Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 24, 1856, Image 1
r: SAVAXKAH, GA... MOtUMY. .SOVEMUjiB ?f 1® JOURNAL. MONDAY EVBW1WO, a o’ctocV P. M» Tuk WRiTUii.-AfUr four or flro d»yn of cloud aud rain wo are now having a little sunshlno U is however too watm to remain settled. A thunder storm will perhaps usher in a cold •pell* Dbatu of Mb. Joun Murphy.—We an nounced last Wednesday a terrible acoident to Ur. John Murphy, one of the Inspectors of Castoms, from a fall, while engaged iu the dis charge of hta duties on board the ship Contul. He continued to suffer (when not in a state of tnttuaibility) from the injuries thon received until live minutes past 1 o'clock last nlghti when he expired. The deceased was for several years book keeper in this office. Ho was ever faithful iu the discharge of his duties. We have known no mau in whose integrity we had stronger confidence. Reifuiescatinpu e. I*oii of Use Ship Col. Cutis, of New Or* ICOIIS. The hark Glymcr, Capt. Plielau, from Liver* pool, with a cargo of salt, consigned to A. Low X Co., arrived at this port yesterday, alter a passage of 53 days. Captalu V. reports, Oct. 18th, hit. ;t5.i5,loug. 25.38, fell in with the ship Col. Cutta, of New Orleans, 8uow, masteri ou her voyage from Cardiff, Wales, bound to New Orleans, in a sinking condition, laden, with u cargo ot railroad iron, took off Captain S., his officers and crew, 23 iu uumber. Oct. Slat, sigualized ship Robertson, from Calcutta* bound to London, and put on board tbo second mate, steward and four men, a portion of the crew of the Col. C. Captain Snow has kindly furnished our re porter with the following particulars of the loss of the Col. Cutta. ...... Lift CardiffDook Sept. 25th ; sailed from ftrnat h Rods Sept. 30th, bound for New Or- lotus, with Railroad iron. Experienced very heavy weather all the time out; split sails, car ried away topsail yards, Ac.; ship proved tight uutil Oct. 12, when in a heavy gale from west* ward, commenced making considerable water, which continuedabont the same, until the 16th. Uu t hut day, in a heavy gale from S. 8. W., the ship commenced making water very fast, and M 8 o'clock A. M., found leak gaining so bad that it would be useless to try to proceed ou the voyage ; bore up for the western isl ands, St. Mary’s then bearing N. by W., 176 miles distant. On the 1 morning of the 17th flnf' rvrtlnln/v fna, nn '.tin. i, Iin. from Wuhliigtoii The D{ffleultlee with New Granada—An En voy Extraordinary to bo lint there. Washington, Not. 20, I860. Tho Hon. IsfUoE. Mono, formerly inemlier, anil who lias also held the poet of Attorney Qoneral of that State, Is expectod heroine day or two, when ho will receive the appointment of Envoy Extraordinary to New Granada. Hla duty there will be to endeavor to cfTect an arrangement with the New Oranadlan government in reference to the claims of our oltlions against that government, arising out of the mussaore at Panama In April lust, and also us to security from a repetition of such outrages. A number of Cabinet meetings have been held in regard to this mutter, but as yet no do Unite conclusion has been arrived at. The question Is n very delicate and difficult one, and one with which the administration And it hard to deal. Tbo statements published In some ol the Now York papers us to propositions having boon submitted for the cession to the United States or thomuniotpal control of the Panama route and Its termini-Asplnwall and Panama —have no foundation In fact. I have no hesitation, however, in giving the assurance that within the next fow days the line of policy to be pursued in the matter will be determined on. what that polloy will he it is Impossible now to say, for tho members of the administration themselves have not made up their minds. When resolved on, Mr. Horse will receive his commission and In structions. and depart Immediately for Bogota. Judge Douglas, was married to-day nt two o’clook, at the heuso of the bride’s father. The programme was ohanged, owing to the una voidable detention of Judge Douglas at tbo Wost Only a few of his Immediate Mends participated, among whom were Gen. Shields and Senator Slidell. The ceremony was per formed by Father Byrne. Mr. Douglas left this evening for tho North. Senators Iverson, Olay und Hunter arrived to-day. Mr. Cllngman, of North Carolina, also arrived this evening, and Is stopping at Will- ard’s,—Herald. EUROPEAN NEWS. although the King of'Naples has, IV la said, or* ’ ms representative! in “ NO 14009 MS Washington Correspondence. Wai ASniNGTON, Nov. 10,1850. The Fia'icee of Senator Douglas. As a correspondent of one of the New York papers has seen lit to allude to the fiancee of senator Douglas, making some statements which are incorrect, I thought that you would as your usual proctice, set your co temporary right. James Madison Cutts, the father of the lady about to become Mrs. Douglas, has never been in the State department, as stated, but bos for many years been in the Secoud Comptroller’s bureau, of which, If experience, ability and industry were regarded, be would long since tin* leak still kept'gaining fast, so -that it re’ quircil all hands to keep her frfce. Kept both puuipa going. Had light head winds and could make but little headway, but had heavy rolling m all day. On the morning of the 18th, leak still gaining fast. Was making two feet of water per hour* Hid boats ready to leave, with water and pro* visious, if the ship could not be kept up. A’t 12 Meridian, fell in with bark Clyman, for Sa- vaunah; I knew it would be impossible to reai b any of the western Islands, as the wind was nerly ahead, and my men worn out, having been at the pumps two days and nights without any sleep. Went on board bark Clyman, my ship having 4} feet of water in the bold /and fast set tling. We saved some provisions and a part of the baggage. It came on squally so m a fter we got aboard the bark. We soon lost sight Of the ship; I think she mast have gone down in a short time, os she had settled about two feet when we left. I think the leak was from th§ starting of a butt We had splendid pumps or we could not have kept her free os long as we did; leak oonstantly increasing from thg time it commenced. • '* * ^ The Col. Cutta was built at Biddeford, Me., in 1851^ U 6 yean old and owned in New Or leans by Messrs. J P Whitney & Co.,merchants; wfc purchased by them for $45,000, the cargo was consigned to order. Capt. Snow desires us to return his sincere thanks to Capt. Phelan and officers for their kindness to himself and crew, whilst on board the Clyman have beeu the head; but unfortunately be bas no vote or member of Congress to electioneer for him. He is a nephew of the celebrated Mrs. Madison, and was named for her distin guished husband, at her request. Young Cutts resided for many years with his uncle aud aunt, and was a great favorite with both. Miss Ada Cutts, resembles very much in her manners and tone her great aunt; and those who remember Mrs. M. in her more youthful days, say there is great personal resemblance. Miss C. uas been a distinguished belle here for several years, and is now twenty-four years of age. She is tall, with a full form—graceful in movement, and amiable iu disposition. Her face is remarkably beautiful, and her education bas developed a well balanced aud subtle intel lect. She bas more good strong common seuse than any belle 1 ever knew. In religion she is a Catholic, having been educated at George* town Nunnery. She is the lost of a set of belles, all beautiful and accomplished—viz.. Miss Flo rence Greenhough, (cousin of Miss Catts); Miss Ada Smith, daughter of John L. Smith; MIbs Henrietta Magruder, daughter of Cupt. Magru- * ” " A * J ” ” * to Mr. [communicated.] Thanksgiving In Darien. Darien, Nov. 21st. Iu accordance with the public proclamation of onr Governor, Thanksgiving day was ob. served In our city on Thursday last. We were pleased and highly gratified in noticing the unanimity of feeling that existed among the clergy on the occasion. Instead of meeting at their respective places of worship, as suggested by.the Governor, they all met as one in the Methodist Episcopal Church. The services were conducted as follows: Singing, and reading the Scripture by Rev. Mr. Morrall, pastor of the Baptist Church. Prayer was offered by Rev. Mr. Pinkerton, rector of tho Episcopal Church. Sermon was delivered by Rev. Mr. Gaulding, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Benediction was pronounced by Rev. Mr. Aus* tin, of the Methodist Church. This, we confess, was to us a pleasing coin cidence. May the feeling that existed on last ’Thursday be ever cherished by the clergyjof our city. If they are united;* their influence will lio extended over their respective congrega tion, and of course w ill unite them. Kuo. Tlic Next Session of Congress. The- necond session of the 34th Congress will commence next Monday, December 1st. It will not be exactly the same body as that which ad journed lont summer—though of course its or ganization—speaker Clerk Ac., will be the same. The Tribune notes tho following changes: James Meacham of Vermont has died, and his place in the present House has been tilled by the electlou of George T. Hodges (RepublN can)—no change. From Virginia, Muscoe H. B. Garnett (Slavery-Extension Dera.) has been chosen in place of Gen. Thomas H. Bayly, who was absent uearly all the last Session on ac count of illness, and who ultimately died. From Illinois, James C. Allen (Dem.) is returned to the seat held by him through most of the for mer Session, nut finully vacated on a contest by Mr. Archer (Repub.) Col. William A. Richard* son, who was in some sort a leader of the Ne braska Democracy at the last Session, having been nominated by his party for Governor, re signed his seat in the House and was beaten in the canvass for Governor, but his place in the present House is filled by Mr. J. Davis, of kiu- dred politics. The seat for the VUItb District of Illinois, vacated by the acceptance of the Senatorship by Judge Trumbull, has likewise been filled by the election or John L. D. Morrison, formerly a Whig, but now acting with the Nebraska De mocracy. The Missouri seat rendered vacaut through nearly all the last session by the illness and ultimate death John G. Miller (pro-slavery Whig), was filled In August last by the election of William Akers (American), wno will in all things vote la the interest of slavery-exten sion. Practically, therefore, the opponents of Free Kansas will be three votes stronger In the House, as now constituted, than they were when the decisive votes were taken on order ing the Congressional Investigation, and on recognising the Free State Constitution. We must expect this difference to moke itself felt 1 ' dlvl in tho divisions of the ensuing session. Still a Secret.—The Lancaster Intelligen cer of Nov. 18, speaking of Mr. Buchanan’* Cabinet, says: '•He has never given un intimation to auy living soul on the subject. He keeps bis owu counsels—and when his selections are once made, it will be found that bis Cabinet Is not only a unit, but that it is also a Union Cabinet." Halifax, Nov. 20.—The steamship Mayara, Cuplnin Ilyrio, from Liverpool on tho afternoon of Saturday, November 8tb, nrrlvod boro lit mid night. The steamer Att0fo.tfa.wm, from Quoboo, arrived out nt Liverpool at 5, P. M., on tho 6th inst. Tho Gtmnrd steamship Persia, from Nop York, arrived at Liverpool at 71*. M. on Friday, the 7th, hor pussago being called 0 days and 7 hours, mean time. :j ■ ■ ■■ ' • Thoro is llttlo important news by/this arrival. Additional symptoms had manifested thomsolves of a close union botwoon Franco, Russia, uud Prussia. It would appear that France supports tho unconditional admission of Russia and Prus sia to the socoud meeting of tho European Con ference, while England is said to opposo the ad mission of tho forinor and Austria of tho latter. Treaties of comiuoroo between Russia and Franco, and railway treaties betweon Russia aud Prussia are in preparation. Neapolitan affairs continued without chnnge. Thore hud nothing of interest boon received from Spain. Great Britain. Lord Palmerston had delivered an nddress on Education before a large ussombly, in tho Froo Trade Hall ut Manchester. He'also made two speeches in defonee of his foreign policy. An address had been presented to him by tho President of the Chamber of Commerce, in which the following pusBOgo occurred: “It would not ho dolug justice to the commer cial community of Liverpool were no mention made of that question which most deeply nffeots it—the lato difficulties or threatened difference between this country and tho United State. There is, my Lord, but one expression of feeling amongst us ub to the wauuer in which your Lordship and Ilor Majesty’s advisers disposed of that, which at one time threatened to bo n question that might involve us in a desporate contest with America. We feel by the modo in which your Lordship an/1 herMnjesjy’s ndvisers settled thnt question, you not only consulted the dignity of this country, but in spirit aud in fact satisfied all tho interests con cerned. My Lord, for that wo feol dooply indobtod to your Lordship and to hor Majesty’s Govern ment.” To this Lord Pulmorston replied with consider able embarrassment of manner, as follows: “I was Bure, gentlemen, that the policy Which we recently adopted in our differences with the United States must meet with your approbation. We felt that whilo ou tho one hand it was neces sary to maintain the dignity of tho country, that it was also nocessary to show that even tho calam ities of war with a neighboring raoe would bo encountered if thoro was a necessity for it upon adequate grounds. Wo felt that while it was ne cessary to show this, wo ought to waive all minor and party considerations—that we ought not to tako advantage of circumstances which might per haps have justified the expression of angry feel ings of tbo great mass of the pebple of tho United States, r&thor than to take too much notice of cir cumstances in a narrower sphere, that might, per haps, have justified feelings of irritation. The result has fully borne out, I think, tho wisdom of that oourso. ucuiidim uagiimci, uuuguiui ui vu|iin u dSr, U.S. navy; lately married in Paris t Hayden, of South Carolina. Do not think these are all our belles—only oue set, who were for some cause always named together. Mr. Douglas, being a widower, will have no groomsman, bat the fair bride will have some irldesmaids.—Herald. Charleston Markets—Weekly Review Saturday, Nov. 22—8 P. M. Cotton—The 4 * market opened on Monday with a lively deinan, and as holders continued free sellers;»t the above quotatious, the sales .amounted td^Gl bales. Tuesday and Wed nesday the inquiry was not so good, but other wise the general aspect of the market was un changed, the sales for the two days were 2,770 bales. Thursday beiug a day of Thanksgiving and Prayer, was regarded as holyday, and al business was suspended. Yesterday the de* maud was moderate and prices unchanged since the opening of the week. To-day the market was moderately aotive, and as holders exhibited n good deal of firmness the sales were effected at a very frill range of figures, the market closing firm this evening at the follow ing quotations: Low to Strict Middling 114 to 111 cents, Good Middling 11$ a 11|, and Mid dling Fair 11| cents per lb. The sales yesterday were 1860 bales and to day 2600 bales, making tbe total sales of the week 10,800 bales,nt the following particulars: 5 bales at 101 cents, 32 at 102,215 ut 11,210 at 11 j, 40 atll 3-16, 1400 at 114, 626 at 11 5*16, 1657 at 113,136 at 11 7-16,1488 at 11£, 543 at 11 0*16, 2380 at 11|, 685 at 11-16, and 1235 bales at 11$ cents per lb. In the long staple market tbo sales have been confined to a few small lota of Floridas, at ex tremes of 20a35 cents per lb. Of Sea Islands S er tbe receipts so far have been very light, no transactions of theso qualities are yet reported. Rice.—The demand for the better qualities of this article continues good, and tho receipts for this description find ready sales,at very lull and upward tending prices. The lower grades, on the contrary, aro accumulating, and cannot be disposed of unless at a further decline, to which holders object; and for this reason, and the intervention or the holiday, and unfavorable weather for tho past two days, some of the re ceipts have been put into store. Tbe receipts for the week amount to 3,760 tierces, which have only in part been sold at extremes of $3£a 4|, the bulk uf the sales of the better grades at $4jja4£, and of the poorer qualities at $3.]a3$. Exports of tbe week 1,546 tierces; on shipboard not cleared, 2,190 tierces. Rouu Rick.—We hear of no sales of tills ar ticle yet, the receipts being sent to the mills by first bands ou arrival. Received this week 107,000 bushels. Southern Fuel He Railway. Tbe Herald of last Tuesday contains the fol lowing Washington correspondence: The Pacific Railroad letter of Mr. Bucbanau Is beginning to assume important proportions. I understand that a Southern Pacific Railroad has beeu determined ou. The first plan Is to obtain the right of wav, conditionally, the eminent domain remaining in Mexico. The consideration is to,be a certain sum paid by the United States government. If Mexico declines selling such a right, then she will be approach ed as a party to the contemplated enterprise, participating in its advantages, and giving os tier share of stock, alternate grants of land— Mr. Forsyth has special instructions from go vernment on this subject, and is, besides, in ex tensive private correspondence with the lead ing railroad men of tin South. Iu tho event of Mexico real-ting both these propositions, a revolutionary movement in the northern dis tricts is contemplated, a la Walker, through or ganizations in Western Texas and the extreme eastern settlements of California. Tho force will be marshalled under the head of emigra* tion. Another Cabinet Nomination.—A corres* pondent of the Richmond Enquirer writes from Washington, November 17, that the Hon.Thos. S. Bocock, of Virginia, is spoken of in political circles as a member of the new Cabinet. The writer soys: He is a gentleman of spotless character, line education, enlarged political experience, and is one of tbo purest States Rights politicians in the South. Mr. Bocock is now Chairman of tho Committee on Naval Affairs, aud is pecu liarly fitted to preside over this particular branch of tho public service. 19th, that Air. Alexander, the defeated candi date for Governor iu New Jersey, is strongly talked of as Un.ted Senate, in place of J. R. Thompson, whose term is about expiring. Doveii, N. H., Nov. 20.—John Foss and George S. Clark were killed in tills town last evening, while thing a salute in honor of Buoh- au’s election. todourand their paiijtbrU as soon ns they should bo informed of the return of the" Baron jfirenier and M. l’otrie, it is thought that sin arrangement will bo oorno to through tho friondly Interference of tho Russian Minister at Naples; We shall soon kn6yr what wo may oxpoot on this subjoot, for a manifesto from tho Neapolitan Government is over? day expected, and if thut dooumont should not be of aeonoiliatory charuc- ter, it is probable that,tho Neapolitan Envoys will tako their piissporbt. • . I;--**, /'!' Aooording to the recent agreement with tho Pope, tho Austrians aro withdrawing tholr troops from sovorul of tho towns in the Papal Legation, which they have for sotpo time past ooouplod. At the same time thoy.are making preparations for an overwhelming display of military forco in Lombardy and on the frontier. Tho ports ovaou- ated uro immediately ro-occuplod by Papal Swiss roglments. Bologna and Aneona are now tho only points held by the Austrians. Austria. Tho concession bv Francis Joseph of the East ern Railroad is published, in addition to the lines alroady ooncoded. Tho company may construct tho lino from Mohaos to Funfkirohon. Tho whole lino must bo completed within ten years. The Government guarantees five per cent. The Commission on tho navigation of tho Dan- ubo is about to reassemble at Vionna. Turkey will sond a representative. Germany. Tho Declaration of tho Committco of tho Ger manic Diet appointed to consider the affairs of Noufohatel, amounts to this: Tho committoo recommend tho Diet to rccognizo tho right to tho Principality as conferred on tho King of Prussia by tho Troatios of 1815, and tho Protocol of Loudon in 1$52. Nothing is determined concerning tho modifica tion which that right hnsundorgono since 1815, in consoquotico of tbe successive proceedings of the Prussian Government, particularly in 1830 and in 1848. This can only be decided by a Congress. Prussia. Letters say that the relations between France and Prussia are becoming oloser, there bolng talk of but two policies, that of France, Russia and Prussia ugainst England and Austria,—such talk, liowovor, is of little value. It is also said that a new treaty of commerce is settled betweon Russia and Prussia, with a view to international railway communication. Private statements say that Prussia agrees with Franco and Russia in requiring thnt the Austrians shall evacuate tho Danubian Principalities, and tho English fleet loavo tho Black Sea. * Russia. 1 am sure that in proportion as your prosperity rise is increases, aud in proportion as your enterprise is developed, in the same proportion wo may look to cementing permanently tn< \o& r . oso lies of friendship and good will which exist, and ought to be per petuated, betweon the peoplo on tho two Bhorca of the Atlantic.” ' In Lord Palmeiston’s speech at Manchester, ho used the following expression, which has been tho subject of much remark: “I hope the peace will be lasting, but its endu rance must depend on the fidelity with which its conditions are fulfilled. If that power which pro- vqkcd hostility faithfully carried out tho treaty, then no doubt peace would long bo prosorved.” On Thursday evening, the 6th inst., the Directors of the Bank of England had a protracted sitting, in the' course of which they deliberately consid ered tbo expediency of making & further change in tho rates of discount with a view to arrest tho continued outflow of gold to the continent. The withdrawal uf a considerable amount during (he lasvfow days, and tho certainty that tho demand must continue unless it be interrupted by large ar rivals from Australia, are understood to have en gaged tho attention of the Board, and the reanlu- Hon not to make any change for tho presont was arrived at by a majority of only ono. Tho condition of the Bank of France Itad.ehown no improvement. Admiral Dundas was still at Malta at last advi cos, which are to October 31st. Cape of Good Hope advices of October 3d say thai tears of a Caflro war are passing away The Brinish Government advertises at Lloyd’s or a ship to convey some hundreds of emigrants to Vova Scotia, it being tho intention to grant free passages to laborers and their families to that col ony. Spain. A plan of Finance will be laid before tho Coun- oil of Ministers without delay. Nothing as yet is decided as to the creating a Ministry of Colonies. The Rspana, a ministerial paper, desires the Anglo-French alliance, and recommends the alli ance of Spain with the Northern Powers. It was said that the despatches received by tho govern ment from -Romo, represented that the negotia tions about to be entered into with tho Holy See, would be conducted in a friendly spirit by the lat tor. The law of the press requiring a heavy deposit, as surety monoy from Editors is re-established. A meeting oi political notabilities had been held in the house of General Prim, for tho purpose of reorganizing the Progressist Party. Tho result is not yet known. France. Rumors continue of a probable modification in tho ministry. It is said that M. de Persigny’s visit to the Emperor is connected with these rumors. Tbe Emperor continues the revels at.Oompiogne, where his third and last batch of guests have just arrived, including the Ministers of Russia, Swe- den and Holland, and Marshals Pellissior and Ba- raguny D’Hilllers. These protracted country entertainments give offence to the Parisians, and among the placards surreptitiously posted on the walls aro some head ed “Le Roi Samus.” Tho event of the Week is a semi-official editorial in the Oonstitutionel on tbe question at issue be- — - *‘sh~ Intelligence from South Florida. We loke the following Iteraa of 1 South Flori da intelligence from the Tamp,* Peninsular, re* coived by the Gen. Clinch : Thu Democratic majority for the electoral tickot, in Huntuudo Couuty, is 61. This is an snerease of 20 votes over our majority for the ■Mli ‘ ' tdo. State ticket; Well done,-Hertiaudt •P..2 The steamer America, Nelson, Master, arriv ed at this port, from New Orleans, on Thurs day last. Freight—f ‘ ’ ter government. -horses, mules,and suppliss Five Companies of the 4th Artllcry, arrived at Punta Rassa, one day last week. The companies of the 2d Artlller, that havo been stationed in South Florida foi the past season, will, in a few days, depart for the North. I.08T or taken through mistake |from tho C. R. R. depot, on Saturday Adornoon, 22d Inst., a Htiiek Leather i'RUNK, marked Theodobia Allen. Any imormaiiou of the sumo will he tlmukrullj received at this uMoe. uodd-lt* A The U. S. schooner. Col. Bliss, was despatch ed last week, to Key West, to bring Gen. Har- noy over. She is hourly looked for. The Peninsular reports the movements of the State troops uudor General Carter In n vain Bearch for the Indians. It Bays. The freshest Indiau signs discovered were three or four weeks old. It is the general opinion that the Indiuus have gone beyond the Kissimmeo, where pur suit would have been made but for the exhaus tion of supplies in field and store. This portion of the State troops are now ren- dezvouziug at Aiafla. Eort Meade, and Fort Frazier, and will move east of the KiBsimmee when supplied, if not otherwise disposed of. Named for the Cabinet.—The Daily Cleve land r of tho 18th inst. says We have heard it stated that the friends of Governor Wood, who was an early, warm and devoted friend of Mr. Buchanan, will ask for lim a place in the Cabinet as Secretary of the Interior. As this place in now filled by a Wes tern man, we should uot be surprised if Gov ernor Wood received this appointment. He has great personal popularity, having been elected Governor by some 70,000 majority, and lis success would gratify troops of friends. He is worthy of and is entitled to the place. He ever led his party to victory, while other lend ers iu Ohio led it to defeat. MARRYING TOO LATE. TALE, by George Wood, author or “l’oter __ Sclilemlltl iu America.” Commodore Porry’u Japan Expedition, Govern- meutoifitlou, .n quarto, with colored plates, extra calf gilt. Wlddk-lleldM new Cook Book. Fashionable I tfe, by Mury H Eastman, wile ot Capt Feastumn. U.S Army. ■’ornate Life among tbe llortnous, by the wile of t Elder, with colored plates. Hills of'the Sbateiuuc, by Miss Warren, author ot Wide, Wide World. Tbo Rime of the Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge, olegautly Illustrated and bound iu oxtra gill mo rocco. Envelope.* iu groat variety. Drawing Slates, with volvot corners, anew in vention. much Improved—tvventy-dvo tents ea<dt. nov24 W. THORNE WILLIAMS Tho concossslon of the Russian Railways to the Credit Mobillier was signed October 22d. The company undertakes the construction of 3,800 versts of railway in four.routes. First from St. Vetersburgh to Warsaw, repay ing the government the eighty million francs which the 300 versts already constructed havo cost, and undertakes to complete the line, Secondly, from Moscow to Theodosia, 1366 versts. Thirdly, from Moscow to Novogrode, 390 versts, And fourthly, from Kroski to tho port of Libnn, These lines must be completed in ton years, and the Russian Government guarantees five per cent. Ono-third of the shares will be allotted to Russia. The shares will not bo quoted on tho Paris Bourse. The capital of tho company is two hun dred and seventy million silver roubles. By n letter from Vienna in tbe Cologne Gazette, wo loam something about the diplomatic corres pondence which rosultod from the intention of Russia to erect new fortifications on the Finnish oast in the Bathnian Gulf. Wo are told that this matter has come to an amicnblo understanding, as far at the relations of tho French Government to Russia are concerned, but the Government, it is Aaid, still maintains that in these fortifications there is an invasion of the article of the Treaty of Peace, by whioh the ereo- tion of fortifications on theAlano Islands is inter dicted. Count Morny is represented as having deolared to Princo Gortobakoff, in reply to a direct question, that Franco had no objoction to the erection of the proposed fortress. The Emperor Aloxander has addressed a letter to General Ludors, granting him leave of absence for a year. One expression in it has attracted at tention. Tho Emperor says:— “Appreciating your efficient services, I hopo that if circumstances give me occasion to recall to em* ployment before tho expiration of tho period named, you will como to resumo your duties with the zeal and alacrity which have over signalizod your mili tary career.” Turkey* Tho new Turkish Ministry is reported as fol lows : Grand Vizier, Resehid Pasha ,* Minister of War, Omar Pasha; Minister of Marine, Rizn Pasha; Minister of Financo, SaffettePasha. In tho mean time Faud Pasha will hold the Portfolio of Foreign Affairs until Ali Pasha, to whom it has beon of fered, oonsents to accept it. Tbe Frenoh as well as the English Government is favoroblo to tho above Ministry. Hasty Burials.—Another waruiug, says the Cincinnati Columbia, against the too common iractice of hasty burials, occurred in Fremont, iandusky county, last week. Daniel Stearns, Esq., who had been ill with fever for some time, to all appearance died on Friday afternoon; all the arrangements were made, and the friends and clergyman were assembled to pay the lost tribute of respect to the supposed deceased, when the body appeared warm to the touch. Restoratives were administered, and in a few minutes the man who bad come so near being buried alive, was sitting up. He is now in a fair way of recovery. Hartford, Nov. 19.—The official vote of this State for President stands: Fremont 42,715 ; Buchanan 34,990; Fillmore 2,615. Watkrville, Nov. 18.—The Canton Bank of China,in this State, was closed yesterday by the State Commissioners. Boston, Nov. 18.—The bills of the Mount Vernon Bank, Providence, are selling here at £0 cents on the dollar. Have You a Ulsoased Liver I 49* Tbo question, though startling, 1b sufllcieut- ly suggestive, when the fact U taken into consider ation that diseases ol tbe liven have become mo3t alarmingly frequent in tbo United States. Indeed, there are few formidable diseases that are uot In Home way traceable tea deranged Btato of that Im portant organ. Many of tne complaints usually classed under the bead of Consumption, have their origin iu tbe liver. “Any remedy that would In sure regularity and hoalthfUl actllon in the Liver, wonld be a blessing to mankind!” has boon the ex clamation of thousands. That remody bus been found; It is safo uud sure. Wlieu u fair trial bus been aQordod It, it lias never boon known to rail. Reader, bavo any dlieaso cf tho liver, or disease which you bolteve proasods from hepatic derange- meutf Logo net a moment, but purchase a box of Dr. M'Laue’s hlla, prepared by Fleming ilros. Pittsburgh, Pa., aud thoy will restore you to lioalth It is the only remedy yet discovered In which im plicit confidence may bo placed. y Purchnsera will bo carefrtl to uak for Dr. M'lAno'8 Celebrated liver Pills, manufactured by Fleming Bros., of Pittsburgh, Pa. Thoro are other Pills purporting to be Iivor Pills, uow before tbe public. All other Vermifuges in comparison are worthless. Dr. M’Lane’s gcuulne Vermifuge, also his celobrated liver Pills, can now be bad at all respectable drug stores. Noue genuine without tho siguatuicof FLEMING BROS, [13] uovl2 Tiie Way to Win a Bet.—Toll her that you lovo hor, wish to marry, that you are honest and worth fifty thousand dollars, If thoro Is any re sistance after this, toll her that you are a colonol, and havo fought throo duels. If sho still remains unmoved, tell her to go to “grass.” A Pretty Riddle.—“I will consent to all you desire,” said a young lady to her lover, “on condi tion that you will give what you have not,what you novoroan have, and yot what you can give me.” What did she ask for? A husband. There are many who waBte and lose affection by careless nogloot. It is not a plant to grow un nurtured. The rude touch may destroy its deli cate texture for ever. The subtle eords of love are chilled aud snapped asunder by noglect. Liverpool Cotton Market. LIVERPOOL, Nor. 8.—Tha market was quiet, and ex hibited a rather drooping tendency, with some irregularity in prices. The Broker’s Circular calls the lower qualities Wd lower, and the middling and fair qualities l-16d lower on the week, with a steady market at the dose. The sales ef tho week were restricted to 29,260 boles, of which the specula tor* took 2300, and exparters 3100. The sales on Friday were about 6000 bales, ono thousand on speculation and for export. The following are the authorised quotations : Fair Orleans, 7?;, Middling 6ftd, Fair Mobiles 7M. Middling6 U-16d, Fair Uplands 7>{a, Middling 6?£d. The stock on ihand was esti mated at 428,370 bales, of whioh 322,800 were American, LIVERPOOL PROVISION MARKET. Blessrs Richardson, Speneejk Co., report Beefverjr doll. tween tho French and English Governments. This article speaks plainly and says: “The presence of the Naval Squadron of Eng land in the Black Sea, and of the Austrian* in the Principalities,are henceforth only an arbitrary and violent means uf preventing a solution of the dif ference whioh Russia has boon the first to propose in offering to submit the question to its natural Judges. Is it desired rather to have recourse to arms ? “Is war again desired ? Doos the English min istry itch to enter again upon hostilities without France—not certainly to assure the execution of the Treaty of Paris, but imprudently to rend it in pie ces in the face of the world, with the object of sat isfying an ambition that had been for tho moment disguised. We repeat, it now depends upon the cabinets of London and Vionna to put an end to the pending disputes, and to terminate the anxieties to which tbo present situation gives ris>> Let the consent to the re-assembling of the Plenipotentiaries bo given without making arbitrary and inadmissable exclusiveness a condition-—exclusiveness which would completely character and be an additional breaoh of the treaties. Let ui add that if a peace ful resolution is desired, this is the .only proposal for that purpose that can be decently made.” It has been rumored for some days back In Par is that a French fleet was about to proceed to the Blaok Sea. This, however, is not certain. Tho fleet may perhaps lehve Toulon, but it is not probable that it will go far. Should it go to the Blaok Sea it is difficult to suppose that its objoot could be co-operative with tho British celebrated painter Paul de Rouche is dead. He was 59 years of »|e.^ Regarding the Neapolitan difficulties, we have nothing more definite than the following from the Patrie: with hotders pressing on tbe market. “ ’ —Little enquiry, Baeon—Sales nt rime selling at 70* a eon—Sale* unimportant, at previous rate*.— , and xuotationi nominal at 74* ontheipot.— -, and 1* lower. Bale* at 66 a 57*. 65* a 75*. Lard very dull,* Tallow quieter, i LIVERPOOL PRODUCE MBRKET8. Tlio Broker*’ Cirqnlar qnot** common Rosin slow ef sate, red) fine Rosin Billing at 10»16i. Spirit* but prices nnalterei 37«r oitron Bark slightly eh*ap*t} si _—... and Fiah Oils-SmaU sale* at prtvlons rates. Palm Oil slightly doarer; sals* at £14 5s a 44 10s. Olivt Oil sasisr, but qnotatisns unchanged. Dyewoods.—A limited holiness at previons rats*. Saltpetre firmir. Sugar aotive, at aa ad vance of fid. Molasses firmir, and fid dearer. Tea rather qniet; sales at a 9J*d. Coffee.—An average business, without quotable change. Rios steady, wiih a rather bitter feeling in the market, LIVERPOOL BREADSTUFFS MARKET. The market for breadstnffs generally had been qniet. Tkt Brokers' Circular ealls wheat inactive, and 2d lower. Flour dull and qniet, with a slight deeline on the inferior qualities, say about fid per bbl. Corn without essential change. Messr Richard eon. Spruce k Co. quote aa follows < Rid wheats* 9d a 9s Id | white wheat 9s fid a 10s Id, dosing doll, especially vhite. Western Carnal flour, 30s.a 33s, Baltimore and Philadelphia 32s fid a 33s fid, Ohio 35s a 37s, Canadian 35a 37s, with a dell tone at the elose. Mixed oornmon 33*, yel- 33s fid, whites 35i, doing inaotlve. LONDON MARKETS. Messrs.Baring,Bros.k Co., say: Sugar stlffsr, but not —*-*-*■*“ ‘*t. Hf “*■— P “'Tb»" Neapolitan difference., If wo mey believe oatehu ,, i,, t — tbe report. pubUibed by the Belgian Jeurpri., are n. uA opujaut 8.000 e 10,000 Li on tbe point of entering on > better pbiie, end 1« rrl4iy» ru«. quotably higher. Coffee qniet. Hies without change, but tending upward. Iron quiet: Wolib bars quoted at £76# a £7 IDs, aud rails £7 5s. Breadstuff* quilt, aud without ti- ssntlal change, Floor34s a39s. Rad Wheat 6°--“*■“* 70s a 70s. LONDON MONEY MARKET. There has been no material ohange in the demand for rates for Money. Consols had fluetnatad somewhat, and dosed at 92 2-3 u92tf for Money, and MX a M.for Account. The bullion la the Bank or Eaglaad bad decreased during the week £41,000. AMERICAN SECURITIES. The market was qniet and steady, and the previous quota- ttou it. MatieMd. „^ vl g MAaKET . During Ik. wuk (ndlnl on tkn 4U> lutut, tt. Cotton mukot bid bun study, wtthlbnit«d MlM. NavOr- lenu,truOrdlnnirei quotod nt lMf. Brudttntt deltoid trading downurd. ProrUionl dull but prici, u,oLn,ed.— Sngnr .tutor, Trade In Manchester was doll, and buyers were demanding a reduction. THE LATE ST MARKETS. Lirsarooi., Saturday, Nov. 8,3 P. M.—In the eettea mar ket to-day there haa been a rather better feeUag, but wlth- outehangeinquotatioui. ^ ADMINISTRATOR’S SALK. | IT ILL be sold uu the first Tuesday in January TV uext, (1857) before tho Court House door iu H uesvillc. Ltocrty county, all thut tract or parcel of land belonging to the Estate of tiio late Johu A. Hendry, deceased, lying iu the county of Liberty, near Taylor’s Creek, on tbo Cross Bay, adjoining lands uwned by Kli McFail and Thotnus Lauier, (within convenient distance oi a good school und Dburcli) contalug 31)5 acres, tuoro or less, aud un inprovuii. Also, at the same time aud place, lot number thirty, lying iu Hluesvlde. Liberty couuty, aud be longing to tbo Estate of tbo lute Johu A. Hendry, deceased. Also, at tbe same tirceand place,tbe undivided in- -rjfet (being one balT) of tbo Estate of tbo late John .. Hendry, deceased, in the fullowii-g tructs of laud, all lying In the county of Liberty, viz: 600 acres, moro or less, near tho residence of John l’er ry, ou the wators of Cauoucheo river. 2u0 acres, mure or le&B, grnnto i to P. Horton and on tbu wa ters of tbo Canoucbeo river. &12 acres, moro or lying uear tho resideuco or William Rustln, ■ won r'-**-—' *• " *--- river. The ubovo being a part of the lands belonging to the Estate of Jolm A. Hendry, deceased, aud sold for tho bonolltof tho heirs and creditors. L. B. HENDRY, muti ty vuumy, .ii)V. 22, 1850, X. B. Terms liberal and mado known uu day of sale. uov24 ' ^'OTIOE-^7 dozen CANES, assorted, received . . low prices nlue aud white ruled aud plain foolscap, do do letter papers, English and French packet and commercial poBt; also, a due selection of pink, bull’, violet and other colors or note aud letter papors, small sizos, suitable lor lady’s use. WARNOCK & DAVI3, uovl4 159 Congress street. JFuntral limitation. The Friends and Acquaintances of JOHN MURPHY and family aro respectfully invi ted to attend tho funeral of the former from his late residence on South Broad street, TO-MORROW (Tuesday) MORNING, at 10 o’clock. (feimutrtial Mlligrare. Savannah Market, November HI. COTTON—Our* markol wes well attetded this forenoon. Tbo transactions wore moro of s gener al character and amount to 1451 bales, r vlz: 15 at 10)4, 29 at 10)4, HO ut H, 171 at 11>4, 832 at 11)4 at 11)4,41 at 11 0-16, and 178 at 11)4. Port, of Savannah November 24 Arrived. Ship Sullua, Haunou, Liverpool, with salt, to A Low A Co. Br. bark Clyman, Pholan, 53 days from Liver- tol, with salt, to A Low A to. Oct 18, lat 85.15, 1 ’ on- pool, -w Ion 26,88, took the whole crew, 23 in number, ... tbe Am. ship Colonel Cult, Capt Snow, from Cardiff for New Orleans, that vossel bolng in a sinking con dition; Oct 31, lat 25.12, Ion 35,69, put on board the Am. ship Mary Robertson, (of Now Bodford) from Calcutta for London, 0 or tho crew, second mate, steward and 4 mon. Steamer Gen Clinch, Richardsou, Palatka, Ac., to Claghorn A Cunningham. Steamer Wm Scabrook, Peck, Charleston, via Beaufort, Ac, to J p Brooks. Cleared. Steamer Wm Soabrook, Peck, Charleston, 4c.- • Brooks. Departed. Steamer Wm Seabrook, Peck, Charleston, 4c. Consignees. Per steamer Gen Clinch, from PalaUa, Ac—*** bales cotton, 104 hides, 6 bins skins, 9 bales aud 20 pkgsmdze, to Claghorn A Cunnlnnham, FMMyr- roll, Boston A Villalonga, Hardee A Co, TiBon A Gordon, J W Anderson, E Hertz, L J Gullmartin. Aiken A Barns, J P Collins, Cheever, Sims 4 Co, J P Brooks. C M Ellis, E C Bradley, Bothwell A White- head, J W Lathrop, H Couper, W Fraser, D Ham den, J L Baker, O Johnson A Co, C L Holmes, Cou per A Fraser, T Collins, Parsons A Co. Passengers. Per steamer Gen Clinch, from Palatka, Ac—Mrs Fumes and 2 ch’ln, Mrs Harley, TJ l)ozln, JS Hines, G Willingham, Mr Heald, A Abrahams, A E Jones, E Harrison, Jr, E Harrison, sr, E Larow, C ° tiuuca, oiukuuu, ji, u aMiuuu, sr, ouuun, u Harley. 2 Misses Moflfcl, A Phillips, G N Phillips, rley. 2 GPhillips, J W Dixon, J Frover, S Bums, and 13 deck. Per steamer Wm Seabrook, from Charleston, so— J L Fabian, D C Wallace, W Wallace, J Richardson, 8 T Biker, Miss Baker, LMinerely, Miss Taylor, J M Verdeer, J V Johnson, Mr Baker and daughter, R Willingham, W Blake, RR Brown, lady, ohlld and sut, Mrs SL-”-‘ —* —* ---* * J —•- ShelUl and avt,and 1 deck. rjlOBAOOO.—1^0 hundred and fifty boxes Grant k William’s Tobacco, 6’s and 8’s; 400 bozos assorted brands, pounds 3’a. 6’i 6’s, 10’a and 3’i’sr iu I* .uu u. o | 20 )4 boxes People's and Rose Twist Fancy; 40 kegi extra Twist and Pancake; Also, Virgin Leaf and Palmetto; 26 boxes Fine Cut Smoking and Chewing do In store and for tale by oct20 WEBSTER * PALMES. pgiDfi muNDY—ijooo gallons pure old Peach Brandy, for sale by oct2 YOUNG k WYATT. Ntu> 2Un>trtUemetitB ATTENTION 1! OOI.ETIIOBPE LIGHT INFANTRY! Attend a mooting of your corps, to be held <4 l»t tho Drill Room, THIS (Monday) KVEN-M _ | ING,ut7)4o:Gook. tg By order. Capt JOHN NY MAVIS. T. 8. McIntosu, Ord’ly Bcrg’t, 0. L, I. no24-lt LADIES * FAIR* 1 '''' ^ The Fair o^ihe First Baptl/it Churoh will w be opened oil the SStlvjnst;,; ill tUq HI. An drew’s Hall, uomiueuoing at U. o'clock -w-L. ttovlB .. . Central R, RoadiR Ban kin 8Av»tui»fiVl_.„__, _ aan* The Annual Meeting or Stock holders wfi be held at tbe Company’s Office, West Broad street, ob Tuesday, the sixteenth day of-De- comber next, at lu o’clock In the forenoon*^ ,f •Stockholders will bo passed to aud; front the mootlug kkkk. ' ‘ ■ v uovia—td GE . A. CUYLER, CoahlOr. . MEDICAL CARD. * DR. J. R. SMITH has removed- bis Office YOUNG MAN. from Philadelphia, who has re ceived a good English Education. would like have employment in this city. Address, E. L. , office ol Bavunuah Georgiau A Journal. uov24-lt< 1 t» Broughton street, iu Dailey’s Building, « few doors above Bolden’s Hut Store. Residence at Mrs. Rgmghart’s. Woat Broad street. FULLOW-CITIZENS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. I um a candidate for ro-oloction to tho of fice of Rocoivor of Tax Returns tn January uoxt, and respectfully solicit your suffrages, augll JOHN REEDY. TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. Fellow-citizens, I utu a candidate at tbe election, In January uext, for the office ol Tax Collector, und suliolt yum- support. A. HARMON. Havunuuh, Sept. Both, 1860. octl G. M. GRIFFIN bus uow in employ a first- rate Jowclor, and all work sent in will be , done iu a proper manner, aud with dispatch. ' ; .■niL ^ NOTICE. W YLLY dc COLLINS havo taken uu office on the corner of Drayton st, and Boy lane, op- JOBiie tno ottico of C. A. L. Ijuuar,-Ksq., for tho ruutiucliou of uu Aucllou aud Gcnerul Brokerage 1.licit...U. - business: Real and I’orsouul F-siutc sold ou Commission; al so, Stocks uud Bouds* I<oouu negotiated. Liberal advaucca made ou property entrusted to them for 8ttlu. uuvl8 E. D. HENDRY. 1 . . . L. B. HfcNDHY;} AJm r “- Liberty county, Nov. 22,1860. FECIT 11 FEUITM Just arrived, tbe Br. schr. Ellen, Wm. Johnson, master, from Hat- hour Island, with a cargo or ORAN GES, LEMONS, LIMES, BANANAS, COCOANUTS and PINE APPLES. For sale low, apply to uovl7 YOXGE A FRIFJtSON, 94 Bay street. tills day per steamer, and for Bato low by G. M. GRIFFIN, Successor to late M. Eastman, oet 7 corner Bryan and Whitaker sts. BITING PAPERS.—For sale at remarkably S CHOOL BOOKS—A full supply of tho different School Books uow lu use, such as spelling looks, readers, grammars, arithmetics, chemis tries, geographies, philosophies, histories, Ac., Ac. For sale by . WARNOCK A DAVIS, uovl3 169 Congress street, B randy, gin, rum, 25 bbls Domestic Brai Ac— Brandy 20)4 casks 4th proof do, twigg hoops 25 )4 do do do, do 59 bbls E Phelp’s Rye Gin 60 do l.uthor Foltou’s Boston Rum 75 do N. O. Rectified Whiskey 20 J4 casks Malaga Wine 50 bbls Old P A HGlu, In Btoro and for salo by oc21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A ( gOAP, STARCH AND CANDLES- seplB 1:Q - NOTICE. T HE public are hereby notified that alt shooting , lu the buck water, or upon tho grounds be- ' longing to tho Silk Hope Plantation, ou the Ggechee . .. Road, eight miles front tiie city urSavauuab, is pos- . >; Ittvely prohibited, except by tho permission of the , undersigned. Auy oua who may bo found Ires- , usslug thereon, utter this date, will bo prosecutod o the extent of tho law. • GEORGE S. OWENS. ! Savanuah, Nov. 17, I860. fit—uovl7 . , NOTICE. A LL persons having demands against the Estate of Mrs. ELIZA ANN JEWE1T,.deceased, will bund them in duly attested, uud those indebted will plcaso make payment to FRANCIS J. CHAMPION, • no4-liu Sole qualified Executor. N NOTICE*. A LL persona having demands against the estate of Dauiol O’Couner, deceased, will hand them u, duty attested, as required by law; and those in dented will please make iiaymeut, to W. R. SYMONS, Qualified Adm’r. November 8th, 1866. ’ uovB NOTICE. A LL porsous indebted-to tho Estate of Jane Me-. Douald, lute of Mcluto3h county, deceasod, are requested to make immediate payment; thos • having demands agaiust said Estate aro requested . to presout them, duly authenticated. MOSES I). HARRIS, Executor. Nov. 7th, 1860. nov7 Office Sav’ii, Albany A Golf R. R. Co., > U j Savannah, Nov. 5,1866. , T HE Seventh Instalment of 10 per cent, ou th Capital Stock or the Savannah, Albany and Gulf Rail Road Company, by a Resolution of the 1 Board, is hereby ordored to bo paid ou or before 10th day of January, 1867. WM. WARING HABERSHAM, uovfi Secretary and Treasurer. BEADY MADE CLOTHING. J UST received by Btcrmer Alabama, a large lot of Black Cloth Frock Oorts, Black Doeskin and Figuered Cassimere Pouts, Figured Block and Fan cy Silk Vests, Blue Pilot Cloth Circular Talmas, for sale low by WM. R. SYMONS, Draper and Tailor, nov22 17 Whitaker st. HEBINO UNDEB ■ - of Silk ^ FRESH supply Shirts for sale low by nov22 SHIRTS. apd Merino Under ' W. R. SYMONS, 17 Whltakor st. : WHITE KID GLOVES. W HITE aud Straw Color Kid Gloves just re- Of I coivod and for sale by nov22 WM. R. SYMONS, 17 Whltakor st. f£IHEprice of Bathing on and after lst Deo., 1850 [ r uutil May 1st, 1857, will bo as follows: Four tickets <1 00 Single bath 60 ' Subscribers will be received ut ouo dollar i« month, bytheyoar, tocorameuco from Nov. 1st uutil Doc. 1st next. J. M. HAYWOOD, nov22-tllldl Agent. 100 boxes Smith’s A Buchau’a Family Soap 60 “ Colgate’s palo do 50 “ do No. 1 ft Bar do 26 “ Oswego Pearl atarch 60 “ Colgate’s aud Boadoll’sTaliow Caudles Landlug from schooner Loyal Scranton, and for sale by SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. cot 12 BOARDING. A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN can bo accommc * dated with board and lodging on Broughtor '-j(" street, nearly opposite H. Morse's House Furnish ing Storo. Also, a few Day Boarders. uov!2 STARCH, SOAP, Ac.— 60 boxes Sperm and Patent Sperm Caudles 550 boxos aud half boxes Pearl Starch 160 “ Colgate's No. 1 Soap 50 Beadel, Smith A Colgate’s Family an Palo Soap 200 “ Adamantine and Tallow Candles 60 ‘* Pipes aud Pipe Heads Instore aud for sale by oo12 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. W OLFE’S CELEBRATED AROMATIC SOHEID- AM SCHNAPPS- 200 dozen quarts aud pints, for sale by tho quan tity, at Now York prices. oct26 A. BONAUD. JJACKGAMMON BOARDS, Chess Men, Drawing jur Pencils, Bristol Boards. Water Colors, Porte Donates, Card Coses, Portfolios, Ac., Ac., Tor salo by WARNOCK A DAVIS, Uovl3 159 Congress street. JgLANK BOOKS, of all kinds; full bound Day Books, Ledgers; journals, Ac., and half bound “- J * ‘"good J —*• *-—■•*— do, made of good papor and well bound; atso, Pass Books, Memorandums, Writing Books, Ao., for sale by WARNOCK A DAVIS, novl3 159 Congress street. J^ETTER BOOKS, Copying Pressos, Oil Paper, sale b: nov!3 Copying Brushes, and flue Blotting Paper, for .... ■- ’ •”18, WARNOCK A llAVIi. 159 Congress street. TjlLOUR AND MEAL. J: 60 * “ 500 sacks Carmichael’s Supertli o Flour: 75 barrels Extra Flour. 60 sacks Corn Meal. Diploma. In storo and for salo by WEBSTER A PALMES. H ICKORY NUTS. Pecan Nuts, Brazil Nuts, A mouds, of ali kinds, received per staem e fiASt UVy Crackers, Oyster Crockers, Sugar Crack- Fancy Crackers, Soda Biscuit. Milk Biscuit, Egg biscuit, Maple and Wine Biscuits, fresh from Ti tus’s coiebrated Bakery, Just received b\ novl4 J. D. JESSE. N A TRUNK, stolen in this city, by u negro i n jl April, 1855, were Bonds or the city of Augusta, marked Let. C. No’s. 10 A 11, each »luoo, with coupons attached for interest uince Oct. 1854. The public aro hereby cautioued noi to purchase said Bonds. uuviu-lm QHEE8E, BUTTER, Ao.—-200_ boxes Goshen Cheeso; 59 do English Dairy do; 25 cum's Pine Apple do; 59 firkins Choice Butter; 6 casus (>4 and )4 boxes) Sardines; landing and Tor sate by novl2 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. C ANDLES,—Eight hundred boxes Adamantine and Star Candles: 100 hoK boxes Adamantiue Candles; 50 do Hotel do; 150 do Sperm, Patent, Sperm amt luil»w do, In store and for salo by Oct26 WEBSTER A PA 1 MES. J-jnMESTIO LIQUORS— 250 barrels Ohio Rectified Whiskey, 100 do Pikes Magnolia do. 120 do E. Phelps’s Gin. 25 do Conn. River P. AII. Ryo (tin. 20 do Brandy. *85 quar and eighth casks Twigg Hoop’d 4th pr. 20 do do Magonotlu Wine. 76 barrels Ohio Monongaheia Whiskey, do Gibsons Mountain do. do Ben Bussells Noctor do. do Gibsons old Family Nectar Whiskey do White Rectified do. do . Old Kentucky Bourbon do. do and puncheons Georgia Peach Brand do Virginia Apple and for sale by 15 5 40 5 40 10 Instore do, sep 18 WEBSTER A PALM EH. Q_HERKIN8, HAMS, BITTERS, BRUSHE3-- 50 doz cases Gherkins, 260sugar cared Hams, lOOcases Stomach Bitters, 600 d02Shoe, Stcv« and Scrubbing Brushes, * m SSK**"*'* MCMAHON A DOYI* PRIVATE BOARDING. « 4 FEW single gentlemen can obtatu good Boar and Lodging at tbe So. West, corner Si in and Price Street’s. ooi23 2w COOK WANTED. W ANTED IMMEDIATELY a good Cook, wb . will ho willing to iron and wash for a sma • family. A suitable person will receive good wag< • and a permanent placo. Apply at this offico. nevl7—tf WANTED, FJ1HREE HUNDRED ACTIVE YOUNG MEN to ai, as locul and travollng agents lu a businet useful and honorable, at a salary or $100 |h - mouth I A capital or $5 only required ! No patei modtcluc or book busbies*. Full particulars give (froo) to all who enclose a postage stamp or a thrt .' cent piece, and address A. B. MARTYN sept22 fN. I*.;: j'l. Plokstow, N. H. v , w HOT AND COLD BATHS. j, y EARLY customers, strangers, and citizens aif respecUUlly notldod that hot water is read J. ror them from 6 A. M. till 9 P. M.evory day exce Sundays. A fow more gentlemen can be well a oommodated to bathe as oTten as they choose at 01.. dollar a month, ail subscrlbersto commence fro; Nov. 1st, 1856 to Nov. 1, 1857, for $12. Single baths, 26 cents. Season ticket from 1st May to 1st Nov., $15. *- J. M. HAYWOOD, igt. j* N. B. 10 subscribers, in addition to those I hav. - , aro ail I can take at the low price of 12 dollars - , • year. novl8 J. M. H., Agt. ”; “ SAVANNAH WATER WORKS, f < i OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, • Iff I November 13tb, 1850. ■ *. j! ! T HE WATER RENTS for the present year wo ' < due from tbo 1st Instant, and payable at t! ■'». *1 office of the Board. - • . . » Tho attention of those persons supplied wl ; > •. ‘ • water from tho works is called to Sociiou 20 of j/ Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for the care ui ; v , •' * managomout of tbe Savannah Water Works. . >i - !i- novl3 R. J. R. BEE, Secretary.’. -|! BEE, Secretary.’ NEW GBOOEBIE8. JUST RECEIVED AND POD SALE: A Lot of Fine Wines and Liquor*,. 1 French Brandies, Havana Segar*, AND A General assortment of Cholco FAMILY GROCERIES. •; Next door to Marshall House. uov20-lm Savannah, Ga.;- : i l ELECTION NOTICE. ? A N ELECTION will be hold at tbo next meetl or Council, ou Thursday, 26th Novembi ' , . *! 1856, for a Sergeant or the Special Polico, by d ). and by night, to fill the vacancy occasioned by t, ; resignation of Sergeant Lambrlght. Salary $70.. •»; V bond $600, Applicants wilt please loavo their c ' T M 1 Icationa with me. stating their securities, (tv.;: \ ylj iquiredLon or beforo 2 o’clock, r. or that do l • *!' EDWARD G. WILSON, Clerk Of Council . r >, ' Savannah, Nov. 12, 1860. ,,, ; noyr,.i BUCKWHEAT 4 MACKEREL. - i)A >4 bbls Fresh Buckwheat,' A20 54 do. ”’VG - 26 bozos do. 20 bbl* New No. 8 Mackerel, 10 )4 do Large No. 1 do.' 10 J4 do small No. 1 do. landing and for salo by oct 31 SC8 ANTON, JOHNSTON k CO j*: CANDLES. w „ g p ^A C . L ^l’A^“ liBe . ,md .T ,l, L ow 0, ‘ varhjf BARRON’S sop26 M,'JaaffigaM C HOICE BUTTER.—15 kegs choice Butter Joan/' celved and for sale by J Qct 22 YQUNG fc FRIERS4 ■jUrt'ER k CllKiCSE— 3r X> 26 kegi choice Goshen Boner t 60 boxes do do CbiMe Landing per steamer and for sale by oo21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON It (xf