Newspaper Page Text
Later from Europe,
New York, Nov. 25.
Tlio. Persia has arrived wMULWerpool dates
to November 10th.
The Liverpool eol ton market exhibits no new
feature. Quotations steady, 'demand fair.
Sale* of the week 41,000 boles. Speculators
luvo taken 5,500, exporters 2000.
Fair Uplands 7J.
Consols advanced 4. Quoted at 92{.
Hermuu, Cox A Co. quote an advance of 1-16
on Middling Cottons. Fair unchanged.
Wright A Co. quote Middling Uplands 62;
Middling Mobiles 61; Middling Orleans 6 15-16.
Herman Cox A Co., quote Middling Uplands
6 15-10; and Middling Mobiles 015-16.
Imports since departure of lastiteamer, 7,000
bales. Stock on hand, 400,000 bales including
300,000 American cotton.
Flour market declined from sixpence to one
shilling, Wheat dull at a decline of 3 to 4
pence. Indian corn advanced 6 pence, closing
Manchester trade Is rather quiet, but firm.
Stocks of Cotton in the hands of spinners
small. Spinners are profitably employed.
Market Tor American Stocks drooping.
. The liauk of France bus lost £280,000 of
bullioq during the month of Ootobor.
The London Globe denies the report of dif
ferences between England aud France.
The I mud* committed .by Leopold. Redpatb,
011 the North of France Railway have turned
out to I* 150,000 pounds sterling.
Stiumkh Augusta—This noble steamship
arrived at au early hour this morning. We ure
iudebteU to Purser Bailey for his usual favors.
( mTt ctloit of Abolition ICalwelioiHl*,
The letter of Mr. Cohen to the Boston Post is
niadi.' up of facts notorious in this community.
Inji’ itice to this city and her people, so wan
tonly availed by abolition falsehoods, we ask
of our Northern exchanges to give that letter a
place in their columns.
mr Mr. John.Murphy’a funeral was attend
ed this morning at 10 o’clock''by a lurge num
ber whom respect for the dead and sympathy
f»r the llviug brought together. On the hearts
of all who ever had occasion to trust him li e
ha* left, this record—that he was faithful— to
the government "faithful even unto death.”
Aiuoug the members of abeareaved and ne
cessitous family is a well grown son, whom we
have known for five or six years as a steady and
upright youth, Though’notyet twenty-one years
of age, it is hoped under the circumstances
that ho may be appointed to the place made
vacaut by the death of his father;
A Goon Old Aqk—We publish in another
column a notice of the death of a veteran sol
dier of the Revolution, Mr. Joseph Calhoun, at
the advanced age of one huudred years and
ten mouths. It will be seen that ho fought in
several of the most important battles of the
war of lndependence-at Camden,Guilford Court
House, and Yorktowu. Mr. Calhoun died at
his residence in Dooly county, Georgia. By
nativity he was a North Carolinian.)
Death of u llvvoluttoimry Soldier.
Died at his residence in Dooly county, Geor
gia, on the 11th of November 1856, Mr. Joseph
Calhoun, at the advanced age of one hundred
years and ten months. Mr. Calhoun was
native of Edgecomb county, N. G., and was
born on the 10th of January 1756, being a little
over a century old, at the, time of his death
he was a soldier in the continental army,
and received a severe, wound In the leg
at the battle of Brandwine. He was under the
command or General Gaster, at the battle of
Camden, and fought under Gen. Greene at
GulU'ord C. H. He waa in the continental ranks
at the seige of Yorktown, and saw Lord Corn
wallis surrender his sword to the victorious,
Americans. Ho moved to Georgia iu the year
17U2, and to tnis (Dooly) county, in 1820. Ho
was a nun of powerful muscular frame, and
retained the vigor and strength of his mind up
to his dentil. Like mauy of the gallent and
devoted soldiers of the revolution who lived in
the South ho remained unpensioned, profering
to acquire the comforts aud necessaries of life
by his own industry, rather than apply to ids
government for that support which he so meri
toriously earned during years of self-sacrifice
and strife.
Mr. Culhoun wus esteemed by all who knew
him, and there ure few who go down to the
grave witli more friends and rewer enemies.
The heroes aud patriots of the revolution ure
fast passing awuy, and with them that spirit of
| gratitude aud affection which we owe to those
who periled their lives and fortunes for liberty
aud independence. Those of the revolution,
who have lived to this day, have handed down
to each successive generation the sting of their
country’s wrong, of their ancestors devotion and
patriotism. Who will there be in a few mure
generations to recount the legends of the past,
which in there character will partako more of
romance than history.
Southern Recorder please copy.
Below wo print (saya the Boston Pott) a
copy of a loiter from Solomon Cohen, Esq., of
goottimMmer^fn^lch 6 ftwrtkaSi perverted,
fhlehoods published and endomd, and a whole-,
community libeled—all In tty name
aid pbllantrophy—for the purpose of exciting
sectional enmity and advancing party pur
poses ; thus -“ stealing the livery of Heaven to
eerve the devil. ” Mr. Cohen is one of the
moat respectable and intelligent citizens of
Georgia, and 110 one will presume to doubt the
accuracy of his statements. Mr. Cobehsays
In a private note to ut— ;
M". I am aware that it is Quixotic to attempt to
stay the torrent of misrepresentation and pas
sion that now dashes through yonr land, de
stroy log the ties of brotherhood.and prostrate
ingin its resistless coarse, truth, reason, and-
Justice ; but I cannot be silent under tbe.baso
slander of Parsons and his coadjutor/ Mrs.
Stowe.” .L ■;
Savannah, G*o., Nov.' 12, i860.
Gentlemen t—A work entitled “Inside View
of Slavery, or a Tour among the Planters, by
G.G. Parsons, M. D., with ah Introductory
Note by Mrs. H. B. Stowe,” has been placed in'
my hands by a friend, and my attention called
to the contents of pages 210,217,218,210 and
220. I have not read the book;; except “
/flic Liverpool correspondent of UiePliUa.,,
Evening Bulletin, relates as follows an incident
which took placo at the Loudou Police Court
on the 4th iust:
“\V. J. O'Connell, u relative of the greut
Daniel, waited upon ttao lx>rd Mayor and begg
ed him to say something against the absurdity
of now a days celebrating the Gunpowder Plot.
The opportunity given by the 5tn of Novem
ber, be said, was made the occasion of insult
against the Roman Catholic religion, and he,
(Mr. O’Connell,) had himself seen a suit of old
habiliments, stuffed with straw, with a pipe in
their mouth and a cross on their back, to repre
sent a Roman Catholic bishop, with the inscrip
tion appended—Hhis is a Guy!’ He besought
his lordship to Bay something tyrntaat bo un
seemly a practice. Upon this, Lord Mayor
oMomons—who is a Jew—took the parole, aud
said that it was verv difficult for a uation to
Ret rid of its traditions, Guy Fawkes, on the
5th of November, is an institution of .England.
Bo long as the peoplo merely deride the effigies
of a miserable caitiff like Guy Fawkes it is con
stitutional, but when they make mockery or
the habit of an ecclesiastic and of the symbol
of the cross which all Christians are bound to
honor, such conduct is obnoxious, Ac. Could
anything more appropriate come from the
mouth of the bishop himself.
— - ■■ ■*
A letter from Temesvar. Hungary, says
scveial hundred families of the village of Szeni
laz, near Arada, have abjured the Greek relig
ion and be come catholics.
, Stott Calumny'JtatoniAbjr lift.
- t HWI'IX
(JHbiilSlHHinUte- s-sf Ifoi-toio
55 r~ j.; ill.. ="•: ,n "•' . i 1 " ' " 1 '
referred to, and on mj mnontl Know-
_Jge, and personal reBponilblllly, I aver th»t
the whole .tntement (except that a negro man
wu killed by Wilson, during a dispute between
thorn relative to tha payment of a demand lor
work done by the negfe for Wilson) Is fain in
letter and spirit. And yet is upon sucb state
ments es these—false in every particular—that
the passions of the North have been excited, the
safety ol the Union periled.brotbrca of a common
country, Inheritors of a common glory, partici
pators of common blecsslngs, have been array
ed against each other with a bitterness that
may yet lead w dire results. And a woman
too, whose mission should be peace, a found to
bn the flame by endorsing and commending
the foulest slanders and most Infamous false
hoods. ,
I shall now proceed to tell the whole truth
connected with this Bad aflhlr, but first,! chal
lenge Mrs Stow to an investigation or tho
facts. Let her appoint any man of acknow
ledged respectability in Boston, to come to me,
la Savannah, and take testimony on the subject
matter of this communication—I will pay tile
one half of his expenses. If she be a truth-
loving woman, let her not relhso my offer—let
her not dose her ears to the troth. All that I
ask Is an investigation of the fucts^ud If it be
found that Parsons has lied, let her proolalm
the truth in the Boston papers.
And now for the troth—Sam, not Ouflco.was
a faithful,honest,(loved and trusted slave,belong
lug to my mother. Hewasa carpenter—did
not work hard, for he had a Journeyman trader
him; he rather supervised, than labored. He
did a job of work lor Wilson, and in a dispute
about tho payment, Wilson killed him . There one near at the time. Two white men
at a distance, heard the report of the pistol .saw
Bam r»H,anQ hastened to tho spot. Iliad poor
Bam immediately removed tb ray house, (under
charge of our ablest physician) where ho died
In about tea hours after he was shot.
The awlhl deed was commlttcd aboftB P. M.
on Saturday, (he '23d April, 18331"'The cor
oner and his jury held thelr lnquesAftn tho
body the next morning—Sunday thelith—and
their verdict “murder,” together with a state
ment of tho whole aflhlr, teas published in tho
dully papers of Monday the 'tilth, they being
the first papers issued attar the murder. Wil
son was arrested, and iu jail, within one hour
after tho deed was done.
The superior court commenced its secaion on
the second Monday In May Ibllowing, and at
that term a true bill for “murder” won found
against Wilaon. The case, on motion of his
counsel, was continued to the January term,
1854, tho prisoner remaining in closo confine
ment in the common jail. Tho constitution and
the penal code of Oeorglaplace tho killing ora
slave on the same footing as the killiug of a
white man—governed by the same law—sub
ject to tho same rules of evidence. Wilson was
tried, and such was my anxiety for his convic
tion (uuder the belief that it was a wiliul mur-
d.r) that, for the Urst time la a long profes
sional life, I assisted In the prosecution of k
man charged with a crime, the penalty of
which was death.
The solicitor general of the circuit, ouxlous
for the vindication or the law, called the atten
ney general of the state tram a distant circuit,
to aid, also, in the prosecution. Wilson woa
thus tried, and the verdict of the jury was
“manslaughter''—and ho was sentenced to Im
prisonment in the penitentiary at hard labor
lor the longest period allowed by the penal
code. And there, In the penitentiary at MU-
Iedgevllle, Wilson now is, and baa ever been
since his conviction. Wilaon was very poor,
very intemperate, and I am very sure never
owed fifty dollars at ono time In his life. He
never gave, nor offered, nor did anyone for
him give, or offer to give, any pecuniary com
pensation for the dreadful act. It would not
have been received, though it hud keen a count
less treasure; indeed, no man would have dared
to have mado so degrading an offer. The above
Is a plain statement of facts, and I Invite an in-
It b tree a slave was killed in 1853 by Wil
son—but that the facts were suppressed—that
the papers did not publish them—that Wilson
was permitted to go at large—that he was not
tried—and that the owner abandoned the proto-
cation for a pecuniary compersatlon—are nil
as false as tho father of lies.
I have tho honor to bo,
hiker's Chief «,r Oadilaiiee,
Tha Now York Mirror jikya a very hand,
•o a;e. tribute to CharlesFntfariijk Hennlngaen,
Brigadier amend of- Walker’s army; and late
a resident ttfiOraitfif, • He succeed* OeH.-do
Qolcouria. Thelatt.r has been dropt. Accord-
lug to MhJ. Heins, circumstances go tar to show
that the expedition, cun thousand strong,which
GolcouWa lately projected for Central Amerli«>
as Intended to operate against Walker. -
The following appears In the N.Y. Herald of
last Baturday:
dhave mitlcod tho aunoiutmeut by Presi
dent Walker or Colonel Charles Frederick Hon-
nlugscn as Brigadier Ueneral oi the Nicara
guan army, Commander of the Artillery, and
Ollier or Ordnance, (Jo;cou-
ria, whoso name has been stricken from thu roll
of the army, Ueneral Uolcouria is well known
lit this city ns otre of the leading spirits or
the Cuban Junta. For some weeks post pub
lic rumor bus identified hint with the, fitting
ost ofan expedition In this city and New O?
leans, lor the transportation of which to Nica
ragua the Btesmer El Dorado and other vessels
were engaged. 1 underatandnhat Goloonrla
had succeeded In enlisting nearly a thousand
men la those two cities rorthe enterprhur, which
will now, 1 presume, fell to the ground by res-
sen of hla dismtssuL Tho reertt of iita earnesi
and efllcicnt co operation with Walker was,
that he calculated on making Nicaraguan
inf d’ appui for his future designs upon the
and ui Cuba. It was nut for Nicaragua he
cared, hut for Ida nativo bland, The men
whom ho enlisted wore all enguged with that
object in view. With them as with hini, Nic
aragua was morcly a secondary aflhlr; Cuba
was tho ohlcctofprlmary lmuottanco. Walker
on the contrary,cared nothing' about Cubs; bo
looked out merely for Nicaragua. Had Goic-
ouria and Ills thousand recruits gouc to Grana
da, there would in all probability imvo been a
split between him and Walker, as their ideas
on this matter clashed. A collision and strug
gle for supremacy would have becu the inevi
table result. If Gotarla prevailed, then the
design’s ul tho filibusters would have been
turned'towards Guba, and u descent upon that
island would have been made at the first favor
able moment. Had Walker come out victori
ous Iu the struggle, he would have continued
in the path he bus hitherto pnrsured, of mak
ing Nicaragua a prosperous republic.
, as to General Henningson. who has super
seded Golcouria. in his military. command, 1
notice thut one of tho newspapers of tills city
attributes his appointment to the influence of
certain prominent friends of Mr. Bnchannu, the
President elect, end to Heoaingsen's supposed
Very respectfully.
Your ob't i
Bolouon Cohen.
Wasuikoton, Friday Night
The President's Message Is said to be nearly
completed. I understand that the President
claims Mr. Buchanan’s election os an endorse
ment of his Administration.
The Treasury Deport will be very long, und
aocompanled by many new commercial
tables. The Secretary recommends the Classi
fication of collection districts, with salaries
ranging from eight thousand to four hundred
The Hon. 8. T. Dlllaye. Chairman, and
ether members of the Board of General
Appraisers, ore in session here, framing now
rules for tho uniform appraisement of morch
dlzo. They will report next wetek.
A collection of all the rules and instruction
for collecting the revenue Is in preparation,and
will accompany tho annual report.
The Secretary of State's report will corn
municate a great mass of Important enrrospon.
dencewith Spain, England, Denmark, and
Central and 8outh America.
Hnoa—The Evansville (la) Journal says that
the views of buyers in that place range from
•3,75 to $4,50 per hundred pounds, for inferior
toflntrate bogs.
The Lexington (Ky.) Observer and Reporter
of Saturday says:
Hoo Slaughter [no .—The new Pork House
In this city of Messrs. McClelland, CUeusult.A
Co., is driving ubead finely. They have slaugh
tered up to this time 2,6(19 hogs. Their pens
are full and constantly receiving accessions.
The Richmond (Ky.) Messenger says:
Hons—The price at which our farmers hare
sold their bogs, this fall, has generally been
$4,50 per hundred gross weight. A few lotsof
large nogs have been sold at $4,02.' They have
been as heretofore chiefly bought fot. the Ohio
river markets, altliongb more have crossed Urn
mountains for the Heath, than were driven
there last fell.
Oen.Walkkh'8 lastBatti.e.—Farther'details
are given of tho entire rout of the Central Ameri
can Allies, by (the forces of Ueu. Walker at
Massaya and tlramla, on the 12th and 13th
ultimo. At Massaya tlireo wells had been filled
with tlielrdead, having Horn eighty to one hun
dred bodies incacb. Anotberhundredhad keen
burled by the Americans at Grandn. General
Walker had only fourteen men killed,Fiitr-elght
Guatemalans were taken prisoners, and kept
working in tho chain gangs in Granada.
New Om.KANs, Nov. 21—Tha sales of Cot
ton to-day embruoo 8,000 bales, at rates show
ing a’decline of Jo. on lowor grades. Middling
and all grades above, are unchanged. The
■alee of the week are 01/100 bale*, and the In
crease In receipts 20,850. The week's, report
In Coffee ahows aalesof 9,000 bags at lOJa
101c., with Imports 22,401) and stock on hand
bon of 78,000. i ’ ' • -U w
(■■I, likely to I
found in the tact thatGen. Hennlngaen carried
V 1 ^Intent-Walker a supply of.several hun
dred Anfcrlcau ihiuuie rifles, manufactured out
ot u somewhat famous store of old United
States muskets, besides half a million of ball
'cartridges/Bpmeicannop howitzers, shells and
Other military store*, furnished By resident* of
this city* l believe that that opportune supply
had more influence- thun' anything felse in
. Jugsen -
doubtless also commeudcd him to the favorable
notico of Walker. He Bcrved as ah officer under;
Zunnlacanegul In Spain, when 'qnltaa youth,
may mention “Twelve Months Campaign
with Zuualacarregui,” “Revelations of Russia.”
"Tliepa«tand ftiture of Hungary,” and "The
White Slave.” Gen. Hennlngaen came to the
United States about the ; same. time as Kossuth,
lie married Mrtf. Connelly, an accomplished
Georgia lady, niece of the late Senator tarrien,
aud settled iu that State. For some months
prior to his joining President Walker he resid
ed in this city with his family.
[From (lie Hong Register, Fept. 13.]
The Rebel Halers In Chinn—How « Na
tive George Law bought Power and
Several communications on the suliject of the
Shaughae rebellion appear In the different pa
pers, also extracts from the Peking Gazette,
and the current rumors of the day. as to tho
movement of troops, slaughter of rebels or im*
erialist*, as the cose may be. A long and in-
ireating communication signed T. is contained
in the paper of the 16th August. It unfortun
ately paiuts the rebels in two bright colors to
gain ready bolief, while it gives us the true
character of imperial officers and soldiers,
about which we never had any doubt. A Mr.
A. U. Cabaulss gives a long examination of a
i oumeyman cabinet maker from the neighbor-
lood or Nanking, the most interesting part of
which is contained in the following extract
Q. Do they never say anything about Tai-
A. They have Tai-plng-t’ien-koh written ou
their flags; |mt nothing is ever said about Tai-
They now only speak of two great men—
Tong wong, Eastern Emperor, and Yu-wong,
Assistant Emperor.
This Yu-wong was a millionaire, who at dif-*
ferent times gave them large amounts of money
to aid in carrying on the war. They finally in
vited him to move to the capita], which he did,
and they made him Assistant Emperor.
Tho Assistant Emperor is general In chief of
the army,
10 persons who have recently
.... . a ■ -'•*
- come
is now heard or West
ing, Northern King, nor
down „
em King, Southern m , ____
of Tai-ping-wong.
So this seer of visions and dreamer of dreams,
Eastern Emperor, is doubtlers the de facto
ruler of the revolution. What has become of
the other ruling spirits who started the move
ment with him is Involved in mystery.
From this it appears that the Eastern King,
has, like Aaron’s rod, swallowed all his sticks
of fellow servants, even the very highest, and
daced them by a Chinese Rothschild.
(Vo add a short note from a friend, well-con
versant with the matter:
Suanuuab, Sept. 6,1856.
As men differ in tastes and opinions so they
will, more or less, in regard to facts. Ask a
Chinese for tho news, "the latest news,” "true
Have You a OtaMied Liver I
4E9*TUi> qu< stloD, though startling, iamillluiutit-
ly -Mggi’Ntlvo, when the f-cl I* taken luto courtlier-
aUou Unit liUl-osM ol tho liver have become most
alarmingly frequont tu the Uuitod Mates. IuUeod,
there aro lew formidable disease* tbat mouot id
seme wuj traceable to u deranged state or that Ini-
partunt organ. Many or too Complaint* usually
classed under tho head of Consumption, tiavo I heir
origin In tho liver. “Aliy remedy that would in*
sure regularity and heulthrul ucliiuu In tho J.iver,
would boa blessing to mankind I” ha» been tho ex
clamation of thuuauud-. That remedy ho* bceu
(•mud; U U safe aud *uro. Wheu u fair trial bus
been aderdod it, it ha* uovor boon known to tail.
Header, have any dl»ea*o rf tho Liver, or disease
which you bolieve pruuocda from In patio derange-
moot? not a moment, but put chase a box ol'
Ur. .M'l.mto’e I’UU, prepared by Fieiuiug iirwnj
Pittsburgh, Pa., aud they will restore you to health.
It I* the only remedy yet «U*covcrod iu which Im
plicit confidence may ho placed.
4SF* Purchaser* will bo caroftil to uak lor Hr.
M'Iauo'ii Celebrated Liver PijIU, manufactured by
Fleming Hron., or PiiUburgU, Pa. There arc other
Pill* purportiug'to bo Liver Pill*, now lieroro the
public. All other Vermifuge* Iu comparison are
worthless, Ur. M’Lauo’* genuine Vermifuge, also
his celebrated liver Mils, can now bo bad at ail
respectable drug store*. Npue genuiuo without
tho ciguuturo of
Fleming bkos.
[13] iio v hi
article as you like. If in favor of the rebels,
ou will got accounts of their victories, their
frightening prospects, and such like, to your
heart’s content.
The present mail, I opine, will carry to tke
abetters of rebellion "most cheering newB.” 1
need not warn you to be on your guard, and
wait and hear a second, and a third time before
you believe "that all Central China has come
under the rale of the tTai-piog*” It is doubt
ful whether these marauders have gained any
thing of lute. In fact, It la believed, a most
honestafid intelligent native assures me tbat
the rebels are abort of provisions in Nanking,
in Yangdbau. and in every other place they
now occupy.
The friends of the rebels have been rejoicing
over the death of Heang-yung and the repulse
of the Imperialists near Nanking. But whit
will these rebel friends say if all this is found
to be a nue de guerre, as, I suspect, and some
S ell informed natives affirm. 1 cannot believe
ntjl l see reasons for it, that the Emperor’s
soldiers, on this side of the Great River, are
about to be driven into the sea by the Kwongsl
rebels. Certain it Is that the Emperor has re
solved to send a large force fropi nis own cap
ital-some say thirty, others forty thousand
fighting men.
I am no prophet and cannot pretend to fore
see events, as some bookmakers and newsmon
gers do, but if me may Judge of the future by
ho post in China, it will be a long time before
S ou will have to register the downfall of the
[auebu dyuasty. These Tartars are not so
easily vanquished as some would have all the
world believe,
city. I have seen something of. the people
since! came north; and If I may judge from
the shipping, foreign and native, the commerce
of this port mast be on the increase.
[From tha Hong Kong Register, Sept. 9.]
State of Things I n Kwangsl.
Wo learned'from Canton, In the early part of
last week, that a number of imperial war Junks
returned to that city, having been defeat-
.... ciw,l
ml by the rebel. ne» Ungohow, a city or Im
portance on the borders of Kwanral, lying In n
direction »outh-wwt of Canton.. K Is i-aldsome
thirty-five of the Imperiil junk, were lost In
tho light. The rebels in their exaltation landed
and attacked the olty. Our Informant tell* ns
that the Governor being a man of ability, mnoh
four hundred of tb*,r«l
,lng suddenly olowd t
horde. Than are net
under separate col
baying every eonll-
- oonnigi| ma d, q ruse
lleh were passed by
»,Wh«i the gates be
sy were quickly over-
whole or the Kw.urt
overran with robber
i then ten bands, nil
hot having no one
distinctive chief—a MnM. of.things bom which
we certainly do not augur either the redemp
tion of China bom the bonds of the Tartar or
bom tho bonds of heathenism and Ignorance.
Sohatoiiino a Juiioh.—A juror'siiamo wos
called by tho elerk. The: man advanced to the
j«dg*'adesR'and»ld) ;•
“Judge,.! should like tube excused.”
“It is Impossible,” uldithe Judge, decidedly.
"But.juuge, If you knew my reasons—"
"Well,sir, what ore they’?"
the itch.”’ “ ' ;
Thojiidgo, who Is a very sober man, solemn-
ly and impreralvely exclaimed,
“Clerk, tcraleh that man out,”
(Spiumminl intelligence.
Savannah Market, November i)0.
COTTON—With a goixl (uqulr jr aud acUvo detuauU
tho sales (hi* loreuoun weru 1,031 bules, viz: 75 at
l6«, 143 at 11, 32 at UK, 74iUU.>*, 170 at liyg,
208 at Uq,00atll*«, Sfi'iat 11^, 8 bale* Jethro
at I2>j, aud 8 do ou private term*.
CHARLESTON, Nov. 24—Cotton—The trauaac-
tious of tho morulug amounted to 1000 halos, viz:
21 at 10 at 10ft, 84 at 11. 64 at lift, 271 at
lift, 62 at lift, 298 at lift, 303 at lift, 62 at
COLUMBUS, Nov. 24—Cotton—Tho fluloa on Sat
urday were 266 halos, at from 10ft to 11. Receipts
of the day 278 halos.
Imping intelligence.
Port of 8a«’aiiiialt November MS
Steamship Augusta, Lyon, d- hours from New
York, to PadelTord, Fay it Co.
Sunday. 7 R M., ex.signal* with *team*hip Nash
ville, at 10:40 P. M., ox. slguals with steamship Al
abama, at 11,60 P. M„ ex. signals with stouiuship
KeystonoRiato. '
Stoamer Gordon, Rrook*, (.liarloston—to J I*
Brook*. ' * ■-*
Steamer Gen Clinch, Richardson, Pnlntka, Ac.—
Claghoni St Cunulngham.
Steamor Gen Cliueh, Richardson, Palatka, Ac.
New York, Nov 22—Arr, brigs Sarah Wooster.
Moore, Savannah; Phllura, Sprague, do; schr Jouaa
Smith, Spate*, do Cld, schr .las Nelson, Burt, St
Portland, Nov 18—Sid, V S schr Meredith, Hoorn,
Gtbrallar, Oct 25—Arr, Sea Klug, Murphy, Mal
ta, aud cld for Savannah.
l’er steamship Augusta, from Now York—Agent
C R R. H X Aldrich, J W Anderson,Bell & Proutiss,
J H Uatchlor, Brigham, Kellys Co, J A Brown,
Butler It Friersou, Brown & Banner, Botbwcll &
Whltohcad, Claghorn & Cunningham, Clark & Coo
ley, B F Coleman, J P Collins, M ACohou, UD Copp,
Cohens A Hertz, Cole k Bro, Uaua it Washburn, W
G Hickson, Einstein k Ecktnnn, Etheridge k Sou, E
Fitzgerald, W H Farrell, CGreeu, W W Uoodricb,
BF Herrioit, Hunter k Gatnmoll, A Hay wood, Hab
ersham k Sou, J1) Jesse, O Johnsou k Co, Kennedy
,, -.. ltt,lAthrop& __
Nichols k Co, Parsons k Co, Patten, Huttou k Co,
J B & W A Ross, Ruso, Davis k Long, J R Shackel
ford, Sherlock & Co, Solomons & Co, J Stoddard,
Truchelut k Bro, W A Thomas, W Ii Wolls, War-
nook A Davis, N B AH Weed, RH Watson, Wood
k Co Wayne k Son, T K Wynn, W P Yongo, and
l’or steamer Gordon, from Charleston—C R R,
Fla boat, Str Swan, F W Cornwell, Hurdae k Co, E
Molynoux, Cooper A CD, E J Purse. J F Polot, Hab-
orahatn A Son A Haywood, G N Nichols, Ja* pot
ter, D H Stowart, F It Shackelford, A D Estlil, E 0
Per steamship Augusta, from New York—Rev T
0 Freeman and laay, A L Crawford, A G Jowott, N
B Kuapp and lady, Mrs Nichols, Miss Crosby, Jos
Torey, J 8 Drlggs, W B Fairchild, Mrs Rev D Snod
grass, Capt Situson and svt, R A Crall and lady. C
L Morgan, ti Cropsoy, MUs Sonneao, W Middleton,
Hon L Birdsoyo, DP labor, JT Brigham. ^Kitt
rldgo, W W Harris, Mrs Patton and child, M/ Evol-
oth, Mr Maynudior. R Mackay, Dr Swirt, Jaadamo
Grudst. Mrs Davis and daughter, Miss Johnson,Miss
Woodruff, Mrs Rollins, A R Kendall, lady and child,
H S Wells, lady and child, Mrs Gen fl Well*, Mrs W
Rix, 2ch’m aud evt, EA Shaffer, lady, 2 ch’ln and
svi, Mrs Nolteueir, A Bulkley and lady, Wm Kix,
ML* Hariittby, J A-Crosby, Mr Tutbiil, and 80lntho
Per steamer Gordon, from Charleston—J M Law*
tonjr, ECLegrlel, DLewis, RMChapman, HA
Curter, 0 Trippe, Miss McKoan, H Duckworth, Mrs
Lalhrop, R Martin, lady and 4 svts, W Arllng, T
Bacchus, Capt Edwards, A M Uappolat, R H Down
ing, J B Cornell and lady, Mrs Legriol and svt, MUs
Lugricl, and 6 deck.
Ntui 2Un)trtistmtnt0.
A REGULAR monthly meeting of the Board of
Health will bo hold on Wednesday uext, tho
2titb iuttant, at 7ft o’clock, P. M.
Members will examino their Wards and report
By order or M. J. BUCKNER,
Chairman B. H.
8. A. T. Uwusxce,
Sec’y B. H. uov25
E XECUTOR’S 8AI.K—Will be sold oh tho first
Tuesday iu January uext, between tho legal
hours or sale, before the court house door iu Chat
ham county: Eight Shares or tho Capital Stock of
the Central Railroad aud Banking Company or Geor
gia, sold by ordet or the Court or Ordinary or said
county, for the benefit or the heirs and creditors of
the Estate or Philip Ulmer, deceased.
H. k. HARRISON, Ex'or.
uov2l-td ELIZA ULMER, Ex’trix.
JpOTATOES—10 bids Potatoes landing and for
Bale by
C1IGHT EXCHANGE on New York for sale by
O C. A. L. I.AMAR.
M ISCELLANEOUS anJ Fancy Books, sucb _
Minatures, Pretty Edltlooa of the Poets, aud
Annals for 1867, Ac., Ac*,for sal* by
^NIONS—40 bbls OuIoub landing this day per
' bark IuUlaua aud for sale by
TYaY. Com and Lard. In store and for tale by
A' 1 TALE, by Gporgo -Wood;* author of 1, *petur
jfIL Sohlbmlhl Ih Athbriftf!” 1 V 1 • '
Commodore Perry’s Jairtn Kxj(odltlon, Govern
ment edition, <fi quar.o, with colored plates, extra
pair gilt, .
Wlddloflehl’s new Covk Book. .,
Vasnloqahly Ufe, by Jtary U Kastiuau, wife of,
caiitfrasirauu; u!,s .ir'iiiv. ' . • • .
Feinale Life aiuuiig the'MoMnoiiK, by the With of
1 Elder, with cblorodplatos. '
Hill* of tho Hhatomuc, by Mhrt Warren; aiithorol
Wide, Wide World. - ■ ' ;
The Rlmo of tjio Aucieiil Murlner; Uy Outorldge,
elegantly ill lustruted and.houndln extra gilt mo-,
rocco. ■ , j, i • , ■;i." •.; ■ 1 j • .
Envelopes in grpat yarlo jr„, ,
Drawing Slates, with velvet coruors,
vention,- mutih Improvbd—twenty-HVo cents canh,
4IT1U. ho sold on the Urst Tuesday in Jauuary.
TT next, (1867) before thu Court House door in
Hluesvillc. Ltoorty county, all that (root or parcel
of laud belonging to the 1-idato of tho lute John A .
Ileif'jry, deceased, lying in the county of Liberty,
u4ar“iayl'>r’*trcok, on tho Cross Huy,'adjoining
lands owned by KllMoKail und Thomas Lanier,
(a Itlilu convenient distance ol a good school, unu
church) eontulug 395 acres, more or less, aud tin-
Also, at tho same time und place, lot unmber
thirty, lying iu HlUosvhle, l.lboily county, und be-
longing to the Eslutu of the lulu John A. Hendry,
Also, ut the sumo lime aud place,the undivided in-
U-rM (being ono half) ortho Estato ol tho late John
A. Hendry, deceased, iu thu following tract* of
land, all lying In the county of Liberty, viz: 50U
acres, more or less, near tho residence or John Per
ry, ou the waters of Cauouoheo river. 200 acres,
more or loss, grauto i ip P. Uoriou and on the wa
tor* of the Canouchoe river, bVL acres, more or,
li*s, lying near tho residence of William Rustln,
being well timbered and couvoniont to Cauouchoo
river. - 1;
Tho above being a part of the lands belonging to
the Eetato of John A.’HvUdry, deceased, und sold
for tho benefit of the heirs and creditors.
E. D. HENDRY,) A(lm i r „
.L, B. HKNDRY,/> dm
Liberty couuty. Nov. 22.1850.
N. B. Tortus liberal auu made known ou day of
Just arrivod, the Br. schr. Ellen,
Wm. Johuson, mo.-lcr, from Har
bour Island, with a cargo of ORAN
For sale low, apply to
94 Bay street.
C OTTON aud Linen Shootings, Sblritingi, Irish
Linens, Pillow Case Lluons, Bird’s Eye Dia
pers, Huckabacks, Huck aud Fino Damask Towels,
8,9 and 10ft Sup. Irish and Scotch Tablo Damasks,
NapklUB aud Doyles, Real Wolsh and American
Flannels, Fine Bath and Whltnoy Blankets. Linen
and Cotton Bed Tick. Ac., Ac
For sale at tho lowest market prices, by
W RITING PAPERS.—For sale at remarkably
low prices nlue aud white ruled and plain
foolscap, do do le|ter papers, English and French
packet und commercial post; also, a Ono scloctlou
of pink, bull', violet aud other colors of note aud
loiter papers, smull sizes, suitable for lady’s use.
novl4 159 Congress street.
SCHOOL BOOKS—A full supply of the differeut
O School (took* now ia use, suoh as spoiling
books, readers, grammar*, arithmetic*; chemist
trie*, geographies, philosophies, histories, Ac., Ac.
For sale by WARNOCK A DAVIS,
nov!3 159 Congress street.
bbls Domestic Brandy
20 ft cask* 4th proof do, twigg hoops
V6 ft dti do do, do
59 bbls E Phelp’s ltyo Gin
59 do Lutbcr Felton’* Bontou Hutu
76 do N. O. Rectified Whiskey
26 ft casks Malaga Wine
60 bbls Old P AII Uiu,
In store and for sale by
100 boxes Smith’s A Baeban’a Family Soap
60 '** Colgate’s pile do
60^." do No. 1ft Bar do
26 *• Oswego Pearl etarcli
. .Do. Colgate’s and'Readoll’s Tai low Caudles
.landing from schoouur loyal Scruutou, aud for
trtCT2 ; •
C Handles, starch, soap, aV.—
J 60 boxes Sperm and Patent Sperm Candles
669 bijxos uud half hox«>* Pearl Starch
160 " Oilgato’s No. I Soup
69 Ueadul, Smith A Coign
Palo Soap
200 “ AiliununtlUf and Tallow Candles
fio Pipe* and Him Heads
In store and for *ale by
oigate’s Fami|y au
290 d zen quarts uud pint*, for flule by tho quan
tity, at New York prices.
oct26 ' A. BONAUI).
B ACKGAMMON BOARDS, Chess Men, Drawing
Peucils, Bristol Boards. Water Colors, Porte
Monaics, Card Cases, Portfolios, Ac., Ac., for sale
novlS 159 Congress street.
B LANK'BOOKS, of all kluda; full bouud Day
Books, Lodgors;,iouruuls, Ac., and half bound
do, made of good paper aud woll bound; also, Pass
Books, Memorandums, Writing Books, Ac., for sale
nov!3 . " 159 CougreBS street.
L ETTER BOOKS, Copying Prusqos, oil Paper,
Cupyittg UrueUcBj and due Ulotting Paper, for
8alo by WARNOCK k DAVIS,
novl3 159 Congress street.
600 sacks C«r.nlchael’s Super Hue Flour J
76 barrel* Extra Fleur.
60 sacks Corn Meal Diploma.
In store aud for sale by
H ICKORY NUTS. I’oe&u Nuts, BraxU Nuts, A
mends, of all kinds, received per staein e
and for solo by J. n. JESSE,
oct 21 _
Bbls and boxos of fiostou Crackors, Water
UU Crackers, Oyster Crackers, Sugar Crack-
Fancy Crackers, Soda Biscuit, Milk Biscuit, Egg
Biscuit, Maple and Wine Biscuits, fresh from Ti
tus’* celebrated Bakery, just received by
novl4 J. D. JESSE.
I N A TRUNK, stolon Iu this city, by a negro I u
April, 1866, were Ronds or the city of Augusta,
marked Lot. C. No’s. 10 A 11, each 81000, with
coupons attached for liuorost sluce Oct. 1864.
The public aro hereby cautioned not to purchuso
said Bonds, uovlO-lm
C HEESE, BUTTER, Ac.—200 boxes Goshen
Choose; 50 do English Dairy do; 25 cases Pino
Apple do; 59 llrklus Choice Buttor; 5 cases (ft and
ft bnxos) Sardines; landing and for sale by
C ANDLES,—Eight huudred boxos Adamantine
and Slur Candles: .
100 half boxes Adainahtiuo Candles;
60 do Hotol do;
160 do Sperm, Patent, Sperm and Tallow do,
In stero and for sale by
D omestic uquors-
250 barrel* Ohio Rccttfied Whiskey,
100 do Pikos Magnolia do.
120 do E. Phelps’s Gin.
25 do Conn. River P. A H. Ryo Gin.
20 do Brandy.
35 quar aud eighth casks Twigg Hoop’d 4th pr.
20 do do Magonolia Wine.-
75 barrels Ohio Monongahela Whiskey.
20 do Gibsons Mountafo . do.
40 "SWwdpuncheotu GoorglaPeaeli Brand
10 do Vlrgiui* Apple do.
In store uud for sale by
“WiWmI'.H, Flr.t BapiHCiiiir,li will,
•», Inj opcCMlon UiofOtla.lnsl., tai tlm **. *».,
draw’s Hall, coromeucing at 11 o’elook.
Cpiurpl H. Bo«il ,ti BiirtTliig coTmf a«. i
Broad bfreet, Qb Tuesday, the sixteehtb day of V$.
comber next, *Ufl4)’clock;ln the forepoon. , j •
. Stockholders wilt bo paqsiul to and Jrout the
meeting riRX. 11 ■
. buvia—id • UK . A. CtlYliKH) Orahtor..
few doors above Bolden’s Hat Store. Resldenco at
•4. Rynydiart’s, Wrat Uroad itrcct. , ■opltt
n ' ".V ijzjfa.. C/oti i. " " ■ .
To be drawn H *TUhl)AY, Deo. 20th, in Bal
Mfewtrluiwl ' "
...j ’.j.COUNTY.;.- • .
I am a eaudl'dnt’o for ro-dlection to tho ol’-'
I am a eamlldafo for ro-tiL.
fine or Receiver of Tax Returns iu January
udxl, uud rcspectfolly solicit yo’ttr suffrage*. .
uugll * JOHN REEDY. ~
; [
Fellow citizens, I am a candidate at the
IWy electlnu, lu January, next,: for. Urn office or
Tax Collector, aud »»» yuur support. .- ; ,
‘ i, : a. harHon.
: Havauuah, Sept. fiOth, I860; _ "6ctl
y - GRIFFIN has now lu employ a first-
PffF’ .rate; 1 Jeweler; aud all work coni In. will bo
daitq to “ PH'Ppr maimer, and wltb dispatch.
- p °y U-I ^ j •. t \. , ,
: "" ”iioiiOB. «• T
:%XT*YLbY A. CULUNS have taken an offleo oil ;
, YY • ‘the corner of Drayton st. aud Bay lane, op-
noalto tno olUco or C. A. I,. Lamar, Esq., for tbs
triuisactlou of an. Auction and General Brokerage
busincs!*. 1... ■ .
Real and Personal Estate sold ou Commission;al
so, Stock* olid Bonds, lziaus negotiated. . Liberal
advuucuB lUudo ou property entrusted to them for
sale." uovlB
rpHE public aro hereby notified that all shooting
X In the back wutor, or upon tbo grounds be
longing to the Silk Hope Plantation, ou tho Wgouhou
Road, eight miles from tho city of Savaunah, is pos
itively prohibited, excopt by the permission of tbo
-undersigurd. Any bu j wlio may bo found tres
passing ibereon, alter this date, will bo prosectitod
to tho extent oftho law.
•• •• iM»RGES. OWENS..
Savannah, Nov. 11,1866.- Ot—novll
A LL persons buying demands against the Estate
A or Mrs. RUZA ANN JEWETT, deceased, will
band them in duly attested, and thoBo indebted will
please make payment to
no4-lm Solo Qualified Executor.
' I . . . • NOTICE*
A 1.L persona havlug demands against the eslutu.
il of ikMiiel O’Councr, deceased, will band them
u, duly ottostcd.os required by law;and those in
debted will please mako puymeut, to
W. R. SYMONS, Qualified Adrn’r.
November 8th, 1856. tiov8
A I.L persons ludebVed to the Estate of Jane Me-
Douuld, lute of MuIuto3h couuty, deceased,
ure requastod to make Immediate payment; thus
havlug demand i against said Estate aro requested
to presout them, duly authenticated.
MOSES D. HAKRW, Executor.
Nov. 7th, 1860. uov.7
OrncKSAv’u, aUunvAGulf r. ll.Co., v
Savaunah, Nov* 5,1856. j
rPHE Sevoulh Instalment of 10 per cent, ou th
X Capital Stock, of the Savannah, AlbXuy and
Gulf Rail Road Company, by a Resolution of the
&fiai-d, Is hereby ordered to be paid on or before
thu liilh day «>f January, 1857.
uovd Secretary and Treasurer.
J UST received by stermer Alabama, a.largo lot
br Black Cloth Frock Oorts, Black Doeskin aud
Figuered Ca*Mmere Pants, Figured Black and Fau-
oy silk Vests, Blue Pilot Cloth Circular Talmas, for
sale low by • WM.iR. SYMONS, *
I * • Draper und Tttlhir,
uov22 17 Whitaker st.
FRESH supplyanTUerlu'o Uuder
. Shirt* for sale low by W.' R. SYMONS,
nov22 • 17 Whitaker *t.
titmi WH1TB KID GLOVmI - * *
HITE and straw Color Kid Glovo-s Just- re
ceived and for sain by
nov22 17 Whitaker st.
fIMIE price of Bathing on aud after 1st Deo., 1806
X uutil May 1st, 1867, Will he a* follows:
Four tickets fl 00
Slugle bath go
Subscriber* wtU bo received at one dollar a
mouth, by tho yoar, to commence from Nov. 1st.
uutil Doe. 1st next. J. M. HAYWOOD,
nov22-tlRdl Agent.
A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN can bo accommo-
dated with board aud lodging ou Broughtou
street, nearly opposite H. Morse’s House Furnish
ing Store. Also, a few Day Boarder*. novl2
A FEW single gonUetnoncanobtelu good Board
aud IsOdglug at the So. West, corner St.
Juliou aud Price Street's,
0CI28 _ • 2w
W ANTED IMMEDIATELY a good Cook, who
will bo willing to iron aud wash for a small
family. A suitable person will receive good wages
and a permanent place. Apply at this oflloe.
X os local aud travollng agents iu a business
cosy, usclUl and bouorablo. at a salary of $100 por
month I A capital of 95 only required I No patent
medicine or book business. Full particulars given
(free) to all who enclose a postage stamp or a tbreo
cent plcoo, and address A. B. MARTYN,
sept22—w3m Plalstow, N. II.
V EARLY customers, strangers, and citizens are
X respectlblly notified tbat hot water Is ready
for thorn from frA. M. till 9 P. M.every day except
Sundays. A few more gentlemen can be well ac
commodated to bathe 03 often as they choose at one
dollar a month, all subscribers to commence from
Nov. 1st, 1856 to Nor. 1, 1857, for $12.
Single baths, 25 cents.
Season ticket from 1st May to 1st Nov., $16.
N. B. 10 subscribers, in addition to those I have,
aro all I can toko at the low price or 12 dollars a
year. novl8 J. M. H., Agt.
November 13th, 1856. j
rpHE WATER RENTS for tbe present year were
X due from tbo 1st instant, and payablo at tho
oltlco or the Board.
Tho attention ot thoso perBonB supplied with
water from tbe works is called to Section 20 of An
Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for the care uud
management or tbe Savannah Woter Works.
uovl3 R. J. R. BEE, Becratary.
A Lot of Fine Wines and Liquors,
French Brandies, Havana Began,
General assortment or Cholco
. Nest door to Marshall House.
Savannah,. Ga.
G herkins, hams, bitters, brushks-
60 doz cases Ghorxlus,
260 sugar curod Hams,
100 cases Stomach BiUers,
600 doz Shoe, Stove aud Scrubbing Brushes,
Received and for salo by
BAOOOi—'fwo huudfed and fifty boxes Grant
k William’s Tobacco,. 5’s aud 8’s:
400 boxes assorted brands, pouudsU's.ft’a 8’s,
10*8 and 32’*:
20 ft boxea People’s and Roso Twist Fancy;
40 kegs extra Twiit and Pancake;
Also, Virgin LeaTanil Palmetto;
25 boxes Fine Cut Smcklug and Chowlng do
Id store and for sale by •
OTlOE-7 dozeu CANES, assorted, received
this day per steamer, and for sale low by
Successor to lata M. Eastman,
oct 7. corner Bryan and Wbltiker its.
B ACON—24 bhds. prime Bacon Sides; 8 hhdi,
prime Bacon Shoulder*, landing from steamr
“ Keystone State,’* and for sale by
eeot25tfj6$r OCTAVUS COHEN.
: "*S 1 v
I be held at tho next meeting
1 Thursday, 26th November,
lor the Special Police, by day
I the vacancy occasioned by the
“ant Lambrlght. Salary $*iu;
ate will please teave their up
ne. stating their securities, (two
fdrbefore2o’clock, p.m.. ofthat day.
^^-TARD.G. WII^ON, Clerk of Cooucil .
Savannah, Nov. 12, 1866. .. vovl7
ft bbls Fresh Buckwheat,
20 ft
25 bozos
20 bbls New No. 3 Mackorol,
10 ft do Ijwge No. 1 do.
10 ft do Small No. 1 do,
lauding aud for salo by
oct 31 8CSANTON, JOHNSTON k a).
t lPERMACErn, Adamantine aud Tallow or various
7 brands; Soap of various brands, from 6, 8, 10
and 12 cents. Chemical Soda Soap 10 cents; Wo«
man’s Friend 10 cents. Call and examine at
Family Grocery,
sep26 W hi taker and Charlton -street*.
/CHOICE BUTFERi—16kep choice Butter Just re
\J celved and tor sale by
• 94 Bay s
it CHKkSE— “
' ChoiceGoshen Butter
, ij 0 °*
J ' ' ((lu'ttbHsvsbsPfetf.j r-.;
Prizes amouutlug to $132,600 will be distributed
ttccprrtlug to the tollowiug Splendid Scheme;
SO,OtMl Numbers 1—1,000 Prises t
IJrlxes |$iiyablo iu foil without deduction.
1 prize...,
1 •* ...,
1 "
1 “
1 " ...1
a* *•
3 •* ....
»7 « -r,»
4 of $160 Appi
4.of 100 "
4or 90
4 Ol
4 Of
8 Of
12 of
12 or
748 of
, $49,000
.. 14,940
.. 10,000
.. 6,006
.. 2,000
.. 1,6 JO
.. 1,000
.. 200
.. 14,940
.. 10,000
.. 6,000
.. 3,000
,. 2,000
,. 1,600
,. 1,000
,. 200
1,000 prizes, a • ountlng to
Whole 'flckets $10; Helves $5; Quarters $J 60.
Class T.
To be drawn in Baltimore, Md., Saturday, Dec. 27.
1 prize of,,,..,,.,,v...
1 "
4 prizes of
10 d
10 “
173 •»
...... 10,000
....... 5,000
....... 2,600
...... . 1,760
....... 20
30,316 prizes, amounting to.. $1,141,140
Tickets $20; Halve* $10; Quar. fiTEighths $2.60.
i 49" AU orders (br Tickets br Packages in auy of
the Maryland Lotteries will receive prompt Mteu-
Ubn, and tbe drawing mailed to all purchaser* im
mediately after It is over.
! Address T. II. HUBBARD * 00. '
No 30 Kayettestreot.or Box No, 49,,
novlO Baltimore iid.
rpHE next Ordinary Drawing of the- Royal
X navaua Lottery, conducted l)y the Spanish
Government, uuder tho supervision or tlio (Mptaln
General or Cuba, will take place at Havana, 011
Tuesday, November 18th, 185G.
3 prizos of,.., $2,000
.... 1,000
1 prize or $100,000
1 " 60,000
1 " 20,000
1 « 10,000
l " 6,000
.... 2C0
20 approx’tions 7,200
3 approximations to the $100,000 or $600 each, 4
of $400 to $60,000, 4 of $400 to $20,000,4 or $200 to
$10,000, 4 or $200 to $5,000. •
Whole Ticket* $20—Halves $10—Quarters $5,
D* Prizes cashed at sight at flvo per cent, dis-
Bills of tbe Riohtnoud City Banks takon at par.
A drawning will be forwarded as soon os the ro-
suit iu known.
Communications addressed to DON RODRIGUEZ,
(care or City Post, Charleston, 8. C.,) until the I8U1
of November, will be attended to.
1054,000 Dullniw—13,000 Numbers Only!
jasper county acadkmy
To be dt awn December 15, 1866, at'Concert Hall,
Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence ot
Col. George M. I-oguu and W. 0. Anderson, Esq.
tOT Remember this lottery has only fifteen
thousand numbers—less than any Lottery in tbe
world, therefore it Is tho best Ibr Is vestment. Ex
amine tho Scheme I
1 prize of
1 " !!.*!.*.*!
or $1,000 aro 4,000
of 600 are 2,600
of 100 are 8,000
of 40 aro,60,000
20 approximations of $100 are $2,000
50 •• “ 60 aro £609
60 " " 20 aro 1,000
1,712 prizes ainouuling to ....$102,Of
rickets $10—Halves $6—Quarters $2.60.
tST Prizes payable without deduction.
The 1,600 Prizes or $40 are determined by the
laBt flguro or tbe number that draws tho (Mpital
Prize of $16,000. The Capital Prize will, or course,
end with one or the flguros—1, 2, 3,4, 6,6, 7,8,9,
0. Thoso Whole rickets ending with tno same
figure as the last in tho Capital will be ontltled to
$40. Halvos and Quarters in proportion.
»Persons tending money by mail need no
fjwr Its being loqt. Orders punctually sltondod to
immunlcatlons confidential. Bank notes or sound
banks taken at par.
JW Those wishing particular numbers should
order immediately;
Address JAM
Macon, Ga
G M. GRIFFIN has Just received onothor fino
• lot or Silver Sugar Spoons, Gravy and Cream
Ladle*, Butter KniveB, Knives. Forks and Spsons,
Pio Kulves, Foils, Knives and Forks, Cako Knives,
Crumb 8orapers, &o., *0., mostly in morocco cases,
suitable for presents. novll
W OULD invite the attention of tho Ladles to
their very large and rich stock or
oponed TUB DA Y.embracing the following styles'
Real Thread, Honlten and ItaltesoBERS *
“ Dench, Muslin and Cambric "
Mourning Setts, in Book, Csrobrlo and Ltneu
Cambric and Swiss. Edgings and Inserting*
Embroidered, H. 8. Bordered Hdktk
Muslin and Cambric Bands
Misses Setts, in great variety
Infants’ Cape,trimmed.
Children’s Worsted Capes
Opera Hoods, Ties, kc.
Colored, 811k and Cashmere8carts.
oct 6 ■[,
ms Public Favor
H AS already ra .kcd Steinway k Sons, Stodart,
J B.Dunham k Co., Horace Waters, W Win-
1 k Co., G Yogi, and Lighte, Nowton ft Brad
y's Celebrated
tent-Arch*W*est-Pl«nk 01-4 and 7
1-3 Octave
havlug recently received a new supply of these
makers, would invite tbo attention or the musical
public to tbolr stock, comprising every article In
tun Hue, which can be forn shed at New York
Price*. Also,
.4 rfoh assortment or fine French ENGRAVINGS
A D,i *|ilendld COIDRED LIIHOGRAPHS, with and
without Frames, Jnsst arrived and for sale at
No.’s 107 Bryanand 9A St, JoUaaats. '
" _r ,Jp ARaaCctet.87ttLirtir"
X tbe name of PAKKHURST ft ADAMS.'ts dJa-
solved by tbe deetboiMr. John R. Adama, all thoso
indebted to the late firm are rspuested to make
immediate payment. Mr. Coovers Parkhnrat, will
attend to the settlement of tho affairs ortho said
Bepnbllean copy. 8m oct80