Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 17, 1856, Image 4
Ifin or nonn /iuHM cOONtY.-Wkmu, JoM*h *. Sib' (Jbm«iutnlr*>UwOMit«rortiu>r fbr tSunmwlMrTu •««•»•* a. Un Kittle of "rSSliS'ttiriftre. '*•mm *lw«W.jjU nbwili wy cMWft, to Im im *W«W b«lbra nM "ttuen wUl be(nett<l. _wu*Mt, J V diotr IMJi ttoaetaatasta«c*tnantiexo, oo thoeaUto ofGoorge cJorttoKt* therefor., io dto ud tdmaohb »U vouotm. to. b* ud .MK>r before mM .oMkMm, (If uf thojr h«.o),nu or before Ibe dm Uondijr ID Uouembcr beet other- wire Mid leUen «IU beirenled. WtUnee, John »lbo, Km., Ordinary for eoeely, IbH diet day er October »W. Si JOHN, o. o. n. rtUaSWEffiSt may oo*. Utratoroa tha Mate of Heart taaeon. _ , iSimmaraTtoaratoct, loowud admoaUh ill ^®S& < ? , 5SSS < *oet II 1 JOHN BILBO, 0.0.0. A DHINBtBATOR’8 RALE—Aireceble u an Sr- der (ranted by Iba Ooml cJardlnery of eebl coaoty, win be Mid before Ibe Uoorl Homo uoor, In eeld ooaaly, oa Ibe Ireilbeeday In OMembcr neat, between the lawfol bonraofealeflU) Brobnndred aad twetoe acree, more or leu line Unit. well In- ftsesfl IHI WMlea Bnebj North Wllilem Rowe, bolonilng lo Ihs Estate of Morris Berrien* deceased, sola for tha benefit of tbe holm of Mid deceased. Terms ou Um dor of n»i». Tbit 161b day October. I860. 7 JOHANN All D0RR1KN, Adm’x. oeilO TIMOTHY OONNKLLY, Adra'r. k&t* ■ STATS Chart nr Ordinary for UWeri unewr a> Adnln- lelralerMlbaRMauorOeortnaieiMder. Tbeee are, therefore, to cm end ndmlnlah all erbon U an,toibe am avow before eeld Coon to nSe ohfectloa (It tar may bare) oo or before tbeflnt fiooday in earn neat, otberwlie of OaobaTieto. Joan IW, 0.0.0. net a "■TATS OF UKOttQU. /CHATHAM CO0MTY—To aU whom it may (j eoooent t Vbereee, John P. Hlaee will apfto Otito Chart of Ordln^forleii«.dlmmorye.a. nlnletrater oo the helale o' Jouiee 0. Htoeei Hum in. tiurdbre. to .at* aad adaoalM whom It aur ooaearn, to be aad appear before laid **Wtoeaatoha &£>!*&*' Ordinary IbrOialban rs2?tefty 5 b.i!S».toaa STATS 09 GkOtldlAe JEs to r:.rK ts " wSwi’jSn Ordinary for Chatham ° 0tU aaf llth dfc T * A J0HN* BILBO, o. e. c. STATS Of SAIRSU. C HATHAM COD.STV—to an whom It nay Con; own: Whereat, Jamea Doyle will apply at the Court or Ordinary torleuon nwnleory ea adnlnla tralor no the eetate of Georct Aleaander. Tbeee are therefore to ette and admenleh all aw earned, to be end appear baton uld Court to Make ehjoctlona, (It any they hare,) on or betore too diet Monday In AprU next, otoorwue eeld lef— wUl beirenled. Wltnee , John Bilbo, Em-, urdlnary Ur Cbetoem 1MF0BTAST AMITAl. the Cali brated Otolrvoyanl, has arrived la this *’.lly, ana | token Rooms nt So. 143; Broughton street, ono door. Rastuf Jttj Sullivan ft Oo.’a Tin Store, whore she um be UrasultH respecting tbo FAST, I'HINKNT, fBTU«K and DHKA*R8. I ;'. iuiV27-\m . WBBlfaFV ' AnvvjiTeami sautev, rnuonmu. rs. Authorited Agent for tbs Savannah Journal, ■TATK OF UBORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con- oern: Whereas, Wm. Groover, Jr- one of the •xeeuton, aad Sarah H. Groover, executrix, on the eatata of John Groover, dccoaied, will apply ut the U>art of Ordinary for Lottora PUmlsicry, and to have the estate or tbo aahl John Groover dlsmlssdd as executor of WIlUam Groover, Sr., deceased: These are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom It may concern to be and appear before said whom It may eooeern to be ana appear bororu saw Court, to make objection (ir any they have) In terms ef the tow, otherwise aatd tatters will bo granted. Witness. William Lee, Ordinary for th- UKOKUIA BCliLOCH COUNTY. A DjmnSTBATOR’RRALE—Agreeable to u or- der granted by the Court of ordinary of aa-d county, will be sold before the Court Houso door, In aald county, on the first Tuesday in December next, between the lawfol hours of sale, (350) three hundred and fifty acres of Pine bind, more or less in said county, well improved, bounded by Haskell Sejnmons, William Sheffield and John Brown sen. belonging to tha Bitote of Tbo mas Crosby, deceased, •old fortna benefit of the heirs and creditors of laid deceased. Terms on the day of sale TblslSthday *2*8"' WILLIAM t. CROSBY, AJm'r. ■ STATE OF GEOBOIA, /CHATHAM COUNTY—'I# til whom It may Coo- \J cent: Whereas, John lama will apply at tha . Oonrtof Ordinary for letters dlsmissory, as admin. Sstrator on the estate of Henry Caason. Tbeaa are, therefore, to cite and admonish all whom tt may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they have) on or before tha first Monday ta April next, other •aid letters will ba granted. Witness, John Bilbo. Ksq.. Ordinary for Chatham County, this seventh day of October. 18M. oct 9—Cm JOHN BILBO, o. o. c. STATB OF GEORGIA TATTNALL CO. mo all Whom it may concern >-Whereas Jamea X Standflald wlU apply at the Court of Ordinary * for Latters of Administration on the estate of John Spears, late of said County, deceased. These are, therefore, to dte and admonish all whom it may eooeern, to be and appear before said Court to make objection (if any they hare) on or before the first Monday In November next, otherwise said letters wUl be granted. •fitness, H. SnuoxuurD. Ebq., Ordinary for Tatt nall County, this the 9th day of August, 1156. aag 2»—2m H. STRICKLAND, Ordinasy STATE OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con* earn: whereas, Seaborn B Cowart will apply at the Court of Ordinary for letters dlsmissory as administrator on the estate of Patrick D Keleher, GEORGIA BULLOCH COUNTY, mo ALL whom it may concern, whereas Heflry J. X Parrish will apply at the Court or Ordinary for totters of guardianship of Isaiah M Martha, George W. John, A and Henry Parish, orphan chil dren of btoh Pariah, deceased, these are therefore tociteandadmoalahaU whom it may concern to be and appear before said Court to make objections, nr any they have) on or before the first Monday in December next, otherwise said letters will be grant Ode Witness, William Lee, Ordinary for the County of Bulloch, this 15th Oct. A. D. 1866. oct 19 WILUAM LEK ,UB GEORGIA,LIBERTY COUNTY'. T fO months alter datt, I wlU apply to the Cour or Ordinary of Liberty County for leave to sell a portion of the real and personal estate of Benja min W. Alton, tote deceased, or so much thereof as to necessary; and sold for the benefit or the heirs aad distributees of said estate. CAROLINE E. ALLEN, Qualified Administratrix. October 6th, 1866. oct 12—2m CITY SHERIFF’S BALK; VALUABLE RICE PLANTATION FOR SAL ft,. rrrtnx w milks or tux cm .w hava.vs.4h. O N the first Tuesday In Docoinbcr next, will bo sold before tlio Court Houhc in iho city of ga vaunah, tbo llantation ou Iho Savannah river, leu miles from Iho city, kttowu as Mulberry Grove, be* looglug to the csUto of tbo late Philip Ulmer, c..p* talU’iig nix humlred tuid eigtdy•seven acrcH,, ol which thorn uro Un huudrod Hires of first 'iMulity Udo j-ioo land, and one huntlrod ami fifty-Uvpacre* uuilcrgood bunks ami in a tine .--tate for uttliiva* tlou. *AUo, seventy tlvuseroH of high laud un lor cultivation. On Iho place «ro a good dwelling houso, overseor’s houso, bams, negro houses and ».t> or outbuildings, all in u good state of repair. I’crst ns desiring to purchaso will call upon U. K, HarrUuu, Bx'e, who resides wllhln four miles of Iho Urove, or Klixa Ulmor, Kx’trix, who rondos within two miles of the Grove,. Terms or aalo mado known on the day o! Hide. fossisHsiou not given until Iho Oral of January II. K. HARRISON, Ex’or. jyl7-td HielZA U1.MJ1R, Ex’lrix. yg» Tho Charleston Mercury will publish out *•• week until Iho day of sale. iQfU» • lacft RICH FALL DRY GOODS. GRAY BROTHERS W OUI.D beg to inform their friends and the pub* lie that their fall supplies or rich uud elegant (DGraS have just arrived—purchased from the most emi* nent Importers of the country, aud selected with a care os regards elegance an 1 beauty, which cannot bo appreciated until fully ex uniued. We can confidently say tliai our stock or Rich Dress Goods and Cloaks cannot be surpassed for beauty and elegance, and that our Domestic Stock Is as cheap a« the like quality of goods can be had from here to New York. Amo;g our assortment will be found the most elegant liounced Robes with figures; Rich and elegant colored Silks, very cheap; Lyons’ Velvet Oloaks, trimmed in the newest and richest style. Cloth and Moir Antique Cloaks; rich and cheap. All-wool French Mousllu de laities, new and ele gant Lnpins’ best all-wool French de tallies, high colors, pir misses. Lupins’ best Black Bombnziue and Chalieys. White Merino. Challey, de Uine and Bombazine, very fine. Glottis and Cassimeres, a foil assortment. Plantation Goods best quality, exceedingly cheap. Houskeeeping articles in great variety, best quality at the lowest possible prices. The limits of an advertisement precludes the possibility of enumerating any but lew leading ar ticles. We would respectfully request the attention ol purchasers to an examination of our stock, feeling confident that style, quality and price, wdl prov satis factory. GRAY BBOTHKRS, FASHIONABLE READY MADE i/jcai. rviiikno: wmTrium jvmmS? WIIjDRH'H* nViIamlandeh safe., At MaMufarhirM by A liarvin. ATew For*. Iq the Ore oftheSd Ittate, which consum ed Iho brick building occupied by Mr. Juo, T. Thomas, opposite the Gas Works, fn this city, was a safo ol . Ibe above deacripttoos _ ,|H MiB Iho said Safe sustained no injury whatever from Iho intense heat to wliichlt had been exposed. On open ing the Safe, tbo contonls wore found undisturbed, and In Iho same order and condition as when placed there, exempt n slight discoloration to the projecting ends of a fow ivipors. aud the backs of one or two <3 tho iMMiks^eatwod by the steam generated in Iho rtafe, wbilo at Us greatest heal. The Safe and contents, as it came Crum the ruins, may still lm soon, in Iho possession of Mr. Thomas, at the Gas Works. A large assortment of these ode- Hr-«, 1 -•• 1 im — 1 AMP inPHOI.BVKH 1 WAREHOU.SK, 1 Unity to oxpresa to hf-Triofoi!*aU I too pilliii* generally, his sincere Hunks for their liberal palrm. ageandlnlooace, which lus resulted in ostousJm.» hw trade to all parts of the Mato. Also, Oarutlna Florida, Alabama aud Tenneaneo, thereby enahlln him to exhibit a stock nnsurpsund in any Southm • ettv. Families, Merc ban la, Hotel Keepers, aud Hto*m boat Owners are particularly Invited to exahttootor present stock, which is now complete in all to. various departments, consisting In part of toe follow lug goods, via ? CARP Ml nttPARlMKHT. Royal Medailon, Rnglbth Druggets, (nt r* j™.™ . WriRtli monih-afier date apiilualtou X mad'- to ton \foniio Hunk of Havsnuali lor the payment of two Twenty Dollar. Bills, (via: letter n, No, a.070. and louer t'. No, 697.) the right halves of which have been k»i by mail, oci tt-e'im JAMKK I’i HUDSON. hrated Safes always on band,snd for sale by C. H. CAMPflKLD, July 26,1866. Agent for Die Manufacturers, 171 Bay-et., Savannah. Oa. Tbeaa are, therefore, to cite and adasoniah all Whom n may oaoosrn, to be and appear before aald Ooortto make objection (if any tbayhave) on ar bo* fore tba firstMunda/ln February next, otherwise said letterx will be evented. Witness, William Lae, Eaq., Ordinary for Rullocb County, tola 6th day of August. 1166. ang4 WILLIAM LEE. s. a. c. IN SUPERIOR COURT, Chatham Co. Mat Txsx, 1866. Robt M. Robertson, and others, compl’uts, 7 vs. 1 CUodlusB. Pease, theDoboy Steam Saw J-Order Mill, Clark Styles and William F. Saylea J and others, defendants, j TT appearing to tbo Court that two o( the said do* X feadaata, Clark Saylea and WUltom F. Saylea re side oat of tola County, and are absent from tho 8UU of Georgia, so that service of the above bill aad subpoena cannot bo served upon them. On motion II Is ordered, that the said dark 8ayles and WUltom F. Saylea do appear and answer the said complainant's bill, on or before the first day of the out Term or thia Court, or in default thereof, that said bill be token pro confesao against them: and it s farther ordered, that a copy of this order be pub* thbed in one of Um public newspapers of tbs city ef Savannah onoe a week for three mouths prior the session of Um next Term or this Court. True extract from Minutes. W. G. SHOT ALL, octa—lawSm Deputy Clerk, a . s.o. o. STATE OF GEORGIA, CHATHAM CO HU all whom It may oeooarn: Whereas Mary Ana X Dent will apply at the Geurt of Ordinary for let- tarn Diamlaaory an the eetate of Jamea P. Dent,— Thme are therefore to cite and admonish all whom ttmav concern, to be aad appear before aald Court, to max# objections (if any tney have) on or before • the lint Monday in December next, otherwise said totters will be granted. Witness John Bilbo, Kfcq., Ordinary for Chatham Ootmiy, this third day of June. 1806. JeS JOHN BILBO, 0.0.0. NOTICE. CfHTY DAYS after date application will be made O to the Honorable Court or Ordinary or Screvea county for leave to sell a Negro Girl named Haga, the property of K. J. Brannou. oct 10 T. H, BRANNON, Truxtee mfB"5F~GEOl«A7 B ULLOCH BOUNTY.-To aU whom It may 00 Whereas, too estate of Jesse Hagliu to un represented. and unless some fit and proper person applies for toe Administration, I shall appoint Wil liam H. McLean, Administrator on said estate. These are therefore to site and admonish aU whom It may concern, to be andapper before said ? Court, to make objections, (ir aqy they have), on «fo Of before toe first Monday in December next, oth* erwiseaald Administration will begrantod aa above Witness WlUtom Lee, Esq., Ordinary for toe county of Bulloch. »-bajlgPV? WILLIAM LEE, 0. B. C. ADMINISTRATOR S SALE. W ild, be sold oa the first Monday in January next, before the Court House iu Statesboro, UM following property, belonging to the estate o Henry Davia^Jr., 1263 acre.-, more or leas, of land in Bulloch county, booaded north by the property of John Crimea aad John Sinter, north and west by tbo proparty of John Slater, east by toe property of 0tJah Davis, and south by tba property or Jo- stab Davis. Sold for the benefit of the beira and . creditors of Henry Davis. Jr., deceased. Ou the property are one grist and one saw mill. ■ ■ JOBIAH DAVIS. Adm’r. GEORGIA BULLOCH COUNTY. rpOall whom It may concern. Whereas Hsnah X White will apply at tha Court of Ordinary for {mars of Administration on tha Estate of Patrick White deceased. These are therefore to cite and adminish aU whom • it may concern to be and appear before aald Court to make objection (Ifahy they bay#) on or before •ho first Monday In Decetnber next; otherwise said lattora wlllbegranted. WltneaS Wiltoun Lee, toq.. Ordinary for Bulloch COuntv, this 16to Oct. A DJ866, WILUAM LEE, 0. B. C. _fi OF GEORGIA,TATTNALL CO. 11 whom It may concern j-^baraas, Benia- _,„iBAlfwn^wlllapply «tu,eCourtofOr. dlnary, for tatters omsmiaMon aa Administrator oa ' tba estate of Anson WlUtoma,tato of aald County, de* oeaaed, Tb«to are,therefore,well* andadmonlat all ''Whom,It may concern, to be and appear before aald OMR,to make objection (iTany they bave)on or be fore the first Monday in March next, otherwise said letters will bo granted to the said applicant. Witness, H»nocxuxD,Eeq., Ordinary for Tatt- v baring demands against Uia eat tin W. Allen, tote of said county,de* I TT. JMMN, MW VI MNU MWUtf , KB IT notified to present them, proper- Vatteetod, to me, within the Ume prescribed by MW, or ftMy wlU not he setUed. And all persons Indebted to .said deceased ora, Abd all persona Indebted to said deceased QtuDIfled Adnlolilnlrli. f«tll,HM, *HW» S lertlo. wUl k. oTOMrita Hr ^ ttorKWUll UrMartllt, Ala., Ut 0*4., SM?”' •I.-, '■ • " ' •’ \ ‘- Vj ” w toe city of 8avannah, on tho first TUFSI»AY in December next, between toe legal hours or sale: 2 show cases, 1 ice crusher, 1 lot liquor iu bottles, 1 pair scales, 1 lot chairs, 1 lot decanters und turn* bier*, 1 lot tobacco, 1 lot congress water. 1 stove, bo., bo. Levied ou as the property of Antonio Ponce, to satisfy a fife issued out or the Honorable, the City Court of Savannah, in favor or WilUam H. Erek va. A Ponce; property pointed out by defend ant. . EDW’D >17 PRENDERGA8T, novl ^Sberirr. NOTICE. rVTHREE months afterdate, application will be X made to the Planters’ Bank of the Slate of Georgia, lor the payment oT a twenty dollar note of said Bank, payable to Wm Morel or bearer, da ted tot June, 1861, No 687; also, lor the payment of a ten dollar note, No 822, dated 1st July, 1864, the left hand halves or said notes having been lost Also, to the Bank or tbe State or Georgia, for the payment of a ten doltar note, letter A. dated 4tb Janury, 1860, the left baud half having been lost. Also, to the Marine Bank oT Georgia, for toe pay ment of a ten dollar note, No 4,976, dated Novem ber 1,1843, the left hand half having been lost. aug!9-law3m BOSTON k VI LI ALONG A, .HONEY! MONEY If MONEY 11 TTTHY be we without Mouey 7 when it is Just as TT easy for any one to be around with a pocket foil as not, if they only tbihk so. I have got a new article, flrom which from five to twenty dollars a day can be made, either by male or fomule. It is highly respectable business, and an article which is wanted In every tomlly in tho United States. En close me two dollars by mail, at my risk, and I will forward you by return mail a Circular, with full Instructions in the art. The business is very easy. Try U, IT you are out ofemploymen l; aud you will never regret it; for it wil' be better for you to pay the above sum, and insure a good business, than to pay twenty-fiva cents for a spurious advertise ment. This is no humbug. Trt nr 1 Trt rr! Try it | Address your letters te DWir sept 16-3m TIGHT MONROE, Now York NOTICE. mflE undersigned, Commissioners or the Ggccuec X Road, will receive pronosais for building u Bridge across tbe Canal, known as the Deou Forest Bridge. Materials to be or the best quality. The plan and drawing can bo Been at the office or John 8. Bowen, Civil Surveyor, on Drayton street. Proposals will be received until 12 o’clock, M., of November 22nd. Ut. WAYNE, ) £ E. C. ANDERSON, U nov3 JE, BOURQUINK. NOTICE. ' '| 'WDmonths after date, application will bo made A te too Honorable, the Court of Ordinary of Bullooh County, for leave to sell aU tho Lands and townii belonging to the estate of James Hagen,tote oKlACouatr. dccMitd. KEZIAH HAGEN, Administratrix. Boise County, ng29, 1866. augSO UNIVERSITY OF GEORGIA. Athens, October, 10,1850. RE-ORGANIZATION OF COLLEGE FACULTY OntUelOtooT December next, tho Trustees of this Institution will proceed to elect the following officers: Professor of Belles tattros and Oratorv : “ “ Ancient Languages; “ “ Natural Sciences; '• '* Mathematics: “ “ Nat. Philosophy aud Cheuiintrv ; Tutor or Mathematics; “ “ Languages; And to appoint a President pro tern. The Presidents Salary is $2600 per auu. Tbe salary’s of the Professors Is $2000 per an num. Parsons elected will be expected to enter upou their duties the 16th of January next. oct26 4w ASBUKY HULL, Sect'ry. I take pleasuro in corroborating the foregoing state ment, and in addition would add, that tho books are nowlu use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July 26th, 1866. octo-tf E ST A BLI^HMENT, 73 TORS STRUT, N1AR THB COURT HOUU, SAVANNAH, OA., Eatabllahedln 1833. mHB Subscriber grateful to hla friends and X patrons for their continual flavors, would state that in addition to too improvements In DYINO, so qulrod by him during Ids hut visit to England and Scotland, has made arrangements for extending his business, by which he is now enabled to dye a greater variety of colors on silk and woolen dresses, shawls, Ito., which he trusts will generally please all who may favor him with their patronage. Gentlemen’s garments dyed, cleaned or renovated as may be required, in the same superior style which has generally so much pleased Ida patrons and Table Covers, and Ladies’ Crape Shawls, fte.. cleaned and finished in the first style. tadlea’ Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed io the most fashionable styles. Orders from the country promptly attended to. Terms moderate. When parcels are sent by steamboats or railroad, word should ba sent 1dm by letter through toe poet office, so that he may know where to caU for them. men 16 ALEXANDER GALLOWAY. ATLANTIC AND GULF RAILROAD. - le Atlamio . and Gulf Railroad, having adjourned to meet the 2dtli instant, and it having been represented (o me that the interest of that enterprise requires farther time for the obtainmeut of subucriptlons to the Muck, and acquiescing in tbe justices of the suggestion, the meeting or the Board on toe 26th instant is hereby postponed until the 22d day Q October next, ut Miiledgevillo. E. A. NISBET, Chalrmau. Macou, Aug. 2U, I860 tug 80 R ECEIVED by the undersigned a full supply of READY MADE U.OTIIIXG, consisting ot all articles necessary for a Uentlumun’s Wardrobe. also: A choice assortment of French, English nntl German Cloths, Cassimeres anti Vestings, which he is prepared to make to order in the best style and at the shortest notice. He also desires to call attention to bis Block of BOY’S AND YOUTH S CLOTHING, which will be found of superior style aud work manship W. R. SYMONS, oct27 tf 17 Whitaker st. Office Charleston amt Sav. It. It. Co. 7 October 10,1866. / T HE Seventh Instalment or FIVE DOLLARS PER SHARE ON THE STOCK subscribed to the Charleston and Savaouah Railroad, wifi be due on Monday, Iho 10th of November. Payment to bo made to the Treasurer, at the ofllco of tho Company in Charleston. The Savannah subscribers will please pay to A. l'ORTKR, Esq., President of the Bank of the State of Georgia, Savannah. By order of the President. 0. F. HANCKEL, Treasurer, TIME HOOKS. W EEKLY AND MONTHLY TIME BOOKS; Bank Checks; l’onmonates and Pocket Books Bill-bead Boxes, Bill Files; Note Paper; Visiting and Playing Cards; Sand Boxes; Calendars; Paper Cutters: Marking Ink, Carmine Ink. Inkstands; Perforated Board, Paste Board, Tissue Paper. J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent, nov7 under the Marshall House. FAMILY BIBLES. F AMILY BIBLES, of varidhs qualities; Tuck or Pocket Bibles; Prayer Books, kc., Ac., for solo by J. B. CUBBKDGE, Agent, nov7 under the Slarshall House, GODEY’S LADY’S BOOK E OR November, Graham’s llluitrated Monthly for November, Arthur’s Home Maguziue for November, Peterson's Ladles National Magazine for Novem ber. Mrs Stephen’s Now Monthly Magazine, lor No. vembor. Ballou’s Dollar Monthly for November, Received sind for sale by WARXOOK ti DAVIS, Botiksuilers aud Stationers octal 169 Congressrcet DR. KANE’S A RCTIC EXPLORATION ir. 1653, '4 und '5, illus trated with upwards of 800engravings. Westward Empire, or the Great Drama oj'Human Progress; by K L Alugoon. Tlio O’Bricus uud the O’Flahertys; by Lady Aior- gan; annotated by RShelton Alackcnzlo; 2 vols. Yoakum’s History of Texas; 2 vols. Atnorlcau Poulterer's Companion; by C N Be- ment, with 120 illustrations. A Child’s History ofRoino; by J Bouucr. The United Annual Digest of Decisions iu the Su premo, Circuit and District Courts. also : Gold Pens iu great variety. uovl2 W. THORNE WIL1JAM8. BOOTS AND SHOES. m RECEIVED by late arrivals, tadv Vs UAl* INTERS. Gentlemen’s Oxford TIES. Gents and Boys’ GAITERS. Gents Low Quartered, Calf and Patent Leather Gentlemen’s line BOOTS. M. J. BUCKNER, oct 10 No, 71 aud 162 Gibbon’s Building, Companion to ‘ Dick Tarleton.” M ARION HARLAND, or Lessons of Life; i___ plete; price fO eouta; by,I Frederick Smith. Esq. The Pictorial Adveutures of Margaret Catchpoll* the greut American Horse Thief XIAO, Putnam’s Monthly for November. Knickerbocker Magazine for November. Blackwood’s Edinburgh Magazine for Novembor. Household Words for November. Frank Leslie's Gazette of Fashions for Novem ber. Uocelved and fur sale by WAKNOCK ti DAVIS, novl* lf>9 Congress street. ti and Ui FOR SALE. BIX Y iacta of Und, 600 acre each, a .r mites from the city or tiavannah on tim.s. Gulf Kali Road, well adapted to li t growth Rico, Colton aud loin, and Hied iniuni to pay leu times over. Apply to tab 27 U ^ C, A. U OUD YTIXTRA prepared Mucilage for ofllco and general Hi use, being a substitute for Wafer*, Healing Wax. Gumarablc and all other luconvuuieut pie paraUonenow in use, is always of good consistency, does not turn sour and Is ready lor uso at any moment. For sal* by WARNOCK k DAV18. oat 1$ 169 Congress a tree!. HEAL FBEBOHEKBBOIDEBIKS HENRY LATHROP & CO. 1XTOULD Invite the attention or tbe ladles to V V thalr vary large and rich stock of •paced THIS DAY, embracing the following styles Raal Thread, Honiton and Maltese HF3TT8 “ French, Muslin and Cambric “ Mourning Bette, In Book, Cambric aud Liueu Cambric and Swiss. Edgings and Insertlnga Embroidered, H. S. Bordered Hdkfk Mualin and Cambric Bands Mlasee Bette, in great variety Infante’ Gaps*trimmed. —ALSO— Children’s Worsted Capes Opera Hoods, Ties. Ac. Colo rad, Silk and (toabmere Scarfs, oct 6 READ I—READ 11—RE AD I K That ia, ff you can see; and jSte fXrA you can’t sea. yon can find ■tftallklnda or i( helpatoi Jewelry it * r —-- -kinds of “hejpa to see.’t at the Watcl Jewelry Itore of D. B. Nichols A Co., la Congress ■teaat, next door to too corner of Whitaker, wbero m can purchase Watches. Jewelry, Silver Ware, S?ootuS^ 00d *’ M low M Kt *** °l h8r ttore iu , racelvad per ateamahip Alabama afresh 8&8 lh0, J SK. Me too lea: also, a supply of Pf5f I ?“n i 80- * wWoL waare prepared few ftfamee, at short notice. Our PeriteOpte lAM (so called from their peculiar shape) have an ati^top over all ethers, as they have a »£° toe reader to not eoapeUod to. hold too book or. paper at a certain distaaco from tbe eye. Call aad m. ... .' . u J>- B. NICHOLS * 00. 4D» No obarf*^^ihowtog goods. *arU CRANK'S M1STAKIC T 1WIs a uowly invented BURIAL CASE, fasti Lined to accord with the feelings of the be reave i, uud yet retaining all tbo requisites of an appropriate receptacle for tbe dead. There Is no reason why such a receptacle should be made to croule by Us appearunne disagreeable sensations. Itu euougb that we sbould be bereaved, and what ever tends to soften or raako less keen the poiguuu- cy of our grief, comraonds itself lo our cousidOM- tiou. Bo much ttiut is repulsive ims been discurdcd iu the arrangement uml shape of the -ibove Cato, that lls namo, tile C.t.iKOT BURIAL CAS«-, in an involuntary suggestion, und I do: uot lu-sliate to aver that there 1ms never been in use any thing so entirely chaste, appropriate and convenient us this invention Tho Case peri it is enclosed, beautiful thick Freuob Plato Glass,sutllciently strung to resist any iuternal or exleruul pressure, is per fectly air tight, composed of iucta! highly urau mentod, aud will last for ages. Samples of the Casket may bo seeu at tbeuffiee of Messrs. CRANE, WELLS ft CO., 82 Bay Rtreet, Ha- vannab. teriujis a view of the entire body after idjtne whole top heing composed of Royal Velvet, Mocet Wilton, Mocet Brussels, Tapestry Brussels, Fewer Loom BnUHols, Three ply Ingrain, Two ply Ingrain, Wool Dutch, Carpets Btodiiij HATER ADVKIl'I lM’.t . Will Ih- . ForjTUesquarr,«rrCOOcips«r k,., I L.r the larger than Nounar«n, t5'C«u^ lo, uio lint Lul SHIP.? 1 “r «5is WjlllM WWjljagSMrlUlOUt BulM; Mill ,, Hons widths,) Mo.,tiic Hearth Rugs. Velvet and Clienilie tt.ig* Tnlted Rugs, Piano and tabic Covers, Door MaWovory variety, Stiver H Brass Stall- Ibels Wool Dutch, Carpets Bindings, Ac. CURTAIN AND UPHOLSTER F DRPA RTMHN'l BroosteUes. lame and Muslin Curtain* Satin do Lunea. Gilt Cornices. Satin and Silk Damaak, Gilt tons and Bands, Worsted and Cotton Damask. Tassels, Loop* ano Cords; Velvet and Plush or various colors; Window Shades, new style. Atoo, every variety of Furniture Covering, ivira mlngs and material* for decorating. FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. From two to Twenty-four feet wide, for Halls an<. Rooms, out to fit without a seam. The subscriber will oblige hlnucifto make ton prioee on all deacripUou of goods as low aa tha asm. finality can bo purchased In any Northern dty. •V Carpets cut to Rooms and goods sent to any part of the olty Tree of charge. An experienced Upholster will attend totlu. making and toying of Carpets and Oil Cloths whim desired. Tba deoorative and curtain department l, n charge or aa Upholster of acknowledged tastoanu •kill. W. H. GUION, Ageut. oetlS 140 Congress and 67 St. Julien-atu CENTRAL RAILROADT BARBER •HOPS. Pulaski House Barber Shop, Omwu’ Bride Building, oppotiU the Pulaski Houu, TtVM WOBDOPt KNQAQ1D. Marshall House Barber Shop, Broughton Sired, POUR W01XMKN KNQAOMP. r pHE subscriber, thankfbl to hisfellow*dtixen» X for the liberal patronage he has received, and is still receiving, begs respectfully to inform them that he baa engaged sufficient additional first-class workmen from some of tbe beat Barber 8hopa in New York, and will be enabled to accommodate as many gentlemen as may honor htte with their pa tronage, N. B.—The Barbershops are closed on Sundays-* ■Dangers will please bear this in mind. NOTICE. I t wo ui'UlllH alter dati*, applicationwill be made . til (he Honorable Ordinary of Tatoull taunty, for leave .to sell» portion if Um lauds tali-tigtiig to the estate of Joshi Co|Hitaiiil, deceased; it being one tract of land which int- tmeu reserved from former sales—where the said deccHf-ud resided at the time or Ids death. JAMKH CUPFJANI). Adm’r. scpMK sept S1866. “ YOUR HOUSK,” NO. 144 BRYAN STREET, WWT OK THK MAKKKT, SAVANNAH, GEORGIA. T UE .SUBSCRIBER would inform his friends aud tho publ'c generally, that he has REMOVED from his Old Stand to BRYAN STREET, and fitted uptlie above Home in a superior style, aud iutemis serving his friends with all the delicacies of the seu* son, such as— WILD GAME. VENISON* GEORGIA ANT NEW YORK OYbTKUH, Ac.. aud plc<lges himself to use every endeavor to please all who may favor him with tliolr patroui' ;e. HENRY iiORr. sept 29—tf4M ~ OYNTRRSt TUE subscriber te now ready to fur nish OYSTERS in tbe Shell, fresh open ed or Pickled in any quantity to suit purchasers. Pickled Oysters iu kegs ready to be shipped. octl J D. JESSE : REMOVAL. The subscriber has Removed un the toy, next door to the Republican] office, where he is now opening a handsome assortment of SPRING 1 , AND SUMMER GOODS, which he will seU by the pattern or make to order in the most fashionable style. Also, Ready Made Clothing for the present and coming season. Thankful for post favors, he hopes to merit a con tinuance of toe same. N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing done at the shortest notice. Just received White Drill Coats and Pouts, White and Figured Marseilles Vests, for sal o ate small pro fit. »Prtg JOHN W. KELLY. doubl ° cdwnn, •i 1 *nT‘ charged double Iho above rate*. ^ Advertteemonte of whatever length, t., r -, n . , lite than ooo month, to ta Charge I ut 4 riitea. > For a longer time at the following rap.. No. of6qaares|lmo|2mw|fi t„:,e Itmosjfi rni«|Vj I I 5 62 CO 66 10 74 LAND AGENCY. rpHE undersigned will, for five dollars per lot, X examine any lands in the counties or Appling, Wayne, Ware or Coffee, and report to toe owner as to their present value, the prospect for their be coming more valuabio In future, and whetuer or uot there is being any trespass committed thereon, invari&bly pledging himself to give a true and cor rect account, for which all remittances will bo ex pected in advance. He will also sell and remit when requested, and as directed,for seven per cent. Ho will also promptly attend to all professional business entrusted to his care. vernon c. mclendon, u>y lb Attorney at law. Kmnesvllle, Ga. 1 Square,.... $10 16 no *V4 2 Squares... n 88 ui 8 do .... VO 27 82 80 4 do .... 24 32 38 42 6 do 27 80 44 40 6 do .... 30 40 60 64 7 do .... 82 48 64 6* 1 do .... 34 46 68 62 e do .... 86 4b 61 60 10 do .... 88 . 61 70 For any time not above specified, a p r (^ h : large will be made, • rm 4 week, *i; tl WOOD---WOOD flMlE SUBSCRIBER has jual received, aud will : X keep constantly on baud at bis Wood Yard, i Uld Charleston Wharf, a full supply of tbe best »rgi A deduction of 25 per cent from the alio; ehl , Will bo made ou advertiseUicnts a).]H.-a ril , J*'* •Ively on the fourth page ol the duilv H Advertisements ordered three tiue^ u wc bo charged two-thirds the above rates Advertisements ordered In tho Wtekli t-.i.,,., por square for each insertion, for any timeCk,;: 1 one month, lor more than one month at Wl , . the rates s)>ccilled iu tbe above table, “* Special notices, 10 cente per liue for the tirM „, 6 cents for each subseqent insertion, ate in tJ’,. to bo subject to contract. Marriage notices n neral Invitations 60 cents each. No si*cial ,W Inserted for less than 60 cents. Obituary Xm { \ n Reports, Resolutions, or Proceeuingt „i ony*.W Auoctotion, or Corporation, ordered fobo pS •d, 6 cents per Une. 1 Steamboats will be advertised at t40 r,« r breach boat advertised. ,er m '"> Steamships, where but one is running, t40i»,.. sum; iTtwoormore, $80each. Auctioneers’ advertteements not to be subt* contract, butto be charged at the rate- wJSl per square. v The paper, under no circumstances, to be i nc | lm ed in a contract. ,LCIl “ Professional and business, cards not excee-ii n , lines, will be inserted at $20 ,»er annum' *' Calls on persons to boinnu* candidates u,n i Inserted as other advc-rtlsem.-uts. io be na’ld f. variably in advance. ^ r u Announcing candidate,- for oitlce, $lo, to be in advance. ’ 00 ^ Advertisemente not marked on the coov fn,. specified Ume, will he inserted until forbid payment exacted. when any bill for two months advertising on than contract, amounts to over $60. a GoducUor.,, *««r cent will be made, on f ‘ Yearly advertising, with privilege ol change« be taken at the following rates: * w of boated Black Jock, Oak, Hickory, Ligbtwoed, Ac., Ac. AU in want are respectforiy invited to give bim a call. H. C. RAYtOR. p, H. All orders left at tbe Book ftere under lb*/ arsball II sept 30 For one square, renewable once a week “ twice a limes Mi n wtc-ner T( Every additional square contracted for to be chir, ed one halftbe above rates Uiiditional. 5 Yearly advertisers shall be limited to the s Di , ( contracted for. All contracts shall be in Wr -h- stating definitely tbe nature of the busine«to'& i advertised. Any advertisements not prowrlr c n nected with the business shall be charged DISSOLUTION. : l y. w** *1*0 any excess .>( matter over tho am^un- T HR Co partnership of F. CHAMPION A Co. ig ( contracted for. this day dissolved by mutual consent. The i Contract advertisemenij payable quarterly; u. business ol tbe late firm will be settled by F. Cham- ; vortlaementa from strangers uud transient i*,:^ S ion, who will continue the Grocery business on l S*y*‘ , lf * n A l ' l ^ ers wil ’ hc c«nsWtrti is own account F. CHAMPION, K. J. LARCOMB1E. Havannah, October 1,1866. sept 30— lm due when called for. j Regular advertiser aud all other* sending cu. O N and after Sunday, the 14th October, inst, and uutil further uotice, the Passenger Trains ontne Central Railroad will run as follows : B8TWRKN SAVANNAH AND MACON. Leaves Ravanuab Doily aV...6 a u and 12.16 r *. Arrive iu Macon “ “..2.16 pm “l a m. Leave Macon “ “.11.46 am “ 9.30 pm. Arrive in Savan’h “ “10.46 pm " 7.20 a m BVrWKBN HAVOMXaU AMD AUOCtfra. Leave Savannah..........12.16 r M and 8.80 p. M. Arrive in Augusta 8.46 p k “ 6.80 a m. Leave Augusta 6. a m “ 4.80 p m Arrive in Havannah 1.80 p n “ 10.45 p UKTWKSSt MAUOX AND ACQUttTA. Leave Macon 11.46 a m and 9.80 p m. Arrive iu Augusta 8.46 pm “ 6.30 a m. Leave Augusta 6. am 11 4.30 pm. Arrive in Macou 2.16 r m “ 1. am. HTWKXX SAVANNAH, M1UJOXJXV1IX1 k KATONTON. Leave Savannah . .6. am Arrive in MUlcdgeville..., ...2.46 r M. Leave Macon n 46 a M Arrive in Eatonton ...6. pm. W. M. WADLEY Gen’l Supt. Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1866. octl6. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE ON THE sou oT. H r a*y?.iP AD New York & New Orleans Malls. O ^Tand after Sunday, February 3d, 1856, two dally trains between Macon and Columbus, and ono between Macon and Amcricus, Leave Macon at 2 A M, and 3 pm; arrive at Colum bus at 7 16 a m, and 1080 p m : leave Columbus a* 416 a m, and 1 30 p m; arrive at Macon at 10 64 a m, and 7 40 p m;leavo Macon at 2 a M; arrivo at Ameri cue at 6 40 a m; leaye Amoricua at220 p m; arrive at Macon at 7 40 v m; making a complete connection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings ville, Wilmington and Charleston; also, with Central Railroad Trains to Savannah, Miliedgoville and Eaton ton, and with Macon and Western trains to Atlanta Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxville, Tenn. At Columbus with Girard and Mobile Railroad to Eufaula, Ala., connecting dally at Americua with four horse Post Coaches to Tullaha3800. Albany, rhomasvHlc, Baiubridgo, Ac., with tri-weekly hacks to Lumpkin, CutUberi, &«., at Fort Valley with haoka to Perry, Uayncsville, Hawklnsvillo and Knoxville, Ga. Passengers for Amoricus and points below Fort Valley, sbould take tbo 1215 r m train from Savan- nub; and ttic 6pm train from Augusta, to avoid do- tcution ut Macon. For other points on tho South- Western or Muscogeo Roads tako oilher train from Savannah or Augusta. Passengers leaving Amori cus at 2 20 h m will reach Columbus at 10 30 p m tho Hamo night. Passengers from Columbus and the West for Am ericas, South-western Georgia or Florida, should take the l «0 p m train at Columbus, sleep at Fort Valley, and reach Americas at 6 40 a m next morn ing. First class steamships leave Savannah for New York ou Wednesdays and Saturdays, and for Phila delphia ou Wednesdays. Passage is the Cabin $26, Steerage $8. Fare from Montgomery to Savannah $14 00 “ Columbus “ “ io 00 “ Americua “ “ 8 80 GEO. W. ADAMS, Sup’t. Macon, January 30th, 1866. may 16 BfACHINERY AND IRON RAILING MANUFACTORY AND AGENCY. ST. JULIAN STREET, SAVAANNAH, GA. (Near the Market.) TT'ROM the moat complete faculties in kis own X establishment, and through his connections with several of tho principal manufacturng estab lishments of Philadelphia, New York, aid Boston, the Undersigned is prepared to furnlnsh MACH1N FRY, PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, PORTABLE SAW, GRIST AND FLOUR MILLS, CAST AND WROUGHT IRON RAILING. STATUETTES, STORK FRONTS, Columns, Window Bills and lintils, Iron Doors, Shutters, Ac., ol Northernpriert. He to also prepared to repair Machinery and Iron work of every description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms. As agent for BAIRD'S PH1LADU.PHIA MARBLE WORKB, he is also prepared to exhibit a great vario- ty or designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ao. Also Iron Railing iu great variety, for eucloeuree, usd to receive orders, und put up the work at man- facturers’prices. It. 11. 1JNVUJ.E. Savannah, April 11.1866. aprll EDUCATION. DARIEN ACADEMY. mHETRU&TEi-H ofthe above named Institution JL announce to the public, that this Academy will bo opened on the first Sionday in November ue. The principal, Col. S. Spencer, un experienced teacher, comes well recommended by bis former patrons and other gentlemen of highest respecta bility. Recoin men ded to us, as lie te, us well as from our own knowledge of Col. Speucer, we commend him ami the Academy to the patrouage or our friends at homo uud abroad. MIh.-i A M. Speucer will assist iu the Female and Junior deparlmert. For farther information, apply t-* L. M. BLOUNT, Sec’ry. sup 126 UttDTfASi) SHOES. THE subscriber lias opened R| a ROOT aud SHOE STORK at ■ Nob. 71 und 162 GIBBONS’ M BUILDING, noxt door to the Glidblng Hiorouf George S. Nlcbol* ft Co., and so- liclis the patronage otlito * ■ • “ ‘ general. oct 7— ly i friends and toe public In M. J. BUCKNER. I\ S. l’ersuns desirous of purchasing the exclu sive right for the sale of the Casket in the foUowlui Status, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina aud NortL Caroliua, will please apply by letter or In porsou to WILLIAM Bf PHILLIPS ft OU., owuers of Patent, earn of CRANE, WELta ftCO„ ‘ Savanuab, Georgia. N B. Rights to ouc or mors counties will be sold “l«». oct l-tf^r TXT FOR. TXT. THE MOST REMARKABLE WORK OF OUR TIMES. A Reply to “UNCI.E TOM’S CABIN’.’ and “DRED.’ BY A LADY OK Slew OKUCASI. rpHIS original aud powerful book, toll beautiful X story, Is an American Rowlund for an English Oliver* uud di.cctod against the distorted vlowa or tho English pruts when speaking of tho institutions of tlio Uultod States. It exposes cruelties aud barbarities practised ou tbo lower classes or England, moro terrible than thoao imagined by Mrs. Boocbor Stowe ms tlio result or our “pooutlar institutions.” The object or “Tit for Tat” to emi nently humano, patriotic and just, it is not anti- Britton, autl-Nortb, or antl-Soutu, It to simply u re- ply to the exaggerated pictures or Slavery In “Uu- oleTom” and “Dred." For sale by WARNOCK ft DAV18, Uooksellors aud Stationers, octal ; f 169Congresait. . , ‘ ■ : I. < 1 !«>i' I THE GItEAV 81KIT1IHKN REMEDY l , HYOli’B _ OlNTMENT. I T is u sure and speedy euro for buyna, piles, corns, lulotiH, lever sores, ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, sore nippies, (recommended by nur ses,; sore aud cracked lips, Iresh wounds and Bores of any ilescrlntion. It is utnost valuabio remedy and cure, which can bo testified to by tbousanai who have used It in many portions of tue South for tbe lust fow yours. In no instance will tbo salve do any Injury, or interfere with a physlclan’B prescrip tion. Tbe preprielor has numerous certificates and loiters from people who have nsod It themselves, and most earnestly rocommend it to others os a speedy aud certain remedy for the above named diseases. A trial is aU that is necessary for its own recommendation. Among tile many that have testified to the effica cy of this valuable remedy, and recommended It to the public, are Dr RAT' Ridley, Judge K Y Hill, Judge 0 A Bull, R J Morgan,Esq, J L Stepheus, Esq, and thousands of others. Sold by JBMoore.Savannah, Ga; JK nail, Amor* tons. G»; Clark ft Wells, Augusta, Ga; McKeesou, jRobius ft Oo, Now York; and druggists generally. ' 4V By remitting oae dollar to the proprietor a single box of the Ointment will bo forwarded by mall, tree of pontage, to any part or tho U States. Sold by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., and drug gists generally. V. J. MOORE. Proprietor, maylS uiGrangq.Ga. ir erseysTFlains^ and TWiiis—to plan . XV TERA—We would respectfully call tbe att n- .tlun of the Planters of Georgia and Carolina to tbe very completo and extensivo assortment of'toe above Plantation Goods. Schley’s Goods, nr all de scriptions, being among the tot which 1 aro now opened and lot* sale by . octl LAD60N ft ROGERS. E xtra family flour, ftc.—Just received, u bags and bbls Extra Family Flour; 20 bbto crushed Md powdered Sugar; 20 bbls A, B an d C clarified Sugar; 20 boxes Ground Colfoe, iu jl. and 1 lb packs; 86 do do Mustard, Ginger. Cinnamon and Mace; 10 cases Table Salt; 10 naif bbto Extra No 1 Mackerel; loo do* Aroonp, Buckets, Citibes lines Rorbb Brushes; 81 balfcheeto Oolong Toe, Iqose and, Inlb packs. For sale by . . * ci « . DAVID O'CONNOR, EPUj^SSSIEIBSi. HENRY LATHROP & CO. HAVE IN STIJI1K A COMPLETE assortment of t e following A PLANTATION GOODS, To which they would invite the |«n tlcular attentiou of PLANTERS, and ofler them ut reasonable prices and on accommodating lorms : Schley’s White Plains aud Twills Heavy Northern Brown Twill? '« Black and Urey Black and Grey Plains Siriped Cable Wurp Kerseys I'iaid Iinseys In several grades London Dutill Blankets, iu all woightH aud sixes Cord do do Fine Whitney do Moul 8trlpes and Plaids Franklin do do Real Cotton and Wool Fianueia all Wool do Drown and Bleached Cauton Flannel Shirting Stripes* Striped Osnaburgs • White Cotton Osnaburgs aud Ji asrown Shirilug Blue Demins, Blue Drill Kentucky Jeans, Heavy Satiuets Scotch Bonnots, Head Kerchiefs. ftc. pet \\ , ☆ CLOTHING Ia EMPORIUM, if 1 DOOR WESJ^OFTHEREPUBLICAN RKAD1NO ROOM. Fine Ready-made Clothing; Huts and Capa, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canes, umbrellas Cravats, Stocks, Handkerchiefs, W.O. Price, j Also, Superfine EASH10NABI.I- be made to mea sure, uuexoopUoD Fancy Articles for Gentlemen. AND ■IUIABt TAILOR, No. 147 Bay Street, SA VANNAB. able in style and workmanship, by tbe beat mechanics, at shortest notice $3^0rdersfrom city and county solicited. . JUST RECEIVED PER STEAMER AUGUSTA, AT TQB Savannah Grocery -AND* FBUIT DEPOT* 100 Ibe. Victoria and Catawba Gr "’pea. 40 bbto. Splendid Eating APPLES, largo Preserving PEAKS. QUINCES, Like the Lost. Chosnuts, Hickory Nuts, aud Fresh Dates. Green UfNGER. Tomatoes, Beets, Carrots, Ac. Rye Flour, Oat Meal, Pearl Barley. 10 kegs Extra Gosben BUTTER. 6 do Choice do. And low priced qualitlM, together with a varied assortment of Fresh BISOU1T. oct 16 W. H. FARRELL. Jyffi ni Drugs, ids 'And J. E, DE FORD, APOTHECARIES HALL, 8. E. Corner of, Brough so and Barnard Streets. Savan* _ nah G*,, Wholesale and retail Dealers In ^ ix'ugB, Medicines and Chemicals, Dyo Woods «uu Dye Stutfe* French, Engltob. and American Perfam- ery Fin Toilet and Shaving Soaps, Combs end Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds, 8plces, Smifls, Manufactured Tobacco, AU the Patent or Proprietary Medicines of toe day, Snperior Inks, Pure Winee and Brandies for Medicinal purposes, Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, ftc. AT* N. B.—Especial attention given to too preparation of Physicians’ Prescriptions and Family Recipes. Ship, Family and Travelling Medicine Cases, With plain Directions for use, including Birections for treatment Incases of poisoning, Drowning, fto. *P717 wilco: DRS. LEFLRR 4 ARE now My prepared to in sort fall or partial setts of Teeth on the principle of Dr. J. Aliena’s Patent Continuous Gum, By this improvement, the form of toe face can be restored to any degree or rotundity that may be desired, ilia applicable in all cases where tbe cheeks have fallen in.and cannot be detected by too closest observer.— This method combines the followingt (vantages:— An artificial gam, which oxhibite a perfectly natural and Ufe-Uke appearance, and Imparts tothethoeth that pecullnr expression which characterises tbe na tural organs. This Gum consists of a sitoclous compound, which la appUed aud lbaed upon the Teeth and Ptatein sucb a msnuer, as to fill up all the iuterstices around the base of toe Teeth, and also unites them firmly to each other and to the Plate upon 'which they are aett. Thia secures perfect cleanliness of the Teeth Office over DeWltt ft Morgan, Congress strefei. % Republican and Georgian copy; fob IB- u WATCHES—WATCHEB—WATTI1K8. We are receiving the London Lever Watches, of toe most celebrated makers, iu [Gold and SUver eases.. R. F. Cooper’s Du •plex Wstohos, Watches for Timing Horses fine Swiss Chronometers, which we offer at reasona ble nricea, at our new store in Ulbbi is’ Fumge. D. B. NljnoiM ft OO he LAND AGENCY—Brunswick, Ga. EDWIN M. MOORE /OFFERS hia services to the public in the pur chase and sole of lands In tha counriea ol Glynn, Wayne, Camden, Charlton, Appling, Ware, Coffee. Clinch, Lowndes and Thomas. Particular attention given to locating, purohaainf and selling oi town lota in the town of Baunswtck. ^DrRCtoUinaj Maem;DrBM Cargtfe^Bruuiwlck M / Au A .1' idv TbomaaHl rd, Thomaavilte. ■ ' . Stvonooh; Ron Jamea L Raw J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agt., BOOKSELLE ( muuicatlons or requiring notice.* designed t» coilat- J tention to fairs, coucerts, soirees, or any pubh^o ! tertainmenta, where vh&rges are inaOc V»r sit-i lance—all notices ol private associations, even w lice de.'igucil to call attention to private etterjntt SSTA.TIOJSI EE UNDER THE MARSHALL BROUGHTON ST. Savannah, Georgia, v ROOFING! ROOFING!! WARRKN ? S IMPROVED FIRE AND WATER-PKOOF C03IP08ITI0.Y BOOFIHU, rpHEsiti>»eriliei' Having been uppoinled solesgen i iu this city for Warren’s Fire aud Water Pr*»o Coiuposltioii Koollug is prejwred to execute the same iu u sutlsfactory manucr. The attention of the citizens uf Navauuuh is re- peetfully solicited t* tho above method of Koollog ow much used iu tlio principal cities of the l lilted ales, (both X-irtti aud Siuth,) uud as tt been sted tiuder overy variety of eircumstaucos, 1 eon- dcutly ollbr it to the publiaos a uioJe of Roofing tiobjectlouapio iu every particular, whilst ti com- fliues, iu u greater degrvu than «u> other roofitg iu fc'se, the valuable requislie.s«i cbeapucss, durability uud security, agaiust both tiro uud water. ti has rapidly superceded tho uvo of uil kiuds «>t roofs wherever ti bus beeu Introduced, giving lit uli eases genera! sutislaetiou, being highly recommend ed by lusurutii-e tauipdiiics, uud nil who hare test ed its utility. «• CHARI AT# SHULL, Architect, will ael •/ agent during my absence from the city, at who»* office all information will be freely givcu, uud sped raeus of the roof shewn. scpt28 CALVIN FAY, Agent calculated or intended to promote ludivitl'....,.,,. rests, can only be inserted w ith the uuder-tetu-u that the same is to be paid lor. II iusorted iL lie editorial colfimu (which tan be ouly at the discre tion of the editors) the same will be Vhargwl u 'n rale of not less than 20 cent? per hue. The undersigned, puhh-her.- of Daily, Tn-W«tv.» HOUSE HOTEL, ; aud Weekly uewepaper* in f avanimb, rouriudves strictly to adhere to the above Uli u charges, aud in no iustauiv to deviatetIn-reftoin. , g -rbc ai'ovc rates t«» take efiert March l, s j fa coiitinue binding, uutil changed by the r.-.te >! t majority of the undersigned N(iB.—This schedule .-had cot in any- wav ;Gwt the integrity of existing comracLs Aii coutfauafor the year or any other specified time. .-Imii. nly -»?{ with the expiration or the portal lor which tht were made. h » Hilton ,v to GV rj.ia,, ,r sblfcrii ft Sims. Hr., id /j. u. **•> wpvn\ A- Wtru'iNOTo* o,„ t SIR ASTLEY COOPER’S ji" f put, iuvigerating action or .‘'ir Astiey i Pills ou the couatitut ion is twd.y marvdioo, un i a single trial will couvlnct- Hu* mo.-t r«v itcti oi their power to rest# re tho um.-t feeble and del;, iitated to full health and strength, am! uo, ( can convey un adequate idea ot tin? immediate, U4 almost miraculous change, produced by tush; use of tills wouderfui medicine iu the diseased, d#- biUtated and shattered m-rwous system; the relax j ami debilitated hodv U at once relieved, wtwtj. enlivened and built up; the mental and physical symptoms of disease vanish under tlieir influence, the stooping, trembling victim of dr-prefsi l ui debility becomes a new mail; he stands erect, ht moves with a firm step: lus miu>! which wu pro- v Iona ly sunk iu gloom, becomes bright, tucyait, active* uud he geos forth rc-irisht-e, rcgeueraled and conscious f new vigor to lit.* uccusion cd ic- ciipatlouH: uud the eflee.i is m-t temporary, on iin contrary, tho relief is pennam-m. lor iho cordial properties of the medicino reach tlio com-litution itself uud restores it lo it- firrt condition. In all diseasesoHilt? &toruuch and pii.i--ttie organs, they ” They also remove depretsion, excite $29 REWARD. Kanaway, ou the 2d instant, my negro man POMt’EY* H« l rt about twenty-four years of age; six feet high; stout built; not very dark comulected: bas a down look it- nw countenance; has a sour ou the top of his loot, cut with an use. Ife was raised In North Caroli mout r «ueneae' wont off-lit n diriike to tociifr 'u i j 11 I 06 - giUdiDeai. blood in the head. mt-lanciio!y, mental or conllulnf. him in jail so that 1 get him, I will pa' debility Ihey increase an-- restorv tin* a; j>etite.pu- umaoovu reward. , rlfp tbo blood, strengthen the tone olth-e stmacb, • " • and give xuch energy and vigor to the constitution Colquitt I* 0., aa must be felt to be heli- wd. Montgomery county, Ga. j 0 c |dctly perjous, tir Astiey Cooper’s fills m Hnminifqwrn * invaluable; strengthening the system against the oJSSrSSJSa J2 f AU ? .r- attacks of age; they cause a continued cheerful- * u f'wainsboro, Emanuel Co., nwrf a ,„| prolong lue to tbe faleet ]vostiblu po- t tho 4th Instant, a negro man; he says h.h r | ol |_’ 5 1 . “5°!* Harry; that ho belongs to tbo estate Bkwahk ok Srcwofs mitaiioxs—None are genu. 1 Thomas Clay, pf .iryan County, Ga. He is j nL . w ithout the fac simile ol lho giguaturc of JI»o onight «>teP!exiun, with a slight scar over he le i |- tljiU <x, Solo Proprietor!-. London and New* ?A Ut 6 feot 3 *‘ ,nol,w lu bcigbl ’ an,i ttbm,t . J ' York, on each box ami on tbe directions. TlicGe- , . .— i._ r « . uuine Pills have also a correct likeness of she late ,^ e own ^ requested to come forward, pav sir Astley Cooper on the top of each box. Without »i¥v«Y h nvS»5rR«T' W ' t * »l*ese:mirks ofauthenticity, th.y nrospuriouiwd a-stbefaw direct.. HENRI OVERSTREET,^ an imposition. Sold at 26 cents, 6u cents wd fl HoptlT—2m •a I © on / fLnai Jaoii (am MOO DOLLARS REWARD a Por my two negroes, or 100 for either 1 lovlged iu Jail so I get them, JACK, sometimes called John, a large copper colored, home? _,dowu look and rough face, weighs about Is a s 6 feet loluches high, 22years old. ~ per box. Full directions aro given with each box. There is a great saving by tuking the larger size'- sep*27- & juK&— BOOKS—BOOKS RECEIVED BY WAHNOlK ft DAVIS, _ a . . v ,„ B^tSO fTHURSDAY, HUh (»ctol«-r. 1S60-TIic Rifle. Ax.’, - very black with a wide space between bis uon - X mid Fuddle Bags, and .-ib-r tactures,.IffJ- per trout teeth, high forehead, turns his feel out in ! "• Milburn* with a portrait 11 the autlioi "p »Ud- walking, is & feet 8 inches high, and weighs 160, ! -'tarried, not Mated ; or t - w they lived ntWocd- and 30 years old, and when heard or last, they ! un 1 l1 Throckmorton Han. ny Alice (arj wero in the swump above Savannah. My address I T1 ! e taistof the lorrester-; cr Hun.< r> < u m is 4 mile branch, or Barnwell, 8. 0. Bor'ler; a story or tbo OW Virginia VrwiUvt, bf augl2~wly WM. ASHLY. * * Mri. IlsuEi!? John tater Crooke Cuilcbs in Search of a Wile, by Moore. Three Per Cent n Montli; or the i’eii!.-: of la?i 1; ROBINSON & GAMP cut il JMUUIII j DHAFRHS AND TAILORS, i tavlag, by Charles Burdett. AND Dealers iu flnoReady Made^ taj'sytaN’^klace;and Whut -mwor itjsDtw Ci OTHl *G. have received and. ’ * * ** r-pened their stock of Fall aud Win- ter GOODS* cumprisiug a fall and' complete assortment of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vest Inga and Over Coatings, which we will make and trim *iu our usual style, and at the shortest notice. Our ready made Clothing is manufactured at too well known houso of W. T. Jennings ft Co, 231 Broadway, New York, and comprises all that is fine and fashionable in the line. ^ FURNISHING GOOD.a of overy dcsoRption requi site to a geutloman’s wardrobe, coustautly kept on hand* oil or which we offer on our usual credit terms, or at a disoouul of 6 per cent for cash, at 3 BULL .-TRKCT, SORREL BUILDING, oot 1—lm next door to Pulaski House. NEW AND SPLENDID FASHIONA. OLE GOODS F R THE FALU. TRADE OF 1860 WILLIAM 0, PRICE, AT THE STAB CLOTHING EHPOBIUM. 147 Buy Street, IS now opening the lurgost aud best si* lected stock or Goods for Genilemau’.H wear ever offered in tho city of savannah. • Black and Colored Cloths Black Doeskin* uud Cassimeres, Overcoatiug, Fancy and > Ilk and Velvet Vestings, which cannot Uosu* passed, arc to be found In bulti profusion in the Merchants’ Tailoring Dejwrtment, and will be mai-v to order In most approval style, and at short uo lice. I have taken particular pallia with the mauuiae luring of my Ready Made Clothing, and lb I euuU dent of pleiiHiug u<! who may favor uiewitii then patronage. 1 have u lot of very lusty busiuess suits, to which I invite tiartiuular attention. GENTLEMEN’S Fl^ NICHING GOODS and T 0 ,|„i articles of every deiteriptiou, and u large stock oi Trunks, Carpel Bags and Vulties always on hand. WILUAM O. PRICE. Star nothing Emporium, oct 2 147 Bay street Navnunali, Oct, lat, 1836. r lKUr-PAHTNkRsHIP Uar-tofore exlstingbe- J!f*‘2 , .'.i be « ub ^ rlb{,r,, * WMj ‘ ,r U* 0 name of .l V. CONNER AT ft CO , was thia day dissolved mutual couseut, Mr. Joseph V. Conuerat will at teud to the settlement iff the afl’alrs of toe said firm J. V. CONNER AT, J. DMA. taraniiab, Oct. lat, i860. THEUNUKHdRlSKD hnviug bought nut tlm in terest of John taxis, will iiereafter uontloue the Wholesale GROCERY AND PRODUCE UtVlNES* In his own name amt for his own account, and re- spectfally solicits from tbe friends of the late firm a continuance or their lavora. oct 8 J. v CONNERAT SKIRTS. '.*77 WHITE and Col’U, Whaiuhona, Moreen Whale. Y » boue. Moreen Flounced,-Moreen Whalebone, gmted^Wliaiobone 0 -Iwd^IUlr pjoto, Ml««e« osm ’ , *! 0r, »$W?n ft’MORGAN. ry Episode, by T. B. Aldrich „ Tlio Torchlight; or, ThrotiKh me Wood, bj n't riot Olcoit, author of “Isorn'.. Child ” The Adventures of Gerard, the Lieu Killer, by 1 E. Whitehead. t The Life of General Dauiel Mergar. of the >»• glnia Lino of the Army of the United State, *>' James Graham. For sale nt tho Book Slur-, oct 17 159 CONGRESS .-TREK THE COURT OF NAPOLEON /“VR Society under tho Fir--t Eiuf iro. with )<r traits of its beauties, wit* and lieroit:«, ife™ authentic originals, by Frank BGoodticii; itiustu* Jed by Jules C’hampugnc. “MORE OF The Romance of the Forest, by Anne Jtatti^c. author of l‘The Mysteries of Udolpbo ” Cotton is King, or the Culture «ff Cotton, mo relation to Agriculture, Mnnufact res and wm- merge, by David Christy. , .... The Hills of tho Shnlcmuc, hv tin* author «'* “Wide, Wide World.” 1)B , Victoria; or, tlio World nvenrme, by wtoiim Cbcsbro’, , , ,, Magdalen Heplniru, a slot x «.i foe •coltish w*™’, maliou, by Mrs Oiyphuul. author ef Lorimer Litllegood, b>q., a vounggeidietimo*^ wished to sac life amt saw ti av-curoiugly; by rnu- ESmedley, Esq. . . , Ernest Unwood, a novel, by Mrs CumiM* * flouts. For sale by WARNOCK ft DAI fe, Booksellers and Statioi.ers- oe-i'-’i 169 Congress firrm- Fli\E FASlllOMLE at reduced rates. T1AKUAINS cau now So IiaU by all 11"* X# wisli lo clotho themsolvos genteelly,« { . sell the balunco of my Ready-Made, at rwc . rates ou time, and ton per cent, off for e*- 1 *- , rt j. aud avail yourself or the chance to obtain go 0 ' 11 oh*. At the Star Clothing Emporium. WILJJAM 0 ft- . l- fM * v ui Bay DR. SANFORD’S INVIGORATOH, . ISA mild laxative, tonic and fitiraulnnt.aud J. rocoimneuded to tho public, relying u P° n . r trlusie worth lu the cure of tho following comWaun All Billious Derangements, Sick Ileadaclio, sia, Habitual Ooativeness, Chroulc Diarrb®, Pain in tho Stomach and Bowols, General WWW Female Weakness. Ao. For sale by Pruggtitsf" orally, and by John. B Moor-: ft Co, auu Wm* iJncolu, savauuah^ ly fcoij_^ PI7HK Mili-erTbor hasremovouon the Bay. P|7nr. Min-urincr «asronuivuuo» .■» *■/.» X door |u the Republican office, where he I opening u splendid a-Mirlment or Fall • nd goods, which he will sell by tho pattern or ® dy . to order in tbo most fashionable stylo ;auo, ww made Clothing frinn tin* celebrated houFo ei J*. IL. .borMI lotto., Jim r»«lvod »!«“”■ “if ^ J0WW.BWT.