Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, November 29, 1856, Image 1

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    savannah, ha., satuday, November 29, issu.
SATU11DAY EVENING, Jl o’tilonk.
Apprentices Wnttlctl*
Two lioys between tho ogee of tweivo unit
II(teen yonra uni wunloil, at the Georgian $•
journal offico au »|>preutteo». None need ap
ply who enmiot tend and write, and give Batl*
lactory un waucos or good moral character,
To ouch, board, Clothing, medical atttontlon
and careful Instruction will ho given.
Tonvelllng Agent.
Mr. V. M. Uray will call on our aulucrlheni ut
Macon, Griffin, Atlanta, and other places In the
course of tho ensuing week, with the account*
of this office. lie is a duly authorized ugeut,
for collecting money und obtaining subscribers
fertile Georgian Journal.
Auiuvai' or Tim Ki.onm* The steamship
Florida, arrived this morning with passengers
and freight fttmt New York,
We nro Indebted to her purser feir Into pa
To < lie Public.
On the toth of November my engagement
ns “Assistant Kill tor of thuSavnmmh Georgian
»y Journal expiroil. I tako this opportunity of
announcing my retirement, which would havo
boon done sooner but for the tempomryab
sence of Mr. A. It. Lunar, who this day is for*
mally announced us ono of tho Editors of this
Iu conduct ing a party orgau,and in the earn
est advocacy and vindication of principles, It Is
often necessary that an Editor must become the
assailant of thoso who are opposed inopiuion*
In this, he frequently gains the animosity of
those whose Interest, prejudices, and assocla.
tious lead them a different way. I havo cn •
deavored, while asserting with all candor and
tlrmnpss my honest convictious on public mat
ters, to avoid all allusions which might be con
sidered offensive to individuals. But if
perchance, I may have uuwitingly offended any*
oue it will he a siucore desire on my part that
it may pass away, as tho exciting eauso has
done, and leave as tittle impression on the mind
of such person, as I hope and flatt.*r myself
would Ik* my own case uuder similar circunr
stances. S. IVHamilton.
Having been associated, as Editur.aud Pro
prietor of this paper since September last—the
retiiemeut of Mr. Hamilton, rcudera this an
appropriate occasion for me' to inalte a public
announcement of myself.
In assuming the duties and responsibilities,
aimut to devolve upon me. - T have only to say
that 1 shall bring to their discharge an honesty
of purpose and a determination to do my . duty
uuder all circumstances', wblch may in soihe
measure compensate for,any watft of ability or
experience. Devotedly attached to the political
principles eudorsed by this paper—it will bo
my aim to give them a hearty and sterliug ad
vocacy and to do all that is consistent with
truth ami honesty to advance the iutcrcst of
Dj in »cr itic jiijaaarcs and Denucratic men.
Savannah, by her fostering kindness to her
young men, has raised in her midst a galaxy
of sons whose talents and services are at once
her pride uud greatness. Belying upon this
seutiineut, l throw myself upon the communi
ty, assured that my efforts will receive all the
success that Is due them.
A. it. Lamar.
After an association with Mr. Hamilton, in
every way pleasant, for more than six : months,
it is with many regrets that we now part with
Ijlrn. It becomes mi agreeable duty to acknow*
ledge his valuable assistance during the late
campaign, uud to express iu hclmlf of the
Democratic party, Us obligations to him for his
very efficient services.
As regards Mr. Lamar, wo congratulate our
readers, as well as ourself, on tho laot that we
have secured us joint editor and proprietor u
gentlomBiuso well qualified to udd to the inter
est of the paper, and to promote tho success of
its cherished principles.
Direct LitiotoUrazIl. -
The following article from the Charleston
Courier of yesterday relates to a projected
enterprise already noticed iu our columns. We
regurd it ns one of greut national importance,
while having special relationship to this city,
as It is proposed that the vessels shall touch nt
this port. Two of the admirable steamers now
plying between Savannah and New York might
go on the proposed line :
Dr. Baiucy, who has long been actively and
intelligently engaged in tho great enterprise
of developing und extending our trade and in
tercourse with tho great Basin of tho Amazon
is now iu our city, a:.U wo huve had the pleas
ure of hearing many interesting and encourag
ing details of progress. We trust to bo able
iu our next issue to give u fuller statement of
their details, and wo expoet also, to derivo
very full information from a memoir and re
ports, which Dr. Baiucy will present to the
Savannah Convention. The great project is
niether a new nor a rush enterprise, but bus
commended itself to the approbation and sup
port of the shrewdest and most sagacious mer
chants uud capitalists iu various cities.
The committee in tho House of Bcprcscnta-
Uvea to whom the subject w as referred, report
ed unanimously iu lavor of establishing the
proposed line, and petitions numerously signed
have been sent from New Orleans, Mobile, and
Savannah in its favor to Congress. It is the
first line that has proposed proceeding from the
South, and that first to the rich fields of South
Araerieun or West India Commerce. At least
half Hie capital of the company will at the
proper time he olVcred to the Southern cities.
The mail money required for the support of
the line is hut a trilling item to tho Govern
ment, whilu it is more than prohahlo that tho
mail inntter from so large a Held of l ’
cornmeiciul correspondence would yield a sum
to the Government adequate to the support ol
tho line. The postage received by tho British
Government in the Southampton tuid Bio do
Jauciroliue iu I8fi2, the second year of its es
tablishment, wok 44,000 pounds Sterling. It
must irtj nearly double that sum now; or would
be hut for iho six other European steam lines
competing iu the same field.
[r 1 i>m llii! I’otcrnlMirg Democrat.]
One of Uennetl'M “Hem! Devils. 1
We subjoin theTnllowing capilnl descriptive
extract from a private letter received from a
gentleman or eminence in New York city
< " I see that I ho Herald devotes a leader to
Gov. Wise every day. Bennett is not to blame
for ull the mischief in tho Herald. lie has a
^ 0!' devils to work, and i-imh head devils.
leaders arc written by a drunken old
codger, named Wcstcolt, who is not like Be'h-
nett, cock-eyed or crosseyed, hut morally ob
lique, and who wears a cue. He was formerly
a Senator from Florida. If he don’t mind
Governor Broome, of Florida, will make a ’de
mand for the extradition of Iris renegade cmpun
for the crime of treason to tho South, and for
trying very hard to stir up trouble for Mr,
Biinhiumn ut the South. Governor Who, i
hope, Is too old a bird to l»e canght with such
[We think this writer must he mistaken.—
Tho ex-Seimtor lias been supposed to he thor
oughly identified with Geoige Law. As Ben
nett has cut “ Live Oak George,” it is presumed
that Wcstcott bus ceased iris connection with
tho Herald.—Guon. A Joi/a.j
Difficulty ok UiProiiAUV,—The introduc
tion of horseflesh, as an article of consumption
into private fatmlicn, will not tend to promote
domestic happiness. Those who live on that
description of food mvat,necessarily, live a cat
•ad dog sort of life. *
, [From the Kngltth. * .
Gigantic Frauds on the lVorthcrn Rail
way—Mr. lledpatlt AbtfcoiMlMl-Aiiotli*
R oltuylcrOaac.1 •
t consternation bus btom caused amongst
alula of theOroat Northern Hallway by
icovory of a sorica of. most extensive
frauds—frauds which throw tho defalcations of
William James Robison on the Crystal Palaoo
Company completely Into the Bhade.
From Inquiries which havo beon Instituted,
appears that Mr. Leopold Hedpath, of No. 27
Oboatortorracu, Bcgont's-park, woh thoreglh*
trarof shares und transt'oro of stock in tho
Great Northern Railway and in thut capacity
had command over tho wholo of the shares of
tho company. Mr. Hodputh has always hornu
tho striotest character for honesty, und tho con
vlctlouofhls integrity was strengthened by*
i he fhot that he was a governor of Christ's
Hosiptal,u governor of tho Hoyal Society of
St. Anno, anu whs intimately connected with
many of the most infinentiol and usofhl institu
tions in tho country. This gontleman, to
whom such vast interests were entrusted, mid
mou whom tho breath of suspicion never rest-
jd, 1ms disappeared, und with his disappear
ance comes,the appalling fact that he has rob
bed ,his employers—tho directors and share
holders—of many thousands of pounds. It is
said, and apparently Upon tho best authority,
that the detalcations amount to no less a sum
than £150,000. Whether that calculation is
above or bolow tho amount of which the com
pany has been defrauded, it must of course re
main for futcre investigation to reveal.
As principal register of stock* Mr. Hedpath,
had or course, the entiro control of that depart
ment of tho company’s business. The investi
gation of the books since his disappearance-
tor he left the office In a somewhat hasty mans
ner on Tuesday last, and has not since been
heard of-have shownltlmt the frauds have been
perpetrated in the following manner : When
Mr. Hedpath, who was the principal register,
had to Issuo £100 stock, it uppeared that he
added an “ 0” to the amount thus making it
£1,000 iu the company’s books. This opera
tion was not confined to one hundred, but ex
tended to stock of £200, £300, aud £500, so
tlmt out of every £100 stock transferdhe gain
ed £900.
The directors of tho Great Northern Bail-
way appear to havo been acquainted with tho
expensive habits of their servants, and to have
been aware that £300 a year could not have met
his expenses. Singularly enough, a feeling
prevailed that he filled Iris responsible office
simply from a desire of haying something to
do, and this opinion was confirmed by the
fact that he made large contributions to the
many religious and charitble institutions with
which tho metropolis abounds.
Although his salary was not very exte naive,
amounting)o something between £250 and £300
a year, he a luxurious stylo in a fash
ionable house, had a box at the opera, was. a
habitue of tho the theatres,a governor of Christ’s
Hospital and of the Boyal St Anne’s Society,
and n subscriber and director to many of the
most permanent metropolitan institutions.
There was scarcely a fashionable party, an
operatic performance, or a gathering of the
beau monde, in which the name of “Leopold
Hedpath*. Esq,,” did not appear. Operating
under the prestige wh)ch these various occupa
tions afforded, he averted suspicion, and was
thus enabled to perpetrate the enormous frauds
which will hereafter - jeduire so strict am inves
tigation. •
■ / . ARRS8T OF REDI’ATJB.I , ji )
Hedpath was Monght np 1 to-day atthe Clerk-
enwelf .police court. He was arrested this
morning, -at-the house of a friend in Ulster
dace, New Hoad. - Ho had been traced to
Vnris, aud probably hearing that he was pur-
iuea£f- A ,ML —
.£30,000. The barrister for .the prosecution
iroved that Bed path had altered figures,making
rarisfers of £250 and £500, £1,250 and £1,500,
respectively, prefixing the figure 1 to each of
the amounts. The prisoner was remanded till
Friday next for.further evidence.
Tub Virginia Editor.—Some of our Vir
ginia exchanges deny the Correctness of tho
likeness of tho Virginia Editor contained in tho
last issue of Harper. The Petersburg Express
protests in this wise:
For tho benefit of our cotcmporarie3 ofihe
press residing, out the State who may ego and
read the article in.Huipor, we beg to say that
wo know of editors'.,here who sleep in clean
linen; who enter upou their duties in the morn
ing without the ass’stanco of Cognac aud
Stoughton; who wear only their own clothes
which they honestly and punctually pay for;
who read something more tnau Senator Dougs
las’ Speeches, extending their literary studies
even to Milton and Bacon and tho Bible; who
spend their evenings at home with their wife
und children or in tho social circle with refined
and cultivated womeu, and who havo as mortal
un aversion to revolvers and bowie knives as
tho milddst member of tho Pcaeo Society. And
in saying this, let it not be supposed that we
aro at-aU offended with theplaylul and spirited
author of the sketch wo havo referred to. Wo
know that tho sketch was designed purely ns
fun, and that it will be received as Buch here at
homo; abroad it will ho accepted as sober ear
nest and truthful portraiture, and thereforo It
Is that we arc unwilling it shotild go uucor-
South Carolina and Georgia Gold Mines.
—Tho Philadelphia Ledger says:
Tho gold mines in South Carolina, near Au
gusta, Geo., aro becoming a most important in
terest, and Bomeofthcm aro boing worked
with much more energy and capital than in
former years. The mines in the lower part of
Abhevillo district, Soutli Carolina, worked by
a New York company, known os tho “Dorn
Miuing Company,” aro.said to bo known yield
ing very rich ore, from veins worked at a gn ut-
or depth than formerly ultaiued iu tlmt region.
They are drained by a powerful pumping ap
paratus, worked by steam. Tho appearance of
Jho mine is now reported os very battering. So
sajsthe Augusta (Ga.) uhronlcle and Senti-
From a recent report of tho agent of the
Doru Miuing Company,uhovo referred to. wo
learn that the mines of the company have been
steadily and economically worked, until tlioy
are now opened to a depth of more than one
hundred feet from the surface, and near fifty
feet below water level. Tlmt tho principal vein
ut that depth is richer than at any previously
uttained depth, and seems to bo increasing in
width. It is un extraordinary fact, that while
many other companies, after assessing their
stock many thousands-df dollars to pay the
expenses of opeuiug their mines, have been
compelled to stop their work, and submit to
the entire Iocs of their whole property, these
urines have paid their own expenses of opening,
without using any of tho working capital, and
without culling on the stockholders for a dollar.
In udditiou to tire company’s present rich vein,
n new discovery of another vein has been nmdc,
which promises to be very valuable, and is be
lieved to he tho great vein from which Mr.
Doru ohtaiuud such an immense yield four
years ugo. Since 1838, the gross produce of
the gold mines of South Carolina os faros in
dicated by the mint returns, is $4,233,330, and
thut of Georgia $5,085,804-total, $9,010,200;
and the aggregate expense of maintaining them
$22,000 unnually, or about $400,000 for the
whole period.
A Bridal and a Burial.—Tho New York
correspondent of ilio Philadelphia Journal, in
his lotter oriast Monday, writes:
A tragic domestic episode took pluce here on
Suuday, wherein a lady was mold, wife and
widow in the space of half an hour.
The principals in this melancholy affair were
Dr. James H. Bogardus and Miss Isabella Ham
ilton, both of Kingston. The Doctor arrived
in this city ou Monday of last week, and took
apartments nt the Girard House. He complain
ed of being niiwcil at the time, and, at the in
stigation of a physiciau, Miss Hamilton, to
whom ho was to he married on Tuesday, was
soot for. Bho arrived ou Sunday; they were
married at hull-past two o’clock, and In twenty
minutes afterwards he was a corpse.
ith':. .ut,. (.i •,. . .... , 1
(tfron>;thnAthens lmmur, Noy,„27.1
The Supreme Court,
HUB Court fur tho fourth dUtrlut of
tliu State of/Ueornto lu» boon Iu nosilon ut
Al ieuu durluu tala week. Judge. I.umpkin,
Bouoiligond McDonald present.
Tho opinion or the Court has been delivered
on the following onsos:
Henderson vs. l’lttmun—Attachment, rrom
Uuooln Superior Court. It is not necessary
thut tho letters J. I’, he annexed ton Magis
trate's signature to an Instrument, provided It
uppnnr Iu the body of tho Instrument that tho
party Issuing It Is n J ustlee or the l’euee.
Hlilvcrs vs. administrator, Utimer—from
lluuuook. An interest in lands is not convoy
ed by the word ettbols in u will. And mioli un
IntoroH must go to tho holrs nt taw und not to
tho udmlnlstmtor.
Halley.vs. The Htato—from Talliirorro: Tho
set of IHS0, in relation to thn selection and
qunliHwtlon of Jurors In criminal casus,.op
iums to tho trial uf offimeos committed prior to
ilm pnsssgo of tlmt not.
Cobron vs. Tho State-froin tVllkosi 1st.
Tho liuro leaving or the Jury-box by n Juror
artor ho Is sworn, Is no ground for n now trial.
2d. Tho ot||ection to a Juror that ho in ovorago
—not being niudo before ho Is sworn—Is no
ground tor a now trial. Jd. In tho examina
tion of a charge of the Court alleged to ho er
roneous, tho Supreme Court will look In the
testimony to see If said charge, taken with re
ference to tho tacts, ho correct, lth To authorize
tho Court to set aside a verdict, on tho ground
that It Is contrary to the evidence, it must be
strongly and decidedly against (he weight of
the testimony.
I.ynor vs. Jackson, Executor— from Warren.
1. whore tho Clock ontere an appeal, in which
it is said that the party appcalfug has paid all
tho costs, hut makes a memorandum bolow.
saying tho costa wore not paid: Held, that tho
appeal should not he dismissed—the Clerk
being responsible to tho othor officers for tho
I’ottle * Cone for plaintiff; Toombs and John
ston lor defendant.
. ItaTkHT most Hnxipo.—New Orleans Nov.
■J0.—Tho schooner
Ahkival op Fkkncii ItBsuaKK-i There ar
rived here on Friday night last, on board of the
hark Amazon, Oapt Klrwin, nine Frenchmen,
who bad been transported from their native
land for political offences, and who escaped
from Cayenno, ono of tho island of Freuch
Guiana. Tho manner of tlioir escape waa both
novel uud dangerous, tho mode of convoyaoco
from tho Islund being ou a raft, constructed by
themselves, and made of drift wood. After a
perilous voyago of five days they reached Dent-
cram, and from thence were brought to this
port by tho bark above stated, and were taken
charge of by tho Freuch Uenevolenl Society or
this city. Quartan were procured for them at
the Strangers’ Home, on High street near Wat
son, and Mr. Mulrkcad tlm Superintendent, paid
every attention to their comfort and conve
During Sunday they were visited by the
French und English Consols, and also by a
lurga number of our French citizens, to whom
tho schooner. The commander of theloomocrato
orod a pistol at Oapt. Thompson Barbour. Tho
pemoomta took two Custom House officers
A private lotter from Turaaullpas states that
A pitched battle took place on tho 10th Instant,
near .Monterey, between Vldauri and Gnraa.
The latter lust everything, and barely escaped
with Ills own person. It la thought thut
v iduurl'a success will have great effect on Com-
niontort’s government.
Tho Tennosseo loft this morning for Nicara
gua, with three hundred recruits und arms.
The London papers report that Hr. Tonuyson
hnn u now volume nearly ready for Ihe press
ft will consists of two poems, both of considers,
ble length .and In blankveise, and the subject
of each drawn fhom that storehouse of Arthuri
an romanco which has already afforded such
rloh material to his gonina In tho "Morto d’ Aw
thur,” and tho "Lady of Shnlott." Tho story
of ono la the cuchantmcpt of Mcrllo, that ol'
tho ether is derived from ;the romanco of Erlo
or Geriant, published by . Lady Charlott Guest
n her edition of the “Mablnogln." Ticknor &
fields hove the volume jnpross frem the an
thers proofs .V. y. Potl.
Araule raco came on off Thursday, on tho
Ccntrevillo Course, L. I., for a punwofKO,
mile heats, best 3 in S. Four nuimals were en
tered. The moles exhibited tlielr natural ob
stinacy. One fellow was pitched head over
heels: ono tnnic baulked add could not be in
duced to return to tho track; another paidn
visit to the interior of the bar, uud smashed de
canters and glasses. A fellow called Eastern
Jack won tho throe last boats and the rider
took the pureo.
Ml'hdkh,—Albany, Nov. 23.—Mrs. Owen
Bulger, residing In the Southern portion of this
city, was murdered on the Quay last night.
Her body, bearing marka of strangulation und
other violence, was found in the street early
this morning. A coroner's inquisition has tail
ed to establish any due aa to the murderer.
Great cxcltementexists at tho scene of the af
Ci.bvei.isd, Nov. 20.—Tho ticket office at
tho depot of tho Cleveland and Toledo, and the
Cleveland, Columbua and Cincinnati Railroads,
was entered and robbed of 11400 yesterday
morning a negro employed lit the dining saloon
near the depot has been arrested on suspscion
of having committed the robery.
How ahk PnouuxaMira Fast?—By nails
or pins—according aa persons are in the habit
of running away from their words. For in
stance, you nail a man to his promise, and pin
a woman.
ears of tho Amazon. They left Baltimore
yesterday afternoon for Now York, where they
have friends, and will be able to obtain em
ployment Their offences are said to have been
entirely of a political character, and not sack
os would warrant their extradition under the
treaty with France, which does not include of
fences of tho character. They were In good
spirits at their success in reaching this country,
and were received with great warmth and
cordiality by their-countiymen, who fhmlshed
them with quarters and means to proceed to
New York.—-Ba/t. American.
A Youxo Gint,TiBH’DLv Maholiu nr a Doo
A young lady of sixteen or eighteen years,
named Mitchell, residing at Osslan, New York
was n few days ago attached by a hoighbor’s
dog, who Instantly sprang at hor throat
Bho pot out her hand to ward him off, when
ho solzed her arm, taking out a piece of flesh
and tcuriug of hor Bleeve. He then seized her
othor arm all tho whllo trying get at her throat
aud umuaged to got her down; hot she suc
ceeded in regaining her feet, and had the
E resoncc of mud to work her way towards the
ouse, the dog all the white shaking and mang
ling her in a horrible manner. Aa she ncered
the door tho savege brute succeeded In get
ting hold of her jaw, driving hia teeth to the
bone. She at length got in, and with her feet
succeeded in partly closing the door, the
brute still hanging to her face with devUish
torolty, only losing his hold when the door
was shut upon him and the flesh gave way I—
The poor girl sunk to the floor flrom exhaustion
covered with blood, and with nearly all her
clothing torn off. Her taco and limbs were
completely mangled, sho having received, It
is said, near one hundred and thirty wounds
on hor person I There is no hope of hoi Burs
Skmatub Douuj-as 'and his Bkivx.—Sena-
How to ascertain the thickness of the fug,—
The first post you knock your head against will
tell yon at once how thick it is!
Savannah market, November SB.
GonQN—With an Improved demand and active
Inquiry we report an advance of ii to 3-16; a light
offering stock limited the sales this forenoon to 737
i,vis: until, 8datux, VtatlUg, IMat
113-13,47 M U«, 317 at U>g, and StatlSo.
NEW YOBK—Steamship Augusta—-403 bales oot-
ton, tog casks rice, 0 bales wool, 4 do doer skins,
80 bbh dried fruit; and sundry pkgs mdse.... Brig
Augusta—033 bates cotton, 30 pkgs mdse.
UVEBPOOL—Ship Rover's Bride—333,870 fcot p
p timber, 1 epir
ST. JOHN’S, N B.—Brig Arcadlon-83,68! foot
pptiaibar, 23,344 ft lomhor.
HARBOUR ISLAND—Br. sclir Ellon-12,S3B feet
RAwad lumber, 2 wholo and 7 holt casks rioe, 20,000
Bhlnglos, 20 echo oorn, 20 bbls flour, to alto corn
moat, a sko grill, 22 pkgo mdao.
Port or Sovonnah November NO
by Gen. Shields, Augustus Bohell,and ex-L’anal
Commissioner Marthcr. Hra Douglas |was|at*
tired in u rather hlgh-ncoked blue ellk dress,
with a blue satin atrlpo trimmed with lace.
Her hair was not, aa Is said to bo usual, thrown
In it braid ronnd her classio forehead, but dis-
S osod after the llutbton of the Empress Englnie.
ho leaned over occasionally to look at the
stage, apparently unconscious of tho general
battery ot torgnet: -a to which she waa ex
posed. Tho Senator looked uncommonly weU
and cheerful. Ho was sprucely costumed, and
evidently enjoyed both too opera and his own
condition. Tho scone in Trovatore, in which
Leonora (La Grange) and Manrico (Brignoli)
personate the characterof bride and bridegroom
was regarded with special attention. Senator
Douglas and his bride will shortly visit his
mother, at Clifton Springs, in this State.—
. Diplomatic Changes.—Tho Independance
Beige contains a tetter dated Tho Hague, No
vember 2d, from which we translate the follow
“Up to the present time, the Low Countries
have been represented by a single minister,
Count de Blylandt, at tho Courts of Stockholm
aud Copenhagen. I have Just teamed that H.
Dubois, present minister, resident at Washing
ton, has been appointed Minister Plenipoten
tiary to Denmark- He will be succeeded by M.
Itoost Van Limburg, Charge d'Affaires to Lis
bon, who will glvo placo in his tom to Baron
Van Arseen,Beoretaryof onr Legation at Faria.
Count do Bylandt will continue accredited '
the Court of Sweden.
Mr. Belmont, Minister of the United States
at The Hague, is about to leave the capital,
implo Prim (sic) will be acting charge
t ahsencoofthomlnlater."
Mr. Temple
d'Affaires duringthe
Removal on a T.aiuik Tluoi’..—An ovarian
tumor, weighing ouu hundred pounds, almost
solid, uud one hundred and five pounds with
the fluid, extracted from u woman, by Dr. Dun
lop, of tho town of Hlploy, on tho Ohio river,
was exhibited to tho students of tho Ohio Medi
cal College, by Professor Blackman, and thence
was conveyed to the Miami Medical College
for tho inspection of tho students of that In
stitution. The woman from whom the tnmor
waa so boldly and successfully extracted, was,
living four days utter the operation, and was
improving. Bho resides in Brown county, and
Is aged about forty-one years.
The Nioabauua Fivxr—Nicaragua, just
at tho present writing, seems to betaken the
wind out of Kansas as a land of promise, and
tho Nicaragua fever, we are tola Is rather on
some of them In good circumstances, are mak
ing preparations to leave for the new Eldorado
during the next month. Tho probability la
that every month wUl bring new accessions to
the emigrating clans, and that the tide flowing,
Nlcaraguaward will Bteadlly inccreaae. End-
ration to new countries seldoma bits when it
_as fairly commenced till the novelty wests off,
and tlm new States are flfled np. So It was
with Texas and California t and snob, accord
ing to appearances, It wlU be with Nicaragua
unless Walker should be crushed by a combina
tion of circumstances and an energyamong his
foes which they are not likely to exhibit.—N.
O. Bulletin.
Mutineer Arbxstzd Tho harbor police ar
rested, on Saturday, on board the bark Wash
ington Allston.jnst arrived from Bt, Helena,
an Italian Bailor named Georgeglua Mayers,
sent home by the consul at St Helena, for con
spiring to create mutiny on board the ship Jane
Henderson, of Baltimore, murder the captain,
and'taka the ship. Two of tho crew of the
Jane Henderson were brought home as wit
nesses. Mayers wBl be examined by the United
States officers to-day.—Boston Journal.
Tit* Key West Ship—The ship Stephen R.
Mallory, tho drat ship ever constructed at Ker
Wcst, arrived here this morning from that port
consigned to Messra. Mordecai & Co. She hat
on booed part of her cotgo for Liverpool, and
of our fellow citizens at Key Westc-Ckai F—
<j yesterday.
Journal Snteliigtnte*
i (lipping MUigtnw,
Ntui ^Uiucvtiocmcnte
nicNurs. Ktlltorrti—I'iuaso uunoutico
HKN11Y 11. KlitiN as n candidate for (be
office or Justice of the Peace, in (tawpany B, Geor
gia Militia, at the uiiproutdilug election, on tlio first
Monday in January nexl*
nov29— H* MANY VOTKHS.
DU. Mo'KlNIiEY will tench aFronuU Class,
at tliu houso of Mr n. KIMuh, on York »t.
Tho Inist parsons in Savannah oau lie glvou as
rorcronoo. uov28-tf
Will .tail IKedtiMftoy, 8f/ Vec., at U o' clock, M.
Tho steamship FLOUIDa, Captain
Woodbull, will leave us above.
For I'rolgbt or pnssngo uppiy to
PADKliKOltl), FAY ft CO.
4®- Borths uot Hocurod until paid lor.
Cabin l’ussago $25
Stoorago 1’ussugo 8
49-Shippers of Gallon by thoso steamships wdl
please lake notice, Hint no Cottuu will be received at
ho nrossoB tiiat is not distinctly marked ou tho edge
of tin) halo. nov28
/CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may
concern : Whereas Itovi O. Harby will apply
at tho Court or Ordinary Tor Lottur* ut Admlimdra-
(lou com tosiutnenlo atinexo on (lie estate of Jacob
Theso are. (borcl'oro, to chu uud udtuuuiirii ail
whom it may concern, to bo und uppear before
mild Court to inuko objection (ll'aiiy they liavoi on
nr buforo the first Monday in ’aiiuarv noxt, other
wise said letters will be granted.
Witness, .lohn Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
counly, tills d'.'l'i day ol - November, 1850.
uovlW JOHN BILBO, 0* V, v.
Steamship Florida, Woodhull, 80 hours from Now
Yvrk, to l’odullord, Fay 4: Co.
Thursday, midnight, ox. signals with'the Knox-
villo hence for Now York.
Ship Solace, Stewart, Plymouth, Eng., in bellost,
to A Low &Co.
Sobr Cotton Plant, Aruow, Ogochee. with 9800
busholo rough rice—to R Habersham It Co.
Steamer Gordon, Brooks, Charleston—to J P
Steamer Wm Soabrook, Pock, Charleston, via
Beaufort, Ito, to J P Brooks
MC King's flat, Trom plantation, with 1400 bui
rough rice, to Habersham It Son.
Steamship Augusta, Lyon, Now York—Padolford,
Fay k Co.
Ship Rovor’s Bride, Larkin, IJvorpool—A Low It
Brig Augusta, Stoue, New York—Dana It Wash
Brig Arcadian, Dame, St Johns, N B—Curlctou It
Brschr Ellen, Johnson, Harbour Island—Yonge It
talo ut Savannah, Ga., as General Agent or a
largo Subscription Book Publishing House, to have
outlro control of the sale ol - their publications in
Georgia and adjoining Stales. Agents, uow occu
pying agencies, have cleared $2000 a year. A
small cash capital ol* from $300 to $500 would be
required. Address Bex 443. Philade phis, 1*. O.,
Pennsylvania. _ ood2w—nov20
TJWllOiio week, commencing MONDAY, Dec, 1st,
Jj 1850, ut 2 o'clock, 1* M. Open every day
and night after.
Greatest Natural Attraction Iu the world!—Won
der upou Wouders i! I Great Curiosities all in oue
Consisting or the following most wouderfol freaks
of nature. Among the number may bo found the
M’lleClofullla, tlm greatest curiosity of tlii^ cen
tury. and a subject of admiration aud wonderment
to all persoua iu Switzerland, France, England and
tho Uuifod States.
She was educated iu Tours and speaks ueaily all
the languages of Europe,
don of the Bearded IjuI)', is three year* old,
with a pair, of wniskers—Ids back, shoulders aud
body aro entirely covered with u fine coat of soft
hair, und is one of tile must beautiful children in
the world.
The Amerlcau Giantess, Miss SYLYA HARDY,
from Winston, Franklin county, Me., who U nearly
eight feet high. Miss Hardy is a largo and well
proportioned woman, rather lean than fleshy, and
POUNDS, and is ono of a pair of twins tlmt only
weighed three pouuds and a half at birth. Her
parents woro both bolow the medium slv.o. Her
complexion is fair, her eyes blue, and tho very
modest uud mild expression of her connlenmoo is
said to be a true index of her character. U tukes
154 yards or ordiuury dry goods for a t ompiete
dro;s. Her physical strength is most wonderful,
being equal to tbreo powerful men.
Smallest Lady in tho World 1 Mrs.Ellen Briggs.
Nothing cau excel her loveliness; the very Cod or
Beauty ha- inado a form in miuiaturo almost divino;
very intelligent and speaks several languages flu
ently t boo boon nmri luU louricou yoaro, »uj u a.,
mother of throe beautiful cbtldrou. Sho is accom
panied by her husband, a fine sized gentleman, und
she is tho same size as General Tom Thumb.
King of Paries.
Major Genera?Uillord, Hnahcst man In tho world,
forty Inches high, weighs thirty pouuds, supports
lino inouslacho und whiskers, aud has ull iho
other qualities of a true gentleman.
Two youug men, that will imitate ull tho feather
ed songsters ot tho grove, und discourse the mo3t
beautiful music on the Jewish Cymbal.
Doors opon from 10 A. M. to 12 M., from 2 to 8,
and 7 to 10 P. M. .,
Admission to tho wholo 50 cents; GhiUlrcu aud
servants 26 cents. nov27
Central It, Road dl Banking Co, of Ga.
ring Co, of Ga.)
. j.'NovTiiLitte. /
The Annual Vetting ofawckholders wdl
be held at tbo Company'! Office, Weet
Broad Htroet, on Tuesday, the sixteenth day of De-
comber next, at lo o'clock in the forenoon.
Stockholders will be pam*d to and (rota the
meeting muck.
novia-td UE . A. GUYLKK, Cashier,
tv4ee» Hit. J. R. SMITH has removed his Office
WF to Brnugbtou stfoct. In Dailey’s Building, a
low doors ubovo Bolden’s Hat 8tore. Residence at
Mrs. IfoniBhart's, West Broad street. sepl»
ns>» 1 am a candidate for re-election to the of-
W flee of Receiver of Tax Returns in January
uoxt, und rospeutfully solicit your suffrages.
Fellow citisens, 1 urn a candidate at the
election, In Jauuary noxt, for tho office or
Tax Collector, und solicit your support.
Bavunnah, fckpt. «uth, 1866. octl
E YLIsY k CoLLlNS have taken au office ou
the corner or Oruytou st. and Bay laue, op-
ino oilicti of t; A. L. lauinar, Esq., for tn»
traiiHactlou uf un Aiicti-tu and Ueneral Brokerage
Real and ivrsuiiul t^iale sold ou CommUsluu;al
so, Stocks and Boutfr,' Loans uegoti&ted. liberal
advances made ou property entrusted to them for
sale. tr uovl8
A U. iwrsous iiuving domauds uualust the Estate
of Mrs. ELIZA ANN JEWKfT, deceased, will
bund them In duly attested, and those indebted will
plearo make puymunt to
Solo Quallfleil Executor.
A LL persons haviug domauds against the estate
uf Darnel O’Couuor, deceased, will hand them
u, duly attested, as required by law; and those in
dented will pl<-u3e make payment, to
W. K. 8YB10N8, Qualified Adm'r.
November 8tli, I860. nov8
A LL persons Indebted to the Estate or Jaue Mc
Donald, late of Molntoih county, deceased,
are requested to make immediate payment; iho*
having demand* agaiust said Estate are requested
to present them, duly authenticated.
MUSKS D. HARRIS, Executor.
Nov. Till, 1850. uov7
Owwk Sav’ii, aliunv A Cevir R. R. Co.,»
Suvanuith, Nov* 5,1858. J
T HE Seveuth Inhtalm.nt of 10 por cent, ou th
Capital Flock or tho SaVuunuh, Albany aud
Gulf Rail Road Compauy, by a Resolution of tbe
Board, is hereby ordered to be paid ou or before
Ihe lOlh day of January, 1857.
uovd Secretary and Treasurer.
II* Fraaea * Co., Moaog«r«.
(Oaths HavanaPlan.)
Extra Clou 7*
To be drawn SATURDAY, Deo. 20th, in Baltimore,
Prlsea amounting to $182,080 wlU be distributed
according to therollowtngSplendid Scheme ; ••
*>,000 Numbers 7—1,000 Prises t
Prises payable in foil without deduction.
. $40,000
.. 14,040
.. 10 00$
1 prise......
1 *» !!!!*.!
I “
J «
8 “
3 *•
187 “
amtoziuaTioN nuzn.
4 of 4160 Appro’s
4 or 100 i‘
4 of 90 “
4 of
4 of
8 or
12 or so
12 of 20
748 or 10
,000 prlsea,
.. 14,440
.. 10,000
„ 6,000
. 3,000
. 2,000
. 1,600
. 1,000
. 200
Whole Tickets $10; Halves $6; Quarters $2 60.
Class T,
To be drawu Iu Baltimore, Md.,Saturday, Dec. 27.
1 prise of......
1 “
4 prises el
UST received by Blormer Alabama, a largo lot
or Black Cloth Frock Com, Black Doeskiu and
Figuerud Cussimuro Pauls, Figured Black and Fan
cy Silk Vests, Blue Pilot Cloth Circular Talmas, for
sale low by WM. R. SYMONS,
Draper and Tailor,
uov22 17 Whitaker at.
A iS Uuder
A Shirts for sale tow by W. R. SYMONS,
17 Whitaker at.
HrrE uuU straw Color
' aelvoil and for 3ule by ^
id Gloves just re-
17 Whitaker at.
10B,000 Dollars—15,000 Numbers Oniyl
I HIE price of Bathing on and after lit Deo., 1850
. uutll Muy irit, 1857, will be as follows:
Four tlckuH $1 00
Slugle bath 60
Subscribers will be roceived at oue dollar a
month, by the year, to commence from Nov. 1st,
until Doo. 1st uoxt. J. M. HAYWOOD,
uov22-tilldl Agent.
A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN can be acoommo-
dated with board and lodging on Broughton
street, nearly opposite H. Morse’s House Furnish-
ing Store. Also, a few Day Boarders. nov!2
sap '«*«!
1 Price Street’s. •
Bleatnabip Augusta.. Lyon, Now York.
Baltimore, Nov 26—Arr,sobr Woodbridge,White,
uiuuicr, ub \jiiiwii opriuga, iu ima ouuu«— Savannah
Thus are npw staying at the Bt. NioUolas.- Boston, Nov ? 1-Cld, brl» Forest State, Stowers,
N. Y. Pair. st u.rzs, to loud ttoitatanzis.
rlda, from New York—
ire, J H Stevenson, PBush,
Per sloamship Fiorii
D W Baldwin, F Locapare, j aa oiuycubuu, r uueu,
W H Burton, J R Loper, J A Holmes, B Burtln, J H
Beal, A H Stoddard. Heury Taylor, M D Wond, J H>
Palmtr, T Phibbs, J Kinsey, D L Baker, J Harmou,
J Wilson and lady, A F Hfggin and lady, Capt Child
and sou, J T Chase. ATltcomb, Mrs Davis, MraJJ
Lucas, H Brigham, lady, inft and svt, and 61 iu the
Por steamship Augusta, for Now York—G Dick
inson, J B White, G H Barkor, Lieut Juo T Gicble,
Per steamer W Seabrook, from Charleston. &c—
J G Norton, 2 Misses Norton. J R Stuart, Miss Gray,
Rov E Hiborsbam, S Pope, Mrs Pope, child aud svt,
Rov Jos B Seabrook, lady, 2 cb’In and svt, and 2
Por steamer Gordon, from Cbarlostou—Gov John
son and lady, A Cauter, A Rantlott. R Tboinossoy,
J K Sueed, Dr Kalnoy, Rodrigues, ti Songer, 11FY
Zeller, A Uuguenin, R H Hawthorne, J J B Smith
and ramily, Mrs Huger and ramily, McM C King, Dr
King aud ramily, Mrs Albro, Miss Albro. Mrs Chick,
Mrs Roberts, Rev J Moran, Alfred Chisholm and
svt. J Thurston and nurse, J E Todbunter. J Cor-
der,CDavant, FSchorflf, ACordor, EM Link and
son, J Albro, H Lawronco, E Molyneux, MrsBuo-
bauau, Mrs Kattanhorn, Mrs Morton, Mrs Philbrick
aud 20 deck.
Per steamship Florida, from - Now York—Agent
ORB, Agent Iron St Bt, G W Anderson, H N Aid-
rich, Brigham, Kelly ft Co, Beers, Thompson A Co,
Boston k ViUalonga, Bolden Bros, E O’Byrne, G
Brown, J A Brown, Butlor A Frierson, U J Buck
ner, Bell A Prentiss, J A Barron, E S Blaclutond,
J M Cooper, J 11 Carter, lire Carter. Claghorn A
Cunningham, JP Collins, Crane, Wells A Co. DD
Oopp, Cohens A Herts, JEDePord, W GDioksou,
L H Dickson, Dowitt A Morgan, Dana A Washburn.
M Dugan. Einstein A Eokman, Etheridge A Son, W
UST RECEIVED, comprising all tho different
v kinds Now York affords, consisting of Congress,
Egg, Milk, Wine, Lemau, Soda, Aboruatby, Maple,
and othor Biscuit, Now Year’s Cake, Gingor anu
Spiced Snaps, Fox’s, Butter, Boston, Lemon, Pic
Nio, Graham, Water; Sugar, and Fancy Crackers—
all uf which we shall koep conriautly ou baud and
rccoivo fresh supplies by overy steamer at tho
Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot,
liov20 WM. H. FARRELL.
O N WEDNESDAY next, at 10 o’clock, A. M., I
will soil to tho highest blddor the Stalls in tho
market lor ono year. No bid will be takou from
any porson, unless a Butchor. for the Meat Stulls.
Persons purchasing stalls will uavo tho privilege of
keoping thorn for another year attheuimo price.
Terms cash. Palo will take placo iu tbo market,
under tho superintendence of tho Market Comniit-
nc 28 City Marshal.
butter and Clieese.
lit) fine and lower qualities. Also,
One Hundred Rich tain Cheese,
(Imitation English,)
16 boxes mild, rich Northern Cheese; half bbls
Fig Fork; do Beef, Ac., Ac., for sulo nt
no28-2t Barnard st., uoar tbo Market.
H Farroll, JFord, SMFlsko, E Fitzgerald, WW
Goodrich, Gilbert A Itldea. A Haywood, Hone A
Connery, R Habersham, J D Jesse, O Johnson A Co,
BKlng, NB Knapp, King A Waring, J IJppm&n,
N Lyon, Latbrop A Co, Lovell A LatUmore. W W
Lincoln, C AL Lamar, J G Math, J N Muller, T
McKenna, D Mallett, J Mohn, W Mackey. W H May,
McMahon A Doyle. J B Moore.IW Morrell,H Morse,
Ntvltt, Lsthrop A Rogers, G 8 Nichols, J O’Neill,
Ogden, 8tarr A Co, Fatten, Hutton A Co, Padolford,
Fay A Co, Parsons A Co, C C Poole, W 0 Price,
Pierson, Heldt A Co, 8 Palmer, BP Peue,Ruse, Da
vis A Long, Sniders A Askew; Srovel A Moitick, J
Stoddard, Sisters of Mercy, Savb Water Works, P
W Simpson,Solomons A Co. 1K TsfLM DTroanor,
Truchelut A Bro, J Vanol, VersttUe A Frierson. G
W Wlnter.Wayne A Son, N BAH Weed, Wood A
Co. WTWPUaas, JFWIldo, Wells A WilUsms. B
B Young, Young, Wyatt A Co, YongoA Frierson.
Per steamer Gordon, rrom Charleston—C R R.
H 8 Welts, 11a boat, N 0 A H Weet^R Bradley, E
M link, 8 Singer, BeU A Prentiss, W Epplug, Solo
mons ACo, Habersham A Son, EJ Purse. M W Nt-
chols, L Manlgault, Mo C King. A S Kuck, A Hay
wood, Sniders A Askew. Dr King. Ruse, Devis A
Long, W Duncan, J Richardson, E Molyneux.
Per eteamer Wm Seabrook. from Charleston, Ac—
1 bale s I cotton, to J P Bnxfcs, J Richardson.
Jutlou aud Price
23 2w
TFT - ANTED IMMEDIATELY a good Cook, who
Tv will be willing to iron aud wash for a small
family. A suitable persou will recoive good wagos
and a permanent place. Apply at this office.
aa local and traveling agents in a business
easy, useful and honorable, at a salary of $100 per
moulbl A capital or $6 only required I No potent
mouiclne or book business. Full particulars given
l free) to all who enclose a postago stamp or a three
oout piece, and address A. B. MARTYN,
scpt22—w3m Plalstow, N. H.
T WO good Boys to wait about tho Barbershop.
Liberal wagos will be paid promptly for them,
ily to J. M. HAYWOOD,
Fresh Groceries.
L ANDING per sclirs John Boitou, Enchantress,
Walter Raleigh and stcaraors, o Inrgo slock of
choice Groceries, selected cxprossly for my retu'l
Oooloug, |
Hyson, i TEAS selected from latest impor-
Gunpowder, J tatlou.
Souchong, J
Extra No 1 Nutmegs, Mace, Cloves, Cinuamou,
Pepper, l/)udon Mustard, English Pickles, Sardiues,
Anchovl Paste, Worcestershire Sauce, John ltiill.
Reading, Mushroon, Kiug Oudcs, Foyers Relish,
Soho Sauco.
Nurthorn Pickles, iu jars,or at retail, lorsulsat
WM. G. DICKSON’S Family Grocery,
no28-2t 14 Barnard st., ucar the Market.
F NAL NOTICE—All persons indebted to tho
subicribor, as obimuey uoniructor, aro here
by notified, that unless their accounts uro settled
by tbo 10th duy or December next/tboy will bo in-
‘ Bcrlmlnately placed in tbo hands of a magistrate
r collection. JOHN LARKIN,
nov28-3t chimney Contractor.
V News copy.
T HE CHOICEST and best assortment of TEAS
ever offered at retail in this city, including
Euglish Breakfast Tea,
Delicious Oolong,
Plantation Oolong,
Silver IiCaf Hyson,
Plantation Imperial,
and other TavorUe qualities,
Just received and for sale by
>20 comer Broughton and Whitaker sis.
Just arrived, the Br. schr. Ellen,
Wm. Johnson, master, from Har
bour Island, with a cargo or ORAN
For solo low, apply to
nov!7 94 Bay street.
100 boxes Fig Blue,
60 doz 2 and 8 ply Brooms,
100 doz 2 and J hoop Buckets,
26 bbls Soda, 8ugXr aud Butter Biscuit,
10 bbls Pilot Bread.
Recolved and for Halo by
Jj Lady’s wbito Satin Slippore,
Gent's flno Boots and Gaiters,
Gent’s Oxford Tios and low quariereit Bhnoi,
Boys’ and Youths’ Gaiters.
On hand at 71 aad 162 Gibbon’s Range,
aov25 M. J. BUCKNER,
ar Atnaonrr or no sure or ammu,
To ba diawn December 16, 1866, at Coaoart HaU,
Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence)ot
Col. George M. Logan and W. 0. Aodersoo, Esq.
49- Remember this Lottery has ooly fifteen
thousand numbers—less than any Lottery in the
world, therefore it la the beet for investment.’ Ex
amine tho Scheme t
1 prize of..... ....... .
1 “ 6,000
1 “
i “ pqiH
60 “ of loo are 8,000 ,
1,608 »• of 40are....... 60,000
ArntoxnuTtox nta,
20 approximations of $100 are $2,000
60 •» « 60 are 2,600
60 “ “ 20 are 1,000
1,712 prises amounting to 6102,0C r
Tickets $10—Halvas $5-Quartera $2.60.
49- Prises payabla without deduoften.
Tbe 1,600 Prizes of $40 are determined I
lost figure of the number that draws the <
Apply t
Halves and Quarters in proportion.
49- Persons lending money by mall Mid no
fear its being lost. Orders punctually attended to
Communications confidential. Bank notes of sound
banks taken at par.
Those wishing particular numbers should
V EARLY customers, Btrangers, and cltizciiB are
X rojpcctfolly notified that hot water is ready
for them from 0 A. M. till 9 P. M.every day except
Sundays. A few more gentlemen can bo well ac
commodated to bathe as often as they choose at one
dollar a month, all subscribers to commence from
Nov. 1st, 1858 to Nov. 1, 1867, for 412.
Single baths, 26 cents.
Season ticket from 1st May to 1st Nov.. 416.
N. U. lo subscribers, in uddltion to those I have,
aro all I cun take atthe low price or 12 dollars a
year. noylS J. M. H., Agt.
order 1
November 13tb, 1866. /
milK WATER RENTS for tbe present year wore
X due from tbo 1st iustant, and payable at the
olllco or the Board.
Tbo atteutiou ot thoso persons supplied with
water from tbo works is called to Section 20 of Au
Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for the care uud
management ot'the Savannah Water WorkB.
uovlS It. J. R. BEE, Secretary
C l- —, , ....
Cheese: CO do English Dairy do; S
Apple do; 50 firkins Choice Butter; 5 ci
)i boxes) Sardines; landing and for aa
(1EESE, BUTTER, Ac.—200 boxes Goshen
01 «»25 oases Plus
caaos (,'u amt
and for aale by
E ECEIVED by late arrivals—
iAdics White''
ladies White Satin Slippers,
do do Kid do
Misses Black Gaiters and Morocco Boots.
Ladies Polka and Jenny Lind Boots.
uovd No. 71 and 162 Gibbon's Uuuge.
L ETTER BOOKS, Copying Presses, Oil Fuper,
Copying Brushes, and fine Blotting I'uper, lor
169 Congress street.
sule by
Oft H bbls Fresh Buckwheat.
20 k do.
26 bozes do.
20 bbh New No. 3 Mackerel,
10 do Large No. 1 do.
/ 10 y % do Small No. 1 do.
lauding and for salo by
b il’ERMACETTI, Adamautiueaud 'fallow of various
> brands; Soap of various branaa. Icoui 6, 6, to
and 12 cents. Chemical smp 10 ceub.; Wo
man's Friend 10 cents. Gull uud ozuiuiue at
Family Grocery,
Whllukur mill Charlton-•'ireeis.
choice Butter just re
ut Bay-a
ceived and for sale by
Oct 22 vn
■ ■ 26 kegs choice Uuucr
60 boxes do do cheese
Landing per steamer aud tor sule by
0021 SCKANToS. JOHNSTON k 42*.
A ^Tandjuf per schr .John Ho.-lnu. For sate by
nr\ Bbls and boxes of Boston Crackers, Water
OU Crackers, Oystor Crackere, Sugar Crack-
Fancy Crackers, .^odu Biscuit. Milk Biscuit, Egg
Biscuit, Maple and Wiiu- Biucmu. fresh from Ti
tus’* celebrated Bakery, jtisi received by
no?14 J D. JfK-tK.
E iquorr, suoab «u~
76 bbls Domestic Uraudy
100 bbls PHGiu
126 bbls NE Rum
100 bbls Rectified Whiskey,
76 bbls Z, XX, XXX do
50 bbls Old Rye do
60hhds P R, M and N O Sugar
126 bbls Stoart’a A B ft C do
Received and for u io by
MoUAUON * D0Y1£.
nov4 No 206 ft 207 Bay aL
... 86,000
... 16,820
... 10,000
... $.000
... .2,600
... 1,760
... 700
... 300
... 200
... 100
10 *•
10 “
173 ••
06 “
66 «
66 “
4,168 **
26.T40 “ 20
30,316 prises, amounting to .11,141,140
Tickets $20; Halves $107^7.16"Bgkths $2.60,
49- All orders for Tleketa or Packages In any of
the Maryland lotteries Will receive prompt attaa-
Uon, and tbe drawing mailed to all purchasers Im
mediately after it Is over.
Address T. H. HUBBARD ft 00.
No 39 Fayette street, or Box No., 40..
uovlO Baltimore Md.
rI* M. GRIFFIN has Just received another fine
Me lot oT Sliver Sugar Spoons, Gravy and Cream
Ladles, Batter Knives, Knives, Forks and Spsons,
Pie Knives, Foils, Knlvee and Forks, Cake Knives,
Crumb Scrapers, fto., Ac., mostly in morocco oases,
soluble for presents. novll
W OULD invite the attention of the Ladlee to
their very large and rich stock or '
Opened THW DAY,embracing Ihe foUowtni stytesi
Heal Thread, HooUonaad Maltcso BETT8
“ French, Muslin and Cambric “
Mourning Setts, In Book; Cambric and Linen
Com brio and Swiss. Edgings and Inserting*
Embroidered, H.8. Bordered Hdkft,
Muslin andOambrio Banda
Misses Setts, In great variety
Infonta’ Cape, trimmed.
Children’s Worsted Capes
Opera Hoods, Ties. ftc.
Colored, Silk and CuhmeraScarts.
oct 6
Public Favor j
TTA8 already ranked Steinway ft 8oas, fltodari.
XI J. B. Dunham ft Co., Horaoe Waters, w
Kuabe ft Co., G Vogt, and Ugbte, Newton ft fired-
bury's Celebrated
Patent-Arch-Wrcst-Plank 01-4 ana 7
1-3 Octave
having rre(mUy’r*M?re?VnSr supply* of these
makers, would invite the attention or the musical
public to their stook, comprising every article in
tho line, which can be fora shed at Now York
Prices. Also,
A rich assortment of fine French ENGRAVINGS
_Jd splendid COLORED LITHOGRAPHS, with and
without Frames, Jusst arrived aad for tale at
No.’s 101 Bryan andOiSt/JaUeails.
rpiiE subscriber olfors for Mtfo io«4 Thirty or
X more Negroes—oonnseted by QucUies, and
having many likely children. Among these people
are good ploughmen, axemen, and boose servants.
They are all or good character, and have been ac.
customod to the culture or cotton, etc. They will
be delivered by the 1st oTJannary next For par-
•culara apply to John W. Anderson, or to
nov 27-ft BRYAN U. MOBIL.
T HE United State. Ulb limnm Ann nil, ud
Trait Compuijr take. rule. « Hi. Un. «r
Whtw Fcruu for UN. or tar . altarUr parted, ud
on Stave, ter on. or four jeert, on u fl.V0f.bta
term, u Uf oqu.llv niponitbto Oompuy.
Capital nnd JUarte, JU’T let. 1H3..31,431,313 47
A bonus ofSS per cut hubra* dictated 0.1b.
biuln.»i of im year to ^1 poliov bolder, united
thereto. AlWnN.AfUt,
ric °'" ^ •is'iifi tL-',—
auizi or nm
CrrrTutera.'. Onto. I
Itavuuh. lit Nov., 1U3. J
mBE .v.rue prtCM of flew Dm pul vrU
1 beta, U.nt deltar. pu bbt, Rzud mut «lt^
13 e.nt loti mint w.lfh J
g i» .3 i»
L aw** cuiabut Otm/tff Utap Urn.,