Newspaper Page Text
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S aAIJM’hnnut loan ordor
"lMioitwm (ho (Jourl ot Ordinary of ClutUnm
OoanSh will" o MM boforo ,hl1 °“" rl ,,0U,0 > ,n
NewUD, SKo" county on tbo But Turtday a Jan-
i 2ry noxl botwoon tho leftal hour* otaalen lho (hi.
low of Land In said county, via: No’s. 21,
MMwHt m tho lOUi IHalrlot; No’s. OT.
■ • ’ "- in tho 11th District, and
■■ Hi tho lath Btoltlol.
bofor. tho Court Homo In
• -boBrw
tor wml^VojffiowVfJoja ^ Jnnd^
i Tuomlny in,ftb
uo In liofnlrldOTi 1
its of loud In sold i
sold coon*.
la ike 9&h District, amj No. 247 in tho 28th Dls-
^Tha abovo Lauda aro Bltuatod In a rich and for-
*ccuuw ^^"^VTod^Uh'orovSo 0 .!,©
Gulf Rail
,r», as It la oxpcctod
tallroad v
will run adjaoout or through most or
Tbriua: Wo half cash, the halauco In 12
from datootaalo, to bo wotl aco'ttcd, purchasers
btath ot oiottdtii
-riuMiOOH tnmNTY.-'Sn nil whom It mu oo».
Jj norm whomu, Sonborn B Cowart will apply
ntlhoOonrt oTOrdlnitf Ibr loltord dfomteMry ••
ndmlntalrntor on tho oiloto of Patrick DK.Iehor,
''"ibcoo'nro, utorefore, toolto and ndmonlah nil
whom » may oooown, to bo nndi appear boforo anld
Court to make ohlootlon (IT any they ban) on orbo-
two tho Brat Monday In February noil, othorwlaa
“w'lncaaf WUUau'lm, Bat., Ordinary Ibr Bulloch
County. thM 'WMLa
^foraons wlilhug lotmrchaso will call on T. H. 1 .illlU S ^™u^h;.r
on Eat. JAMES H. 81IKAUAN, dccOMod.
. novlT-lm
g’fAMWTSMOKtJVA. nilt.t.OClt CO.
rain In whom U may ooucorn.—Whereas, Amort-
l coKbl aud iMWcunc will apply at the
Court oT Ordinary Ibr Issuers or Administration ou
toe Estate ol Green Wright, deceased.
Theso aro therefore to clto autl admonish all \v horn
It may coucoru, to be autl appear before said Court
WU W 0 ,»muurir,Con..uurylUr H u,h«h
a,unty.thl. tth day B. C.
Jl B. loonier and John B. Mlllor will apply at tho
Court or Ordluary lor letters of admlulstratlou on
too ©state or Luke 8. Lontor, tlecsiwed.
Theso are thorotoro. to clto ami atimrfnlsh all
whom ttmay concern, to l»o atitl appear before
H r a_
T 3 all whom it may concern—Whereas, Simon
p. Williams will apply at Mho Court of Ordlna-
tor letters or admlulatrotlou on too ostato of
i S K'«r.hfc“o'i» 0 and admonish all
whom It may concern to bo and appear boforo said
OPonty^hU 100. day
a AMHH3TRAT0R3’ SALE.—Agrocablo to an or-
A dor arantod by tho Court ol Ordinary of sold
shir will b. sold, hclbro tho oonrt house.door lu
ffij f.™ntr on tho first Toosday In Jammy
□ext between the lawful boors of solo, (UJJ). °“ 8
thonaand ooo hundred nod sovouty acres ol land,
mnoimr less boundod by William l'roetor. John
Smtooer WIlUam E McBvon, John Proctor, and
Samurt E. Croover. It being Aa late rasldencool
Jwoos Hagln, deceased: also, seven ucgrooa, viz .
WiUls Charity, Surah, T , om. Mary, Taroltao, and
Chaov belonging to tho cstato ct James Hagln, de-
S Sold for tho bonoflt or tho heirs and cro-
of sold deceased. Terms on gm day ofsato.^
nov23 Administratrix.
/CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may
I iconcern: Whereas, Ann Kollar Will apply at
toe Court ol Ordiuary for Letters ol Admlulstratlou
oatbe ostato of Dennis Kollar:
These are thereforo to clto and admonish all
whom It may concern to bo and appoar beforo said
Court, to mako objections, (If any they have;) ou or
SB tho second Monday in January next, other-
Ibr Chatham
this seventeenth ^ » i.
georgia^libkrty county.
T o all whom it may concern—Whoroas, Jo
seph E. Way will apply at tlio Court ot Ofr
Ordinary for letters of administration on too estate
or William F. Way, lato deceased.
Theso are, therefore, to clto and admonish all
whom it may concern to ho and nppoar boforo said
Court to make'objection, (if any they have,) on or
before too Aral Monday m January next, otuor-
Uberty Ceanty. this r
Df'SlIPEHlOH COliRT, Chatham Co.
Mat Turn, 1M0.
Ilobt. M. Robertson,^nd others, compPnts,,
citudlus B. Peaso, the Doboy Bleam Saw ) Order
Mill, Clerk Saylli and William F. Saylo*
and otbon, dofondants. , , J
XT apiHwrlag to the Court that two nt the said do-
JL Ibndanu, Clark iyles and William f. Sayleiro
sldo out of this County, and aro absent from tho
StatootCoorgla, so iliat service or the above bill
uudeubpeona cannot be sorved upon them. On
motion It Is ordorod, that tbe said Clark Saylea and
Wllllnm F, Baylos do appear aod anawer the said
complainant’* bill, on or before the drat day of the
noxl Term or this court, or ludotkult tbereol, that
aahl bill bo tukeb pro oonlbsso against them; nhd it
s rurlhorordorod, tbot a copy of this order be pub
lished la ouo or the pobllo nowspapora or the olty
of Savannah onoo a week Ibr three month, prior
tbe session of tbo noxl Term of tbla Court.
True or’root from Minutes.
W. C. SUhETAU., ,
octo-.tawam UoputyClotk.0. «.o. o.
t tbe Court ofl. .
“* of forelbea Abrabaao:
tie we, Iberelbn, to otto and admonish all
in I, may concern, to bo and appear betbre .aid
tie tank* objection (irony They have) on or
;elbe.«»nd Monday In January next, other-
wlia laid Utters will hi granted.
Witnoia. John Bilbo, Esq, Ordinary for Chatham
ounty, thu 29th day oT November, 1866,
nov30 JOHN BILB0, o, o. c,
/CHATHAM COUNTY -To all whom it may
v concern: Wborcas Iiovl 0. Harby will apply
at tho Court of Ordinary for Iroitors or Administra
tion cum testamouto aunoxo on tho ostate or Jacob
peLamotta t
Tbeio aro, tborofore, to cite and admonish all
whom it muroonoern, to bo and appear beforo
■aid Court to mako objection (irany tooy bavoi on
or before too flrst Monday in 'anuarr next, other
wise said tettori will be granted.
WUnoss. John Bilbo, Ksq,, Ordinary for Chatham
county, tola 29th day or November, i860,
novim JtHN B11.B0, o. u. o.
II^IU,beaoldpn th. dnt Tuesday In Juuary
all wham It nuy concern: Whereas Mary Ann
. Coot will apply at tbo Godrt of Ordinary for let-
lors IHsmlssory en too estate of James P. Dent,—
These aro therefore toolto and admonish all whom
It nmv concern, to bo uud upiwar before said Court,
to mako objections {if any they have) ou or boforo
tho Ural Monday in December next, otherwise said
letters will bo granted.
WitnosB John Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
County, this third day of Juno, 1860.
j,* • Vt jOHN BILBO, O.CrC.
H UIJXX/'H BOUNTY.-To all whom it may coucern,
Whoreos. tho estate or Jesse Hagins is un
represented, and unless some fit and proper person
applies for too Administration, I shall appoint Wit-
Hum |I. MoLean, Administrator on said ostate.
Theso are therefore to silo and admonish all
whom 11 may concern, toboandapper boforo said
Court, to make objections, (ir any they have), on
or boforo tho first Monday iu December next, oth
erwise said Administration will be granted as above
WUnoss William Uo, Ksq,, Ordinary for the
county of Bulloch.
oct 20 WILLIAM LEE, 0. B. C.
W ILL bo sotd on tho flrst Monday in January
uoxt, beforo tho Court House in Btatesboro,
tho following property, belonging to the estate o
Henry Davis, Jr., 1208 acres, more or less, of land
iu Bulloch county,bounded north by tho property
of John Grimes and John Slater, uorUi and west by
tho property of John Slator, east by the property of
Elijah Davis, and south by the property of Jo-
slab Davis. Bold for the benefit of the heirs i
creditors of Iloury Davis. Jr., dueeosed. On the
property are ouo grist and ono saw mill.
sopt24—3m Adra’r.
T O all whom it may concern. Whereas Hanah
White will apply at the Court of Ordinary for
loiters of Administration ou the Estate of Patrick
Whito deceased.
Those aro thereforo to clto and admlnish all whom
it may concern to be aud appear before said Court
to make objootlon (if any they have) on or before
tho first Monday in December uoxt, otherwise said
letters will be granted.
Witness William Leo, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch
County, this 16th Oct. AD. 1866.
octlO WILLIAM LEE, 0. B, 0.
.. next, (1867) betbre toe Court liouso door in
Hlneivtlle, Liberty oounly, all tout traot or parcel
or laud belonging to the Estate or the late John A.
Hendry, deceased, lying in the county of Liberty,
near Taylor's Creek, on the Orosi Bay, adjoining
lands ownod by EUMoFall and Thomas Lanier,
(within convenient distance of a good school and
church) contalng395 acres, more or less, and un
Also, at the seme time and place, lot uumber
thirty, lying lu BlneaviUe.Liborty county, and be
longing totoeEatateof toe late John A. Hendry,
Also, at the same time and place,tbo undivided in
terest (being one-hall) of the Kstate of the late John
A. Hendry, doceaaod, in toe following tracts or
land, all lying in the county or Liberty, vix: 600
acres, more or less, near the reMdenceor John Per
ry, on the waters of Canouchee river. 200 acres,
more or leas, granted to P. Horton and on the wa
ters or the Canouchee river. 612 acres, more or
less, lying near the residence of William Rustin,
being well timbered and convenient to Cauouchee
river. '
The abovo being a part of toe lands belougiug to
the Estate of John A. Hendry, deceased, aud sold
for the benefit or the heirs ami creditors.
E. D. HENDRY, \ Allm , M
L. B. HENDRY, f Ad “ ri>
Liberty county. Nov. 22.1866.
N. B. Torms liberal and made
from «• PIBRlJB’ft
anvxntisiwi AaKNcnr, miuokuwa. va,
Authorlxed Agent for ilm Havanuah JourM^l.
cm sir qtuuTiM or
WILDER'S mala mender safer,
2i Manufactured by fUeaw d! Marvin, /few fork.
* In tho drool’ tho 3d
lust., wliloh coiiHum*
ed toe brick bijlhftbg
oeomiioii by Mr. Jim.
T. Thomas, oppimitu
| tho Uas Works, in tliiu
city, was a safe. ol
the above doscriptloiii!
, , i, and money of Mr.
Thomas, and although too building wm dotroyiul,
toe said Safe austalned no injury whatevor froih thu
Intense heat to which It hod boon oxposod. On open -
tng the 8afo, too contents were found undisturbed,
and in thoiamo ordor and condition os wbon placed
there,oxoepta slight discoloration to tho projecting
ends ofa fow papers, and tho backs of ono or two ot
too books, caused by tho steam generated in thn
Safe, whllo at Us greatest beat.
The Safe and contents, as itcamofromthorulm.',
may still be aeon, in the possession of Mr. Thomas,
at toe Gas Works. A largo assortment or theso colo
brated Safes always on hand,and for salo by
Agent for too Mauufocturors,
July 26,1866. 171 Bay-at., Savannah, tia.
I take pleasure In corroborating tbo foregoing state
ment, and lu addition would add, that too books aro
now In use. J. T. THOMAS.
Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf.
July 26th, 1866.oofo-tf
iiaviiM liiuroaecd their facilities for takluv PUO-
TYPES, are now prepared to take pictures of all
Who deslrejlu cither of tbo stylos above mentioned
und in a manner unsurpassed in tbe history of toe
Photographic Art.
Thdso are tuken from Daguerrcoiypee as perfect,
ly as from life, amt are COLORED either w OIL-
Wo have now secured tho exclusive patent for
which can bo practised by no other personlnChat
ham county. By this newly discovered patent pro.
oesB a magnificent aud
produeod from Daguorreolypea, l‘ any alae de
sire i up to the SIZE OF LIFE.
lftT Bay fttmt,
IS now opauln, tha larawl and bMt ss-
'll leatod .took of Howls tor O.dU.ksb's wsar
slut VMtlaia. Wklob cnanol ka sur
panel, aratob. round In twtd Vofasloa la tka
Morohantx’ Tailoring DspartmMt, aadwWbs mad#
to drdor la moat appruvad stpi,. aad at abort uo-
articles ofavarp dGonpUou. «kd a Urge start ot
Trank., Carpet
SUr Ctrthtu (rajMrluD,
oats lit Bapatraat
known ou day or
T HREE months after date application will be
made to the Marine Bauk ofsavannau for tho
payment oftwoTwenbr Dollar Bills, (via: letter it,
No. 8,070. and letter 0, No. 697.) tho right halves
or which hare been loat by mall,
oct 9—3m JAMES P. HUDSON.
mWO months alter dato, application will bo mado
X to the Honorable Ordinary of Tatnull County,
for loavo to tell a portion of tbe lands bulnugtng to
tbe estate of Jesse Copeland, deceased; U being one
tract of land which has beeu reserved from former
sales—where tbe said deceased resided ul tbe tlmo
of bis death. JAMES COPELAND, Adm’r.
sen iia sept 31866.
rnHE undersigned will, for five dollars per lot,
X examine^any lands In toe counties or Appling,
Wayne, Ware or Coffee, and report to too owner as
to toelr present value, the prospect for their be-
comlug more valuable in Itituro, and whether or
Established In lS3il.
rriHB Subscriber grateful to. bis friends aud
X patrons for their continual favors, would stuto
that In addition to tho improvements in .DYING, uc
quired by him during liis last visit to England and
Sootland, bos made arrungomonts for extending ids
business, by which ho is now enabled to dyo a
greater variety or colors ou silk aud woolou drosses,
shawls, &o M which ho trusts will generally ptuaso
all who may favor him with tholr patronage.
Gentlomon’s garments dyed, cleaned or rouovutcd
u may be required, iu tho samo superior Btyle which
has generally so much pleased his putronB uud
Table Covers, and Ladles' Crape Shawls, &c.,
cleaned and finished In the first Btyle.
Ladies' Bonnets dyed, bleached and pressed lu
toe most fashionable styles
Orders from the country promptly uttondod to.
Terms moderate.
When parcels are sent by eieunibouts or railroad,
word should bo sent him by tailor through the post
office, so that he may know whore to mil for them.
not there is being any trespass committed thereon,
Invariably pledging nlmseir to give a true and cor
rect account, forwr ’ * " - — T **
pooled In advance.
CHATHAM COUNTY.—Whereas. Joseph W. Gib-
(J hons will apply nt the Court of Ordluary lor
Letters Dismissary as executor on toe Estate «u
M These areMheroforo, to dud. and admonish all
whom it may concern, to bo and appear before salu
Court to make objection (If any umy bnvo) on or
before the flrst Monday m April uoxt, otherwise
said lettora will bo granted. Wtiow. John TOho,
Esq., Ordiuary for Chatham biuuty,thisileiithday
ofOotobor 1860. JOHN U1LB0, O. 0. C.
t pO all whom It may concern:—” r heroas, Benia-
A min Alexander will apply at the Court of Or
dinary for Letters of Dismission os Administrator on
tho estate of Anson Williams,late of said County, de
ceased. Theso are, therefore,*o cite and admonish all
whom it may concern, to be and appear before said
Court to make objection (ffany they have)on or be
fore tho first Monday in March next, otherwise said
letters will bo granted to the sold applicant.
Witness, H Strickland, Eeq., Ordinary for Tatt
nall County, this tho 9th day or August, 1866.
aug 26—0m H. STRICKLAND, Ordinary.
C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom It may con-
orn : Whereas, Jacob Waldburg, will apply
at tho Court of Ordinary for lettora of Administra
tion cum te3tamonto aunoxo, on tho estate of George
M. Waldburg.
Tlieao aro, therefore, to clto and admonish all
whom U may concorn, to bo and appear before sold
Court to make objection, (if any they have), on or
before tho first Monday in Douomber next, other-
wiso said lottors will bo granted.
Witness, Johu Bilbo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham
county, this 31st day of October 1860.
oct31 JOHN BILBO, o, c. o.
rect account, for which all remfttancos will l>e ex-
dieted In advance.
He will also sell and remit when requested, and
aa directed, for seven per cent.
He will also promptly attend to all professional
buaineaa entrusted to his care.
vernon o. McLendon.
my 18 Attorney at law, Homeevllle, Oa,
*—— STATE ofgeuhgia.
C HATHAM COUNTY.—To mii whomU may con.
corn: Whereas, Jolm l^ma will apply ftl too
Court of Ordinary for Lottors awmisscry as Admin-
istratoron too Estate oflleurv tomaon.
These are, thorofore, io cuo aud admonish all
whom It may concorn, to he amiuppoar boforo said
Court to make objection (If auv they have) ou or
before the first Monday hi April next, otherwise
sold lettora will bo granted. Witness John Bilbo,
Esq., Ordinary for Chatham county, this tenth day
° t OOiai erl8 ° 0 ' JOHN BILBO, o.c.c.
O N the first Tuesday in December next, will be
sold before too Court House in the olty of Sa
vannah, the Plantation on the Savannah river, (on
miles from the city, known as Mulberry Grove, be
longing to the estate of the late Philip Ulmer, Cun-
mm .,* talnlng six hundred and eighty-ioven acres, of
hi? which there are two hundred acres of first quality
RtMnmSvin USE!! nSJ t nfhTpwhirtHAwi tld ® rloe lmnd , on9 hundred and fifty-five acres
st Monday In March next, otherwise said under good banks and in a fine state for cultiva
tion. Also, seventy five acres of high land unlor
cultivation. On the place are a good dwelling house,
overseer’s house, barns, negro houses and «<ti er
outbuildings, all in a good slate of repair. Porucns
desiring to purchase will call upon H. K, Harrison,
Ex't. who realdee within four miles or the Grove,
or ftlisa Ulmer, Ex'trix, who resides within two
miles ortho Grove.
Termsof sale made known on toe day of sale.
Possession not given until the flrst of January .
H. K. HARRISON, Ex’or.
)yl7-id ELIZA ULMER, Ex’trix.
49" Tbe Charleston Mercury will publish one u a
week until toe day of sale.
Om* present faclltiex enable us to roduce our prloee
on the above pictures, uud we hereafter propose
to take them ut prices so low as to be witbla the
rcuoli of evory oue, being ul from
, ’ Messrs'Caroy A l’owolson wish particularly to
give uotlco that they will take
Likenesses of Deceased Persons,
from Daguerreotypes orAmbrotypes which their
friends may havo iu their possession, of any size
desired, colon d as above
Gallory over 8. Wilmot’s Jewelry Store, Market
nov'20 Entrance on Bryan Street:
and after Sunday, the 14th October, insL,
^ and until further uollce, .the Passenger Trains
on toe Central Railroad will run as follows :
Leaves Suvaunah Daily at... 6 a k aud 12.16 p u,
Arrive In MaCon “ “..2.16 pm “ 1 am.
Leave Macon “ “.11.46 am “ 9.80 pm,
Arrive in Savan’h “ “10.46 pm “ 7.20 a m
Leave Savannah 12.16 v u and 8.30 p. m.
Arrive in Augusta 8.46 p x “ 6.80 a m,
Leave Augusta 6. a m “ 4.30 p m
Arrive lu Savannah 1.30 p m “ 10.46 p
Leave Macon 11.46 a m and 9.30 p m,
Arrive lu AuguBta 8.46 p m “ 6.30 a m,
Leave Augusta 6. am 11 4.80 pm,
Arrive in Macon 2.16 p m “ 1. am.
Leave Savannah 6. am
Arrive In MtUodgeville .2.46 r m,
Leave Maoon 11 45 am
Arrive in Eatonton 6. pm,
W. M. WADLEY Gon'l Bnpt.
Savannah, Ga., Oct. 12, 1866, oct!5.
Over whlcli posses the Great
New York & New Orleans Mails.
A DMINISTRATOR’S SALE-Agreeable to an or-
dor granted by too Court of ordinary of said
county, will bo sold boforo tho Court House door, In
said couuty, ou too first Tuesday in December next,
betweeu tho lawfol hours orBale (612) five hundred
and twelvoAoros, mure or less Pluo land, well Im
proved In said county, bounded on toe Soutb, by
Mtchcal White, South East, John VesBtaitb, tost
William Rush, North William Rowe, belonging
to tho Estate of Morris Dorr tan, doceasod, sola for
the benefit of the heirs of said deceased. Terms on
tho day of salo. This 16th day October, I860.
C HATHAM COUNTY.—To an whom it may con
corn: Whereas, James iiovie will apply at tho
Court of Ordinary for Letters uiBmiBBary as Admin
istrator on the Estato or George Alexander.
Thoso are, therefore, to cho nnd adinlnlsh all
whom it may concorn, to be nuu nppoar boforo said
Court to mako objection (if any tlmy have) ou or
before too first Monday m April uoxt. pthorwUo
said lettera will bo graiiteil. Wihicsm, John Bilbo,
Esa.. Ordinary for Chutliutn Cotmiv. tlds tcutu .lay
of October 1866. JOllw tm.RO, O.C.C.
oct 21 y •
• /CHATHAM COUNTY.— 1 To Till whom it may
lj eonceru: Whoreus, Johu P. Hines will apply
ottoe Court of Ordinary for letters dlsraiasory as ad-
mlnlRtrator ou the listuto of James C. Illucs :
These are, therefore, to cite and admonish ull
whom It rosy, coticotu, to bo aud appear beforo said
Court to make Objection (ffuny they havo) ou or be
fore the flrst Monday iu Dccombtr uoxt, otherwise
said letters will be granted. • .
Witness, John Bilbo, Esq. Ordinary lor Clmthaiu
county, this fourth day of June, 1850.
juno 6 JOHN BILBO, <>- Q- o.
C HATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom It maycou-
cerni Whereas, William A Boggs will apply
at the Court of Ordiuary for letters dUuiUory as
guardian of Gborge M Wallace and Hubert G. Wal
lace *.
Theso are, thereforo, to cite und admonish nil
whom it may concern, t» l>» and appear beforo
said Court to mako objection (if any limy havo) on
or boforo the first Mouday iu March next,
wlse said tatters will bo granted;
Witness, Jobu Bilbo, Ksq., Ordinary lor Chatham
’ county, this 11th day of August, I860.
aSjll JOHN BILBO, o. «. c.
/'I HATH AM COUNTY—To all whom it may 0»»n«
cern: Whoroas, James uoylo will apply at too
Court or Ordiuary for lettora ammlsory p3 adminis
trator on tho estate of George Alexander.
, Theso are thereforo to clto and admonish nil con
cerned, to bo aud appoar before said Court to mako
objections, (If any they have,) on dr beforo tho
first Monday In April next, otherwise said lottera
will be granted. „
Witnes , John Bilbo, Esq., ordinary for LlmUmiu
County, this seventh day of October. I860.
oct9.-6m JOHN BILBO, o. o. <
/CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it mny Con-
\J. cej^t Whereas, John lama will apply at tho
Oourtof Ordinary for tatters dlsminsory, us admin-
Ulrator on the estate or Ucnry Casson,
Tbeiie are, therefore, to cite uud admonish all
whom it may concern, to be aud appear boforo said
Court to make objection (If any tneylmvo) on or
before toe first Monday lu April next, otherwise
■aid letters will be granted.
Witness, John Bilbo, teq., Ordiuary for Clmthai
'County, tblB seventh day of October, IfiBfl.
oct 9—6m JOHN HI LUO, o. C.«.
' mo all whom it may concern Whereas James
. ‘A '8tandfleld'will apply at tim Court ol Ordinary
.".Vfor Letters of Administration ou the ostato or John
C: ' Spears, late of said County, deceased. Theso uro,
. thereforo, to eito and admonish all whom It may
' , 1 concern, to be and appear boforo said Court to make
. foiSuj^lion (if any they have) on or beforo tbo flrst
’ . V Monday la November next, otherwise said lottors
' : V *vtfl be granted. , m
3 '“ Witness, H. Btbickund, Esq., Ordinary for Tatt
nall County. this tho 9lh day of August, 1860.
.^mH2S-2m H. tmucKlXH), Ordinary!
.berty county.
ions ba^tag demands against tho estate
hmjamln wiVilen, lato of said county, do-
i :rnwuied,arenereby notrAod to present thorn, proper-
/ attested, to mo, wltbilrvtUo time prescribed by
..^OtaWf or they wUl not bo slttled.
; : And all persons Indobldt) to said dccoascd aro
hereby required to mako iJiraodluio payment, .
October 6th, 1866,
dlfled Administratrix,
oet 12—lm
B ULLOCH COUNTY.—To all whom it may con-
coni : whereas, Wm. Groover, Jr., one or toe
oxccutors, aud Burah H. Groover, executrix, oa the
estate of John Groover, deceased, will apply at the
Court of Ordiuary for Letters Dismlssory, and to
have tho estate ot too said John Groover dismissed
us oxecutor of William Groover, Sr., deceased:
Those are, therefore, to cite and admonish all
whom it may concern to bo and appear before said
Court, to mako objection (If any they have) in terms
of tbo law, otborwlso said Letters will be granted.
Witness. William Loo, Esq., A)rdinary for the
county of UuUocli, this 1UU day or Sept, 1856.
o. b. a
A DMINISTRATOR’S SAl.E-Agrecabio to mu or-
dor granted by Uiu Court of ordinary of sa d
county, will be sold beforo tho Oourt House door,
In said county, on thu first Tuesday in December
next, between the lawfol hours of gale, (350) three
hundred und llfty acres of 1’iuo laud, more or loss
lu said county, well improved, bounded by llaskoll
Summons, William Shefllold and John Brown sou.
belonging to the Estate ol Thotuus Crosby, decoascd,
sold for tlio benefit of tho heirs aud creditors of said
deceased. Torms ou the day nt* sale This 16th day
of October, 185(1.
oct 19 WILLIAM K. CROSBY, Adm’r.
mo ALL whom It may concern, whereas Heury J,
X l'arrlsh will apply at tho Court of Ordluajy
for letters of guardianship of Isaiah Jl Martha,
George W. Johu. A. and Henry Parish, orphan chil
dren of Istah Parish, deceased, these two therefore
to cite aud admonish all whom it may concern to be
and appoar beforo suld Court to make objections (If
any they have) on or before (ho flrst Jlonday in
December uoxt, otherwise Bald tatters will bo grant
Witness, William J-oo, Ordiuary for the County
or Bulloch, this 16th Oct. A. D. I860,
T WO months alter date, 1 will apply to the Cour
of Ordinary of L'borty County for loavo toBoli
a portion of the real and pomonal ostato of Bonja-
mill W. Allen, late deceased, or so much thereof as
is necessary ; uud sold for the benefit of tbe heirs
aud distributees of said ostate.
Qualified Administratrix.
October Olli, I860 oct 12—2m
W ILL BE BOLD beforo the Court Houso boor, In
tlio city of Savauuah, on the first TUESDAY
iu December uoxt, betweeu tho legal hours or sale:
2 show cases, 1 ico crusher, 1 lot liquor in bottles,
1 pair scales, 1 lot choirs, 1 lot decanters and turn-
biers, 1 lot tobacco, l lot congress water, 1 stovo,
Ac., Ac. Levied ou as the property or Antonio
l'onco, to satisfy a tifa issued out or too Honorable,
tho City Court ofSavaunah, in favor of William H.
Erek vs. A Ponce; proporty pointed out by defend
novl Sheriff.
mUE undersigned, Commissioners of the Ogecnee
X Head, will receive proposals lor building a
Bridge across tbo Canal, kuown as toe Dean Forest
Bridge. Jlaterlals to be of tho host quality. The
pi in und drawlug can ha soon at toe office of John
d. Bowon, Civil Purveyor, on Drayton street.
Proposals will bo received until 12 o'clock, M., of
Novombor 22nd.
E. c. anderso;
rnflHEE months afterdate, application will be
X uiado to tbe Planters’ Bauk of the 8tate of
Georgia, lor the payment ora twenty dollar note
or suld Bank, payablo to Wm Morol or bearer, da
ted 1st Juno, 1861, No 687; also, for the payment
of a ton dollar uoto, No 822, dated 1st July, 1864,
tho loft baud balvos of said notes having been lost.
Also, to tlio Bank or the Btato or Georgia, for the
payment of a ton dollar note, tatter A, doted 4 th
Janury, 1860, the loft hand ualT having been lost.
Also, to too Marine Bank or Georgia, for toe pay
ment of a ten dollar note, No 4,97b, dated Novem
ber 1) 1843, the left band half having boon lost.
— -Ir VgJiAtONQA.
auglQ—law3m BOSTON-1
O NE MONTH after this date application wUl be
made to tho Bank of toe Btato of Georgla -for '
too payraont ofa twenty dollar bill, too right ball*
of which has bion lost.
GrseuTllle, Ala., lltOct., IBM. oct 2-law4w
^ 9
1856. 1858.
W OULD beg to inform their friends and the pub
lic that their foil supplies of rich and elegant
ISIS'S 1 *
hare Just arrived—purchased from the most emi-
neut Importers or the country, and selected with a
care as regards elegance aad beauty, which cannot
be appreciated until folly examined.
We can confidently say that our stock of Rich
Dress Goods and Cloaks cannot be surpassed for
boauty and elegance, and that our Domestic Stock
is os cheap os toe like quality or goods can be bad
from here to New York
Amo is our assortment will be found the most
elegant flounced Robes with figures;
Rich and elegant colored Bilks, very cheap;
lions’ Velvot Cloaks, trimmed in the newest and
riohest style.
Cloth and Jiolr Antique Cloaks; rich and cheap.
All-wool French Mouslin de Lalnes, new aud ele
Lupins’ bestall-wool French do Lalnes, high coloro,
for misses.
Lupins’ best Black Bombazine and Challeys.
White Merino, Cballey, do Laiue and Bombazine,
very fine.
Clothe and Cassimeres, a foil assortment.
Plantation Goods best quality, exceedingly cheap.
Houakeeeplng articles in great variety, bestquullty
at the lowest possible prices.
The limits or an advertisement precludes the
possibility or enumerating any but few leadiug ar
We would respectfully request tbe attantlou oi
purchasers to an examination or our stock, feeliug
confident that style, quality aud price, will prove
K ECEIVED by the undersigned a foil supyly or
READY JIADK U.OTHlNU, consisting ol
articles uecessary for a Gentleman’s Wardrobe.
A choice assortment or
French, English and German Glottis,
Coaslmerea and Vesllngs,
which he is prepared to make to order lu the host
stylo aud at too shortest notice. He also desires to
call attention to his stock or
which will bo found or superior style aud work
manship W. R. SYMONB,
oct27 tr 17 Whitaker st.
.. and after Sunday, February 3d, 1856,
two dally trains botwoou Macou and Columbus,
aud ono betweeu Jlacou and Amoricus,
Leave Jlacou at 2 a m, and 3 pm; arrive at Colum
bus at 716 a m, and 10 DO p m ; leavo Columbus a 1
416 a M, and 1 30 p m;arrive at Macou ut 10 64 a m,
and 7 40 p-m; loavo Macon ut 2 a m; arrive ut Amcrl
cus at 6 40 A m; loavo Amoricus ut 2 20 p m; arrive at
Macon at 7 40 p m; making a complete connection be
tween Jlontgomory, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings
▼llle, Wilmington and Charleston;also, with Contra)
Railroad Trains to Savannah, MUledgovilluautl Eaton
ton, and with Macon and Western trains tu Atlanta
Chattanooga, Nashville and Knoxvillo. Tcun.
At Columbus with Girard and .Mobile Railroad u
Eufaula, Ala., connecting dally at Amoricus with
four horse Post Coaches to Tullahassoo. Albany,
Thomasville, Bainbridgo, ko. t with tri-weekly bucks
to Lumpkin, Cuthbert, &o., at Fort Valley with hacks
to Perry, Haynosvillo, IlawkinsvIUo nnd Knoxville,
Ga. Passengera for Amoricus aud points below Fort
Valley, should take tbo 1216 p m train from Savan
nah; and the 6 pm train from Augusta, to uvoid de
tention at Macon. For other points ou tho .South-
Western or MuBcogce Roads take either train from
Savannah or Augusta. Passengers leaving Amori-
ous at 2 20 p k will roach Columbus at 10 30 p m the
same night.
Passengers from Columbus and the West fur Am
ericas, 8outh-weatern Georgia or Florida, should
take toe 130 p n traiu at Columbus, sloop at Fort
Valloy, and reach Amoricus at 6 40 a m noxt morn
■"tim class steamships leavo Savannah for Now
York on Wednesdays aud Saturdays, and for Phila
delphia oa Wednesdays. Passage id tho Cabiu $26,
Steerage $8.
Fare from Montgomery to Savanuuh $14 00
“ Columbus “ “ 10 oo
« Amerlcus “ “ 8 80
GEO. W. ADAMS, Snp't.
Macon, January 30th, 1850. nrnylO
I T Is a sure nnd speedy cure for burns, piles,
corus, felous, lover sores, ulcers, scald head,
tetter worm, soro nipples, (recommended by nur
ses,) Boro and cracked lips, iresh wounds uud sures
or any description. It is a most vuluublu remedy
aud cure, which can he testified to by thousands
who havo used it in many portious of the South I'ur
the last few years. In uo mstanco will tho salvo do
any Injury, or interfuro with a physician’s prescrip
tion. The proprietor lias numerous certificates and
letters from people who have used it themselves,
and moBt earnestly rocotumoud it to others ns a
Bedy aud certain remedy for tho above named
leases • A trial Is all that Is uecessary for its own
Daguerreotypes and Ambrotypes.
HY bo wo without Money? when ft is Just
easy for any one to be around with a pocket
i not, if they only think so. I have got a new
artlolo, from which from five to twenty dollars a
day can bo made, either by male or female. It is
highly respectable business, and an article which Is
wanted in overy family iu tbe United States. En
close mo two dollars by mall, at my risk, and I will
forward you by return mall a Olitmlar, with foil
instructions la tho art. Tlio buslnrss is very easy.
Try it, if you uro out orcraploymec and yon will
never regrol it; lor it wll bo better lor you to nay
tho abovo sum, and iusuru a good business, than
to pay twenty-live cents for a spurious advertise
ment. This Is no humbug. Tbt it I Tut it I Tnt
it i Address your letters to
sopt 16-3m
: WfJKMIllh. ofsoq cm- nr |«.,orau„„
lirfer than, Noniiirtli. 1l> . ..i.t, ASIJJS
js»a.t?sr. , 2isi.rtt teMlu “- ‘ h> “«
AorntlMUaDto qt whatevor lenith, toruui
tartlrt. ... B »tt>. to b. Kea’aTafc
Ibr a loai.f Ma. at tbo lollnwlim me.
Mo.ofHaaw.|lmo|aiiio.|aiiiw|tmo.lBn i~.
go W. in nortrtBf tin Loadoh Level
MAWalohn, oftb. nortortrtraUd Mrtcri, in
■S-«MOold Md aUvrtCMM. B. V. Owper-a Du
■tlHplai Watobn, WatebM hr Itmtn, Hone.
I in. SwUaChrotuKMt.n, which w.Mbr atnuoan.
bujjgj..«... ..w ■^othb-j^i
~ s*
TUB .ubMrtb.r l. aewrMdr to (ur.
_ih OYUTKRH lit th.Sb.ll, brMb'opaa.
el or Plekled la at, quaautr w aalt
_ parrhama. nahMOpMa. I* k>|t
ready to ho ahlypod.
oct 1 J. U. JESSE.
Th«.ulMcrtb«r baa Hrtuvado. th.
next door to lb. Republican]
I uiuce. where ha I. now omUbi >
tabindeomu aaawtnnt of bVrinq 1
AND suit HER goods, which h. will hU by th.
pattern or male to ordw in lh. mert huhlsnabl.
atyle. Ilio, Ready Had. Ololbtaf for lb. prrtaot
and comlae leMoa.
Thaukful for pant Ihvora. h. hojMi to merit a ooa
tlnuance of the same.
N. B.—Cutting, Altar lug and Repairing dona at
the shortest notice.
Just received White Drill Oeata and Panto, Whito
and Figured MarsliUes Vests, for sals at a small pro-
Adedaction or it per cent (rom ih u , bui „
wUl be mad. oa advertlamoouto aniicarlm iffi 1 on tin Ibnrth page ol tbe .tally. Tt !*S
AdTertkamenta ordered three time, a »e..t
be charted two.thlrda tbe above rate*
Advntlaementa ordered In the Weakly win,,*
P*r aqurt.rbr each luertlon, fur uny tif„ e iS«
one month. For tnoru tbau’iiue ucuthat,.i. V,
th. rale, ipecllled In the above table ' l, ' u
Speclal noUcei, 10 oeata per lloefor the Urs:
b oanta Ibr each aubanpmt laearUen, aen in „
toba aubjactlocentract. MarriageuoUce , %•
aaraltomtlonato ceete each. ; *
inssrtodfor leas than 60 cents. Obituary n,, ..
Rsports, Resolutions, or Proceedings ur wiyXl- Mv’
Ajaoelattoa, or Corporation, erdereil p, be’puiS’
ad.tcrtlaporlln*. 1
maunboat. wUlbo advarUeeu «ttp
for each boat adrsrtiscd. 1 * ,acn
ffTHR Co-partnership or F. CHAMPION It 00. Is
X this day dlsiolvad by mutual consent. Tbt
buslnesaoi toe late firm will be settled by F. Cham
pion, who will continue tbe Grocery business on
bis own sccount.
Savannah, October I, I860.
sept SO—lm
(Near the Market.)
F ROM the most complete faculties lu his own
establishment, aud through bta connection*
with several of tho principal manufacturug estab
lishments or Philadelphia, New York, aid Uostuu.
the Uudorslgnod Is prepared to furnlnsh MACH1N
FRONTS. Columus, Window Sills and Lintils, Iron
Doors, Shutters, &o., at Northempricti. He is also
prepared to repair Machinery aud iron work or evory
description, at short notice, upon reasonable terms.
WORKS, ho is ataopropared to exhibit a great varie
ty of designs for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac.
Also Iron Hailing iu groat variety, for enclosures,
and to receive orders, and put up too work at mou
facturor8’prices. H, H. LINVILLE.
Savannah, April 11,1866. aprll
Savannah, Georgia.
T HE SIBSORIUKR he, juat received, aad will
keep coutitantly on baud at his Wcod Yard,
Old Ghartaftton Wharf, a^fuil supply at tha best
or boated Black Jack, A, Hickory, Lightwood.
Jw., Ac. All inwaut ara respectfully invited r
give him a call. H. 0. RATIOS.
P. 8. All orders left at the Book Store under the
Marshall Houso will be promptly attended to.
sopt 80
9J® i'giUACTWiantia.
A COMPLETE assortment of t o fidlowing
To which they would invite the particular attention
of PLANTERS, and oiler them ut reasonable prices
and ou accommodating terms:
Schley’s White Plains aud Twills
Hoavy Northern Brown Twills
“ Black aud Grey “
Black und Grey Plains
Slrlpod Cable Warp Kerseys
- l'iaid Llnseys lu several grades
linden Dudil Blankets, iu all weights and size*
Cord do do
Fine Whitney Uo
JIoul Stripes and l’iaids
Franklin do do
Real Cotton uud Wool Flantieis
“ ull Wool do
Drown and Bleached Canton Flaunel
Shirting Stripes, Striped Osuaburgs
Whito Cotton Ornaburgs
and % urowu Shirting
Blue Demins, Uluu Drill
Kentucky Juuus, Heavy Satinets
Scotch Utjuuuts, Head Kerchiefs. Ac.
oot 11
Companion to ‘‘Dick Tarleton.”
jyj*ARION HARLAND, or Leasona of Lifecom-
plete; price 63 cents; by J Frederick Smith,
The Piotorial Adventures of Margaret Catcbpolo,
the great American Horse Thler.
Putnam’s Mouthly fur November.
Knickerbocker Magazine for November.
Blaokwood’s Edinburgh Magazine for Novembor.
Household Words for November.
Frank Leslie’s Gazette or Fashions for Novem
ber. Received and for sale by
novl2 -169 Congress street:
rilHIS is a nowly invented BURIAL CASE, fash
X toned to accord with toe feelings of toe be
reaved, and yet retaining all too requisites or an
appropriate receptacle for the dead. There is no
reason why such a receptacle should be made to
create by Its appearance disagreeable sonsutlens.
Itiz enough that we should ho bereaved, and what
ever tends to soften or make leesIreon Hie poignan
cy of onr grief, commends itself to oar considera
tion. So much that is repulsive has been discarded
in tbe arrangement and shape of toe above Case,
that Its name, the CASKET BURIAL CASE, is an
involuntary suggestion, and 1 do not hesitate to
aver that there has never been in use any thing so
entirely chaste, appropriate snd convenient ae this
Tbe Como permits a view of the ontlre body after
ft is enclosed, toe whole top being composed of
boautlfol thick French Plate Glass.iufflolently strong
to resist any internal or external pressure, is per-
P, S. Persons desirous of purchasing the exclu
sive right for the sale of toe Usket In the foUowiug
States, Georgia. Florida, South Carolina and North
Corolla*. w|yh-gjftotiSSfilWr to
owners of Patent, care of
CRANE, WELI23 h 00,
ft '
niMuuu. Georgia.
N. B. Rights to one or more counties wiU be sold
oct l-tr,
ISGELLANEOUS and Fancy Books, such'as
“ rt
wjbSmi . n.m
* .. §
Among tjio many tout havo testlQud to tlio effica
cy of this valuable remedy, and recommended it (o
toe public, uro Dr R A T Ridley, Judge E Y Hill,
Judgo 0 A Bull, R J Morguii'Kdq, J L Stephens, Ksq,
and thuusauds of otliors.
Sold by J BMooio. Savamiali, Ga; J EHali, Amor-
icus. Ga; Clark Is Wells, Augusta, Ga; McReusou,
Robius & Co, New York; and druggists generally.
AST By remitting nuo dollar to tlio proprietor n
single box of tlio Ointment will be forwarded by
mall, tree of postage, to any part of tlio U States.
Sold by J. B. MOORE, Savannah, Ga., und drug-
gists gouorally. V. J. MOORE. Proprietor,
maylS UGrungo. Git.
/“\R Society uudor the First Kmpiro, with por
\J traits of its beauties, wits und heroines, from
authentic origiuaia, by Frank U Goodrich; Illustra
ted by Jules Champagne.
Tbe Romance of the Forest, by Auno Katdiifc,
author of “Tho Mysteries ofUdolpho”
Cotton is King, or tlio Culture of Cotton, ami its
relation to Agriculture, Jtanufacturcs aud Com
merce, by David Christy.
Tlio Hills of the Sliatemuc, by tbo author of tho
•‘Wide, Wide World.’’
Victoria; or, ihe World overcome. by Caroline
Jlogdalou Hcpburu, a story or the Scottish Refor
mation, by Mrs Olyphant, author of “Zaidce,”
etc., etc.
Loriraer IJttlegood Esq., uyouuggeiitluinauwho
wished to sao lifo and saw it accordingly: by Frank
E Smodtay, Esq.
Eruestliuwood, a novel, by Airs Curoline Uo
Hontx. For sale by WAKNOCK & DAVIS,
Booksollors and Stationers.
oct21 159 Congress street.
B Y DR. DORAN, author of “TableTraits,” &c.
The Hills of the Shutomuo, by Miss Warm r.
author of “ Wldo, Wide World,” &u.
A Pilgrimage to El Medlnab and JIcccab, by Lieut.
Burton, or toe Bombay Army, with map und illus
The Humorous Poetry of too English Language,
from Chancer to Saxo.
torimorUttlegood, Esq., a y. unggentleman who
wished to soo Life, by Smedley.
Third volume Irving’s Life of Washington—cheap
Wood, Thorapowtlo uud Plmrmooalogy—a uew
fectly air tight, composed of metal highly orna- work -
mentod. aud will hut for ages. Simpson’s Obsturetries—2 vota.. complete.
Samples of the Casket may be seen at the office of Young America’s Picture Gallery—70 illirtra-
Messrs. CRANE, WELLS ft CO., 82 Bay stroet, 8a- Uous. W. THORNE Wi LI JAMS
oot 9
DECEMBER—This is tho boglnuing or u now
volume. Bubscrlhera will please call ami ronew
" Uo ‘
their subscription!.
do by
... NOCK ft DAVIS,
Booksellers and StutlonorM,
•' ■ '• 169Cougross-st;
mHE subscriber has Just received auotoer supply
X of Georgia mado negro .Brogans. Planters
wishing to get tholr money’s worth are invited to
call and examine them. • M.J, BUCKNER,
X,J1 ft 162 Gibbons’BuUding.
conroHmoH Booms,
mHE subkorihur Having been appointed sole agen
X lu this city for Warren’s Fire and Water Proo
Composition ltouflug is prepared to execute the
same In autisEsetory manner.
The attentioi) of toe citizens of Savannah Is re-
irauU'ully solicited t > the above method of Roofing
uw much used In the priuoipal.clUee of the Unit*
a to 3, (both N<rtb aud South,) and ae ft has been
sled uudor every variety of circumstances, I con.
duutly utfer ft to toe public aa a mode of Roofing
uobjectiuuHple in every partieular, whilst it com-
fiines. in a greater degree than any other roofing ia
88e. the vtuuabta requisiiesei uheapoeei, durability
and security, against both Uro and water.
It bos rapidly superceded tho use of all kinds of
roofr wherever it has been introduced, giving in all
coses general satisfaction, being highly recommend
ed by Insurance Companies, and all wha have lest
edits utility.
49- CHARLES tiHOLL, Architect, will aet aa
agent during my absence from toe city, at whose
office all information will be freely given, and speci
mens orthe roof shewn.
septifit CALVIN FAY, Agent.
For my two negroes, or 100 for either
lodged lu Jail so I get them, JACK, sometimes
called John, a lirge copper colored, hames
.down look and rough face, weighs about la a
(amTls 6 feet 10 Inches high, 22 years old. BostIO
s very black with a wide space between bis non
per frout teeth, high forehead, turns hu feet out In
walking, is 6 feet 8 inches high, and weighs 160,
and 30 years old, and when heard of last, they
wero In the swamp above Savannah, My address
Is 4 mile branch, or Barnwell, 8.0.
aug!2—wly WM. ABHLT.
—Where but oue i* riiuulug. ffowru,
turn; If twoor more, •soeocn. pori “
Aoctioneera’ advertisemonta uut to tie «<m> c
contract,butto beoharged at the .ate, prescribe
per square. ,Dtc
FroreHtonal aid biuiae.. Hard, om t <tw ,| ln ,.
Ilm. Win b. Inurted at llltl i«r anuuui. * ‘
Colli on poraoua to bocoino caudlilmu,, .
Inaartod aa oUur adverllaamauu, m w mid i,,,,,
variably In advance. 1
Announcing candidate, for, u ..
In advance.
Adv.rliMmanta not iuarUc.1 .m ilm coot ....
welded Umv. will be limerted until jorbld
payment exacted. u<
Wlun any bill for twe inuutlia adveriuo..
j»n contract, nmouulii to over Ido, a deduMti
U mf cant will be made.
’Early advertising, with privilege or chug! am
ha takas at tha following rate*: K
Por ona square, renewable om* u week, ir
« “ “ twice - 6 ”
..... ** 3 limes ur onetmj :(
Every additional square uoutracteu fur tu beuhaiv.
ad one half too abovo rates additional. 1
Ysarly advertisers shall be limited tu tin.- <uu.
contracted for. . All contract* shall hu m writlue
stating definitely the nature ol the busineM t.» t;
advertised. Any advertisenient* nut properly m
naotad with the business shall be charged set urate-
ly, and also any excess or matter over tbe am.mut
contracted for.*
Contract advertisements payable quarterly • mi
. srtiaementa from strangers and truusieet perwut
payable in advance. All others will lu consiikrei
daa when called for.
Regular advertisers and all others Hhuotug , UJJ .
municatlons or requiring uutlcen.ilesiguetl to culi m.
tention to fairs, concerts, sulrcea, or any public
tartalnments, where ouargea are made iw
tance—all notices of private wsoclatiout, ovny n »
Uce designed to call attention to private outerim*
caleuloted -'or Intended to promote individual iuk
rests, can only be Inserted with thu umientuniiHit
that the tame;,Is; to bo paid for. H inserted iu tbr
editorial column (which cun be only uttliddMo.
tlon of tbe editors) the same will hu charged o %
rate of hbt lees than 20 cents per Iuk.
. Tho undersigned, publkhers of Dally, TrlWtikh
and Weekly newspapers iu Suvunnuh, tia.. i u-.tge
ourselves strictly to adhere to tho above inn ul
charges, and in no Instauce to devlutu tbereirtm.
The above rates to take effect Mai cli 1, IStfi. 4 J
to continue binding, until changed by the vote >11
majority orthe undersigned.
N. B.—This schedule shatl not In uny way uint
the Integrity of existing contracts. All lonirai 1- t.-r
the year or any other specitiod time, shul I only t our
with the expiration of too period for wblul r..-»
ware made.
R. R. Huton ft Co. Qarryian «£
% Smnm ft Sins, He/ ubltcan.
TWrtWHWV ft WITHtwntiK l/..r-niti, *
Clothing ; Huts
aud Caps, Shirts,
Gloves, Hosiery,
Canes, Umbrcllu*
Cravats, Stocks,
Fanuy Articles
AS* Ordorsfrmn city uud couuty solicited,
fob 6
W, O. PHtic.l Also, Superfine
FASHIONABLE^'Cloths, asrtinieru
FASHIONAHI.I od voting., wl I
AND tie mado to ntea-
MILITARY suro.unexceptioo
able In stylo
by tlie
best mechanics,
ut shortest
No. 147
Bay 8treet,
T IE Invigorating actlou or Sir Astley Cuupu'i
PlUa on the constitution is really nmrvdima,
and a single trial will convince the must m-.ikii
of their pewer to restore toe most feeble ami debi
litated to foil health and strength, and no larguage
can convey an adequate Idea of the unmedltte, and
almost miraculous change, produced by maldtq
use of this wonderful medicine in tho disen to, At
blUtated and shattered nervous system; tbe relax i
and dsbllltated body U at ouce relieved, re-lured,
enlivened and built up; toe mental ami physics!
A* io
mud is i
AT Tint
Savannah Grocery
100 lbs. Victoria and CatuvvbaGr 'pel.
40 bbls. Splendid Eating APPLES.
Inrgo Preserving PEARS.
QUINCES, Like tho Iuwt.
t'hertiiuls, Hickory Nuts, aud Fresh Dates,
Tmuatood, Beets, Carrots,
ltyo Flour, Out Meul, Pearl Burley.
lb kegs Extra Goshou BUTTER.
5 do Cltolco do.
Aud taw priced qualities, together with a varied
assort men t of Fresh BISCUIT.
oct 16 W. H. FARRELL.
Brough Sn and Barnard Streets. Suvuu-
uuh Ga., Whuiesaioaud retail Dealers lu
Drugs, Medicines aud Chemicals, Dye Woods uud
DyoStuffs'French, Kuglish, aud Amerlciui Perfum
ery Fjn Toilet and Bbaviug Soaiw, Combs aud
Brushes of every description, Surgicul and Dental
lustrumouts. Trusses and Supporters of all kinds,
Spicus, Suntlrt, Manufactured Tobacco, AU toe Patent
or Proprietary Modiclnes of tho day. Superior Inks,
Pure Wines aud Brandies for Modiciual purposes,
Extracts for Flavoring, Toilet and Fancy Articles, fcc.
49- N. B.—Especial attention given to the
nrciMirutiou of Physicians’ Proscriptions and Family
Recipes. Ship, Fumily aud Travelling Medtclue Cases,
With plalu Directions for use, Including Biroctkms for
treatmout in cases of poisoning, Drowning, fto.
op 1 iy
.. AND Dealers In fine Ready Made
CLOTH1 sG have rece-ved
Ha opened their stock of Fail and V
ter GOODS* comprising a foil 1
complete assortment of Uoto*, Oasslmeree, Vest
ings end Over Coatings, which we will make and
trim fin our usual style, and at the shortest notice.
Our ready mode Clothing is menufectured at tho
well knowu house ol W. T, Jennlngi ft Oo * 281
Broadway, New York* and comprises ell that is
fine and fashionable in toe tine.
FURNISHING GOODS of every description requi
site toe gentlemen’s wardrobe, constantly kept on
band* all or which we offer ou our usual credit
terms* or at» discount of 6 per. cent for cash* at
3 bull STREET* sorrel building,
oct 1—lm next door to Pulaski House.
££ ui
ARB now fully prepared to in
sort full or partial setts of Teeth
ou the priuciplo of Dr. J. AUeus’s
Patent Coutiuuous Uum, By hi.
improvement, the form of tho toco can be rostorcJ to
any degroo of rotundity that may be dosired. it is
applicable in ull cases where tho cheeks have fallen
in.oud cannot be detected by fho closestobaorver.—
This method combines the following 1 lvautimes:—
Au artificial gum, which exhibits a perfectly natural
and Ufo-liko appoarauoe, and imparts tothotbocto
that peculiar expression which characterises the na
tural organs.
This Gum consists ofa silftclous compound which
Is applied and fused upon the Teeth and Platein such
a maunor, as to fill up all toe intorsticoa around tbs
base of thu Teeth, and also unites them firmly to
each other aud to tho Plate upon which they art
sett. This secures lwrfect cleouliuess of tho Teeth
Office over Do Witt ft Morgan, Congress street.
*% Republican and Georgian copy. fob 16- tl
1U2 AD l-RBAD! I-READ til
That is, if you can seo; and AULcx
If you cau’t bco, you con flndjc;^/
_ull kinds of “helps to see.” at the Watch and
Jewelry Store or D. B. Nichols ft Co., In Congress
street, uoxt door to the corner or Whitaker, where
yon can purolmso Watches, Jowolry, Silver Ware,
aud Fancy Goods, as low oh at any other store in
tho country.
Wo have received per steamship Alabama a fresh
lot of thoso lino Steel Bpectaclos : also, a Bupply of
Pebble end Porlscoplo Lons, which we are prepared
to lit In all kinds or frames, at short notice. Our
Porlscoplo Lon* (hu called from their peculiar shapo)
havo an advantago over all others, as they have a
greater range of focus, so that the reader is not
compelled to bold too book or paper at a certain
distance from tbo eyo. Call aud see.
;v 4 , p- B - NICHOLS ft GO.
49- No charge for showing goods.
mar U D. B. N. ft 00.
& -
A Reply to “UNCLE TOM’S CABIN” and “DRED.’
T ills original and powerful book, toil boautlfol
story, is an American Rowland for an Kngtish
Oliver* and di.ected against tho distorted views of
the English press when speaking of tha institutions
of tlie Uultod States. It axposes cruelties and
barbarities. practised on toe lower classes of
England, more terrible than those Imagined by
Mrs. Beecher Stowe os toe re«ult • four “peculiar
instltetoms.” The object of “TU for Tat” l* emi
nently humane, patriotic and Just, it is nat anti-
British, anti-North, or anti-South, it is simply a ra-
piy to too exaggerated pictures of Slavery In “Un
cle Tom” aud ••Dred.”
For salo by WARNOCK ft DAVIS,
Pookselters and Stationva,
octal 169 Congress st.
moves with a firm ttep; his mind which wuvte-
vtaualy sunk In gloom, becomes bright, buoyant,
active* and he goes forth refreshed, regenerated
and oonscloua of uew vigor to his accnston ed oc
oupations; and the effect U not temporary, ou tm
contrary, the relief Is permanent, for the cordli:
properties of the medicine reach the con&tltuilon
itself and restores ft to its first condition. In all
diseases of the stomach and pigesilve organs, they
■aver flail. They also remove depression, excite
meat, raatleness, want of sleep, dislike to eocitiy.
Incapacity for business, loss or momorv, couitok.
giddiness, blood In the head, melancholy, menu)
debility * they increase and restore toe appetite,ju
rlfp the blood, strengthen too tone oi tbe stcuacti,
and give such energy and vigor to toe conatltutiow
aa must ba fait to ba believed.
To elderly persons, Sir Astley Cooper's Fills art
Invaluable; strengthening the system against toe
attacks of age; they oause a continued cheerful
ness, and prolong hie to the latest possible pe
Bzwaax or Brumous mitatioh*—None are sta
ins without the fac-slmile of the slguaturo of Uu-
Phallft Ge.,Sole Proptletors, Ixmdou ami X«
York, on each box and on toe directions, llieoe-
nolne Pills have also a correct likeness of the lilt
Sir Astley Cooper on toe top of each box. Without
these£uarks of authenticity, they are spurious and
an imposition. Sold at 26 cents, 60 cents and II
par box. Full directions aro given with each bo*.
Thera Is a great saving by taking the larger ain|.
Principal Depot In toe untied States, 192 Broad
way, Now York. For sale also by A. B. & D.
Sands, 141 William sL, Schieffelin Bros. A Co., hD
William at., McKesson ft RobbinB, 91 Fulton st, Si-
Ward Close ft Co., 116 Fulton st., HaviUnd, Hu-
ral ft Risley. 39 Warren st., C. V. Oltckenor tfe,
222 Graanwichst, Hall, Dixou ft Fraser, HBLham
bars st, Naw York, General Wholesale Agenb, wl#
will aupply Drugguts and Dealers iu Medicine it
Proprietors prices.
T it FOR TAT, a reply to “ Uncle Tom's Cabin ”
and 1 • Dred,” by a lady of New Orleans.
How to DresH with Tano, containing hint! upon
(he harmony of colors, the complexion, ko H «c.,
beiug a suitable compaulon for the toilet table.
Bridal Etiquette, a sensible guide to the etiquette
and observances of toe marriage ceremonies.
How to Behave, or tho Spirit of Etiquette.
How to Woo and How to Win.
How to be a Lady,a book for girls, containing use
ful hiuts ou toe formation or character.
How to bo a Man, a kook containing useful hints
ou toe formation of character.
Tho Business Mau’s Adviser, consisting of tha
Biuiuess Mau’s Assistant aud Ready Reckoner, tha
Trader’s Guide, snd tbs Landlord’s and Tenant's
The Tradesman’s aud Mechanic’s counsellor and
K*‘udy Calculator, comprising tha Tradesman's
Guide or Law of Trade, with a supplement of Rules
aud Tables. Received by
J. B. CUBBEDGE, Agent,
nov7 uuder the Marshall House.
mo PERFECT gentility, in manners, dress and
X conversation, in tha family, ia company, nt
too piano forte, toe table, in the street, and In gan-
ttemeus society.
Also a useful instructor iu letter writing, toils!
preparations, faucy needlework, milliiery. drees
making, care of wardrobe, toe lulr, teeth, heads,
lips.complexiou, etc, by Emily TbornwaU, author
ur ( 'Home cares made easy.” For sale by
octis 169 Congress street.
taring or repairing of Copper,
er Shaotlrou Butlaeas.
H0 S&"
Tumoat, Not. It, 18M.
T7D0AR HONThuSK, or tbe HjiiMriou Pnttwl,
Hi bjr u W It RujdoIi],.
Marlon Barnard, orLuaooiur lir^-a compaa
l0 Tb5 pElSirltfadrtnturti or*Mutant Catobpola. DSrtrfcP»tnfii
Ai Bjjjj’.NMklMe77ndw£rt - c*nuirU l »7*» K
Three par cant a month, or uit perils of fast Uv<
ing. by Charles Burdatt.
The Hills oTtoa Bhatemuc, by tha author of tha
Wldo, Wide World. For salo at
no26 169 Oongraaa si _
^ 11/ 5 * 4 " M “* 0< “ W pr0 "^*M
_ JB8DAY, leth Oolober. 186a—The Rule. ,lif,
. and Saddle Bags, and other Lectures, by W
Mllburn, with a portrait of the author ou steel
Married, nat Mated; or how they lived it Wood-
fide aad Throckmorton Hall, by Alice Cary.
Tha last of the Forresters; or Humors oo im
Border;* story of toe Old Virginia FronlUr, b>
John Ester Crooks. „ „ s
Calebs In Bearoh of a Wife, by Mrs- H»m»b
Three Por Cent a Month; or, tbe Perils of fm
Uvlu, by Charles Burdett.
Daisy’s Necklace;and What Como of it; a lJier*-
ry Episode, by T. B. Aldrich. ,
The Torchlight; or, Through the Wood, by »» f
rial Oloott, author of “Isora’s Child ” ,
Tha Adventures of Gerard, tho Lion Killer, by*-
E. Whitehead. , .
ii Tha life of General Daniel Moreau, cube w
(tnta line of the Army or the United »
James Graham.
Fbr sale oj toe Book Stor. 1 ,
oot 17 169 OONUKfcM SfHtfci ^
mBE undtralfoed bava and are no*
X their stock of
Ifcnlfn and domMtl. Brr Go°fh
Tawblebtoa, Inrlt* tb«amntloaoitli«l[JJ*L
aniloaitoman. and public ,.aurally,
qalu eaaSdaat tbal tba, can o»r soel
BWtauwUlMtlat, tba tkn»t'bo,«n-
lln. wUl bt bund * Ibll aapplr “'“'"iSi,
•nob m K.ruji,, Uouya, '-V,
HuMon, SblrUnf., Ootbi, Ou.Ha«Mi JJ*
good of other .uIm, fkncf
iucb u rich, (all wool J Do IaIom.
Mm. Ebfllab aod Pranob
ootid NO. 149 CuugresstireA
OontM, or olbrt work ooan«to(l with tb«T„^
a a pools,
Mfc M, WbltUkwatrMt, (two door. BwW