr U K Ells—400 bale* cotton. 1200
MONTUOMEKY, Nov 16-Cotton-Thoro is rather
a bettor fecliui In the market to-day, wblob is firm
at the following quotations: Mlddlliur lOtffilOV,
(lood Middlings 11, Middling FaJrlt&TalFllK.
New 3U>ua'tU(mtntu
Uaiv oh Sulurtltt# 2M, at it o'dork*J‘. JJ.
Tliu United sSluto. u Mall Htcumsliiii
KKYKMNK HTATK, Capt. Ilsrdlv,
will I(*hvo a* above. For linight or
iKt-driiiur amity lo
Cabin lltev-SKO •;« ou
Hloorago l’a*ri»uii.. Y ob
I'a&teiigiTH by (his *)op for lUltitnoM hu.I tt'usb-
liiglnn will bi* lauded ul New Chdawuro, li
dwlrod, from wh'cb idncf car* atari Mire© Mine*
dally for tlfo /ihm e iiilltM, ami utlior tfouthcrti
foilui" • mxvIT
/SVrtftlLj Tim ‘toamor IttyAU .SCOTT, CapUiu
AiUiMiBBLDillard, will Ivavo u* above, on Tu«*>
day tbo Dull Isdlaat, at <1 o'clock, P. >»., lrom tlio
Charleston stesiiicr*' wharf.
»«»w-at J W. 1.ATIIK0I' a 00.
TV will bo wllllug to Irou uud waxb for u small
family* A suitable perrou will receive good wage*
and u permanent place. Apply at tbU tiffico.
ooylT—tf - ■
varanf FatriTii!
Jus: arrived, tlio Ur. *ubr. Klimt,
Wni. JubUBun, master« from Har
bour Hand, with a cargo uf UR AN
For sale low, apply to
ijlipping 3nhlliptu.
W Bay atrovt.
FT1HK public arc berobv uotllied that all sbootlug
X In tbo back water, or iqiuu Ibo grouudv be
longing to the Silk Hope Flsutatlou, ou the Wgueheo
Road, eight miles from tbo city ofSavanuab, is pos
itively prohibited, excejtt by the porfoirsloo of the
uuderslgnnd. Any oua who tuny bo found ire*-,
pawing tbereou, alter thU dull*, will be prosecuted
to the extent of the law.
Havonuab, Noy. 17, 1850. fit—uovi?
A .V biiECTION will be held at the next uieeliug
of Council, on Thursday, 2Cth November,
lbOO, fora sergeant of thoSpoclal I’oilce, by day
and by-uigut, to UU the* vad»ucyjotoadonbil by the
refligdatlonTu Sergeant Lumbrlgbt. Salary *700 ;
bond $600. Applicouis will please leave their up
plications witli mo. rtutiug ibclr securities, (two
required), ou or before 2 o’clock, r. u.. or that day.
EDWARD u. WILSON, Clerk or Council
Savannah, Nov. 12, 1850. buylY
/CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may
coocoro : Whereas, Ann Kellar will ajipiy at
the Court ol Ordinary for Letters of Admlnlttratiou
ou the estate of DonnU Kellar t
These ar- therefore fo cite and admonish all
whom it may concern to be and appear before raid
Court, lo uiakp objections, (if any they have,) on or
before thu second Monday iu January next, other
wise said letter* will be grouted.
Willies* John Bilbo, Esq., • rdliury lor Cbathuni
esunty, this seventeenth day or .November, 18fG.
"**VlT JOHN D1LBO. o. c.
A JiMlNiaTbATOH’S SALE—Fursimut to at) order
Issued lrom tlio Court of Ordinary of Ohitbam
County, will be sold before the Court House, in
Newton, Baker county, ou ibo llrst Tuesday lu Jau-
ury next, between the legal hours efuata. tho fob
lowing lots or I .and lu raid county, via: No’s. 21,
22, 201. 175,179, :J17 iu the lOlli District; No»s. 07
08, 88, 118,342, 348, 1188 in tho Uth District, uud
No's. 814, *115, Jtlrt, 817,225, lu tho 12lh District.
Will be sold o tlio ftrst Tuesday in Fehruury
noxt, bolero the Court lfoiir<u in Batnbridgv, Deca
tur county, the following lots of Und in said cuuu
ty. via: NoV. 315.310,317,811, «2, 50.18 iu ibo
16tb District, «ud No's. 182, 183, 177. Ill, 112 and
17iu tbo tilth District.
Will be sold ou tbo llrst Tuesday iu March next,
before tbo Court Houso iu Ulakoly, Early county,
tbe following lots ol I .and iu xuld county, via: NVa
220. 221,141, 300, 301,294, 269, 200,265, 252, 257.
in the 2tith District, and No. 247 lit tho 28th Dis
Tho above 1-ands are situated lu a rich uud fer
tile country and are worthy the attention or pur
chasers, as ills expected tbat tho ravunnub and
Gulf Railroad will run adjacent or through most of
TorouDono half cash, the balance Iul2 mouths
from date of sale, to bo wait secured, purchasers
lying for titles.
Persons wishing to purchase will call on T. R.
Lawton* of Albany, John Billra, of Savannah, or
uu Est. JAMES II fillEAIIAN, deceased.
h Rwvlug riirmivu i to tbe pllloo hraotoloru uc-
8 * Da4lugcr, E<q. t my fonqor
,,J03H|'H GaNAHL.
lx. A cidUfortrtbfo,' wqatery bmue ou a base-
Qj'nipot, colors/. Jj ten and Llufcoln slrooU.
ItPbrtosslonKivmi ttmiiedlatoly. For partlcu
luquiro df J. if. Gammon on tho promises,
novll ' ' ,
Bt»:. U. M. GRIFFIN has now in employ a Urst
w rale Jeweler, aud all work in wilt lio
done in a proper niuuner, uud with *il*|
titer il
B ACKOAjfjiON UDAILts; Ulisas Hob. llrswiiiK
Pencils, Bristol Board*, Water Color*. Iforle
Monties, Curd Case*, Portfolios, &c., kx\. for sale
novl3 169 Congruwi afreet.
B LANK beOKS, of uli kinds; Util hound Day
Books, Lodgers; uouruals, fto., and baifbouud
do, made of good paper uud well bound; al*o, IV*
Books, Memorandums, Writing Books, fto.. for na’c
• 169 Cougrois street.
L ETTER DOCKS, Copyitiu Froescs, Oil l’apcr,
Copying Brn-iics, >< Hue Blottiug Paper, lor
•at© by WAUNorR ft DAVIS,
novlS '
>69 Congress street.
■y^RITINtt FApkhs.
-For sale at remarkably
..k aa-kitfA 'aattrl ftlalll
., low prices itlae uud white ruled and plaiu
foolscap, do do letter papora, r.nglish and French
packet aud commercial post; also, a tine selection
ol pink, bun; violet and i liter colors of note and
letter papers, small .-isos, suitable for lady’s uso.
UOV14 • _ 169 Congress street.
QCnODL BOOKS—A full supply of tbo dilforont
kj Ecbool Rooks now In. use,. suob as spelling
books, waders, grammars, arithmetics, chemis
tries, geographic*, philosophies, histories, fto., ice.
For sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS,
nov!3 • 169 Congress street.
SSrtlM RE\VABD, c 1<£t
Home permiti or person* harit-g counterfeited u
TEN DOL1.AK 1111* of the Merchants' and planters'
Bauk, and put the same In circulation, tho Board,
by Resolution, uifera Howard of One Hundred DoL
iur* for detecting the cuunturloitei and furnishing
proof tm otiiviulion.
novll President.
~ caution! :
_ Savannoli, Nov. 11, l$60. f
rpiIE PUBLIC is hereby lu formed .and put* upmi
X U* guard that spurious note* in imitation of tbe
Ton Dollar notes, of the laiuu ut ibis Bank id 1855,
bavo been recently, put in circulation. The spuri
ous notes aro photograph*, aud are easily detected
Tho red loiter* TEN'Uro painted, und tho whole up-
purrs as a much rubbed and defaced bill. <
A reward or Five Ucn..hmj Dotuss Is hereby
ulluretl for proof to conviction of any person who
Im* *u inmiiiorlehpd the note* of this Institution, or
who hu* uttered the false .uotos, kuowing them to be
folso. R. It. OUVLKU, President.
A id. purson* iudebtod to the Estate of Jane Me-
Ifouatd, luto of Mclutofl) couuty, deceased,
are requested to make ImmeUiulu paymoutj tbos-
having demands against said fc^tate arc requested
' present them, duly authenticated.
MlMftt D. 11ARR18, Executor.
Nov. 7th, 1966, t notr7
B Yau English widow ludy, a situuUun lu a pri
vate family, a* Teacher fo young children, or
would accept .1 situation in any capacity, requiring
“ trust-worthy iwrsou.
Having been uccuafoiuud lo reUuod society sbo Is
fully competent to discharge thus© duties so caseu-
Uai to «liDiih- .'ibication No obJcclioii lo tho coun
try. For adfire« apply at thi* lutjior, or address a
uoto to L. M. <«. iMvll-'Jt
8MAKT ACTIVE Colored BOY to be about atdre,
. uovlO A. BONADD.
Pori- of Savannah November 17
Ur. ship Arthur, Butmant, Glasgow,
to A Low ftCo.
Ship Delaware, Patten, Cadis, with aalt, to Ma*.
And an the receipts are larger than over
before, uud the exports small, the stock con
tinue* to accumulate rapidly. Should tbe
present relation of receipts and exports contin
ue, It would lie difficult to manage by Christ
Crop.—A decided change of feeling has
taken place on this subject within the past
fortnight, aud some good unthoritles now
adopt n range or 3,000,000 to 3,200,000 bales as
their estimates. This is purity in consequence
ol the largo receipts, and partly owing to tbo
Uno weather for pickling, which has so far
prevailed- -little interrupted by the sight frosts
which were merely white frosts, and notae-
vero enough to kill the cotton except In the
moio exposed localities. There has been no
;eueral killing frost down to the latest telegraph
iates, and thus the cotton is still growing aud
the aggregate yield will bo considerably aided.
lough not In Notwithstanding tills favorable feature, however
it in quite true that In many districts tho crop
will prove materially short of an average. It is
of such districts that people hear the moat. In
mauy others however, there in reason to expect
an increase upon last year, and of them nothing
Is heard except by those who tako pains to get
at the facts. Allowing for this and for the
general increase of land under cotton, we do
not look for any such deQclenoy in the supply as
to warrant the pric cs which now rule.
Celebration of the Great National Tri
umph of the Democracy.
The demonstration of last night, upon the
great triumph of the national Democratio party
of the Union, in the Presidential election, far
surpassed our expertations. The torch-light
procession was a grand display, and banners,
and flags were numerous. A transparency, In
the shape of an immense cannon, with “ Back*
Cannon" painted upon It in large letters, was
placed upon wheels, had its position In the pro
cession, and attracted much attention. The
Augusta Brass Band discoursed cheering music.
Sky rockets and other fire-works added pleaalng
interest to the demonstration, and discharges of
cannon proclaimed in thunder tones tha glori
ous victory which the Democracy had met to
The processiou was formed at tbe Upper and
marched dowu to the Lower Market, and then
returned lo the Oity Hotel. The windows of
the Hotel were brilliantly illnminated—the bal
cony tastefully decorated—a large American
flag was suspended from one of the upper
windows, etc. ^
We have not time to give an adequate de
scription of the grand demonstration.
The assemblage at tbe Hotel was addressed
’ Judge Thomas W. Thomas, Hon. Howell
>bb, aud other gentlemen.—Augusta Coniti-
tutionalbt of yraterday.
Hillsuokouciii Co., Fla.—The Democrat!’
majority In Hillsborough County is 188. The
PeniuHulur says.
Our majority would have been somewhat
larger had not Gen. Carter been on a scout with
a considerable number of Democratic vnlnn
El Nicaragueme, published at Granada
the 1st Inst, speaks as follows:
From tho best source of Information, we learn
that the allied bandits from San Salvador and
Guatamnlaare fast dispersing from tlua coun
try. ’ The weak minded and deluded men who
Invoked their aid now find themselves in the
position of the snake that invited the hedge
(tog iuto IPs cell. The simple minded Patricio
Uivas they have trampled nndor foot, and only
use him as a catspaw when tho occasion re*
quires. Tho pople of Leon are begglningto
lie lieftrtlly tired of those maraudera; and there
i* a rumor which Is certainly believed hero by
the uativcs,that tho cltfeens of Leon bavo risen
up In open rebellion against the extortions and
impositions of the alliea* .... , .
This is no more than might be expected
uml three more months of rapine, inch as they
have of late practiced, wouldcompel even’na
tive in tbia country to ri*up agalimthtaffied
soldiery, even If Gen. Walker were not, in the
meantime, to strike a blow*
l?l>. bark Celia, Ribas, Barcelona, in ballast, i
Weber Bro'a. 12 o’clook Saturday night
Central R. Rond & Banking Co. of Gn. 1
Savannah, Nor. 13,1860. /
The Auuual Meeting of Stockholder* will
^ bo held at the Company’s Ofllco, West
Broad street, on Tuesday, the lixicoutli day of Do-
comber next, at lu o'clock iu the forenoon,
Stockholders will ho passed to uud (rout the
meeting rims.
DOTlU—td OK ». A. CUYLKlt, Cashlor.
medical card.
DR. J. It, 8MITH has removed Ills Olllce
Burk Oatharlnn, Oleaaor, Stockholm, with 17,000
bar* Swedish iron, to WaberBro’i. 11 o'clock
Suuday morning.
Dark Willard, Mitchell,
to Broughton street, in Dailey's Building,
few doors above Bolden's Hat Store. Residence at
Mr*. Kcmshnrt'g. West Broad street.
, Malta, in ballast, fo Mas-
Br. liurk Victoria, Kinney* Dublin, lu ballant, to
Master. •
Brig Alruccabak, (of Golbsboro,) Cote, Bolixe.
(Honduras,) with logwood and mahopany, bound
to X«w York, put in Tn n leaking condition for re-
Br. schr Ellon. Johnson, Harbour Island, with
fruit, to Youge ft Frierson.
Scbr C W Bently, Reed, Darien, 0,200 bus rough
rise, to F R Shackelford, J W Anderson.
Scbr Cotton Plant. Arnow, Ogecbeo, with 4090
buabolo rough rice—to R Habersham ft Co.
Schr Leopold O’Donuell, Austin. Satilla* with 0100
bushels rough rice—fo R Habersham ft don.
Schr Fort George Packet. Ruaiel, Rlcoboro. with
200 bus corn. 200 do rough rice, to Tison ft Gor
don, J W Anderson.
Scbr Northorn Belle, Stevens, Darien, with 3000
uus rough rioo, to Haberaham ft Sou.
Sloop Science, Thompson. Ogechoe, with 3600 bus
rough rice, to Habersham ft Son.
Scbr Levant. Bussell, Ogechoe, with 4,0'JO bush
roogh rice, to Habersham ft 8on.
Sloop Carrier Dove, Mahan, Cannon’s Blult; with
250 bus corn, to Master.
8teamer Gen Clinch, Richardson, Palatka, fee., to
Claghorn ft Cunningham.
Steamer Isaso Scott, Dillard, Hawkiusvllte, to J
W Latbrop ft Co.
Steamer Randolph, Ward, Auguste, fodllLafi-
l ° Dr. King's flat* from plantation, with 1600 bus
Rough Rice—R Habersham ft Son.
and a bark and brig.
Schr M E Ellis. Nichols, Boston—Ogden, Ster/J
Steamer Wm Heabrook, Peck, Charieetoo, Ac.—J P
Steamer Oak. Leith, HawkluavlHe—J W Latbrop
ft Co.
Steamer Wm Heabrook, Peck, Charleston, ftc.
Steamer Oak, Leith, HawklnsvUle.
Per steamer Gen Clinch, from Palatka, Sc—135
bale* -
ft Cuuiuugham,
dersun, Tisou ft .
Case, J A Brown, G W Seir, Boston ft VUIalonga,
Chuevvr, Sims ft Co, Webster ft Palmes, T M For*
Per steamer Randolph, from Augusta—338 bale*
cotton, 220 boxes cupper ore, to E Melyneux, Gen
H Aammond, S M LafUteau.
For steamer Isaac Scott, from HawklnsvUle—100
bales cotton, fo J W Latbrop ft Co, Behn ft Foster.
Per steamer Gen CUneb, from Palatka, ftc—Mis*
Godfrey, Mr* Cannon, Mrs Chess, MIssPapy.Mr
Burnu, J E W MiseU, TQuinn, W Burroughs, CD
NtcheUou, TRdmeele. G W CUnoh, A Thiol, M
Furman, WLumbcay,J Br'awyer, wnpwera, I.
C Bow, IIM Italian, UUoDougat, LBHenery, J
C Dudley, J K Bryant, N Zetgler, Li Davenport aud
4 deck.
i am a ciiudliluio for remlectlon fo tho of-
Ucc of Receiver of Tax Returns iu January
next, and respectfully solicit your sullruge*.
ang 11 JOHN REEDY.
Fellow-citizens, I urn u candidate at tho
ctectieu, iu January noxt, for tho oUlcc or
Tax Collector, aud solicit your support
Savannah, Supt. 30th, 1850. octl
DR. J. P. SCREVEN wa* till* day elected
a Director of tho Mcrchaul'4 amt Planter's
Bank, lu plocuof Heaton Urautlnml, liq., of Mil
ledgovUte, rofifogod. >iov5
A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN can bo accommo-
dated with board and lodging ou Broughton
street, nearly opposite H. Morao’s House Furnish-
* i, a few
November 18th, 1855. J
Tliuradav, tho 2<HhoT Movember, having been
sot apart by tho ExecuUve of the 8teto as a day of
Thanksgiving and Prayer, it Is requested that
divine service may be held in tbe Churches oT the
oity on thu occasion, aud thanks rendered up to a
merciful God for tbe special health and prosperity
which has blessed our community during Ilia past
[i. ».] EDWARD O. ANUKRKON, Mayor.
Attest: E.WAU 0. Wilms,
Ctok of Council. [nortO
A U. persona luring demands against lire Estate
A ofure. EUZA ANN JEWETT, deceased,.will
band tbem In duly attairtad, and tnosa IndebUd will
p 1 „.ma. W »m ( m iNci3joHiwioNi
no4-lm 8otn Qaalttad Ezeentor.
_ uk local and traveling agents lu a business
easy, uicful and honorable, at a salary of $100 por
month! A capital of $5 only required I No patent
meuiclno or book busincsi, Full particulars glvou
(freo) to all who enclose n postage stamp or a three
cout piece, und addres-i A. B. BIARXVN, !
Kopi22—w3m .. PlaUtow, N. H.
A FkWs'.nglogoutiomou cuuobtain good Board
and Lndglug ut tbo So. Wont, corner St.
Jutteu aud Price Street's.
00123 2w
Omen Sav'ii, Auuxv ft Gclv R. R. Co., )
Savannah, Nov* 0,1650. )
T HE Seventh Icslalmtnt of 10 per cent, ou th
Capital Stock of the Savannah, Albany and
Gulf Rail Road Company, by a Resolution of tho
Board, is hereby ordered lo bo paid on or before
the 10th duy nf January. 1857.
novO Secretory and Treasurer.
T ea, coffee and peppfr-
20 halfcbeste Black Tea,
50 do do GroenTea,
150 caddies 2,4 and 0 lb Black Toa,
160 do 2 and 4 lb Groan Tea,
15u sacks Green Rio Colfoo,
*0 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee,
100 do do do Popper,
15 bags Whole Pepper,
Received and fur sale by
ing Store. Also, t
F Day Bourdors. m»vl2
November 13tb, I860. >
T HE WATER KENTS for the present year woro
due from the 1st Instant, uud payable at the
ofllco of tho Board.
The attention ol these persons supplied with
water from the works is called fo Section 20 oT An
trdinaneo to amend an Ordinance for the care and
managementofthe Savaunah Wuter Works.
novlS H. J. K. BEE, Secretary -
A LL persons having demands against tho estate
of Daniol O’Conner, deceased, will hand them
In, duly attested, as required by law;and those In
dented will plcaso mako payment, fo
W. R. 8YMOXB, Qualified Adm'r.
November 8th, I860. nov8
C uKN—1200 bushels prime Beach Island Corn,
Juat recolved and lor sale by
sept 19 WEBSTER ft PAMIRS.
S IDES AND SH0U1J)ERS—16 hhds and 20 bbls
bright Sides and Shoulders, Bacon, received
per steamer Kevstono Slate, uud for Bale low from
he wharf, by
J UST RECEIVED—ICO basket* Mum Champagne,
25 boxes Imperial, 25 boxes Cabinet, 10 boxes
Cordon Rouge. For sule by
uovlO comer Bay and Bull sU.
I N A TRUNK, stolen in this city, by a negro iu
April, 1855, wero Bonds ofthe city of Auguste,
marked Isst. C. No’*. 10 ft II, each 81000, with
coupons attached for iuierost since Oct. 1864.
The public are horeby cautioned uot to purebaso
said Bonds. uovlo-lm
C HEESE, BUTTER, ftc.—200 boxes Goshen
Cheese: 03 do English Dairy do; 25 cases Pino
Apple do; 6) flrkfoB Choice Butter; 5 casus ()j and
H b'ixes) Sardines; lundtug and for sale by
C andles, starch, soap, ftc.—
60 boxes Sperm and Patent Sl>crm Caudles
660 buxou and hair boxes Pearl Starch
160 “ Colgate’s No. ISoap
60 *• Beadel, Smith ft Colgate’s Family an
Palo Soap
200 “ Adamautlno and Tallow Caudles
60 *• llpea and Pipe Heads
In store and foraaloby
200 d sen quarts aud pints, fur sale by the quan
tity, at New York prices.
oct20 A. BONADD.
M ACKEREL.—20 half barrels medium xlzo No.
26 quarter barrels largo, No. 1.
25 Kill’s large No. 1 Mackerel.
Instore and for aalo by
CODFISH, Putetoe*. ftc.
J 20 quintals Oodflsb.
60 obis. Mercer Potatoes.
100 boxes Herrings.
In store and for aaie ny
.WASH BOiltIH, 4o,
, - . 40—
100 doz Clotbes Linos
200 do Flab do
600 do Scrubbing Bruabe*
50 do Wash Boards
60 do Barrel Covers
60 roams Wrapping Paper
50 bales do Twine
50 boxes Flpo Hoods
100 boxes Eng Pipes
100 boxes freah ground;Popper
260 boxes Victoria Blue
100 boxes Tigor Mustard
100 boxes sup’r Curb Soda
75 kegs washing do
100 doz 2 and 3 ply Brooms,
Received and for sale by
oot22 mcmahon & doyle.
S UNDRIES-Just recolved—
60 boxes Goffco. Pepper and Mustard
60 11 Beadoll Starch and Soaps
26 “ Adamautlne and Tallow Candles
50 bbls and bogs extra Family Flour
30 “ Potatoes and Onions
40 gross Wood and Paper Matches
50 dozen assorted Brooms and Palls
100 i( Scrub Brusbos and Clotbes Lines
60 “ Wash Boards
810 bags Java and Rio Coffee. For sole by
uct 2 corner Broughton and Drayton sta.
nn Bbls No. Prlrao Leaf Lard
gSKJ 100 Boxes Scaled Herrings
lOu do White Goshen Cheese
50 boxes English Dairy “
X hhds Codfish
26 kegs choice Goshen Butter
76 boxes Beadeli's 6 ft 8 Tallow Caudles
60 boxes Colgatea (Oriental) •*
50 dozen Brooms
60 “ painted Buckets
60 boxo* new Raisins
75 “ imported Negro Pipes
25 bbls hand made Sugar Cracker*
26 “ Butter and Soda *•
60 Soda •«
100 boxes Oswego and Beadeli’s Four I Starch
100 “ Smith ft Buchan'a Family Soup
76 “ Colgate’s ft Bur 11
50 “ “Pale “
50 boxes Graut ft William’s 6 ft 8 Tobacco
For sale by
A on A NO IIIaltiDlUfD litinKBY
(do the Hanna Plan.)
To- b. drawn a.TOHDAT, Nor.Wd, In BalUmara.
Her, land.
B. France 4k Co.,'Hannan.
Priam amounlln. Is $383,900 wifi bo dltlrtbuted
oncnrdinp to tbefoUuwIng dplendld Kcbcni.: . '
30.0U Numb*r. 1—1,110 Prise. I
Prizes parable willio'-l deduction.
1 prize
16 010
•• - 6,000
..... 600
1,110 prizes, u I uuntlugto $382,5'H)
'tickets $20—Halves $10-Qoarters $6
49" All orders for Tickets or Packages lo any oi
ie Maryland lotteries will receive prompt atteu-
M^Malhe drawing mailed to all purchaser* Im-
Addrws T?*U; HUBBARD S CO.
No 39 Fayette atroot, or Box No. 40,,
°«t l-ly Baltimore iid.
C OFFEE.—Five bu' tlred bags Bk) Coffee, fair
and choice; ' ’ ....
40 bags Olu Government Javat'oiWo;
Cvnnafo do do dp;,
6 casks Ploutetiou CalTuo, very choice.
TibagsLaguyra do;
60 boxes Ground Java and W 1 Coffee;
in stem and for sate by
25 bbls Stuart’s uro*tied Sugar
20 do do powdered do
69 do do A clarified do M .
60 do do H do do
60 do do C do do
Iii Btoro aud for sale by
50 buxes Adamanliue Caudles, star brand
60 do Beadeli’s 0 ft 8 Tallow Caudles
60 do. Colgate’s do do’ d6
loo do Smith’s ft Buchan’s Family Soap
100 do Colgate’s uu. 1 and lb bar Soap
60 do do Pate ' do
50 do Oswego Pearl Starch
50 do Beadeli’s do do ,
60 do Soda Biscuits
26 bbls Sugar do. baud made
26 boxes ground Pepper, X lb papera
fit) mats Cinnamon,
lu store und for sale by ‘
J 5UOO boxo3, X uud •){ boxes,
For sa'o by. A. BON AUD,
oct26 ooritcr of Bay and Bull at.
P OTATOE-t, ftc.—
50'bbls Mercer Potatoes
20 do Red uud White Onions
26 tlo Choice Apples,
landing aud for solo by
BBLS. Nran tty; 60 X casks
‘«ln; 100 bbl, ItoollUoil Wllllkoy’il
.. Lcceiveda d fur sale by
net 16 .oMAUON ft DOYI.K.
76 bbls
00 bbls
E -JUK—600 bbls. «xtra and superliue Flour, as-
sorted brands. .
OOOsacksoxtraandsu erilno Flour, asa’d brand!
150 quarter sacks doubla extra.
160 bbls, GoodletVllle doobls extra .
•*’ 2 YOUNG ft WYAYT.
ALE POfATGESric—~ ~ “ “
3l 26 bbls Taylor ft Sun’s Ale
60 bbls Potatoes
10 bbls Apple*
Recolved aud for sdle by
»ov4 mcmahqn ft doyle.
8 OAF. STARCH, fte-
160 boxes Bcadol’a Family Soap
150 do Colgate’* do do
100 do do Pulu do
160 do do Nol do
100 do Castile do
16 do Assorted Toilet do,
Received aud for sate by
uov4 McMAHDN ft DOYLE.
B UTTER - ft CHEBil£-
25 kogs Choice Goshen Buttor,
50 boxes English Dairy Cheese,
100 do -- -
100 do Choico Goshen do, white,
Loudlug per steamer and fbo salo by
U 250 barrels Ohio Rccttflcd Whlskev.
100 do Plkos Magnolia do.
120 do K Pholps's Gin.
26 do Conn. River P. ft H.
rlgg Hoop’d'
Magonolla V
la Whiskey.
ft CO,
nn , „ - • -iver P. &H. Rye.Gin.
20 do Brandy.
86 quar and eighth casks Twigg Hoop’d 4th pr.
20 do do Uagonolla Wine.
76 barrels Ohio MonongahelaWblskey.
20 do Gibsons Mountain do.
do Ben Kusiells Nooter do. .
do Gibsons old Family Neuter Whiskey
do White Rectified do.
do , Old Kentucky Bourbon do.
do and puncheons Georgia Peach firaud
do Virginia Apple do.
In store and for sale by
600 boxes Family Palo and No. 1 Soap
160 u Frazer’s Beadle and Oswego Starch
loo bbls. Stowart’a Clarified Sugar
60 dozou Lemon Byrup
60 boxas super Carbou Soda.
Receive! and for sale by
_«®Pt28 MoMAHON ft DOYLE.
75 boxes Field a, X ud X gallon jars
600 grots Engllesh Hpes
250 ” Pipe Head*
500 roam* Wrapping Paper
M 100 boxes fresh ground pure Pepper.
Received and for sale by
sept 28
50 boxes choice brands Tobacco
26 chests Cougor Oolong Toa
26 half chests choico Green Tea
25 balos Wrapping Twtno
Received and for sole by
sept28 MoMAHON ft DOYLE.
25 haff bbls New Buckwheat,
60 quar do do do
6u eighth do do do
Landing and for sale by
H errings ft potatoes-
76 boxes Smoked Horrlngs
60 bbls fine eating Potatoes
Just recolved and for salo by
I jiRtJiT, "TURTLE, ftc.—The cargo or the sohr.
1 British Queen, in three days from Naasau, N.
P., consisting or
TURTLE, ftc.
No. 01 Bay attest.
For salo by
F lour and meal. T
600 sacks Cirmlcbael’s Superfine Hour:
76 barrels Extra Floor,
50 sacka Corn Meat Diploma.
In store and for salo by
26 bbls Domcstio Brandy
20 X cask* 4th proor do, twigg boops
VO X do do do, . do
60 bbls E ('help's Ryo Glu**
60 do Luther Felton’s Bostou Kuui
76 do N. 0. Rectified Whiskey
20 X casks Malaga Wlno
. 60bbls Old P ft HGin,
In store aud for sale by
100 boxes Smith's ft Buchan’s Family Soap
60 Colgate’s polo do
60 “ do No. 1 ft Bar do
26 “ Oswego Pearl nterch
60 “ Colguto’s and Beadeli’s Tallow Candles
Loudlug from schooner Loyal Scranton, and for
oct 13
T 0B ^SSS',-’J r J.l u “' lre '!.““ 1 “r Orem
i ft William’s Tobacco, 6’s and 8v:
400 boxes assorted brands, pounds 3’tf. 6’g B’s,
10’s and 32’s: '
20 X boxee People’s and Rote Twist Fancy;
40 kegs extra Twist and Pancake; 7
Also, Virgin LeaTand Palmetto;
25 boxes Fine Cut Smoking end Chewing do.
In store aud for rale by K
BW^ABft c’silger _
25 Hhds N O ft P R Sugar ;
300 Sacks Rio Coffee, all grades ;
160 Boxes Colgatea No. 1 Palo andlFaml
100 Boxee No. I do;
200 do Adamantlno Candles;
50 do8pertn;
100 do Starch;
100 do Tobacco.
For sale by RODGERS NUKRIS, ft CO.
novO ,
/"HANDLES,—Eight hundred 1
V and Star Caudles:
100 half boxes Adamantiue Candles; <■
60 do Hotel do;
160 do Sperm, Patent, Sperm and Tallow do,
In afore and for sale by
^umjt^u ilHmaK-Joa’ rccolno piratrem
10 kef. cbotoflOoehan [I utter.
10 boxes EniltabDtiryCbuari.
for rata by K. H. WATSON it CO.
Ooraar Wbltakar stmt, and
wt« Contren iitmiUh.
TTICKORY NCW, Koran Nuta, Braill Nnts, A
n nunds, of all klndi, received per
and for rata by J; D.JESgR. !
xrono«-7 dwon CANES,
i.1 ttila dayjor atramar, and Ibc rale Jl
Snoraaror roiil. S?T®'