Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, December 19, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII I OLD SJMIKNJ SAVANNAH, O A.. FRIDAY. DECEMHEE 19, 1850. NO 14031 {MiilM & JOURNAL, MUD A 1 iVMO. k, A M Receftt PftMIcftU®** ■—WlkofiT* Jlew Bo#k. m« ADVuxitmft* or A Rovwu DfrUfoATUIT. By ilpnry WlkodT. author of my courtship, and !•* Kiso-Wi'uU do you coll tho play! nSavt” th» Mmwefrap. (lUtalot, Acl* III* Scorns 2. vl'w York : W. P. Fotrldgo k 00., publl'hors, harpers' Buildings, Franzlln Square 1867. For ealo in Savguiuh by Col WUUaiu. Ttioso who lmve read WikotTa most amusing it courtship and 1U Consequences” will need no ptomptiug to purcbaat " the Adventures ol a Boring Diplomatist.” The Utter U hut a sequel to tho former. It enters Into an exposN tion of tho author'd connection with the BritUli Foreign Oftlce and tho eflbrta of Lord Palmer ston to relieve himself of his service*. The author throws considerable light..upon Euio- utMu politics s thereby giving much more than thiu personal interest ts his work. His stylo is extremely lively, and his good homor unhiding. the Ui'TORT or tas Kua.v or thb Enmon Chaxu.h tuxttmi. By William Robert ’i n, D. I). With mi account ol the hmperor’s Ufo alter bis Abdi cation. By William H. Prescott. Three volume*, e.-t tvo. Boston: Phillips tampsou It Co. Fur .- .it; by J. M. Cooper k Do. Bi. Robertson's work has long sluce received recognition from tho learned world as one of the ablest historical productions written iu our own or any other luoguuge. In giving tho history of tho reign of the Emperor Charles the Filth, it necessarily presents us with a tall pie turc of the very interesting epoch in which ho lived, and which owed so much of its interest to the sway of his imperial mind. Hut the great attraction of the volumes be fore us, to most readers, will be found in the continuation by tbe accomplished Prescott. It is devoted to a vlear and ample record of Charles’ monostio life after his famous abdlcu non. With abundant materials in his hands, (not within tho reach of Dr. Bobertaon) Mr. Prescott has so used them as to make us quite a* familiar with the last yearn of Charles os of any distinguished tnun who has died within our own recollection. Ungllslx Reviews* We have received from the American pub lisher* Leouard Scott Si Co., 79 Pulton street, .New York, thruugh tbe bands of their agent C»l. Williams, the North British Review for November, and the Ixmdon Quarterly for Octo ber. Of Uie North British Review, the following is Hit table of contents : Ur. Chalmers’ Works; Fronde's History of Eugiaud; The Workmen of Europe: The Sight uud bow to See; ltemusat’s English Statesmen— Liuliugbruko; Religious Novels; Cockburn’s Memorials; Spain. Tbe London Quarterly Review, is made up of tin- billowing papers Whately’a Edition oi Bacon's Essays; Freiiuh Algeria; Church Building; New Biographies of Montaigne; Aucient Rome; Physiognomy of " or Port-Royal; From Macfiirlane, Pergussou A Co., of Richmond,- Va .wobuvw received the December issue of tbe Southern Literary Messenger. This maga zine has cluims on the South paramount to those of any other publicatien with which we are acquainted. It is published monthly—price tlm e dollars prr annum. Tub Cholera on Board tub Stbaukh Ten nessee.—Lola Montez^—A gentleman who was in conversation with one ortho passengers on tho steamer Tennessee from Ban Juan, .writes the following to the Norfolk News On my way from Savannah,I melon tho can several ortho psasengen or the steamer Ten nessee, who lett her at Key West where she touched on her way iron Graytown. Tho cholera was on board, and 13 of tbe passengers died and were thrown overboard before she reached Key West. Those taken sick lived only from live to eight hours after they were taken. Tho vessel was filthy and so little at tcutiun paid by the captain or crow towards keeping tho ship clean, Until was impossible to sleep below, and many took to the deck. 1 asked one of the passengers if the captain ever went forward or below to seo to the comfort or health of the passengers. He said no—ho seemed not to care for them. The Orizaba delayed several daya going into port, tearing tho brig that Walker blew up would uttaok her. Walker had burnt the cit t vi Costa Rica. At Key West, a young mau ol • fend seven thousand dollars if they would permit his brother, who was sick on board the Tennessee. toland, and was refused. Lola Moutez came passenger in t .u Tennes see. They say that her mi..a impaired by spiritualism. She would Hit nyi-i. tying mau and say, "there, he 1b gout ; i -i* th.-spirit leave him-” She was very kind it I brought two little orphan girls from Oulif.irn.a with her; sue uUo found on the Istlimu - a »icl» little boy. whom she took In charge—walking ncreelfauu permitting him to ride in her place—Walker having pressed the mules on tbe ron u the lluuuu Form; The Nuns ui rure-j Tito Declining Efficiency or Parliament Sou in Kits Literary Messenger.- Bow A ClIIOAdO MAN LOST U ri WlPg—The St- Louis Herald contains tbe following touch ing history of how a Chicago uian visited the laud of "Border ruffians" uial won u dark com- plcxioned maiden; and though Lc bound her by the chains of Hymen, he lost her on his way bomu. Here is the story . A few weeks ago an Abolitionist from Chica go cniuu to this city. He luul witli a mulatto girl ut a negro church, who lived oo Seventh street, nnd where her parents owned some pro perly. The Abolitionist, attar a ntief court- sliip, wooctl and won the "colored gal." They were married by a colored minister, uud started for Gaienu on a bridal tour. At Catena Dluau met witu a •ti.iuiboatcook, upuu whose skin charcoal would ittuko a white mark, who was formerly a bean "t here. The durkic upbraided her lor her fattliloxsness and lulldelity. He plead and frowned by turns and then made love in burning words of fond de votion. Dinah could not withstand his elo quence. She fainted in his unn«, exolaiming, lum dine, I am only dims’ We forgot to mention that this interview umk ice on the boat while the husband w« , up in • w ■ l«oMnj for a hotel. When he returned, in ii arued tlm * bis fair brido had sloped with l.i darkey lor parts unknown. A Walktsu JmSTCask. -Tv Moscow correqioudeut of tho London m«ea gives portrait of Prince Esterimr.y. ns lie appear, ed at ins own State ball: " lie was dressed with ail iliat wonderful yet tostetul magnificence which has made his name famous ; the dark sable trimmed pelisse, wuii strcains and lakes of diamonds and pearls wudding every fold and filtering through ♦very crevice, tho color of which whether puce '.!? '•»•«» or deep blue I cannot determine, tue tunic, covered from throat to waiste with "‘dm in diumouds, crosses and budge-* of k'uj', riotous uud stare and precious t; the purple or maroon colored toots rni-K-,i with pearls uud diamonds, crosses,and »* u «l with its hilt a very mirror of light.” in the Uuitud States Circuit Court Monday uzckiah Grout recovered from the oity o oaitim-mi one thousand dollars for damagts ‘'hUimcU by the infringement of a patent righ ' r u street lamp, it was alleged In this JJJ l, *4t trout offered to seU the city his pa* U iUtreet lamps and the city did not pur- 85* k ul subsequently used a lamp similar- V constructed to that patented by th* plaln- .''^AT.Sronji at Ujppalo.—A severe gale , Buttllo, N. Y.. Monday, accompanied ? ui1 mow ' 11 was very violeutinthe “ ,a Knrnt damage was done to property, iim, i Wlire houses wore unrolt'ed, uud many ii i!vii Wttr l >art 'dtlie city were Hooded pi veer- • b ul"lings were entirely destroyed. A stae- |... l ho Lafayette street Church was Injur ed “ ,ho Hrv,w » but. tt0 ouu Wtt- Hen" Walkei's Lui«- :IIttvcmonts—Mm, iiliiKomNVominmiil. Tlm following statement iliiiilshed the rtew York press by Dr.-Derlekson, n Miigcun iu Walker’s army, who enme u puKscuger in tho Teuucssco, is the most intelligildu account which we have seen of the position of General HcnuiiigMCU’a command. It will lie rend with interest, notwithstanding the very full iimmut* which have already been placed be loro our readere. After detuihug Walker's movements up to the time when he deteriuiued to mini Granada, ho says: Soon alter his arrival lie gave outers, I know not Hum what cuuho, to bum tlm town of Graniida* Two-tlilrds of Hie town was destroyed next day. Ou the second day, or 22d, tiiu rest of the town was dcs.roycd, except the iiiuiu ilaza and u church a.tualed on thu road to the jakoof Nicuiugiut. Ou thu third day liu em barked his sick and wounded uiuu, uiuouuliug to about two liuuUred uud fifty; ulsu thu wo men and childeu, uud sent them Omctepe Isl and, whicli is situated a short distance from Virgiu Bay. On the tuurlh day, Nov. 21, the reiuaiudcr of the army, wiituh consisted of healthy men, uud numbered atmut three hun dred and fifty, wdii atKiut one hundretl citizens were attacked uud surrounded by two thous and five hundred of thu combined Central Americans, cousibtiug of Costa Ricans, Guate malans, San Salvadorans, uud some twcuty Americans who deserted from General Walker. The Americau iurces thus liesieged lire the elite of Walker’s unity* They ors.uuder thu cumniund ul Brig. (ion. Heuuiugseu, the commander ol artillery. Noth-' iug has been beard H orn them since tliey were surrounded; they are entirely cut elf limn Walker and his rcumiuiug ioivus. They are hummed in, in every direction, ny superior and constantly increasing forces. .Seven millions, being all Walker’s artillery except oue howitzer is with thorn, and at least hull' of his umtuuui- tion,uuuo of which does hout present appeur to bo able to save. A straight road leads from Urauudu to Luke Nicaragua, from which it is j lot far distuui. and a wharf and old fort were i ituated on the shore of the lake ut the end ol said road. At the tune the Central Americans attacked Granudu, Walker was iu u .-teamboat on the lake, and twenty-nine men, cubed police men, were on llio wharf, buviug been lull to (uard Boiucthiugs placed there lor slupiin-nt. ' 'he Central Americans attacked Gimiudu by advancing betweeu the lake uud said city, thereby cutting oil' the retreat of the besieged, and preventing Walker from mtceoriug or cum- wuufcutiug with them from the lake. The tweuty-niue policemen ou thu wliurf were thus, of course, cut oil'uud suflered thu first attack. Five hundred ineu advanced upon them und were driven back, time utter time, witli terrible loss. 1 was on the steamer with Walker ut the time, and could cuu it all, though we could not communicate with or aid them. Fur two days did these tweuly-ume wcu hold their own against such desperute odds, uud would not have yielded them if there had not been a trai tor among them On thu second day, one. a Cuban, 1 think, deserted und went over to the enemy, informing them of the uuwbcruud con dition of the twenty-eight, uud showing how that uu euergetic und contiuuul assault would at once take place. Tho plan proved but too successful; the bold fellows were taken aud every oue of them massacred, except, five, who tinew themselves Into tho lake und attempted, to swim to Gcu. Walker on the bout, four of them wero shot or drowuud ; oue only succeeded iu rcuchiug tbe steamboat. The Coutrul Americans tlieu destroyed not only thu fort but the wharf, the liUngos: and everything that would facilitate the embarkation of troops, or disembarkation, or t le lauding of boats uud vessels. There were two brass cuuuous—the one un eighteen poun der, tho other a nine pounder. Bold being unlit for services, bud been curried down lu the wharf for thu purpose of shipping to the United States aud selling there for old brass to obtain smaller gun- with the proceeds. They were said to be worth seven hundred dollars apiece. Tlie Central Americans took these pieces, mounted them uud fired them, using six pound jails, against Walker's steamboat, which con sequently Is compelled to keep a mile uud a halt from the shore, though thu guns ate anything else but accurate; but Walker lean, struy shots. On tho 24th December, the day (Jen. lieu- ningsen and his three hundred uud tilty men wero surrouuded in Gruundu by the allied troops, the former destroyed the buildings arouua the main plaza, und fought their way down half a mile to n stone church in thu direc tion of tho lake uud about tour hundred yurds from it There they barricaded themselves and fortified thu church aud were still holding out when I litt. They lmd then been lighting eight days, surrounded by two thousand live hundred oftbu enemy, which number wu* con stantly increased by rciuforceiucut*. The sixth day of the siege the allies made a grand as sauit, which lasted two hours. The Americans appeared to fight with grout activity aud courage, aud after rcpulsiug the enemy they mouuteu tho burrieudes uud wuved the Ni- caruguan-llag to Geu. Walker. It is supposed the loss of the euciuy must have beenveiy great. The exact condition of thu Americans cannot be told; they niu-t be sutluriiig to some extent from cholera. Thu atmosphere is fear fully contaminated—the dead bodies can be smelled on board of Walker's steamboat. The ouly hopo of the heselged is iu their uommiiu der, Gou. Heiiiiiugsoii, who is considered tho ablest military officer iu Central America; ho is for superior to General Walker. Henning- sen is perfectly cool uuder every circumstance Iu the hottest fight and in the most critical con ditions-he is occasionally slow, but ulwiiys sure; lienee It is supposed Uu will ultimately succeed in saving the men, ammunition, and artillery. But he is iu a desperate strait. , ir he succeods in retreating to the wharf- there are no boats; the enemy prevent tbe ap iroach ot Walker; there are no menus of em* urkiug them tilery or men; ir boats could be brought to the shore, the Americans could not embark their artillery first, as nothing would bo left to defend themselves, nor could they first embark themselves, us nothing would be left to defeud the artillery with, which by all muuus should bo prevented from falling into the bauds of the euemy. Gen. Walker leaves Granada and steams down to his headquarters at Virgin Bay almost every day. After remaining there an hour or two, ho returns to watch the opera tions at Granada. At the time I left, Wulker hud four hundred meu at Virgiu Buy, including tbe oue hundred recruits which had just ar rived from California. Wo met reinforcements from the States on the San Juan river; the New Yorkers at Castillo ltapids, aud those from New Orleans abouttweuty miles below. Itwas stated there were one huudred and fifty re cruits iu all. Walker will have, if his recruits arrive, without conutiug the men ut Granada, olght hundred men—with those ut Uraumhi, a thousand. If lie has eight hundred, lie am take possession of Rivas aud make that his headquaiterx: and if lie gets live hundred re- cruitsa month, may succeed in maintaining Ids position. Walker appears to bo in good spirits, or, rather, you cauuut tell anything abut him, for he is always as cold us ice, not feeling the loss of Ids dearest ftleuds; hut from what l have seen of him, I don't think ho really is iu lood spirits. His officers are enthusiastic—ut Joust some of them are. His men are not en thusiastic, but generally iu good fighting spir its. Some are frieudly uud some hostile to him; but they ull fight well, for they know it is a matter of life and death with them to suc ceed. Want ot'Iicalth is the greatest drawback to their efficiency. (i roin Hit- X. V Mural ) 'iVrt-lltli S.tflVrlngM mimI l>r»bnblt> Mns- mure of the Nick mill Wmiiiilcd nt Omctc|H". Before carrying out his project of bunting Granada, Walker jiud embarked his sick, wounded uud woinuii.uud placed them—uuder the charge oi some sixty luuu—ou thu island of Omutepe. This is uu isluud oi some extuut in Like Nicaragua, lying nearly opposite Virgiu bay. The terrible news bos transpired that the natives, who are ull terribly exasperated against Walker, hud arisen uud mussucred those uu* fortunate people. Whether this is true to its fullest extent is still a mutter of doubt. The isjand is inhabited priucipully by Indians. When tlie sick and wounded were landed there, all tlie Indians lied, huvo a low who were re- lutaiued to act us uurseM. There were uo pro visions, uu beds, uud uo medicines provided lor them. Several of tue putieuts wero for days without loud. Tnu large part of the sick uud wuuuded lay un tho bcuuh ull uigiit. The uext day ull of ilium were distributed among tho huts, or takeu into thu cliurcU of tho village— couvcrtid into a hospital—except some twenty, who lay out In tho rain. Two died on tho steamer und several ou the beuuli. Tho village was filled with the sick and wouuded, tho womeu wild children. Au uH'ort was made by the couuiianduut of the place, who arrived uext duy, to separate the healthy from the sick. There were about sixty meu able to bear arms. Tho cutiro work of leediug, luuning, quartering, burying tlio dead, etc., was perlormed by some twelve meu mining whom Captain Baldwin was conspicu ous for ills activity uud liunmiiily. During tlie first five days thirty-six died. Then one night tlio enemy crept into tho village and surprised * ie Americans. Some twenty persons escaped i there boats. Whether the rest were slaugh tered or merely made prlsuuers of war was uot known to a certainty. Those who escaped in thu bouts suiVcred dreadful hardships. There wus ouly oue womau among them,Mrs. Atkins, wife ot oue of tho inusiciuus. All tlie Ameri ca!! womeu in Nicaragua were on tho isluud with their children—perhaps forty in number. Col. tikerritt, Col. Thumpsou, Gen. Fry, and a number of other officers, were on the island, out there was no organized military force, l'he landing—tho subsequent suffering of the sick nnd wouuded, with only miserable reed huts to shelter them, and uo provisions for the sick Iml beef uud plantains—the deaths—the promiscuous burying of men, women and chil dren, iu u common hole, und the subsequent night attacks and probable massacre or captiv ity of three huudred persons, of ull ranks and ages aud of both sexes—all conspire to form oue of tlie most dreadful pictures of war. What to Say and Do when " For ’’ goes the Question.—Ah the Indies—uumarried oues especially—arc always thankful fur udvice, they will pardon us for cuiliug their attention to the following directions, wnich, if they will re collect, may relievo them wbeu placed hi wliat U generally considered un embarrassing posi tion: 1. Especially -recommended to Blondes:- Pause, sigh very sott, then open yours eyes with ft good deal of wonder, (of course you have been trying to make it out, hut can’t,) look yonr lover iu the Taco, and say, "Wliut can you mean, dear Alfred)’’ ir the last words ftro spoken witli a tremble, no much the better. 2. Very suitable tor Brunettes:—Give a start, flash ft glance ut tlie questioner, turn aside and be unable to speak your emotion; oue hum pressed high upon your bosom, will express this effectually. 8. Safe iu tbe bauds of anybody, and gener ally ft ClincherBurst into tours, covering your face with your hands. Ifyoucrtu’t cry, drop your head on the inquisitors shoulder uml murmur," Ob, William! •* 4. For "mercy girls" und nice little girls, it iaeuuugh to say: " No!”-pout, shake their , heads aud look pretty.—Phila, Nation. Senator Douglas and ills bride wore serenaded by the Murine bum! ut Wushiugtnu on Katuritay . evening last. Hpeuehus were made, and tho | happy Nouutor dispensed the hospitalities or Ills house to the party. J. Hostard Smith, Km., has been recognized i Turkish Consul for the port of New York. Mr. Hinitli was formerly U. o. Consul at Bey- rout. ' * "Erniiniriit Bncctiscmts, CASNtllALtSM NOT KXTINOT.—A roceutjettcf from Australia states that two missionaries and llieir wives had boon murdered and eaten by the savages of the New Hebrides, Polynesian short time liefore. Bi’At.'isu Ministeu to Mexico.—Dun Jose Marta Mugcllou, uow aud for some time past first Secretary of the Spanish Embassy at Wash iiigton.luu* it is stated, been appointed Minister to Mexico. Whut do tlie Pbjrilcliiii My of H'Laiie'« Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Uros f I .Ft on to the tcHtimouy of uu emluunt physician Ittvornl' M’lsme’s Vurmihige, which Is now uni- verbally aoktiuwluUauvt to bo the be&llu use; even inoinber* oi the niudloul fac'ilty (who are so ottoii ippo-uit to the Mini ot‘ patent luodiulues) cauuut Wttnholil Un* approval ef this luvaluublo remedy: taxi', stark Uu., bio, January 8,1849. I have Used I i M'Lat-eV Worm Spoclflc, pro pared by Fleming Urns., Pittsburgh, Pa. in my privut > practice, uud uui prepared to say that the unparul etca success with which 1 have prescribed >, botn lor I'litldreu and adults, induces mo to say the most in its favor of u..y specific orpatoul tnudlciuc ovo." before brought to my uotice. Tho mode of administration, the ,iuallucss of tho dose, ami tlio certainty of it* efiloudoas cited*, give it, luy opinion, a decided udvuutagc over any other uiudiuino of tho kind before tbe public. Ad* I’tocbuscr:. will lie earofni to ask Ibr l>r. e’s I'elebruted VenulfuKo, manulactured by Fh'iinug tiros., of Piit>biiri:h, Pa. All other Venn- fuges iu comparison are worthless. Dr. M’Luno'ri geuutiii! Vermifuge, ulso Ills celebrated Uver Pill* ■uu now be had at all respectable drug Mure*. None gemiine without the -ig-mturc of M.F.MINU UKOS . (1*J dee. 8 Public Meeting In Columbus* At a meeting of tbe citizens of Columbus, im purauuucu or a previous call to organize att ef fect! vo police throughout tho country, Dr. S. A. Billing was culled to tlio chulr, and G. A. Fox, Esq., requested to act ns Secre tary. Un motion of B. A. Thornton, Esq., a com mittee of two wus nppoiuted to report business for tlie meeting. The Chairman appointed tlie following gen tlemen upuu said committee: Thorton, Mus- tiuu, Shorter, S. Smith, Pitts, King, Silencer, G. Smith, Harper and llogan, who, alter re tiring a few minutes, reported the following resolution.*: 1. Resolved, Tlmt a committee of five in each wurd of tlie city, uud five in cucli district of tlie cuuuty.bc upiioluted to receive uud collect nil Information with reference to the character of nil suspected person.*, or tlie circulation of iucuudiury documouts, books, pamphlets, Ac., wnich ure calculated to liavo an evil tendoncy upon our institutions, and that said committee have power to net in tho premises, or to call u meeting of tlio citizens to devise sonic plan for our security. ‘J. ItcMilved, That wbilo wo tiro in tavoruf the perfect liberty uno equality of each uud every citizen, yet we fee! aud know that tiicre ure offences which our taws do not guard nguiiiat, we will dcmiuid of ail u strict compli ance witli tbe spirit of our institutions, and will visit any infraction with tlio punishment it may deserve for our uiutuul safety. :i. Resolved, Tlmt the Committee above meu- tinned, lie empowered to select and appoint a subcommittee to act iu conceit, and determine upon any plan that may be devised to carry out the objects of this meeting. •i. Resolved, That tlio chairman appoint, ut his earliest convenience, said Committee mentioned in the first resolution, and that tbe Secretary of this meeting noltify such of their appointment, uud the object of the same. On motion the meeting udjournod, subject to the call of tlie Chairman. ,i. A. Billing, Chairman. (J. A. Fox,Secretary. Fugitive Slaves Ucaliliigto Return. A frieml from Baltimore has placed in our lured* the following copy of a letter, received by a gotttlomire of that city, from two ruuuway servants, his coachman nml nurse who bad ab sconded to Cauudu. They have seen enough of freedom and uro axlous to return to slavery, We mint tho names, and post office, as no doubt Grccly A t'o., would try to iutercept too return of tlie fugitives,if they conld ideutify their per sons i—ltichmon Despatch. Canada West, Dec, 9th. My Dear Master as 1 urn bound to call you so after seelug my error leaving you as 1 thought for a free country, L aud myself have con cluded to return to you otto old Mistress if she Is a living we hopu sue is and yon or her 1 hopo will enable us to return homo and wu sincerely nope that you and the rest of the family will take us back and forgive us for what wuhave done and let us be in the family as wc yas 1 cannot rest hero my wife L is u torment to me day und night she thinks that she had done wrong iu leaving tliut child in the way she did. 1 will be tiuo to my word we tried allways to act as fulthfal servants iu family aud wo will try to prove tho same when wo come home my wiles thoughts Is upon tlio child she left in the Cradlo little Willis as was culled We cannot ;ct at ull along. We is in good health our best ove to all the family, aud send us aid for god sake and let us come homo. Answer this ns soon as possible we do uot waut to stop here all this winter the winter is upon us now however witli your assistance we need not stop all the whiter you may bring us bauk if you jloa*o toso do we have no money tojpny our wuy jack. L aud myself through ouselves at tbe leet of your murcy to aid us Hash 39 or 40 dollars alter getting rid of a few little deps dense Sir write to us immediately and let us cuow what is to bo done we would be glad to goe home before the new year. We remain yours as yet indeed aid let us come home. J—— & L— IHamei). At Christ DliurUi, uu tlio llthiust., by tnu Rt Rev. Stuphuu i lilutt, WILLIAM 0. COSKNN, Esq-. of Toronto, Canada Wo-t, to El JAIN MOKL, ouly daughter ol ittvh’d. l>. Arnold, Kaq , M. R., of this lly. SuvnmiuU .llurltct, December 10. to! TON—Tins kuIim Ull* forenoon lunount to 920 unit*, v.a: »Ut 11,* 4 , '18 at lltf, 8 at ll*«, 37 at 11?4,-5 ul 11 13-10,4 ut IIJi.OO at 19, 40 at 19 1-10, and tl at vj«£c. i*o»i m sinvAiiiiaii '...December 10 Arrlvnl. U-*r* Churn* Willi mi. lnuh ugion, Uo„t u, to lirl.liuiu. Ki-lly A Co. Sebr IWpori, (uow), Hank us, Now York, to oath'll, j*tnrr et to. Memoranda. Do Ion, Dec IU—ur, ship til otto, lludlettc. S »- ..uuiiiti; brig DuiiUparle, bt.uu.-i, ilo, aud proccud- edV» sea....Hue U—Arr, burK ludluuu, ilarriug- loti, ; u uuiiuli, tern • Weeb, UrttlUni, do iivvelpls per savannah, Albany & Gulf llnllruiitG Dm?. 10.-.»8 bitlo* si 1 cotton, luiiur.lvit A Co, ,1 W Ati'loraou,Tuou Si Uordou. Mauuiaoe of Prince Napoleon.—Some time ago wc mentioned that reports were in circutatiou in Paris of a negotiation for a mar riage between Prince Napoleon (tbe son of Jerome) and the Grand Duchess Maria, widow of the late Duke de Beauhornais, (son of Eu- geno Beaubarnor’s,) and sister of the present Sinpernr of Russia. It appears that these re ports wero well founded. A gentleman of this city received iw yester day's mail a lotter front a friend in Paris, dated November 18, (brought by the steamship Ara- go,) informing him that the marriage bad been decided upon. The letter, we are assured, is from a well informed source, and the infor mation may be relied on. It appears tbe marriage won negotiated by Count de Morny, the French Ambassador at St. Petersburg. Tho writer of the letter states tlmt tlie new* had not been made public in Paris, nor was it likely to bo for some time. He tintber says that tlio Pulacoof Fontainebleau will be assigned to Prince Napoleon and his consort, for their future residence. May tiicre not be some connection between this reported imperial alliance, and tho recent coolness between France and Great Britain? It i* evident, assuming this intelligence to be re liable, that the two Emperors are becoming more intimately connected thau will be agree able to John Bull, and, that Louis Napoleon loses no opportunity to make more secure his position among tlie crowned heads of Europe. —N. O, Picayune. Vessels Seized.—Two schooners wero seiz cil under tlie inspection law at Norfolk, Va., Mouday. One was the schooner G. T. Fords which bad evaded tho law on several occasion, by hailing for Baltimore, when bound for Dela ware; the other was the schooner Morning Light, which anchored in Hampton Roai Home days ago, and reported being from James river Iraund for Baltimore, bat was overhauled Monday morning at daybreak, near Cape Hen ry, on her way to New York, and brought back to Norfolk. Kecond Lecture«! the Count BBFOBU TUB SAVANNAH YOUNG MENS’ CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, AT ARMORY HALL, On Tneedftjr Evening, December 82d, AT 7J O’CLOCK, P. M. PBOF. JOHN LeCONIE, M. D„ Of Sooth Carolina College. MJiUEor: Thoughts oa the Maty ortho Physical ftulcnecs. A COURSE tiF UUI IT OK TEN LECTURES will ^A.bogiveu during tlio wiuler uuder the au*|'iiv» ul tlio ahovo named Ansoelallou. Eminent guuilemcu from ubroml und at home, huvo kluuly blguitlud tbolr readluussto nerve u* without comjH'Uimtloii, save becoAtiiriljr Incurred oxjkukcu. Whatever surpl s shall bo realized, will ue appropriated to wards tlio establishing of 4 Ucadlug Uuoui Tor jnuug men. OUAUok: tickets lor uutire courso $1 M “ ** sluglo lecture 95 T.ckets may bo bad ut tbe Rook Stores, from members of tlio Assodntiou. aud at tbe door. J F'CANN, dT-rnitsirnt iliiuciiisrinriifs. 1JU1-1RTAHT ABB1VAL. MADAAIK 8WET1' * ihr uulcbruted Clairvoyant. Iim urrlvo.l lu this oily, ami takeu Rooms ut No, 143 Brougiilon street, onn door East of Jos. Sulllvau & Co.’s 11u Store, whore she cun be consulted respecting tlio PAST, PRESENT, FUTURE and DHKASKN.. oct'27-tr H GEOIlGIrt. COLLEGE. Lecturo tonimitico: dec 17 F. J. CHAM PR IN, E. MI1J.KK, J. D SMITH, C. It. CARTER HOI AMD GOLD BATHS. EARLY customers, strai gors, and cilixcu* arc resiwctiully uolified that hot water la ready i or them Irorn 0 A. U. till 91'. M.every day except Sundays. A lew more geutlcmcn cau bo well au- commudated to bathe as often as they choose at uno dollar a mouth, all subscribers to commenee Item Nov. 1st, 1850 to Nov. 1, 1857, for 819. Siugle baihs, 26 cents. fteasou ticket from 1st May to 1st Nov., $16. J, M. UAYWUOD, vgt. N. it. 10subscribers, in addition to iliosoI have, ore all I can take at the low price of 12 dollura a year. novIB J. M. II., Ant. Dieb. in i liiluili-lpliiu, ou the 14th mstaut, 8ARAU, wife duriuird MuUlu.-ikuy, in the 07tU year of her ago. ttoiiiiucrtial Sutelligeucc. Ijji|i|iiug Jutelligrarr. 1857. ANNUALS. 1857. ' hh MU. elegantly illustrated uml iu uew uml . M beautiful styles or bludiug, morocco antique, bevelled, hoards uud a uew aud beautiful stylo of illuiuiuutcd covers. Tho Forgul-me-uot, u Christmas, New Year uml Uirlbduy gift. The Puliupauua, a gilt for all scuiou*. The Lily or The Volley. Tlie Token, a Christmas and New Year gilt. The .Snow Flake, a Christmas, Now Year and Uirlbduy gltt Tho tiitt of AHucUou; Tlm I’usslou Flower; Tho lliMO ol Sharuu; The tiem Auuuul; The MlgnouoUe; Frleudshlp’s UUerlng; Tho Moss Rose; Memory’s tilft; The Frceiuosou’s Auuuul. Tho price ortbeabovo Is $1 60 each. For sale by WARNOOK & DAVIS, Booksollers aud dtatlouers del< 169 tiuugrcss street JUVENILE ANNUALS FOB1857. rpiIE VluLET. a Christmas und Now Your’s gilt, with six uoiored llluetiations, iu elnth uud uio- rucco; price $1 95 and 91 00; The Rosebud, illustrated with uuiuerous engra vings, bound In Goth uud uiorocco; price 91 25 uml 91 uo. The Humming bird, u Christmas uud New Year’s gilt, edited by Ida Uaitluud, in cloth and morocco; price $1 96 aud 91 bO. The I’ot Annual, willuix illustrations; price 91 26 uud 91 00. Tho Christmas box, with 5 eugavlngs; price 81 25 and $1 00. For sule ny W A KNOCK A DA VIA itcul7 159 Congress street. GENERAL NOTICE. ■bw. ti. M. UR1FF1N has rcturued from New cm York aud is this morulug opening a uew stuck or Watches, Jewelry, fancy articles, Silver Ware, Ac., and will bu pleased to have bis fl-lcuds aud all utber* lu want of such articles give him a call. New goods will bu oponlng all this wook. U. M. UR1FFIN, successor to late U. Eastman, coruor Bryan and Whitaker streets, decs Ursl corner above l’ulaskl Uouho, Ctttislgnccs. Per hark Chas William, from b>*loti—Ogden, •tai l* fi Co, .1 U Selkirk, ti 11 Johusou, 1 W Morrell, » s. J "iiUieau, .1 S Fay. Lathrop & Co, Crane, Wells .V Co, rudcilbiU, Fuy A Co, J P brooks, uud oilier* NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. CITY SHKIUFF’S SALE. , 1 EOKtilA—l ITV UK >AVAM.U1—Will 00 sold OD Jl Tuesday, tbo bOth lust., befuro thu court houso door of Ctiuiliiuu couuty, by uruor of HI* Honor, John M. Milieu, Judge of the City Court of buvuu- uuli: oue lot td i Ice, coileu, lea, roup, mackerel, pep- ier, coiiiisli, hurt lugs, claret, pickle*, butter, grits, biscuit, phot bread, one largo lamp, one clock, scale* ana weight*, uud diver* other urlicles usually < outuined iu a vurioty grocery store; said propei ty being levied ou by on utiuchmeutiu luvor ol .-uuboru tin-«ittii vs. Christopher Fiege, rolurua- hlc to thu Ft-brurry term nfCity Court ol Savannah, KDW’D M. PRKXIJLKUABT, dele Sliorllf City Court ofSavauuah. NEW BOOKS, 1 DECEIVED BY WARNOOK & DAVIS, A> Tuesday, Deo 10th, 1850. The Priuco of the House or David, or three year* lu the Holy City, boiug u series of letter* of Adlun, u Jowosfl or Alexandria, sojourning In Jem- daiemlutho duysofllorod, addruised to her la ther, a weultby Jew iu Egypt, aud rotating a* by uu eye witness all tho scuuu* aud wondorlul incidents lu tlio lifo of Jcsu* of Na* truth from hi* baptism ill Jordon to hi* crucifixion ouCa’vary; by Kw. Prof. 11 lugrahaui, rector ul'8t Jehu’* Oliurch, Mobile. Nona, a talc or the Roman Empire, und other stories, y Emile Fouvostro, author of the Allic PliilostiphVr in Paris, &«., kc. MURK OF Live aud Uuro, a guide for nil who wish to upeuk und write correctly. For sale ut the Southern book aud .Stationery Depot, dulO 169 Congress st, GENTLEMEN'S W. P. BOOTS. y. Received by recent arrivals u supply of ■A tieutlemeu** Water Proof boots umf tiuiters, ■^^.-oiik-thliig FINE uud NE.tT. For sule by M. J. BUCKNER, •Joi'J 71 aud 162tilbbou's range. EVEMSiti UREI8B8. HENRY LATHROP & CO. W ul'LD invite the uttoutloa of tho ladlo* to a very select lot of Evening Dresses, received per Toeaduy’s steamer, comprising thu following; l'iiik and bluu Embroidered Crupo Robes White Maliiie do Iaco do do Tulle do du do Col'd Orgaudle do del9 HENRY I.A1UROP k CO. J UST RECEIVED PER STEAMER: White Metro Antique Ribbon* do Urocado aud butln do do aud bluek Belt do Fancy Tassel Buttous Embroidered Swiss Muslim Childrens }i Fancy Uo*o Col’d Moreen, FuuoyPriut*. 4co., by deW HENRY LATHRUP k CO. K ECEIVED PER TUESDAY’S STEAMER; Very ilcii broclie Scurf* 11 tin black Muuslin detauues, by do 19 HENRY LATHRUP .k CO. DU. Me'kl.NLEY will touch a Frouoh.Ctaa*, ul (he house ofMrs. Elkins, uu York *L The best person*, lu Ravauuub can be given os relerimcp. uov28-U' NOTICK Tho Annual Meeting or the members or the Savannah Female Asylum, for tho olectloa of u Boaril of Dirqptresscg uud Matrou. will bo hold on Friday morulng, ut twelve o’clock, at theAsy- Punctnutattonduncotartqueatcd. del" FOR PHILADELPHIA—The new sebr LAMOT DirPONT, Capt Corson, having most oi uer cargo engaged, will meet with despatch for *•-- n. pf - •- the above ;iort. For freight oi dec!8 Effl dyto “ k UAMMELL. NOTICK. A LL i>cr*ous having demands agaiuil WOOD HINE8, who have not already presouted them v will please present them forthwith at the office, 86 Bay st. formerly Young k Wyatt’s. Thu undersigned will be uo longer responsible for contracts made by J. Hiuos, having dissolved all connection with him whatever. J. 11. WOOD. bavauualt, Dec. 18th, I860. dc!8 C ITY MARSHAL’S SALES-Ou tho first Tuesday in January uext I will sell lu front of the Court House, improvemeuts ou South half oflot No. 33 Warren ward, together with the tease of said lot, levied upon a* the property or tho estate or Clara A Oglesby and Miss Matilda Ross, to satisfy STEWART, o. the city taxes of said pronorty. deed DAN’L H: Assize of bread. City Trxasurxh’s Omcs, \ Savannah, lit Dec., 1860. J r E averago priceo of Flour the past month belug Eight dollars per bbt, Bread must weigh as follows: 10 ceut loaf must weigh 2 ft 0 ox. 6 •• « *• " 1 tb 0 ox. 3 " ' JAUK9 B. WILKIES? dcc5 CUy Treuurer. NEW GROCERIES. JUST RECEIVED AND FOR BALE: A Lot of Fine Wines and Liquors, French Brandies, Havana Begars, AND A (lonorul assortment or Choiuu FAMILY GliOCFRIES. J. M. O’NEILL, Next door to Mursball House. m>v28-lin Snvnnnsh, Gn. M by ACKEREta &c.—40 bbls No 1 uew MuckercL 26 hair bbls No 1 uew Muckcrol; 60 kUs, do do; 40 bbls No 2 do ; 20 hints do do ; 30 bbta No 3 do; 20 klt*galmou;20 kits Teague* and SotituLv. 10 du HallibutFlns; 1 case spiced Hhud: 1 do do Eel*; 200 boxes Scaled uud No 1 Horriugs ; 10 do CodQih;Just received and for solo dec3 WEBSTER k PAL51E8. WHITE KID GLOVES. W HITE aud straw Color Kid tilovo* ju*l ro colvod and fur solo by WM. R. SYMONS, nov92 17 Whitaker ul. FELLOW-CITIZENS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. 1 um a candidate for rc-olecliuu to Uie of- Uce or Receiver of Tax Returns In January next, uud respectfolly solicit your suU'rages. tug II JOHN REEDY. TO TUB VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. Fellow-citizens, I am a candidate at tbe election, iu January next, for the office of tax Collector, and solicit your support^^^ ^ SuvuuuaU, 8cpt, 3t)th, I860. out 1 SAVANNAH WATER WORKS. OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, * November 13th, I860. T HE WATER RENTS for the present year wore d ie from tho 1st In*taut, uud payable at tho office of the Board. The attention ol thosu persons supplied with water from tbo works is called to Scctiou 20 of An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance for tbo care aud management ortho Bavaunah Water Works. uovlO R. J. R. BEE, Secretary, n de!2 TAKEN up in Robcrtsvillo, a snail Bay Horae, with saddle and bridle attached. ,Tbo owner can got tho same by cal ling at loodwln’s Stables on West Broad st. ■\TEW SMOKED MEAT—Just received periteum- Jji er Augusta- 200 lbs Smoked BieL 200 ibi Pig Hams, 224 tbs Pig Bacon Stripos, 300 Um Pig Shoulders, 76 Smoked Tongues, 100 Pickled do, For sale by de2 J. D. JESSE. B RA N D1 ES.RUM AN Dti IN— 6 hair pipes Sazcrao DoForge, 1808 Braudy 3 doPinotACastllUonpalo do 6 do Otard Dupuy A Co. do 6 do Camus do 3 qr casks Jean Louis 1811 do 4 do J Jacques do 10 qr casks low price Frcucii do 2 Puncheons Jamaica aud St. Croix Rum 2 pipes grape leaf Holtaud tiiu For sale by J. LAMA, dec 3 210 Bay Street. Cotttvilb, Southern Lottery. ON IBB THE HAVANA PLAN. L'BIZtS QUARANTIEOI FJiMALE 1857. The Spring Term Commences Mon day, January (Mill. Commencement, Wednesday, July tittd. FACULTY: ti«0. Y. UR.AVNE, President, P. Ltil'D. Nulmiil Scieucc. J. it SEAL -4 , Music. Uuv. ti. W STEVENS. Holloa Issttrc*. tilE Trustee- nunoiiiau wlili much sathi'aotlou tliut they h.ivo n Km nlty or experienced and laborious officer*, und licit they will be ns-l*ted by ladle* who hmi well qualified to teach, especially in tbo dcpartiiuni of language*, aud iu the School* of Music uud Dcsigu. Mdlle. Minivers, n native of Purls, beside* Fruuch will (each Vocal Mu.<di. iu which she greatly excel*. Located iu the midst or a reiiuod aud chrtallau community, in a headbrul and accessible neighbor hood, |Kj*-eJi-iug every facility tor Impurtiiig uu ac- coinpIlHlicil eJucntlun. the Georgia Female College relic* confidently upuu the public for tho patronage “ deserves. Catalogue* containing furt.ur iiiformatlou may beohUiiiied by upplyiug to either ofthodltlcer*. THUS. J. BL’KNEY, Heo’y Uoard Trustees. Madison, Morgan t'o.. Dee. tOlli, i860. •le12-dM3t&wtd IBBmirmuiliiiiir Rev. J. S. K. D, D., President. A SSISTEDby an able corps ofTeurhursIn ull tho A, duparliuenti. The w lnter>03»ion will open on Monday, the 6th day of Jauuury uext. tiomt-rtable Imard may be secured for any num ber of young ladies lu private thml lies at 912 00 per month. D. IfiAVKLL, Seo’y. dol2-2vv WANTED TO HIKE. A NEtiUQ WOMAN to nurse au iuluut. For ouo who is competent and trustwoi thy liberal wages will be paid. Apply at this office. dclO NEW SALOON. W. D limit respectively umiotmccx to his friend* aud customer*, that he iia* opened u new Saloon at the corner of Hay luue aud Barnard Street, where he will Ue liuppy to wait ou ull who may desire a Hue shave, hair cut. or *lium|ioou. decS—:2w S ITUATION WANTED uu Porter, by mau who can give ratislnetory relereuco.— Apply at Jill* office. deed—tl uu.uim.»., A FEW YUUNti tJENTl.KMilN cun be ucuoluino- •laluil with luuril and lodging on liroughlou street, nearly o;»ih*,ii-» It. Morse'* House Furnish ing Store. An**,;»few luy tiiurders. uovl2 Cook wanted, W ANTED 1MSIEIMATW.Y a goBd Cook, who will be willing to irou and wash for a small family, A suitable |<erron will receive good wages and a permanent place. Apply at till* office. novlT—tl NOTICE. kNK MONTH after duie applic.itiou will bo uiado V." io tl.e U u-k -I tbo State of (ieorgiu, tu Savan- uub l r the |uyinciil of n Tweuiy Dollar Note or said Uu .k, thi-1-..' half which hu* been lott. Also, “ r Hie j'liyiuuiii of a Ten Note of said Bank, ?. 4,414, the tight half of u’liloh bus boon lost JAMES L. HOWELL Touiillle.tia.. Dee. 4.185d law4t—dec4 LAND AGENCY. flllK undersiguoil will, for live dollars por lot, Ju exumluo any lumls In thu coiiutlu* of Appling, Wayne, Ware or Collue, and report totho owner us to their present value, Hie prospect for their be coming inure valuable iu luiuro, and whether or nuttboro Is being any trespass committed thoroun, luvurinbly plodglng hiuiHell to glvo u truo and cur- recl account, for which ull remittances will ho ex pected lu advance. He will ulno sell uud remit when requested, und as directed,for soven per cent. Ho will also promptly attend In ull professional business entrusted to Ills cure. VERNON ti. McLKNDOX, my in Attorney at law. liomcsvillo, tiu. NOTICE. A LL person* having claims uguiust the (-stale of Ui'iirgeM. Waldlmrg, Into of Chatham comity, (lucuu->ed, ure hereby nolillod to present tbom, properly atlo.-ted, to the uuder* gned, within the tiuio proscribe i by law; aud ull per.-ona Indebted to said estate are hereby required to muko Imme diate inymenl to tlio undersigned. JACOB WALDUUItti, Administrator cum toKlamcnto aiiuoxo of estate of dccl-tf ticor*" M Wuldburg. NOTICE. T WO months after date application wm tie mu' e t» the Honorable, tho Court ot tirdluary of Chatham county, for leave to sell ull tlio property, real aud porsonal, of the cstnlu of ticorgo M. Wuld burg, lulo of Halil couuty, decease J, fur tho benefit of tho heir and creditor* of said estate. JACOB WALDHURti, Administrator cum tcstuuiouto uuuexu of estate of dool-2m Huorgo M. Wuldburg. '$102,000. Ouly IS,OUO Mumbcr.ll I PRIZES PmBLVWITHOUT DEDUCTION, Jasper County Academy LOTTHRT. BY AUTHORITY OF THE 8TATK OF OEOKtilA CLASH 17. Tube diawu January 16tb, 1867, at Concert Hall, Macon, tia., under tbe tworn superintendence oi Col. George M. lx>gan and W. C. Aaderson, Esq, 4W Remember tills tottery has ouly fifteen thousand numbora—loss thou any tottery lu the world, thereioru U i* the bust for iavesUneut. Ex- amluetUoSchutuel * r'OUKMK. 1 prise of 916,0d0 | " 6,000 1 " 9,009 4 “ or 91,000 are * “~' 6 " of 600 are HU ** of 100 are 1,600 “ or 40 are AMEOXUUTIO* rXUUH. 20 approximations oT 9100 are 60 •• •• 60 are 60 " " 20 are 1,712 prises umouutiug to 9102,0V Tickets 910-Halves 96—Quarters 92.60. Ihol^oo l’rlsesof940.ore determined by th# lualllguro of tho number that draws the Capital Prise or 916,000. The Capital Prise will, of course, cud with oue of tho figures—1, 2,3,4, 6,0. 7,8,9, 0. Those Whole Tickets ending with tne samu figure a* the lust in tbo Capital will bo entitled to 9to. Halves aud quarters lu proportion. ^' Persons suudiug money by mall ueed uo h-ar its befog lost. Order* punctually attended to tiomiuuuicattou* confidential. Bauk notes or sound bank* taken at |Ktr. wishing particular number* should order immediately. GEO. A. MotiLtaJKY, Agt. The lull luy, iug ' SCHEME will lio drawn overy Saturday. scmiK: I prize or 16,000 1,000 I l 1 do 3 prize* of 9600 ure.. 100 an 60 are 10 are . 1,000 . 1,000 . 1,600 . 6,010 . 6,000 44,000 NOTICE. A LL persons having demand* against tho ostialo of Daiiiol O’Cotmer, decoaxod, will hand them n, duly attested,us required by taw;uud those In debted will plcuso muko imyiiK'iit, to W. It. RYMUN'b, qualified Adm'r. November 8th, I85f>. uovS rtiFATCln. A LL person* indebted to Uio Estate of Jano Mc Donald, tutu or Mcluto3h couuty, deceased, are requested to make immediate payment; tho*- having ili'tnnml* agaitwt said Kstato aro requested to present them, duly authenticated. MuriKrf D. HARRIS, Executor. Nov. 7th, 1850. UOV7 60 do 100 do 1600 do JIM W hole iit-kiU 91; Halves 92; Quarters 91 Or.h r* uild •'(■*•( d to JAilJW F. WINTER, Mauagor, Macon, tia GEO. A. McCLESKY, Agent, corucrUryauand Whitaker its., Eavaunah. HAM OK TUX LOT1KRV. Fume as tho Royul tottery of Cuba—with this dilferenec: the Havana tottery has 36,000 num bers— thlB has ouly 16.000. Thoro are two wneels, on each or which there aro placed two tocks. Thu Superintendents have each a key to tbo tocks, and tho whools cannot be opened uuIosh both aro proHOUt. Thoro are placed lu thu wheel of numbers Un tubes conlatatogsUpe of paper witli tho uumberx from No. 1 to 16,000 In Uie Wheel oT Prizes there are placed Un tube# con taining Blip* of paper with tho Prises on them rang ing from 916,000 to 9100, Whou tho drawing takes place, which will be In public, tho w heels ai o unlocked, and oiler revolving them, a number Is drawn outof the wheel oT num bers, and at the name Hum one Is drawn out of tbo Prizu Wheel by hoys, with arms bared to tbe shoul der uud bli.idioldod—tho tubo is slipped ofT'and'tire uuinbor held up aud uurollod, so that tho whole niidieueec.ui seo It—tho number is than called off uml unrolled by thu Superintendents. Tho Prize druwu I* credited to the uumliur drawn at tbe same time, nml so on until all tlio Prizes aro drawn out. A copy or tbo drawing is thou sent to llio printers, ami niter comiwrlson, tho Euporintendenis certify to the correctness c»r the drawing. Hies# Superin tendent* uro sworn to porforiu their duly without fear or invor. A drawing I* scut to ovoryono ordering tickets. 7be Prizes aro payable thirty days alter tho draw*, g, iu full, without any discount. fSj’ Hrawings take placo on the 16th of every mon ii. JAMES K. WINTER, dcclH Manager, Macon, tia. Al Alt 11, AND liOTTEHIiaa FOR DECEMBER, I860. H. France 4ft Co., Manager*. A at AND MARYLAND LOTTERY (On tbe Havana Plan.) Git AND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, OF MARYLAND. Extra Clast 7. • bo drawn SATURDAY, Deo.20th, in BalUmure, Maryland. Prizes umouutiug to 9132,000 will be distributed wcardlug to the following Eplemlid Schsrae: 20,000 Number* 1—1,000 Prizes I Prizes payable lu full without doductiou. NOTICE. W YI.LY «V COLLINS have taken uu uffico on the corner of Drayton st. uud Bay lano, op posite tnu olllco of ti. A. i.. toiaur, Esq., for the truusuctfon of an Auction audUeuoral Brokerage business. Real and Pcrsouul Estato sold on Commission;al go stocks aud Bonds, toons negotiated. Liberal advanco* mado ou property ontrusted io them lor do. tf novIB Augusta ami Savaimalt Rail Road, \ December 4th, I860. J T HE Auuuul Etectiou for Seven (7) Directors or this Company will be held ou Monday, tlm 6th or January next, ut tho olhco corner of D .y uml Aberiorn rt recta, betweeu tho hour* of 10 A. M. uud 1 p. M. FRANCIS T. W1I.US, deo4 President. CentraT Ri H. Atllnnklntf CoTof"On., I Savannah. Dee. 2, 1850 > D ividend no. 67.—rhe Hoard of DifcnoiB huvo this day declared a Dividend of FIVE l'EK CENT, on tlio ticneral Stock ol the Company, from tho proUt* oi the . u-t six monllis, payable on Monday, December 16tb. Holders or tiuarauteed Stock will be puid their usual dividend* on tho same day. dec4—3w GEO. A. CUYLER, Cashier. Central R- U. Unnklng Co. or Gn<, I Savannah, Lice. 2d, I860. J T HE auuuul election for Directors of this Com pany will bo held at tbo Banking House ou Bay street, ou Mouday, 6th January uext. between the hours or loo’clock A. M. aud 1 o’clock, P. M. do2—t«l G ICO. A. CU YLER. Cashier. liank ot Commerce, I Savannah. 3d I)cc., 1660. j B Y a Resolution or Uie Board, it is Ordered that tbe third Instalment or Twuniy-llvo dollars por share, on tho Capital Stock or this Bunk be paid on or before tbo 31st January next JNU. C. FEllKILL, Cashier. UecS-lawtd t prize... 1 “ 1 " ... 1 ** ... APrKoxuuno.v rau». 4 ol 916o Appro’x 4 or iou *• 4 of 90 " . 940,000 .. 14,940 .. 10,000 .. 6,000 .. 3,000 .. 2,000 .. 1,6-0 .. 1,000 .. 200 4 of 4 Of 8 of 12 or 12 Of Ms Of 1,OJO prizes, amounting to.... ..940.000 .. 14 940 .. 10,000 .. 6,000 ... 8,000 ... 2,000 ... 1,600 ... 1,000 ... 200 9182,0'H) Whole Tickets 910; Halves 96; Quarters |2 60. «Ull I., LI ANT SCHEME. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OF MARYLAND. Class T, To be drawn in Baltimore, lid.,Saturday, Deo. 27. 1 prize ol i " !!’!!!!.* 4 prize* of 20 •* 10 " lo •• m “ 00 4,156 25,740 906.000 86,000 10/20 10,000 . 6,000 2,600 Y.760 760 800 200 C ANDY, CANDLES, COFFEE. 160 boxes and half boxes Caudy 100 boxes sperm and star Gandies 160 boxes adm’e and tallow do 60 boxes fresh ground Coffee 160 sacks Rio do 76 mat* Java do Received and for sale by declft McMAIlON * DOYLE. P ORTER AND ALE. 60 casks Hibberl’s Porter—pints 76 do Hibbert’s, Jeffrey’s and Muir k Son’s pint Ale. landing and instore for sale by decl4 HOLCOMBE, J0HN80N k CO. OFFER. V 6u0 bags (Ur to choice Rio Coffee loo bags old brown and government Java do 76 bags Laguira Coffee In store and lor sale by decl6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON k CO. OmcsSav’ii, Aliuxt lc Ul lk K. it. Co., I Savannah, Nov* 5,1860. / T HE Sovouth loslulnunt of 10 por cent, on th Capital Stock of tboSavauuub, Albany aud Hull* Rail Road Company, by a Resolution of tbe Board, is hereby ordered to be paid ou or before tbe 10th day or Jutnury, 1857. WM. WARING HABERSHAM, uovO Secretary uud Treasurer. FBEflH BISCUIT AND~CBACKEK8 J UST RECEIVED, comprising all the dlffereni kind* New .a k uifords. ronsisting of Congress, Egg, Milk, V. foe, i.uuid]i, c uda. Ahcrnuthy. Maple, and other Biscuit, Now Year’* Cake, tifogor uud Bpiccd tlnaps, Fox’s, Batter, Boston, U-iuuu, Pic Ntc, Graham, Water; Sugar, and Fancy Ciackers- all ot which we shall keep constunily uu bund and receive fresh supplies by every steamer ut the* Savannah Grocery uud Fruit Det**t, novSO WM. H. FARRELL. TEAS ! F^8H TEAS ! mUE CHOICEST and best assortment oT TEAS X over offered at retail in till* city, including English Breakfost Tea, Delicious Ooloug, Plantation Oolong, Silver toaf Hyson, Plantation Imperial, and other favorite qualities, Just received and for sale by WM. II FAKKKUq no20 comer Broughton and Whitaker su. 30,3 in prism, amounting to .11,141,140 Ticket* 920; Halves 910; Quar. 96, Eighths 92.60. ''I 1 or i*? r * for , Tlcl 'cts or Package* in any of ho Maryland tottories will recolvo prompt atteu- lion, uml the drawing mailed to all purchasers bn- mediately after it is over. Addles- T. II. HUBBARD k CO. No. 39 Fayette street, or Box No. 40,, «ovl« Baltimore ild. IMPORTANT TOPLANTEBsl VAN DERVEER COTTON. I ^HE UNDERSIGNED have for saio a small quan- , tity of the soed of tbe above Cotton. Its supe riority over < ilior kinds or Cotton are: 1st. It riekU a* much nr more por acre than any otittr Cotton 2d. It yields unceii i«r cent, mor* lint than any utlicr Cotton, ad. Ibe staple is longer, flier and strong er than auy other. 4th. Hence it eomsnds TWO to FOlKccm* per pound more than any other short Cotlou sold in New Orleans, as th* foUowina .utemeat or K.rley, Jc,,. r *’co“J.UtoollS countoloii merchant.., New OtImm, win .how. New Oauuxe. October. 1169. We have sold Mr. V«n Derveer’s two last erobft and from tbo oxcellence or his Cotton, bare oh- tallied for it TWO to FOUR cents per pound mar* than other kiuds of Cotton will command. Plantar# desiring to procuro’&eMfsed wS**do well to apply oarly, a* tho qnanUty on sale la ■wall Fair sample* of this year’s crop canbft seen at tho office of LOCKETT k SNELUNGfL Petty Gulf Seed also for sals. dsof