Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, December 11, 1856, Image 3

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JF i‘;Wr X.8. PeiitlTelr »■ M0SDAY,1C.»TB,„ CHRISTY’S Wn« w bo*< OwcwVi Iwl*| th* pot vraak ljrimwM l iatw^nt4ViM J - ‘ - PRESS AND THE PUBUO ‘•Ne Plus Ultra?* of Etteopian v, PetfomucM* The/ mpMAilljr Ihtlr hat wack lata FKiom—Dtm* Otolaaui Parqaaru, iOo»u; Holly am*, to cam; ftInto Sox*, »»V> »W HbltaUOloy, McNtti MoralBum, HMala Colore. Geltor,. N oeola. Door* oyu at*H o'clock-go oommoooo M Ik dMl JMO. T, POMWnAT, Ajoiit. 1 DOoxwoTornmumucixmiADiMa noon. yinlwdy-SSM W.O.krlw, Aim, lupwku nifllhlsf < Htli nUW VialMMi FABHIONA and fancy Articles Ns* 14V Ityltmt, uriMUi nr Orti.refrom city udoouDIjraollolted. .Mr diet vorkuuuublp, bootmoobaaloo. at aborMt GROUND iUONT*. JIHKFOLLOWING UH.NM. tor pound B»ow« W.*n—lorn Not. 14, 44. 46,44, 58. w, 61, Si, n ud Tl two quarter* oocb. Noo. 60, it 66 tbroo quarter* «*ett. No. U, tour quuten. No. 64, oil quuten. No. 47, eight quuten. No. 60, ten quuten. Noe. 06 ud 6V, eloven quurtoru Ciuthau Wiio.-W«»t bultof No. s, ud Noe. 6, 6, 7,10,10,16.66.84,67,66, two quuten etch! Noe, 38 end 86, tbrtoquuten. No. 0, tour quu- tew. Noe. 17,34.36.67, 86 ud 83 6vo quuten c»cb. Noe* 18,10,30,33 ud36elx quuten euob. No. 81, aeeen quuten. No. 16, eight quuten. No. 4, twelro quarter!. No. 14, tourteen quartern. No. 30,10, quuten eacb Columbia Ward—Lute Noe. 33 ud 31, two quar ter* eacb. Noa, li, 14 ud 31, tour quarter* each. Noe. 13 and 38, Ora quartan eacb. Noa. 6,4 and 31, *ix quuten. No, i, twain qurlen. CRAWroW) WA8D.—No*. 13, S3,36,34, 36, 86,37, 31,60,71,73 ud north hair of 31, two quartet* each. N. o.70, three q ten. No. 63, tour quu ten. Noe. 8,18,80, 44,46, 47 ud 06, all q'ten eicb. No. 81,83,86 ud 81, eevenquarten each, r „utU hair or No. 31, el|bt quartan; No. 46, ton quarter* each. cuauuou w*u —No. 14, twoqUanen. No. 34, Ibree quuten. South hair No 86, thne quarter*. Noe. 13, >8, to, 36 ud 81, 8n quuten. No. 13, eevee quarton. No.33, ecru quartan. No*, at *ud 36, uloe quuten. No*. 6 ud 33, eleven quuteneach. Calhuu.i Wau—No*. 1,16 tod 33, two quartan eaob. No. 18, tou quarter*. No. 1, live quarter*. No. 10, five quuten. No*. 3,6,11,31, S3,36 ud 38, *lu quute.'* eaeh. No. 37, aevu quutore. No. 80, nine quarter*. No. 36, ten quartan. Noe. 31 and 83, eleven quuten.. No. 7, tourteen quar tan. Euuat Wau,— Lou No*. 33, 33, 30,80, £1, 84, 37, its ud 40, two quuten each. No. 31, three quarter*. No. 10, tow quarton. Noe. 6,7 and 8, eeven quarter*. FHAMuut Wau.—LoU Noa. 11,16,17.18,30,33, aud So, tvro quyrtera each. No*. 31, S3-36 ud 37, uve quartan. Noe. 3,8,4 ud 36, 6 yean cub, Noa. 13 ud 34, aevu quarton. New Fnamux Wau.—Lota No*. 11 ud 14, three quartan. No.Oatourquartan. No*.7,Audio, bve quuten. Eta* had No. Idfud WMt hair oi No. 14, ail quartan. No. 17, aoven quartan. No 13, iltteon quartan. No, 4, twcnty.ouo quarton each* Fohuyth Wau.—No* 8, 8, 10,16 ud IT. two quutore each. No II, thru quuten; No* 10,37 aud 38 tour quarton each. No*lud3,6voquar- ten. No*lu, so, 61 aud HI! tlx quarter* each. No 24, *evou quartan. No 6,7 ud 86, ten quartan. No* 12,13 ud 14, eleven quartan eaeh. Oann Wau.—Noa 4, 6,14,36,86 ud 40, two quartan each No* 16, SO, 80,84,86 ud 80, three each. No 6, tou quarton. No 3, six quuten. No 30 ud north hair ot 33, aeveu quarter*. jACttaoa Wau—No* 18, 46, 46 ud 43, twoquar. ton CMb. Noa 0, 80 ud at, tour quarton eaeh. No* 3,8,16 ud 17, An quartan eaeh. Noa 30,37, 3| ud 40, *tx quartan euh. No 30, aovon quar ter*. Jama Wau —No* 1, 8,4 ud 48, two quuten eaeh. No* 8.ud 47, *lx quuten eaeh. Noe 46 ud 40, HVOn quuten. No 48, ten quarter* No 20, niton quarun. LarAvum Wau—No* 8,4, 6,7, weatbairor 8, & 10.80,81, S3.83. 43and 44, two quartan euh. 0*84,86 ud86, tow quarter*. No 40,47 ud 48 Av* quartan each. No* 67,86 and 41, alx quarter* aach. No 10, uren quartan. No 33, tourteen quarters each* - Liaiarr Wau.—No* 1,8,7,0, 13,17,18 ud 36, two quarton euh. WathalTorNo 16, four quar tan. No 23, Are quartan. Eaat hair et No 16, eta quartan. No* 67 ud 83, alx quartan euh. Noe 80 ud 84, aevu quartan oaoh. Homunr Wau—Kut hair or No 2, ud Nos 8, 18, 30, 80, 41 ud Nut hair 81, 2 quuten eub. No* 6, 14 and 16 But balr 30 ud Woat halt 31,4 quartera eub. Noa'10,33,34, 37,6 quartan euh. Noe 37,38,30,6 quarton euh. No* 4, 6. 27,84, 36, 7 quartan euh. No 17,- 8 quarton. No* 18 ’■ -‘YWliqi . .NHj.'IO'jl.CiLAMIIqi..IV to b* drawn lit the idly ot Mobile. A litlmtnit, SINGLE ANl'AM H.E itBl Jou Bonn, ud W. W, MoQtnu, teg, Comm'n/ \ SO,OOO Tloltela—a,S80 Prlncal More than Got Prise to overy Ton TiokoU.,, ... NOyiiL SulliSMLU ilPTiu or,;..|40,000 ll'mo Oi.......61,000 «l»w 13,000 10 Mw or aooi 1 •• .... 6,000 100 100,’ 1 ‘ .'it, - 3,000 100 f .176 APPROXIMATION PRIMUS: 4 prlaw ofilMaiqirualui’g tu34i),oooure 80uo * “ *■# •• 13,006 at* 600 10 » 6,000 ere 400 18 » 2,000 uro . 300 10 l.oooiirc 100 16; >1) 300 ere 1,600 10 at*.; ,.120,000 3,380 prliteo amounting to,.'....,.,. *204,000 . ——.— . , ... .rail* or ncxn*. Whol* llokoto 310| Halve* 66; quartor* 32 60, 80,000 Prlle* OT340 wilt bo determined by Hie toil Bguroofthe Number turn drew* the .840,000 Ptto*. For example, ir tie Number drawing llir 340,000Frin ud* with No. 1, then nil the':nckei» when the number elide ini will be enlliled to 610. IT the Number ends with No. 2 then all the Ticket, when thn Number unde lu 2 will be uutitled to 340, udu on to 0.;, . CertlAoatea oT Package* will be euld at the loi. towing rate*, which Ig the rlek : O*rtl6o*te* of Pukagee or 10-Wbblu Tlekeie.,. .31)0 “ “ to bell o .... 30 14 I* lOquerler *• .... 16 ^.AddieuOtden tor Ticket* or Certdleutea either to 8. SWAN S CO., Alluola, i,u.. el 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ale., mid nov28 Box 83, ttivaunnh p. o BQOK»<b JOR OytlKW,,' Drmy Books; Olroulars. Cards ' and Blank Booksf U i. >'u.’ TV > i v i Particular ntLintiniv mven *to BOOK AND PAM' FORT GAINES ACADEMY LOTTERY. . CLAS?il2, To bs draws lath*city oi'Atlautu, Ua., iu public, »r 8ATURDAY, December l!0, I860, on IliMpluu of SINGLE NUMBER^ 11! LANIER HOUSE, MACON i I i GEORGIA LOQAN & MBARA, l'ltoPBiBTttM. . TUB Proprlotorii or thto well known ee- tobliehmcnt rospooltolly give hbtibo that tboy nro null onodldatea tor Ibe pntronogo ibr tho Travollng. publlo, and dolor- .,. FREE TRANSPORTATION ' or PASMtiRftra aud Baggage, to aud ftrom the Mouse, wllrhnfottrtcr be a* yo expense whatever for trans portation or themselves and their baggago either waybotwoui, tho Lanier Houso and the Hallway smilons jii Macon, We aak a oobtlnuacce of publlo patronage aud promlRe attention and comfort to pur gueita, ■ .. . LOGAN A MEARA. Macon, Oel, , nov27 —TmtiaSEf~~T—-— "mM A valuable rice plantation on tho Su- ^a. Msltlltn river, at a good pitch of tldo, eon- ■mf «d»ttalniug four hundrod acres tide Bwainp, JUlIL ofwhtuh two hundred and fifty ase cleared and under bankf wlth'throo hundred me fifty acres or plno aud hammock land attached, sevonty acres or which have been cultivated In corn.. ,On tho prem ises are'a‘«maU dwelling' house, bverscor and ne gro houses to aceomniodate ono hundred qnd thir ty nogroes, u burn aud other plantation bulldlugs. The settlement is prettily sltuatod on an elevated blufl'orthe river and remarkable for its healthfol- nOBB. This properly to bo sold for a division. Further information may bo obhtinod from tho undersigned on th« adjoining plantation, or by uddresslug him at Jelforsontou. Camdou county. L.W. 30,000 ’A'tvicutM—4,480 Prlzti*. Mors than One Prise to every Ten Tickets I . MAGNIFICENT SCHEME! 1 prize or 1 prise of*,!,.. M0,000 I-.'«•"!!!-; '$8 f /' Amoxiuimn >Kuua. 4 prises of UOapp’g to M0,000 prizo, aro .... $1,000 10 prises or..,, 200 100,“ of..,. 100 100 ' of..., 70 4 4 « 4 '. f* 8 M 40 “ 3,000 “ 125 100 « 75 .*« 60 « 46 ,*• 40 are.... 12,000 prize, arc 600 6,000 prizo, art* 400 2,000 prizo, are 0t0 1,000' prize, are 400 200 prize, are 1,800 120,000 8,fl80 prises amounting to .$201,000 Whole Tickets $10—Halves $6.00—Quarters $2.60. $3,000 Prises of M0 will l>o dcturmlndd by the last figure of the number that draws tbo $40,ono Prise. Tor example* 11' tbo number drawing the 840t000 Prise end* with No. 1. thou all tho Tickets where the number ends in 1 will bo entitled to $40 If the Number efids with No, 2, Ibeu all the Tickets where the number ends iu 2 will bo entitle! to $40. and «o on too. Certificates of Packages will be sold at the fol lowing rates, which is the risk: Certiflces ornckagoofio Whole Tickets.. 8ou “ . 10 Half, ‘t ........30 ** 10 Quurtor Id Orders for tiokete or certificates cun bo uddresaud either to 8. SWAN Si CO., Atiauta, Ua., or 8. SWAN, Montgomery, Ala and corner Hull and Bay streets, Savnuuaii. uov28 — ♦«•«#«-»» ——. , Southern Military Academy Lotl’y. CLASS M. To be drawn in the city of Mobile, Ala., lu public, on Saturday, January 10.1867, on tho plan of SINGLE NUMBERS. John Hurtcl and W. W. McGuire, Esqa., Comm’rs. •00,000 TYckct 11-3,301Prizes 1 Nearly one Prize to every Niue Tickets! NOVIll Li SCHEME: 1 Prise of $16,000 la 1 do of.,.. 10,000 is 1 do of 10,000 is 1 do of io,noo is 1 do of... l do or. 1 do of.... 10 do of.;.. 00 do of. 100 uo of. 100 do of... 8000 do of. and 86,10 quarters. Nos 11 and Pirusu Waho—Noa 1.2,7,9,1 turn each. Noa 8 and 4,4 quart 14, 111, 22,24 and 26, 0 quartan each. , and 23, 7 quarters eaeh. No 10,9 quartos. Troup Ward—Nos 0,13,16 and South ball of 87, 2 quarters eaeh. Noa 29,80, 81 and West hair of 88, U quarters sseh. Noe 3, 4, 10, 18, 14,28 and 24,0quarten eaoh* No 4u, 13 quarters. No 28, 14 quarters. Wasswotox Ward—Nos 4,6.6,7,8, H and North hall 16, 20,38,86 and 66, x quarters each. No 80, a quarters* No 19,4 quarters. No 24,4 quarters Nol, 17, 31 and 8ouiu halp id, MqUartsneaoh. Nod, 16 quarters. West two-thirds of No8, 30 quarters. WKsunr Ward—West half ol No 2 and Nos 6, 6, 7 audio, 2 quartets eaeh. Nos 4 and 5, 4quarters, Nob 1 and ii, 6 quarters. Noll, a quarters SimaraLD Pzamtasiox-leots Nos 9,18, . 16,17 aud 18,2 quarter ettuli. Nos 11 an quarters each. NoO, 7 quarters; No8,V qv Nos 10 and H19,12 quarters each. Nos 1,«, w *», J 10, and R19, 14 quarters each. Nos B19,* 011 \ and 1) Id, 22 quarters e»» h. All persous Interested iu the above Lots Will take notice, that if the Rents are not paid On or ; before the 12th lust., l will proceed to re-Ohtif the sar* on the morning orthe 13th. UAS’U H. STEWART, decs City Marshal. 'jJISSOLUrip.N OF OUFAHIMEBSUIP—The CO- ' partoenlilp beretetore eilettoL I wbnorllierB, tinder Ike form ot BRUSH k C*,, _ ilila day dissolved by mnual CO Lie lit. Olber par. ly Kill algn In liquidation. New York, * " , Nuvember 7,1860. tXIPABTN KKSH IP. SMITH J. KASTMAN baa Ibl* day tormail a eo- pirtnerebip tritb JOHN O. LLOYD, and will con- Unite tbe PROVISION BUSIN HRS, nudar lb* 6r m ot KAsTBAN k LLOYD, at NoT« and 43 Bread at. New York, November 1,1866. EAWMUnZ LLOYD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DEALERS IN PROVISIONS, Noa. 46 and 43 Broad (ShU N. Y. Bnith J. Eastman. John 0. Lloyd. i Witbamplameane, wapnryoaa/at all time, to bave on baud, tor lha HlaoUtm of; the trade. In loto to mil purebaeen an ample store of PROVISIONS, embrnclng Pork, Beef, lard, Tallow, Or—— saaySrw^SMH WeresptctfullvaoilelttbeoenUnnaMoa of thah- von or our old frtonda andpatrone, and tbe pat- ronage oftbe trad* (enerally. All Mapping ortf— and order, received by mul, wlU reoelve par lar ettemlon, end will b* eaeoutod at tbe toweat market rate*. decM< SOUTHERN OOHXBROAl COEVEETIOH Ezoonioii to the Sea Coast, k The iplshdid steamship GOH f. Borden. Commander, will uamanm oJSSSlftTybee th/« afternoon at 8 o'clock, Trotn the t bar lea ton wharf. Fare for the Excursion, $1 00. JtP. BROOK8, Agont. N. B. Tbe GORDON WlU leave for Charleston t Ihursday morning al 1 o’clock, Urns enabling dele* grtestbe Commercial Convention BaU* delO Jfftf FOR PHILADELPHIA—Tbe »chr 8, N. iH^BMllH, Capt. 8mUh, wlU Have immediate ue»powh as above* For frtigh4SS|tigemeato ap ply to delO C./To^HNKR. NOTICE. ■ The umlerslgned wishing to make a Dliango in business, otfor to sell on Thurs^ Jay, tho 18th day orDccomhor, tho MAG- NWUA HOUSE, at Bristol, the largest ennveniontiy arrauged Hotol In Western Virginia, Immediately at the terminus of the Vir* giula and Teunessoo Railroad, a point that will re ceive full patronago from tho Road at all time* Tbo Magnolia Houso possesses advantages over all other houses at Bristol, it being tho oniy acces sible, house in tho place. • Tho Hotel Is directly opposite the Va. & Teuu. R. U , 140 feet front and runnli g 100 foot bock, and 3 stories high, and within 40 yards of the track, With good water and out buildings all complete. They will also sell 4 LoU adjoining tbo Virginia Depot, well BUitod for business of any kind, Tho above property, If not disposed of privately belbro, will bo sold tu tho highest bidder, at publlo auction, In front or tbo Magnollna House, at 12 o’clock, M., on Thursday, tho 18th day of Docembor next. Terms—One-third cosh, and tho halunce In two equal Instalments, In one and two years, tho pur chaser giving bonds with approved Fccurlty. W. G. PECK. GEO. C. LANGHORNE, novO—t!8D 8. W. HANFOKI). HTKKIJ.NO LANIER. SAMPSON LANIER OUSE, COLEMAN HOUSE) (FORMERLY O KNOXVILLE, TWviMoaiMiM. Mr. sterling l*anlor, late of tho Lauior Houso House, Macou, Ga., and Sampson lauior, late or Tuskcgoo, Alabama, will be happy to maot all friends aud custom- io Lamar House, wlioro they have araplo accommodation for two hundred and aftyjiersons. nov8 8. k S. LANIER, Proprietors. 10,000 is..., $16,000 . 10.000 . 10,OH) . 10,000 , 10,0 0 . 6,000 . 1,000 2,000 6,000 Is 1,000 is.;... 200ore 100uro 11,100 70 are 7,t00 5o arc 6,000 40 arc ..120,000 8301 prizes amounting tu $204,000 Tickets 810, Halves $6, Quarters $2 60. The first 807 prizes are dcoiited iu tho usual _juuer. The first 8,000 prlzos of $40 will be decided by tbo last figure of tbe Number that draws tho $16,000 Prise. For example, if tbo noinber drawing tbo $11,000 prise ends with No, 1, then all tho tickets tna number endB in 1, wilt be entitled to $40. IftkenomberendswlthNo.thou all tbo tickets where tbe number ends iu 2 will be ontitled to $40, and so on too, s Certificates of Packages will be sold tit tbo lowlsg ratee, which Is tbe risk: Certificate’of packages or 10 whole tickets $00 • “ ' ** 10 half •• 30 10 quarter “ 16 PLAN OF THE LOTTERIES. 10,000, Numbers oorrespoudiug withthuso uum- wrs on tbs Tickets.are placed In ono Wheel. The first 310 Prises are placed. In another Wheel. A drawn from tho numbor Wheel, aud at hesfuna time a Prise la drawn from tuo othor Fheel. Tbe Prize dr&wu Is pluued against the Number, drawn. .;Thln;operatlon Is.rOMatod until alTUffi pmes are drawn out. ;r. - Jjf ORDERING TICKETS, Enolose the money to.our address for the llokets irdered, on roeoiptof which thoy will bo lot-warded tj first dulL Tbo. list of drawu numbers and prizes will be sent to. purchasers immediately after tho drawing. 49* Parohasen will please write ihoir signatures plain, and give their Poet Ofllce, County and Btuto. Remember that every prise is drawn, and paya ble without deduction. All prises of $1,000, auU under, paid Immediately after the drawing—other prises at the usualtime of thirty days, foil without deduction. 49- All communications strictly confidential. Prize ticket* cashed or reuewed in other tickets at either office. - Address orderajor tickets or certificates either to 8. 8WAN k CO., Alltanta, Ga. .4. bWAN, Montgomery, Ala., or Box 200, Mobile, Ala delO FAHMEHS' AND JIECHAN1SC’ FI UK AND HAR1NK 1NBUHANUE COMPANY. North-west corner or Second uud Walnut streets, UHIIADEU'HIA. rpHE following statement ’exhibits tho busluess -L and condition oftbe Company to November 1, Premiums .received ou Marino aud Iu- land Risks to November 1st, 1830.. .$214,084 CO Fire Premiums.lfcuott oi Interest on Loans 8,074 47 TOtalReceipts ..$400,186 Paid Marine Losses $ 04,427 04 Paid Fire Lomos... 80,787-80 “ipensoe, salaries and com- missions. 46,489 ou Re-lnsursnce. Return Pro * *' Ag'y charges 27/74 88 — --$177,123 01 Balance remaining with Cum’y...$228,057 07 . The assets or the Company are as follows s Phil. City imd Co. Bouds.8 10,848 10) Railroad Bonds. . 11,000 00 vcost Price. VlntMort’s, Real Estate. 140,600 00) Girard aud Consoldatlon Batik Stock 6,226 00 Btoeks, Collaterals, on call 82,400 00 Deposited with Duucais Sherman ft Co-N. V.. 30,W? 00 • Deferred paymeuls on . Block not yet due 97,700 00 Notes for Marino Pro-' .tusi.,;.*..108,080 6» Due from Agents, secured byBooda...;••••„.,•. .36,870 18 Premiums 00 Policies re cently burned; arid doofe* - doe Company.'.'.,;..;. 20,4)0 68 <• Balance in Banks. . 1<Q%74 nov!8-tf HAZBLHURST. TO RENT. A good brick tonomont to rent ou Jones treet. Rent $200 per aunum- h Also, one on Gaston bI. Rent $360 per annum. pp!y*to A. WILBUR, oct2S-lw 111 Bay Hi. ~ • ' *TO IiBNTt ~ t .A brick tuuomont on Jones struct. Kent $300. A. WILBUR, 111 Bay at., duc6 next door to Morning Nows olllco. TO RENT, B Two comfortablo brick tonomouts on Junes street, ut $300 cuub. Apply to - THUS 11UI.(A»MHK. . uovl2-2aw2w ’ ■ " VOL- irw «,i .Tbo etcamHhlp KNUlil—. Ludlow, will • leave as above. UorUieuol.couruil until ,iold tor.... ,, _ *m]ilrpere oroolton by. the*, etoeraeblite will blenaelake nollco, tbatnoDottott fill be rocofveJ et lie |tros6GB that Is not •Ilstlnoily uierkca on tbebilso VOR BOSTON \ . .. .... bnhe balo. u. s. naH l., ne - TOR PALATKA, PLAi, ftt Dartm, llrumwick, St. Maryt, Qa.,fHnuuidt na and JactmvOU, JHmUld and DUOt Creek, Fla. WKUKAVpeM. K itrigi VriJl loiye for foe above placer, , Joming. dt lb,6'ciock., •■ This boat has largo and airy Bloto Jftoom accom modations, and taking tho Inlai d Passage, offers overy lUdUootnent to invalids and ’'hors. Freight will Up taken, for Trader’H Hill and luteV modlato laftdlhgR on 8t. Mary’s Rtvor.' ' No freight will b.ouikou after 9 olclopk, . , For frolght qr passago apply on board ht ’ tiie Florida Btoam packet wharf 4 Tho Bleatner W. JiEBBY conuoeta regularly With this boat at St. Marys for Contrevlllo and Curnp I*inoknoy. novua GLAGHOKNv ft.CUNNINGHAM. ~imR ctf ARLASTON DlttBOT.—" The superioretedfoer GORDON, F. Darden, Oommandor, having been thoroughly overhauled aud rurniBhgd with a new boiler, will run regularly— twice a week—hotweou Savauuah and Charleston: leaving Savauuah every Weduesday and Saturday atteruoona, at 0 o’clock, aud returning will leave Charleston every Monday aud Friday arterunouB, at 4. o’ulouk. . Fortrolght or pussoge apply to J. P. BROOKS, Agent, novO . Charlostou wharf. CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $25 00. klv United Status Mall Line. 7 AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL Seml-Wcekl; T hb newJ JL SteamBhips— KNOXV1LIJE.. 1,600 tons,.Capt. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA ,,., 1,600 “ . .Uapt. ThomM Tyon. FLORIDA.... .1,800 ..Capt. M. S. WoodhUU. ALABAMA.... 1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R.Sohonok. LJUVJI SAVANNAH EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. Tfaeao Bbips aro among the largest on the coast, unsurpassed In speed, safety and comfort, making tholr passages in fifty to sixty hours, and are com manded by skillfol. carefol ari polite officers— mvlng. elegant state-room accommodations, thoy ofrer a most desirablo convoyanco to Now York, Cablu Passage to New York $26 Steerage Passage to Now York 8 PADKIiFORI), FAY ft CO., Savannah. SAM’L L. M1TCHILL, 18 Broadway, fob 6 Kow York. INSIJttAAIGE. Southern Mutuul Inauranuu Company, Southern Mutual Llfte Ins. Company, JBome Insurance Company, of N. York, SprlngHeld Fire dt Marine Ins. Com’y, Risks in tho above Insurance Companies undorta - KP» by WM. KING ft SONS, Agents, No. t»9 Bay Rtroct. gavannnh, 14th tie comber, 1866*deol4 FOR DEMERY’S FERRY, AND ALL THB INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THB SAVANNAH RIVER. Tbo now it on steam pacKot SWAN, Captain Richard Johnson, .will leavo Charleston wharf evory n 'Friday 1 * ’ punctually, ato landings on the Savannah River. Tho Swan has superior accommodations - for il-uvu viiurR’.-Huii wiiun uvery ^^^■Frlday morning, at 10 o’clock, ly, for Domery’s Ferry, and all iutormedi- igs ou the Savannah River. MUTUAL BENEFIT LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEWARK, N. J. Chatter Perpetual- Nett accumulation, Jon. 1, 1860* $2,280,oou 4’i Total umouut of dividends paid to date 716,492 60 Total amount of claims by death paid to date 7530,990 84 For freight engagements apply to • Bept23 JOHN RICHARDSON. UNITED STATES MAIL LINE. fbr PataOea, East Fla., via Darien, Brunswick, St. Mary*, Fbnandina, Jacksonville, Middleburg. (Black Creek,) and Piedata. .■ilT—^ The now and elegant steampockot DARLINGTON, Capt. Brook, loaves every Tuesday morning, nt 10 o’clock, tor tho abovo places. Freight will bo taken lor Trader’s Hill and inter- mediute landings on St Mary’s River. AIT No freight will be tukon after 9 o’clock. For froight or passago, having excellent state* room accommodations, apply on board, at the Flori da Steampackol Wharf, near tho Gas Works, or to Jy25 CLAGHORN ft CUNNINGHAM. Ag’te. FOR FREIGHT OR CHARTER—Tho A 1 ■fast sailing American ship ZBNOBIA, Uapt eeiw, all ready to roooivo cargo and would pro- for a European port. Apply to captain on board or to docO CAULETON ft.PARSONS. FOR BOSTON—The A 1 regular packet fhnrkTt. A. ALLEN, Stinson, mastcj, having part m her cargo engaged will meet with quick dts- (Nitch. For freight apply to «icc7 CARLBfON ft PARSONS. FOR RENT. ~ A comfortable (wo story houso on u huso, meut, corner St. Jullon and Lincoln streets PosHcaaton given Immediately* For particu- [are iuqulro of J. J. Gammon on tho premises, uovll FOR RENT* TWO comfortablo Woodon TEN EM ENTS corner of liberty and Dray tou strouts. Apply to JOHN BOSTON. 1 wept 80 It FOR RENT. THE subscriber being about to partition oil'tbo two elegant and commodious sto ries over Dr. Brantley'b Drug Storo Into offices, offers them for rent by 1st of No- irnext. CHARLES SHOLI*, sept 29 Architect. ~~ FOIl IlENT t THE tourtU story vor »r. Bniutloy’e Dm3 Store. Apply to CHAKMa 6HOL1. sept 29—tl v 6B$ Architect. FOB SALE - A VALUABleF. LOT, near the Central Rullroad Dojvot. about 90 x 100 foot. This IeOi Is feosimple. On tbo premises are three comfortable Wooden BUILDING#, wtuou rout for tiuoO par annum. Terms modorulo. Apply to J. B CUBBEDGE, Bopt 29 Agent. FOlt PHILADELPHIA—The lltmregular packet rfchr. FANNIE, Captain. Bcuston, w n uuvo immediate dispatcli for abdvo p.rt. "ir freight cugagementB apply, to nov29 C A. GREINER. STUTTERING ANO STAMMERING ptUHtAI by I)r. WVCXOFF, or Htteburo, Po., \J withoutpuiu or Surgical Oporutlou, who will send the euro to auy part of the World, on tho re ceipt of $10; and tho mouoy returned, if the euro is not offectuul. All letters must bo addressed to Dr. Wyckoir, Box 746, .Pittsburg, Pa., in care ot Arthurs, Rodgers ft Go., Bankers. P. 8. Correspondents will ploaso onclOso stamp for return postage. Caurinx.—All persons who cannot produce my genuine uortlficuto, aro humbugs. sept26—wly Dr. W. m ATLANTA HOTEL. ATLANTA ■ s i a GEORGIA. J* J* IIESLEll, Proprietor* Late of the Verandah Hotel, Hew Orleans. [rn|V Passengers por Evculng Trains will find ]■ Supper ready on the arrival of tho Cars, may!4 JHEKOHANT8’ HOTEL, BOARD KKR DAY*. BOARD PKR WRZK BOARD VKB MONTH..., h,m»yl3 $ 1 60 0 00 20 00 lyr MILLS HOUSE, COBNER MEETING AND QUBEN-STHEETS, OHARUMtOX, B. O. THIS House is now adapted to all tbe wants of tho Travelling Public, and tho ef forts of the Proprietor will bo to deserve tholr patronago. tear 81 TH( HOMAS 8. NICKERSON. HUDSON'S FERRY FOR SALE. The subsoriber offers for Bala all her ^possessions in Sorlven county, contain- Ping about ono tnousand acres of learnt, ■more or lcsR, all aitiolnlng Bald Forry ( •and extending to the Augusta road — fc Tho improvements consist of a good am WfflEBmh WWW-» Dwelling, 8M is first quality, and well supplied with fencing tim< bor. It 1b an exuollent stand for the merchandize business. The Ferry Is tho best located aud most putronizod ol any otber between Savannah and Augusta. Thoro la also passing through tho land a never felling stream, fully suflloicnt to supply any Grist or Saw Mill. For forthdr particulars address mo at Springfield, Effingham county, Ga. 'sept 7—tl' EIJZAuETH JOKES. JPk FOR PHILADELPHIA—The aefar O. The Foard or tdrebtore hard Uwilarud at., offlftoon per ecbt. |>6yable on denmnd, a. Hie oOlcc of toe CtHp^ny I , 4 , IbWiito R. Hauinoui, Sbc'jr. 3. WII.Bl/n, Agont, liidrey .t. • dees-tost l.eiEw Horning Now* flIUcn. ,061 07 iVidond - L dS? 4v !T POTATOES— ..... : . c i.-q,. A 100 bbls good Mtiaf PrtatOM, . landing and for sals t “ VALUABLE PLATNATION FORMALE THE SUBSCRIBER offers for safe his, PLANTATION, InTfoerty County, called Mtllboven, sltuatod three miles from Hioesvllle. and six miles from tbeGul Railroad, contalniugThreo Thousand Acres. Three hundred acres cleared and under good fence, most of which has been doarod within the last few years. The other portions have been highly manured for a numbur of years, and are now very productive. On tbe place is a valuable Saw and Grist Mill on a fine stream, in good running order ■ a large and commo dious GinMouse, as good as now, with running gear for horso power, togothor with a good tiiu. Good new framed Negro Houses, sulfiolunt to accommo date- fifty Negroes. His olegant new two story Dwelling House, togothor with all necessary out Buildings, such as Stables, Corn Houses, fto. In fact overy thing in such order that the purchaser can realizo tho full resources or tho land without the outlay ora dollar lu fixtures. It is probably, the best settled Plantation in liberty county, It will bo sod one third cash, tbe balance in one id two years. The only Inducement to sell is tho .Jit that tho subsoriber has another Plontatiou six miles from this, and tho uecossary attention to both takes too much time from his professional engage ments, honco ho would relievo himself of thp c»ro of oue by disposing of it v When at home tho subscriber will take pleasure iu showing tho placo to any ono who may call, and in his absence Mr. Benjamin Dorsey will show it. oot lfi-l»w8w WM. B. GAULDEK. C!ALT-1000 sacks Halt landing from ship Richard 0 Oobden and for sale lo«r from wharf by ' . v, •, GARfiCTON ft I’ARtiORti, AMM8—The moot beauiiful- variety v or ATfENTION PUBLIC. NEW HACK, SALE AND Livery Stables, NO. 225 BAY STREET, FREEMAN, HENDERSON & CO. PROPRIETORS. rflHE BUbrcribers would Inform the publlo that X they liavo opened a Stable In the Brick Build ing o» Buy street, botween Montgomery and Jotter* son streets, und have added to thoir already LARGE STOCK sovoral woll broko NORTHERN HORSES, besides new BUGGIES and CARRIAGES, aud nro uow able to supply all orders lu tholr lino. They will havo OMNIBuSSF^ and HACKS on tho arrival departure of tbo Cars and Steamers Aud also HACKS for PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION. Tholr establishment In all its departments, thoy aro dotormined SHALL NOT BE EXCELLED IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY. FREEMAN, HENDERSON ft CO. oct30-U‘ TO C4>NSUMKRS OFPAUKLMsT ' B EMEVlNit that the Public have become tired of purchasing Pickles lu PaokugeH, holdiug, lu many cases, fifty por cent less than represented, wo havo commenced putting up. in addition to our present second Blzo Jar, an article which wo are la belling “WM. UNDERWOOD ft CO’S. EXTRA PICKLES,” and are Ulllug into full sized Jars, which are lugibly stumped lu tho glass, with their exact contouts lu ouucos—thus enabling the consumer to veryify thoir truth. These Extra Pickles are put up with evory regard to style, quality and flavor, anil will bo sola at fairly remunerating prices. We havo made uo ohauga lu our,mannor of Greening Pioklcs, never having resorted to auy de leterious moans to attain this ond. Tho Cider Vin egar which wo uso Is made from sound fruit, aud is entirely free from Vitriol or anv othor minoral acid; winch is not tho caso with that used in most brands of English Pickles found In this country. WILLIAM UNDERWOOD ft CO., U7 Broad street, Boston, Mass. novlB-3aw3tn KXCIIANOM MUTUAL INS, COMPANY • joiin MoDoWfir,, MgmtMty: ■' _ v . (own orooeotry, un o\ Marino Insuranoo on yei f.teAd'ri;# n0»l3 . 166 Bay: rtreel. HOWAkU FIIIE AND MARINB INS. COUFANV 01' I’HILADEWHIA. (Kratikllu BulMtiiK, 64 W*lnut *l., Phlludcl|>bla.) . OHAlifEll CEUPBruAl,. Ihnorportod by Act al tho Legislature of I’onn . Hylvaula Capital paid iu aud InvuHtod V.$498,190 Chartered Capital 600.000 DisUfanco agataHt 1*03S or Damage by .Fife, Ma rino and Irilkhd Navigation, at tho lowest rates. 1 PWUJIVAL M, POTTS, Prcsulctit. ,0. E, SPANGLER, Vice Prostdont, 1 ’ \ W* H:.WOODS. 8oci , otary. ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, . novl8 * 164 Bay street. FIRK AND MARINE INSURANCE. THB1NSUKANCE COMPANY OP THB J FU VilWrM VIRGINIA. AvailableCnyllal..i. .‘vi.V. f 6300,000 oo Surlilus....,,. 61 617 37. CHARTER FKRCETUAI,. Takes risks on Cargo, Froight, Bulldlugs, Mer- shondlze, fto;, In town and country. izisbos promptly and liberally adjusted. ROBERT AUSTIN, Agout, , uovia 164 Bay street, • Tho underalgnod having boon appointed Ageut Ibr tbe above Insurance Companies, 1b uow pre pared to lBsqe Policies of Insurance, ou VESSELS, . CARGOES, FREIGHTS, HOUSES, STOCK IN TRADE, FUltNITURifl, Ao., fto., at as law rates as any other responsible agency In this city, and pledges himself to bis friends and those who may bo desirous to insure with him, that the ofilcos for which ho is Agent are sound, rellublo, and woll couduotod, aud will pay prompt ly all losses that may occur, without cavil or delay, ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, novlS 164 Bay street. TUftGRE ATWKSTBUNIN SU K CO. OF NEW YORK. A RE taking MARINE and RIVER Risks at their JX. Agouoy. on Drayton stroet, near tho Bay. Approvod Risks will be taken on liberal terms, audibo usual credit given ouPremtum Notes. Three quarters of the business will bo returned to tbo customers in Scrip. oct22-lm G. A* L. Lamar, Agent. $4,282,488 97 Benjamin C. Miller; Soorotary, Joseph l* Lord, General Agont, Robert L. PattorBon. President. •The fuud8 of thlB Company are ail safely invested in first class bonds and mortgages, stocks, cash, and notes of mombors fatty socurod by thetr policies. • For forthor particulars inquire of WM. H. GLADDING. Agbnt in Savannah, At the office of Bell ft Prentiss. J, 8. SUIJJVAN, Mod leal Examiner. RKVKKKXCB! . Messrs. PanmoBD, Fay ft Co., l. K. Tzrr, Esq., State Bank. feu 29 THE GREAT WESTERN FIRE AND * MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, Of No. 107 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Penn. CHARTER PERPETUAL,.. „. CAPITAL $300,000. KIRK, hariak, aXD iwlaxd ixsukancz. IttRECTORS: Charles C. Lathrop, 632 Spruce street; Alexander Whildeu, Morcliaut, 14 North Kront-st.; John 0. Hunter, firm of Wright. Hunter A Co,; E, Tracy, firm of Tracy ft Baker; John II. M’Curdy, firm of Jones, white ft M’Curdy; Isaac Ilazlehurat, Attorney aud Counsellor; James B. Smith, firm of Jumcs D. Smith ft Co.; Thoedoro W. Baker, firm of Tracy ft Baker; K. 8. Walton, 390 .MarketBtreet; Thomas K. Limerick, 684 Spruco stroet; John J. Baker, GblddteKh’e Hail ’ UHARUCU C. 1ATHROP, Prealiiont. Titosi K. Limkriok, Secretary. JAMES M. CARTER, Agent, June 16 No. 86 Bay street. neutral Southern lifsurauce ACst-aaBtroY fTUlE SUBSCRIBER is prepdrod to olfept Insurance X to any nmount in tho Siqto of Georgia, on LIFE, FIRE OH MARINE RISKS In tho following good stock Companies; FAUMRR8 AND MECHANICS FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y, ,QV PiULADELPIILA. Capital. BA’.' $1,260,000 Hon. THUS B. FLORENCE, President. Enw. R. UKUtuotP, Soo’y. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF HARTFORD, OT. Cash Capital $300,000 RALPH GILLETT, President, Jas. H. Si-iuuuk, Sec’y. STATE MUTUAL FIRE ANI) MARINE INSURANCE CUMP’Y. OF PENNSYLVANIA. Capital and Assets $3(39,900 J. 1*. RUTHERFORD, Presidcut, Sims War», Sec’y. BHIDOKPOHT'FIUE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMP’Y. OF BRIDGEPORT, CT. Cash Capital and Assets $126,000 HENRY W. CHATFJELD, l’residont, J. H. W VS1IHOR.V, Sec’y. EQUITABLE FIRE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF LONDON Capital $2,600,000 CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COlfp% ' OF HARTFORD, OT. Capital undSurplus over. $400,000 J.JC. WALKLEY, l’residont, S. II, Wiurv, Sec’y. $9» life lnsurauce, to any auumut, at the lowest rate, for tho benefit or the heirs and creditors, or payable to tho wife free from the claims of creditors. JUST Mariue lusnranoo on hulls or cargoes to all parts of tbo world A. WILBUR, oct23 General lus. Agent and Broker. . SCOCKfiHQM to rmBHlCZ; A BXVL THISJSui-•&*, Willb* 6 K cmIib P Uo vlquo Bramljr, ,' 6){ do ,do . do, • 6.K do, MqdolPA. win#, 6 J4 do Port do, iloposl * ^ «u i:vri au, Salo poslllvo to oloso consignment. Terms cash. decll ti . , Wipes ami Liquors, , , ; THW DAY, al U;o’clock*. 1^front of store, will positively be sold,, to close consignment, for ao- . count of oil. concer«ed, tho following invoice or Uquorm , . . : . . 10 cosos Bloard Brandy, 6 do Monongahola whisky,' 1 do; 2 dox. Old Jamaica Rum, 1 half plpo 4th proof Otard Brandy, 6 eighth casks united proprietors do, 2 bait' pipes CasUliou do, 2 qr. casks do . do, 9 hbls eboleo Old Monongahola Whisky, 10 do French Brandy, 6 cases Jose Mitditlri Brandy, TormBcash. deoil Plantation boat at private sale. A splendid Canoo Beat, 30 feet long, splendid model, very lost, and will be sold at a bargaiu. dccQ Great salo of Books »ud Stationery at Auctlou. THIS EVENING, at early gas light, at tho store corner ofCongress Whitaker streets.- Book sand Stationery, Encyclopedias and valua ble ScioutiUo, Mechnnlcu! and Architectural workB, magnlflceutly illustrated; London aud American works of fino and Useful arts, and splendid stan dard library books lu all the various departments or Literature. Tbe collection comprises the great est variety of valuable standard works in tbe va rious departments of literature, science and arts ever offered in this city, Includtug most of the best Btondard works published in this country. Anna- ate andolegamly illustrated works; lino Bibles and Prayer Books, lino Letter and Note Papers, Envel opes, Stationery, fto., fto. The books aro ail new and warranted, perfect and will bo sold entirely without reserve to tho highest bidder. Ladies aud gentlemen uro invited to call and ex amine them during the day. Catalogues may be had at, tbo sales room. Terms cash. Purchasers to pay for ond take away their hooks the day following each Bale. ~ to conttuuo every evening during tho week. ivlfi ■*> novl6 Fulton Market Bool' at Private Sale. Just received por steumcr Knoxville: 12 half bbla l ulton Market Bocf, put up express ly for us, and warranted hotter than any othor sold In this market. Wesball roooivo by overy steamer a small in voice of this Beef, which wo can with coufidonco r#bommond to tho dealers and warrant it to give satisfaction. novll Potatoes at Private Salo. Just received porachr T Raymond from Now York, 20 bbls Potatoes, In good order. noli . Apples at Private ;ale. JuBt received per sohr E L B Woles, from New York, SO bbls Apples, iu prirno order. noil Houses and Lot at Private Slao. Lot No. 17 corner of Taylor and Tattuoll-streets, 80 tolOOfouV, with Improvements, consisting of a double tcuomcut two story House, ou high base- mont—all iu good ropalr. For terms and other particulars, apply at our Counting Room. novO New Fish. Just received direct by Bchr L 8 Davis: 20 bbls uowilo. 2 Mackerel 20 do do do 3 do 20 hit bbls do do 2 do 20 do Uo dodo 3 Uo % 20qr do dodo 2 do 20 qr do do do 3 do 10 bbls Picketed Shud 100 boxes, oacli 40 lbH,^ow Codfish—prime 10 do do 60 do, smoked Salmon, now lauding and or enlo low from tho wharf. —ALSO— 60 boxc3 fresh ground Java Coffuo. oc21 Bacon. Just rccoivod in store, and for salo low, and on accommodating terms: 40 hhds prime Sides. oc2l Carter Potatoes at Private Salo, Just received por sohr J T Orlco, from Now York, 60 bbl3 Carter Potatooa. oct34 Now Herrings at Private tale. Just rccoivod por ecboi landing. 500 boxes first quality Smoked Horriugs 26 barrels Holland llorrlugB l&ary suit, for Bate tew ” oct 24 For Rent, - Tho counting room and st to next to our store, formerly occupied by Mayor* Blum. Also,sovoral stores uader our count!fg room aug20 AW rlvatoSale. lip?, ^ ,. 11 For Balolow toclosflopnslghmcbtq'; . ..■ . novag ; BY 0CTAVP8 Kicculor’i felo. Will bo Bold before Ibe Court Hou*e, mi tbe 6 TUESDAY lu Januel, neat, betwo'eu lbeu.! beureoreelo, Lot of laud No. 109,31st HIlIrlbL originally I now Marlon eouniy, coutalulng !02>j act**, Ibe property of Etlalo of Jno. Bcreven: dec aua sold tor bonoflt of tbo bolrs and ere'"- 00128 J, l>. 8CREVEH, 1 SOUTHERN LOTTERY ON THE HAVANA PLAN » I'Kizta guarantied i 103,000 PoUnra-13,000 Number* Only! PRIZES PAY ABIE* WITHOUT OEDMCTION. JASPKR COUNTY AO-AOI BY AUTHORITY Of THB RATI OF QlOliau. , ., CLASS T, To bo diawn December 16, 1866, al Concert Halt, Macon, Ga., under the sworn superintendence ot Col. George M. Logan and W. 0. Addenda, Esq. JOT Remomber this Lottery has only thousand numbors—less than any Lottery bi- ttae world, therefore it ts tho best for investment. Ex amino the Scheme 1 ' . , / ‘ . SCHEME. “ •v- :-. '• 1 prizo of...., ..,$16:060 J M 4 “ of $l,000aro. * ** *. 5 . “ of 609 are 80 “ of 100 aro 1,600 u of 40 are AN'KOXniATlOX FRIZU. 20 approxtmationB of $100ore... 60 “ “ 60 aro 60 “ “ 20.ore., . 2,000 . 4,000 . .3,600 8,000 . co,ooo : ..$2,000 . 3,600 L000 1,712 prises amounting to.,, timm: Tickets $10—Halves $6—Quarters $3.60* AST Prizes payable without deduction. Tho 1,600 Prizes of $40 are determined by the lost figure of the number that draws the Capitol Prize of $16,000. The Capital Prize will, oT course, end with ono or the figures—1, 3* 8* 4,6.6; 7,8,‘9, 0. Those Whole Tiokete ending with we Vauie figuro os the last in the Capital' will be entitled' to $40. Halves and Quarters in proportion;- ■ ‘Wqi.-u 49- Persons sending money by - mall need no fear its being lout. ’ Orders punctually attended to Communications confidential. Bank notes of edited banks taken at par. , 49-Those , wishing- particular urimbers stiOBld order immediately. Address, novi7/: J A UES F. WINTER, Manager. , , Macon* Go* Dll, SANFORD’S INVIGOHATOU, I S a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant, and 1$ recommended to tho publlo, relying upon Rain triusic worth in tho cure of the following complains All Billious Derangements, Blok Headache, Dyspet sin, Habitual Costiveness, Chronic Diarrhea, Colic Pain in tho Ntomach and Bowels, General Debility Femulo Weakness, Ao. For sale by Druggists gen orally, and by John. B Mooro ft Co, and Wm. W Lincoln, Savannah,ly febl2 iboonerLS Davis, aud now ritiiE subscriber hasremoveu on tbo Bay, next . X door to the Republican ofllce, whore he 1s no w opening a splendid assortment of Fall aud Winter goods, which ho will sell by Wo pattern or make to ordor in tho most fasbiouablo style; also, Ready- mado Clothing from tbe colebr&ted house or James * Wilde, Jr,, ft Co., New York. Tbankfol for put favors, ho hopos by strict application to merrit a eontinuauco of the same. ' • N. B.—Cutting, Altering and Repairing done at tho shortest notice. JuBtrecolvod a lot of white and colored shirts. oot80 JOHN W. KELLY. real FREECHEMBROIDERIES HENRY LATHROP & CO. W OULD Invite tho attention or the Ladles to tholr very largo and rich stock of ^11 NEW TIN STOllK AND SHEHT-1UON MANUFACTORY. 141 BODTU OF MARKET SQUARE. BRYAN STREET I would inform my old friends and patrons I have opened tho abovo storo to conduct tbe Stovo, Tin and Sheet-Iron Business In all its Irarlous forms, and whoro wifi be found a gen eral assortment of Stoves, Tin and Sheet-Iron Wore, which I will bo pleasod to show, and at suohprluu is will satisfy any one wishing to purcboso. All kinds of RooQng, Gutters of Lead, Galvanized Iron Work of every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Stoves put up and Pinos furnished at short notice. Tin Waro at wholesale and retail. Call down on Bryan street, It will pay you for your walk, oct 2 JOHN J. MAURICE, Agent. WlliDLAY’filROrwORKS MACON, OEORGIA. The' uhscrlber, from long experience in tho business, Is proparod to furnish Steam ditoOEnglnos, Bailors, Circular, Single aud Gang Saw Mill Machinery, Grist aud Merchant Mills, Sugar Mills, Gin Gearing, and Castings in gen eral. Tho Saw Frames, wliothcr for upright or cir cular, wifi be of iron when roquirod. Ail of which, with uts many Improvements, U warranted to be equal to tho best made ut any othor establishment. His works aro on a scalo as extensive as tbo larg est at tho North, amt ho Is prepared to till orders with promptness and dispatch. aug 7 ROBERT FINDLAY Opened THIS DAT.ombruoiug tno following styles| Real Thread, liontionand Mntleso BESTS “ French, Muslin and Cambric “ Mourning Setts, In Book, Cambric and Linen Cambric and Swiss. Edgings and Inserting! Embroidered, H. S. Bordered Hdkfe M us tin aud Cambrlo Bands Misses Beits, iu great variety Infants’ Caps, trimmed. —ALSO— Children’s Worsted Capes Opera Hoods, Tics, fto. ' Colored, silk and Cashmere Scarfs, oot 6 Wv •» « f NS’ M thei^ Hoots and hhoeh. THE subscriber bos opened a BOOT and SHOE STORE «| Nos. 71 and 162 GIBBONS’ BUILDING, noxt door to the ^ - Ihnulug ssunu of George 8. Nichols ft Co., anil M llolta the patronage of his friends and the pnbUo lx general. ^ M. J. BUCKNER, oct 7—ly .. ■ • j. . BOOTS AND SHOES. ~ RECEIVED by loto arrivals, Lady’s GAI- l|^.TERS. Gentlemen’s Oxford TIES. Gents and Boys’GAITERS, uonts Low Quartered, Calf and Patent Leather SHOES. Gontlomeu’s Fine BOOTS. M. J. BUCKNER, No. 71 and 162 Gibbon’s Building* DISSECTOR’S GUIDE. mHE. Practical Anatomist and Student's Guide in X the Dissecting Room: by Dr, J. M. Allen, with upwards of 200 Illustrations. All tho Class Books roquired for students in the Medical Collogo. Amoug them: Neill & Smith’s Compendium, William’s Principles of Medicine, Dungllaou’s Physiology, Thorapoutlo’s, Practico, Now Remedies, Dictionary, fto., Ac. Carpenter’s Physiology, Dict’y Surgory, Erlclison’s, Miller’s, Ferguson’s aud other works on Surgory; Wood’s, Barlow’s, Dell ft Btoko’s, Dickson’s, aud other works on Practice; Cazeanx's Midwifery: Melg’s Obst. tries, aud many rcccut works ou Medfcul sub jects. also : Long's Allas of Classical Goography—62 maps. Sabbath Bolls chimed by the Pools—beautifully illustrated. Poetry of the Woods, of tho Field und of tbo Year—Uuo plat os. noyfi - W> THORNE WILLIAMS. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE Insurance Company, Capital $800,000 DIRECTORS .’ Ralph Ulllctt, Alonzo W Dirge, Bai-zellai Hudson, Charles Forbs, Warebam Griswold, H K W Welch, Philip Ripley, A D Edson, Roswell Brown, Albert F Day, MasonGross, JD Russell, William W House, A F Gillott, • BC Osborn. RALPH, GILLETT, President. Jaa. II. Smocx, Sco’y • The Biibsorlbor having been appointed Agont for Savannah for tho above uamud first class Fire und Marino lnsurauce Co., is prepared to issue Policies on all descriptions of iusarable property at the uml rates of other good compauics. A. WILBUR,Agent, cotl8-tr 111 Buy st, n^xt to News office ltd got E XECUTOR’S BALE—Will be sold on the first Tuosday iu Jannory next, between the legal hours of salo, belbro tbo conrt lipase door In Chat ham county: Eight Shares or tho Capital 8tock of the Control Railroad und Uaukiug Company of Geor gia, sold by order of tbe Court of Ordiuary of said county, for the benefit of tho heirs und creditors of tho folate of Philip Ulmor, deceased. H. K. HARRISON, Ex’or. novlil-td ELIZA ULMER, Ex’trix. BOTANIC AD DUUU 8TOUE. « The undersigned gives notico to his patrons, und the publlo goneruliy, that) TW ho lias oopned a Bitautcal Drug Store, in his olllco, adjoining his consulting room, 190 Broughton stroet, above Montgomery street. There being no rogular Botanical Drug Store In tho city, und tho dom nd for Reform Med icines, fto., such, that it lias become necessary for him to do ho. A competent person is engaged to attend to the storo. The undersigned wilt continuo, us heretofore, to give Ids whole attention to tho practice of medicine, in all Us brunclios. Usual indulgence for visits, ftc. Will sell medi cines at a very small profit, aud for cash only. 49- Tho uudorsignoa also takes this occasion to announoo that ho is boarding and treating chronic negro pullouts in his Infirmary for $20 per month. W. T. PARK, M. D. Savannah, Nov. 18th, 1866. 3m—novl8 U. SI. GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR 10 I.ATB M. EASTMAN Corner of Bryan and Whitaker Streets. HAS now on hand a beautiful as sortment or Jewolry of overy dla- oriptiou and kind worn by ladies and gontlomon. and wifi sell at unusually low prices, 1 have this day received (per ExpreiB) a large stock of elegant Slvcr Ware, consisting of Coko and Plo Knives, plain and engraved Fish Knives and Forks, Pickled Knives and Forks, Knives, Forks and Spoons, Napkin Rings, Nutmeg Graters, ftc. fto., all in Morocco casos, aud suitable for presents. I have also this day received an addition to mv stock or hairworkof lightcolorcd Curls, Topsys. Braids,Front Pieces, Bands, Undo Tom, fto., which now makes ray assortment complete. Orders rccolved for any color desired. Watches ropalrod by and undor tho supervision of self, and all other work done ta a workmanlike maunor, and warranted.' may 26 massieschoolT r lE MASSIE SCHOOL will bo oponed on WED- NESDAY, October 16th. Tho Regulations require that alter tho opentog ol tho School, “Applicants shall bo received overy day of tho first week, and on Monday of each suc ceeding week or tho termThoro arc still Bovorat vacancies In tho School. Until tho opening of tho School, applications may bo mado to tho Principal. Who Will bo found at the School Room every morn- lag from 9 to 10. By ordor or the Commissioners, cot 10 B, MALLON, Principal. STAPLE DRY GOODS. C OTTON and Linen Sheetings, Shlrltlngi, Irish Linens, Pillow Cose Linens, Bird’s Eye Dia lers, Huckabacks, Huok and Fine Damask Towels, I. 9 and 10J£ Sup. Irish and Scotch Table Damasks, Napkins and Doyles, Real Welsh and American Flannels, Fino Bath and Whitney Blankots, Linen and Cotton Bod Tick, fto., fto. ' For Bote at tho lowest market prices, by DxWIIT ft MORGAN. BEAUMARCHAIS. OEAUMARGHA! and bis times, Sketches of French 1J Society in the 18th century, and of the femoni Beaumarchais claim upon the U. 8. Government for supplies, fto., furnished during the American Rev olution; translated from Lomenlo by Henry 8 Ed wards. Anderson’s Lako Ngaml, or explorations and dls- covorlos during 4 years wanderings in Bonth West ern Africa: with numerous illustrations. Romo, Christian and Papal Sketches of the Reli gious monuments, fto., with notices or tho. JeenJta and tho Inquisition, by L. DeSantis, < Harper’s Narative of tho general course of HUto- tory, from tho earliest period, for use of schools. The Forum, or 49 years full practice aftheTblla- -'-a.'- f ‘ ‘ or New Orleans H, fffffli PIANO FORTES. HAVING lately received largo ad ditions to our PIANO FORTES, we arceunbled to offer at this time tbe greatest variety from tho best manu facturers, from the plainest aquaro to tbo most elab orately carved, and from six to seven octaves.« Our Pianos are selected from tho manufooturen whom wo havo frill confidence In, and we aro par ticularly roqueated by them to give a guaranty with every instrument sold by ua as rogards durability, tone, fto. Persons in want ora first rate Instrument may re ly with safety upon getting such a one by solectfeg from the following makers, whoso instruments wo endeavor to keop constantly on liand, viz : H. Wor cester, J. Cbickering ft Son, Nunns ft Clurko, Bacon ft Ravens, H. Waters, and Haines, Brothers ft Gum ming. 1. W. MORRELL ft CO. aug 27 ^ - EXCLUSIVE THE ONLY ms MUSIC FOR SALE. ana Six Tracts or Land, 600 acres each, 8 ■> , *5? miles fr om tho city or Savannah oii |th« 8. - atutGuir Rati Road, wen Adapted to ton growth Rice, Cotton aud Coin; end. Weed fntrogh topoy ten times ovor. Apply to. ••ij' . feb SI ; - tt . C. A. GLOUI) . t MAGAZINBi Jhr Docomber OODEY’S LADY'S BOOK THOR December, JJ Graham's Illustrated Monthly for . Docombor, Mr« Stephen’s Now Monthly for December. Arthur’a Home Magaslno for December, Uyo and Loaim, a gulds fer all who wUh to speak Dooksotiers and Stationers * ' I-Sff rf^ol wwYco:^ Wliolesnlc and Retail Dealers lii For eign and Pomcatlo Dry Goods* B EG leave to say they have removed to thoir largo new store, ,170 BROUGHTON STREET, whore tholr ample room wifi enable thorn to keep a complete stock tn every departments Also; a fell lino of PLANTATION GOOD,9, of tho best Bonthora manufacture. Combined with the above they keep a complete stock or Ladle* Ladles and Gents Furnishing Goods, to* suit the *i s» tee Countnr Buyer*, at the lowtot, i • CO., •'.& i W. D. ZOGKBATJM& CO. a lAKE tho opportunity to return thanks to tholr frionds and tho pnbllo for tholr favors, and hopofrora strict attention to their business, for con- hop o from strict attentiuu iu tuvir uuaiuuos, >ur uuu- tioualion of tbeir patronage, and would therefore respectrnlly ask the attention of the public to their usually largo stock of Piano Fortes; having added this season also, W. Knabor -and G. Vogt’s Pianos, which for elasticity and beauty of touch and great power, can not bo surpassed. Also, on hand a large assortment or Musical Merchandize, and a choice collection of Home aud Foreign lluslo. QUIT'S AND BOY’S WEAK. |LA0E Cualuatw .04 BoesRUu, Fancy do 1 ~ k; ad^MCto^.TwoeiU.JaMnew, denl'e i Inen Cambrlo Hdkr'e, ’d do. do., Col’d Borders do., Btocke, and Oravate, Ao., Ao —1 DaWIXT k HOMAN. octlO nov6 Atiu FWIU444, Ul *V JVtkkO IUI1 H U delphla Bur, by David Paul Brown, 2 vole. Tit for Tat, by a lady of New Orleans fouls Napoleon and tbe Bonaparte family, by ' Dcl'uy. [de'IJ W. THORNE WILLUMS. MARRYING TOO LATE. A TALE, by Goorgo Wood, author of “Peter Schlomihl iu Amorlca. ’’ Commudoro Perry’s Japan Expedition, Govern ment edition, in quarto, with colored plates, extra calf gilt. ' ’ Wlddlofiold’s new Cook Book. Fashionable Life, by UaryH Eastman, wife or CuptEcastman, U. S. Army. Female Life among tho Mormons, by the wife of au Elder, with colored plates. Hills orihe Sbatomuc, by Miss Warren, author of Wide, Wide World. \ \. The Klmo or tho Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge, elegantly illustrated and bound In extra .gilt mo rocco. , Envelopes in great variety. Drawing Slates, with velvet corners, anew in vention, much improved—twenty-five cents earth. nov24 v W» THORNE iwSXlAMa., ” DARIKN. Oc4.'37lh;18llO. r S Co-partnership heretofore exUUhf' under tho name or PAKKHUR8T ft ADAMS, Is dis solved by the death oi Mr. John K. Adams, all those indebted to tho lato firm aro repuestod to make immediate paymout. Mr. Convent Parkburst, will attend to the settlement of the aflolrs of tbo said ■m. C, PAItKHURST. Republican copy. 8m oct 80 GENERAL NOLICE. A M. GRIFFIN has Just received another fine VjT• lot of Sliver Sugar Spoons, Gravy and Cream Dulles, Butter Knives, Knives, Forks and Bpsont, Pie Knives, Foils, Knlvos and Forks, Cake Knives, Crumb Scrapers, &c., ftc., mostly Inmoroococases, aulU^lo for presents. novll NBGROIS8 FOR BALK. mHE subscriber offers for **Ie some Thirty or X more NegH -*—connected by fkmlUe*, ami having m*oyl |l£ « /children. Amoog thaae p»pl* beliiw- ;1tay will iyibelaWWannarynartMlbrpar. W RITG<*Q.PAFERS.—For aala at ramarkabiy Jow prices Plus' nd white ruled end plate foolscap, do do letter papers; English ' and F— ^^xTsasss ?»*!»!•*** orplnk, bufl‘, violet and aher colors of u letter papere, small nixes, suitable for.b M * ■tovu