Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 18, 1856, Image 1
mm series.! ij y, •x^ioxjincvxt.A.: Later from Burope. AttUIV ALOP THE OITY OF WASHINGTON Naw You, Not. 18. The City of H’oiAieglen baa arrited, with Uterpieil dates to Nov. 4. :. She reports only s moderate bualnoia doing in the Liverpool i "tton market, with prices, It),! furor or buyers. .Soles of three d lyu 18,000. The money in iket is easy at previous rates Cousols advanced t—Quoted at 03. (iVTUKlt DtSPATMI.] UiLTiiuiaa, Nov. 18.—The City of Washing ton arrived at Philadelphia today with lour days later intelligence bom Europe. She re ports Cotton dull at a decline of 11-8. Hides of three days 13,000 bales. Flour. Wheat and Corn are dull and slightly drooping. Provisions quiet, lloney market unchanged. Consols 03}. - The Political news by this arrival Is unim portant. The Niagara had arrived out. (3n dispatch.) Market Reporte. Middling Orleans 6|; Middling Mobiles 613-10; Middling Uplands 6|. Manchester trade, eytnpathlaing with the Liverpool market, Is dull. Indian Cora doll. Yellow Com 33s. Od to 34. Flour market unchanged. The Havre Cotton market is steady, with a fair business doing. Bank manure. l'mr.AMt.pniA, Nov. 18^-The Lancaster Bsuk of Pennsylvania closed doors to-day. Disastrous Fire In Canada. New Yobs, Nov. 18—-The Ions by fire at the Thicc Itivers, Canada (previously reported) was £100,000. Death of Den. Raton. Washington, Nov. 18.—Gen. Eaton, Secre tary of War under Genital Jackson's first ad- mlnlatmtion.tsdead. mmi SAVANNAH, (4A.. TUESDAY, NOVEMKEE 18, 1856. NO 14005 Fitoit Philadelphia. -We Are indebted to the purser of the Key Stone State for Phila delphia papers of last Saturday iu advance of thu until. The consignees and passengers by this arrival will be found in another column. [From tbeRIchmoud Enquirer.] NICARAGUA* Thu following extracts from the private cor respondence of a very intelligent oitiseu of Nicaragua r conveys valuable information In re» ■pect to that very interesting country: , Oct. 30,1850. My Dear FriendThe moat important uewa from Nicaragua, by the last two arrivals, is the statement “ that General Walker bad re voked the decroo abolishing slavery in Nicar agua.” It has come a little sooner than I told you it would, but not too soon. Now what can you Virginians do? Why not you yourself make the start through the newspapers? aud 00 per cent, public lands, ns! luff J - - . da l got from formed native*, after careful en» xge as Virginia; Tbi the beat quiry. Thiiid—The lands are rich, and the produc tion those most adapted to slave labor, viz: 1- Sugar in perfection; no frost. 2. Tobacco rudely cultivated, but not much inferior to the Cuban. 3. Coflee of good quality; now much neg lected. 4. indigo—said once to have been the best in tho world, but its culture has been abandoned since the civil wan. It is, however, more easily restored than any other crop, and tho vats for its preparation are still to he found on the old estates. They were made by the Spaniards of atone and cement 5. Cocoa—from which chocolate la made. A beautiful crop, requiring hut little labor, and yielding great value iu a small bulk. 0. Bice, very abundant, of the upland species. 7. Dye-woods, of various kinds and or j value. The foregoing are ail produced on the low country adjoining the Lake and the Pacific. Hut thero are no marshes, that I saw in travel ing extensively in this region. As von asoond the mountains which lie to the North and East you meet with other productions, viz: 8. Cotton, of excellent quality. 0. Thun wheat, which is said to yield well. There are still some flour mills in this section. Wild Indians here begin to be troublesome. 10. With wheat appear the fruits of the tem perate zone. U. Open glades, covered with perpetual gra*, on which, in some parts, herds of tin sods of cattle may now be seen. 12. A little higher than the pastures, gold and silver mines, which the natives are now workiu* with protit, though usiug the rudest and most inartificial processes; for example, they bring the ore down to their grinding places on the backs of oxen. 13. The best kinds of timber are to ho fouud in all putts. I was particularly struck with the cedar, beams of which were shown me saUP to he 117 yeurs old, and as sound as they were the day they were put up. This magnifleent country Gen. Walker has taken possession oi in tho name of the white nee, and now oflhrs to yon, to you and your waves, at a time when you have not a frier on tho face of tbo earth. What will you do for him? You must sup port him with men and money. The men fn6et wanted are men ot education, fit to serve in the civil government, aud command in the army. Are there not scores of ju»t such men, wasting their lives in idleness, and without a prospect of the future, in Virginia ? Next money. Will the South let, slip this glorious acquisition, from sheer nigsrancss? nightly appreciated aud rightly urged, it seems that not only individuals, hut States, would come forward to aid the great and effective champion of their Interests, and the only one in ihe world. Take hold, my dear friend, and make the Southern press take hold; bring all yonr en thusiasm to the work, and let us see what cw be done. I consider the country remarkably healthy, [core no thun any of our Southern States, uu- Ie w, perhaps, Western Texas, aud I rest my "pinion on the following facts, viz: I spent five months there, and during that fine there were troups stationed for lougor or Jhortcr periods at the following places: At Caatillo Viego, midway the San Juan river; at *h Carlo* at the exit or the San Joan river J?® Lake Nicaragua; at the city of Rivas, wgm Ray, or Sail Juun del Sur, on or $4I S " ttat to the Transit road, (these three places coaitUuUngoue station;) at the city of Leon, *na for a little while at the town of Ibsays, Wu at the town of Matagolpa, in tbemoun- tains, uud u t Granada. All the sickness, aud uu the deaths, with scarcely an exception, oo- Sj^cdat Granada* I was for a month on the transit road, and found It aa healthy as any country I ever was In, not a case occurring that ' p»u remember among citizens or the troups. *ho lost ten days ioMarch, when the Costs [beam were hourly expected on that frontier, were were about 700 Americana assembled In S, badly lodged, badly fed, and the great Sfcnty Of the soldiers In a bad state of disci- plinsjand yet during this time there was no nr that rug- luoed by exposure .. Jn Granada there was an average or 800 men during the whole Uve months; for tho greater portion or that time there about 250 iu )*eou. In Grutiada oue* third died. In Leon therti was no one sick, the only Inmates of tho hospital beiugamau Who aceldeutly shot himself through the Jaw. another who shot himself through the knee,*ml an officer wounded iu udiiel. Ido not take into tho account two or three cases of cholera, which were takeu on tho march from Grsnrda, and lived to got to Leun. Thero is something altogether peculiar about Grunsdo. A fever pevails thero all tho time, it would seem, which tho Americans call yellow fever, audwhlcais as sudden iu its attack, as rapid iu its course, and altogether as dangerous. Toe city is situ ated not very far from the head of the lake, in a misorobly barren, uncultivated rogiou, under a high mouutain which checks the course of the trade wiuds, which blow freshly overall the rest or tho country, and in tho neiglilwr- hood of a largo swamp,«s I urn told, for I have never seen it, Whatever the cause, Grounds, during my stay in Nicaragua, differed from tliu rest or the .State, os Norfolk did lost year from tho rest ot Virginia. Unfortunately is is a very strong military posltlou, the key to tho North ern aud Eastern sections, und must he well garrisoned. Aa the army goes on increasibg, however, a small proportion or the whale force may ho sufficient, aud these of acclimated meu who enjoy perfect health in Granada. I mean men woo have onco had tho fovor. i Imvo never scon healthier persons than tliu old resi dent foreigners of Granada, Americans und Europeans. In sneaking ofthu productions or Nicu rsgua; I left out com and plantains. These constitute the principal diet or the people, and the latter serves the great mass tor meat us well ns bread. A lower diet you could not conceive—hardly good enough for a decent milch cow, aud nothing could more strongly mark tho low grade or the mlaeruble Uumuu brute that lecds on it. Its recommedation to him is, that it grows spontaneously and costs him no labor to get it. Corn is also sowed in some places and ent as grass. They don’t allow to grow large enough to Be called fodder. I was very much astonish ed to Almost excellent draught cattle wherever I went; but the best were about Leon. I there saw 6xen .that would take the prize at one of yoor exhibitions, 1 think 1 told yon that I, myself, travelled i60 miles in four days in a cart drown by four oxen, in the hottes conceivable weather uud apparently without fatiguing them at all. So much tor what I saw in Nicaragua*. 1 speak as an eye witness and 1 hope you will find Id my words that which will interest you, even to tho point of action. Here is something tangible—hero is a new State soon to ho added to the South, in or out of the Union—here is the first piece of Mexico in fact, the whole of which, in a short life time, will fall into the hands of the white men of North America, and it behooves you to begin in time to secure your portion of the prize, for you are going to find it no easy task. I speak of Mexico (including, of course, Control Ame rica, in tho snmo destiny) with absolute con fidence. The expulsion of tho Spanish masters has left that country to the rod man—the Spanish Indian—an inferior and iucompcnt race, and the result is altogether analogous to the result of emancipation in tho West Judies, lust as the cause is similar. In both instances, ;be support of the strong will aud high intel ligence of the white man has been withdrawn, and, forthwith, the red man and tho black man, liberated but incapable and helpless, have sunk down from the position in which they had been held np and sustained, and lapsed rapidly towards their original aud natural barbarism. A great deal has been said about the acquisi tion ofCubu, but I think any great change there much more doubtful; for it is still iu the hands of white men-not the strongest to be sure, but stUi while men. Thero the cause at work is only opinion, hut on tho mainland it is blood. 1 could write much ou these subjects, but 1 am not strong enough for the attempt. I can only give you these imperfect suggestions, which (beg yon to take and develop more fully in your conversations and through the press. Tub Return op tur^ssolutk.—Cant. Hart- stein In command of the English bark Resolute has been fully instructed by the Navy Depart ment relative to the course to be penned by him in the execution of bis trust und takes out a letter to Lord .Clarendon from the State De triment, enclosing the joint resriutions of Jongress for the purchase of that vessel from the American crow who found it abandoned iu the Arctic Ocean, for presentation to the British government and expressing the gratifi cation of the administration on behalf of the peo- lie United States in tenderiug this token of the riendly feelings by which our country is actua ted. The time for tnis international courtesy is considered hero to ho opportune iu view of the alAmerici settlement of tho Central American quostiou. Lady Btrom and Tim Kansas “Siikferkks.” Prof. Stowe, husband to Mrs Harriot Beecher communicates the following note to the Boston Traveller. It is from Lady Byron, widow of the poet, and encloses £05 sterling: “October 18,185(1. Dear Mrs. Stowe: Will you kindly under take, in transmitting my subscription towards tho relief of the sufferers in Kansas, to secure this point—that tho money shall uot be applied to the purpose of providing arms ? It is, how- may \Yl guipure, fringe, or uveit u plain galon; and oo made either ot cluth, taffetas, or velvet, bother there will he much novelty in the shape of bonnets ia still au open question. Thu skirts are still worn bullonnces.but these domu dresses tire the oye; an effort is being mude to reduce tliu circumference of these uu* graceful appendages to lemale nitiro, and wo trust it wifi lie successful. We have secu some very elegant silk dresses, liich ter taste surpass everything that has yet appeared. They are made with double skirts, terming Uuuuces. On the edge of each is a broad stripe woveu in the silk, having the ap- learunce ol plush or cheuille. It is quite in the Eastern style, being a mixture of almost all the colors—greeu, blue, rod aud yellow Appearing side by side in perfect good taste, the color of the dross itself being either dark or blue, emer ald green, or violtt. A dross of black glace silk had also twoskirta, with flounces, which were edged with six or seven rows of narrow uncut black velvet The three tellowiug visiting dresses are wor thy of notice: The first, a dress of violet and black tuflbtus, with three flounces, edged with black velvetjneariy a quarter of a Vara broad; over this, a black velvet casaque, fitting to the figure, with very deep basques trimmed with two rows of guipure; the sleeves open and square, showiug a very largo bmlionneo of black guipure. Small ValeneTunes collar. Bon net of black velvet, trimmed with a violet and black curled feather, fusteued on the top by a bow of ribbon. Velvet heartsease oma- meuted tho iuside of the fronts. The second, a dress of deep blue moire, striped with black velvet; a small blue velvet mantle, trimmed with two rows of broad black lace, tho lower one half a yard ueep. White terry velvet bonnet, trimmed with two tufts of small feathers, aud a blonde fall The third, a black tafietas dress, ornamented at each side of the skirt by two rows of black velvet and a wreath of leaves worked in small black heads, finished by a row of black lace about two inches wide. With this dress was worn a lurge Indian cachmlre shawl, and an American-green satin bonnet, covered with black tulle,, worked in rather largo dots of black silk. The curtain was trimmed round hr a niche of black blonde, mixed with loops of very narrow velvet* On one side was placed a water lily, with long black velvet leaves, aud inside tuo front a bonUlonnco of blonde and roses. Some very pretty heaver bonnets are being prepared ter the colder whether; they are of an exqusite shade of drab, trimmed with blue, violet or criuiHou velvet. Some have, besides,' a flat feather, shaded to the color of tho velvet; others have only bows of velvet on tho sides, with the ends brought across tho curtain, which, as well aa the bonnet, is hound with velvet, inside ure placed hows, mixed with blondet or velvet leaves, with bows of black lace. When the bouuct U trimmed with black velvet, jet trimmings are placed in the cap. As a useful and warm casaque for very cold weather, or for traveling, we recommend ono made of reversible cloth; that is, a cloth with two faces and of distinct colors; for instance, brown ou oue side and bluo on the other, or black aud violot. It is made with very wide Bleeves, open the whole leugth; but a double : . *-**““- *. ^ e Uicqf lire unleumlflg to ruitluuo them by every hoi for Now York.' vunoiy of trimming. Urease, are much trim- oied 011 each aloe o7 the skirt; narrow velvet, iu uraheaqiieor Ureuque patent., sometimes en tirely cover theIrout lirwuitli; tlilslsonattempt to euperoodo fiouueee. Trimming, are auo placed rouud the Bkirt in pattern) or the kune style ua thoee already mentioned. •J’hohody fa olteu trimmed with Uve or seven rowa of nar row velvet, earned rouud tho Oust, forming a Lcrtlic, which Is poiuted at Irent and room behind. Very short talma, of velvet, cloth, or, above cll.oi chinchilla, are the favorite pardeesu. for till. Autumn. I,ergo duuhlo shawls of Thibet plush, in Algerine puttcrua or bright colors, with u wideohculUe fringe, are introduced by soino ol'ou. priueipnl houses; and their costlt new, us well aa their great beauty, will render them exceedingly fashionable this winter. I ho cusque-Jupe will, without doubt, ho a great favorite; It may he trimmed with a rich uco **'“ - • hope that such sympathy Is felt a. warmly by many here as by. Yours, most truly, A. T.Nosl Bvbos." The enclosure was a draft for 03 pounds sterling Wilmington, N. C. IUilhoid—The gross receipts of the Wilmington and Weldon itoud for the year ending September 80, 18oG, were 479,350,38; the cost of ruulng 3230,835,41; not earnings, 243,713,07. The receipts exceed those ofthepreviou.ycaralioiit$37,0U0.7pcr cent of dividends lias been paid, and 3per cent set nside lor a sinking fund. Hon. David Si’ANOLKU, of Coshocton, Ohio, died on tho 18th ult. Ho was twice Representa tive of his district in the House of Representa tives, and in 1841 he received tho nomination for tho office of Governor by the Whigs, which lie declined. A Fight.—Holden, of the Italolgh (N.C.) Standard, and tho Hon, K. Raynor, says the Milton Chronicle, had a fisticuff fight iu llalclgh a low days ago. A countryman at Burnley, being ask how ho knew a man, of whom ho had been complain ing, was drunk, indigually replied, "What could bo be else, when he asked for a shoe-hem to put his bat on with. ” Faro Banks in CommoTioiiT^-Tlie Hartford Oourant is informed by sevoral correspondents, that there ure no less than twenty faro-hanks In full operation In that city, and that there ie more gaming carried on there than In any city of Its size iu tho Uuion. Who would dream of such nstato of things In the principal city of staid and steady Connecticut- Nabiiow E80»l’B.->Danlel Stearns, appar ently died, lust Friday uftcruoou, in Fremont, Sandusky, Ohio. Arrangements were made for the luneral, und the body was about to bo put in the colfin, when warmth was observed to linger nlmut the heart; restoratives wore applied, aud lie was soon sitting up nnd Inn fair way of recovery. Have we a Knioht ahonu Ua?--A corres- tryman, Morse, the Inventor of the electric telegraph, who is, therefore, Sir Samuel, if ho choeos to he called so, Instead ol Mr. Morse.— IV. Y* Tima, Witty Sailob—A sailor being asked how he liked ills bride, U reported to have remarked —“Why, d'ye sen, I took her for to bo only hqlfof me, as tho piirwiii (ays, bnt dash me, if oho Isn't twice oa much as 1. I'm only a tar— ihe’a a tartar." Tun Amkuiuan on.the I'apai. Thiions.— Tho Col. Ulrani Pearson who was fined 1/00 K - uteri forsenilug himself ou tho thronooftlw pear Romo, Is the same man who palmel himself upon the Hnroucan Hoieutllio Congress as e delegate from California. A Faik Invbhnncz.—Au old lady, observing a sign over* tailoring celnbllilimcut, bearing the Inscription “Fountain of' Kaeh'oi," ex claimed! “Ab7 that must be the piece when he aqlrita come ftom." - Fashion. forNu v.mlic r .. • AWoi /ai JW/ll. . I V 4! i Velvet will he rnuuh worn this Winter. It is o said that eveu satin will regain some ol Ite lormer Ikvor. In the meantime ailk Woven With velvut will constitute qno or tuo moat pre vailing t.brhu; und we ehali doubtlMeseomiieh beauty us well as novelty displayed In thede- uimitl. Tllal ■•■■nilillldKi.lia 111' I.a4. u l..l- l. Steamship Keyftam Bt*tc, Hardle. Phll«*lo1|ihla. tui:A Krofner. . v. Will) M lit Blau>‘, oinutiil, l.tvcriMjol, tol’adpl n>nt.-Vay & to. ^8!il|i Victoria, Iktiitflilj, JUvurpool, to A Low * 8lil|»jait»u Marla, L*nnox. Liverpool, ioA.Iaw Steamer tluritoe, JironkH, Clmrle-Mon—to j |» Hrookii. Potter’* tlutg from plantation, with 75 ra«krt rice, to Jim Williamson *• Ulenrcil. Bchr My rover, .fackBo*' t wilmltigton—Ogden, 8turr Bohr. Turgot Fur man. New York—O'hens k Hurts. Hvhr tioo Davis, Phillip*, Bo*tou—William* k HatCaUlo summer Darlington, Brack, VaUtka, &o—Clughorn k Cumilugbum. Htoumur Uou Cliuoh, Rlchurdsou, Pulutka, Ac.— Clughorn k Cunningham. r Departed Htoumur Darlington, Draft. Pulutka, Ac. Bteumor (leu t.uui.h, RidbSrdeou, PaUtka, ko. Passenger*. Per etoamxhip Kovutono Statu, from Philadelphia —Andrew Moyor, Mr* Jackson, Samuel Hart. Mr Mat’kln, ludy und four chltUreu, W D Hubbell. W i* HerRMbelmer, Kubt Nowlla. PBhive. lady and two children; 6 J Frank and lady, John B Btrupper, J L Loach, W V Babcock, ludy and iwouhildrou, H8 Allen, JutnoH Downward, C H.DoUralT: Dr Lesley and lady, D Ii Mason. Mrs E A Mason, Miss Rice, K B '-rubb, lady, two diildreu ami servant, Mrs K M U'e and daughter, Mrs O Cohen, Mias Meyers. H M McClelland, Miss McClelland and nephow, Mrs M A Bedford and daughter, 0 H Wnilrhosd and lady, N Crauo and lady, Mltui Duusun Mrs fi M IVArinond, Mbw Uardcnbroughund servant, ('bun Brown, ami at In steerago. Per steamer tiordou, from Charleston—M J Sol omons and Inly, Miss G Simpson, O Wlenges, K Hunter, Capldturgeu. Mrs Herts, 2oh , lnandnur<>u, Mr* yojle. Mrs C Parker ar J Huger uud ft duck. , W Crowder, Mr Conilgiieei. Per utoumuhlp KeyUone dtati, from Philadelphia R D Aruuld, G W Auderann, O E Baric, Butler k F, Brautly k Oo, G Bunkman, A Bailor, Brigham. K k Co, J v Brook*, W Colomau, J P Cofitna, Cooper Je Co, Clughorn k C, M A Cobon, Choover. S k Co, Co hens k H, Cole k Rro, 1) D Oopp, Crrue, W k to, J F. DoFord, DuuaA W, J B Foley, W Gate, Gemun den Jc G, C A Groiuur, F W He dman, Holcombe, J k Co, Hamden’* Kx. O John on k Co, Kiug k W, H H Lliivllie, ri M Ufllteau, C A LLamar, Minis k J. Modo & Brc, McMahon k D, IW Morrell, rattou. H k Co, B R Agt, Huiders k A, Way no k Bon, You no k F. Por uhlp Mont Blano. from Liverpool—Carmi chael k Be an, BAJA Bones, H A J Moore k Co, Bono* k Browu uud E Muatlu, or Augusta. Padel- ford, Fay k Co, M A Cohen, Crane, Wells k Go. Por steamer Gordon, from Charleston—C It R, Fla boat, Bell k PreuUss, W HGuion, A Haywood, Habersham & Son. N B k H Weed, J J Martin, A tfarrle, p Jacobs, F W Cornwell. Ntto 2UiotrttBtnunt8. — 17adieiTpAir. Hie Fair or tho First Bapd*t Church will be opened ontboftP.b last., in tho SI. Au. drew’* Hall, commencing ut 11 o’clock. uovlB PUBLIC NOTICE. rnHE Annual Meeting of tho Board or Commission. X ers or Public (toads ol' Chatham county will be hold at the Court House, In the City or Savann tb, ou tho secoud Monday iu Dccembor next, which will bo the 8th day ot'suid month, at eloven o’clock, A. M. W. W. WASH, BocrotAty, oovta-w B.0 V.R.C.C. FOB SALK. A small stock of Dry Goods; also, Counter, Show Xl. Case aud Shelb. Possession ortho store can be given alter sale of «tock. Iilqsiro corner or Jefr forsou aud Joue* *to. row of buttons on each i i enables it to be closed ut the pleasure of the wearer, and when closed only to the elbow, it has the form a pa goda sleeve. At the front are two small poek* etd. with poiuted rovers, fastened by a button. A less neglige casque is made of cloth, with an Amazon body, fitting to the figure, and open sleeves, wide at the bottom with deep mousqne- talre cufls. It may be trimmed in varfouB ways. Illinois.—Chicago, Nov. 13.—Tho returns from all the counties in tho State, except St, Clair, Wuynco Edward and Crawford, aro in, Buchanan's plurality is 6055, und Biasel’s 7,733. St Clnlr county will give a Republican ma jority nnd the others Democratic. Indiana.—Cinoinunti, Thursday* Nov. 13, 1850—The Indianapolis Journal of yesterday lias returns from eighty Counties in tula State, half of them official, which show a Buchanan ijority of 10,030. Tho eleven Counties yet to be heard from gave a net Democratic ma jority in October of 2,187. HOT AND COLD BATHS. EARLY customers, strat gers, aud dUstuuars rwpecUUlly notlBud that but water is ready for them from 6 A. M. till 0 P. .\i.every day except Sundays. A few more goutiemeu can be welt ao* commodated tobaUie as often as thoy ohooseatono dollar a month, all subscriber* to commonce from Nov. 1st, 185ft to Nov. 1,1857, for $12. Single baths, 25 cents. Season tlckot from 1st May to 1st Nov., $15. J. M. HAYWOOD, «gt. N. B. 10 subscribers, in addition to those I have, aro all I can take at tho low price or 12 dollars a y**ar. no?l8 J. M. H., Agt. JgAOON SIDES—15 ( casks choico Bacon Sides, S tyli; NOTICE. YLLY k COLLINS have taken an office on the corner or Drayton st. and Bay lane, op- posuo me offico of C. A. L. Lamar, Esq., for th« rausactlou or an Auction and General Brokerage business. Heal aud Personal Estate sold ou Oommls*iun;nl. so, Stock and Bond*. Loans negotiated. Liberal advance* made ou property entrusted to them for sale. novl8 Fox Kansas.—A train of emigrants for Kan' huh will leave Mount Pleasant, Iowa, on the 20th day of November, 1850, under Col. J. H. Lane. As the almanacs say, look out for more Kansas troubles about these days. 3C"' I'eutilitv.—It is said that Siberia affords two crops n year—one of suaw and the other of icicles. (ftoininwial Snttlligtnn. Snvaniinh Market, November 18* COTTON—340 bales changed hands this forenoon viz: 126 ut 11,22 at 11 80 at 11#, 100 at l\y„ 47 at 11*5,1* at 11,4« Import*. 1.1YKKPOOI*—Ship Victoria-8,694 sks sail, 208 tons coal, 2 pkgs •itlonory. UVEHPOOL—Bcbr EUen Maria—0,530 sks salt. Exports* WILMINGTON—Schr Myrovor—700 sks salt. NEW YORK—Schr Target-862 bales upland cot ton, 60 bags and 2 bales SI cotton, 103 casks rice, 40 bbls and 2 kegs lard, 139 cans lard, 10 bbls Aio, 113 empty bbls, 2 bbls lmrdwaro. BOSTON—Schr Goo Dovis—860 bales bales cot ton, 1710 bides and 1 box mdxe. NEW ORLEANS, .Nov. 13-Uottou—Tho number of buyers was quite limited to day, aud tho sales wero con fino-l to about6000 bales without material change in prices. LIVERPOOL CLASSIFICATION. Interior VXT^&o., Ordinary * ISSSKS Low Middling S./StiS Middling., Hood Middling I!*"®!® Middling Fulr Fair.... ..12M0W Good Fair —O— KTATKMKNT OK COTTON. Stock on baud 1st Boptember, 1866 bales 7,265 Arrived sluco Arrived today 13,806-413,836 VALUABLE PLANTATION NEAR AHERIUU8 Acres—500 Cleared* ■ The subscriber olTers at private salo, on ravonblo terms, a valuable Planta tion, containing 1000 acres, about 500 acres or which is In cultivation, well improved, and most of it fresh land* This plantation Ik situated three miles Beam Auieriouti. on the lino of tho Georgia and Florida Railroad. Tho titage Road is the western boundary, aud It extends eastordly to Muckalco Creek. It Is ocuuplod this year by Messrs. Felder, Kuvcium a* Davis. The plantation I* very healthy, very productive, well watered, and convenient to a good market Those dcslrlug a bargain, will pleaso address the subscriber as early as possible, at Albany, Ga., or ' to Newnan MoBaln, Esq , at tho* who will show the promises to thoso desi ring to purchaso. NEL80N TIFT, novl8-6t Albauy, Ga. Exported to-day.. Exported to date., 421,091 12,767 169,472-182,239 stock on hand and on shipboard uot clear- od 2M * 861 Tobacco—Thero was someluqulry, but It resulted in no sal * of any importance. Stuck on band Sept 1,1866.... Rooelvoil *lnce H reel veil to-day ....bhds. 9,367 1,855 36-- 1,686 Exported to;day ,Kxi»urtod previously 10,962 ...... 312 ...... 3,967- 3,271 Stock on Imud not cleared.... .....7755 Exchanges—No material alteration. niwfe. • wrcsnLdtto. Loudon,[clear bill*]... Paris isVfi New York60 days.'.. ^)vr York sight .Hitt UOVl8-lt landing and for salo by novl8 CHAN. A. GREINER. FOB BALE. . A valuable rico plantation on tho 8a- Itilla river, at a good pitch of tide, con taining four hundred acres tido swamp,, of which two hundred and fifty are clcaroi under bauk, with three hundred ano fifty acre! of pino and hammock land attached, seventy acres of which bavo been cultivated In corn. On the prom ise* aro a small dwelling house, overseer and ne gro houses to accommodate one hundred and thir ty nogrocs, a born aud other plantation bulldiugs. The settlement is prettily situated on an elevated bluff or tho rivor aud remarkable fonts healthful- nets. Tttls property to be sold for a division. Farther information may bo obtained from the undersigned on tho adjoining plantation, or by addressing him at Jeffersouton, Oamdon county. U»vl8-tr L. W. HAZKLHUKST. Ztmt. COOK WANTED. W AN ED IMMEDIATELY a good Cook, who will ha willing lo irou and wash for a small rnmny. A miihihlo jier-mi will rocolvu goo*l wages and a permanoni plum, apply at this office, H0V17—tr FfiUlT!! FEOITm Juki arrive l, tho Br. achr. Ellen, Win. •lolin-i'Ui, ina-ter, from H «i- hour I land, with a cargo of t'LAN- G!•>'•, LKID'NN, LIMES, UAN ANAN* _ iColOWDiV and PINK APPL1X For aale lnw, apply m YONUK k FHIERjMJN, novli 94 Day street. ’ " NOTICK. rjlHE public aro horobv uotiUed Uialall shooting X In.iheback water, or u|*iu the ground* be longing to tho Silk Hope Plantation, on the Wgeohee Road, eight mile* from tho city of Savannah, Is pos itively prohibited, except by iho permirslou of the undersrgaed. Aoy oris who may bo found tres- pawing thereon, alter this date, will be pro*ecuted to tbo extent of tho law. GEORGE 8. OWENS, Savannah, Nov. 17, 1860. fit—n«vl7 ELECTION NOTICE. louo, lor a serguuui oi ino r^iwciai ronce, oy uuy and by night, to fill tho vacauuy ucooslonod by tho resignation of Sergoaut Lambrlght. Salary $700; bond $500. Applicants will please loavo liielr ap plication* with mo, stating their securities, (two required), on or before 2 o’clock ,.1*. m.. of that day. EDWARD WILSON, Clerk of Couucil Savanuah.^ov. 12, I860. novlT STATE OF OEOOoH: S ATHAM COUNTY—To aU whom It may uncoru : Whercu*, Ann Kollar will apply at lurt ol Ordmury lor letters of AdmiuUtratiou on the estate or Dennis Kollar : These ar therefore to cite uml admonish all whom It may concern lo be and appear before said Coart, to tuakoobjections, (if uuy they have,) on or noforo the second Monday In January next, other wise said tetters wilt bo granted. Witness John Bllbe, Esq., • rdluary for Chatham county, this sevcutccnth day of November, 18( 0. JOHN BILBO, o O. o. .4 i'MINlaTKATUR’S BALE—Pursuant to au order issuudlrom the CuurtofOrdluaryofOhitham County, will be sold before the Court House, In Newton, Baker county, on the first Tuesday In Jan- uryuoxt, betwocu trie legal hours or sale the fol lowing let* or Laud Iu said county, viz: No’*. 21, 22, 201. 176,179, 317 in the 10th District; No’*. 07 68, 88,113.842, 3J3, 288 In the 11th District, und No’*. 314,316, 310,317, 225, in tbo 12tlt District. also: Will ho sold o tho first Tuesday in February next, before the Court llouso iu Bulnbrldgo, Deca tur couuty, the following lots of laud In said coun ty, vix: No’s. 315,316,317,311, 82, 60.13 in the 16th District, uud No's. 182,133,177, 111, 112 aud 17 iu the 16th District. also: Will be sold ou tbo first Tuesday in Ma r ch next, before tbo Court Houso In Blakoly, Early county, the following lots ot land In said couuty, via: No’s 220. 821, 141, 800, 301,294, 269, 260, 205, 202, 267. in tho 26tb District, and No. 247 in the 28ib Dis trict. Tho abovo lands are situated iu a rich aud fer tile country and aro worthy the attention of pur chasers, us it i* ox peeled that Iho Favauuuh and Gulf Rallroud will run udjimeut or through most of them. Torms: one-half cash, tkebatanco in 1*2 months from dato or sale, to bo woil secured, purchasers payiug for titles. Persons wishing lo purchaso will call on T. R, lawton, of Albany, John Bilbo. ofHavannab, or MICHAEL SHBAnAN, Adm’r ou Est. JAMES II. *!1EAHAX. deceased. novl7-lm Central II. Roiuf A Unit king Co. of Ga. 1 Savannah, Nov. 13, 1956. j Tho Auuiml Meeting uffitnckUolder* will bo held at tho Company's onice, Wost Broad struct, ou Tuesday, tbo • txlnonth day ol' Pe- comber ucxl, at l'> o’clock In the forenoon. Stockholder* wilt, he pn^s-'d to uud irout the meetimr kkkk. ll-td OB •. A. CUY1.EK, Cashier. MEDICAL GAUD. DR. J. K. SMITH ha* removed his OfUce WV to Broughton street. In Dailey’s Hulldlng, a few doors above Beldon’s Hat Store. Residence at Mrs. Rumsliurt'h. West Broad Btrcot. supl8 i^^lOO HEWABOt'^L Some person or ponmus bavii g counterfeited a TEN DOLLAR 1UL of the Merchants’and Planters’ Bank, and put the sumu In tdruulatlou, the Bourd, by Reiolutinu, "ff« r h Howard of One Hundred Did. lars lor detecting tint couuterieitor and furnishing proof for oen vioiinn. HIRAM ROBERTS, novtl President. CAUTION. CENTRAL RAILROAD BANKING Co oFGA.,1 Bavatuiali, Nov. II, 1850. / T HE PUBLIC fr hereby in.oruiod anti put upon its guard that opuriou* uoum iu Imitation or tbu Ton Dollar notes, uftheis-uu of this Bauk of 1856, havo beon reeuutiy put iu circulation. Tho spuri ous uuiu* aru photograph';, and ure easily detected Thu rod letter* TEN arc painted, und tho whole up pnrrs a* u much rubbed und dciaccd bill. A reward of Fjvk Hc.NkKKD Dollars Is hereby offered lor proof to conviction of any porsou who ho* s>; (Miunorfcl'od tho not os or this Institution, or who bus uttered the false uutos, kuowlng them to be Ihlsu. K. It. OUYLEK, President. novl2 _ I N A TRUNK, stolon in thi* oity, by a negro in April, 1855, wore bonds uf the city ol' Augusta, marked loot, C. No’.-;, lu At > t, ea.h fltwn, with coupons attaoiied for in cro*t since Oct. 1864. 1'ue public uru hereby cnidl* ued not to purchare raid Bunds. uovl9-1m G HEaSE, BUTTER, Ao.—-200 boxes Goshen Chuoso; 0'J do English Dairy do; 25 oases Pino Apple do;5) llrkius Choloo Butter;5 cases (X and ii ttoxe*) Sardines; landing and for sale by BOV18 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. C ANDLES. STARCH, SOAP, Ao,— 60 box,‘h Fporm and Patent Sperm Cundla* f>5o boxes and half boxes Pearl Starch 160 Cidgtlc’.H No. ISnap 60 *- Beadul, Smith k Colgate's Family an Pule Soap 200 * AduinanUuu aud Tullow Candles 60 “ Plt*» not tT|H! Heads In store and Tor mite by out 2 it 'LOOMHE, JOHNSON k CO. W OlaFE’B CELEBRATED AROMATIC KUUEID- AM SCHNAPPS— 200 d zeu quarts and pluts, fur sale by tho quan tity, at New York prices. oct2fi a. DON AUD. M ACKEKEL —20 hail barrels medium size No. 2 Mackerel. 25 quarter barrels laigo, Xu. I. 26 Kilt’* large No. 1 Mackerel. In store aud for wale by oot27 HOLCOMBE. JOHNSON k CO. G ODFISHj PoUtoos, &o, 20 quintals Codfish. 60 obi*. Mercer Potatoes. 100 boxes Horrings. lu store and fur sa.e by 08127 HOltCOMBK, JOHNSON k CO. B ackgammon boarjs, chess mod, Drawing Pencil*, Bristol Boards. Water Color* Porte Munalos. Card Cases, Portfolios, &c., &o., for sale by WAKNOCK k DAVIS, uovia 169 Congress etreot. B LANK B OKS, of all kinds; foil bound Day Books, Isnlgcrs; journals, Ac., and liaff bound do, made of good (taper and well bound; also, Pass Books, Memorandums, Writing Books, 4to„ for sale by ; WAltNOCK fc DAVIS, novlS- >: 169 Congress street. L KTl'KR BOGKS, Copying Presses, Oil Paper, Copying Hrushcs, nnd fine Blotting Puper. for Halo bj WAKNOPK k DAVIS, no vi 3 159 Congress street W RITING PAPERS —For salo at remarkably low prices olue aud white ruled aud plain fools cup, do do letter papers, English and Frencb packutuud uoiuinorciul post; also, a fiuo solootlon ol piuk, bull', violet and i ther colors of uote and letter paper*, small sizes, suitable for tally’s use. WaRNUCK & DAVIS. iiovU 159 Congress street. FELLOW-CITIZENS OF CHATIIA9I COUNTY. vjgy- 1 am a candidate for ro-olcotion to tho of- fico or Itooeiyer of Tax Returns lu January ucxl, mid rcspectfolfy solicit your suffrago*. augll JOHN REEDY. TO THE VOTifiaS OF CfH ATHAiri COUNTY. an* Fellow citiieus, I am a candidate at the election, in January next, for tho otllco of Tax Collector, und solicit your support A. HARMON. Bavaunah, tk-yL 3oth, 1866. octl pgm* G. M. GRIFFIN has now in employ a first ly rate Jeweler, and all work sent in will bo dono in a proper manner, und with dispatch, nov 11 NOTICE. DR. J. P. SCREVEN was this day elected a Director of Urn .UerohanlV und Planter’s Bank, lu placoof Scatou Urantlaud, Esq., of Mil- ledgoville, resinged. uov5 NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the Estate ii. or Mrs. ELIZA ANN JEWETT, deceased, will baud thorn in duly attested, and thoso Indebted will please make payment to FRANCIS J. CHAMPION, no4-!m Solo Qualified Executor. NOTICE.' A LL nerrious having demands against tho ostate of Daniel O’Conner, deceased, will hand them n.duly attested, as required by law; and those in debted will ideaso make iwyinent, to W. K. SYMONS. Qualified Adm’r. November 8tb, 1866, nuv8 notIcET H UJlDUL UUUiv.'S—A full supply of tho dtil'oreut School Books uow iu use, such os spelling books, readers, grammar*, arithmetics, chemis tries, geographies, philosophies, historic*. 4m., ko. For sale by WAR NOOK 4t DAVI8, novlit 159 Congress street. T ea, coffee and pkppkr- 2U half cbeat* Black Tea, 60 do do Green Tea, 150 cuddies 2,4 and 0 lb Black Teu, 160 do 2 uud 4 ib Greeu Teu, 15'j sackK Green Rio Coffee, 75 boxes Fre*h Groiiud Coffee. 100 do do do Pepper, 15 hag* Whole Pepper, Received nnd for salo by novi3 mcmahon a doylk. ▲ GRAND MARYLAND LOTTERY FOR XOVKMBFB, I860. ■ (Onthe Havana Plan.) CLASH O, GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, Tr* he drawn 8*TUHDAY, Nov.Wd, In Baltimore, Maryland. mi — —.. II* France St Go., Managers. Prizes amounting to $882,600 will be distributed •ocordlng to the following Splendid Scheme • 30.00NnmbentollfUO Prlseat Frizes payable without deductloa. 1 prize 1 “ 1 »» 1 “ 1 “ 2 •• 2 “ , a “ , 5 “ . 6 *• . 200 11 ,,,,, ***• ,*,, «.«****.,******* »w 1,110 prizes, a counting to $882A10 Tickets $20—Halves $10-Qnartew $5' All orders for Ttokots orj’ackegee In any ol tho Maryland Lotteries wlU receive prompt stten lion, and the drawtngjnalled to sll purchasers im mediately. Address T. H. HUBBARD k CO. No 39 FayeUestreet, or Box No. 40., ’*• e ii< $106,000 .. 60,000 .. 25,000 .. 15,000 11,MO .. 6,000 .. 2,600 2,000 .. 1,6)0 1,000 600 oct 1—ly Baltimore Md. C OFFEE.—Flvo hundred begs Rio Coffee, flair end obolce; ' begs Old Government Java Codee;< mate ffo do do; 401 co a 6 casks Plantation Coffeo, very choice: 76bagsLaguyra dp: * 60 boxes Ground Java and W I Coffee: In store and for salo by 00t26 WEBSTER It PALMES. S TUART’S REFINED k CLARIFIED SUGAR— 26 bbls Btuart’s'orasnod Sugar 26 Uo du powdered do 66 do do A clarified du 60 do do B ' du do 60 do do C do do In store end for sale by - ■> 0021 SflBANTUN, JOHNSTON At OO*: /"tANDLES, SOAP, STARCH, Ao— 60 boxes Adamantine Caudles, slur brand 60 do Bcadoll's 6 A 8 Tallow Candle* 60 do Colgate’s do do du 100 do 8mith’s A Buchan’s Family Soap 100 do Colgate's uo. 1 aud lb bar .Soap 60 do do Palo do 60 do Oswego Pearl Starch 60 do BeadeU’a do du 50 do Soda lfisculte 26 bbls Sugar Uo, band made 26 boxes grouud Pepper, ib papers: 60 mats Cinuamou, In store and for safe by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. gARDlNKS, SAllDINKS— J 600J boxes, ‘4 aud }( boxes, For salo by A. BONAUD, oot'JO cortcr of Bay and Bull st. P OTATOES, Ac.- 60 bbls Mercer Potatoes 80 do Red aud White Onion* 25 do Choice Apples, landing and for sole by oct22 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. 7 ^ B ?l^* Nrau dy; 60 X casks Brandy; 75 bbls | O Gin; 100 bbls Rectified Whiskey; 100 bbls Rom. Loccived a- d for solo by * .oot 10 oMAHON A DOYLE. 1^»*JUR—600 bbls.«xtra and superfine Flour, aa- U sorted brands. 600sacks oxtraandsu erflno Flour, assM brand* 160 quarter aacka double extra, lOObbli, GoodlettHlo double extra o' 2 YOUNG A WYAVT. A le. potatoes, ac— > " 25 bbis Taylor A Sou's Ale 60 bbls Pointer* 10 bbls Apples Received and for sdle by PQV4 MdMAFON A DOYLE, S OAP, ST ABU 160 boxes L ink.*, brushes, wash boards, &c„ ac— lDO doz Clolbcs Liuc* 200 'do Fish do 600 do Surubblug Bru>ho« 60 do Wash Boards 60 do Barrel Cover* 60 reams Wrapp'ug Paper 60 bale* do Twine 60 boxes Pipe Head* 100 boxes Eug Pipes 100 boxes frosh grouud;Pepper 260 lioxes Victoria Blue 100 boxes Tiger Mustard 100 boxes sup’r Curb Soda 76 kegs washing do 100 doz 2 and 3 ply Brooms, Itoceived and for sale by OC122 MCMAHON A DOY1J. A LL persons indebted to the Estate of Jane Mc Donald, late or Uclntoth couuty. deceased, are requested to make immediate naymeut; tboa- having domaud* against said Estate are requested to prosunt them, duly uuthontlcutud. MUSES D. HARRIS, Executor. Nov. 7th, 1860. nov7 S UN!HUES-Just received— 60 boxeB Coll'oo. Pepper aud Mustard 60 " Bcadoil Starch aud Soap* 26 “ AdamanUue and Tallow Candles 60 bbls and bags extra Family Flour 30 “ Potatoes aud Ou tens 40 gross Wood and Paper Matches 60 dozen assorted Brooms and Pails 100 “ Scrub Brushes and Clothes IJues 60 11 Wash Boards 810 bags Java aud Rio Collue, For salo by DAVID O’CONNOR, oct 2 coruor Broughton and Drayton sts. BOARDING. . A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN can ho accommo dated with bourd and lodging on Broughton afreet, nearly opposite II. Morse’s House Furnish ing Store. Also, a fow Day Boarders. nov!2 PRIVATE! BOARDING. FEW aingle goutlomon can nlitaiu good Board and Lodging at tbo So. West, corner St. lulton and Price Street’s. OC123 2w JuHO WANTED. B Y an English widow lady, a situation in a pri vate ramllgr v os Tcaclior to young children, or would accept a situation In any capacity requiring a trust-worthy person. Having boon accustomed to refined society she Is Tully competent to discharge thoso duties bo essen tial to a homo education No objection to the coun try. For address apply at this paper, or address a note to L. M. G. novll-3t - WANTED. A SMART ACTIVE Colored BOY to he about store. novlO A. BONAUD. BOTANICAL DRUG STORE. n The undorslgned give* notice to hi* _ 1 » mil patrons, and the public generally. ♦ h ‘ t gr/ TV he has oopned a Bitaulcal Drug Store. TV Jm In bis office, adjoining his consulting room, 190 Broughton afreet, above Montgomery street. Thero being no regular Botanical Drug Store in tbo city, and tho demand for Reform Med icines, Ac., such, that it nas become necessary for him to do so. A competent person is engaged to attend to tho store. M . . _ The undersigned will continue, is heretofore, to live bU whole attention to tho practice of medicine, in all Its branches. Usual indulgence for visits, Ao. Will sell medi cines at a very small profit, and for cash only. aa- Tho underaignou also takes this occasion to announce that ho Is ltoardlng and troatlug chronic uegro patients in his Infirmary for $20^Mnonth. Savannah. Nov. 18Uu 185fi. * * 8ml*orl8 WANTED, rnHREE HUNDRED ACTIVE YOUNG MEN to act X as local and traveling agents lu a business easy, useful and honorable, at a salary or $100 per month I A capital of $6 ouly required I No patent medicine or book busluesj. Full particulars given (freo) to all wbo enclose a postogo stamp or a thri cent pieoe, and address . a. B. MARTYN, sopt22—w8m Plalstow, N. H. “FOR RENT. A comfortable two story house on a base, rnont, corner SI. Julleu and Liucolu streets Possession given Immediately. For partiou 'quire of J. J. Gammon on the premises, novli brnoBros unt' S Having remove \ to the office heretofore oc cupled by Wm. 8. Basinger, Esq., my former i Ufor rent. novi3-iw Joseph ganahl TO CONSUMER! OF PICKLES. B ELIEVING that tbo Public have become tired oCpurcliailSK Hekla In Ptcka*ea. hoMlna.In mur GUO. DAT per cent lua than rent* «. Save commenced putting up. In addition enu lu ounces—thus enabling the consumer to to our. _ are la- EXTRA ExSoHailM ire put up Wtthorery rejard to style, quality aid flavor, and will be aold at hSr“ < SS , S5 k 2hM« In our manner of Greening Pickles, never having resorted toanyd*. lewlous means to attain this end The Oder Tin* exar whloh we use Is made from sound fruit, and g^ssoaip 67 Broad street, Boston, Mass. novl8-3aw3m Okuck Sav’d, Ai.tu.\r A Guu» R. R. Co., 1 Savannah, Nov. 5,1866. / 1 7HK Sovonth Instalment oT 10 por cent, on tb Capital Stock of the Savannah, Albany and Guff Rail Read Company, by a Resolution of the ... ordered to bo paid on or before 1857. WARING HABERSHAM, uov6 Secretary and Treasurer. Board, Is hereby ordered to b tbo lOilt day oT Ja«iuat*y, 1857. WM. WARING SAVANNAH WATER WORKS. OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, 1 November 13th, I860, j rUHE WATER RENTS for the presont year wore I da* from the Ut Instant, and payable at the office of the Board.. The attention ot those persona supplied with water from the works la called to Section 20 or Au Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for the care and management or the Savannah Water Works. norl3 R. J. R. BEE, Secretary. C ORN—1200 bushels prime Beach bland Corn, just received and for sale by sept 19 WEBSTER A PALM! S IDES AND 8HOULDERS—15 bhds and 20 bbls bright Sides and Shoulders, Bacon, received per steamer Keystone State, and for sale low from the wharf, by- • • ' . — 1 "”*".“. A GREINER. . J Jel’s Family Soup 160 do Colgate’* do do 100 do uo Pulo Uo 160 do do Nol do 100 do Caatilo do 16 do Assorted Toilet do, Received and for salo by n °v4 mcmahon a doylk. B utter a cheese— 26 koga choice Goshen Duttor, 60 boxes togllsh Dairy Chocso, 100 do Choico Goshen do, white, landing por steamer and foo sale by MV2A SCRANTON. JOHNSTON A CO. | y j y. h .syi° uquous— 20 GROCERIES. Bbls No. Prime Leaf lard 100 Boxos Scaled Horrings lOi; do White Gnshen Chceao 60 boxcR English Dairy 11 8 bhds Codfish 26 kegs choice Goshen Butter 76 boxes Boadcll’A 0 A 8 Tallow dandles 60 boxes Colgatos (Oriental) 11 60 dozen Brooms 60 •* painted Buckets 60 boxes new Raisins 76 ‘ ‘ Imported Negro Pipes 25 bbls hand-raado Sugar Crackers 26 “ Butter and Soda “ 50 Soda “ 100 boxos Oswego and Beadell’s Pearl Starch 100 “ Smith & Buchan’s Family Soap 76 “ Colgate’s ft Bnr “ 60 « “Pale “ 60 boxos Grant A WIIUam’s6A8 Tobacco For sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO oct 24 JJRANDY^GIN, RUM, 26 bbls Dome*Uc Brandy 20 ‘4 casks 4th proor do, twigg hoops S5J? do do do. do 60 bbls E Phelp’s Ryn Glu 60 do Luther Felton’s Boston Rum 75 do N. 0. Rectified Wblakey 20 H casks Malaga Wine 60 bbls Old PAH Gin, In store and for sale by oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. S OAP, STARCH AND CANDLES— 100 boxes Smith’s A Buchan’s Family Soap 60 “ Colgate’s pale do 60 “ do No. 1 ft Bar do 26 “ Oswego Pearl etsrch 60 “ Colgate’s aud Bcadell’a Tallow Candles Landing from schooner Loyul 8cranton, and for saio by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. oct 12 C ANDLES,—Eight hundred boxes Adamantine and Star Candles: 100 half boxes Adamantine Candles; 60 do notol do; 160 do Sperm, Pateut, Sperm and Tallow do, In sloro and for salo by OC120 WEBSTER A PALMES. B UTTER AND CHEESE—Just receives per steam ship Florida: 10 keg* eboleo Goshen Butter. 10 boxes Eugtisb Dairy Cheese, fjr rale by R. B. WATSON k C6. Corner Whitaker street, and oct 0 Congress street Lane. J UST RECEIVED—ICO baskets Mum Cbampsgno, 26 boxes Imperial, 25 boxes Cabinet, 10 box< • Cordon Rouge. Far salo by A. BONAUD. uovlO corner Bay and Bull sts. II.OUR -20 barrels Hiram 8mlth Flour. 26 half barrels Extra Gennessee. 76 barrels Demnead and Oakley Flour 60—98 and 49 Barks Demnead Flour. Received and for sale by ootflO HOIXDMBE, JOHNSON A CO. C OPYING BOOKS, iAtterPfeesas, OU Paper, Copying Brushes, and fine Blotting Pads, fur sale by nol4 WARNOCK A DAVIS. S aRSOAP.—50 boxes Extra N Hill A Sons* I>l' Extra Yellow 8oap, just received and for sq!e to cloao consignment! by CRANE, WEUB AW. ■eptlT 250 barrels Ohio Rectified Whiskey, 100 do Pikes Magnolia do/ liW do E. Phelps’s Gin. 26 do Coun. River 20 “ 20 16 6 40 6 40 10 Coun. River P. AH. Rye Gin. Brandy. 36 quar and eighth casks Twigg Hoop’d 4th or. 20 do do MagonoUa Wlno P 75 barrels Ohio Monougahola Whiskey, do Gibsons Mountain do. do Ben Nccter do. do Gibsons old Family Neoter Whiskey d* White Rectified do. 1 do , Old Kentucky Bourbon do do and puuohoous Georgia Poach Braud do Virginia Apple do, In store and fur sale by *opl8 WEBSTER A PALMS'. S OAP/tfTAROH, SUGAR, SYRUP, Ao., Ao.- * 600 boxos Family Palo and No. 1 Soap 160 « Frazer’s Boadle and Oswego SUrch 100 bbls. Btewart’s Clarified Sugar 60 dozou Iicmon Syrup 60 boxes super Carbon Soda, Received aud for salo by ■opt 28 Mcmahon a doylk. P WKLES, PIPEL PAPER, PEPPER— 76 boxes Hckl s, M and K gallon Jars 600 gross EogUeah Pipes 250 “ Pipe Heads 600 roams wrapping Paper 100 boxes fresh grojnd pure Poonor. Rocelvod and for sale by «ept 28 MoMAHON A DOYLE, rjWDACtt), TEA, TWINE- 60 boxes choice brands Tobacco 26 chests Gongor Oolong Tea 26 half choata choice Green Tea 26 bales Wrapping Twine Itoceived and for Bale by McM. sept*^ B uckwheat^ 25 half bbls New Buckwheat, ‘ 60 quar do .do do 60 eighth do do do Landing and for sale by HOLOOMI [AHONA DOYLK. nov4 [BE, JOHNSON k CO. JJERRING8 A POTATOES- 76 boxos Smoked Horrings 50 bbls fine eating Potatoes Just received and for sale by o°2! SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A OO. ig or 0KANGI8, LEMONS, BANANAS, TURTLE, Ao. YONGE A FRIERSON, No.MBay.tre*;. For sate by oct29-2t F lour and meal. 6001 sacks Carmlchael’a Superfine Flour: 76 barrels Extra Flour, v . 50 sacks Corn Meal. Diploma. x In store and for sale by oo* 2 # WEBSTER A PALMES. 11 TOBACCO.—Two hundred and fifty boxes Grant 1 A William’s Tobacco, 6’s and 8’a; ” 1 lff.*r3-r rl0d Urandi ’ poun ^ i 8,g * 6 ’ 8 |,f * 5 K boire riwpla’1 ud Row Twlrt Faooy; to kegs extra Twin and Pancake: ’ Alee, Virgin Leatand Palmetto. in““ CI,eW "’ ,J “' 00126 WEBSTER k PAUIK8. Bbla A B k C Sugar; 2d ilhdl N 0 Jk P R Bi 300 Sack. Rio Coffoe, aifgr m »., lSOBoxoa Colgate. No. t Pale and(,Paml Soap, 100 Boxea No. 1 do; 200 do Adamantine Candles; 60 do Sperm; 100 do Starch; 100 do Tobacco. For sate by RODGERS NORRIS. A CO. nove g ICKORY NUTS, Pecan Nuts, Brasil Nuts. A moods, of all kinds, received per staeme br salo by J. D. JESSE. octai „ O.H. ORDTIN, 8ucce«or te lau U. Eaitmw. oct 3 corner Bryan Md Wtiltaker >u. ManzEK — 50,000 n,,orU “^* ■sse-* .. MUELER A Minttrni «orn«