Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 19, 1856, Image 1

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VOIi. XXXVII IOLD SERIES.! SA'V iiN'N A H«' (*&.. *J>AY, NOYEMliEK 19. 1856. WKDI INBBDAY EVENING,# ovTock! BY TKjLRQliAPFJ. Mobil* Market. Nov. 18.—The Mobile market to, firm. Mid dling 11}. The river* ere felling. **: Aid Ibr Kwitsae—nree lollers. Nxw York, Nor. 19.—The Vermont Legislt* tura bis recomiideted the vote by. whloh the appropriation for Ktiuuwtaloet, and but put tho bill giving $20,000 to the balton. Kirk in Jagiaonvimjc.—Another dlautrous fire occurred la JaekaonvtUe, Fla, butt Satur- day morning. * Toaiig Meii’a Christian Auoelatlan. There will be a meeting of the Young llen’a Ohristluu Association of Savannah, at their room in Sorrell’* building* to night, at their usual hour of meeting. A full attendance of the members 1* earnestly desired. Tran .^giving Day. To-morrow (Thursday) being set apart by proclamation of the Governor of the State as a day of Thanksgiving, it Is our wish to have it observed a* such by all persons connected with our establishment. We therefore announce that no paper will be issued from this office to raor* row afternoon nor on Friday morning. The Post office will be dosed at and after 10 o’clock, A. M. We presume that in accordance with the request of HU Honor the Mayor, Divine Service will be "held in the Churches of the city on the occasion, end thanks rendered np to a merciful God for the special health and prosperity whloh has blessed our community during the put year.*) Gains In Florldk. The Fl iridinu of last Saturday give* returns from sixteen comities in Florida. At the State election they gave Walker, K. N., a majority of 130. Buchanan’s majority in the same conn* ties U 807. Democratic gain 907. Florida Legisla ture. Democrats—Senate 13 House. 29-42 Opposition—Senate 7 House 19—23 Democratic* majority, 10 in the 19th District, composed of Sumpter, Orange, Volusia aud Brevard, there is a vacan cy, to be tilled by a special election to be held December 3. At the late election there was in that district a tie between James McRobert Baker, I 'em., and John L. Stewart, K. N. TUe Legislature meets ut Tallahassee next Monday. It has aU. S.Seuator to elect, in place of Mr. Mallory. For a place doing a Uveiy busness in tbecnU tiug uud shooting line qpmmend us to Colum bus. No lack or startling "locals” in that little city. We look for the report of a fight in each Issue of the Sun newspaper of that ilk, with a 1 must us much confidence as we do for an ac count of cotton sales in the New Orleans Price Current. The latest transaction is reported as follows: Shooting.—On Sunday evening last, an al teration occuired in this city, between Mr. Jeiitiiu Wiggins and Mr. Gaines Chisholm, during which Mr. Chisholm was shot in the wrist. From what information we could obtain, we learu, Mr. Wiggins acted on the defensive.— The occiireuco is more to be regretted in as much us the parties were old friends- We trust the difficulty will be honorably aud amicably udjusted between the parties. Deepening the Muntlu of Southern Hirers. The following important announcement ap* pears in the Washington Union, of last Satur day. If what is said of this uew invention for opening the mouths of Rivers, be true—a mat ter soon to be tested—it is one of incalculable value. Perhaps the subject is one not unworthy of investigation in connection with the efforts to irn prove our own river. We give the Union’s editorial in full .* Coutracts with tho United States government for this purpose were executed yesterday by Messrs. W. P. Craig and VV.-R. Rightor, ot Newport, Kentucky. They are to givo a depth ol twenty feet below low water, and a width not less than three hundred feet to the South west Pass and Puss a’Loutro, for he sum of $125,009 each; the time limited to ten months, from the date for the first named, aud fifteen mouths lor the second. They furthermore agree to maintain said depth and width to said passes for the term ot four and a half years thereafter for the further sum of $72,009. This contract possesses more than ordinary interest, aside from the giguutic work it pro poses to accomplish, from the fact that an en tire new principle iu mechanics is to be applied and developed; and fro;n the evidences before as wo can but predict its eminent success.' The unphilosophiu&l and exploded system of scraping aud dredging out the channel of a river, on the score of feasibility and ^economy, is by theso enterprising inventors demonstrated to be unworthy tho present age of progressive science; und we especially commend this valuable invention to the consideration of parties interested in deepening the outlets of rivers and harbors on the Gulf coast, assured as we are that, whenever a sufficient volume of flow ing water can be centralized, the desired result can be speedily attained. It is gratifying to os to record the fact that the exclusive right to this new principle is secured to tho inventors byu patent dated July 8,1856. The main features of this novel invention consist in a peculiar shape and point given to sawed spiles. so that alter the first one, styled "beginner,” is driven to its proper bearings; and secured tiu substantial and continuous beam, the remaining ones,-unlike the first, styled "fol lowers,” are oue after another placed to the edge or it* processor, and successively driven down. Obeying this new mochanical law,these . followers, in tueir descent, maintain a close contact and true line, forming a complete dam or breakwater ns the work progretMes, each be- mg also fastened to the continuous beam. Aside from tho magnificent results promised to the commerce of the South by the opening ?_ f _ b ?I, river8 to vetwela of the largest class, this invention assures a speedy and effectual stop- a !L ureva “os and breaks to the levees UAt line the margin or her great riven. From Havana. Onr latest Havana dates arc to Nov. 13th, by the Quaker City, which retched Mobile last Saturday. Tho Advertiser’s report says: The Quaker City briugs no local nows of im portance from Havana. Tho Mexican war steamer Domocrat would be detained in port until tho wishes of the Mex ican government were ascertained as to her disposition. The stock of sngars on hand reaches 125,000 boxes. Prices have been fully sustained, with t tendency to advance on choice parcels. There is but little molasses of tho old stock on hand, and they are held at T to 8 reals per keg, 5} gallons. Freights coastwise have slightly advanced— In freights to Europe their is nothing doing of importance. „ TO*? Marsh aU, of the American schooner Col. w. McCrea, died at Havana, on the 6th instant. ..The>healthuf^Havanais unexceptionable and the city Is fast filling with steamers. T*lubasski Mabxct—Nov. 14—Cotton.— The article has come in very, freely the past "eek, and the sales, amounting to 630 bales, were easily effected at the quotations with which we close this week’s report, to wit: H to 10} for best gradesT These are ?\pil«e«. f For trade lots half a cent more may be obtained. Sea Wand—Only 75 bales of this descrip, jon changed bands daring the week, at prices WjiQfftotn J7tolO. GREAT BRITAIN AND PBRRIA. t The telegraphic report of tii* Washington's hews mentions a fight between the Persians and Affghani, resulting In fkvor of the former. We hid previous reports of an Anglo-Indlau movement towards the invasion of Persia. When we remember the Intimate alliance existing be tween Russia and Persia there jtf reason to tear a conflict betweeh Great Britain and Russia, should hostilities progress to any considerable extent. We copy from the Dublin Nation the following account of the occasion aud protoxts of this war on the part of England: A certain Persian, namod Mina Huachim, was from his infancy iu the servlco of the Bohah. Last year Mr. Thompson, Charge d’Affalrca of the English Government, at Tehe ran, wished to employ this Persian In the ser vice of the Eugiish mission. Tho Persian gov ernment not lwviug accepted the resignation of this Mina, refused to recognize him ns uit English employee, aud alter several mouths' discussion, Mr. Thompson went at last to the Persian Prime Minister, and informed him that he had got authority from hia (the British) government to send back Ulna Haschim, und that henceforth this Mina was no longer in the service of the British mission. Tho dispute about Mina Haschlm was thus arranged, and the Persian government heard no more of tho subject while tho mission of Mr. Thompson lasted. Borne months after the arrival of Mr. Murray the Persian government received suddeulyu dispatch in whloh the new Minister of her Uri- tanio Majesty declared that he had named Mina Haschlm agent of the English government ut Scbiraz, aud that he was going to depart for that city. The Persian Prime Minister replied, in the name of the Schab, that Mirza Haschlm was in tho service of tho Persian government, and that, consequently, he could , not proceed to Scbiraz as an English agent The right of the Schah was inuontestable; but still Mr. Murray thought proper to insist that Mina Haschim should depart forSohirzu. In order to arrive at the bottom of this ques- ion, It must be known that the wife of Mina laschlm, a princess of the blood royal,is known through all Persia for a woman or loose mor als, and the young Haseblm, who has beeu married to her two years, is far from eqjoj Witless reputation. So the relations of; i Haschim with tho English had not lulled from the beginning to give rise to rumor* which might have resulted in trouble for the Eugiish legation; but the Princes being inti mately allied with the royal family; the Persian ministers took naturally grout pains to suppress these rumors, as calculated to compromise the dignity of the royal family, us well us the safe ty of the English mission. When Mr. Murray began for the second time to raise the question of Mirza Haschim, the Persian government used every effort to re move everything which could give birth to uew suspicious. But tuo pcrsistancc of the Eugiish miuister upon the departure uf Huschim up- reared so inexplicable tbut soon the strangest nterprvtations began to agitate the fanatic lopulatiou of Teherau. The brothers of the ’rincess, seeing their sister was becoming the otyect of the most alarmiug rumors, and wish ing to prevent greater scandals, brought her to live with them, and forbade her to quit the fra ternal mansion. The next day Mr. Murray wrote a letter to the Persian Prime Minister threatening to remove his dag if in tweuty-four hours the wife ot Mirza Haschlm wus not delivered over to her husbaud. The Persian Prime Miuister replied that this question touched so nearly the royal family that he was uot permitted to speak ol it, and bogged the English miuister not to re cur to a subject which was so exceedingly de licate, and which lmd a bearing so bigli that Persians only could comprehend. Mr. Murray, on receiving this reply, only re doubled his threats, aud as tho Persian minis ters were extremely anxious to have as little said on the subject us possible, they intimated to Mr. Murray that the wife would be restored to her husband in the paternal mansion of the latter, and not in the other house whicli lib had recently taken near the English legution. This arrangement would not satisfy Mr. Murray, aud be took away his flag. The English miuister, before quitting Teheran,addressed some letters to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Bchuh, in which he attacked in the most insulting manner the Persian Prime Minister. The Schab, iq two letters which he wrote to his minister, severely censured the conduct of tho English minister, and, in the end, Mr. Murray left the capital of Persia. The above is an official statement, and of its entire accuracy there cun he t:o reasonable doubt. Indeed, wheu tbe news reached En- land of tho retirement of Mr. Murray from _»craia, the l/mdon press seemed to admit the impropriety of his conduct. We recollect that the Times placed him and Mr. Cramuton iu that category of public servants who bring dis credit upon their government. Upon this statement Le Lord makes the fol lowing reflections: "Independently of the fact that Mr. Murray bad no right to employ Mirza Haschim, it is further to bo remarked that the English mission had no right to name an official agent at Scbiraz, because it is expressly stated in the treaty that tbe English government* shall only have consular agents in the cities of Ti Bouohir. What a gross impropriety on tho part of a foreign minister to speak officially in the East of a Mussulman woman, and, above all, of a near relative of tho sovereign! The Mussul man people ure so susceptible on tbe question of women, that tho least imprudence on the part of a Enropean is sufficient to create the most fanatic and dangerous irration. Thus, according to reports from Tosheron, the de mand of Mr. Murray bad produced such an agi tation amongst the clergy und people, that, without Ufo departure of the English mission, one of those tciflblo catastrophes which have so often ensanguined tiie great cities of the East would most surely have oocurrod. Now this matter suggests an inquiry whloh tbe public interests requiro should be clearly solved. Was Mr. Murray’s couduct suggested by the home government, or was this British agent playing the gay Lothario—to ubo au Americauism—on his own hook ? It tho for mer, then how discreditable tho attempt to seek thus by most ignoble means, to croatc disturbance aud confusion in tho dominions ol the Schah t If tho latter, then how unworthy agent wus Air. Murray of the most "moral and virtuous”—if not, indeed, the only "moral and virtuous"—government in the world 1 In olther case England is hound by every law of honor, morality, and international comity to apologise and make reparation to the govern ment of Persia. Her agent, by attempting through means of intimidation to secure the services ns English agent atBchiraz of Mirza Haschim wus guilty ot a violation of the treaty between his government end Persia. His con duct with regard to the Princess was an iusult to tbe royal family of Persia, and a violation of deefirum which might have produced most dlsastrious consequences. In matters not whe ther Mr. Alurray’s proceedings were prompted or not by his government; he acted nil through as agent of that government, and that govern- it is bound, we repeat, to upologT “ ila. NO 14006 riWK )V« Iiuvn liml mi nim.,,., tkinlons, or tc-HthiK tillI truth nr filwliw till! imnM'M tlm Poixiaii victory which I tholi lliciitliinci nr received (ran C»bul by the U iorc Chronicle, II.think, hnwuver, It did not And geiiyiil credit." . . , llut whut matters it whether the Persians be at Iterator notf England wants an nxeuao to 'll ' " »y demolish their kingdom: and theretom, ir nre not st Herat, It Is clear tlint, to mitt ] iMWpnmH they ought' to lie them. That Taking H lor granted, however, tlmt tho Persians are In Hemt-wliat then ? Hnvn they u right III lie there ? Clearly. 1? Herat he with in the dominion ol Persia, then Persia’s right to occupy It Ih indisputable; Is ui plain iis.Eog- land’s rights to occupy Plymouth or Liverpool. That it is within the Pcrafnii dominion We are strongly inclined to heUevc. Hear what thu Times says on this point: M Now, whore Ih Herat? Its precise locality we may bo excused* for uot kuowfugs We don’t profess to ho wiser on this point than tbe Use ful Knowledge- Hocioty. tn one of its maps it puts Herat-iii iongitudo 01, and iu another In longitude 02, .milking udiflbience of 0U tulles or so; und thu difference happens to be important for In the first of the two maps Herat wanes within l'ersiu.and the second well within the territory of Cabuh lu fact the map of Persia contains Herat, und the map of Gabul contains Aerat; and wo are left to decide between their conflicting pretensions.”. Thus England, upon tho rumor thut tbe Per sians are m Herat, makes war upon Persia, though, according to England’s own showiug, there is strong reason to believe that HeratTs in Persia; and, consequently.that the Persians, and they alone have the right to be there.— Such are the groudds upon which England pro poses, first, to seize the Island of Karak; then the great i ommurciai city ol Bushir; and, finally, to annex, spoliate, and destroy the an cient dominion of the Schahs. Oh, British morality and civilization! I'm: 1 stum us- Its Cession iu the U. States.— Tiie Aspinwull Courier indulges in some specu lation as to the result of the negotiation between the governments of Afew Grauada and the United States iu relation to the Panama riots. It says: Tito general impression seems to be, among uatiresas well as foreiguora, that the United Suite government will make short work of the settlement or* the queston. The present posi tion of Great Britain towards New Granada, and the difficulty sure to be had in the settle ment of the matter, will undoubtedly have much weight among the existent inducements for the former to rid itself of Isthmus diffi culties permanently. And this new feature in the present aspect of her government affairs strenr**^— that igtbens tho opinion of many who predict the result of the negotiations between the Uuitcd States and New Granada will be the ceding, by the latter to the farmer, of both ter ritory mid authority upon tbe Isthmus. Defkat of the Kamas-Aio Bill in thk Vermont Legislature.—In the Vermont hgislature, on Friday lost, the bill granting state aid to Kansas was rejected, as follows: "The bill for tho relief of citizens of Vermont without the state, and the suffering poor in Kansas, was opposed by Mr. Stewart, and sap- mrted by Air. Marsh of Brandon. Mr. Spoili ng moved to amend the bill so os to limit the relief to citizens of Vermont. Mr. Green moved to umend tho bill by striking out $20,000 and inserting $5,000. Air. Kingsley moved to amend tlm aaiendment by inserting $10,000. Mr. Denio moved to dismiss the hill. The ayes and nays being demanded, were as follows: Ayes 129, nays 87.” Au> for Kansas.—Boflton, Nov. 14.—At a meeting of the leather and boot and shoe deal ers held here to day, nearly twenty thonsand dollars were pledged for the aid of tbe free State party in Kansas. O.O. Bacon,an old Boston merchant, died at Jamaica Plains last night. Post-Offiob Robbed.—Buffalo, Nov. 14.— The Post Office at Delaware, Ohio, was robbed on Alonday night of all the letters it contained and uftcrward&et on fire, but the flames were discovered in season to extinguish them with out much damage being done. Bobbery and Murder.—Buffalo, Nov. 14— John Whitney, and old and respectable clt- zon of Londouville, Ohio, was knocked down and robbed or $50 on Tuesday night, within forty rods of his own house. His skull was fractured by a blow, but he was able to reach his own house, where the shortly died. No cluo boa been obtained of the murderer. and menl „ , make reparation to Pcrsl "Apologise l” "Alake reparation 1” we hear Mr. Bull exclaim. "I will treat the rascals to bombshell and und grapshot 1” Precisely; it is your way, old gentleman. In dealing with a weaker power than your own, you first in sult, outrage, und provoke; you next call on the world to witness how cruelly you have been used; and coucludetlio scene by declaring war not to avenge wrongs and outrages which you have received, hut to support and aggravate wrongs and outrages which you yourself origi nally Inflicted. We beg pardon, then, for using such words os honor, morality, and in ternational comity. Wo had forgotten that you recognise no such principles of political conduct. * In reality, wo believe England la thin IIIO' meat at war with Perata. The last accounts from tho East stated that a naval forco had been dispatched to the Pcraian Golf. In juo- tillcatlonortbia latest British aggression, no do not hoar a nurd about Hr. Hurra;. Mirza Howdilm, dr the Princess. No: that would nut salt the Great Britou'a hook. Herat la non the word. “Tho Persians have taken possession of Herat," say these English, “anil therefore we must make wtr upon Persia.” Now, In the Unt place, belt remarked, that it la by uu means certain thut tiie Persians havo taken Herat The correspondent of the Times, wri ting by the last overland mall. from India, tho midst of this warlike stir, we are ismnohntn loos as ever to know whether the Pentons are In Herat or uo. The frontier journals us without any later int ligenco from itt nVghta country than that which I sent (gonunminl Mlligran. Savannah Market, November 19, i O'lTON—Our market, under the advices of the WoahiDKton, is easier this forenoon; a Uociine of % iu some instances has been submitted to. Sales of 706 halos viz: 83 at 11,55 at 11);, 44 at 11#. 83 at 115-10,124 at lift, 335 at UK, 7 at 11X. and 25 bale* Jethro at 12tfc. ' Exports. NEW YORK—Steamship Florida-241 bates cot- tou, 24 bales dora., 4 bales deer skins, 12 bales fea thers, 27 bbls fruit, and sundry plcgs mdzt. BOSTON—Ship Grotto—1620 bales cotton, 1® do bides, 60 do, 72 bdlB do. ALEXANDRIA, Va.-Schr Blooming Youth—12 casks rice, 1200 Bks salt. itug Port of Savannah,, Rough Rlco- Ilaborsbam k Son. Ntio fttotrft 'mtnte PliR MW TUttK. HW Sdtt »*n Atftmmv next, Kov, 22, at 8 o'clock, ,* * " n precisely ■1HH ’ v Wi.KCT? p ? , ei;. Cabin Passage Storage Passage.......;.,, g $9" Mjilppora oTCottho by those Steamship* will ptuwu take notice, tluft ao Cotton will bo received at to prtMjO* Hint is ipit.dUtinutly marked on tiivmfeo •iltbe bun*. novIO New Hampshire, Rjmde Island and Massa chusetts, have their thanksgiving on tbe 27tb. Wm.Galbreath, Esq., has been elected Mayor of Shelby villo, Ttnn. Dr. John W. Gormam, of Boston, has been appointed U. 8. Consul at Jerusalem. Alncaulay, the historian, Isa large holder of Now York State stock. The Government of New Granada has sus pended tho eflbcts of tbe law regarding tbetax on mails crossing the Isthmus. Tbe Moutruel Pilot says that the dining tables at tiie railroad jubilee in that city were a mile and a half long. Mrs Julia Deane Hayue is again playing in San Francisco, the new baby having got a fair start in the world. Queen Victoria is reported to be in an "In teresting condition.’’ There were 221 deaths in Philadelphia last week. Hon. S. A. Douglas, left Chicago for Wash ington on Thursday morning. The loHsof life from suako bites in Soinde India, has become so serious that Government has taken measures for the destruction of those reptiles. funeral ^mutation. The Friends and Acquaintance* of Col. A. S. Jones, aud Miss MARY M. GILLILAND, ara invited touttund tbe funeral of tbo latter, from Christ Church, to-morrow at 1 o’clock, r. it. Savannah, Nov. 19tb, 1660. *—uovl9 ..November 19 Arrived, Gibbon’s flat from plantation, with 60 ouk* rice, to Tlaon Abortion. llabtribtm’s flat, from plantation, with 1000 bus rough rice, to Habersham A Sou. poller’s flat, from plantation, with casks rice, to Juo Williamson. Dr. King’s flat, from plantation, with 1500 bos rough rlco. to Habersham k Son. Barnwell’* flat, from plantation, with V2GQ but — i~Kiir — *— Cleared, Steamship Florida, Woodhull, New York—Padel ford, Fay* Co. Ship Grotto, Hudtette, Boston—Brigham, Kelly* Co. 8ohr Blooming Youth, Hlndmau, Alexandria, Va.— Mini* * Johnston. •ailed. Steamship Florida, Woodhull, New York. Passengers* Per ateam-'blp Florida, for Now York—MoLeod King. Mrs Smith,G M Griffin, General George Wash ington Hardest tie, Mrs Terry, and 10 steerage. Per steamship Isabel, for Havana via Key West —Mrs A BuUtiey, Miss Lamartine, W fl FoUrsr, “DrLester DeGraff, I r and la ly, f Butler. Thanksgiving Day. fc*aao» There will be divine xorvloo in tho Catlin- •W fin Ghureb to-morrow, at liulf-iunt 10o’clock novio—H FOR SALE. A PAIR or Houndand gentle bay Horses, live A and elx years old They will wo-k in doiihln or j-'iuglo harnes/. Squire at ibis office. ulti A YABlf WANTED TN Foiiilinry Georgia, of from 1000 to ftooo Aures. X Persoiw having lands for .-<alo In that region, will please a drum me l»y letter, giving duHcrlptton Withe land, with tile very least money and the m-t terms that will buy it. lands lying in the Smnhnru part uf Charlton county, other IhingH be ing equiil. would hapre:erred. M. GARRE IT, 102 J street, Wa-hiiigfon, 1> Iteforonce—Dr. IHsntel Leo. novlD-3t LADIEU FAIR. ^ Tho Fair or the First Bap'isl Church will Wm - Imj o|HM,ed on the'.5th imt., iutlm St. An drew’i« Hall, commencing 11 o’olock. IIOVlS HOI AND COLD BATHfl. \ EARLY uuHtotuore, *trai gem, and citizuns are X rc.pectlully uotiBed that hot water is ready for thorn irom 6A.M. till W P. u.every day oxuopt HumlayR. a low mors gontieraeu can be well ac commodated to bathe as often as they choosoat ono dollar a i.ontii, all subscribers to commence from Nov. 1st, US’* to Nov. 1, 1867, for $12. riiugle Im li#, 26 cenL<. flua.«on tinker from 1st May to 1st Nov., $16. J. M. HAYWOG1), 'gt. X. B lu subscribers, iu addition to thoso I have, are all I can take at the* low price of 12 dollais a year. novlS ^ J. M. H., Agt. SAVANNAH WATER WORKS. OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, ) * / November 18th, 1850. / ritHE WATr.R KENTS for the present year were X due from the 1st instant, and payable at the office of the Board. • The attention, ot those persons supplied with water from tbe works is called to Section 20 oT An Ordinance to amend an ordinance for the care and management of the Savannah Water Works. novlS R. J. R. BEE, Secretary. BUCKWHEAT & MACKEREL. 4)A X bbls Fresh Buckwheat, sU\J *0 X do* 26 boxes do. 20 bbls New No. 3 Mackerel, 10 X do Large No. 1 do. ‘ 10 X do rmell No. 1 do. Ian ling aud for sale by oot 31 SCSANTON. JOHNSTON k 00. CANDLKS. Ol'KRsiACETTI, Adamantine and Tallow ur various O brand*; Soap of various brands, from 6, 8, 10 and 12 cents. Chemical Soda Soap 10 cents; Wo man’s Friend 10 cents. Cell aud examine at BARRON’S Family Grocery, «ep20 Whitaker and Cbarlton-streets. DICKEN’8 HOUSEHOLD WORDS T7\UR NOVEMBER— J; Received and for sale by nov6 WARNOCK k DAVIS. ■QACON SIDKV—15 casks choice Bacon Sides, J3 landing and for sale by uovl8 CHA8. A. GREINER. TTAY—300 bites prime Eastern Hsy, to ators r1 ami for sale la*, n close coailgnmcat, by novf I’AULETON * PARSONB. T)ETRA FAMILY FU>UR-to Barrels Bicks ud Jjj Hair racks, jas. oct 9 No. 94 Ba stree /^mRN—1200 bushels prime Beach Island Coru, just recolved and for sale by sept 19 WEBSTER k PALMES. CUBES AND SHOULDERS—15 bhds aud 20 bbla 3 bright Sides add Khouidora, Bacon, received ^er bteamer Kevstone State, and for tale low from ibo wharf, by sept23 OHARU& A GREINER. /'tHOICK Mercer l’otatoeei—Five hundred bushs. (j Choice Mercer Potatoes for sole, to arrive per schooner Ida, from Philadelphia. oct29 tv CHAR, A. GREINER. T> OPE—100 Colls Rope for sale, to arrive by sobr Jtl Julia A. Rich oot 16 IA)CKErs k SNELUNGS 4 IfRlTlNG D^KS—We have a Urge and beauti- TV fol stock, with draws and secret draws, for prices ranging from $2 to $30; also, a Tew very fine Work Boxet. for sale by no?14 WARNOCK k DAVIS. Af 18CELLANEOUS on A Fancy Books, snob os JlvX Ml nature*, Pretty Editions or the Poets, and Annals for 1867, Ac., ko’, for sab by noul4 WARNOCK k DAVIS. n O^HEN BUTTER AND CUEE8E—20 kegs Go- IX abou Butter; 60 boxes do Cbeose; landing from steamer and for sale by «eptl7 SCRANTON. JOHNSTON k VO tj UTTER k CHEESE— Xj 2f- kvg choice Goshen Butter 60 boxes do do Cheese landing por steamer and for salo by oo21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k CO. TMPOHikD L1QU RS- X 10 casks "Dk Co pale and dark Brandy 6 pipes Holland Gin (Medee Swan) 5 y, do Madeira Wine. For sale by oo2l SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. /*A Bbls and boxes of Boston Crackers, Water Uvs Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Sugar Crook- Fancy Crackers, Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, Egg bUuult, Maple and Wine Biscuits, fresh from Ti tus’s celobratod Bakery, Just received by novl4 ■ J. D. JESSE. pr Bbls new Champagne Cider, 6 bbls u*w Buck- O wheat, just recoivcd per bark Marla Morton, and lor sale by novl4 J. 9. JESSE. TIE'S, PENS, PENS—A large and extratsoloc- XT tion of superior eteel Pens; also. Gold Pens in uold aud silver cases, in groat varloty, for sale by novM WARNOCK k DAVIS. LAC H BRaNDY—1,000 gallons pure old Peach JT Btauuy, for sale by oct 2 YOUNG It WYATT. IM GLASSES. —Thirty Ilhds Cuba MoIosecs ; JjXtwonty-flvo barrels do do; seventy five do N. Q. do. For sale by novG RODGERS, NORRIS k CO. DliirEK ANDi:HEKSE.~6S koj« choice Oiaffei, x> Butter. 200 boxos Cheese. In store and for sale by oot 20 . HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON It CO. HTEK KK Pul'AlOhB—300 bbl. choico Mercer lu. I'ol 't'ic, tiDdlng ud tor idle low by iiu.l. CHaB. A, ORE1.NER. o ACON—24 hhde. prime Bacon Sides; 8hhde. Jj prime Baoon Shoulders, landing from steamer “ Keystone State.” and for sale by ie't25tf^V OOTAVUS COHEN. T30TATOE8—40 bbls PoUtoea landing and for jl sal* by novll CARLETON * PARSONS. T 1ME-1,000 cuka beat quaUtyof Lump Ume, Xj laudiug and in store, for solo low by nov4 CARLETON It PARSONS. QIGHT EXCHANGE on New York lor tale by O 0. A. L. LAMAR, Oot 21. /'k RANGES, ko.—10 boxes Nassau Lemons and \J Orangos, received per ateamer, and for sale by itll J. B. JESSE. %1/HlSKEY—07 barrels Whiskey for sale, to ar- TV rivobyeebr Julia A. Rich. oct 15 LOCKETT k 8NKLUNGS. 'XTEW BUCKWHEAT Just reoelved per iato am- J3I volt, aud for tale by J. D, JkSSE. oot 21 Ti^A>UK—69 bbls Hiram Smith'* Ftour, tending X; and tor sale by novis Holcombe, Johnson k co. /CODFISH. POTATOSM k HERRINGS— \J 2 hods Codfish, 60 bbU Potatoes, 76 boxes Herrings, . Landing and for save by oct24 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON k 00. TTORTV BbU. ApbbMt ruHlpi. UurxoU, B.IU, J; and some flue Tomatoes, for sou) by 00121 J.D. JESSE. A LM-bb bbu TMlor »»m'. Ate, A Rwri.Uud or anU - Bote iftnu. Auction dai >a. BY BELL Si PItENTISSr srwKH*-I..-, «• * bill Uiiib-rwrller’s Balo On FRIDAY next, at 11 o'clock, at tbe atom under Hie minting room of Ogden, Starr * Co: Ifl bib** (inmiy Bagging, damagei on board tho brig Bfluapiirta, on her pannage from Boston to this port, aud sold umfer Inspection of tho |tort wardens for tho bcncQtnf und'writers and ail concerned. .Tonus cash. uovltt COOIC WANTED, W ANTED IM\!KWAT#LV a good cook, who will bo willing to iron aud wa*h for a small family. A suitable perewi will rccoivc good wages and a |»ermanont place.* Apply at this office. uovl7—tf ' FOTWT! FRUIT’!"! ! Just arrived, tho Br. schr. Ellon, Wm. Johnson, master, from Har bour Wand, with a cargo of ORAN- GKH, LEMONS, LIMES, BANANAS, COCO IN UTS and PINEAPPLES. .JiaML For sale low, apply te nov!7 YONMK k FRIERSON, 94 Bay street. E LECTION "NOTICE*. N ELECTION will bo held at tho noxt meeting L of Council, ou Thursday, 26th Novombor, 0, lor ti Sorgoaul or thu Special l’oiice, by day and by uigut, to fill ibo vacancy occasioned by the resignation or Sorgonut Lnmbrigbt. Salary Stco; bond SAUA. Applicants will plciue leave tnolr up - plications with nto, stating their becurlilos, (two required), on or before 2 o'clock, p. m.. of that day. EDWARD <i,•WILSON, Clork of Council Savumiah. Nov. 12, 1866. nov!7 f'iiU V.’ c the <’ot STATE OF GEORGIA, 1HATHAM COONTY-To all whom it may • concern : Whereas, Ann Kollar will apply at ’ourt ol Ordinary for letters of Aduiiidttratluu on tuo ostato or Deuuls Kollar Those ar therefore to olte aud aduiouUh all whom it may concern to be and appear bofore said Court, to make objections, (if any they havo,) on or nolore tho second Munday In January next, other wise said lottors will bo granted. .Witness John Bilbo. Esq., • rdlnary lor Chatham county, this seventeenth day or November, 18^.6. novlT JOHN BILBO, o o. o A DJUNk>TitATOR’8 SALE—Pursuant to au order A Issued irom tho Court of Ordinary ol Olutbam County, will ho sold boforo tho Court House, iu Newtnu, Raker county, ou thu Orel Tuosdoy iu Jon- urynoxt, betweou the legal hours of sale tho fol lowing lots of Land in said county, viz: No's. 21, 22, 261. 176,170, 317 in tho 10th blatriot; No's. 67, 68, 8S, 113,342, 343, 288 iu tho 11th District, ami Na’s. 314,316,310,317, 22$, iu tbo 12th District. also: Will bo sold o the first Tuesday tn February next, before the Court House iu BAinbrldge, Deca tur county, tho following lots of Land in said coun ty. Vix: No’s. 315,310,317, 311,32, 60.13 In (he 16tb District* and No's. 182,183, 177, 111, 112 and 17 in tbo 10th.District. also: Will be Bold on tbe Qrst Tuesday iu March Dext « before tho Court House in Blakely, Early county, tbe following lots ol Laud iu said county, vix: Ne'e 220. 221, 141, 300, 301,294, 260, 200,206 162, 267. in tho 20tb District, aud No. 247 lu tho 28ill Dlb- tnct. The above Lauds are situated iu a rich uud tor tile country and are worthy the attention of pur chasers, as Ills expected that the Savannah aud Gulf Railroad will run adjacent or through most of them. Terms: one half cash, the balance in 12 months from date of sale, to bo weil secured, purchasers paying for titles. Persons wishing to purchaso will call ou T. R. Lawton, of Albany, John Bilho. ofE&vanunh, or MICHAEL SHEAHaN, Adm'r on Est. JAMES H SHEAHAN, deceased. novlT-lm Central R. Rond df Ranking Co. of Ga. \ Savatiuah, Nov. 13, I860, j The Annual Meeting or Stockholders will bo held at tho Company's office, West Broad street, on Tuesday, the Mxtoonth day of De cember uext, at 10 o'clock in the foreuoon. Stockholders will bo pass'd to aud Irom tho meeting rass. novltf—td OEj. A. CUYLER^Cashfor. MEDICAL CAR'D. DH. J. R. HM1TH has removed his office wlV to Broughton struct, iu Dailey’s Building, a low doors above Bolden’s list Store. P.osldenco at ; salt by [s«pt23l K^rllOO BEWAKi),^ Homo purs'ui or persons baviig coufiterfolted TEN DOLLAR Bit. of tho Merchants' aud Plauters* Bank, and put tbe sutnu iu olrculatltm, thu Board, by Resolution, olfrra' Reward or One Hundred ■Dol lars for dotocllng the onmtorloHcr aud furulshlng ..roof for ceuvlctiou. " HIRAM ltOHERTS, uovli President. ' CAUT1DN. CENTRAL RAILROAD BANKING CO. OF GA.,> Savannah, Nov. 11, I860, j* T HE PUBLIC I? lioroby Iniormed and put U|»on ltd guard that spurious notes in imitation of the. Ton Dollar notes, of the ibiuo of this Batik of 1856,• havo (icon recently put iu circulation Tho spuri ous notes are photograph'll and arc easily detected Tho rod letters TEN are patutod. and the wbolo up- parrs as a much ruhbod uud delauod bill. A reward of Fivx Hvnuuko Dollars is hereby olforod for proof to couvictiou of auv poreou who bos so conniurl'oi'od tbe notes of this Institution, or who has uttered tlm fslho notes, knowing them to be false. It. R. OUYLKK, President. MOV 12 I .N A TRUNK, stolen in this city, by a negro in April, 1866, were Bonds oi the city of AtigUMo, marked Lut.t No’- 10 k il, each flUOo, with coupons uttauhoJ for in vrust since Oct. 1864. Tim public arc iieret.y i.'auti'>nod not to purchase xalil Bonds. novlo-lm C UEr.SK, BL’nmt, ko.—2U0 1 boxes Gosheu Oiicoso; 5 ) do Eiufish Dairy do; id oases Pine Apnfe do; b) titklua Clvflee Bettor; 6 casus ( % and V h 'Xos) Siir'liuos; landing and for sale by I10V12 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k HO. W OLFE’S CELEBRATED AROMATIC SCUKID- AU SCHNAPPS— 200 (1 zen quarts und pluts, for solo by tbo quan tity, at Now Yoik prices. it2ft „ -V, A. BONAUD. C ANDLES. .STARCH, SOAP, Ac.— at * at) boxes Sperm and Patent Sporm Candles o6u buxus aud half boxes Poarl Starch 160 *• Colgate’s No. ISfiuji Si, »• Ueadel, .Smith k Colgate’s Family an Pale .Soap 2UU •• Adumanliu. aud Tallow Oancliw 60 • Pi, es aihl I'lpe Hoads In atom aud for sale by oct 2 H 'LCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. M ACKEREL.—20 half barrels medium size No. 2 Mackerel. « 26 quarter barrels largo, No. 1. 26 Kill’s largo No. 1 Mackerel. In store aud for eu'.u by oct27 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. C ODFISH, Potatoes, &o, 20 quintals Codfish. 60 obis. Mercer Potatoes. 100 boxes Herrings. Iu stare and for sa.e by oet27 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON AGO. B ackgammon hoards, chess mou, Drawing Pencils, Bristol Boards, Water Colors. Porto Monaics. Card Ca-cs, Portfolios, 4to., Ac., for sale by WARNOCK k DAVIs, novl3 169 Congress Btreet. B LANK II. OKS, of all kluds; full bound Day Books, Ledgers; journals, Au., aud hull'bound do, made of good paper and well bound; also, Pass Books, Memorandums, Writlue Books, Ac., for sale by WARNOCK .V DAVIS, * novlS 169 Congress streot, L KTiKR IJLGKa, Copying Presses, Oil Paper, Copyiug Brushes, und fine Blotting Paper, lor auto by WAKKtM’K k DAVte, novlS 169 Congress street. W RITING PAPERS.—For sale at remarkably low prices nlue aud wbito rnlod and plalu loolscap, do do letter papers, English und French packet aud commercial post; also, a fine selection of pink, bull, violet and «liter colors of uoto ana letter papers, small sizes, suitable for lady’s uso. WARNOCK k DAVM. uovl4 169 Oongroas streot. ^CHOOL BUOKu—A full supply of tbe different O School Books now in uso, sueh as spelllug books, readers, grammars, antbmotics, chemis tries, geographies, philosophies, histories, &o., Ac. For sale by WAR NOCK k DAVIS, ivl8 159 Congress street. FELLOW-CITIZENS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. 1 “tn a bau'lidhte lor ro olcctlou to tbo of- 9w Uce of Receiver of Tax Returns lu January uext, ami respectfully solicit your suifrages. augll JOHN REEDY. TO THK VOTKllS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. . ytt* Fellow cillxens, 1 urn ti candidate at the Mw election, in Jauuary next, for the office of Tax Collector, aud solicit your support A. HARMON. Snvuuuub, Sept. 30th, I860. out 1 oa* G. M. GRIFFIN has uuw in employ a first- Mw rate Jeweler, and all work soul in will bo done in a proper manner, and with dispatch, nov 11 NOTICE. \TTYLLY fc COLLINS lmvo taken an office ou Yy the corner of Drayton st. and Bay lane, op- posite foe office of C. A. L. Lamar, Esq., for tUo transaction of au Auction ami General Brokerage businoiB. Real and Personal Estate sold on Commission; al so, Stocks and Bond:?. Loans negotiated, liberal advances made ou property on trusted to tluiu for salo. novlS NOTICE. mHK public are hereby notiflod that all Bbooting X in the bock water, or upon the grounds be longing to the,Silk Hope Plantation, on tbe Oguchee Road, eight miles from tbo city nrsavounuh, is pos itively prohibited, cxcopt by tho permission or tho undersigned. Auy on 3 who may bo found tres passing thereon, alter this date, will be prosecuted to the extent of tbo law. GEORGE S. OWENS. Savannah, Nov. 17, I860. flt—novH NOTICE* DR. J. P. SCREVEN' wat this day elected PSf a Director of tho Merciiaut'j and Planter's Bank, inplacoof Scuton Grauiluud, Esq., of Mil* [Odgevllte, reslngod. uovs NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tbo Estate of Mrs. ELIZA ANN J EWE IT, deceased, will hand them in duly attested, and those indebted will please make payment to FRANCIS J. CHAMPION, uo4-lm Solo Qualified Executor. NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against tbo eatate of Daniel O'Couuor, deooasod, will hand them n, duly attested, iu required by law;and tboBe in debted will pleaso mtko payment, to W. R. SYMONS, Qualified Adm’r.^j Novombor 8th, 1860. novS NOTICE. A LL pereons indebted to tho Eitale of Jane Mo- Donald, late of Molntoih county, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; .bos- having demands against said Estate are requested to present them, duly authenticated. MUSES D. HARRIS, Executor. Nov. 7tb ( 1856. nov7 UOAitDltVt*. A FEW YOUNG GENTLE MEN can bo scoommo- XJl dated with board and lodging on Broughton street, nearly o; posite H. Morse’s House Furnish ing Store. Also, a few Day ttoorders. uovl2 PRIVATE BOARDING. a FEW single gentlomen can oouiu good Board JIl and Lodging at tbe So West, corner St Jutien and Price Street’s. oei23 2w WANTED. *DY an English widow lady, a situation lu a pri- X> vate family, as Teacher to young children, or would accept a situation in any capacity requiring a trust-worthy person. Having been accustomed to refined society she is faUy competent to discharge those dutloe so essen tial to a home education No objection to the coun try. For address apply at this paper, or address a note to L. M. G. novll-3t WANTED. A SMART ACTIVE Colored BOY to be about store. A novlO A. BONAUD. WANTED. 'l'HRKE HUNDRED ACTIVE YOUNG MEN to act X as local and traveling agonts in a buiinesa easy, usefol and honorablo. at a salary of $100 per menthl A capital of $6 only required 1 No patent medicine or book business. Full particulars given (free) to all who enclose a postage stamp or a three cent piece, and address a. B. MARTYN. sept22— w3m Plaistow, N. H. Omen Sav’h, Alboxt k Gut* R. R. Co., \ Savanuah, Nov. 6, I860. J mHK Seventh InatolmL-nt of 10 por cent, on tb X Capital Stock of tbo Savaunnh, Albany and Gulf Kail Road.Company, by A Resolution of the Board, Is hereby ordered to bo paid on or before the 10th day of Ja mary, 1857. WU. WARING HABERSHAM, novO Secretary and Treasurer* a UNNY BAGGING—60 bale* extra heavy Gun- OF Bagging, on board bark Indiana, from Bos ion, for sals to arrive. f oct27 BRIGHAM, KELLY k 00, SUNDRIES—Just received— j 60 boxeB Ooflee, Pepper and Mustard 60 “ Boadoll Starch aud Soaps 26 “ Adamantine and Tallow Caudles 60 bb!s aud bags extra Family Flour 80 “ Potatoes and Ou ions 40 gross Wood and Paper Matches OOdozeu assorted Brooms and Palls 100 " BcruteBrushoa und Clothes Linos 60 " ' Wash Boards 810 bags Java and Rio Coffee. For salo by DAVID O'CONNOR, oot 2 corner Broughton and Drayton sts. MARYLAND LOTTERIES, FOB DECEMBER, 1860. R* France 4 Co., Managera. 4 GRAND MARX LAND LOTTERY (Ou Uio Havana Plan.) GBAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, OF MARYLAND. • Extra Clast 7. To bo drawn a- 'lURlMY, Doc. 20th, In Baltimore, Maryland. Frlsos amounting to $182,600 will be distribute^ according to tho iollowlug tsplemUd Scheme s, MO,OUO Numbers 1—1,000 Prises t Prixes iwvoblo iu foil witho» t deduction. 1 prise..,.,.- i «* I::::;;:::::;:;:::::;;:;; 1 1 " ;. .... 2 " ...... 3 " 3 ** 187 " AmtOXlMAIION FKtXXH. 4of$16o Appro’*, 4 of 100 .4 of 60 4 of 4 of 8 of 12 of 12 of 748 of BO 70 00 30 20 10 1,000 prizes, a ouuting to.. .. $40,000 ... 14,040 ... 10 000 ... 5,000 ... 8,000 ... 2,000 ... 1,6 JO ... 1,000 .... 200 ...$40,000 ... 14,040 ... 10,000 ».. 6,000 ... 3,000 2,000 ... 1,600 ... 1,000 200 .••$182,O'*) Whole Tickets $10; Halves $6; Quarters $2 60. tl.ftlLLlAN’TsCHKME. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY.OF MARYLAND. Class T, To be drawn in Baltimore, Md.,Saturday, Dec 27. 1 prize or.... 1 •* l •' 4 prises of.... 20 “ 10 " 10 " 173 '• 60 " 100 4,168 " 40 26,740 “ to 30,316 prises, amounting to .. ....$1,141,140 Tiokots $20; Halves $10; Quur. $6,' Eighths $2.60. 49* All orders for Tickets or Packages in auy of tbe Maryland Lotteries will receive prompt atten tion, uud tho Urawiug mulled to ail purchasers im mediately alter it is over. Address T. H. HUBBARD k CO. No 30 Fayette street, or Jtex No. 40,. novIO . Baltimore Aid rjpr BBLd. Ara dy; 60 tf casks Brandy, 76 bbls I O Glnjiou Ujis Roctifiod Whiskey: 100 bbls num. Looelvod a a for salo by net 16 ..cMAHON k DOYLE. P OTATOES, Ac.— 60 bbls Mercer Potatoes 30 do Red aud While Onious 26 do Choice Apples, Lauding uud for salo by oct22 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k 00. F -JUR-600 bbls, v ztra and superfine Flour, as sorted brands. 600 sacks extra aud* erflue Flour, ass’d brands 160 quarter sacks double extra, 160 bbls. Goodletvtilo double- extra o’ 2 YOUNG AW YAW. T ea, coffee and pepper- 20 half chests Block Tea, 60 do do Green Tea, 160 caddies 2,4 and 6 lb Black Tea, *160 do 2 and 4 lb Green Tea, 16c sacks Grceu Rio Coffee, 76 boxes Fresh Ground Coffee, 100 do uo do Pepper, 16 bogs Whole Popper, ecclvcd and for salo by novio McMahon a doylk, L ’ INKS, imUSHEsTWABH BOARDS, 4c., Ac.— loo do* Clothes Lines * 200 do Fish do 600 do Scrubbing Brushes 60 do Wash Boards 60 do Barrel Covers 60 roams Wrapping Paper 60 bales do Twino 60 boxes Pipe Heads 100 boxes Eng Pipes 100 boxes fresh grouud^Pepper 260 boxes Victoria Blue 100 boxes Tiger Mustard 100 boxos sup’r Carb Soda 75 kegs washing do 100 Uox 2 and 3 ply Brooms, Received aud for sale by «ci22 McMahon a ioyij . A le. POTATOES, AC— 25 bbrn Taylor A Eon’s Ale v 6o bbls 1’otatoes 10 bbls Apples Received and for sdio by nov4 MoMAFON A DOYLE. GROOBRIB8. \ Bbls Ko. Prime Leaf Lard dSjU 100 Boxes Sealed Herrings 100 do White Goshon Cheese 50 boxes English Dairy “ ftbhds Codfish 26 kegs choico Goshen Butter 76 boxes Boadcli’s 0 A 8 Tallow Gandies 60 boxos Colgates (Oriental) “ 60 dozon Brooms 60 4 " palntod Buckets 60 boxes now Raisins 75 " imported Negro Pines 2i bbls band made Sugar Craekers 26 " Butter and Soda " 60 Soda “ 100 boxes Oswego and Beadell's Pearl Starch 100 “ Smith A Buchan’s Family goap 76 " Colgate’s ft Bnr •• 60 ** “Palo « 60 boxes Grant A William’s & A 8 Tobacco For sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO oct 24 JJRANDY.JHN, RUM, 26 bbls Domestic Brandy 20 }{ casks 4th proor do, twlgg hoops 26 X do do do, do 60 bbls E Pbclp’s Rye Gin 60 do Luther Felton’s Boston Rum 76 do N. 0. Rectified Whiskey 20 X casks Malaga Wine 60 bbls Old PAH Gin, In store aud for sale by 0021 SCRANTON, JOHNBTON AGO. S OAP, STARCH ANDOANDLES- 100 boxes Smith’s A Buchan’s Family Soap 60 “ Colgate’s pale do 50 “ do No. lft Bar do 26 " Oswego Pearl etarch 50 11 Colgate’s and Beadell’s Tallow Candles Landing from schooner Loyal Scranton, and for salt by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. oct 12 J~1ANDLE3,—Eight hundred boxes Adamantine L aud Star Caudles: 100 half boxes Adamantins Candles; 60 do Hotel do; 160 do Sperm, Patent, 8perm and Tallow do. In store and (or sal* by 00120 WEBSTER A PALMES. B UTTER AND CHEESE—Just receives per steam ship Florida: 10 kegs choice Goshen Butter. 10 boxes English Dairy Cheese., For sale by R. H. WATSON A C6. Corner Whitaker street, and >ct 6 Congress street Lons. J UST RECEIVED—ICO boskets Mum Champagne, 25 boxes Imperial, 26 boxes Cabinet, lOboxit Cordon Rougo. For sale by . A. BONAUD. novlO corner Bay and Bull its. T7UOUB—20 barrels Hiram Smith Flour. J; 26 half barrels Extra Genuetsee. 75 barrels Demncad and Oakley Flour. 50—98 aud 40 Barks Demnead Flour. Received and for sale by oot 20 HOLOUHBK, JOHNSON A 00. C OPYING BOOKS, Letter Presses, Oil Peper, Copying Brushes, aud fine Blotting Pads, for sale by nol4 WARNOCK S aR SOAP.—60 boxei Extra N Hill A Sons’ Pale Kxlra Yellow Soap, lust received and for tale to elute conslgnmeutl by CRANE, WELLS A 00. yfAY-SOO bales Hsy.jto store «d for L jy*6 S OAP, STARCH, Ad- 160 boxes Beadel’s Family Soap do do 160 do Gulgate’a 100 do do Pale 160 do do No 1 do 100 do Castile do 16 do Assurted Toilet do. Recoivcd aud for salo by Q°v4 MoMAHON A DOYLK. Jg UTTER A CHEESE— 100 do Choice Guehon do, whltu. Undlug per steamer and too sale by 0Ct24 80KANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. JjOMtSTIO UyUORS— 260 barreifc Ohio Recttfiod Whiskey, 100 do Pikes Magnolia do. . 120 do E. Phelps’s Gin. 26 do Conn. River r~ ‘ 20 do Conn. River P. AH. Bye Giu. Brandy. 36 quor and eighth casks Twlgg Hoop’d 4th pr. 75 barrels Ohio Monongaheia Whiskey. 20 do Gibsons Mountain do. do Ben Bussells Necter do. do Gibsons old Family Nectar Whiskey do White Bectified do. do Old Kentucky Bourbon do. do and puncheons Georgia Peaoh Brand 10 do Virginia Apple do. In store uud for sals by HOP 18 WEBSTER A PAL1U&. S ~ GAP, STARCH, SUGAR, SYRUP, Ac.. 4o.- 600 boxes Family Palo and No. 1 Soap 160 »< Fraser’s Beadle and Oswego Starch * 100 bbls. Stewart’s Clarified Sugl 60 doxou Lemon Syrup 60 boxes super Carbon Soda. Received and for salo by BQPtttS MoMAHON A DOYLE. 16 & 40 6 40 10 P ICKLES, PIPES, PAPER, PEPPER- 76 boxes Pick! s, X and X gallon Jars 600 gross EngUesh Pipes J 260 “ Pipe Heads 600 roams Wrapping Paper 100 boxos fresh grojnd pure Fenner. Received and for sale by aopt 28 McMAHON A DOYLK, rjlOBACCO, TEA, TWINE— 60 boxes choice brand* Tobacco 26 chests Cougor Oolong Tea 26 half ebosts choice Green Tea 26 bales Wrapping Twine Received and foraoieby «oiH28 McMAHON A DOYLK, B uckwheat- ——— 25 hair bbls New Buckwheat, 60quar do do do &u eighth do do do Landing and for sole b; nov4 rsaie by HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A 00. H errings a potatoes- 76 boxes Smoked Herrings 60 bbisflno eating Putatoee Just received and for sale by oc2l SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A 00, •HURT, TUR TLE. Ac.—lie ’cargo or tbe ioEF British Queen, in three days from Nassau, N. P., consisting of ORANGES, LEMONS, BANANAS, TURTLE, AC. For sale by YONGE A FR1EHSON, oct29-2t No. 94 Bay street. COLOUR AND MEAL. Jj 600 sacks Cir-ilchael’s Superfine Flour: 76barrUExtra Flour. 60 sacks Corn Meal Diploma. In store and for sale by octitfl WEBSTER A PALM!*, BACCO.—Two hundred and fifty boxes SBt A William’s Tobacco, 6’s and 8’s; 400 boxes eisortod brands, pounds 8’s. 6’s 8’s, 10’s and 8'i’s; 20 X box* People’s and Ross Twist Fancy; 40 kegs extra TwUt and Pancake; AUo, Virgin Utfud Prim.tto: li boxes fino Cut Smoking ud Cb.wlng do. In store and for sale by ootid WEBSTER* PALMES. /-I JtOCERlES.—UO Bbls A B * 0 BugW! uo Boxos OolftfM No. 1 Pri, ud\hml 100 Boxm No. X do: 900 doAdxmwUn,Oudl«; 10 doBiiera: 100 doSurob; 100 doTobuco. For ul. by Rouonts norms, *co. no»0 K EORV StITS. Phu NuU, Brutl NuU, a mondi, of ml kind,, reoolvtd par .tMtn. Utoby , J. D. JESSE. oct 31 V®?, 0 !- 7 iiwn CANES, uxortod, reorifM Iv Ibln dxy k per .tumor, uid for rale low by O.XLORUTIN, Bucceuor to Into IL lutmin, out POBfiUA ~ 50,000 tetefridod, —HOLLER * MICHELS, ««» BtyudXJncoinitmta