Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 25, 1856, Image 2
Dally, Tri-W««kly Wwklf R. B. HILTON-& GOi PRDPItmOM’AMD rUBUMUU. . j E. B. HILTOK, - — - - - -Editor. ». P, M AmiiTOM, - - AzaUtan t KAIto r TtBSDAY MORSMO, M.v. mTTvM. l^aotBimiLas^ra, publishers ol the threepaper* buu«Un Savaanth, have adopt*! the roltovtOf ualfifW rate* of mb soripUoa, id taka aBbet this day: Dally Paper, par annum, laadvance »..$6 00 Trl-Weekly « MW. 4 00 Weekly, aia|laoopy, la advance 2 oo Weakly, ate eopiee, to oaaaddm*.; 'i'QO Weekly, «|M •< “ 10 00 Weakly, tea “ “ “ 12 00 Weekly, twenty" “ « 20 00 When not paid within one month from the time or mbicrtbinf a tho charge fbr the Dally will be leeea dollars, and Ibr the Tri-Wetklyjlw. The Weekly will be *ent only to thoso who pay in The paper will Invariably be dlaoontlned upon the expiration or the time Ibr which it has been paid,•• , The above rates to take otfeot from and after this > A SIMS, Republican. 8. & HILTON It CO.. Georgian d Journal. THOMPSON h WITHIVOTON, New. Savannah, July 1,1856. ' ft* daralreU^ droulatafl 1* Iftlj. . ^ Ht! forth though aot rery otaurl; tk* political piugrumme of tho Itallun -RsTohiUonlsts. thing uurchltl, oahTtnln, and all that can •gutut.nugloB and,monk i Among otuec righto which they aeok to ea- , IadloMnil Uborty ; tho- Inololotlon ol tho huhttutloai MWOlliO of tho poroon; Inrlola- bllltyof proporty; BoUglouo Ubortyl Alton Ptooo: Fre* Schools and Fra* Spooch; Reapon- lltjr bT Ministers of Stato, and tho Inotltutlon oft National guard. "In regard to a apodal form of gororamontt (tho appeal oaya) the Itdlane perceived ftom thla queotlon, aa woll aa wlthoa t any abet no tion aa to tho pcraon who will bo Inverted with the power. Aa to the Popoa, let them rctnrn to their fntore life; let thou chant of the adva- tlonof aouta.nobut more; no,never to tyranulac over human bodleo.’ r To the qnoatlon upon what meana tho Ital ians rely to acquire their Independence? Nature hu provided ua with ample meana to redeem out country. The valiant Spanish na tion haa taught ua the aureat way. These means arO our Alps and our Apennines. There is the spot where the Italian soldier shall write and accomplish the moot glourloua page of modern history: there la the place ftom which the children of Italy will rush, armed and de cided, to Sght their tyrants. It you except the Territory of Sardiania, all the rest of Italy, Near York Cotton Market. Nxvr Tonx, Nov. 21.—The cotton market hu been firm to-day. Middling Uplands 12 cento. Middling Orleans 12}. Faro xt St. Andrew's Him..—We have been requited to say the Fair given by the ladies of the First Baptist Church, will be opened to morrow evening at i o'clock. Gioxoia Bxooaks.—Mr. Buckner advertises another lot ol Georgia made brogans. A mo ment’s examination will convince the most skeptical of their northern made negro shoes. V Uncommon Kind.”—The New. York Her ald and the Times having striven in vain, through tho most unscrupulous means, to pre vent the election ol Mr. Buchanan, are ex ceedingly kind In taking his administration under their protection even before the forma tion of his cabinet The IWfouie la exhibiting a little mom self respect and Independence. New Publication!. Tit von Tat. A Norn nr a Ladt orNaw Orleans. Published by Garret A Ca, New Xork, for sale by Messrs. Waraock Sc Davis. The lady, or her publishers, havebeen un fortunate in the selection of a title. The public do not estimate very highly anti Slav litera ture. They will therefore be more likely to be repelled than attracted by the title.—" A reply to Dred." A result to be regretted, u the book Is really written with decided vigor; and withall, Isa very timely publication. Bum and La Plata. Tax Personal Re cord of a Cruise. By C. 8. Stewart A. M., U. 8. N. New York, G.P.Putnam A Co., for sale in Savannah by J. M. Cooper A Co. Aa the regions vlslsted by the author are yearby year acquiring additional interest, his volume will bo deemed by many a very wel come one. Ita mechanical execution Is In good style. The author la an agreeable writer! Tux History of Texas from its hast err- tlxhxnt in 1686, to its Annexation to the United States. By H. Yoakum Esq., In two volumes. Published by Beddeld New York. For sale by Messrs. J. H. Cooper A Co. The historian of Texas -eems to have per formed his undertaking with pains taking care fulness, candor, Impartiality and ability. The result (by aid of the publisher) is two toler ably thick octavo volumes, beautilhlly printed, neatly bound, illustrated with , maps and en gravings. It will unquestionably prove to be a work of permanent Interest and value. The American Poulterer’s Companion. A practical treatise on the breeding, rearing, and general management ofvarTonaBpecles of domestic poultry. A new edition, enlarged andimproved. By 0. N. Bement. With 120 Illustrations on wood and stone. Published by Harper A Brothers. This book has already been noticed and com mended by us—it Is for sale by Messrs. J. M. Cooper A Go. Craakey-'s As Co’s., Monhtly Freight Clr. eolar. London, Nov. 1.—Quotes B R Iron from Bristol, Channel, us follows: To New York, 19s Od and 6m per ton of 20 cwt " New Orleans 18s Od and Sm “ "Charleston, 22s6dand6id- ‘•Norfolk, 20s0dand5m " " “ •’ “ Savannah, 20a0dandSm " *' " “ Southern Commercial Convention. The following views of the Petersburg Dem ocrat are well put: The Bavannah Convention affords a fine op portunity for beginning a pretty broad found ation in the way of southern development We look to It for a sharp, dashing manifesto, filled with healthful, practical recommendations. We want nothing impalpable, no refined and db- etruse stuff, about the rights of the States and what not, aa heretofore. But we want and ex- pect a bold, impressive and progressive aeries of tangible, living realities Tor the southern mind to think ana feed on. We want action, vital, self-sustaining action, such aawlUput the South fairly on the track of her destiny. And this Is the way to keep the union or the States together. The union of the South in a great practical movement for her growth und development, for her commercial and manufac turing liberation, is the only way to brighten and renovate the links of tho contederacy now well nigh worn in twain by the corroding tooth of Yankee aggression. Wo must bavea regen eration. We must evince our ability to eland alone and to ualHulone beforowe can secure im punity from phrenEied fanaticism. The Solomons of the Nashville City Council have reltased to appoint delegates to the Con vention on the ground that' “It would promote sectional sentiments and stir up agitation.”— These gentlemen must be know-nothings of Nature’s own make. Firino—We have heard nothing of the "firing” mentioned in the following extract of a letter from Washington. We suspect that none of the State Bights-presses have been either killed or crippled by it: The most significant development to be no ticed here la the fire the Washington Union is Intended to.forc* the Democratic leaden who occupied-extreme grounds in the late canvass into a compromise with Mr. Slidell, Mr. Cobb, Mr. Toombs, and that school of politicians. If Hr. Buchanan should, call entirely new men into bis Cabinet, representing new ideas, and yet consistent with the principles of his party, be may stave off this War' of the roses. This slavery issue must be diverted from its morbid channel in the Northern mind, or brought to an emphatic Issue. The majority of the North desire the lime; the majority ortho South de sire the issue. If made |t will shake the Union to ita center, aa nelthor will give way. The policy of Mr. Buchanan will evidently be to divert It,- by presenting through the Paclfio Railroad, Cube, and Central America, issues of more teal-importance to the South, and well calculated to dazale the people. His intimate Wanda assert that he Will not abdicate hla posi tion as President to please anybody., \t—— , t jatrrTTrrmrr. ,’i : . Thin is reason to bcllave that the questlon of the succession to the Greek throne trill give thedlplomatto world a great dealor trouble. Busts will recognise no King of Greecewho docs nM belong to theGreek|chureh, and Prince Adalbert of Bavaria relhsaato change hla religion. It AVERT f*l itlemanln -pleareVom Missouri to getof theProviso, __MpSfS They have (40 acres of land each, cultivate any but a small portion ..ithoct slaves. They are talking actively aud watching their chance. As soon aa Kansas becomes a slave State they will strike; and rod may nly upon It, ftom what I hear, that both Oregon and Utah will in that event, go ' slavery,when the question will lmmeadiatcly turn for reconsideration. Tbepreaseain Oregon are now In the slave interest. If any should 'dare to speak In the Free State interest, they will bo crushed aa In Kansas, and the Free Stato men will be driven out. It Is a great wonder to me here, seeing the great power of the Southern leaders, and the fact that slave labor could be employed to so great an advantage In the mines, that Slavery was not established here at the beginn ing. Atteutt to rreax Jail Frustrated.—On Saturday last the sister of the Sheriff' of Bucks oounty, Pa., while examining tho prisoner’s beds. In company with a leniulo convict, at the Doylestown jail, discovered two iron in struments, evidently intended for defence, und reported the same to the sheriff, who, on Sunday morning, made a thorough examina tion,and found that several or the most des perate convicts had taken out the rivets of their leg Irons, and threatened to kill uny per son who would attempt to replace them, with the aid of a revolver, he forced them all into a dungen, and having sent fur a black smith, he soon succeeded In replacing the ironaiua substantial manner. A heavy wooden pludgeen mounted with iron, and uu iron bolt, sharp at one end, were found secreted about the muti- Tbs msmbsrs of this si slaty are reqaaat- auto assemble at tbrtrBUValv o'clock THIS (Tuesday) MORNING, Nov. 26: to poytta last tribute of respect to tbslr deceased brother member JOHN Mt'RPHY, the dr.) President ofthe society. By order ' tt’A. o’ertN*,-Provident. ' - iV; ;.uW': hit a sure blow, being scattered here and there, or united according to the necessity of the case. Well acquainted with the localities, masters of inaccessible positions, supported by the coun try, to the toosm of the bells we ahall rout with the impetuosity of a torrent, the Austrian lines; aU the aatteUtes of the Pope King, all the mercenartesof the Bourbon of Naples, and also, those nations who, dragged Into the contest by an Infernal policy,notsatisded with remaining simple spectators of that bloody carnage, should dare to turn their arms against our breasts. Yea,our resolution is taken: the warof Spain, the general conflagration ol Moscow are before ns with all their grand epopees. We shall reduce In ashes our most brilliant .cities, our celebrated monuments; we ahall deso late our fertile fields, and with our own hands we shall leave aa perpetual witnesses the ves tiges of destruction and ruin. Without any regard to age, six, or social posi tion, all, all shall be soldiers. We ahall resort to action with all kinds of.arms. We shall avail ourselves of all means, and .with a desperate fury we shall meet the vandals who dare to trample the eollofour confines, and maintain the holy righto of nations. Mountains of corpses will rise over the very mountains; torrents of blood will flood our plains. Then, and not before, they ahall call Italy “the land of the dead;” but the slain ahall not be all Italians. The visitor who,after the grand catastrophe, shall review onr fields of battle, will see that the stranger’s dead shall outnum ber the Italians. As to the ivhm the work is to be commenced we are only told this much: The password, prodigiously promulgated among us, is to avail ourselves of our means when the proper occasion for action ahall come; and to conceal what would be imprudent to give publicity. Let not our despots flatter themselves that they can prevent a general rising of onr people by Imprisonment and new tortures They can not arrest and shoot all the Italians I We hare deferred onr revolution for the reasons expra sed above. Alter this declaration and solemn protest, we hope that diplomacy will think over again its past and recent errors, aud will act toward Italy with justice and equani mity. But should even that last hope tail, we shall, not delay an instant to undertake the work of our redemption; It Is only a question of time. Let those who wish not for peace have war. Potentates, diplomatists, protectors of Euro pean civilization, defenders of order, as — call yourselves In poor pompous edicts, tl well or it. The days of our oppressors and usurpers are numbered, the reward of their crimes is written In the following line—“ Mene, Tekel Perea." Italy. A letter from the Hague of the 22d Inst, says: —The commission nominated by. the govern ment to examine the question of the emanolpa- coast of Guinea. As to the Islands, it presents a scheme of emancipation which is a good deal like that proposed for Surinam; and as to the establishments in Guinea, It advises that eman cipation shall not be attempted, in order not to endanger the security of them. The Westminster Ravixw^-We have re. calved the Westminster Review, for October, ftom the American re-publlahers, Messrs. Leo nard Scott A CO., through Colonel Williams,’ their agent. We give the table of contents: “ 1. Alchemy and Alchemists; 2. Buddhism —Mythical anu Historical; 3. The Property of Married Women; 4.‘ George Forster: 6. Edin burgh Fifty Years Ago; 6. Silly Novels by Lady Novelists: 7. France before the Revolu tion of ’89; 9. . Emerson’s English Traits; Con temporary Literature.” The article on "Silly Novels by Lady Novel ists” is a slashing piece of criticism. FoxFRiTVR^bv A Recognizance.—iu the Hustings Court on Saturday, a scire facial was awarded on a recognizance entered into before the Mayor, on the 6th of October, by Roger A. Piyor with W. W. Dunuuvant, his security, in the sum of 82,060, conditioned tbut the said Roger A. Pryor should keep the peace toward all the people of the Commonwealth, and especially towards B. B. Bolts, for one year it having been suggested tbat the said recog nizancenad been forfeited by his assault upon Oswald B. Finney, on the 21st ofOctober, 1866. —Richmond Diipatch. The Singapore Free Preee of Sept." to' says:—Thelatest acounts bom Siam state that the French Envoy bad concluded a treaty with the Siamese Kings, which was to be signed on the 16th current. After leaving Siam the French mission would proceed to Turon for the urpose of hying to open negotiation with the lochin Chinese government. Trade was being rosecoted very briskly at Bangkok, but the .jflux of foreign traders which has lately taken place, and the consequently great competition for produce, haa forced up pricea to a height whioh cannot be maintained permanently. The New York Express expects to hear that In some or the rural districts movements are being made to select for the ensuing year preachers among “the Republicans,” accord ing to ther political The question Is not so much what a man’s “religion” la, as what his politics are. We may expect, anon, to read votes thus ltom the vestries: Congregationailst church—For a Fremont preacher 10, Fillmore 6, Buchanan 9; no choice. Methodist—For a Fremont preacher 9, Fill more 8, Buchanan 10: no choice. Unitarian—Fora Fremont preacher 12, Fill more 3, Buchanan 4; Fremonter elected. The Weekly Register, the organ of the Ro man Catholio body in England, states that the Rev. Dr. Manning, formerly Archdeacon of Chichester, and brother in law of the Bishop of Oxford, la to take possession Immediately of St. Helen’s, a beautiful gothic church In West- bourne grove. Dr. Manning has also signed contracts recently for the erection of two Ro man Catholic bnlldlngs contiguous to Buckln- ham palace one a residence for an order of preachers, and the other a church. The London Star, of October 29, Bays: The warning to the English press that appeared the other day In the Honitenr haa stirred, as might have been expected, the bile of most of our contemporaries. They see in it the first Indi cation, so far as the English press is concerned of that deadly hatred which the Emperor o the French Is known to bear towards all bee dis cussion; and some of them are so far swayed by their fears aa to imagine that the dozen lines which have appeared in the organ of the French government form but the prelude to an application to our English Parliament to put the British press on a level with the French. A letter bom Malta says:—Intelligence con tinues to pour in bom surrounding and more distant countries which felt tne earth quake on the night of the 11th and morning of the 12th of October. It seems to have been moresensible feltistheenterior than in the sea port towns of the neighboring island of Sicily. In Naples the shocks were severe and of long buntloh. BOYAL HAVANA LOTTMT. .' ■’’I • ■ A1-1It.1 1,'r .ll 7 ) VHI-Jlf]..-' iPHE nekt 'Ordinary Drawing of the Royal Xi Hataua" Lottery,. couduoWd by the tfouuh Qoverumeui, under ibe supervision of ths Copula Geuersl. of Cobs, will lake plane at Havana, on ; Tuesday, November 18th, IBM. ; $268,000!! SORTEO NUMERO 672 ORDINARIO; CAPITAL PRIZE (100,0001 Sprite.of.... ,2^00 70 «* e.i., ^’400 149 “ 200 20 spprox’Uons 7,200 A BRAND MARS LAMP LOTTERY jqe the Havana Plan,) ' GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, OF ^---•'“JlAinfliAND;” • - • , Astra Clate j„ . , . ,T» ha drswa8>TURDAY, : l)se.aoth, le Baltimore, d yijV| ; .Nfff.biMt i .■ : PrtaeeameaaUnu le 1112,000 will be- distributed according tq the foUowlugfiplendld Scheme ; 80,000 N washes* t-A.000 PHaeo t .Prise# pavobtq,|n.foil withe"! deduction. 1 prlzo or....;,$100,000 1 “ 50,000 20,000 10.000 *000 3 approximations to the $100,000 of $000 Mob. 4 or $400 to $50,000.4 of $400 to $20,000,4 of $200 to $10,000, 4 of $200 to $5,000, Whole Ticket* $20—Halves $10—Quarter* Vi* j$S* Prizes cashed st sight at (Wo per cent, dis count. Bills of the Richmond City Banks taken st par, A Urawnlug will be forwarded as soon as (ho rs* Hull In known. Communications addrewed to DON hODRIGVEZ, (c«ra or City Post, Charleston, 8. C.,) until the 18th of November, will he attended to. nov28—ditFw 1 prii 1 “ *1‘ •* 1 •« 1 $40,000 ; lulooo . 6,00* a “ess E M 1,6,0 Appro’x TfEWSOoXS, RECEIVED BY WARNOOK & DAVIS, Tuna day, Nor. 25, 1856. E DGAR MONTROSE, or tho Mysterious Penitent, by G W M Reynolds. Marion Barnard, or Lcdsonis of Lire—a compan ion to “Dick Tarleton’', by J K Smith. Thu pictorial adventures or Margaret Catohpote. —MOMS OF— Daisy’s Necklace, and what earned it, byTB Aldrich Thrco per rent a month, or the perils of fast liv ing, by Charles Uurdett. Tho UilU of the Shatcmuc. by the author of the Wide, Wide World. For salo at no25 159 Congress at. GEORGIA JlADB NERGO SHOES. T HE Subscriber has {ust received auolher supply or Georgia made negro Brogans. Planters wlshlug to get tholr money's worth are invited to call and examine them. M. J. BUCKNER, nov25 71A152 Gibbons* Building. p "b |le F,m H AS already ra ked Steinway A Sons, B tod art, J B. Dunham & Co., Horace Waters, W Win abe k Co., G Vogt, and Llghtt, Newton A Brad bury’s Celebrated Pntent-Arch-Wiest-Plank 61-4 and T 1-3 Octavo FZASTO0. W. D. ZOGBAUK ft CO. haviug recently received a new supply of these makers, would invito the attention or tue musical public to their stock, comprising every article in the Hue, which can be mm shed ht New York Prices, Also, A rich assortment or tine French ENGRAVINGS and[splendid COLORED LITHOGRAPHS, with and without Frames, Juast arrived and Ibr sale at W. D. ZOGBAUM A COS’ No.’s 107 Bryan and 94 at. Julieu its. 1,000 200 ..$40,000 .. 14,940 .. 10,000 ., 6,000 .. 3,000 .. 2,000 .. 1500 .. 1 000 200 ! $132,610 Whole Tickets $16» Halv»rtgT»j^ni $2 60. aftlLLIANT* SCHEME, GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. Class T, To be drawn in Baltimore, Md. ( Saturday. Dec. 27. 18? . 4 of 100 4 Of 90 4 of SO 4 of 70 j$0f 60 12 Of 30 29 10 tiior •puora AND SHOES— Lady'N whito Satin Slippers, Geut’s huo Boots and Gaiters, Gent’s Oxford Ties and low qua*tered Shoes. Boys’ and Youths’ Gaiters. On hand ut 71 and 162 Gibbon’s Range, nov25 M. J. BUCKNER, A RTHUR’S HOME MAQAZINE, for December. Fur sale by nov26 WARNOCK & DAVIS, AH9IVEB8ARY MAT.T. Tho GERMANIA FIRE COMPANY, No. 10, will eelebratetbeir Auntveraary on Ibe 2eU Deo., end give a Bell on tb. same ol|ht, at 8t. An drew's Hell. Ticket, cau he procured from either of the unueraiKUed Committee. No tickets will be sold ettbe entrance. ' V. Basler, 2d foreman, Geo. L. Long, 3d do M. H. Meyer, nuv20-eodtd 8. Frank Kline, Geo. Oemeodeo, 0. White, 0. Welgand, Important Steamship Entsrprize.—A late letter from New York to tbo Philadelphia Evening Journal, says: I understand that a company of capitalists of New York and Savannah are proposing to establish a line of monthly steamers from this K rt, via Savannah, to 8L Thomas, Barbadoes, msrara end Pars, and intend memorializing Congress for a grant of one hundred and eighty thousand dollars per annam, for ten years, as compensation for carrying the malls onthese routes, HonalBLl DlPBAVITY AMONG SCHOOL GUILD- ken The Boston (Mass.) Herald of tho 19th says :-Ciroumstances have recently transpired at one of the public schools In this city, which reveal a mass of Immorality that la sickening to contemplate. The details are altogether un fit for publication, but the main facts should be stated that parents may be nut on thotr guard against a monstrous evil. It appeera ftom In formation we have received from authentio sources, that one of the female monitors in a public school pioked op a note a few days ago, which had been opened—a note addreseed Dy one schoolgirl to another—and tho oontente developed the foot that elx of the girls of the sohool, aged ltoiri twelve to fifteen yean old, have been seduced, and, for soma..time past have practloed vlae in cor— various persona at stores and i places. A stable, a crockery ■tore are mentioned os bar for lUloltpnrpoaet, by these , avenged according to their', ubouttwo dollar! per week-1 course.' ' The note referred to abb' evidence of depravity A among youth, was handed to the ft. •nf tho sohool, and she sent for tho' tho girls ImpUssted, tnd laid the esse before them. Of coune they were horrified by the revelation! nude, when their children were called together and Interrogated In n private room, where they acknowledged their transgrcselona.nnd the aid of the police was called to Investlgsto the mttjcr. ' Tun Underground Railroad from Ltnou- buuo.—Two negro men, one belonging to Alex. Tompkins, Esq., und the other to the eaUte of Wm.B. Roane, deceased, lately escaped from tble city tnd travelled, it seems, oa the Vir ginia and Tenaeesee Railroad to Abingdon nnd thence Covington,Kentucky, where they were arrested on the Clnoinnatf Ferry Boat The negroea. It seems, had .fietltioiu free papers, aha under this authority passed without Inter ruption to Covington, Kentucky. Ve hive no doubt that there Ts some rascal Yankee. In this city, who ore it the work of conning off our slaves. They teem to have an — ------ scheme* with great cunning. Boh a negro man named Washington discovered lnpqraeeikm of free were atteetaf .9m the Hnstlnge Court, and only ... np with a deecrlntioo of tht they were intended.—. — The Greeks of the Liverpool Exchange club bed together lately, and having raised £100,090 operated In cotton so advantageously that they realllxed a profit of £30,000. Jttntral Jnuitation. The Friends and Acquaintances of JOHN MURPHY aud family are roaiiectfuily invi ted to attend the funeral or the former from bis late reafdenco on South Broad street, T0-M0RR01V (Tuesday) MORNING, at 10 o’clock. tammiul Mclligtittt. Savannah Market, November 95. COTTON—Our cotton market remains unchanged. Tho attendance of buyers y tutor day was large and' the Hales largest of the ucanon and amount to 2203 hales, viz: 15 at 10)4, 8 at 1020 at 10^, Utf at 11, 235 at 11)4, 306utnx, 438 at 11*4, 840 ui 11 & 41 at 11916, and 178 at 11#. Exports*. NEW YORK—ScbrT Holcomln—59- bales up- land cotton, 67 bales 81 do, 126 casks riuo, 40 bblu spin turpentine, 12 bites sheep tklns, 6 bblu tallow, 11 bales aud 2 bags roots. Imports. LIVERPOOL—Per shipSulina—7,376 ska salt, 668 tons coal. Port of Savannah November 45 Arrived. Bark Flight, Horne; New York, to Brigham, Kel ly A Co, 8chr H P Cashing, Godfrey, Philadelphia, with coal, to J T Tbomai. Sloop Virginia, 814 phens, Darien, with 3600 bus high rice, to Habersnam k Son. [Steamer Augusta, Fraser, Augusta, to 8 M Lain /King’s flat, from plantation, with 1660 bus ;b rice, to Habersham k Sou. Departed. 8teamer Augusta, Eraser, Augusta. Steamer EUzt, Koehler, Old Sisters Ferry, Ac. Memoranda* New York, Nov 21—Cld, bark Brothers, Culvert St. Marys. FORKION FORTS. Failed fur Savaunah, Nov 3—Lion, from Peter- bead. Consignees. Per hark Flight, from New York—J M Selkirk. Brigham, Kelly A Co, Cooper A Co, Cloghoru A Co, Clark A Cooloy, O Coheu, M A Cohen, J Dickson A Co, Etheridge A Hon, E Fitzgerald, WR Fleming, BGoodall, Habersham A Sou. A M Jackson, King A Sou, J W Lathrop A Co, S M UllUesu, Patten, Hut ton A Co, W R Thomas, W Warner, Wayno A Bon. Per steamer Augusta, from Augusta—229 bales cotton, oo bales leather aud mdze, to a M lAflltetu, Hunter A Gammell. y Receipts Per Central Railroad, iNoW 'ai—18# hales cotton ,36 bales dom.,251 Mia flour, 800 bides, 206 skins and mdse, to E Mol. nteux; Franklin A B. Rabun. A P, Lockett A 8. Dank W, Cohens A H, W D Etheridge. Ruse, I) AlTW uncan, Hudson, F A Co, Bothwell A W, Hardwick C, »V»y A Taylor, J V Latborop A bo, Patten, A Go. King A Boo, Hardee A Co, farspqjUc Co! r Tucksr, Garmany A Champion, and othirS. WANTED. T WO good Boys to wait about the Barbershop, Liberal wages will be paid promptly for them. Apply to J. M. HAYWOOD, uov22 Agent. FHE8H FRUIT AND GBOOERIE8. PGR STEAMER AUGUSTA, AT Yhe Savannah Grocery & Fruit Depot QA BBLS.of the Choicest Eating Apples. OV/ >lo Flue Quinces, 3 Frails Dates. 10 Boxes Lemons* New Figs. Layer aud Bunch Raisins, do Currants, Citrons. Ac., <o. NEW BUCKWHEAT AND RYE FLOUR. New No. 1 Mackerel, Salmon und Codfish, 1 Crate Extra Bunch Onions. 1 do do Cabbages. Pigs Feo and Pigs Heads iu Pickle. Bath Brick, Currie Powder. Hup. Sago Cheese, Corn Starch. Fresh Biscuit, flftoen different kinds. Stuart’s Syrup. ALSO RECEIVED, 30 BuucheB Bananas. 10000 Nassau and Havana Oraagos. All for sale mi the most reasonable terms, by oct30 WM. H. FARRELL. SUNDRIES. QAA DoZKN 2 and 3 cord Brooms; O\J150 do painted Buckets: 200 bozos No 1 i-alo and Family Soap; 100 half boxes No 1 pale and Famllv 8ouj>; 100 80 200 160 50 do Toilet bo Ground do Allsplco, Pepper and [Cassia; Mustard; Schiedam Schnapps, quarts and [pints; Raspberry, Blackberry and Gin* 200 toxus Bruudy, Whiskey, Wines and Cor dial; 200 baskets Champagne, various brands, qts [and pts ; 100 boxes Negro Pipes; largo bowls; 60 gross Pipo Heads; 125 chests and hair cnosts Oolong and Hyson troa ; 200 0 and 10 Ins boxes uo do do ; 25 cases Imperial Hyson and Curious Oolong [Tea ; 600,000 Spanish, German and Americau Cigars, [assorted branuH ; 400 dozau .Sardines, quarter, halt and whole [boxes ; . Olives,. Prunes aud Smyrna Pastes, in boxes fA cases ; t s u uu; in jars and bottles; Fiuo Cut Cbowiug and Smoking Tobacco; lu Bloro nnd for salo to jobbers and retailers, on liberal terms by WEBSTER A PALMES. nov23 A LBANY ALE 1 —26 bbls Read Bros. Albany Ale Landiug por sebr. John Boston. For sale by uov 23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A Co. S T CROIX SUGAR- 11 hhds cbolco 8t Croix Sugar Landing per schr John Bos ton For sale by SCRANTON, JOHN6TON A CO. nov23 ( \ < 8HEN BUTTER AND CHEESE— UT 26 kegs cbolco Goshen Butter 75 boxos do do Cheese landing, and for sale by ! nov23 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON it CO. gACON- 26 hhds Sides, 20 do Shoulders, 25 casks “choice” Hams, Landiug and for sale by HOLCOMI nov22 [BE, JOHNSON A CO. 26 hhds “choico” Porto Rico Sugar, 20 hhds Ht Crulx Sugar, 200 bbls A. H A 0 crushed and pulverized Sugar, tn store and for Bale by HOUXJMBK, JOHNSON A CO. uov 22 ^PPLES^CHEKSE, BUTTER, HAMS AND PO- ties, TATOES— 16 bbls A| 25 boxes I 15 Urklus Butter, 5 casks Hams, 60 bbls Potatoes, Received por steamer and fur salo by uovis McMahon a doyle, B UITKR AND CHEESE.'60 kegs choice Gasheu Butter. 200 boxes Cheese. In store and Tor sale by ! oct 20 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. B lue, BdooMs, BDCKi-rra, bdcuit, 4 100 boxes Fig Blue, 60 dox 2 and 3 ply Brooms, 100 doz 2 aud i uoop Buckets, 26 bbls Soda, Sugar and Butter Biscuit, 10 bbls Pilot Bread. Received and for sale by nov20 McMAPON a DOYLE. J UtiT RECEIVED*‘-.400 baskets Mum Cbampaga*. 26 boxes imperial, 26 boxes Cabinet, 10 boxis “ 1 “jr sale by Cordon Rouge. For novlO A. BONAUO, nor Bay and BuU it*. 1,000prises, a ountiagto.. $^.1U me saber UilaMjottery has ooly flftaoo amlns thbScheme I. 4.*i6,oeo : i ** .......... :6,000? 4 •rf 'ofSl.OOoWb............. 4,000 6 « of- JflOOWa.u ......... 2,600 SO « of Win ,8,000 i;600 “ of 40 are. .80,000 imtoxnunox rauu. 20 SpproannaUoiu otYlOOare......82,000 *0 •• f- ware 2.600 60 “ , 20are 1,000 1,712 prlsas amoaollng to (102,Of . Hotels (10—BsIvm (6-Ousrters *2.60. , so heme: 1 |triso of 1 “ 1 “ 4 prises of. 20 10 “ W •• 178 •• 66 “ 66 “ 66 “ 4,158 “ 26,740 “ 30,314 prises, amounting to...., ,...$66,000 36,030 16,820 .... 10,000 6,000 .... 2,600 .... 1760 700 800 200 100 4b 20 ..$1,14M40 Tickets $20; Halves $10; Quar. $6, Eighths $2.60. : 4V All orders fur Tickets or Packages in any ol tfle Maryland Lotteries wlU receive prompt attorn ,Uon, aud the drawing malted to all purchasers Im mediately after it is over. Address I. H. HUBBARD * CO. No 39 Fsyettostreet, or Box No. 40,, novlO Baltimore Ud. OAHU'S From in. w. ADrnnsuu zomct, rmutMumu, rxxar. THE MOST EXTENSIVE AND ELEGANT ASSORTMENT OP OIL PAINTINGS, engraving's AND jpHOHtfflBIB IFIBiiMaSffl, EARLE’S GALLERY, No. 2l2Cheznut Street, OPPQS1TM THE alBABD HOUSE. ■ov21-eodlw Military Ooodz, Begalia, &c. vv. h. Bonmuunr * son, 223 Chesnul street, adJolniug the Masonic Hall, PHILADELPHIA. Manufacturers and Importers of all kinds of MILITARY GOODS, 8words, Sashes/ Epaulettes; Ptumos, Lacss. s, Ac. Also. REGALIA of every stylo for ifi MASONS, ODD FELLOWS, Ac., via: Api Ssbes, Collars, Jewels, Rohes, Ac; also, Theatrical Decorations in Urge variety, FLAGS AND BANNERS, on hand or made to order. Having a full assortment of the above enables them to flU orders at abort notice. [no22-2w S OAP, STARCH, Ac- 160 boxes Besdsl’s Family Soap 160 do Colgate's do do 100 do do Palo do 160 do do Nol do 100 do Castile do 16 do Assorted Toilet do, Rocolvsd and Tor sals by i. nov4 mcmahon a doyle. JJUTTER A CHEESE- 26 kegs Choice Goshen Butler, 60 boxes English Dairy Cheese, 100 do Choice Goshen do, white, Landing per steamer and Ibo sale by octk4 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A CO. P ICKLES, PIPES, paper: PKPPER- 76 boxes Pickl s, M and K gallon jars 600 gross EngUesh Pipes 260 “ Pipe Heads 600 reams wrapping Paper 100 boxes fresh ground pure Pepper. Received and tor sale by . sept 28 McMAHON A DOYLE, H errings a potatoes- 76 boxes Smoked Herrings . 60 bbls fine eating Potatoes . Just received und tor sale by oo21 SCRANTON, JOHNSTON A OO. S OAP, STAEOUr SUGAR, SYRUP, Ac., Ac.— 600 boxes Family Palo and No. 1 Soap 160 « Frazer's Boadle and Oswego Starch loo bbls. Stewart’s Clarified Sugar 60 doxeu Lemon Syrup 60 boxes super Carbon Soda. Received and Ibr sale by sept 28 MoMAHON A DOYLE. S UGAR, SODA AND BUTTER CRACKERS— 26 bbls hand made Sugar-Crackers. 26 do Soda 60 boxes do 26 boxes Butter Undlng, and for sale by Q0V23 SCRAN! do do , JOHNSTON A CO. H errings, codfish and mackerel- 76 boxos Herrings 1 bhd Codfish 20bbls No. 1 Mackerel 20. do No. 8 do large Lauding, and for sale by. Uov 23 BCRANTON,JOHNSTON AGO. S TUARTS REFINED AND CLARAHED SUGARS— 26 bbls Stuarts Crushed Sugar 20 do do Powdered do 25 do do B Clarified do 25 do do A do do 60 do do C do do Landing, and for salo bj nor23 SCRAT T INES A MUSTARD— Jj 160 doz Lines—Clothes, Fishing, Ac, 200 dos Tiger Mustard, ‘ Roceivedand tor sale by • McMAHl nov20 .JOHNSTON A CO. lHONADOYLE. DOYLE, Sole AganU, A LI—26 bblsTsylor ABou’sAle, Landing and tor sale by ‘ MCMAHON A nov20 rim, COFFEE AND PEPPER- X 20 half chests Black Tea, 60 do do Green Tea, 110 caddies 2,4 and 6 lb Black Tea, 160 do 2 and4 IbGreenTea, 150 sacks Green Mo Coffee, 75 boxes Freeh Ground Coffee, 100 do do do Pepper, 10 bags Whoto Pepper, Received and for sal* by ,, r, . 00.13 ’ UoHAHOK k DOYLE. ftYBUP, OiDBR.fiW- O 100 boxes various qualities Lemob 8yru 60 boxes quarts and pints Champagne C 60 casks Jeffrey’s Ale, Landing and for sale by nov22 HOLOOMBF, JOHNSON A OO. L, CODFISH,-Ac— 1 76 bbls No. 2 and S Maokerel. 40 bair.bbls large No. 1 and 2 do, , 20 KUa mesa l do,. 26 quar bbls large No ldo, ahfidiOodfleh, 100 boxed Bcald Herrings, lAndlDgahdtorsalobr nov22 “ !ljT HOLti PBIZB GUARANTIED l , ,*ia**ft £| n |i PRIZES PAVMU WltHOUT DEDUCTION. (A(Paft'«»V(TY-SOADEMY it asnoaitr or Tsa.-ecan Of oaoaou. 1>! 'CUl*T, E NUMBERS. W.W. Mcduiaa, Esq., Comn'r.. 30,000 Tlcketa—3,8(0 Prizes I More'Uiao o’ct! Prize to every TeoTIckeu. BRILLIANT SCHEME: , 1 Prize. oT-i. ,840;000 1 Prlzi of. ,1000 " ...‘ 13,000 lOPrlzMof..;,,. 'Si a^rlira 4 “ 4 " 3 « 40 “ ,3,0oo " by the PrizewlU, 6T coorie, '.,9’ : M,4.e,7’8,0, ding; with the same tl will be entitled to last figure of eadlrifodM-ortheOnini 0. lfiow: .Whole. Ylokrta figureMthejaittotheXa ^ i» PeifMn4 sending moheV.^ tosii need ho •FTti being lost. Orders punctually attended to [mmun^on*. cotifidentiaL Bazik notes of sound LgET wishing particular numbtrs should 'dcr Immediately.; v lAddross.1 JAMES F. WINTER, Manager. . [nqvl7 Macon,Ga,, 1100 REWARD,^ S '^rne person or persons bavit-g counterfeited : n DOLLAR BIL of the Merchants’ and Planters’ , ; and put tbe same in clroulation, the Board, 9soluUon,‘ offers Reward of One Huudred Dol lars tor detecting the counterfeiter and furnishing proof for conviction. HIRAM ROBERTS, novll President. i CAUTION. CENTRAL RAILROAD BANKING CO. OF GA., Savannah, Nov, 11,1868. , mHE PUBLIC U hereby Intormed and put upon Us guard that spurious notes in imitation of tbe Dolla^ nettfyerUto tsiue-or this Bank of 1866, i been recdntiy put in circulatloo. The spuri- ou note* are photographe^and are easily detected The red letters TEN are painted, and tbe whole ap- perrajis a much robbed.and deuced bill. * A reward of Fzv* Hu.vuexd Doixars is hereby offered for proof to conviction of any pereou who has to counterfeited the notes of this Institution, or who has uttered the falso notes, knowing them to be hlse. R. R. CUYLER, President. novl2 gensbal nolioe* f'1 M. GRIFFIN has just received another flue IDT« lot or Sliver Sugar. Spoons, Gravy and Cream Ladles, Butter Knives, Knives, Forks and Spsons, Pie Knives, Foils, Knives and Forks, Cake Knives, Crumb Scrapers, Ao., Ac., mostly in morocco cases, njlUble for presents. novll e Ladies to BEAL FBKHOHEMBBOIOBBIES HENRY LATHROP &CO. TTTOULD invite the attention of the Is vv their toy, large and rich stock or ig the following styles iff Maiteso SETIE ., _ _ Milhaud Cambric “ Mouriiiiig'eistirii In Book, Cambric and Linen Cambric and Swiss. Edgings and Insertings Embroidered, H. 8'. Bordered Hdkfr Muslin and Cambric Bands Misses Setts, in great variety Infants’ Caps,trimmed. —ALSO— Children’s Worsted Capes Opera Hoods, Ties. Ac. Colored, Silk and Cashmere Scaris. oct 6 AKPEU’S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE FJR DECEMBER—This is tbe beginning or a new volume. Subscribers will please call and renew their subscriptions. For tale by WARNOCK A DAVIS, Booksellers and Stationers, nov20 H 169 Congress-at, TBE COURT OF NAPOLEON O R Society under the First Empire, with por traiUof its beauties, wits and heroines, from authentio originals, by Frank B Goodrich; illustra ted by Julei Champagne. —MORE OP- The Romance of tbe Forest, by Anne Ratcllflb, author of “The Mysteries of Udolpho*” Cotton is King, or the Culture or Cotton, and its relation to Agriculture, Manufactures and Com- merce, by,David Christy. The Hltia of the Shatemuc, by the author of the ♦‘Wide, Wide World;” Victoria; or, the World overcome, by Caroline Chesbro'. Magdalen Hepburn, a story of the Scottish Refor mation, by . Mrs Olyphant, author of “Zaldee,” •to., eto. Lorlmer Littlogood. Esq., a young gentleman who wished to sm life ami saw it accordingly; by Frank E Smedley, Esq. Ernest Linwood, a novel, by Mrs Caroline Let Hents. For sale by WARNOCK A DAVIS, Booksellers aud Stationers. oot21 159 Congress, street, KNIGHTS & THEIR DAYS* B Y DR. DORAN, author or “TableTraits,” Ao, The Hills of the Shatemuc, by Miss Warner, author of “ Wide, Wide World,” Ao. j A Pilgrimage to El Medinah and Meccah,by Lieut, Burton, of the Bombay Army, with map and illus trations. The Humorous Poetry of tbe English Language, from Chancer to Saxe. LorimerLittiegood, Esq., a young gentleman who edition. Wood, Therapowtlo and Pharmacalogy—a new work. Simpson’s Obsturetrlcs—2 vols.. complcto. Young America’s Picture Gallery—70 illustra tions. W. THORNE WILLIAMS, oct 9 “ TIT FOR TAT* mrr FOR TAT. a reply to “ Undo Tom’s Cabin X and “Dred,” by a lady of New Orleans. How to Dress with Ta*te, containing hints utx the harmony oT colors, the complexion, Ao.. Ac being a suitable companion for the toilet table. Bridal Etiquette, a sensible guide to tho etiquette and observances of the marriage ceremonioe. How to Behave, or the Spirit or Etiquelto. How to Woo and How to Win. How to be a Lady,a book for girls, containing use ful hints on tbe formation of character. How to be a Man, a book containing useful bints on the formation of character. Tbe Business Man’s Adviser, consisting of the Busloess Man’s Assistant and Ready Reckoner, the Trader’s Guide, and the Landlord’s and Ten *«ni’s Assistant. Tbe Tradesman’s and Mechanic’s Counsellor and Ready Calculator, comprising the Tradesman’s Guide or Law of Trade, with a supplement or Rules and Tables. Received by J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent, nov7 under the Marshall House. tUb Xady*SjqUId£ S ) PERFECT gentility, in manners, dress and conversation, in the rsmily, in company, at pianoforte, tbe table, lu the street, and in gen tlemens society. Alaoa'uaetol Instructor in letter writing, toilet preparations, (tooy needlework, mdllnory, dress making, care of wardrobe, tbe hair, teeth, hands, Ups, complexion, etc, by Emily Thorn well, author or “Home cares made easy.” For sale by l WARNOCK A DAVIS. octl8 169 Congress street. MBE, JOHNSON A CO. 7$ bbta Domestic Brandy . 100 bblaPH'Gin- 126 bbls NE Rum 100 bbls Rectified Whiskey, 76 bbls X, XX, XXX do ’ 60 bbls Old Ry« rdo 60 hhds P4, H and N O Sugar 126bbla'Stuart’aA'BAO do . Received and for ial# by MoMAHON ft DOYLE, nov4 . / . ' * - Vq 206 A107 BaysL tdamanline, and Stearins*, ' ; 10$bbxM assortedGerdiils,-' ^ c Received and tor idle by nov2l MoMAHON A DOYLE. B uckwheat or the best quality, 8MQKED SALMON, ANOHOVIES, CODFI3H. Mackerel, No. 1, In Kits, Salmon, do do, PIG HAMS, small size. do SHOULDERS, do do, Canadian Oat Meal, Extra Quality in amattbags, aaa APPLES toil COOK ING do. 6 bOXES LEMONS, nW MOB, PSDKB8 AMD DATES, ntisa aisculTd, m li .■ri.UM, aomeoaurely DOW: toitUur wild a good iupply of BUpl. Oroci- * “ ,e ’’ , 'Sataooaharooery sad Fruit Depot, norl'i 1 ' wra.r Bromhwn * Wbltolnr its STAPLE SET GOODS. Napklui odd Doyloz, ttnl WoUb aud Amorlcah fUuu.lz, nae Brth’aid'VtUtaay Hank.:.,' Un.u and Oouoo Bed Tick,-Ao,, .Ac For sale at tbo. lowest market prices, by. ; nov/l,. ._ , . ptWllT 4i Uql M ercer potatoes^ioo bbi. cboiotiSarcer Pd|awea, laadia, aud for Ml. tow CLASS K, ^ ^^ofMoblle, Alabama, December 10, im?, 6,000 100 100 :::: -?;88S APPROXIMATION PRIZES: tea of $150 spproxim*g to $40,000 ai 100 70 126 100 76 60 46 40 $600 500 400 300 S,28o prises amounting to.. g to $40,000 are 12,000 are 6,000 aro 2,000 are ... 1,000 are 400 200 are 1,800 120,000 $201,000 fricb or noun. Whole Tickets $10; Halves $6; Quarters $2 50, 30,000 FrizM-ot$40 will bo determined by tbe Uit figure or. ths Numbet that draws tbo $40,qoq Prise. Foroxample, ir the Number drawing the 1140,000 Prize ends With No. 1, then all tho Tickets where the;number.ends ini will bo entitled to $40. If the Number ends with No. 2. then aU tho Tickets where the Number ends in 2 will be entitled to $4o ( andsoonto0. Certificates of Packages wiU bo sold at the fol. lowing rates', which Is the risk; Certificates of Packages of 10 Whole Tickets... ago “ “ 10 half “ “ “ 10quarter “ .... jj plan or thb lottery. - i30/00 Numbers corresponding with those on the Tl' Nets are placed in one Wheel. The lint 3»o Prizes are placed in auother Wheel. A number is drawn from tho Number Wheel, aud at the eame imo a Prize ia drawn Trom tbe other wheel. The ’rize drawn Is placed against the number drawn This operation la repeated until all the Prizes are drawn out. In ordering Tickets enclose the money to our ad dress for the Tickets ordered, on receipt of which “tey will be forwarded by first mail. The List of Drawn Numbers and Prizes will be lent to purchasers immediately after tho draw- Of. Orders for Tickets should bo sent in early, AS^Purchasers will please write their signatures plain, and give their post ofQce, county and State. JUST Remember tbat every prizo is drawn, and payable In frill without deduction. $9- All prizes or$l,000 and under, paid Immedi ately after the drawing;—other prizes at tho ubur! time of thirty days. AU communications strictly confidential. Prize Tickets cashed or renewed iu other Tickets at-either office. Addross Orders for Tickets nr Cortificatoa either to S. SWAN A CO., Atlanta, Ga„ or , 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala., and • novlO Box£2, Savannah P. 0. PHOTOGRAPHY CAREY. & POWELSOJW 3.-ST —OF— PHOTOGRAPHS, AMBROTYPES & DAGUERREOTYPES. MESSRS. CAREY ft POWELSON Having increased their laciiitiea fur taking PHU- TOURAPH3, AMBROTYPES ami DAGUERRE;- TYPES, are now prepared to take picture.? of all who desire In either of tho styleR above moutioned and in a manner unsurpassed in the history uf tha Photographic Art. COLORED PHOTOGRAPHS. These are takeu from Daguerreotypes as perfect, ly aa from life, aud aro COLORED cither in Oh PASTEL, or WATKR-COLORS. We have now secured the exclusive pateut for PHINTING ON CANVASS which can he practised by no other person in Chat ham county. By this newly discovered patent pro. oesa a magnificent tod PERFECT LIKENESS b produced from Daguerreotypes, vi an; elz9 do- sited up to the SIZE OF LIFE. Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes. REDUCED PRICES. Our present raciltiea enable us to reduce oar prlcos on the above pictures, and wo hereafter pro;oss to take them at pricea eo low as to be within tbe reach of every one, being at from ONE COLLAR AND UPWARDS! Messrs’ Carey A Powolson wish [aiticolarly to give notice that they will tnke ■■ Likenesses of Deceased Persons, trow Daguerreotypes or which their frleads may have iu their pc.sro-Muij, or any size dealred, colored as above Gallery over S. Wiluitd’s Jewelry .’itoro, Market Square. uov20 Bntraiiee on Uryan Street. LARGE SALES ON TDK FIRST THURSDAY IN JANUARY, F ILL BE SOLD ON THE PREMISES, on the day above mentioned, ut public outcry, LA NIER’S PI.ANTATTON, in .Madison Couuty, Kl.-rida, comprising 1040 nerra of first rote Und. Trkms—Uue third Cash snd the balnncc iu two equal annual instalments drawing eight percent, in terest, nnd secured by morlgngc on tho land. 437 aores are cleared and lu cultivation, and under excellent fence. And there arc eu tho premises a comfortable dwelling, good out houses. 9 good negro cabins, good barn, gin-limwo and screw. , , Tlieso lauds are situate m tho Patterson Ham mock, on the public road loading from ibutlcello to Madison Court House, about eleven miles from Madison and twculy from Moutlcello. Tho Railroad now being constructed irom Tullahaasee to Jackson ville and savannah, also passes through the plnnta* tion. Tho lands arc fresh and level und uf tho first quality, aud tho plantation la believed to bo one ortho moat desirable in Middlo Florida. —AI£U— At the same time and place, will bo sold for Cash SEVENTY VALUABLE SLAVES, including one Carpenter aud Blacksmith, onJ a good bouBO servant t nd Heanutrcs*. -ALSO- About 5000 bushels Corn. “ 20,000 pounds of Fodder, “ 59 bushels Peed 1’eax, “ 250 head of Hogs, “ 40 “ of Cattlo, “ 14 Working Mules, Two lurge Road Wagons, Ono light two horso Wagon, Ouegood Ox Wagon, One Yoke of Oxen, One Lanier Mill, Blacksmith’s Tools, Farmiug Utousils, Ae. The title to tho Lands aud Slaves will bo by the Marshal of tho Northern PUtrlct oi Horid-i, under bonseut decree, as will bo advertised by him, and the tltlo will be good and unmeutnbered AUGU5NU3 L. FISHER. THADDEU3P. LANIER, Administrators of Augustus H. Lanier, dic’d. November 10.1166.3t novtO NEW YORK, Nov. lltli, 185''- Messrs. Editors :—In the firo at No. 39 Wnrreu streei, on the moruing or tho 9th iibtant, our most valuable hooka aud papers were exposed tor thirty six bourelnouu of Stearns A Mamu's Firo-rrooi g *We say fireproof, not becau9o thoy ure so labeled, but because wo have bo proved them Our books and papers came out uninjured, save tbe the books, occasioned by bteam. Our store was five stories above ground and w" stories below, occupied from collar to garret, i Intensity of tho heat can be attested bv auy llroiuiui Who wuuuused It. No furnace could he ruv- Irlved by tho ingenuity o' innu to creatou Intense heat. , We voluntarily glvo ihii tribute to tho valm these Bafea aud select your widoly circulated corn merclaljourual to inform tho mercantile what ostimaiu to place upon Stearns A Marvw Wilder’s Patent Salamander Safes. R lLuffljfD, 11ARKAL A PISLEY, Wholosalo DruggUG- fj* All patterns and sizes nf tho above deacriuea S * r ”c! )r H. , CA>fpFIRI.D, Asent ro: Manurac’rs, oo*30--lm lTUayetrMi.avamu”!' TjsXECUTOR’S 8Al,K-WmTo”ao!d ou to «”[ Pi Tuesday In January nozt, bot*«n to W 1 ooun:y, for 18. oonoOt or Ibo halra aud rrrdllon ol th. Estate of Pblllu Dimer, doucasad. • U0V21-W . DAKIKN, Od. ajlb, 1®; c Immediate payment, Hr* Convew PstUburei, . Attend to tbo settlement of the ' 4r BapubUeaa copy. oc,s0