Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 17, 1856, Image 3
•a 'MSslRlJifiA. HJNAUI1 rMpMirulljr In. Jt wmi hu tnlrotm M nil wlUdlwn hU *«a- £jft«ray »»tiil'niinrfliy, Honm. toniili,I»>4irnlock,;|;»M. . »i All nil rirwp \iitiilw in rmiminunr nnllo.1 id ■lint I - lllo 'i.runti IlnuM. l ir Ilia no. mwhi - " ■ ■■-. • . unwtl ‘ " ifxilitOJiMfiiW bljk^foiifa. .... MR. MICUOl.S hit returned and will \ H " f t>otn 11 A. 'I.! Ill «l*. M. luob day, • •*' ivrt.ttl - “ ’ *■ *' gtwn .»■* »»•** net 26— >i hoIivhhiI IhJlMutUHUtt tatlcy Dancing mi ou Ifooral terms. t i« me i'alroBi of Ih? Sav’b Georgian . 2m* to Ihe.tiojrgniu previous t JW tin- wu luiiAttt aro jnyabin only to tbe uu derrtgped. Note* and uccouutu due m tbe oily wil mi pwreutol ImmedlAtely, add all debt* due lu tlio country will bo forwarded .torso early. m»U- Juh uelngthe ilrstUmo that tUo uudorslguoil hit* >at»«toty njpeftted to bit late patron, ho feet* that linn- vriM i. -i consider him unreasonable lu arglug uimi them iho nooertlty for immediate pay wont. ttoiittta ttat may bo made, dlreotiy to Iho under- jtguo.l. or * B. R. UiltoQ .ft Chi, wtuwe receipt win no valid, i’HILIPJ.f’UNCH >, May 28, 1858, . mvW-lawdftw 'J*~CST FRINTSIHS. t no null orlbera odor lor site a largo and varied AMtirtmom ofaoeood-hmd priutlugi material, auffl. otcut to O'UblUb a 'inpfoto JobOffice, with but lew (uldlti mal artleU- ..uoiwl-ttug In.port of—Ono itmjiio font of amall |i t . , a* good as now, aud vart- oih font-t of job typ., me super royal band-press; oim 1U> ft Oo a \\t ■ <i‘-prw*. latest improvement, uort'; tiro or ui >re la. ,j Imposing stones, now; dou* UK* a,11 dilute • an - ; oases, oumposlug *tloki,ooU nmu rules, jails?*,. uuos, etc., etc., together With’ various oth-r artiefo. pertaining to a newspaper or job oiQeo. R.B, HILTON 4 CO. nine 28. ' t #r»>ini DU. i)’. • > RLEft ’ tf* QOLDING, OFF! ION ANU lUSlDKNOK, Mo. 14 LIBERTY-Hl., Quo door west of Drayton. •jmTw. okkkn., ~q.'V. sitdnT.' OUHftN ft HJHOOT,' ATTORNEYS AT UW 'KlUW TUOkASTOW, UA. 1 PATTHtl, miTTOlf ft CO„ FACTORS. Porwurdiug. uud Commission Morclmnts, Bay-street, Savannah, Ga llroftssionul Carts. F. R. SH&OKEUORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT, Savannah, Go. Office removed to Hodgson’s new buildings, over ut)6 T130N ft CORDON. 2t CUARiHs'I.PRicR, ATTORNEY AND SOLICITOR, Taskegee, Ala. Will attend the Court* of the Circuit. nov8 lm PATKfIT I15R PITCH Ibirly.lw^ dftH from Bah bydhonowaieamitltlp l.tuo Tin mi.< aiiPPP'W HoiMn.nirnl.lilu. sloro^lMi.m!'. *?U*|i?»k , , * U K * ... . .... UIAVID oV WtClia} A Tro nRBV A:T I.A w srinn, at, ."IIIWwUw.Hi MW ilOMlitl(Smi! H.uoock, iVwrtm, WrtWifgnin, «ud H»M»ln. ,. . ' .tlwiMtireia-lfcttfcrwter, Rukun Aslnvlio, u( ►!. A. Uoullurd. Aivauuli. j«n» ' l - • ( I tf)I. A. UANIUI,)., I ' ITTOUNEY AT I. A W, ' '"igK.A e.v. AODunr oounm. jso. coomb nusui. UOUPRR ft FUA8KR, r'ACroKS At (IKMERAL C0UM1SSI0M MERCHAN18, lUy street, Savannah, (la. fmyll R.J. OAVANT, JU, FAOroH AND COMMISSION MBKOANT, .Vo. 0T Bay Street, jy >d SavaitnaU.Ua JAillRS Of. SAVAGE, A P fOllSBY AP LAW, rn ASviLi.u, ruoxsH cou.srr, ua. Atl imsino. entrusted to bu care will rec'iva proiujit atu-ntii lyr—marl7 . aUKHU. RJOUJUW. . .mMKSS. nokkis dOOUBllg ft NORRIS, (late Crane ft Rodgers, WIIOLtiSALK UROUKRS, UAV-ai'KKJrr, SAVANNAH. / • juuo i, i»«6, ^ po'y** • JldFFKRSON UOHRRTS, UBNBBAL LO-llMideiON MERCHANT, . ANU UKALKB.1N Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, Oa. WlVblAU H. DA8HBR, AlTOKXKt’ANU CUUNSEUOBAT LAW, tV iupvlUe, Lowndes County, Ua, • Will practice in Thomas, Lowudea, Clinch, Ware, Appii.ig, fuliUlr, Irwin. Laurens, aud Pulaski umauwi, uoorgia; and tu Jefferson,Madlkou.'Uam- lit m. md >J.>lufubia6buritlesi : yiorida. [tnyll j. k. H KUiur. i.r, k. savAUi. WRIGHT di SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LA IK, .UtUNSWlCK, (1A. jyl9 “JfSSffOoWliiir^ rLNULN'LBR, ARCHITECT AND SURVEYOR, (XMiMKH OV DHATTON AND BRIAN*8IS» (Above C A. L. Lamar.) jyd—.im '* T. iliiALPUIft URpTHBRiT 7 Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. Sept 6 SAVANNAH, OA. 8XARB. JT. B. H. UARUBS. STARR & COi ». i OQDMN. WM. OUDBff. ffiAnn n vu., Shippiug and Oommiaeion Merchants, JAY-8TRirr.8AVANHAH. OA. U. GUMMING, Al'l’OBNEY AT LAW, lobl-ly tBWINTON, us. V. I. tlAKKISON. A. 0. MCaiHIU HARRISON ft McGEHRE, AUCTION, COMMISSION, KEOfilVINQ AND ft'orwardiag JiercUuuts. 19 AND til UKOAIMTR0CT, COLUMBUS, OKOROIA. ♦AT i'arucvtlar attention given to the ^alea of Real Eiuio, Mogruus and l’roiluee. JuT Liburui advances made ou Negroes and Mer chandise. KIfKRKXCKS; RUdE, PATrEN ft CO. - UUNUY ftDaMlEL, >Coiumbus. Ua. STEWARr, GRAY & lX>. J wn U. 6. iMira, k dobiu, Al.b.nuf ncl S3 ; ly A at ion 3c Oommissiou House, Macon, Ua A. R, MuIiAUOHUN, Uuneral A^oi.t umi Auctioneer, duliolts from his friends oouslgnmeuts of ever} do icriptlon. Takca ordure for Cotton. Special uttention given to the sales of Real Estate, Stocks and N’ogrt, property, at public and private sales. Rtiun^l return* and ditpalch. ttofurence—C. A. L. LAMAR. mub80 JOHN BILBO, Ortlliiary of Chatham County, AMD aTTORMEV AT LAW. office in the UiurUlmue. . my 13 ■ XST'iroIvvTiiicui.Loii, .A.TTOUNEV AT LAW, Savannah, Quorula* iff Office on Bay street, over tne Bank ol'Havau- eatt. way 13 ~ H7 L. P. KINO, A T TO It N B.Y AT LAW, Corner >f Day nml Whitaker Street*, a A V A N N A n . icb’i'i 3mos VVRI.LS. «S( WILLIAMS, DEALERS IN DOM88THi; FO.itElGN AND FANC1 UUV; GOODS.. .1 No. 140 Uongms-iL, Savannah, Go. JAA T. WELLS, formerly or lleaurort DUt. & a mBOPIULUH WILLIAMS, - derives Co.,Ua. 80pt7 . , !;;* , . I. C. RtsHV. J. l. JUVlxl. W. H, lONO. , RUSE. DAVIS«k liONG, COMMISSION MERCHANTS SAVANNAH, HA. "»y M W.H. F ‘HUBLL, UBAliBtt IN CHOICE FAMILY GllOOEHl and Foreign and DomcUv Fruit, oomur’ArmgMcn and IKAIMAwri.. luwn.auil ooauury auppllod wllii obuiuo guHla at modwM. iirioM, AUordnvpipnpUy uwndad to. .'H .IWBy.'kwLfUcd. .pltl 71 JOHN Q.FAU.IbANT, ~ WnOLMAM AND UKTAIL D1AL1U IN WINDOW BUNDS, WINDOW 3ABH AND PANK DOORS. West side Monument Square, Savannah, Ua. '* ' ‘ ' A* fnayll. JOHN M. SULLEN , , ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office ooruer Bay and Drayton stools iyi8- • PHILIP - M. RUSSELL, * MUI’AR Y S ^i§V%YA fck'R^MX.’SSftSl? *AND COK1IST. WtU oseato Deeds, Mortgugos, Power hr Attorney, Wills, Uouds, Notices aud Taking 0! liitorrogatorios. Office at the Court House, Nuvauuab, Gil. Court Days. Third Tuesday lu each monlb,"and held at tbe office of Edwatd *l. Wilson,Esu. Jtwldence, Gaston, between Barnard and Tattnall' Any call at ulgbt, on business, will be altdildod to immediately. ' jygfc . Wffli C. CONNELLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW, -——;;-*i WORTH OOVNTY, A., (VOBT OWN*, AUUHT.) Will practise in tbe Southern Circuit, anu in Macon, Dooly and Worth OouuUes ot the Macon arculL • Particular attontlon given to the collection of claims in South-Woe tern Georgia. Jo2—dm .JO* W., UADRY, , ATTORNEY AT LAW . raoNKUN, ukARD oo., as. Will attend to nrotosaioual busiuess lu the Couuum ol Heard, Carroll, Caiupbull, Coweta, Fayotto, Meri wether aud Troup. Reference—Hou. K. Y. Hill. lstGronge, Ga.; Hon, David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.; ColonoIM. M. TldvrolL Fayetteville, Ga ; and Mr. Wllljira Dougherty, Co lumbus, Ga. ' seplT-ly M. WHIT SBUTH, ATTORNEY AT LA W, SLUOSTOK, SSST FLORIDA. Will practice In tbe Eastern and Southern Counties Refer to-Gol. S. 8. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton, Sa y smith. fob'i-tf william Phillips; ATTORNEY AT LAW, MABURTA, GA* oct 25—ly 'JTWTKWTBRgONT ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ■ Troupville, LowndesConty, Uu. > (• .i., ^CHAS. G. CAMPBELtr 5 ^ ATTORNEY AT LAW, . . JtUXWXlKVILLB, QA.l Practices Uw in ibo various Counties or tbe Oe* malgee Circuit, *ud tbe adjolntug Counties of I'wiggt, Uurous and Washington. Borer to—John Boston. H. A. Crone, and K. B iRUou. reol4 GEORGE a. GCfltDON, T ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, A»D Cmmmiontr of the U. S, Court of Claims for tht Stott qf ; Georgia. Office Corner Bay and Bull streets. -- , mylt* (. Looasrv. u, j*. „ LOCKETT ft SNELL1NG8, OOMMISyfON mkrohanVs, AMD siU 11* l* IMG A U BN TP, , , Saoanmth, Ua. •V ill attoud to the Holltug of all kinds of produce ••srlotattention given to receiving and rorwardlni S"oOa. may 81 ly 19ENTI8TRY. ■ DnuROYALL ft JOHNSON, L 'penlists, office corner 8t. Jullon st I and Market Square, ovor S. ju; ^HirUJ mot’s jewelry store. Office hour* front 8 to 2 o’clock, ana from 3 to rt. U ,M)ni MTL L J i it i HO ITl” KTTOANEYS M UW. BRUNSWICK, GA. Win practice in Ibo Brunswick Circuit—contorts ’ui ilia following Counties: Ulyuu, Wayne, Catudeu, Ware, winch, Coffee and Charlton. JOHN B. MILLER. Mg 8 ly Apppllug { L. C. R0LL, A. H. CHAMPION. (Sncoetwor to Champion ft WattaA WHOLESALE AND RETAIL GROCER, 4 Hazard »t, between tbe Market and Bay sL, , SAVANNAH, OA. ir ° ralff0>lDd D ^ mo,llc Liqttors, IWhroncel-A.Taumplon, Esq., Samuel Solomons. ' JI*' ft Whitehead, and Swift ft Co., MautudMia., . . :• ; ■ mvlt • P. JACOBS, ■ . SEUAU ANU TOBACCO STORE. No. 29, Bull street, (sign of the Big ludian.) M. B.—Keeps coustautly on hand Spanish, UaU Spanish, uud American rfegars, at wholesale aud r*» aiI. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Hnull', ftc. juuol JAMBS Mo HENRY, lusurance Broker and Notary Public. Marine Protests Noted and Extended, Average adjusted; Charter’ KuHl^sanU* Ave'rugd Bondi drawut Papers prepared whereby to recover losses tom Imerlcun or ; British Underwriters, <$aA attention given to all matters connected with shipping and In* mruace, No. 118 Bay-street opposite the front ol the Custom Houso, , ly; ( - nor 8 JESSE T. BERNARD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, NewnansviUe. Fla. Uorerence—George' .. Brown, William Doll, New uunsville, Fla., R. B. Hilton, Boston ft Vlllalougo, Ravanuah,,Qa. < ■ mylf. wm. McAllister. vlaroJo Mouumeuts, Tombs and'Grave Stones, fura Ished on reasonable terms. Orders res pectfully solicited. ap 18 YONGE ft FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MEBCHAN^, «a. 94 HAY-smR, bavanhau. da apr4 J.MrEVaKr -7 • roMMISSION’ IIHIOIUNI, togao . go. fM Bay-.!., Snvami«H. JUUM O. HOUTU, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, WtU also give hia atteuttou to designs in Arohituo- ure. Office Ip the storo of John WiUiamsop, Esq., day street. my 18 D. A. O’BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW,. ,, Office 178, Bay-st., ovor Turner ft Go’s. Drug Store 8 AT ANN AH, OA* .. ; , nor 10—ly 8. W, BAKER, ATTORNEY AN1),U0UNSEUA)K AT LAW, Trouuvllto, Ivowudc-i County, Ga. Kelbrence—Hou. W. B. Fumisu, Bavaunah, Ua, myll EDWARD G. WILSON,* MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AN!) COMMISSIONER At Messrs. Ward ft Owens' 1 Uw Offico. [tyyil waynk^rEnville & co^.7 Bayitreet Saunnah. TH0S. S. WAYNE. J. K. t.HENVUJJC, U II L'V mtVUL> IU TV -i ...... I. ’ R, ALEX. WAYNE, jy C—tf'. Savannah. W. T. SAMPLE, . , Cliauauoogs. “ LANIKll k ANDEHSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, «p6-ly . MAC0Y,OA. 'i ' " . W. M. LAWTOiY.& Oq,; .Ob*rl..toii, South Carolina, '' SEA ISLAND COTTON AND IllOE FAC TORS. R. IVAimrianf Dacot I VViuiau U. Lawton JonkphTDidd | Winbobn Lawton, Jh ' BUg’.’S-cmUm J 0 H N S. HTsT ARCHITECT. . I JT AVING nutumed tlio practice ol hlaprotes- IX siou, offers his services to bis rrlunda and the public os au Arcb’toct aud duperlntondent. Designs fot uny part of the country supplied and executed lu all the various branches of his proferl slon, such as Public Bdlttoes, Stores; Dwellinr~ Monuments, ftc. rboroagliiy Fire IVmif Stores < , gned i i f j <.wute j. . office it present In Bay Lnur- resr of the Custom Houso. Jail ft—1 y da a * co, No. a Whitaker Itrett, Sawananh, Ga., .,, WMDOiu UD nrAiL nun. m gssiwBBSBMtt ,'i7 VC;'V* vj#*V ' It. B. HILTON, ATTORNEY AND OOUNSElJiOR AT 1 AW. Office noruer tif Bay and Drayton-ste. HAVANNAII, GA. my 11 GrRooHriiEia.djb. R KCklVED per Hiosmer Alabama, uud in stoVe: Xli 80 kegs extra Gosnua Butter, W boxes State Ulieosn. ... .« 20 ' l ‘* Dairy Cheese, 18 boxes lino Apple Chuoso, 3t> barrels cliuinu Apples, (Ml barrel sextan Racing Potatoes, 26 BARREtS RED ONIONS, 29 BARRLLS YELLOW ONIONS, 2 barrel* Tomatoee, a BAIiliELS Pl'jARS. i QOXKB MEW LKUGMB; 16 00 NKW BAifHNB, 10 halt botes no# Raisins, 10quarter do do do, 2 barrels extra Pig Hnmfc/ 2barrels dxtra Pig BiaoJ. , , 2barfols eitrapig Shffiildcrs, \ , - •.aR Drl«4 Beef, tnoksd ft'PIpklod Ttnigliet,- u Tongues Coined Reef,'Pork, Sis. , rnr sale by - ' H. WATSON* ft CO. w oct* No. M Whitaker shrest. SAV BOOK A lllll-IlriMU. BUI. Of Ki Dr^yR«.W, . mill .imn^iBoolu. "■». ■ < ,i: lUSSu?! 1 ® uSl.f.® ft?! (*Wo,UMfar Coll^oa, vorx (|l)#rol|«lVoiilio "ofAr. ?fe wUh * »-»** ... , - 'NtoTiOlB, .. The uudorsigueiL wishing to mako n ohaiigu in IhibIuuts, offer to sell on Tim k •lay, tho lfiih day of lieeomberi Iho MAG NuM* HOUSE, ut, Jlrlstol, tlio largest a .^''nvonjontly arranged Hotel In Western V r Slpl*i, Imraodlatoly at Iho terminus nr tbo Ylr* glnlit aud Touuessoo point that will re- co.lva full patronage liom the Read at all times. fho Uognolta House possesHos advaiitngos o, ur all pthor houses, at Bristol^ It being the only aucos- vlble Uousuln the place. .. i. . • ,.) • The Hotel la dirooUy opposite the Vd. ft Tenn. B U , 14o foot front and runnl'ifs 100 root back, and 8 stories high; aud.wlthlnAO.vards of the track, with good water and outbuildingsalloomptote. They will also, sell .4 Lot* adjoining too Virginia Depot, well suited of any kind. T'le abovy.proporty, If nut disposod of privately leflirp, wll) bo sold to the highest bidder; at public uichow. In .Trout ol -the Msgnollna< House, at 12 o’clock, M,, on Thursday, thel 8 today of December UOXt. .. , ,. I i.. W|..,- -.»I• I ||/. *V'. Terms—One tlitrd cash, • and tho bounce in two oqual instalments* to •ono and two years, the pur- chaser, giving bonds. wUU approved toourtty.. . CG. PECK. - GEO. «. LANGHORNK, ; . .UovO—USD r a. W. HANFOirl). HTXRUXO UXIXR. . ,: L. „ : SAMPSON lAKIXt ;oxtoz2 9 -.(FOBMKKIiY' COtXMAN II0U8X) CNOXVILLE, TENNESSEE. Mr. Sterling Lanier, late of iho tauter House House,, Macon. Ga., and Sampson ljinlor, late of Tuskegee, Alabama, will >e pappy to m»t all friends and custom- io L-unor House; whore they hive ample accommodatlou tor two huudred and Ofly persons, noyft a. ft S. LANIER. Proprietors. TO RBfliTi A good brick tenement to tent on Jones treet. Rent 1200 pGr ortn'um. Also, oiie ou Guston st. Rout 8850 per mum. A. WILBUR, /" fc . Ill Bay st. . FOR RENT, [ TWO comfortable Wooden TEtfEU ENTS coruor of tihorty aud Drayton. streets. A ?ept 80 ' JOHN, BOSTON. , FOR RENT. • THE subscriber being about to partition off the two elegout aud commodious sto ries over Dr. BronUoys Drug Store Into __iofflco8, offers them foi rout by 1st of 'Nh- vewboruext, . . CHABXJ& SHOLL, «P‘g» _ Architect. . FOR KENT F;> , t’UKrmi.Ui ster> ver Dr. Bruntlcy , c Drue lilSturc. Apply to OHARI.ES 9HUI.I, •opt'JU—tf-8» . Architect.. FORRENT. A WHAIIE STORE umlcr 174 Buy Hire, Possession given 1st Octobor. Apply to TI80N ft GORDON, sept 20 ^ SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL auH^Jmo V-SR ALABAMA.... 1,BOO “ ..CPUQ.R,Scheuok. wju- yun uruNiu xvmr WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Tbeso ships aro among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed lu speed, safety aud comfort, tuaklug IhotrpuMugoslu nay to sixty luun. udusS ^bW«i«V'WSS!EI. S2S*- 1 ^^* at , uImo-b»1u uoeoumuxUUoBi, the, conToyuio. to New Yorli. Otbhl Puauge to New York. ,25 Pusuugoto Now York „ 8 1‘ADELEORD, FAY * CD., Suvonuah .... 3AM'I. l..ltrtCHIU.. 13 Bro.Jw.y, ‘St? .. . New Yorli. . „ FOU DBUEHY'8 FERRY.— ;AJID, all THK lNlERMtDIATE 1ANDIN0S ON THE SAVANNAH RIVER. new bon steam pacicet r------., OapUln RJchard Johnson, wU leava Charleston w bar r every Friday morning; at 10 o’clock, P uu ,°toa !y, fbr Demerps Ferry, and all intermedi ate landings on tho Savannah Kivor. SO* The Swan has superior accommodations for isseugers. For freight engagements apply to 8e PU» ■ JOHN RICHARDSON. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE* 7 #br Palatka, Bait Fla., via Darien. Brunswick, St. — Tact*ofto&, MiddUtntrg, FOB SALE : : “' A VALUABLE LOT, near the Central Railroad Depot, about 60 x 100 foot. Tills Lot is f<9e8impio. On the premises are kthree - comfortable Wooden BUILDINGS, ion rent tor >eod per annum. Terms moderate. • Pto J.B CUBBEDGE, i® ; . Agent. ATLANTA HOTEL. ~ ATLANTA i i . i GEORGIA. J. J. IIESLHR, Proprietor* Late, qf the Verandah Hotel, New Orleans. Passengors per Evening Trains will Uud Supper ready on the arrival of tho Cars, . may!4 . MEUOHANTS’' HOTEL, “ BOAKD m OAT. $ 1 SO 6 00 A 20 00 lyr Jgu», Rnwullna, Jt (Black Ondt,) and VlaMa. — k The new wide! - HamBPAHWatON, Capt. Brook.leuves UK ^ “oFhiuf, »l 10 o’clock, for Iho Freight will ho token Ibr Tr.ilor’. Htlland Intor- meiliuto ItudlogB onStMuy’iRlyor. •S' No IVelght will he Inkon »ftor » o’olook. For freight or puwgo,! having excellent cute* room uceemmothuianx, apply on boat*, at tho Florl- 'U SPMinpaokel Wharf, near tha Baa Work., or to JW» _■ OlABHORNACONNINaHAM, Ag’ta. U. 8, Mall Line .FOR PALATKA, FLA., Via Carton, Bruruuici, SL Hoyt. Oa„ iknwntlf- M and jMtamvtUe, Pialala and Black Ontk, Fla. .THE steamer WELAKA, Capt. N ______ King, will loare ior the above place. •^.ry Saturday Morning, at 10 o'clock. TMa bo.1 hks large and airy State Boom accent, motlntions, and taking the blind Passage, offers every Inducement to Invalids xml 811011. Freight will ho token' for Trxd.r’s Hill and Inter mediate landings on Bt. Mary’s Hlvcr. No freight will be taken after 0 o’elock. _For height or i ptttttoe .pply on bond at ton Florida Steam packet wharf, or to JySM CLAOHORN A CUNNINGHAM. uoaro ran w HIURO PXR xovru. .may 13 MILLS HOUSE, COBNEB MEETING AND CHARUBTOX, 8. 0. a THIS House to now adapted to all the wants of thoTravelUng pubuo, and the or- torts of the Proprietor will bo to deserve tbolr patrQnxga. " mai* 81 THOMAB B. N1CKEB80N. S The subscriber offers for sale all her possessions in Sariven county, contain ing about,one tuuusaud uoros or Isand, more or less, all acUolningreald Ferry, aud extending to the Augusta road — The-improvements consist of a good oro, Warehouse; and all other uecosRu- ry out-buildings. Aboutslxty-flve aoros aro under fence and in good order for cultivation. The land Is first quality, and well supplied with fencing tim ber. It is on excellent stand for the merchandise business. The Ferry Is tho best located and most patronixod ot any other between Savannah and Augusta. There is also passing through tho land a never tailing stream, rully sufficient to supply any Grist or Saw Mill. For further particulars address file at'Springfield. Effingham county, Ga. sept 7—tf ELIZABETH JONES. valuabEhflatnation FORSALE THE SUBSCRIBER offers tor sale , his PLANTATION, - . jrty Uounty, called Mlllhuven, Bltuatod miles from Hiueiville. and six miles from the Gut Railroad, contalnlngTureeThnu»oud Acres. Three huudred acres cleared'and under good fence, most or wbloh has boon cleared within tne Inst few years. The other portions havo been highly manured tor a number or years, and are now very productive. On the place Ib a valuable Saw aud Grist Mill on a fine stream, lu good running order • a large and commo dious Gin House, as good as new, with running gear for horeo power, together with a good Gin. Good new framed Negro Houses, sufficient to accommo date filly Negroes. His elegant new two story Dwelling House, together with all necessary out Buildings, Atich as Stables, Giro Houses, 4». In taotevery thlsgrin sitoh-erderthatttth purchaser can roalizo tho rail resources of the land without tho outlay ora dollar In fixtures. It is probably the best settled Plantation in Liberty county. It will b& sod oho third'cash, the balance iu ono and two years. . The only Inducement to sell la the fact that the subscriber, bos another Plantation six miles from this, and the qocoMary attention to both takcB too much time from b|s professional engage ments, hence he woqld relieve himself of tho caro of oue by disposing of it. When at home tbe subscriber, will take pleasuro iu showing tbe place to any one who may call, and in his absence Mr. BopjamU) Dorsey will show it. —WM. B. UAULDEN. $ 1 lu Libor I oct 16-law8w GENERAL NOTICE. S ILVER AND GOLD PLATING con now be done at homo. Mr. GHARLEti KEMISH having es tablished himself permanently, all work in this line wilt bo done with dispatoh. All repairing of Castors, Teapots, Candlesticks, Spoons; Forks, or any other article will bo done neatly btiforo plating. All old sliver plate, such as Teosetts or Urns, Forks or Spoons, will bo fo-flulabed and made equal to new, aud aVtnnderote prices. All work or orders led at my store will be kttehded to promptly. P. 8.—Watch cases galvanised. may27 Q. M, G1YFIN . hV-.'.j Saynnnah, Oct, lst, 1956. rTIHE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore oxtallog lie- A. tween the subscribers,'under tho name orj. V.CUNNERAT ft CO. , WAS this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr.' Joseph V, Connorat will at tend to the settlement of tbe affairs or tlio said firm. •' J.V; CONNER AT J. IaAMiV. . Savannah, Oct,. 1st, 1850, THE UNDERSIGNED having bought out the in terest of Joux Lama, will hereafter bOntlnue tbe Wholesale GROCERY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS iu bis own name and for his own account, and re •pectfolly solicits from the friends or the late firm a contlmuMice of tbolr tavore; \ oct 8 J j: V, CpNNERAT. LI would rtartdctftiUy 'aimounce to tbe clSxeus ot _itvannah that he Is ready to f moke and put down Carpets, Oil Cloth, Matting, ftc,,,at,the shortest no- toyandon the niftlt fbasop»b|o ^rmq, octS-tf BBALBBOREBAGB BUSI5BSS, ! UNDERSIGffEp ofiora bis services to fait ^ ...oudaaudUie public as a GENEJIA L BROKI* R Particular attention given to the. purchase and sale of Cotton, Stooka, Bonds, fto., and procur ing freigjn*forvjesxeU. . t. it —* t. ** not Spt-W.4’ 1 »• * Mirr i JOHN T. ROWLAND. ^ » Un, H tMj'LDtr. ( HtecSeb 1 Itaiiffo.''';;! W i . .fta-^hlpporeiff Cotton by tluwo stoumshliw Wilt |>loiwb toko ijullco, that no cotton will ho rocuivod at on tlm edge t.oylB CT. ' JEr Gordon paiS vmr-r-xvT. «Hw, -III t« r«|til«rlF-i i W* week—Uolwoou 8*raim,li ,11(1 cturleiton leaving every Wnlncailny tuni Beturdey nReraton., nlOtt’oloek; end rolorollti will lekve ef V!°eto!(t° V ° ry IU " , Friday nRornoone, .. ,Forlrolgi)i or iHHeage e|t|ily to J. I*. BRIIOKS, Agent, filterIcelon wlierr. F’’ 1 'SfilfWN-TI'o regular peokei bark .Ptpl.Hanlngton,bavlngapartof . I . . go engaged, wm mootwUli dlapatoli” yor freight apply lo tbe captain od board, or to novll OARLKPON A PARSONS. FUN ERKtaHT OR CHARTER—The Swo- tppiy on board at Habonnani'a •Uarfior to ■; • "OV8 I’AIIEl.EORD. FAY k LU. if FOR PIULADELPHIA—The tint olaw i jjSfjftisgjik 1 Sabik passage to "am tobk ; .:•! l|.<lvtl-.l>;> tjjgs $*5 00. STUTTEWNG ,AND STAMMERING 'e will T~ ,y ,•“/ i-"*™ »•*« iTwr<u,vu the re ceipt or 910; and the money returned, if the cure Is not effectual. All letters must be addressed to Dr.Wyckoffi Box 746, PUlsburg, Pa.^ in care or Arthore, Rodgefa ft Oo., Bankers P. S. CorrtMpondeotawiU please enclose stamp for return postage. Caution.—All persons who cannot produce my gonuine cortlflcale, are humbugs. sept26~wly‘ Dr, \y. DISSECTOR’S GUIDE. rilHE. Practical AnatomlBt and Student’s Guide In X tho Dlssfuting Room - by Dr, J. M. Allen, with upwards of 200 illnstrotions. AU tho Gloss Books required tor students in tho Medical College. Arnoug thorns Nelli H Smith’s Compendium, William’s Principles or Medicine, DungUsoh’s Physiology, Tberapcuilo's, Practice, Now Remedlos, Dictionary, ftc., fto. Carpenter’s Physiology, Diet’y Surgory, Erichsen’s, Miller’s, Fergasou’s and other works on Surgery; Wood’s Barlow’s, Bell ft Stoko’ij, Dickson’s, and othor works on Practice; Caxeaux’s Midwifery; Meig’s Obst tries, aud many rocent works ou Medical sub- Jects. also: l/mg’s Atlas of Claxstoal Goography—52 maps. Sabbath Bells chimed by the Poets—beautlfolly illustrated. ' Poetry or the Woods, of the Field and or the Year—fine plates. novd W. THORNE WILLIAMS. MEW FALL AND"WINTER _J_- DRY GOODS. rfUlb uuduraigned have and ore uow receiving X their stock or Foreign mid Domestic Dry Goods, To Which nicy Invito the atleution or their friends and customers, and public generally, as they feel quite confident that they can oiler Buch Induce moots as will satisiy tho closest buyers, Iu oui tine will be found a toll supply or Planters’ Goods, 'such as Kerseys, Blankets, Llnscys, Flannels, Sheetings, Shirtings, Cloths, Casslmeres, with a good variety of pthqr Myle#. Janoy Dross Goods, such us rich, (all woojj De talnes. Worsted Plaids, Cashmeres, English and French Merlnoes, til Iks, black and colored. Also, Moire Antiquo Silks, Em* broideries. Mantillas, Cloaks; Prm Trimmings, fto., fto,,-all of which we oltor ou liboral terms. Cali uud examine at ‘ WELLS A WILLIAMS, oet U No. 149 Congress street. KNIGHTS & THEIR DA YS B Y DR. HORAN, author or « Table Traits,” fto. TUeHilittor tboSbatemuc, by Miss Warner, author, of ** Wide, Wide World,” fto. A Pilgrimage to Ki Medlnah and Meccah, by Llout. Burwu, of the Bombay Army, with map aud illus- i ration*. Tbe Humorous Poetry of tbe English Language, from. Chaucer to Saxe. ' Lorlmer Littlegood, Esq., a y. ung gentleman who wished to see Life, by Smedley. Third volutnu Irving’s Life of Washington—cheap edition. / , , Wood, Thurapewtio and PUarmacalogy—a new -Wprk- . ... vi-siii*" Sirajwofi’a obstureirlcs—2 vote., complete. Young America’s Picture Gallery—70 lllu'.tra. tWL*. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, oct 9 . UUffiT dc WEBSTER’S IMPROVED SHUTTLE SEWING MACHINE. I iKSIG.NKD tor Familios, plantations, Dress ma- X-rUers. failure, Boot ft Shoo uauufucturere and otiiere wiio umy wish'to do their own sowing cheap ly aud vrjtu oxpedltiou. This machine sews a uni form stitch with both sides alike, aud which will no! ravel. It Is more simple, is less liable to get out ol order, aud costa less iu proportion than any other machine, and lawwrrauted to be perfect, and to work well. All apparatus necessary tor oonveuient use is furnished with U, and any Instruction will l>e given .that will be necossary to ensure to lUe purchaser K* successfoloperation and durability. The public ore respectfully Invited to call and ex< amine them at 186 Congress st. ALFRED 1 WEBSTER. Geu. AgL tOT A very neat and ornamental Iron Table wUlnow be glven^rith a machine for a small sum addition to tho regular price May 25. WW! BXCHANaB UUTUAK lNSjCOMPANY Unjllui.!.. JOHN MrfKWw'LvTtlf&'otnry. Flro Imuraiico, limited or iKijtdual, mudu fui town orcoQntfy, qn every dotorlpilon (tf property. Marino insurafico on "ossols, Cargo and Freight. •. ROBERT. AtlimN./Agent, nbyia _ ...... j.', Id I Bay street. > HOWARD FIR BAND MARINE' INS ■ COMPANY OF PmUDKto’HrA. (Franklin Building, 94 Walnut st., Philadelphia.S ■v CHAHTKit PERPETUAL. Innorported by Act ol' tho taglelkturo of Poun * sylvauia Capital paid in and invested.;. .8408,100 Chartered Capital floo.OiH) Inmranoe against I/ms or lUmogo by Fire, Ma rine and Inlaud Navigation, at tho lowest rates. PKR01VAL M. Pony, President. 0. E. SPANGLER, Vice President, W. H. WOOIW. SocroUry. ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, novlS 164 Bay slreot. FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. THE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VAUiEV OF VIRGINIA. Available Capital. oo Surplus 01,617 27 CHARTER perpetual. Takes risks on Cargo, Freight, Buildings, Mer chandize, fto,; lu town and country. IJi Losses promptly and llborally adjusted. ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, novl3 164 .Bay street* The .undersigned having becu upitolnted Agont for the above Insurance Companies, is now pro. paTed to Issue Policies of Insurance, ou ttuann, u ' oArgoes, ... FREIGHT, houses, STOCK IN TRADE, FURNITURE, Ac., fto;. at ax tow rates as auy other responsible agency in this city, and pledges himself to his friends uud those who may be desirous to insure with him, that the oflicos for which he is Agent aro sound, reliable, aud well conducted, aud will pay prompt ly all losses that may occur, withoutcavllur delay ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, nov!8 164 Bay street. THE GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE 00. OF NEW YORK, A RE taking MARINE and RIVER Risks at their □L. Agency, on Drayton streot, near tho Bay. <.. Approved. Risks will bo taken ou liberal terms, and ibe usualoreditglvou on Premium Notes. Three quarters of Uie business will bo returned lo the customers iu Scrip. oct22-lm C. A* Li Lamar, Agent. ’ 7\- INSUKANUfi. , •• Southern Mutual Insurance Company; Southern Mutual Life Ins, Company, Home Insurance Company, of N« Yorlt, Sprlnglield Fire ft Marine Ins* Com'}’, Risks iu tho above Insurance Oomjtaules uudertu ken by WM. KING ft 80NS,^Agents, Savon . .(t No,.90 Bay street, itlih, 14th Debethberl 1866.' " ' decl+ MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Charter Perixstual. Nett accumulation, Jan. 1,185U*. f 2,280,uon - Total amouut of dividends paid to date 716,402 tf«. Total amount or claims by death paid to date., 1,880,990 84 i i t' v • ; • 282,488 9"; Beujamtn 0. Miller, Secretary, Joseph ttard Genera) Agent, Robert 1* Patterson, President. ♦The funds of this Comiuuy are ail safely iuvostod In first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cosh, and notes of membdt-rf tolly secured by their |«lloies For tortber particulars inquire or WM. II. GLADDING. Agent in Savauimh, At tho office of Bell ft Prentiss J,». BUIJJVAN, Medical Examiner: KUOCHK.VCK I Mesxre. PaimroHo, Far ft Co., J.-K. Tan, Esq., State Bank; t feu 29 THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, i‘hiladelj>hia. Pam. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL $IH)0,000. nos, DIRECTORS: Charles C. Lathrop, 682 8pruce street; Alexander Whildon, Merchant, 14 North Front-Bt.i John 0.Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter ft Co.; E. Tracjr, firm of Tracy, ft Baker: John R. M’Curdy, firm or Jones, White te-M'Curdy: Isaac Hozleburat, Attorney and CounseUor; James B. Smith, firm or James B. Smith ft Oo.; Theedore W. Baker, firm of Tracy ft Bakor; R. 8. Walton, 800 Market street: Thomas K. limerick, 634 Spruce streot; John J.‘Baker, Goldsmith’s Hall CHARLES C. LATHROP. President. Taos. K. LmriuoK, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, June 15 « * No. 86 Bay street. HOUSE. wtehlug to: subscribe by the to Dollar, to Bathe when they BATH a KNTLKUEN mouth at ouo cnoose will yloosecali in and give thoir names until Saturday 8th or N°v. Should (hero not be a suffi cient tiumbdr of subscribers obtained by the above dale'tho Bath House will be closed till April next. J. M. HAYWOOD, uct81"UllU8 Agent. General Southern Insurance ' A.a-Ei3sroTr T HE SUBSCRIBER is prepared to effect Iuuurunce to any amount in tho 8tate or Georgia, on LIFE, FIRE OR MARINE RISKS In tho following good stock Companies: FARMERS AND MECHANIC'S FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y, {OK PHILADELPHIA. Capital 11,260,000 Hon. THOS B. FLORENCE, President. Eow. R. Hkuibouj, Seo’y. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF HARTFORD, CT. Cash Capital 8800.000 RALPH GILLETT, President, Jas. H. Spraoub, Seo’y. STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CoMP’Y. OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital and Assets 8309,000 J. P. RUTHERFORD, President, Silas Ward, Sec’y. BRIDGEPORT FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE OCMP’Y, OF BRIDQRPOltT, CT. Cash Capital uud Assets 8126,000 HENRY W. CHATF1ELD, President, J. H. Wasubcbm, Soo’y. EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y, _ OF LONDON Capital ,....82,600,000 CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF HARTFORD, CT. Capital and Surplus over .8400,000 J.3C. WAJ.KLEY, President, S. II. Wiara, Scc’y. AS* Life Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rate, for tbe benefit of the heirs and creditors, or poyablo to tho wlfefree from theclaimsof creditors. 49* Marine Insurance ou hulls or cargoes t > all parts of the world A. WILBUR, oct23 |. General Idb. Agont and Broker. ATTENTION PUBLIC. BOOKS & STATIONERY rflHK SUBSCRIBE!! bu ou foind lb. 80H001. I BOOKS In uw lu Hi. Scboobj of lb. city, to- uinorwitUn&ue uiorlaenvuf the laid Oue&p Publications, Uiinualucs, &c., So., unit his stock or Mlscollansoua Jtooka will be Increased M fast .a II cau be done will.» 4»e,tcg«iiw . good stock. ' A dec ntaorlmoul of duvcnilc Bocks, Cclorad Wmarajoy Booka,^^^ Puuor Ecvelopca, VTaax, Bill Paper, I’onoila. l’cn Holders, Slates, and fluon Sla»l.,«llcl«u .very body wonts. J ‘ ... jr ^ Tho Ungnaloca and tubUimUon; wlB b. ro- L ' 1 oct 8 ilnd CANDY MANUFACTORY AND CON FECTIONERY. D avid n. GALLOWAY, having retired from Vylltlca, would inform tho nubile that he hoi goon to making-.Candies, and leillnf FroncL Con- lectioncrles, Dried Fruita, Nuts, fto., at the old <• UbUtoed stand recently occupied by Messrs. N (• combo, Riuc ft Fitzgerald, corner Brongh on and Whitaker streets, Bavannah, Ga., where he will be Bleared to accommodate and fill all order* with prumptnee* and dispatch, to Demoorate, Ameri cans, and tbe “dear people” generally. ., . This la tho place where the genuine Cough Candy Is made. Enough told. Terms cosh. No charge for pack ing,or snipping: ?m—«ug2a, a-iMUk.aH '-i 1AU1LY BIBIJS-Wo AND Livery Stables, NO. 225 BAY STREET, FBEEXAN, HBHDBRSON & CO, PROPRIETORS. T IE tubreribers would inform the public that they have opened a Stable in the Brick Build ing o» Bay streot, between Montgomery and Jeffer son streets, and have added to their already LARGE STOCK eeveral well broke NORTHERN HORSES, besides new BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, and are now able to supply all orders in their line.' They will have OMNIBUSSES and HACKS on the arrival and departure or tho Cars and Steamers And als< HACKSfor PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION. Their eetabltehmsnt in all Ita departments, they ore determined SHALL NOT BE EXCELLED IN THE 80UTHERN COUNTRY. FREEMAN, HENDERSON ft CO. oct8o-tr ■ -p Til* FOR A ’ ■*” T it FOR TAT. a reply to “ Uuclo Tom’s Cabin ” and *‘Dred, ’ by a lady df New Orleans. How to Dress with Taste, containing hints upon he harmony oToolors, tho complexion, fto., Ac., icing a suitable edmpauion for the toilet table. Bridal Etiquette, a sensible guldo to the etlquoito and observances or tbe marriage coremonies. HoW to Behave, or the Spirit or Etiquette. How to-Woo and How to Win. How to be a Lady,a book for girls, containing use ful hints on the foraation or character. How to be a Man, a book containing useful hints on the formation of character. The Business Man’s Adviser, consisting oT tho BuataMa Man’s Assistant and Ready Reckoner, tbe Trader’s Guide, and the Landlord’* and Tenant's Assistant. The Tradesman’s and Mechanic's Counsellor and Ready Calculator, comprising the Tradesman’s Guide or lftw of Trade, with a supplement of Roles and Tables, Received by J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent, - nov7, under the MsrahoU House. OEMI-8 AXD BOY’B W£&B. pity, got up In.lh. beat ;ey mofoepo,ondmqroo- “ American*, also, hand- Jons of tho Bible, an J I^ n «B» tt .„ry.k W ,fo,wfob rkDJl Y a BY BELL A PRENTISS. kernel .0h To l SXLt fU. _ ’ .liAuktoiio Eurth’onwurb' nt 'Auction. ,nn m i UTIHS'DAY, at 11 o'olock, lu front of stow,' i in' A co'nihrting of SIPW® ,C.|ps and Saucerai Vegetable Dtejiek, alt Wgo6d oi-der iftd sultablo tor T^F^inA^/omlnt'ncIp^.tjp/iFditr^ir.u^oor reHtaU'ant. ; A good AsMirtmjMt ^WbqSud'banilhiinUur*, leo’:- •^TorWsOtah ‘ ’ /; now Groatftiilo or lloolw and Slailfefery, at Auotlou, THIS KVliNINU, fit fcirjy gffif light, at the store comer of Congrcas wUttaiker atrttBta^ > o ( . Boohs aud Stationery,' EnCyffiopedlas and valua ble Scientific, Mechanical and Arohitectura) works., tnagnmcontiy lllu^ttivtod’, louden n^d American wiirkn of tinu ami useful arts, and splendid stau- dard library books In all tho various departments of Literature'.'. Imcollcct^h comprises the great eat Varloty ofvaluftblo stautiurd wfarks in tbe va rious departments orlitoral tiro; scienco and arts ever oTTure'V In this oily, including must,pf the best stamlard WoikB published iu this country. Annu als and ologdmiy lllUifratc-d works, fine Bibles und Prayor Books, fine Letter and Note Papers,- Envel opes, Stationery;'Ac., fto. '} be books ire all new and watrahtbd per.eel dtid will bp sold outlrely without reserve to tho highest bldaor. ' ' • Ladies apd gcnfleraini are liWitoti to call and ox- amlnc them during llio day/ *•'. • Catalogues may be had ut the SAhte room - Terms cash, hr chadors' to' Iwy Tor and take away tli.eir. bwks lliu day following each sale. . Solo to aonttuuo every evening during tho week. • uovifi. " /. UOV16- . .Walclti-s and Jewelry. ' THIS EVENING, 12tii, at 7-o’clock, at tho store No. —. Congress street, opposite Monument Square, .Will bOHOld: , .A goucral assortment of Watches and Jo'Wclry, consisting of Gold ana Silver WatohM, Gold Pen- cite, Pens, Jackets, Pins, and » general assortment offlno Jowolry, Plated ware, nud Fanoy Articles.’ Terms cash. .saleitobB continued every evening during the week .-/•••<■• pj" novl2 Household Furuituro, Ou MONDAY next, 17th lust., ut 11 o’olook, at N</, 2QuttHtoek'H^iUgq )( wUlbe8oW: ‘ AD thu Furniture eohtuUiud iu said house,' cbn-‘ sisiing of ugnucrul astorlmc-ut of Parlor,chamber and Kitchen FUruiture. Sale pcsltivo. • . 1 Terms cash,. 7 , .'" .,. jr ^uovll •■'button Market Pool - al Private Sale. l1 "' Just received per steamer Knoxvlllo: , ’ 12 half bids F a ftou Marker Beef, put np, express ly l\»r us, und warranted better than any oihcr sold in this market. • ; t i i \ Wo Khali 1 receive' by 'bvoryistoainer^ small uu voice of this'Beef, which we cuo wllii cuufidenee recommend to tha dealers and warrant it to give, satisfaction. ' :\' _ , novll . 1'btafoestJt FrlVatu Fate, Jutt recoived'-por sohr TRuyuinud from New York, 20 bhls potatoes) in gred order. . noil “* Apples ill Private alb. 1 ‘ : " u h ' Just received perschrE LB Wales, frumNew York 3U bbls Apples, iu prime order. ,, noil Houses.niid.Lot ut PrJVato'siaoT Lot No. 17 vuruor ol Taylor aun Tuttuall-slreets, 80 to 100 fovt, with improveuvviti*i 'consisting .of a double teiiement lwo story House, uii high base- moiit—all In good rbpair. For tortus and other, particulars, apply at our Cotinting Reoin. uovti “ ' . ..... NovrFish.. Just roerived sehr L H.Davis: - - N .' 20 bbls uow up. is Mackerel • . 2U do . do\dq, 8. do . ' .20 lilf blite dodo 2' *do 20 do do dodo 3 do 2U qr do i)o do 2 Uu 20 qr do do do '0 do lObbls PiukelodSbad 100 boxes, each 40 lbs, new Codfish—prime 10 do do 60 do, smoked Salmon, now lauding and for sale low from tlio wharr. * —ALSO— 60 boxes fresh grouud Java Coffeo. oc21 Bacon.; / Jusi rccuiveii in slpro, and for sulo low', aud ou uccumnioilatibg tefms-■•••• " 40 lihds prime Sides. '' j ;];,oc21 Carter Potatoes at Private Sale. Just received per schr J TtJricn, from Now- York, 60 bbls Curler Potatoes. i. . . - oct24 4— New Herrings at Private Sule.^ •. Just received per eobootier LS Davis, and now landing. ... .. 600 boxoa first quality Smoked Horrlngs 25 barrels Holland Herriugs iu dry'salt, for fata low • • ' - •' oct 24 Thl nm laktonatvccta. ... Iw?® and Gulf Rsilroatl Depot. ini sd tound and todoTIlis __„j, Albany ' lew city lot-t ' log interent at ^JunelW^ . th« Onl WHO Ih.nratd iffSjOcrM, being ot «mo. 8creyen, decented, ttiU *° ‘i o r0 - r heue(tt of the heirs aha creditor*. J, Pi SCREVEN, Executor SWAN & CO'S LOTTE- ’ [ACtHOSIXXD BY THK SCATS Of OSUBOM.] i No vel buhemlii VAVjerAi vaiiui ' • 4 0,00 0 - mwMDirtainmE $40. Morn than On. Prin» to .rtry Teu Ticket* I “ . 1-tUZfiB QWHAN1EKDI . ■„ KIN'OLK KL'KBKKS 111 Srj-U'OhMor. In bujln K lo Whole Ticket., TtcKtu-j^so Frlua. pwzk AiiobSTUio to ^2 0 4., 0 0 0 1 I be dUtributod' according to the foUowiuK ■ ! . OKIOINaJ, BCHKHk I lprl,ool......MO ) 000 !. WOiOW1 ' .rt'KOXlMitlul iVutki.’,'' ! ’ 7,000 2,000 prise, are 4n • « : - 11 i. • 00 prise, are $jfc. •8.280 prixea umountiug to„ Wholo Tlckete "810—Halves I PLAN OF THE. LfrtilBRY. 00*000, Numbers corresponding with those num. here Alto Ticket. Mb plicedtS bob"® The 1,800 120,000 i ,8204,000 Ives 85.00—Quarters 82.50. • For Ronl, ' • Tho couutlng room and at ; -ro next to oiir store, formerly occupied by Mayor ft Blum. Also.BuvcrAl Htores under our eeuutll'g room angi’O NEW TIN STOllE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 so pro op auiiKkr HqcARs, bhyan btrutt 1 would inform my old friends and patron* havo opened tho above storo to conduct tbe Stove, Tin ami Sheet-Iron Business in all it* I various forms, und where will bo tound a gen. eraluasortmeni of titovoe, -Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, which 1 will bo pleased to -show, and at' xuch price as wiilsaUsiy any one wishing to purchase. All kinds of Roofing, Gutters of-Load, Galvanised Iron Work of every description, Job Work aud Re pairing executed with dispatch; old Stoves put up and 11i>es furnished at short notico. Tin Wore at wholesale aud retail. Call down on Bryan street, it will pay you for your walk, oct 2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS MACON, GEORGIA. A TUo subscriber, from long experience In the bus iness. Is prepared to.furnish Steam ^kO^ogtacs, Boilers, Circular, Siugla aud Gang' Saw Mill Machinery,. Grist aud Merchant' Mills,.Sugar Mills, Gin Gearing, aud Castings lu gen-" oral. The Saw Frames, whether foreUprignt or dr- cuter, will be of irou when t-eqairedf. *ARof which, with ute many improvements, is warranted to be' equal to tho Dost made at aiiy othor establishment. His works are on ft scale as extensive as tho larg est at tho North, and bo is prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch. uug 7 , J_ : ROBKKT FINDLAY G* M« GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN Corner of Bryan and Whitaker Streets. HAS now bn hand a bountiful os- sorimotu of Jewelry of every dte- JpA' n cription and kind worn by ladies ttj| and geatletaou. and wlllf ellatunuauaUy low prices, I have tills .day received (per Express) a large stock of eleguut Slver Woro, consisting or Coke and Fie Knives, plain and engraved . Fish Knives and Forks, Ficklod Knives aud Forks, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Napkin RingB, NutmogGraters, ftc. ftc., all In Morccco.eaaca, and suitable for preeeule. -1 have also this day rdcoivcd. au addition to my stock ol halrwork of light colored Curls, Topeys. Braids,Front Pieces, Bands, Undo Tom, fto., whloh nowJoftkes ray assortment complete. Ordors receivedMteny color desired. ..•»< *•»■.! '■■■■• Watches repaired by and under Iho superrislon of self, and all other work done In a workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 25 ^'^IfO-dfAWn te placed"agatest^he alir u “r i abL b uT U r ,“‘" n “ temtM UnUI ,— T *>0 l»» lireceiUDg ud 840,OuO Prize ends with No. i, then all the Tickets where the number enda in 1 will be entitled to $4o If the Number ends with No. 2$ then all tbe Tickets so TOtoT 681 10 2 wlU b8 “"M** » W«, URKATINDUCKUKNT5 TO CLUBS. .As, by.thiB Ticket In everV 10 is “ “ “““ ‘ ‘ *“ Ifloate Oortificesofpaoksgeofio W)i6leTickets... .860 ** *’ 10-Half ‘ «•;. .'go . *f ■ io Quarter ” It will hii perceived* this ptefa, that ferVao tho Ifuruhassr lu. . Wtuiliit. or 1? wtoou ho buyaltokete he would only get tt Wholes, thus by, buying, Cfer.lilcate . _Psum 6 • . ..uvmIos be has lour more chances for larger Prises—Halves and Guar- tor Packages tu proportion. IN OHlitHlM. 'IICKK'K Olt CKKT1F10ATU8. Kuoltt.-. tlio tnoucy to our utdrats lor Ut. Tlokot. byflrsi m™i" CCCll ‘ U "' vshitU * U1 ^ Tko drawn otunbera will bo IbrwwMto our oUtcorelmmoJiMoly ottor tho tlr.wmk.T^ IblftyduyB^tuU wltojlltloductloo. olthLrto t0t hs addreased 8. 8rAN‘ft do:, Atlanta, Ga.. or 8.8WAN, Montgomery, Ala WOOD AND LU A LL kinds of Wood, Boaid Timber, Shingle*, light-woe Latb. r«llcffor.ale, *t win TO BVUJOUB*. . ,1io/ T^Effico 1 ? rWo mo.^ nsnUko fitafiner, all kinds of Metal Roofing, Guitois, Cornice, or connected with *■ - turffig or repairing of Copper, Galvftnl] or Sheetlron Business. ; 1 ' u or Sheetlron Buriness. ll oetl8 BIASSIE SCHOOL. r [E MA8SIE SCHOOL will bo opened on WED NESDAY, October 16tb. ’Iho Regulations require that alter the opening ol tho School, <( Applicants shall bo recolved every ,J “ “ rstweek, and.ou Monday of oach sue UNITED STATE’S MARSHAL’S SALE, O N (he first TUESDAY to iWcffiber next ilt will seU Ut front of the court houxein titaWof8 a- vuunab, hotwedn the usual hours Jf safe, aUtote or Joud attuned, lyihgftnd befog In the'city of Ba vaunah; county or Chatham , Bute pT Gebrgtel'khown and aesorlbdd'onlbe map on tlfttt of gftid clur. nub- Ushed by Jno, M. OoopCr ft Co- Ih* 1858,^VtuUol*itet- Ahst by Price st£ fWlotlged’tfonth by' HuntiniSon st, prolonged west by a tract of land edaunoalv lane ft Beard, which said lotaTettered as above are parts and parcels cflhe Eastern k tart of Garden lots.Nc; 43 and 44 East;-the same ovted-,fi|»naa the properly of Michael Prender. goat, to satury.tsfo fifes ior the fl " ~ “ - day or tho first , ceoiling week of tho tei 1 There oro Btillsovorai . ig week or the town,V, vacancies in lire School. Until tho opening or tho School,applicationsmoy be made to tho Prlncip.l, who will bo found at tho School Room every morn ing from«to 10. . ' fi Ry order of the dommiaslbuert, oet 10 ' B. MALLOW, Priucipai. PIANO FORTES*' , HAVING lately received largd ad- I diUons to our PIANO FORTES, we are euabied to oiler at thU'timb tbe. yl*. toff gl v o ‘AglMIlUly WIMi Y us os rogariht durftbllity, Onr Pl^oa aro whom we havo Cull confldouep in, and ,1T8 > arf par ticularly requested by them to give agnaranty with every instrument sold by *" *— tone, fto. Persons in "want or I ly wilb safety upon getting (ittttb ft‘ ofit from tbe following makers,' whos’ti lniitttibRinis we endeavor to keep constantly on band,' vift: H. Wor cester, J. Chickering ft Son, Noons ft Clarke, Bacon ft Ravens, H. Waters, and Uaince, Brothers ft Cum- mlng. 1. W. MORRELL ft CO. aug27 t,uo siery OfaU Hftm’AaiHeWA- THE ONLY::; EXCLUSIVE ITTHI fx. a lAKE tlio .opportunity to rewt’n thfti,. . frieuds and .the- pubHe -for' their 1 fait. hope from strict attention tot their buelilras^tur, tinuatiou.or their inttronsge,; aridwould'there respectfully ask the attention-or tho public ‘to tL usually targe stock or Piano Forte*;'having' ftddi this season also, W. Knabor and G. Vogt’s '' “ Which for eteatlclta and beauty of Msmt 4l _ power, can not besarposawfi- Ateo, on -tand> targe assortment of-.MasWal 'Ifercbandhte^Mtd k choice coUoctlon of Homs and Foreign Music; ocl29 iij.ii iumiii'-ii.v. ->•.!» • 'r.i.TTrtr 'QEHEBU.ROUCX.' Ifll .Slt-rlV. M. GRIFFIN has -J lx# lot.— - , Gent’s i Wen Cambric Hdkf’r^ to. do., Col’d Borders d6.,Blocks, Napoleon Ties and Cravats, ftc., fto For sale by oovft dswitt ft morqan. lot or SUrer8agarHp0en«,4 ladles. Butter^Knifes; Knives, Fori Pie Kulves, Foils,-Knlvfts and i'orka; Crumb.Scrapon^ftc., fto., mostly In mor I suitable tor presents. novll I TTAY. Corn and Lard,ln storefand for sale by Uoclu uxter WNOB. oct 25 1 atrla-lTW 0. Or POOLS, fNo.'ll, Whittaker Street, (two dr u, Window " i_j'r _ pafeff .,. SRoralh tubes, 1 Prepared PAPER HANGINGS, BO! . PATT Rooms prepari * ' Hoosej Blgu and fi Gtexing dono ln nrioe«/"" ; - ■ i, r ‘ All orders iroin the —.. JtoWM.<* PAHKHU8SI 'k ipM ovcil bjr UiodMUiaKr.JobB R. iiUnli ImlrttoUoUlo lata ttrm .re repu«M lm m^llote p.jinoM. ■ |tr. Ot»nn fukl nutena to ttoMManavur mi or in. Ifhinoiod irewjc:: i>.'i a -i'i «<’ I :i"‘"Oi ,, PARH*'^' — 1r.-1 il / ,/T >U»I •mg,, op-iin* i^Mcr iplilus nod UoylM, Jtot W<Mi tor . jiuumU, t'tao Kuhud Whltnsy BUoki ■WMM Itok| toddw-«*>« „ *ipr«.ta »l tlwlowolmMlMlj»lcM k w,i. mb W i4la»WJ woiviri Jt near*! uul Ibr Ml. .AOirOY. *0^17^ vi Iltw .ichrA. ’QfV.oirr •2U'«r (tro’i., tarwloot ih* AHwa/ ita.that U ton- Muitly itppUed, oad offer tb. . ‘ •ii.! ,i..l 1 ..t ■,i ijitj 0651 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON ft 00.