Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, December 01, 1856, Image 3
TliouiOldAWA nRKCUIIPAHY.'Nu.lO, war wW'ccUjbhiKlhelr'AuiiiVerttrjronth.Sud DM., «a f i™ MEM mm uim- J(cw '« lull. ’i'lck.'U ran be DhwurcU fratu ollher or me ubderalsuod OnnunUlM. No Hokum brill : Mi wHtiiha.nntiMiwo,. . * |f V. BMfrr, ttl foreman,- o«B(friimdon, Hoo. L. lainn, ml Jo tf.'Wliltb, • ||, II. Mryor,' ' . WolgJuil; ' Y-Frank'KI(uoi> uuv'20-eoUltl tf^lOO III Some pcMuu oijporsotis i.tiHyi^-g 'CiiUntojftltotj u TK.S D01.MR HI).; of thu MinpUanfa* and Muutftfi* Bank, uud put the same In circulation, ilye Ildar d,' by Resolution, otfora Howard of One Hundred-Dol lars for doiactiug th« eounfortoltor and'^IrnWhlog orooffor conviction. . ' IURAM ROBERTS, uovll ' Prealdout. • “UANOI.VO AOAURAIV. - -JI UJXSIRUR A. NJN\vUn j-es)ric\ftlily (U. form* HU patron* that liu will upon bta Acad- Ml Artnorr Hall, on Saturday, Novum, tior iuth, al I o’clock. I\M ' ” 1 ‘ •''''’ All Ids r»i*mdr pupil < afP.iMi-.vtlNllly invited u> itioml, Ttfo Germ mi u»nu ivW<igDifiuntho .uo- canon. ,' V- 1 ' obl-9 - FASHION AM. E UAWINO. MR. NICllol.** Inwryturuod ami Wjftc l will trim- •s ui Si. AmliWi^U op ■(III, lb>0, \ mouco III.-* OU ^A’o.laoiday, Ni Ail in • now d'.tuco.x *, i<htj tuifuthor with twouew SottauriiudrlUoa. dr. N.,nuy boammatlUolIall from ll A. 'I, till 0. v|. ouch day. , * IVI ’it • i • oona,no.i ranruoilon iu laucy; Tianciug' given in i-.ill on lit* • tltorms. i , ori 25—tf . : , i t ■’ l ie* suit bribers U lor ior aiilo w lpffid audyarfou ,ii-M luHMii "i •‘ccond'-lnuiM printing miudr(al,‘8HIQ- ell . V »)?,» ibll.xll !1 OumpivtO Job OflluO. ^’lillTjUt ft a -1 liiiwuil u-ticles, oousHIcg lu port or—Cue- auipi M ..,i oi ai.iiill pica, os. good as, now, tiu'd vuri- ouii'ouw ui'jo'» typo; ouu supor royu} bamUpress; oo Hoo x <:•» ■ tiraof-prosa, latest tiupr.oyemout, uew; two «r m »t••.l irgo Imposing stdifow,;'don* bio ail J sliMlo -audrf; code.*, oom|io!u^jilTuks,ool- amu rules, gall ’ •), oho-sos, oto‘,1. o|p.IdJOtuoJ* with various othif vteles pertaining to a .newspaper or job oiiico, •, a. u:.mi,to,v\y 0 o. ome-ae. ,.v;v ‘ •• IprofcGsional €arbs. JOHN B. C0LD1NG, A'lTOBNET AT LAW, Viuma Duoly County, Georgia, W li.lj prfldtii o lu tho couniiPs. of/.Itoply .and i\ orth oi' ttio M ioon circuit, and .tumptoruiid Loom IboW, 0. , ♦ - 7nu.-. ; 11EFHIIENUE9J . * .Jo.*..J). Alien, Baruwell U. H , S. tJA- ; -' - Ur. tMward i;. ithdci Savihnali, tloo. stftvJW • •- ' Al pliitiis, AlTOUNIlY AND SOLICITOR; Tuslicgiio, Ala. n'ill attend lliu Courts of tlio'Cirouit. r a ^ ..'i v LKVCiHJFiat. JNO, bdrm FKAHKB. Cdtx»iWR & FltASEH, M'l'O.*.? xuESERAL COMMISSION MKRCiLlN IS. t fy street, SavautpiliVOft. frnyll »«.. J. PAVANT, Jll, »AiH’otKVNUOO.MJ.USSIOX MBROANT, UV IJny Street, - .1* • > SiVAunaU, Ga .* V VIES Mi S.lVAUB, UTOHNEV Ai-LA'.V, ,, . t J irt.’lLLB, fUOM.Ad cocxri’, U4. u, u idiue ,«‘otru*tod t*t tils care will roc.ttve 1 ..Hi-lltl; a I'Mi, Ui.miWW. .AaKHA.'SrORRW : iJiJblEUS A. NOiliUS, Viato K Kodgofs, ' * .VUOJiKdALK UROUl'UiS, u.Y-^rilK'.T -.Si,'i.VKAn. •,«,«1. ut», ; :iimm inkv .«• .) 3ii.'h'KHSON i llOBKH i i'a, • CO .1 tUlOSIOJN, AiEIWiiANT, • a.VK l«AMSk fit ■ i’uiiber and Lumber. ■VA VANXAll, da. \Vu.[)Luu.ii. oahiTeU, " r Hl'l’JaN'lir-AND COU.VABLI.UR AT MV. I'lMd.ivUlo, l^j'A'uded Couuly, Ga.j t Will piactiflo in Thomaa, l.uwudes, Clinch, .Ware, Appin^. I’eU'iir, Irwin, Uuroiid.. auil Pulaalcl couiuios i.Mr/ia; and m .luil'erdou, Maijldon, Ham- lltou, au 1 .M i n'd,: •»mtie.*, Klorida. iftnyll a. r. wan • > -.ViilCllIT A SAVAGE, Wl'OU.SUVX AT LAW, taut > »vicv, OA.,. jyU* 'ViTTAii's. liWEfl, . ,. Ail .HU'EOC AND HURV-NVOR, .1 l»it*\‘l')V A.VU IIHVA.N-.'tW., * .v • • a; I.. (amai’i). . t.tM n ifc mt(>THEll8i •diii iiiiil Brick lards. SAVANNAH, liA. • DAVID O. WILDS, w?owmx\m i«JLwr. ,hi ■rAHTA, OA.. IJiirw^lM InJ^o uouoUo. or H.ooovk, Worrou, 'tfftkP..' ■! OA* . ., 1 . ' Turner A Op,** Druf ’■nayj. 1. rr Uv j L'U'AR|L1LS : H. CoLblNO. IIWIICP Mu RB8HINNCK, No. 14 LIBIRTY-SI., >: i ;-;l / ,4.door>i ? *orDr.ytoo. w.iiiuwam ..i-mwi i ,y*;»..i5Wr UUICK1W 4t SMOOT, . ATTO HN B Y8 AT. L A W ooW8 *« «> nbiifCiw, at! ’ . m’ ’pATTfiSEtfiSlTON tit CO.,‘' •i, ,.' .. PA0T0H8. , ' ~ ) Ossion Morolianta, IIBAI.BR IN CHOIUE FAMILY .. uutl ForelKa and Domeetle ■wmvr Broughtm and Whiiaker-»Ui ■ t'ow u aud country supplied with choice goods al ihotldrato priced, All orders promptly attendod lo. .tml s!ttir,IUotlpp.alwitf>||Ui^rauteud. splH JOHNM.MIIaIaEN,* .. ' ATTORNBY AT LAW; 'OtUae oornw Bay aud I)raytouXtreetis t" A jyid'-'ti -o'v' 1 .'PHILIP M. RUSSELL, notary 8 fd^^iSooi^pSrP 'and Oravu ut %> Court House, SavaiMinKGi). . , „ Court Daya^fUlru Tuoaday la oaoli* month, and hulfl ut thq olflce of Edward u. WildogtEaq.. ‘. ’ ItasMouco, Uudto'n, between Barnard i^d Tattnall atroet., ... li; '* Any cull ut night, oh bualuedd, will be utUmdoo to immediately. ..... ; jy26 . WM. C.GONWjeLLY. _ ATTORNiiV.-.SS LAW, ibAUKLU, WORTH OOOHTlf, .A.. (ROUT UMIC*. ALKAHV.) Will praetiae In the SoutiicruCircuit,and in Macon, Dooly and WorUi-CounUodoi tho Atucon Circuit. MT ParticuJaft attention -given to tho oulleotiou ol oialma lu South-Weetern Qeorgla. Jed—Dm ' 8E)OAH AND TUUAcbo NTOllE. ail. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snub', junn 1 “r T jA^S^dIIENRvV Inauruneo Broker - »ncl Notary Public. vMariuo I'rotoala Noted a^d Extended, Average tdjuated, Ciutrter 1‘artfca and Average Roude driiwuu I'aiwrft prepared whereby to recover losses Irotn .ruorlcuu or Uritish Lbulerwritors, and attention ,,;foU to all uiatters cuubucied with ohippiug uud In- ,Of.inch,' Nof 11H'ltdy*V.treet npiHMltc tlio front ol lUe C'iLUom House. ly uov 8 . JESSE T. BERNARD, ATr.JRNKY AND COITNSKLLOR AT LAW, ... \ewnau8Yille,. Fla. Kelereneo-i-ueo^!j t Hi owu, William Dell, New- .uanavlllc, Flai.,.1*. it. ihlton, BiMton & Villalonga. ..■jgyannah/iiii.i ' > > •' v myll — ~ DIADlRiT . ATTORNEY AT LAW KlUSK^L UHARD 00., OA. Will attend lo uro^loual business in UieCounuea of Hoard,'Cur roll, Campbell, Cowotu, Fayette, Murl* wether and Troup. Kefbrenoe—Hon. K. Y. Hill, UGrange, Da.: Hon, David Irwin, Mariolta, Ga.; Colonel M. M. lid well, Fayetteville, Us ; uud Mr. William Dougherty. Co* Iambus, Ga. . sepl7-iy ~ r Wm. SIuALUSTEH. •laroie Monuments, Tombs aud Grave Stones, Turn " . l-:hcd on ‘ rettsouublc terms. Ordors res ap pucti.ully solicited. .. - < ■' • M. WHIT SMITH, ' ‘ * ATTORNBYAT LA W. ALMOAtOK, HAST FLORIDA. Will practlco'ii! tlw Kustoru and >outhuru Countie* Refer t'o—f’di * 1 Sibley, >uid R. B. Ulltou, Sa v.inna'f! *’* ** • , fobvl-tf WILLIAM PHILLIPS, ATTOUNEk* AT LAW, MAlttETTA, OA. , octgd—ly Murchanta.ofii|bq atippllod it abort notiiw with Ulll-Ilenda, Bills of Ladlng, • * .ii ’ jlDigr^Bodlu, Clroulais, Clhis tunl lllnnk tionkii. Particular attention giveh to BOOK AND PAM PH LET PRINTING, Hugh as dataloguos for Colloges, Proooedlugs or Mootlifpi.-Beporta, By-Laws, etc. .Thankful for the .very liberal patronage heretofore received, we respectfully solicit a continuance of tho same, tbollng that we sl^all be able to please all who may favor us with a call, both as to prices and execution, df work. LANIER HOUSE, ~ MACON I - . r GEORGIA LOGAN & MEARA, Phopribtohi. THE Proprietors or this well known os- tabhshraent roapoctfully give notice that they, arc .still candidates for the patrupago iof tho • Travollug public, and dotor- mined to omit uolblbg to deservo well of their iMiostHapd maintain tho reputation of the House. ,. ',>? FREE TRANSPORTATION .of Paw.eMKers uud Baggage, to and from the House, by a Quo now.omnibus .and baggago wagon, which they have provided for that purpue. PassungorH will Ib'roarior bo a uo expense whatever for trans portation of ihotnselvou and. their baggago cither way botwei .11 tho Innler House and tho Hallway MutimiH In Mncon. We ask a contlnuanoo of public patronage aud promise attention and comfort to our LOGAN fc MEARA. Machn.W bUU m mined to ; m: i4, i86«i. nov27 -dUta FOB SALE. A valuablo rloo plantation on tho 8a* Itllla rlvor,it a good pitchof tide, con taining lour hundred acres tide Bwamp, of which two huuilred aud fifty aro clearo under bauk, with threo hundred ano fifty acros of pitid'und hammock land attached, sevon y acres of which havo boon cultivated In corn. On the prem ise*. uro a small dwollmg house, overseer aud ne gro honndX to uccommodute one hundred aud thir ty negroes, a burn aud other plantation hulldliigs. The sotllomenl Is prettily situated on an elevated Idull'of tho rlvor and reraarkabto for its healthful- no , AM“- 1 ■ This property lo bo sold for a division. Further information may bo obtained from tho uudorsignod on tho adjoining plantation, or by uddrossing him ut Jelfersouton, Camden county. novl8-tf L. W. HAZELHUR8T. it: aud most NOtlOB. The undersigned wishing to make a change iu business, oiler to sell bn Thurs day, tho l*tb day or December, the MAG- NGI.IA HOUSE, at Bristol, tho largest aud most conveniently arranged Hotel In Western Virginia, immediately at the tormlnus of tho Vlr- giiti* and Teunesseo Hullroad, a point that will re ceive full patrpungo from tbo Road at all times. Tho Magnolia House possesses advantages over all other houses at Bristol, it being I ho only acces sible bouse iu tbo place. 'Hie Ho:el is dlroctly opposite the Vu. & Tonn. R It, 1.40 foot front ami runub g 100 foot back, aud 11 stories high, aud wlthlu 40 yards ortho track, with good water und out buildings all complete. They will also sell 4 Lots adjoiutng the Virginia Depot, well suited for business of any kind. Tbo abovo proporty, ir not disposed of privately beioru, will bo sold to tho highest bidder, at public auction, iu Trout of tho Magnollna House, at l‘J o’clock, M., on Tliursday, tho 18th day of December noxt. Terms—Ono-Uiird cosh, and tho balance in two equal Instalments, iu ono and two years, tho pur chaser giving bonds with approved security. 1 W. G. FECK. GEO. 0. LANGHOKNK, novU-tl8I) H. W. HANFORD. HWwa/ay, 8d , . . , . . W r Tho steamship V^RID.,, Captoltt < EXCHAIVOE MUTUAL JNM, COMPANY Ml WoodhuH. will leave as above. UP PUIlMDBLt'HIA. d - - '•"For freight or passage uppiy to CnpHal .,...,.1'$*00,04)0 PADEWTIRD, FAY & f.O, " JOHN M. HALKj Prosldont. . . .. JOHN MoDOWKl.L,: Jr,, Hoerqtary. Fire Insuranoo, limited or perpdual s made in town or country, on every description of proporty. Marine lusuruuuo on '"ossuis, Cargo uud Freight. ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, nov!3 - 164 Bay street) (E^AMTKAl'iw., 49- Berth, hat recurud until |h>IU tin*. Cabin huango, .hi, stoerigo PuMge.,., . 3lii|*|iera of Ootton by tbaao ateumahliM will tiluoaelalto uutlRo.thnlno cottnu will bo reaelved at lio nroaaea tlml la tint dlalltiotly marked on the adac ofthn bale. nov2B v.uimi;' FOB K4a Darien, “ na and Jack* TUB etenmer WELAKA, Cent. N Hint, will loavo for the above places evonr Saturday Morning, at 10 o'clock. Thw boat hu largo and airy State Room aecom modatlons, and taking the Inlai d Passage, olfon every inducement to In valid! and ‘'horn. Freight will bo taken for Trader’s Hill aud Inter mediate landinta on 8t, Mary’s River. No freight will be taken after 0 o’clock. For freight or passage apply on board at the Florida Steam packet wharf The steamer W. LKBBY connects regularly with this boat at Ht. MHrys for CoatrevlUo and Camp Pinckney. novSW GLAUHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. ^OK cH.mLESTdN DiaECT. ,*> Tho superior steamor GORDON, F. Burden, Commander, having .v . ^ . boon thoroughly ovorhauled and fornlshod with a now boiler, will run regularly— twice a wook—belwoon Savannah and Charleston ; leaving Savannah every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, at 6 o’clock, aud roturnlug will leave Charleston every Monday aud Friday afternoons, at 4 o’clock. For freight or passage apply to J. P. BROOKS, Agout, nov8 Charleston wharf. STKBIJNO LAMKK. SAMPSON LANIER HOU8S, (FORXKHI.T COWMAN UOUFX) KNOXVILLE. TENNESSEE. Mr. Sterling 1 AUlor, Iato of tho Ij&uior Houso Houso, Macon, Ga., and Sampson la&nier, Iato of Tuskogee, Alabama, will ^bo happy to meet all friends and oustom- at tbo Lamar House, where they have ample aecommodation for two hundred and fifty persons. uovS S, ft 8. LANIER. Proprietors, m all Apply t ' J. W. PATTERSON, tTTORNKY AND COUNara.lX)R AT LAW, Croup villo, l/)wndoaConty,Ga. (mil ENUIN . jyb—3iu AT?i. Luinbe.. sept 5 l, J OOUSN. *H'. .trAMIt, Jt. B. H. UABOII. t» .u;d.%,HlLViLHMi GO., .Sliip{)iu,j .Hid Oo'arniaaion Merchauta, LA V-.Sf itBKV. dA VANN AH. GA. *** * ~ Jt'i. GU-tinUNO; attorney at law, lebi-Iy uwiVTOx, «a. cT^lvUKWW'. ' ‘ ' *V. MUUSBKk MAltltiSDN A McGEIIEE, AU'UTON, COMMISSION, RECEIVING AND *’orwarding JlercUaitls. #9 AND HI HKOAD-STaSKT, COLUMJiUB, GEORGIA. fir P.iruuular uiWuuua givuu lu ilie siales of Roal Estate, So^t’oe.i .uid Proiluoo. 8y* i,iU(iral-.ulv , .a''e* mvloou N'oRf*i>)s anil Mor* ;haulis.j KSysnSNOw :/ , KUrii!., PAl’l'ifiN ft CO. . UUNUY <c DANIEL, yttolumbua,Mh srt;wAur,GR.vy«Luj . ,. .. HCJE, DAVIS X LONG, l >Suvutinull wm. wica.iT, / lv ‘ -, YOUNG,. ATKIN*,^ DUNHAM, j Apatttohit ,; 9 H. S. Ailifii, piubiio, Ambuinu. ocl 'ii iy . CIIAB. a. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LA W, SUllJflKJKVJI.W, UA.f Priioiiues the various Counties of the Oc midget* Circuit, and the adjoining Coimtics of'lViggs, Laureiw and Waaliiugtou. - - Roi'rtr to—.lobn Botdon. H. A. Crane, aud R. B ridum. fobl4 CKUIIOB A. UOlVUOX, ATfOUNKY AND C0UN8HLL0R AT LAW, AND CommiA?tior)fr of the U. 8. Court of Claims for the State of Georgia, Ottloe Corner Bay and Bull Btreets. t> mylO VONGB A FRIERSON, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NO..ill HAY-HTRnrr. SAVANNAH, OA . aprt J. 91. EYRE, COMMISSION MEROHANT, auggti- . No. 14* Iluy-st., Savnnnnh. 7 JOHN C. BOOTH, CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, Will also give Ids attention to designs In Archlteo- tire. Ulllue In the atorn of John Williamson, Esq., day stroel. my 13 D. A. O’BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, i)lllvo..l76, Bay-at., over Tumor ft (Jo’s. Drug Store SAVANNAH, GA. uov 10—ly • A I. a J.iniinisiioii lioiise, iVlacon, tit a. u.', ■; Uouui-al A^ont ami Auctioneer, Soli.rota id,: friends conulgumeuts pf overj ■' iko<> nrdera for CoUmi. : ; •cm; utoMlmt yivdn- w the sales of Real- .irks and Negro property, at public and /V. * ' - - '-*■ • ■ ttsscri. tfj" Kst tt*, iriviu- Heii.- 0—U. L. LAM IR. lildUM mchito • J t J LLiS UILBU, 0. tluiu-v or County, A'.'l! .ilTOUNliV AT I-AAV:• .J-ll' t; ,.i ihi* i:.mrt H.iiii.:; . - i mylb :'i‘vi T 7r(>Ai'~flTA r liI.trO'll, ..VTTOilNET AT LAW. Savnminh, Uvoraln. $*• i.’eife on l)a» street, over tuo Banlc of Sayan* uuli. ’ . , :i ‘ tnaylS yiL L. P. KINO, A r*Jll,VE Y AT LA W. Cornev fll 1 Ray untl VVtiltakei* Street*, A V A N N A H . 3mos feb2b S. W. BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troujivillo, Lowndes Couuty,Ga. > Koiwence—Hon. -W-. B. Flkmino, Savannah, Ga, .... rayii EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND COMMISSIONER OF. DEEDS. .al'Mossrs. Ward ft Owens' Law Olllco. [myll "Lanier &"anderson;' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, »p6-ly MACON, GA. J oHB7 N OK,RTSr ARCHITECT. : T.AV1NG resumed tho. practice ol hlaproles* . 5, A r;lon f olfors Ids r.ervices to his friends and the |ial\|io as an Aroldtuvt uud -ii|)tirlnteuilent. Designs lot any. part of. tbo oimutry supplied and oKvouted in ull the various urauebes of his profetj *ipu, such as Public Edttlcus, Stores, Dwolllnge. liuuumoula, ftc. Tbormigliiy Fire Proof Hloros de, good ui-1 t-M iif t Dfitp--* it prosent in Bay iAno roar ofiheOusioin Houso. jan 8—ly TO RENT. A good briok tenement to rent on Jon os treet. Rent $200 per annum Also, one on Gaston at. Kont $360 por annum. ippIFto A. WILBUR, oot26-lw 111 Bay at. Two comfortable brick teuoments on Jones H [U street, ut $3C0 each. Apply to THOS HOLCOMBE. novl2-2aw2w "FoBTHEm K A comfortable two Btory bouse on a base, moot, corner St. Julien and Lincoln streets Possession given immediately, For partlcu- qulre of J. J. Gatnmou on the premises, uovll FOR“HENTr ( TWO comfortable Woodeu TENEM ENTS corner of Liberty anu Drayton Btreets. Apply to JOHN BOSTON, sept 30 CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YOBKi, #116 00.» k| y Vnltad Stale. Mall Una. |IUE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL ■ . StoamshliM— A lou8..Capt, C. D. Ludlow. uKSK 4 •••• 1,600 « ..Oapt. Thomas Lyon. FLORIDA 1,300 • *... Capt. M. S. Woodhull. ALABAMA.... 1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R.Schenok. ... WILL UUVfc SAVANNAH RVIKY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. These ships aro among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed In speed, safety and comfort, tnakiug their passages In fifty to sixty hours, and aro com manded by skillful, careful ar*. polite officers.— Having elegant siuto-room accommodations, thoy olfor a most desirable conveyance to Now York. Cabin Passage to Now York $26 Steerage Passage to Now York 8 PADKLFORD, FAY ft CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. MITCHILL. 13 Broadway, lob b s* ow York. FOlt" lilfiMERY*N FiCItliyT ' AND AM, THE INTERMEDIATE. lAN'DINGS ON THE SAVANNAH RIVER. ■ The new lion steam pocKet SWAN, Captain Richard Johnson, will leave Charleston wharf every Friday morning, ut 10 o’clock, punctually, for Demory T d Ferry, aud all intermedi ate landings on the Savannah River. $9* Tho Swan has superior accommodations fur passengors. For freight engagements apply to sopt23 JOHN RICHARDSON. LNITKD STATES MAIL, LINE. ~ Mr PMa, But Fla., Ha Daria, BrunnHck, St. Mont, ftmandtna, JtuhimvtUe, MidiUbm, (Black Orate.) and Piaiala. M.sff — k The new and elegant steampackei fifiSBlC DARLINGTON, Capt. Brook, loaves every Tuesday morning, at 10 o’clock, for the above places. Freight will bo taken for Trader's Hill and inter- mediuto landlngs'on St Mary's River. 49" No freight will be token aftor 9 o’clock. For freight or passage, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Steampacket Wharf, near the Gas works, or to jy25 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. Ag’ts. FOR PHILADELPHIA. —Tho fine sailing _schr E. L. B. WALES, Capt. Hnltaan, will lave Immediate despatch for above port. For frolght, apply to _ / C. A. GREINER. A£ FOR FREIGHT OR OHARTER—The Swo- jffae dish brig SYDl’OLEN. Capt. Soderborg. Apply on board at Habersham's wharf, or to UOV3 PADELEORD, FAY ft CO. S FOR BALTIMORE—The fast sailing sebr, WM. A, NEWEL!., Capt. Bennett, will have ate despatch as above. For freight on gagements apply lo nov29 A. GREINER. FOR RENT. THE subscriber being about to partition | oir tho two elegant and commodious sto- rlosovorDr. Brantley's Drug Store into ioffices, ofi'ers them forront by 1st or No- Gernoxt. CHARLES SHOLI^ sopt 20 Architect. FOU RENT THE fourth story verDr. Brantley’s Drug Store. Apply to CHARLES SII&LL, tr-®$ Architect. FOR SALE A VALUABLE IX)T, near tho Central Railroad Dopot. about 60 x 100 feet. This I.ot is Tee simple. On tho premises are three comfortable Woodeu BUILDINGS, whicn rent for buoO por auuum. Terras moderate, Apply to J. B CUBBEDGE, aopt 29 Agent. STUTTERING ANO STAMMERING C URED by Dr. WYCKOFF, or Pittsburg, Pa., withoutpaln or Surgical Operation, who will send the euro to any part oftbe World, on the re ceipt of $10; and tho monoy returned, if the euro Ib not ulTcclual. All letters must bo addressed to Dr.Wyekoff, Box 740, Pittsburg, Pa., iu care of Arthurs, Rodgers ft Co., Bankers. P. S. Correspondents will please euoloso stamp for return postage. Caution.—All persons who cannot produce my genuine certificate, are humbugs. aopt26—wly Dr. W. 3: afe ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA i i i i GEORGIA. J. J. HE8I.HU, Proprietor. Late of the Verandah Hotel, Hew Orleans. I’assongers por Evening Trains will find Suppor ready on the arrival of tho (burs, mayl4 •lo s, MEKOHAWTB’ HOTEL, jAc .MSmMfc, J£p 8 H T .toE. LA - a BOARD TO DAT.. $ 1 60 BOARD PXRWXXK 6 00 HOARD Pin MONTH 20 00 i ' k,mayl3 lyr MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, CHARUBTON, 8. 0. M THIS House in now adapted to all the wants ortho TravolUng Publio, and the ef forts or tho Proprietor'will be to deserve their patronago. mar 81 THOMAS 8. NICKERSON, 4*NMLp< 8W MMm ^Lmrn.TI Dwollmg, stoi R. B. HILTON, .tiiOKNilY-AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW . Ofilui*.corner of Bay ani.' Oraytoa-Hta. SAVANNAH, GA. my 11 ■ AVWf.LS Ji wilmaaih. DltALKUd IN ■' DOMKSTHJ, PORK1GX AND FANCl DRY GOUV6. . .Ve. 11.) Coni'renH-nt,,.iiuufinwtii, Qht- Jaa T. vYi.LL'd,. fiu uwt‘iy .i')l .iVsftufurL Dipt. S. C. fHKOPim.U.1 WIIJ.l V dri, , iirlvan.Co., Ga. 8<!|)t ' a VMjxin. ■ ii. il‘jnkIunob I.DCIfcM'l ,, t' .V£ dNMLLlN«S, COM X'* MKHCriANTS, AND. ’ .h:: 11*pi vg• .to, .. / . >Sinofumuh, Ga, Will all.- -i to tin) sidtiuy ol'aU liimbt ol' iiroduce StrictatiiMitmu givmi u» riiucivln/. ■ mt-’li forwarding gootl-*. mnyill » ■ • ly - DiMTlSTRY. &, JOHNSON, Dentists, mlioe tturner 41. Julieu-Bt. fiSfl or ' Market -<|tiare, over S. .Yll* 1LT j.J ■ .('g'ji/wAli y -tore, oilicd hours from g lo ; t'l.'v'-. andiVH»d ; aii»6. .- ■' { ’ * 11 - ■ mi so ' ■■ Aom ;■ M~l rni¥''KM'EX, ATTOKNEYS AT UW; ' ., BUIINSWIOK, GA. .Will pructi'M! in tin Brunswick Wrouli—coujpris- »ug i Im rniiowio^ Counties: ' Uly in. -V , Cpmdgu,,, Ware, Apppllng, Which, Luilvuaif'l Cmyliow* • • j JojiN,B vt Mn'iPv((,o ( ;i,..g.^oLL.i- ~ g8 i._ ^ L w. .m. LAwm:" OburiwImi.hliath.Uai SEA ISLAND GOTTON AND RIOE FaO-, affifta? onoaEfRizjs, dTO. R ECMVKD per •‘learner Alabama, and In j'loro: 3.) kt)^* extra Goshen Butter, 6U boxus Stato GIiuosu, 2u di) English Dairy Cheens 15 buxos I’lun Apjilu Cheese, .30 barrels choice Apples. 90 biUTelM tixlra Eating Potatoes, 25 BARRELS RED ONIONS, 2!t BARllLLS YELLOW ONIONS, 2 barrels Tomatoes, ti UAH it ELS PEAKS. 4 BOXER NEW LEMONS, 15 UO NEW BAI8IN8, . 10 hall boxes new Raisins, lOquartcr do do do, also : 2 barrels extra l'ig Hams, 2 barrels extra Pig Sides. . 2 barrols extra Pig Shoulders', , Drlod Beer, moTtod ft Pickled Tongues, • ' Tongues, Corned Beef, Pork, ftc. For sale by R. H. WATSON ft CO., oct‘28 No. 28 Whitaker street. Savaimnli, Oct. 1st* 185fl. r|1HK Co-l'AUTNKRSHIP lion tolore oxlHtlngbo- X tween the Mibsci ibors, under tho name of 'J.' 1 V. CONNKRAT ft Co., wns this day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. Joseph V. Couuerat will*at- leud to the KuUleinmit of the uifiilrs of thu said Urra. j ;• . . J. V. CONNEKAT, .LLAMA. fifavainmh. Out. lsty.ltfML THE UNDERSIGNED having bought otttthc la- forest of John Lima, will hereafter continue tho Wholesale 0ROUK.ltY AND PRODUCE BUSINESS iu his own name and for his own account, aml re spectfully liollMH tv m tho. friends of tho late IhrmA •mntinuuuou of thoii mvors, octB ■ J. V CONNfiRAT HUDSON'S FERRY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for Bale all her possessions In Sorlvon oounly, contain 'log about one tnousand acros of Land, imoro or less, all niholulng said Forry, aud extending to tho Augusta road — ^JTbo improvements consist of a good Dwollmg, Store, Warohouso; and all othor access a* ry out-buildings. About alxty-Uvo acres are under rence and in good order for cultivation. Tho land is first quality, and well supplied with fonoing tim ber. It Is an oxcollcnt stand for the raorohandiie business. The Forry is tho best located and mos, patronized ot any other between Savannah and Augusto. There is also passing through tbo land a novor falling Blroani, fully sufficient to supply any Grist or Saw Mill. For furthor particulars address mo at Springfield, Effingham county, Ga. B«ptT—U’ ELIZABETH JONES. aWAaWMM Biioof I Willum- M. I.AWTOH; WTeBn.lly Jonra T Dili, > | Wintobs La^toii, J«- ■nnOlLjuuIJn. '■ •'. aug20-cod4m ; • .1.v PATENT ICE PITCHERS TU8T received, ONLY thirty-two days from Bal- tl’ tlmore'by tuo new steamship' 1 Line. Th- Ub- merous onquiriiD will lj glad to learn that -aoy: KENNEDY ft BEACH. ^op'e-ru'rglf>bIng Store, Uodgsou’B New Bi *ck ■ i . ' VALUABLE PLATNATION FORNALE , THE SUBSCRIBER offers for Balo his 1 PLANTATION, InXlborty County, called Millhovon, situated miles from Hincavllle. aud six miles from tho Gul Railroad, contalningTnree Thousand Aeroa. Three hundred acres cleared and under good fence, most of which has been cleared within tho last few yean. The othor portions havo bcon highly manured for a number of years, and aronow very productive. On the placo Is a valuable Saw aud Grist Mill on a fine stream, in good running order • a targe and commo dious Gin House as good as now, with running gear for horse power, together with a good Gin. Good now framed Negro Houses, sufficient to accommo date fifty Negroes. His elegaut now two story Dwelling House y togetbor with all necessary out Buildings, Buch as Stables, Corn Houses, fto. In fact every Utlng In such order that the purchaser can realise thu full resources or the land without tho outlay or a dollar in fixtures. It Is probably tbo best settled Plantation in Liberty county. It will be sod ono third cash, the balance in and two years. The only inducement to sell Is the foot that tho subscriber has another Plantation six miles from this, and tbe necossary attention to both takes too much time from bis professional engage ments, hence bo would relieve himself of the caro or ouo by disposing of It. When at home tbe gubscriber will take pleasure in showing tbe place to any one who may call, and ill his absence Mr. Benjamin Dorsey will show it. ocl 16-1aw8w WM. B. GAULDEN. FOR MALE. Six T racts or Land, 600 acre each, o a» miles fir om tho city of Savannah on the B. JuTGulf Rail Road, well adapted to tL« growth Rl<o, Cotton aud (oin. ai d Word i m i gh loyay ton times over. Apply to rah 27 tl 0* A. CLOUD RHOADS dtSON’i. 1 AXTRA prepared Mucilage for office and general I. use. being, a aubstitufo for Wafere, Sealing wax, Gumantblo and all other inconvenient pro poratlouanow In use, is always of goodcouilatency, doea not turn sour and is ready loruaeat any moment. For sale by WARNOGK It DAV1B. oat H lfiBOongrais street. FOR PHILADEIJ’HIA.— 1 Tho fine regular packet schr. FANNIE, Captain Boas ton, re immediate dispatch for abovo po-t. For freight engagements apply to uov29 C. A. GREINER. ATTENTION PUBLIO. NEW HACK, SALE AND Livery Stables, NO. 225 BAY STREET, 7BBBHAN, HENDERSON ft CO. proprietors; X HL subroribors would Inform tho public that they have opened a Stable In tho Brick Build* Ing on Bay street, between Montgomery and Jeffer< son streets, and have added to tholr already LARGE STOCK several well broke NORTHERN HORSES, besides now BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, and are now able to supply all orders in their line. Thoy will have OMN[BUSSES and HACKS on U\e arrival and departuro of tbo Cars and Steamers And also HACKS for PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION. Their establishment In all its departments, they aro determined SHALL NOT BE EXOE!LED IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY. FREEMAN, HENDERSON ft CO. octBO-tr TO CONSUHBH8 OF HCKLHt. B ELIEVING that the Public havo become tired or purchasing Pickles in Packages, holding, in many cases, fifty por cent less than represented, wo have commenced putting up. In addition to our present aocond size jar, an article which we aro la belling “ WM. UNDERWOOD ft CO’8. EXTRA PICKLES,” and aro filling into full sized Jars, which aro legibly stumped In the glass, with their exact contents in ouncos—thus enabling tbo consumer to sryiiy tholr truth. Tneso Extra Pickles are put up with ovory regard to style, quality and flavor, aud will bo sold * fairly remunerating prices. We have made no change in our manner of Grconlng Pickles, hover having resorted to auy de leterious means to attain this ond. Tho Cldor Vin egar which woubels made from sound fruit, aud is entirely free from Vitriol any othor mineral acid; which is not tho case with that used in most brands or English Pickles found In this country. WILLIAM UNDERWOOD ft CO., 67 Broad streot, Boston, Mass. uuvl8-3aw3m HOWARD FIRES AND MARINE 1N8. COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA. (Frahk)iu Building, ui Waluut-st.. Philadelphia.) , CHAKlKll PERPETUAL.! ' lucorportnd by Act ol the iiOgi&laluro nf Penn uylvunla Capital paid lu ami liivo.stml............. .^408,100 Chartered Capital fiyb.O 'n Imuranqp ugainnt,L<MH or Damage by Fire; Ma rino uud Inland Navigation, at the lowest rates. PNHGtVAL M.^PolTS,. President. C. E. SPANGLER, Vico President, W. II. WOODS, Secretary. ROBERT AUSTIN', Agent, uov 13 164 Bay Btroet. FIRE ANli MARINE IN SURA NCK. TIIE INSURANCE COMPANY OF THE VALLEY OK VIRGINIA. Available Capital.. * $300,001) (JO Surplu.i .01,617.27 OHARTER PERPETUAL. Takes risks ou Cargo, Freight, Buildings, Mer chandise, fto., lu town aud country. Losses promptly uud llborally adjusted. ROBERT AUSTIN. Agent; novl3 164 Bay atreot. The underslguod having beou appointed Agout for tho abovo Insurance Companies, is now pre pared to issue Policies of Insurance, on VKSSEIS, CARGOES. FREIGHTS, HOUSES, STOCK IN TRADE, FURNITURE, AO., fto., at as fow rates as auy other mjwnsible agency iu this city, uud pledges himself to his frlouds und those who may be desirous to Insure with him, that tho offices for which ho Is Agout aro Bound, Tollable, and well conducted, uud will pay prompt ly all fuss ok that may occur, without cavil or delay, ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, uov 13 164 Bay stroot. THE GREAT WESTERN INSURA NOE CO. OF NEW YORK. A KE uklue 11AU1NE ulHl niVKB illdkrt ut their Agofioy, on Drayton street, near tbo Bay. Approvod Risks will bo taken on liberal terms, and the usual credit g(ven ou Premium Notes. Throe quarters of tho business will be returned to tho customers iu Scrip. i- oct22-lm C. A. L. Luwar, Agent. doutlisru Mutuul iiuurunci) C'unipniiy, riouilivru Muiuui Life Ins. Cumimiiy, Hoate liitiutuace Cumpuity, of N. York, Nprlngfiuld Fire ft Marl tie ins, Com'y, Risks lu tho above insurance Comiianles undertu ken by WM. KING & SONS, Agouts, No, 99 Buy street. Savaunati, 14th Decomber, I860. dor, 14 MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. .T. C/larter i*ernrfuai. Nett uuoumulutlon, Jdn. 1, 1850* $2,230,uub 4 « Tbtal amount or dividends paid to date "16,492 6d Total amount of datum by death paid fo date 1,830,990 ti4 $4,282,488 97 Benjamin C. Miller, Secretary, Joseph x.. Lord, General Agent, Kobort L. Puttorson. President. •The funds of this Company arc all safely Invested iu first class bonds and mortgugoa, stocks, cash, and notes of members folly secured by tholr policies. For further particulars luquire of WM. H. GLADDING. Agent iu Savauuab, ir ‘ At the olllco of Boll ft Prentisa. J, S. SULLIVAN, Medical Ex&mluer. mokRSM'K: Messrs. PiDKi-ronn, Fay ft Co., i. K. Tsvr, Esq., State Bunk, feu 29 . THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE A Nil MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, . Of No, 107 Walnut tired, Philadelphia Penn. OHARTER PERPEfUAL,...CAPITAL $30U,t>U0. VIKB, MARlSiKf AICD INLAND INSUKANO. "DlRECJfdKS i Charles C. Lathrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whilden, Merchant; 14 Nortli Frout-st.; John 0.Hunter, firm of Wright. Huutor A Co.; E. Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Baker; John K. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, White ft M’Curdyj Isaac Hazlohurst, Attorney and Counsellor; James B. Smith, firm of James B. Smith ft Cu.-. Theodore IV. Baker, firm of Tracy ft Baker; R. S. Walton. 360 Market street; Thomas K. Limerick, 634 Spruce street; John J. Baker, Uoldsmlth’s Hall CHARLES 0. IuVTHROP, President. Tuoh. K. Ljmxrick, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER,, Juue 16 No. 85 Bay street. General Southern insurance ’v ua.Gt3BIKTOY T HE SUBSCRIBER la prepared to effect Insurance to any amount in tho8tato of Georgia, .oh LIFE, FIBK OR MARINE RISKS Iu the following good stock Companies: FARMERS AND MECHANICS FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y, iOF rillLAWELPlIIA. Cupltal $1,260,000 Hon. THOS B. FLORENCE, President. Euw. R. Hkumuou), Sec’y. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE OOMP’Y, OF HAUTFOBD, OT. Cash Capital $300,000 RALPH GILLETT, President, Jab, H. St'HAOtJK, Seo’y. STATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE CMMP’Y. OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital aud Assets $309,000 J. P. RUTHERFORD, President, Si ias Wahi>, Seo’y. BRIDGEPORT FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE OOMP’Y. OF BRIDGEPORT, OT. Cash Capitui aud Assets $125,000 HENRY W. CHATFIELD, President, J. H. W wiinORN, Sec’y. EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE OOMP’Y, OF LONDON Capital $2,600,000 CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF HARTFORD, OT. Capital aud Surplus over $400,000 J.JC. WALKLEY, Prosl.lent, S. H. Wuitk, Sec’y. 49* IJfo Insurance, to any amount, at the lowest rate, for tho benefit or the heirs and creditors, or payable to the wifofreo rrora tho claims of creditors. 49- Marino InBuranco on hulls or cargoes to all parts or tho world A. WILBUR, oct23 General Ins. Agent and Broker. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, Capital.. .$300,000 DISSECTOR’S GUIDE. T HE Practical Anatomist and Student's Guido iu tho Dissecting Room; by Dr. J. M. Alton, with upwards of 200 lllustrotlons. All the Class Books required for students in the Medical College. Amoug them: Neill ft Smith’s Compendium, William’s Principles of Modiciuo, Dungllson’s Physiology, Thorapoutic’s. Practice, New Romedioi, Dictionary, fto., fto. Carpenter's Physiology, Dict’y Surgery, Erichson’s, MiUor’s, Forguson’s and other works on Surgery; Wood’s, Barlow's, Bell ft Bioko’s, Dickson's, and other works on Practice; Cozeaux's Midwifery: Meig’s Obst tries, aud many recent works on Medical sub- Jocts. also: Long's Atlas of Classical Geography—52 maps. Sabbath Bolls chimed by tho Poets—beautifully illustrated. Poetry of the Woods, of the Field and of the Year—fine plates. 'J.i *1 . DIRECTORS : Ralph Glllutt, Alouzo W Birgo, Barzellal Hudsou, Charles Forbs, Warcham Griswold, H K W Welch, Philip Ripley, A 1) KdBon, Roswell Brown, Albert F Day, Mason GrosB, JB Russell, William W Houso, A F Glllett, B C Osborn. RALPH GILI.E1T, President. Jah. H. Sphauck, Sec’y Tito subscriber having been appointed Agent for Savannah for the abovo named first class Fire and Marine Insurance Co., Is prepared to issue Policies on alt doBcrlptlons of insurable property at tbe UBnal rates of othor good companies. • A. WILBUR, Agent, cot!8-tf Ill Bay st, noxt to News office rov6 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. E XECUTOR’8 SALE—Will be Bold'on'the first Tuesday in January next, between the legal hours of sale, before the conrt bouse door In Chat ham county: Eight Shares or the Capital Stock or th« Central Railroad and Banking Company or Geor gia, sotd by ordet or tbe Court or Ordinary of sold county, for tbe benefit of tbe heirs and creditors of tbe Estate of Philip Ulmer, deceased. H. k. HARRISON, Ex’or. nov21-td ELIZA ULMER, Ex’trlx. E XTRA FAMILY FLOUR, *o.-Ju«t received. bags aod bbls Extra Family Flour; 20 bbls crushed and powdered Sugar*, 20 bbls A. B andC clarified Sugar; 20 boxes Ground Coffoe, In k and 1 Ib paoka; 86 do do Mustard, Ginger. Cinnamon and Maco; 10 coses Table Salt; 10 naif bbls Extra No 1 Mackerel; 100 dox Brooms, Huckeu, Clothes Lines Scrub BrushoejSl half phesU Oolong Teojlboso and, FOC QtooNNOR, S<n m lAit uud Improvement. ON TOK$DA Y,, Drbombor 2d, at 11 o'clock, In Trout of court houi*e, Throe lA)tK: 40 by 80, situated on lot known on Nu 10, Currytowu. situated on the corner of Tatt nall, Gostou ami Mluls streets. Tbe middle lot hu a good ono story wooden building. All In tee-ilm- pic. Terms ut salo. nO v30 Deilmbfo City Property. ' ON fUESDAY, December 2d, at ll unlock, in trout of court nou-e. Tnat valuablo J-ot No. «, Frederick tythlug: Der* by ward, froutlng on Broughtoii street, noxt to the corner of Whitaker, 60 by 90, foe-simple, together with theJmpr«»vefoonts tnereon,confuting ora two siory woodcti house, uu a brick basomeut: together with (Rubles oral ull ueoesBary out buildings. At presout occupied by Dr. FUh. Terms tnadoltnowu on day of sale. uovUO Groat nalt) of Books aud Stationery at Auctiou. THIS EVENING, at early gas light, at the flora corner of CougrenB Whitaker streets. Dim >» uud fetatlouory, Euoyclopedlas and valua ble NcItiutiUc, Mcchaulcul uud Architectural works, magulllucutiy Illustrated; 1/mdou and American works of lino aud useful arts, aud Bpleudld stan dard librury books lu all the various departments of LUerulure. The collectlou comprises the great o»t vurloty of valuablo standard works la the va- rlo is departments of literature, science and arts ever offered In this city, iucludlug most of the best standard works published iu Annu als aud elugantly lllustrati d works, lino Bibles and Prayer Books, Uue Letter aud Note Papers, Envoi* opes, Stationery, ftc., ftc. .he books are nil now und warranted per.eul aud will bo Bold entirely without rosorve to the highest bidder. - Ladies aud gentlemen are iuvited to call and ex amine them, during the day. Catalogues may be had at tho sales room Terms cash.' Purchasers to pay for and take away their books the day following each sale. Suo to continue every eventug during the week. novl6 Fulton Market Beef at Private Sale. Just received per steamer Knoxville: 12 half bbls 1 ulton Market Beef, put up express ly for us, and wurrauted hotter than any othor sold iu this market. Wo shall receive by every steamor a small in voice of this Beef, which wo can with confidence recommend to tho dealers and warrant it to give sutisfuctiou. novll Potatoes at Private Sale. Ju-t received per schr T Raymond from New York, 20 bbls Potatoos, In good order. noli Apples ut Private .*-ale. Just received por schr K L B WaleB, from Now York 30 bbls Apples, In prime order. noil Houses aud Lot at Private Site. Lot No. 17 euruer of Taylor und TaUnaH-slreels, 80 to 100 lbct, with Improvements, consisting of a double tenement two story iiouso, on high base ment— all Iu good repair. Fcr terms and other particulars, apply at our Countiug Room. uovG New Fish. Just received direct by schr L S DavU: 20 bbls uewno. 2Mackorel 20 do do do 3 do 20 bli bbls do do 2 do 20 do do dodo 3 do 20qr do dodo 2 do 20 qr do do do 3 do 10 bbls Pickoled Shad 100 boxes, each 40 lbs, uow Codfish—prime - 10 do do 60 do, smoked Salmon, now landing aud for sale low from the wharL —ALSO— 60 boxes fresh ground Java Coffee, oc21 Baccy, Just received lu sloro, aud for sale low. and on accommodating terms *. 40 bhds prime Sides. oc2l Carter Potatoes at Private Sale. Justrecolved per schr J T Grice, from New York, 5t) Uhls Carter Potatoos. oct24 New liorrlugs at Private Sale. Juat received per schoouer LS Davis, aud now landing. 600 boxes first quality Smoked Herrings 25 barrels Holland Herrings iu ary salt, for sale low oct 24 ’ For Rout, Thu couutiug room aud st <re uext to our store, formerly occupied by Mayer ft Blum. Also, several stores under our countlfg room sug2Q FINE FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, at reduced rates. B ARGAINS can now bo had by all those who wish to clothe themselves gentoolly, ns I will soil tbo balance or my Ready-Made, at reduced rates ou time, and ten per cent, off for cash. Call aud avail yourseir of tho chance to obtalu good arti cles. At tbe Star Clothing Emporium. WILLIAM O. PRICE, IUU0 27 147 Bay street, /"i OQIEN BUTTER AND CHKE8E-20kegs Go- UT shuu Butter; 60 boxes do Choose; landing from steamer and for Balo by . sepll? SuKANTON, JOHNSTON ft CO An ififlh NEW TIN STOIIE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOUTH or MARKET SqUABK, HKYAM STOUT I would iuform my old frlemls and patrons 1 havo opened the above state to oonduct the Stovo, Tin and Sheot-Irou Business In all Its ivariouB forms, and where wlllhefouud a gen eral assortment of Stovos, Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, which I will ho pleased to show, and at such prico aa will satisty any one wishing to purchase. All kinds of Roofing, Gutters of Lead, Galvanised Iron Work or every description, Job Work and Re* pairing executed with diBpatob, old Stovee put up ami Pipes furnished at short notice. Tin Waro at wholesale and retail. Call down on Agent, Bryau street, It will pay you for your walk, oct 2 JOHN J. MAURICE, BOTANICAL DRUG STORE. Tbe undersigned gives notice to bis patrons, and the public generally, that, no has oopned a Botanical Drug Store, In bis office, adjoining Ills consulting room, 190 Broughton street, abovo Montgomery street. . Thnro bring no regular Botanical Drug Store in tho city, and tho dem nd for Reform Mud- iclnos, ftc., such, that it has become necessary for him to do so. A compotont person is engaged to attend to tho storo. Tho underslguod will continue, as heretofore, to give feta whole attention to tbo practico of medicine, in all Us branches. Ussal indulgence for visits, ftc. Will soil medi cines at a very small profit, and for cash only. 49* The underslgnou also takes this occaslou to anuounco that he is boarding and treating chronic negro patients in hta Infirmary for 920 per month. W. T. PARK, M. I). Savannah, Nov. 18th t 1866. 3m—uovl8 FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS MACON, OEORGIA. ^ The • ubscriber, from long experience in tho bus iness, is prepared to furnish Steam ^kOEnginos, Boilers, Circular, Single and Gang Saw Mill Machinery, Grist and Merchant Mills, Sugar Mills, Gin Goaring, and Costings In gen eral. Tho Saw Frames, whether for upright or cir cular, will Ut of irou wnon required. All of which, with his many improvements, is warranted to be equal to tho bost mado at any other establishment. Bis works aro on a scale as extensive as tbe larg est at the North, and he is prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch. aug 7 ROBERT FINDLAY G. HL GRIFFIN. SUCCESSOR TO LATE M. EASTMAN Corner or Bryan and Whitaker Btreets. £v HAS now on hand a beautiful as- il 2&A. sortmont of Jewelry or even dls- Jr. flKA oription and kind worn by ladles AmE and gontlcmen. and will sell at unusually low prices, I have this day received (per Express) a large Btook or ologant Slver Ware, constating of Cake and Plo Knives, plain and engraved Fish Knives and Forks, Pioklod Knives and Forks. Knives, Forks and Spoons, Napkin Kings, Nutmeg Graters, ftc. fto M all in Morocco cases, and suitable for presents. I have also this day received an addition to my stook of hair work or light colored Curls, Topeys. Braids, Front Piocos, Bunds, Uncle Tom, fto., which now makes ray assortment complete, Orders received for any color desired. Watches repaired by and under the supervision of self, and all other work done In a workmanlike manner, and warranted. may 26 MASSIB SCHOOL. T HE MASSIK SCHOOL wiu be opened on WED NESDAY, October 16th. The Regulations require that alter the opeuti.g ol tho School, "Applicants shall be received every day of the first week, and on Monday of each suc ceeding week of the term.” There are still several vacancies lu the Sohool. Until tho opening of the School, applications may be mado to the Principal, who will bo found at the Sohool Room every morn ing from 9 to 10. By order or the Commissioners, ect 10 B. MALI-ON. Principal. PIANO FORTES. HAYING lately received forge ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, we are enabled to otlur at this time tbs ’greatest vsi iety trow the best manu facturers, from the plaineri .square to the moat elab orately carved, and from nix to sevon octaves., Our Pianos are selected from the manufketurers whom we have full coniideucu in, aud we are par ticularly requested by them to glvo a guaranty with every Instrument sold by us as regards durability, tone, ftc. Persons In want of a first rate instrument may re ly with sorely upon getting such a ono by selecting from the following Junkers, whoso instruments w# endeavor to keep cuimintitiy on band, vis : H. Wor cester, J.Chickerinp ft .<«», Nunns ft Clarke, Bacon ft Ravens, H. Wat- -n’O Huines, Brothers ft Cum- -fog. * 1. W. MORRELL ft CO. aug 27 ONLY EXCLUSIVE *r -st M'iWJjrAf-* «v VtjC.liLtJiO Wholesale and Retail Dealers In F elgn and Domestic Dry Goods, B EG leave to say thoy havo removed to their large new storo, 170 BROUGHTON STREET, - whero tholr ample room will enable them to keep a complete stock In every department. Also, a mil line of PLANTATION GOODS, m HnuuCKEEPERS. ortho best Southern manufocture. Gomblnod with w-v awtctt rmnvTW TTnholiter 26 Hrvan-st the above they keep acompleto stock of ladies 1 .nESfto the effiso Dreoa Trimmings, Ribbons, Embroideries, laces, Sdontdmili udLull.. and Genu Forntoblng GmiIb, lo suit tho imu BV T. J. BULLOCH ft CO. "T’ At . rlT.tolM.. ‘ 'iOfadd. cliolc. Bacon Bid.., ' T~ 10 Houln Brandy, loS do do W Bultor, 20 half bbli choice Family Bear, For ..I. loir to oloao coulinment. no.22 At HrlrUa 8m>. . ™/‘T .llniblo boUdlny Lou, 40 reel Trout by 100 to 124 fret dMp, elttuud on Taylor, Gordon aud Gauton atreeta. Ttuca loU ara onfriib uioundand mnn or them In tba Immediate nel|bborbood oTthe lot .elected for the elte or tbe Hareuuub. Albuor and Gulr Railroad Depot. Terms ume aa city lote's via: one-Ofth caeb, Uo baltnoe bearint Interest at tin per cent. JunelO BY 0CTAVU8 COHEN. Executor’s Sale. W iL 1 ti£“. u Ji l ! Jen)ro the Court House, on the Aral TUESDAY In January next, between the usual hours of sale. ..No. 169,81st District, originally Lee, anu sold for beuefit of the heirs and creditors. °°I0»j. P. BOBEYEN, Enculoc. SWAN to CO’S LOTTE RIES. [AUTHOWZKO IT TUX STATS OS OKOBOU.] FORT GAINBSAOADEMYLOTTERY. CLAsfc* 22. To bedrawn laths city of Atlauta, Ga., fo public, ou SATURDAY, December 20,1866, on the plan of SINGLE NUMBERS It! 30,000 'iiiKets—»,480 Prises. Mure Uum One Prise to every Ten Tickets! MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! f priee of $40,000 1 prize of.... } “ 12,000 lo prises or.... J “ 6,000 100 “ of.... 1 “ 2,000 100 ” of.... I “ 1,000 APPROXIMATION FHUUtt. 4 prises oT 160 app’g to $40,000 priie, are 4 1 126 « 12,000 prise, are 4 ‘ loo “ 6,000 priao, are 4 “ 76 “ 2,000 prise, are $ u 60 ” 1,000 priie, are ‘ 40 “ 45 “ 200 priie, are 1,600 8,000 » 40are .....120,000 8,280 prises amouutfog to $204,000 $1,000 900 100 70 600 600 400 800 400 Whole Tickets $10—Halves $6.00—Quarters $2.60. $8,000 Prizes of $40 will he determined by tbe last figure or tbe number that draws tho $40,000 Prize. For example, IT the number drawing the $40,000 Prize ends with No. 1. then all the Tickets where the number ends in 1 will be entitled to $40. If the Nurabor ends with No. 2, theu all the Tickets whbre the number ends fo 2 will be entitie4 to $40, and so on to 0. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates. which Is the risk: Certlflces of Packogoor 10 Whole Tickets...... .$60 “ “ 10 HalT “ 80 “ “ 10 Quarter “ 16 PLAN OF THE LOTTERY. 80,000, Numbers corresponding with those num bers on tbe Tickets are placed In one Wheel. Tbe first 216 Prizes are placed, in another Wheel. A number is drawn from the number Wheel, and at the samo time a Prize Is drawn from tne other Wheel. The Prise.drawn Is placed against the Number drawn. This operation is repeated until all the prizes ore drawn out. IN ORDERING TICKETS, Enclose the money to our address for ths Tickets ordered, on receipt ol' which they will be forwarded by first mail. The list of drawn numbers and prizes'will be sent to puiobasers Immediately after the drawing. 49" Purchasers will please write their slgnaturee plain, and give their Post Office, County and State. Remember that every prize Is drawn, and paya ble without deduction. All prizes or $1,000, and under, paid immediately oiler the drawing—other prises at th* usual Ume of thirty days, fall without deduction. *rAfl I communications strictly confidential. Prize tickets cubed or renewed In other tickets at eltheroffice. Orders for tickets or certificates can bs addressed either to S. SWAN ft 00., Atlanta, On., or 8. SWAN, Montgomery [Ala and corner Bull and Bay streets, Savannah. uov28 ' OH. lANFOHD't 1NVIGURATOH, I S a mild laxaUra.tonic and stimulant,and 1* recommended to ina publio, relying upon lulu trinsio worth in tbe ours of the following oomplaluu All Bilious Derangements, Sick Headache, Dyspep ■la, Habitual Oostivenoas, Chronic Diarrbce, Colic Pain fo the Stomach and Bowels, General Debility Female Weakness, fto. For sale by Druggists gen " ““ Do, antfllm. W icawiii nvwuim, ■«. furiiw vjrj orally, and by John. B Mooro ft Oo, Lincoln, Savannah. ly febl2 T IE subscriber has removea on the Bay, neat door to the Republican office, where he Is no vt opening a splendid sssortment or Fall and Winter goods, which he will sell by tho pattern or make to order in tho most fashionable style; olio. Ready made Clothing from tbe celebrated house ef James Wilde, Jr,, ft Com New York. Thankfal for put favors, he hopes by strict application to mernt A* continuance of the some. N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing dons at tbe shortest notice. Just received a lot of whits aud colored shirts. oct 80 JOHN W. KELLY. O N the first TUESDAY in December next I wlU sell fo front oftbe conrt the city of Sa vannah, between tbe usual hours of salt, all lotsor laud situs- ed, lying and befog fo tbs city of Sa vannah, county or Chatham, 8tate of Georgia, known and described on tbe map on plan of said city, pub lished by Jno.M. Codper ft Co. fo 1866, u lota let ter* A, B, 0, D, E, F,G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, which said lots are bounded North by Gaston ik prolonged East b} Prices!, prolonged South by Huntingdon st, prolonged West by a tract of land oommonly known as Lane ft Beard, which laid lots lettered afhbove ore ports and parcels of the Eastern k part of Garden lots No, 48 and 44 East; the some levied upon u the proporty or Michael Prender- S at. to satisfy two fifas lor the 6th Clrouit Court oT e United 8tates for tbe Southern District of. Geor gia, in favor of Ball, Criss ft Co. and Ripley ft Jud- son va. Mfrhael Prendergut; property pointed ont by pialntiH’s attorney* DAN’L H. STEWART, nol U. 8- Marshal, MOOTS AMO BHOKI. THE subscriber hu opened m a BOOT and SHOE STORE at ■ Nos. 71 and 162 GIBBONS’ M v—BUILDING, next door to the CloutingMwn» uf George 8. Nichols ft Co., and so licits tbe patronage or his friendi and tbe publio In general. M. J. BUi oct 7—ly BOOTS Aim SHOES. 4, RECEIVED by late arrivals, Lady’s GA1- RATERS. Gentlemen's Oxford TIES. Gents and Boys' GAITERS, bents Low Quartered, Calf and Patent Leather 90ES. Gentlemen’s Fine BOOTS. Mf. J. BUCKNER, ocl 10 No. 71 and 162 Gibbon’s Building, MliSU' W. D. ZOO-BAUM A CO. the opp*«iluttity tu return thanks Vo their . friends and toe publi.; for tholr favors, and bopefrom strict atU'iiiiiui to their busiuesii, for con tinuation of tbeir |>airuuage, aud would tberelbre respectfully ask tb« .utouttuu of tho public to their usually large stock of llano Fortes;, having added this season also, W. Knaber and G. Vogt's Mafifl*. which for elutlcitv aud beauty cf touch and great S can not be Hurtewsed. Also, ou hand a assortment of Mtwlral Merchandize, and a collection of Home and Foreign Music. oct29 . 5 Bbls new Champaguo Cider," 6 bbls u^w Buck wheat. Just received per bark and for safe by nov!4 J. B. JSfUt STAPLE DST GOODS. C IOTTONand Linen Sheetings, Shlritfogi, Irish J Linens, Pillow Cus Linens, ford’s Eye Dia- >ers, Huckabacks, Buck and Fine Damuk Towels, 8, R and 10)4 Sup. Irish and Scotch Table Damasks. Napkins and Doyles, Real Welsh and American Flannels, Fine Bath and Whitney Blankets, Linen and Cotton Bed Tick, ftc., fto. For sale at tbe lowest marketprlces, by nnv6 PtWliT ft MORGAN. 1 MARRYING TOO LATE. A TALE, by George Wood, author of “Peter Schlomihl fo America.” commodore Perry’s Japan Expedition, Govern- mont edition, In quarto, with colored platu, extra calf gilt. Widdiefleld’s new Cook Book. Fashionable Life, by Mary H Butman, wife of Capt Eeasimon. U. 8. Army, female Life among tbe Mormons, by tha wife of Elder, with colored platu. L Hita or the Shatemuc, by Min Warren; 1 author of de, Wide World. The Rime or the Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge, elegantly illustrated and bound in extra gilt mo rocco. Kuvelopee fo great variety. Drawing Slates, with velvet corners, anew in vention, much Improved—twenty-five cents each. uov24 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. „ ' (URIMN, oot. mm, IBM. “ rilllE Uu iiartaenblp harnonra .iliUo. under X till! uuluu of FARKUDIIsr k ADAMS, la «la- aolrul by ibu ileatbotHr. John R. Adaoa, alltboae bnfrbfrd ui thu law Ora an repuMtad W uaka imiuuiliatu yuyinent. lb. Ooaran Fatkbual, wlU annua III Ibu nuitlumeut of ibo allMn^ofjtoiaia llatuibbeau copy. 8® oeiio . P E k, EESs, PKN8-A larft ana aitnaaM- linn of uuimrliirBWal Pena; alao, GoUFaaata Goia aud ,-uvM «i.«ii in novN F AtliLY — tint-Al ariedkm injhl mBuw-rWe ____ __ __ _ uluuliuu in lhteoUy,. (otnpInYhabatt styles, bciun boupo iu Turkey moroooo, andmeroe- oo auli iue, botlic KuglUh and American; Ueo, loft, some 12 mo. ami p aikut editiopa of the Bible, aId Prayor Uooka, very cheap, for sale by-11‘ . uovl4 WARyOO^jfc DAYHb r F ig and halt »iam<*:*w*H'wii celved 3 i-urrH^'VIg Haiu.,,am lOQiUtrs farauy aoq 8 den. also 8 i*»xh- r/ a* r ^ ' l, *d U»t«A, s.Juitrt" 1 for 12)4 cem-C 00128 DAVID O’CONNOR, nor Broughton ft DnytfoMK- aBSt,