Newspaper Page Text
I Rnun ortH.Uov.ruorof
■ : :
_ lu the Columbia .Tow^ajr wo
riwiTriiSTlilWA r A rtBUtdos# Mumoy I Budtho moorage of Hon. J. H. Adama.Qoreru-
• i I or of Sooth Catollna. This gentleman woa ono
Tho vote of Georgia. of the leaden of the minority In our nlster State
WcglvebelorlhinitheFVjdenl Dhton.-thooflwho In 1850 und '51 worn seceaetonhta of the
tidal vote In thin Stato. for PieeMenttalBldeton aoparateStato notion lobool.
u received atthe EncutWo Department. Arong-1 without endoning its viem, we giro so much
legthoTOtecaetfortheEteotonfortheBtateatlofthe menage as poesesScs a general rather
large. It will be found that the vote for Buchan* I than a local Interoat i
an was (6,599; for Fillmore, 42,3821—making 1 The outward prenure against the Institution
Buchanan’s majority lt,205|. Ml. Foreman, I of alnvety should prompt us to do all we Can to
s 6 ^' or oJ°. r „t a:
highest foie given, and Benjamin Hill tho1 fogo tno idavo population as much aa possible,
lowest. Here are the Bgutes: I and thus secure in the whole community tho
William iLSUloa, (6 AM I motives of self interest for Us support. I Imvo
liersonli. Harris, 6cSos> I no doubt orthelnheront. ability of the Instltu.
Thomas M. Eoromau,. 5eSo8 tlon to maintain. Itself against all assaults. It
Samuel Uall 59,688 I*the.hosts or our political organism, aud it
James N. Itamsay, .(6,01)5 would not be dlfflcult to show that.the poorest
Lucius J. Gartrell (0,587 white man among us la concerned In Its pres-
Jno!w. Lewis, 66A99 erntlon; but. the argument of self Intorost Is
James 1‘. Simmons .5(1,5SI easy ol comprehension and sure of notion. I
Thomas P. SaBbld (0,6011 recommend the passage or a law exempting
Thomas W. Thomas,. 60,674 from sale (under oohteaote to be hereafter en-
Wm. H. Crawford 49^04 tered |ntp) at least on( slase. Snbhan lmmu.
Beni,‘llill. . 42,3011 nlty woolu stimulate every one to exert himself
William tow,: 42,471 1 to possess .his fondly at least of a property In
William M. Brown .42,477 some degree above the oasuaUtioa ot debt. As
Washington Poe 42,425 yon multiply the number who acquire the prop-
Edward Y. Hill 42.457 erty, so will you widen and deepen tho tlotor-
Georgo W. Odnimi, 42,450 mlnatlonto sustain thei Institution.
O. Peonies, ... .42,4471 The consumption of ootton has steadily In-
Ell Baxter 42,4551 creased, and will in a fow years exceed the
A. It. Wright 42,4471 supply—not from want, on our part, of land on
—11'' ’ I which to grow it, but liom want of operators
,,,..5„ iI to cnltivatolfc The demand for the artlole be-.
lUt st. Ann saw Oninatm Lmnov Stkam- , ng greaterthan tha Bu „ ply , tll0 prlca muat g0
hhs.—f he Crescent of the 21st says: I up, in the absence of all disturbing causes# As
We linve mnob pleasure in announcing that I long as this continues to bo the case, we must
the second of the steamers of the French trans- prosper; bnt the certain effect of high prices
Atlantic line, Worn Havre, has been reportef as will be to stimulate the growth of it in foreign
having arrived at Havana, en route for this countries, and in time to destroy tho monopoly
port. Her arrival Is hourly expected to be I which we have so long enjoyed, The posses-
annnounced. W« do not learn anything of the I slon of this monopoly Is the chief element of
Francois Arago, the pioneer orthehne, whlohl Southern prosperity, and the dependence of
sailed on the 00th September. The Alma, wo I tho mannfaotnrlng Interest on us for the supply
learn, is a Brat class vessel, and has made one I of this artlole will continue to prove to be one
or two voyages between Hew York and Havre, I ot our strongest safeguards. The amount of
in which she established a high reputation. I cotton now grown In the East Indies should
—.«»«-» i, . I open our eyes to our true policy. The idea that
Gov. 4(unman for Secretary of War. African slaves only can suocemfiilly grow cot-
Tl„. Vat, Orlonns Pmrmt nnc of tho moot *“>1 lj entlre Dllstake. UddOf British dOIU-
The Non Orleans Lrrscwt, ono of the ‘^‘ hmiUop./rwatAvxs are now producing in tbo
zealous und able of the rlmn icon organs, docs I East.more than the entire drop of the United
equal credit to itself and its subject iu the fol- States in 1820. From a report of the Hon. W.
IowIUe article ■ - ' *• L. ilarcy, Secretary of State, lu answer to a
Although we used all honorable means in our J tb^year^SM^the^hhpmenhfofcottoi^to^G^^
poncr to defeat the election of;Mr, Buchanan, Btlt J ln were r „ m “ho United States, In round
T ^^miTAh^nLSXST&u?; numbers, 07l)millions of pounds, and from the
.statues, "o will lake too liberty of suggesting I indies, Egypt and Brazil, 202 ■ millions of
a Democratic(gentleman for’a prominent place I poungg. Whenever England and the Continent
,ume eabinct. which Jf acted upon‘favorably, Si„ procure their supply of tho raw material
wd. do more to strengthen lln Buchanan sad- elsewhere then fromua'and tho cotton States
mii"» oiHn the toiten States than au -1 llr0 i; m [tocl to the home market, then will our
thing uud everything else he could possibly do. I (j oom be scaled. Destroy the value of slave
And, tu pausing, it is proper to remark, that I | aB o r miff emancipation follows iuovitably.—
This EnglandTor commercial rival,clearSi roes]
jantyol Southernvotre.tlioumntouMnthous-1andhencoher systematic efforts to stimulate
onilu opposed whim Wm I the production of cotton in tho East,
under the impressloii that it was the Burestway The success which baa thus far attended those
to defeut Col. Fremont, lho man fo whom we etrott8 wlll lnc ite her to redouble them. The
allude Is John Anthony Quitman, of Mia- mgg i nd lea abound In fertUe laud ntfd cheap
aMppi, •*£>■*■* I labor. Franco too, Is encouraging and Simula-
f “ thc Sbtth CongtreaKinal Dlairict, and „ ng , ta growt|l !n with illto advantages
the place is that of Secretary of War. General 1 0 f BO jj labor. To maintain our present
Quitman is a Democrat of . the strictest sect, I position, wo must havo cheap labor alsoa This
and has performed .enongh of labor for his I l. obtained in but one wav hv re-ononiuir
party to SSSSSS
then reach. Ho filled■ terposes and changes his organism, the African
the duties that deTOlJj upon Jho honorable I raU8 t continue to boa “bower of wood aud a
citizen. As a geutleman he is tan« peur et I j f0 . - - -
sans reproche. ■ As*a soldier, he has served his I »i u ji
, . plates without emotion tho cruel soivitudo
Aud, as a legislator he has never toon found ^ h|ch Mpltol CXMt , 0 f labor, all tho world
nnnting in the advoMov of uny measure that j ovcr _ pnerc was a time whencautlngphll-
would redound to ttelntorat of his immediate antbropbtohaa ln8t , lled , uto , ua ^nef^at
ouustitauats or the advantam or his common a ; av(ir y wos wro ng. Investigation bos entirely
country. Why^ofMMrearmaritaud8crvli.o | obango g the once common sontiment on this
are concerned, GemQoitmaiYs^claims point The South now believes thatamyste-
thoa* ot ^auy ^awre ^of lading pmiticians. I r j oua providence has brought tho two races to-
I gether on this continent for wise purposes,
1 and that the existing relation hus been mutual-
- „ • .. -•Vf---4L- I ly beneficial. Boutbern slavery has elevated
for suggesting Gen. Quitman for.the 4o A fWoantoa degree of civUization which
Secretary of Vgr. !That nnaoii ts jbjs. Eve-1 the black race has never attained in any other
rjbody down SonUj, Democrats, Amencaim, I age or coun try. "We see it now in Its true
naturalized citizens, old lineiWhlgs, and men | pgbt and regard it as the most safe and stable
of all shades of political complexion , or of no bagia for free iuBtitutions in tho world." Had
complexion at au, ropohe unlimited connaence 1 slave trade never been closed, the cqulli-
In thb stern homnr.jonflinchtag intesjity, anj brium between the North and the South would
unalloyed patriotism of the man. Those who I not bave been destroyed. The North has had
have wurred against him polit!the Old World from whidi to draw her supply
and probably will war against him politically 1 0 f i a i^ r and hence the rapid settlement or the
for years to come, iuyariably accord him the 1 Nort h-we8t. Since 1808, tho South lias aup-
poaaeasion oftuese exalted I piled her own labor, and has necessarily made
they believe him wrong thqr 5® *® I slower progress in settling up the South-west,
honest: and if he had t be ®J. 1 Ifthe trade were open now, I am persuaded
K lltician in these degenerate da»|h8would j that the South would not conseut to close it;
ve long Biuce riwn tothe vejy highMtpwtolandthiais, perhaps, the best answer to the
or politcal distinction. It is this that would I a^gm^nt derived from the mere sentiment that
renderliis nomination, by the Pn»Werit.peou- Uarra yed against the proposition. It is anpre-
liarly lilting and advantageous all around. All I bonded that the opening of this trade wiu lea-
classes would be pleased because of the cer-1 ^ tbo value of slaves, and ullimately destroy
talnity that no demagogue was Secretaty of 1 t b e institution. It is a sufficient answer to
War, and this ccrtaimty would give amazing I p 0 { u t to the fact that unrestricted immigration
strength and solidity to the administration of Igg not diminished the value of labor in the in thnRnnthnrn stnten ennmiiiliv I Nort h_ we atcrn section of the Confederacy.—
TU« TeliUMiiteper Haute.
The report .from Tehuantepeoassureuatha*
tho time Is nearly at hand wueh th^carrlago
road aoroas the Isthmua, by thatreute wilt bo
completed, aud stocked tor travel;: The ats
rangementa whloh have been announced for af
fecting these objects have been prosecuted with
diligence and energy; and. there Is reason to ex
pect that by the oloso of the year, this, tbo
shortest iu dlstanco uud In Umo tho cheapest
and moHtcommodiouu for travellers, of all the
proposed routes to the Pacific, will be ready for
we. •, .
We have a groat interest In this preparatory
road, and full faith that it will at once demon
strate the superiority of this route over all com
petitors, that confidence will be established
completely in tbe railroad enterprise, and tho
menus to put it through at once be easily ob
tained. The facilities afforded by tbe Mexican
Government iu the preliminary road and tbe
treat iuterest which has beeu exhibited for it,
by leading Mexicans in authority, and the peo
ple of the country, are calculated to remove
the least vestige of suspicion that the work
will meet with obstruction from any ill will
among the natives, and to confirm faith in their
acknowledgement of the solid right of tho Com-
K . Indeed, there has ceased to bcanyques-
on that subject, and the contractors are
proceeding with an ubsolute cordiality with all
parties in Mexico.
Tho opening of the carriage road will un
doubtedly be followed speedily by a transfer to
this route of u large part of the travel to the
Pacific coasts of the united States. Tho sav
ing in time, ot teu or twelve days, is of itself a
decisive consideration, even if the difference of
cost were against the route, and the comforts
which it premises less. To reach San Francisco
a week sconer than by other lines is a great
point gained, for which travelera would pay
largely aud undergo some dogree of unusual
hardship and fatigue. But in fact, the saving
of time will be accompuuied by a saving of
oosl, und increased rather than diminished com
forts. Thousands of miles of the worst part of
tlie sea travel on the two oceans, will be cut off.
The discomforts and perils of the travetybrough
the sickly regions of Panama will too exchang
ed for a trip through a healthy country, in a
genial climate, and tne expense will be material-
ly reduced. These are considerations which,
tuu carriage, route, imperfect os it must neces
sarily be, compared to the rapidity audeaso
which are attainable on railroads, must speedi
ly turn the attention, und by necessity tho
favor of tho whole country to this route, and
bring forward tho capital necessary to com
plete the original project on tho most complete
scale, us one eminently national iu interest and
The first public interest served will be tho
mail service.'1 he gaining of ten or twelve
days iu tho time of transportation is worth mil
lions to tho commercial interests of the coun
try. Tho government would neglect its most
obvious duty if it did not improve the advaut-
[e offered, and send the mail by this line.—
itb regular steam communication between
tho termihi aud New Orleans on this side aud
Bau Francisco on the other, letters may be in
terchanged with Ban Franoisco in a little over
three weeks. Thu mail need not occupy more
than eleven or twelve days in either direction;
aud iu this tho whole country has so direct an
iutertst that tlie mails must inevitably go that
vvhut traffic may be carried oil by this road
wo are unable to conjecture; but it will un
doubtedly cquul the means of transportation
supplied, especially in articles ot small bulk, of
which tbe secure und speedy transmission is
desirable. The prospects are extremely en
couraging in view of present profit, but much
more so in the ussnrauco of a future success
which is no longer shrouded with doubt, and
has the promise of incalculable good.
Wo have often pointed out before the other
peculiar national advantages besides the mail
facilities of this route; the proximity of the
eastern terminus to the mouths of tbe Missis
sippi, making it almost a domestic port of the
United Slates, and its position within the Guff
of Mexico, points which give our government
full control over it. against any European in
terference, or foreign hostility whatever; and
tho prodigious advantage which it gives for
tho sending of troops, supplies, and munitions
for the defence of tne Pacific frontier in time
of war. Until a railroad across the continent
shall bo completed, the Tehuantepec route will
be uurivalleu as a means of national defence.
We need not recapitulate these points,which
we have strongly urged heretofore in detail,
selves of American eagles und doulilo eagles.
This plan has been strongly recommended us
tbe most effectual means to enable us to ourry
on business. Go#, Concha baa promised to
loud hisuasUtano* to any scheme that may be
devised for this- laudable purpose, but tbe
Spanish party seems to bo too much imbued
frith tho doctrine# of toelr organ, the Dlariode
la Marina,.that Mb taken strong grounds
against it, as pirotyiotWo of great “moral aud
politicsllnjury"totbo island, gravely adding
that “Washington Is not the capital of Spain."
•The apprenticeship system, uuder u now
form, has been mooted again, and I understand
fVpm good souroes, has met with Gen. Goneliu’s
approbation. The/ prepose to introduce the
apprentices on tbe same footing as tbe Chinese,
bnt oblige themselves to lake thorn, atthe ex
piration of tho eight years, to tho island of
Fernando Po, deducting one dollar a month of
their wages during the whole time of service to
defray the expenses annexed thereto. The
subject has been presented in its new dress to
the Junta de Fomento for consideration, but it
h generally supposed that it wlll not receive
the sanction or this corporation!
Kewtuckv,—The Louisville Courier has re
turns from all the counties in the State but
Harlan,lu which Buchanuu’s majority is 7,204
Harlan county last year gave Morehead 100
majority, uud will now probably show a gain
for Fillmore. The official vote may vary tlie
figures slightly, and it is exceedingly difficult
to say which side of 7,000 the majority will
Fremont’s vote is only 360.
Smautinq koh^it.—The abolition papers of
this city,have so constantly stated that Richard
son run thusanda behind his ticket, that a num
ber of abolitionfete have bet heavily on tho foot.
The result is that home ten thousand dollars, of
the abolition gentnr will pass into Democratic
hands, because old Die leads the ticket—CAicn-
go Wines,
It Is said that;400 persons iu Connecticut
were deprived of. their vote in this month, by
tbe new constitution provision requiring that
they phould knofr*- how to read aud write in
order to voto /
Aim-1 veil.
Klilli '/AiiiolJla, Peters, (."glioru, llt.buflmt, to
Curluten .'l PursolH.
Baik Albert** (of Uoston) Lor, 4 days from stagua
laUruntlu, In ballast, to amt-tor;' put in to repair
damages sustained ill llm hurricane ul c'ugua la
druude, on lifts Z7th August laid.
Florence Nlghtepgale,it is said,will be married
shortly to an English Earl, who distinguished
himself in the Crimean war.
A lady relating her matrimonial experiono
“At first, on retiring of a cold night, my
husband used to say to me, 'putyonr dear little
A__A. -a -
hut soon it was, ‘keep your
i you
tootles withmiud ;
Dqbds Makes A “Pint."—Dobbs walked into
a dry goodery on jCourfe st. and began to look
arouna. A double jinted clerk appeared to
Dobbs. J
‘What can I do Tot you, sir?’ says he.
*A good deal,’ * says Dobbs, 'but I bet
*I’U bet I will,’.says tbo knight of tlie yard
stick. 'if lean’
‘What'll you bet of that?* suys tbe impertur
bable Dobbs.
'I’U bet a' fourpduce 1’ says the clerk, with a
cute nod.
•I’ll go it.’ says’ Dobbs. ‘Now, trust mo for
a couple dollars’ wuth of yur atuffsi’
'Lost* by Ne*ir says yard-stick. ‘Well,
tkero’s the iourpehee.’
‘Thank you; call again when I want to trade,’
says Dobbs.
‘Do, if you pleaco—wouldn’t like to lose
yont custom,’ says the olerk, ‘no how.’
Polite young man that—as soon as his child
vegetates, provided his dlckery don’t cut his
throat, ho‘Il be alter the gals, Dobbs thinks!—
Humors of Falambridge.
Mr. Buchanan in tho Southern States especially
while there is no question it wonld be satisfac
torily received at the North.
The ory there is, want of labor, notwithbtand
ing capital has the pauperism of the old World
to press Into its grinding service. If we can
not supply the demand for slave labor, then
we must expect to be supplied with a species
of labor wo do not want, and which is, from
the very nature of things, antagonistic to our
last I institutions. It Is mucli better that our drays
(St. Jujopbs Correspondence of the 81. I^)uU Re
publican, Nov. 10th.)
Kanina Affairs.
We are still in daily receiptofuubappyin-
telllgenee from our neighbor Kansas. The last , . .. -—-- k
was by Mr. James Waterson, constable In Donl- should be driven by slaves—that our factories
pban county, who has just returned from be- should be worked by slaves—that our hotels
low. He says that old Brown is still commit- should be served by slaves—that our lomotives
ting his depredations, and defies the powers should be manned by slaves,than that we should
and authorities of the country. The Marshal bo exposed to the inrtoduction, from any quar-
went last week to arrest him, but was fired ter, of a population alien to us by birth, traiu-
uponby Brown’s bandits, and having au in- ing and education, and which in the preceM
sufficient force, was compelled to retire. of time, must lead to that conflict between capl-
It is to bo hoped that Gov. Geary will send a tal and labor, ‘‘which makes it so difficult to
detachment of Dragoons large and strong maintain free institutional in all wealthy and
euough to capture and bring this terrible out- highly civilized nations where, such instlt tu-
law to justice. tions as ours do not exist." Iu all slaveholding
Gen. Richardson, with whom I have Just States, true policy dictates that the superior
conversed, expresses tho confident opinion that I race should direct, and the inferior performs
he will do so promptly, and that the next news all menial service; Corapetlon between tbe
will to tho captivity ot death of Brown. Geo. white and Ulack man for this service, may not
R. has tbe most exalted opinion of Gov. Geary's disturb Northern sensibility, hut it does not ex,
ability and eOlcieucy, and expects him to quiet actly suit enr latitude. Irrespective, however
Kansas in a very short time. In a country of interest, the act of Congress declaring the
sparsely settled and abounding in broad prairies slave trade piracy, is a brand upon us, which I
and wooded fastnesses, it is impossible to ex-1 think it important to, remove. If the trade be
terminate these pestiferous and lawless bands I piracy, the slave must-be plunder; and no In
in a very brief period; but it will be done as genuity can avoid the logical necessity of such
soon uh determination and energy can effect it: I conoluaion. My hopes and fortunes are India-
and by spring Kansas will present u rich und solubly associated with this form of sooiety.- I
peaceful field for all good citizens who de. feel that I would be wanting in duty,'If I did
sire to cultivate its fertile plains and enjoy its not urge you to withdraw your assent to an act
salubrious air. I which Is itself a direct condemnation of yonr
Tho Free Soiler, Rowark, who shot Judge I institutions,
Rodgers, has teen tried, at Lecompton, and I But wo have interests to enforce a course of
sentenced to two years in the Peuetentiury. | self-respect I believe, as I have already stat-
Rodgera wus slightly wounded in the arm, I e d, that more Blaves are necessary to u con-
though the attack was a murderous one. 1 timumce of our monopoly iu plantation products
— 11 believe that they are necessary to tho full
Progress ok Civilization.—A London pa» 1 developement of our whole round of agricultu-
per gives a very gratifying account of the pro-[ w i and mechanical resorccH ; that they are
K Christianity has made in New Zealand. I necessary to tbe restoration of tbe South, to
iefof that cannibal country was question-1 an equality of power in the General Govern
ed by one ortho missionaries as to how far the me nt, pernaps to the very integrity of slavo
study of the Scriptures has broken him of his | society, disturbed as it it has been by causes
unuutuial passion for human flesh. The chief which havo induced an undue proportion of the
answered proudly—“You missionary men have I ruling race. To us have been committed the
done me much good. / never eat my enemies I fortunes of this peculiar form of society result-
on Sunday now.
•Starting Discovery.—In cleaning ontnu
eld well on a ranchc, recently occupied by a
Captain Colcbrooke, on the Calaveras road,
between the Calaveras and Stanislaus rivers, in , .. - T —nr-,-- ;r:.
California, portions of the skeletons of 27 men that we should give it tho means of expansion,
were discovered. The police aroinstituting an I and that wo should press it forward to a perpe-
.Civ. ■ 1a& occult or the p5c, I ltoaoluliona „ f thl ^
. Iowa.—The Keokuk Port.ifto.Ulh,J*- S3
lug from the onion of unequal races. It ha.
vindicated its claim to the appropriation of an
enlightened humanity. It has civilized and
christianized tho African. It has exalted the
white taco itself to higher hopes and purposes,
and it is perhaps of the most saored obligation,
i, am
exercises of
altbo August ejection is 2,603. ine enure I dtaotrtl(m w i,i u u 1 think rlghtfollyuppertains
B *F | fSS B ■“ ihft StiV to the Executive department11 decline to lay
was 0,973.. There t» no I thJ resolutions before your. Kmorablobodlei
^to^e^&thatnalority, nU SX^Ihe theory ofState im
to the contrary notwithstanding. tercommnnlcatlon, I wlll not submit to to made
Mimiishota.—The 8t. Paul Pioneer of the ia'iHSte toy o'wn'Btate? ’The nonsUtuMnn
4th Instant, gives the list of the members elec-1 ( mp ose8 no such duty on tho Executive. The
ted to the Legislature of that Territory, from | tuaga 0 f the better days of the Bepuhliocom*
which it appears that both branches are Demo* | man 5 s jay respect, but It cannot reconcile me
cratlc. The Council (Senate) elands—9 Dem-1 to au ^ „r courtesy to those who would gloat in
ocratstoO Itepiiblieana; the House, 19 Demo- ^eing the torch applied to onr dwellings and
crats, 15 Repunllcan., and 4 Independents. tbo bn ;f a to our throats,
Illinois.—)Vo leave oat, this morning, our I i> r utcottF.IIanis and wlfe.whowerocon-
tableoftho vote of Illinois. Wewill publish cemed in tho so-culled seduction aBklratthe
it aa soon ns wo can complete It. We think American, House, Boston, were discharged
we may safely say that Bnehunan’s mqlority ^m enstody on Monday forenoon—the Baltl-
exceeda 9,000, and that Blssell’s will foil short 1 man mntleman, (the victim,) failing to enter
0*5,000. J» complaint againat them,
i pai JS,
Orleans,end of tho West and Southwest,have In
completing and adequately equipping a road
whleli will open to us and to them a direct route
to the FaclSe within our own region, accessible
from our own ports, and bringing the trade and
travel of our domeatio rivals to and through
onr own ports; which binds the valley of the
Mississippi with the Paelfio slope of States In
close brotherhood of Interests, and which wUl
help to restore to this section or the Unions
portion of that commercial weight which the
superior activity and capital of the Northeast
have succeeded in monopolizing. These con
siderations give to the general and national
character ortho road alocal and particular
value, especially la New Orleans, which must
bo the centre and metropolis of tho eammerce
to ho built up; the radiating point of all the
beuellts whloh are beginning to to rally appre
To realize all these high anticipations for
New Orleans and the Southwest, requires only
that the steam communication betweon the
terminus on this side, and between San Fran
cisco and the Pscliic terminus, should be of
the proper character; the boats convenient,
expeditious and punctual. The capital invcstei
in Such an enterprise would pay well, and none
hat the Drst-olaas accomodations should be ac
cepted. We hear favorable accounts of the ar
rangements proposed, and cannot donbt but
that capital and energy will to brought Into an
employment which premises such grand re
sults. The enterprise is a grand one—in a way
totbamest prosperous success—and nothing
should to omitted which wUl secure and pro
mote the unparalleled advantages which It
possesses, and the vast benefits of which it is
the certain source—N. O. Picayune.
From Havana.
Havana, Nov. 17, 1856.
The recent commotions 1 n Spain have given
rise to many conjectures with regard to the
fotare rulers of Cuba. The inventive imagina
tions of the old Spaniards have already formed
new cabinets, and have as speedily displaced
them for others more congenial to their ideas
of the proper administration of Justice.
Among tho thousand rumors afloat, we bave
had one that has filled - ns all with horror, that
or Pezuela's re appointment to tho command
of this Island. As a man, Gen. Fczuela was
much respected by all parties bat no one would
iketoseo him return to Havana, and I havo
no doubt that he will never receive the ap
pointment, except from men like the Condo de-
San Luis. Gen Lorsundi’s name Is mentioned
among those most likely to to called upon to
supercede Concha. Hu wos onoe before ap
pointed, but never succeeded in reaching here,
owing to a sadden change In the cabinet
The swarms of "empleados” who came out
under tbe present Incumbent fully participate
In the fears and anxiety of onr chief, and many
wlll leave with him Ifto la removed, some for
sympathy, and othera to make room for the
thousands who ire ever ready to embark for
“the land of promtao"—sons of those ancient
families whose wealth consists In past recollec
tions of a glorious name. To such, a petty of
fice In Cuba affords a brilliant prospect of spee
dy fortunes. The natural consequence of these
changes 1b clear. The new General will undo
the naif of what Concha haa been striving to
accomplish these two years past, end the peo
ple will havo to learn to forget tbe old laws and
regulations, and set about learning the new
code. leather suspect that Gen. Conoha pre
fers to remain where to la, and will net give up
the command to any one appointed by a minis
ter that does not entirely ellng, in nU its ideas,
to tho throue of Ban Fernando. Tbismneh
has been Bald on n previous occcaslon, when It
ras supposed that the republican party would
prevail In tho mother country. Since then,
however, Gen. Concha has lost mnch of bis
prestige among the Catalan party, who da not
relish tha Idea of contributing their part to
wards defraying tha oerrent expenses of our
municipal government, and 1 doubt much
whether tho men who received him en hia re
turn with "vivas,” Illuminations and fire crack
ers, will come forward to support any ulterior
measure that be mnr to ambitious enough to
advance. Thu old preverb says, “familiarity
breeds contempt," and I think it haa never re
ceived,a,more forcible Illustration than to tha
pt Our meretouSi have taken no stops so for to
relation to the free elrcolation among them-
lu Muuou, on IUb18Ui lust, by tbo Rev. Mr
Brock. Mr. WM. A. REID, or Eatontou. to Miss
OPHELIA B., daughter or (be lion. E. A. Nlsbet, or
!-■> 1
Have Xon ** Diseased Liver 1
Tbo qut'Ktrtju, though uturtllug, is suHlclciit-
ly suggestive, when tbo r. ct is taken luto consider-
*Lou that diseases ol tho.liver have become most
alarmingly frequent iu tbo United States. Indeed,
thoro are fow formidable diseases that ui o uot in
Botuo way traceable to a doranged sUto or that Im
portant organ. Many of tne complaints usually
classed uuder the head of Consumption, havo their
origin J» the Uver. “Any remedy that would In
surd regularity and heulthfol actlion in tho Llvor,
would bo a blessing to mankind 1“ has boon tho ex
clamation of thousands. That remedy has boen
found; it is safo and sure. Whou a fair trial has
been afforded It, it has nevor boon known to rail.
Reader, havo any disease ortho Liver, or disease
which you believe proooods from hepatic derange
ment? I/jso uct a moment, but purchase a box or
Dr. M’Lauo’s Pills, procured by Fleming flros,,
Pittsburgh, Pa., aud they will restore you to health,
It is tlie only remedy yet discovered in which im
plicit confidence may bo placed.
9- Purchasers wlll be carefol to ask for Dr.
M’lano’s Colebrutod liver Pills, manufactured by
Floming Broe., or Pittsburgh, Pa. There aro other
Pills purporting to be Liver Pills, uowbeforo the
public. All other Vermifuges Incomparisou aro
worthless. Dr. M’Lauo’s geuulue Vermifuge, also
his celobratod liver Pills, can now bo had at all
respectable drug stores. Kouc genuine without
tho signature of
tamtmal intelligence.
Durlug my absence from tbo city aud State,
Mr. l«miU A. Faliigunt Is my duly author
ized attorney. I.KVI RUNRKI.1..
T itK United dtaUv Life ltiiurauct} Annuity aml
Trust Company takes risks on tbo livos of
White Persons tor llfo. or for a shorter period, mid
on Slaves lor ouo or four yours, on as favorublo
tortus as any equally rospoiirihl.* Company.
Capital und Assete, Jan’y 1st, 18 >it..$1,421,tilt! 42
A bonus ol 25 per cent h is been tier lured on tbo
butdlicss in' lu-t year to all pol o.v holders cutitUd
tho a* to. U UrltT AlVl’IN, Agont,
lltoii'n l». Ahx mi. M. 1)., 104 Day st.
.Medical Examiner. mr.’ti t
Vleiifia. Dooly County, Georgia,
W ILL practice In tbe unuuties of Dooly und
Worth i f tho Macon circuit, u«<K uiupteruml
Ijoa of the Vf. C.
Hon*. Jos. I). AUeu, Darn well C. 11.. S. C.
Mr. Edward C. Wade, .^avunnub. Geo.
rilllK CHOICEST and host ui-portmenl r.r TEAS
over olfored ut retail iu this city, lucliidiug
English Brouklusl Tea,
Delicious Oolong,
Plant A ou Oolong,
Silver Leaf Flysou,
Plantation Imperial,
un i other iiivorlto qualities,
Just received and for suto by
noild corn- r Drougbtuu and Whitaker tl-.
fpllE t-ubscriber bus now in store a super-ur lot
A ol Northoru Cabbages, iu prime order, to suit
the wholesale and retail trade.
no'Jti corner P.rouglitou uud Whitaker sis.
J U&T RECEIVED, Comprising ull Urn Uilt’ereut
kinds Now Vork nllords, consisting of Congress,
iLgg, Milk, Wine, Leuuii, rtida, Aberuuthy, Maple,
and other ULcuit, Now Year's Cake, Giuger und
Spiced sinaps, Fox's, Duller, Dost on, Lemon, Pic
Nic, Uruburn, Water; Sugar, aud Fancy Ci ackers—
ullol which wo t-ball keep comtunilyou Imml and
receive fresh supplies by overy steamer ut tho
Suvunnuh Grocery aud Fruit Dejiot,
Ntocklihldors will bo passed to and from the
meeting kkkk.
uovlS-td «K . A. CUVLKR, CosbJcr.
l,ll> J* ^Mil’ll has removed hia OUloe
Wat to Broughton stroot. In Dailey’s Building, a
fow doors nbovo Boldoti’s Hot Store. Residence at
Mrs. Romshrtrt’*. West Broad street. sepl»
I uni u eauilldttto tor ro-cloctlou to tbo of-
lice of Receiver of Tax Returns lu January
uexi, and respectfully solicit your aulfrages.
augll ___ _jlOHNREEDV.
Fellow-citizens, I am u candidate at tbe
etoctiou, In January noxt, for the office of
Tax Collector, and solicit your support
r-'iivammh, jj-.-pt. noth. 1856. _ • oot 1
grg*- G. M. GRIFFIN has now In employ a first.
vSSf ruto Jeweler, and all work bcu( in will be
done lu u prop ir tnuunor. uud with dispatch,
W Yl.liV A CoLLLVN have taken uu office ou
tbu cornor of Praytou st. uud Bay lane, op
posite tne office of C. A. L. louuqr, F^q., for tbo
transaction u f an Auction aud Ueuerul Brokerage
business. \
Ileal aud Pcrsouul fetute Hold ou Oomuiisslou;ul.
so. Stocks and Boud?. IsiauB negotiated. Ltboral
advances made on proporty entrusted to them for
sale. * uovlfi
Extra Ctaiss 7.
To be drawu SATURDAY, Dco.kOtb, iu Baltimore,
Mary laud.
Prizes umouutlug to tia2,0uu will be dbilrlbuted
according tu thotollowiug Sideudid Bcbeme:.
110,000 Numbers 1—1,000 Prists t
Prlzos payable iu full without deduction.
, 840.000
.. 14,940
.. 10,000
.. 6,000
.. a,ooo
.. 2,000
.. 1,6 JO
.. 1,000
4. 200
.. 14,940
.. 10,000
.. 6,000
.. 3,000
.. 2,000
.. 1,600
.. 1,000
.. 200
4 of
4 of
8 or
12 or
12 of
748 of
r riHK public are hereby notified that all shootlug
X in tbo back wutcr, or upon tbo grounds be
longing to lho Silk Hope Plantation, ou the Qgocbee
Road, eight miles from tbe city or Savannah, is pos
itively prohibited, except by tbo permission of tbo
umlcrsiguod. Any ous who muy bo found tres
passing thereon, alter thin date, will bo prosecuted
to tbo extent of tbo law.
Suvuuunh, Nuv. 17,1860. Ot—novlt
Whole Tickets 810; Halves 86; Quartors 82 60.
Class T.
To be druwu iu Baltimore, Md., Saturday. Dee. 27.
1 prize ol'. 866.000
A U, persons having demands against tbo Estate
of Mrs. ELIZA ANN JEWETT, deceased, will
liuml them in duly attested, uud those indebted will
p!ea:-o make payment to
no4-lm Solo Oualllloi Executor.
A LL persous having demands against tbo estato
of Datiiol O’Connor, deceased, wlll band them
ti, duly attested, as required by law; and those In
debted wlll please make paymeut, to
W. R. SYMONS, Qualified Adm’r.
November Btb, 1860. nov8
A LL persons indebtod to tho Estate of Jaue Mc
Donald, late of Mclulorii county, decejised,
arc requested to make Immediate payment; thus
having demands against said Estate aro requested
to present thorn, duly authenticated.
MOSES D. HARRIS, Executor.
Nov. Till, 1860. uov7
lon bbU “Doumi'ud" Flour,
10O bids “Oakley" d«*
lU depot uud tor sain by
uov20 HOJ.CO-lUE. JUHNSoN k Co.
A REGULAR monthly mooting ol’ the Board of
Health will bo held on Wednesday noxt. the
zotu imtaut, at o'clock, t*. M.
Members wlll examine their Ward-: and report
all nuisances.
By order of .M. J. BUCKNER.
Chuirumu It. H.
S. ,t. T. IsAWItXXtlt,,
Sec'y B. II. nov26
Just arrived, the Dr. schr. Ellen,
Win. .lohiinuii, master, from Har
bour Island, with a cargo of ORAN-
For sulo fow, apply to
94 Day street.
Okmck Sav’h, Auianv & Gulf R. R. Co., 1 .
Savnmiuh, Nov. 6,1860. J
r 111 IK- Seventh I sialm utof 10 per cent, ou th
X Capital Fl ick of tbo Savannah, Aibauy aud
Gulf Rail Road Company, by a Resolution of tbo
Hoard, is hereby or»ler«ii to bo paid on or before
tbe loth day ef Ju itiury, 1867.
uovrt Secretary aud Treasurer.
J UST rccoivcd by stermer Alabama, a largo lot
w Black Cloth Frock Oorts, Black Doeskin and
Figuered Cusrimcre rants, Figured Black and Fan
cy Silk Vests, Blue Pilot Cloth Circular Talmas, for
sale low by WM. It. SYMONS,
Draper aud Tailor,
uov22 17 Whitaker Bt.
30,310prizes, amouutiugto ...61,141,14b
Tickets 820; Halvos 810; Quar. 86, EigbUia 82.60.
49r All orders for Tickets or Paokagos In any ol
tbo Maryland Lotteries will receive prompt atten
tion, and tbe drawing muilod to all purchasers im
mediately after it Is over.
Address T. H. HUBBARD & CO.
No 39 Fayetteatrcot,or Box No. 40,,
uovlO Baltimore aid.
rpHE next Ordinary Drawing of the Royal
X Havana Lottery, conducted ny tbo Spanish
Govoruineut, uudor tuo supervision ol‘ the Captain
General of Cuba, will take place at Havana, on
Tuesday, November 18th, 185G.
prize of 8100,000
A FRESH supply of Silk and Moriuo Luiler
Shirts for sale low by W. It. SYMONS,
nov22 17 Whitaker st.
W HITE uud Mi’uw Color Kid Glovos just re-
f cclvod and for sale by
17 Whitaker st.
t lOTTUN and Ltneu Sheetings, SblrUingi, Jrieh
; Unens. Pillow Cuso Linens, Bird’s Eye Dia
pers, Huckabacks, lluck and Flno Damask Towels,
8, 9 and 10# Sup. Irish uuil Scotch Table Damasks,
Napkins aud lmyl-s, Real Welsh audvVtnerlcun
Flannels, Fine Ruth uud Whitney Blankets, Linen
and Cotton Bed Tick, kc., kc
For solo ut tbe lowest market prices, by
nov6 DkWMT & MORGAN.
HIE price of Bulbing on uud alter 1st Deo., 1860
. until May 1st,. 1857, will bo as follows:
Four tickets 81 00
Single bath 60
Subscribers will bo received at one dollar a
mouth, by tbo year, tocomtneuco from Nov. 1st,
until Hoc. 1st noxt. J. M. HAYWOOD,
nov22-tilldl Agent.
Savannah Market, November SO,
CuTfON—Our market continues to be well at
tended by buyers; prices are tbo same; tho offer
ing stock is exceedingly light. Sales this forenoon
1,316 bulos, via: 2 at 10)i, 10 at 10«, 8 at 10Ji, 87
at 11,23 at lltf, 213 at 11 »i, 67 at lltf, 74 at lltf,
610 at lift, 48 at 111M6,170 at lift, and 14bales
Jethro at 12ft.
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 21—Cotton—Tho market
was rather quiet yoBterday and tbo sales woro con.
{food to about 6,500 bales at Irregular prices, but
generally at inside figures tor tho lower grades.
Nearly all tlie transactions took place before tbo
Niagara's a Ivloos wore made public, aud their ef
fect Is yet to be developed.
Inferior — (a) —
Ordinary 10ft© loft
Good Ordinary 10ft©10ft
Low Middling 11 ©lift
Middling lift ©lift
Good Middliug llft©12
Middling Fair 12ft©12ft
Fair 12ft ©13
Stock on band 1st September, 1866 bales 7,312
Arrived sluco 463,605
Arrived yesterday 10,864-473,069
Exported siuco
Exported yesterday.,
stock on bond and on shipboard not clear
ed 258,471
Tobacco—We heard of 346 hhds sold within tb<>
last two or three days, comprising 260 and 86 on
private terms, h at 12ft©13ft; 16 at 13ft and 4 at
13c., and 26 Lugs at 8fto. ^ lb
Sugar and Molasses—Tbe sales or Sugar wore cou-
fined to a fow small loW at previous rates. Of Mo-
lassos 300 bbls were sold at 67©6 , 'c for Fair to
Cbotco, and 60 to 60 hair bbls at 58ft©60ftc $
Flour—Tho domaad was fair with on upward
tendency In prices, and wo noticed sales 3,500 bbls
including 1000 Suporflno St Louis at 87 12ft, 700 in
two or three lots at the samo. 810 Country Extra at
87 37ft, 600 Tennesson (baker’s brands) also at
87 37ft, and 800 bbls on private terms.
Hay—Holders were asking 830©832 f, ton for
Western from store.
Salt—A cargo or 10,200 sacks Liverpool coarse
was sold at 80c ft sack, and 13,000 bushels Marsa
la, Instore, on private terms.
Coffee—Bales of 1000 bags Rio, of which 227 at—.
200 at l( | ©10ft, 800 at ll©llft, and 160 Inferior
88 Whisky—Dull, Rectified retailing at 84©36o for
Extra, and 45c for Dexter’s.
Freights—Some 4000 bales cotton wore shipped
for Uvorpool at 16-32d,
A TALE, by George Wood, author of ‘‘Peter
Sclilemibl In America.”
Commodore Perry’s Japan Expedition, Govern*
mcnteilltlou, iu quarto, with colored plates, extra
calf gilt.
Wlddiefield's new C'ookBook.
Fashionable Life, by Mary H Eastman, wife of
Capt Ecustman. V. 8, Army.
Foumlo Life among tbo Mormons, by the wile of
t Elder, with colored plates.
Hills of the Sbatoinuc, by Miss Warren, author ol
Wide, Wide World.
The Rime of the Ancient Muriucr, by Coleridge,
elcgautly illustrated uud bouud iu extra gilt mo
Envelopes iu greul variety.
Drawing Slides, with velvot corners, a new in
vention, much Improved—tweuty.flvo cents cauli.
W RITING PAPERS.—For sale ut remarkably
low prices nlue and white rnlud uml plutu
foolscap, do do letter papers, English and French
packet aud commercial post; also, a flue selection
ol'pink, bull', violet aud ether colors of note and
letter papers, small sizes, suitable for lady’s use.
uovl4 169 Congress street.
S CHOOL BOOKS—A full supply of tbo different
School Books now lu use, such as spelling
books, readers, grammars, arithmetics, chemis
tries, geographies, philosophies, histories, kc., ko,
For suto by WAltNUOK & IIAV1S,
novl3 169 Cougrcss street.
A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN can bo accommo
dated with board and lodging ou Braughtou
street, nearly opposite II. Morse’s House Furnish
ing Store. Also, a fow Day Boarders, uovl2
rpontinc—40 bbls sold at 40©41o ft
MACON. Nov. 26—Cotton—Bales for a few daya
E ast have been from 8ft to 11c—fine qualities are
eld at higher rates but we have beard or no tales,
There have been heavy rains for tbe last threo
or ft>ur daya and tbe river la in flue booting order,
and will probably oonttaue so for some time.
B ACKGAMMON BOARDS, Chess Men, Drawing
Pencils, Bristol Boards. Water Colors. Porto
Monalos, Card Cases, Portfolios, kc., kc., for sale
uovl3 169 Congress street,
A FEW s.nglo genllomcn can obtalu good Board
aud Lodging at tbo So. West, cornor St.
juileu und Prlco Street’s.
00123 2w_
TV will bo willing to iron aud wusk for u small
family. A sultublo porson will receive good wages
and a permanent place. Apply at this office.
JL as locul aud traveling agonts in a business
easy, useful and honorablo, at a salary of 8100 per
month 1 a capital of 85 only required I No patent
tncuiciuo or book busluusi. Full particulars given
(free) to all who enclose a i>ostago stamp or a three
cent plcoo, and address a. b. MARTYN.
sept22—w3m Plalstow, N. H.
v; EARLY customers, strangers, and citizens are
X respcctfolly notified that hot water is ready
for them from 0 A. M. till 01\ M.ovory day except
Suudays. A lew more gentlemen can be well ac.
commodatcd to batho us often as they choose at ouo
dollar a month, all subscribers to commenco Irom
Nov. 1st, 1860 to Nov. 1, 1867, for 812.
Single baths, 26 cents.
Scosou ticket from 1st May to 1st Nov., 816.
N. B. 10 subscribers, iu addition to thoso I have,
are alii cun take at tbo low price of 12 dollars
year. novlS J. M. H., Agt.
B LANK BuOKS, of alt kinds; lull bound Day
Books, Lodgers; .louruuls, tko., mid half bouud
do, made of good paper und well bound; also, Pass
Books, Memorandums, Writing Books, kc., for sale
novl3 159 Congress struct.
B randy, gin, rum, &c-]
26 bbls Domestic Brandy
20 ft casks 4lh proof do, twigg hoops
'.5 ft do do do, do
60 bbls E Pbclp’s Rye Gin
60 do Luther Felton's B«3tou Rum
76 do N. 0. Rectified Whiskey
20 ft casks Mulaga Wine
60 bbls Old P&HGiu,
In store and for sale by
BbU aud boxes of Boston Crackers, Water
0X1 Crackers, Oy.-ter Crackers, Sugar Crack-
Fancy Crackers, Soda Biscuit, Mnk Biscuit, Egg
Biscuit, Maplo mul Wine Biscuits, fresh from Tl-
tus’z celebrated Bakery, just received by,
uovll J- D; JESSE.
I N A TRUNK, atolcu iu this city, by u negro i u
April, 1855, were Bonds of tbo city of Augusta,
marked Let. (J. No’s. 10 & tl, each Siuuo, with
mpons uttachod for Iniorust siuco Oct. 1864.
Tho public arc hereby cautioned uot to purchase
said Bonds. uovio-lm
60 doz cases Gherkins,
250 sugar cured Hams,
100 cases Stomach Bitters,
600 doz Shoo, Stove and Scrubbing Ilnuhca,
Received uuil fur sale by
novzi McMahon & doyle,
J)OTATOES—10 bbls Potatoes landiug aud for
sulo by
M iscellaneous anj Fuucy Books, such us
Minaturcs, Pretty Editious of tbo Poets, und
Annals for 1867, &c.. &o-, for sal j by
O NIONS—10 bbls Onions luudiug Ibis day per
bark Indiana and for sale by
G roceries.—160 bus a b & c sugar;
26 Hhds N 0 k P R Sugar ;
800 Sacks Rio Coffee, all grades ;
150 Boxos Colgatos No. 1 Palo and’.Faml
100 Boxes No. 1 do;
200 do Adamantine Cundlos;
60 do Sperm;
100 do Starch; «
100 do Tobacco.
For sale by RODGERS NORRIS, k CO.
A RTHUR’S HOME MAGAZINE, lor Deco tuber.
For sale by
8 approximations to the 8100,000 of 8600 each, 4
or 8100 to 860,000.4 of 8400 to 820,000,4 or 8200 tu
810,000, 4 of 8200 to 15,000,
Whole Tickets 820—Halves 810—Quartern 86.
19- Prizes cashed at sight at five per cent, dis
Bills or the Rlchmoud City Banks takon at par.
A drawning wilt bo forwarded as soon aa the re-
buU in kuown.
Communications addressed to DON RODRIGUEZ,
(card of City Post, Charleston, B. 0.,) until tho 18th
of November, will bo attended to.
November 13tb, 1866.
T 1IE WATER RENTS for the present year were
due from tbo 1st instant, and payable at tbu
office of tbo Board.
Tbo attention or thoso porsons supplied with
water from tbe works is called to Section 20 of An
Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for the care uud
management of the Bavannah Water Works.
novlS R. J. R. BEE, Secretary
A Lot of Fine Wines and Liquors,
French Brandies. Havana Scgars,
Gcucral assortment of Choice
Next door to Marshall Houso.
iiov20-lm Savannah, Go.
A N ELECTION will bo bald at tho next meeting
of Council, on Thursday, 2fltb November,
le&O, lorn Sergeant of the Special Poiico, by day
and by nignt, to fill tho vacancy occasioned by tbe
resignation of Sergeant Lambrigbt. Salary 8*to;
bond 8600. Applicants will plcaso leave their up
plications wRIt mo. statlug their iccurilieB, (twi
required), ou or before 2 o’clock, r. m., of that Uuy
EDWARD G. WILSON, Clerk of Council
Savannah, Nov. 12, 1856.novlT
C HEESE, BUTTER, Ac 200 boxes Goshen
Choose; 60 do English Dairy do; 26oases l’iiio
Appfo do; 59 firkins Choice Butter; 6 cases (ft and
ft boxes) Sardines; landing and for salo by
ft bbls Fresh Buckwheat,
20 ft do.
26 bozus do.
20 bbls Now No. 3 Mackerel,
10 ft do Large No. 1 do.
10 ft do small No. 1 do.
lauding and for sulo by
m PERM AC'EITI, Adamantine and Tallow of varluua
O brands; Soap oT various brands, from 6, 8. lo
aud 12 corns. Chemical Soda Soap 10 cents; Wo
man’s Frieud 10 cente. Call and examine at
Family Grocery,
sop20 Whitaker and Charlton-atreets.
C HOICE BUTTER.—15 kegs choice Batter Just re
ceivcd and for sale by
94 Bay
X) 25 kog'choice Goeben Butler
60 boxes do do Cheese
Landing per steamer and for aaleby
A LBANY ALE*-25 bbla RoadBroi. Albany Ate,
Landing per schr. John Boston. For safo by
1 prize
1 “
1 “
1 « ..
1 “
2 “
3 “ .
3 *•
187 “
4 iff 816o Appro’x
4 of 100 “ •
4 of 60 “
000 prises,
l “
4 prizes of...
20 “ ...
10 “
lo «
173 “
60 “
60 “
, 36,000
. 10,820
10 000
3 prizes or.... 82,000
3 « 1,000
70 “ 400
149 “ 2CQ
20 approx’tions 7,200
103,000 Dollar*—19,00 0 Number* Only!
To be di awn December 16, i860, at Concert Hall,
Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence ot
Col. George M. Logan and W. G. Anderson, Esq.
47* Remember this Lottery has only fifteen
thousand numbers—loss than any Lottery In the
world, therefore it ts the best for investment, Ex*
amluo tho Scheme I
1 prize or 816,000
1 “ 6,000
1 « 2,000
4 “ of81,000 arc 4,000
6 “ or 600 are 2,600
to “ or 100 are 8,000
1,609 “ or 40 are -60,000
20 approximations of 8100 are 82,000
60 “ “ 60 are 2,600
60 “ “ 20 are 1,000
1,712 prizes amouutiug to,.
Tickets 810—Halves 86—Quarters 82.60.
Prizes payable without deduction.
Tho 1,600 Prizes of 840 aro determined by
last figure or the number that drawn the Capital
Prizo of 815,000. The Capita! Prize will, or course,
end with one of the figures—1, 2,3,4, 6,0, 7,8,9.
0. Thoso Whole Tickets euding with tne samo
figure as the last (n the Capital will be entitled to
840. Halves and Quarters in proportion.
47* Persona sending money by mall need uo
Tear its being loat. Orders punctually attended to
Communications confidential. Bank note* of sound
bank* taken at par.
4^ Those wishing particular number* should
order Immediately.
Address JAMES F. WINTER, Manager,
novJ7 Macon, Ga,
G M. GRIFFIN haa just received another fine
• lot< *“* “ ~
Ladles, u,
PieKulvoj, , ,
Crumb Scrapers, ko,,kc., mostly in morocco cases,
suitable for presents. novll
W OULD invite the attention of the Ladle* to
their very Urge and rich Btock of
Opened TfflB DA Y* embracing the following sly Jos
Real Thread, Honlton and Malteso SETTS
•» French, Muslin and Cambrlo “
Mourning Setts, in Book, Cambric and Linen
Cambric and Swlae. Edging* and Inaartlng*
Embroidered, H. 8. Bordered Hdkb
Muslin and Cambrlo Bands
Misses Setts, In great variety
Infhnts’ Cap*,trimmed.
Children’s Worsted Cape*
Opera Hoods, Ties, ko.
Colored, Silk and CashmereScarU,
out 5
(ffrfl Public Favor j
[ ASalready raukwtSteinwaykBotm, Stodart,
J B. Dunham ft Co., Horace Water*, W Win*
k Co., O Vogt, andLIgbte, Newton ft Brad
y’s Celebrated
tcnt-Arch«Wfcst-FJank 01-4 and 7
1-3 Octave
having recently received anew supply of these
makers, would invite- the attention of tha musical
public to their stook, oomprisfog every artlole in
tho Hue, which can be mrMbed at New York
Pf a ricbaseortmentoT flneVrenoh ENGRAVINGS
and splendid COLORED LITHOGRAPHS, with and
without Framer, jnsst arrived aad tor tala at
No.’a 107 Bryan and 94 K JslUaaU.
BABHN, Oot. 27th, 1800,
1 U1E Oo-partnanhlp heretofore existing ondar
. the nam* of PAREHUBST ft ADAMS, U dU-
solved by the death ot Mr. John B. Adams, all those
Indebted to the late firm .are repo**Ud to makt
tmmedUta payment. Mr. Convert ParkhUrst, wiU
attend to the settlemeht bTiha’aflUra of tho ufat
firm. . ;;C. PARKHURST.
RepublUan copy. .gfim octSO