Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, December 20, 1856, Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII 101,1) SEH IES.I SAVANNAH, GA.. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1856. NO 14032 mum & JOURNAL. ■▼WO, Mn’clock, 1HINY I’miOT.—Ool. Nelson Tift hiving nutcbwed the Alhiny Patriot-ot which ho (he founder and for so many yearn editor, are enabled to welcome him baek totho duties,rospousibilitiw andjoys (if there he any) of journalism. The Patriot is an excellent uincr. To its influence in no nnlmportaut jeciee the magnificent region of South Western Georgia owes it rapid development. We are glad to kuow that the paper la In a prosperous condition. The sale waa made necasary by death of the late proprietor llr. Wolfe. gfjKiuBN op Ukokqia Gold,—We have been ihotrn by Mr. J. M. Wood of Fannin county a Hot apecimen of ore containing some eight dol- Ian worth of gold taken from lot No. 887,12th District, 1st sectlou of Lumpkin county. This lot joins the one upon which the mint is situat ed, from which ten thousand dollars worth of gold has been taken. The vein upon the lot mu which this specimen waa taken has not jet becu tapped, the gold being gathered nloue from surface indications. Franklin College, Thu Atheulans would seem to bo well pleas* ed with the lato reorganisation of the faculty. So at least we lufcr from the expressions or the two papers published in the beautiful little city u r Athens, The Banner says: Theannonncsmant of this Faculty will have tbe effect of restoring oar College to the con, fijence of the people of Georgia. It will cam* n A re favorably with tha Faculty of any Unl- rertity in our country. They are men of hi*b character, as men of literary and scientific iwotwinents, and will bring to the discharge (if tbeir duties much experience as well as liiA moral qualifications. The patrons of Un college as well as the people ot tho generally, will feel that the Trustees uro done the State a good service in securing the services of gentlemen ao eminently quail* tied for their respective posts. Id the difficulties which existed with the ivimer Faculty, we have taken no part. We cutertained for the members of the late Fac ulty tbe highest respect, and shall part with them from our social circle, with sincere regret. From tbe Watchman we learn that the at tendance or Trostees at their meeting on the loth was unusually, ir not unprecedentedly Lu-e--twenty-two members appearing in their seats- among the number, his Excellency the tlereruor and five Ex-Governors of tbe State* That paper Is iu extaoies over the result of their deliberations • We are inexpressibly gratified that Dr, Church has been retained at tbe head of the Institution. Ills unimpeachable character as a E 'eraan and a Christian—his ripe scholarship, experience, nnsnrpassed administrative y-united to his never wavering and whole Muled devotion to ths reputation and Intiresta of the College—unmistakably pointed him out u the man best fitted to occupy tho station to which he has been recalled. The announce ment of his election sent a thrill of joy through our entire community. Tbo new Fatuity, ft is conceded on all bauds, U distinguished fop talent and learning5 and, under its auspices,tbe belief Is confidently chcr- Ubed, that Franklin College will speedily emerge from its present occuUtion, and shine with greater brightness than ever. The peo ple of Gerogia have now no pretext for a ithol d- iag patronage from their own institution. From the advertisement which the Secretary publishes inthe papers of Athena Angnsta, Atlan ta, Columbus and Macon,(Bavannah being post over by reason of Its insignificance, or perhaps beanie students are not desired at her Universi ty from this portion of the State) we are able to fannounce that 1 the exercises of the col* iegewiy be resumed on the 10th of January next. We slnoeroly hope that with the next ■euion a brighter day will dawn upon tho pror. pecta of old Franklin. " Dauxik-pom " ik Canada.—We find the following allusion to the "underground rail road” terminus at Windsor, Upper Canada, in a pleasant letter to the Saturday Evening Ga zette. It is written from Detroit, Michigan, apparently by a lady: " Windsor, which is dlreotly opposite from Detroit, joins Sandwich. It is the commence ment or the Great Western Railroad and the rendezvous of darkie-dom. The place Is redo lent with their misery, their unfitness to take we of themselves. If the hundreds congre gated there and at Chatham, that abomluation of lirilizatloo, nrs the reault of negro freedom, i never desire to see another nogro freed. 1 took a little girl of fifteen myself from there six months ago, as nursery maid. Her mother bad tho impudence to reprr *!|it In raelf to me uiho veritable Elisa Harris of |;n. Ip Tom cel ebrity. The grin ofirrept!*«iii!.> delight with which she consigned her •Jnlil t » us, entire strangers, and beheld the train stait that was to put some hundred miles between them, teemed to me a gentle libel 0:1 tli-so torturing partings in Uncle Tom, over which have been mined such copious showers of i«ntiment The girl was given away, tbe same authority to be exercised over her as though it had been a monied transaction south. ••Anti the result, from the nursery even now there comes a sof, lullaby, mid if you were to look therein you would sue u small white face in d'»*e Juxtaposi tion to that black check, little onm clinging ever around ber neck, loving voices iu her ear. Half starved, scantily driwed, and ignorant, we came to us. Wbeu we look now upon our sable Lillie, smiling and happy, we smile Invol uutarljyut tho furore of symputey which Sirs, stowe allrat book awoke iu our hearts. South Cabomna Bank Taxation.—The Colombia corrcspondeno the Charleston Couri- tr writes; At the question of taxing Hanks has been one or some excitement, and memorials have wen presented by several of these Incorporated . . 'jhopa,praying a reduction of their tax- h 1 will inform all such interested, that the tax agreed on by the House upon this species of ■xtraordlimry News from UUH. At the July term of the First Judicial Dis trict Court fur Utah Territory, held ut Genoa, in Carson county, Judge Drummond charged the Grand Jury very forcibly and earnestly up on tbe loUowitig, among other sections of the Critniusl Code; "Aud now, gentlemen ol tho Grand Jury, It becomes my duty to call your special attention, with strict care, to tho following section, viz : Sec. 33, found on page 187 of the Revised Statutes of the United States, for A. I). IBM, which reads as follows; “if any man or wo man, not being married to each other, lewdly aud laelvlously associate and cohaliit together, or, if any man or woman, mairicd or unmar ried, is guilty of opua und gross lewd ness and designedly muku uuy open aud indecent ex posure of uls or iier person ovory such person so offending shall be puulshed by imprlsomueut not exceeding ten years und not less than six months,and a fiuo of not more tbanoue thou sand dollars, or both ut the discretion of tbe Court.” You will now remember that you huve each taken a solemn oath before God aud these witnesses that you would "true presentment make of all such matters aud tilings as should be given you iu charge or otherwise come to your knowledge, touching the present service.” "Thin section, therefore, 1 give you in charge, with an ardent desire that you will cust oil' all iriestly yokes of oppression and studiously aud loueatly do your duty, without four, favor or alfeotton, wholly unbiased. As there Is no statute law in this Territory regulutiug mar riage, or touching the subject directly or in directly, it only remains for me to say that, all those ceremonies by the people of this Territory called 'sealing/ are anything other in the eyes of the law than a legal marriage ceremony. In the foregoing section theLegislkture has thought proper to pass astringent law of a criminal char acter for tne punishment of opuu lowdaess; thin indeed was wise and humane 011 the purl of those legislators, and to us it seems that the Legislature thereby intended to provide a reme dy for the correction of that crying uiul most oatlisome, barbarous, cruel, black and degra ding evil, which seems to be oue of the catdiuul doctrines of tho church, prominent in power in this Territory, Polygamy, or at least if they did not intend it, they nave virtually done, whut ■honld have been done many years since. The law is found iu the hook, aim you as well as 1 are solemnly bound to give it torco and utility. "It is wholly unless and noonday madness for tbe Legislature to pass laws, und Tor the federal government to send judges aud attor neys here to execute those laws, if tho mandate of one man clothed with priestly power and wholly unlearned in the science of the law, is to be permitted to thwart not only tbe action of the Legislature of territory, but boldly aud openly bid open dcflanuo ana sportive rebellion against the federal authorities of the- United states, and dictate to grand juries when to find bills of Indictment and when not. These things cannot bo endured iu u Republican government. All these men therefore who have a Multiplicity of women residing with them, ut the sumo house or at the same harem, are sublccU fur your investigation, 1 have already instructed you, that there is 110 law in this territory authorizing tho issuiug of matriugc license, or authorizing any one to perform mar riage |ctromouies, either in or out of tho church; and much as you may regret to «lo so, it is nevertheless your duty to respect the law of the land, uud prefer bills of indictment against all such us have not been legally mar ried in some other country, and particularly when two or more women are cobabituting with the same man. These instances are ton often seen aud too much encouraged by the church horo. to insure respect from tho civil- zed world, cither at home or abroad; aud even wrbarous minds ip your own country revolt at tbe bickeuingund truly heart-rending spectacle of the misses of this territory. Duty follows , ,'ou, gentlemen, in all the walks of life, at »ome and abroad, in the family circle, at the ballot-box, at your daily Christian devotions, and prominently so here,-where the Interest of the crushed auddown-troddeu appeal in thun der tones for relief at tho bauds ol the laws.” 2 5° »y; but the Banks owe their ores- ent high rates of taxation to that body; tor dor- 8ess ^ on the UoUi » agreed that Banka 5. ™ ‘»a“y cent., but tha Sau- ™ *[ forty. Tbe House concurred,forthe JJjtJjrtJUthe time waa too abort to admit of Georgia ■ndulorl'UR.UEUad Jkittmlloa Georgia and Florida lk?lJ???J2*“» »u let, to bo compleited by S£*3P" next and a fund ot I2iw cXIH ma ?° “P “d offered as a bonm to tbe compict tho Bond by tho let of «nir& 1 J 8 of R«w would bo «oe h.'Wk 1 , we ,nteI * a When wo can get lel- ° f '°‘ her B *“- KuSu ) S P “A** Among tho varioue «t»K™ f ?" rt8ea « a ** nearer than the 'S SiiP" 1 thta, therefore, as an "WtnSon “®o le ntcauM forwIentUlo con- * D guita, Dec. lo, 1850, f National Intelligencer, It CoiurniiU * uu 1 Uathollo Chiu «tacted°in ta n church will shortly w Sachf t i^ l .Jj ov 5f®# where thewantofoo6U takin S&JJJigHjbjr oloataf movementhw Sy. ptac * “wafitUawchnntn of Glass Y»1 **•»« brim-are, that Dr. Kmondson of the U.: 8. Array, removed witli a slave (Scott) from 1 Missouri to Rock Island, Illinois, and after re- muintog there tbreo years removed to some other.military post In Iowa. Midor Taliaferro bad also carried asluve wo man to hort Bne I ng, who there married Bcott. They have two children, one ol whom was born in Iowa, or some placo uorthor 30 deg. 30 mill., and the other In Missouri. The parties finally went to Missouri, and becamo the pro- K or Sanford by purchaso. Dred Scott ;bt an action In Missouri lor therecovery onus freedom and tbut of his wife aud their Issue, on the ground that, by havinglieen volun tarily by their owners taken Into free torritoiv, and iweomtng domiciled there, they bad lie- come Ireo. The court. Judge Bcott presiding, decided ugainst tho claim of the parties to freedom, ou the grouud, I believe, that their ownew had done uo act exhibiting an intention to manumit them, and that, therefore, under the Missouri law, they were slaves. Dred Bcott now brings this suit as plalutlH* in error to the 8upreme Court. The case waa argued at the last terra or the Court. It was then thought to be a made up caso-raudeup perhaps by politicians, with a view to test some points of constitutional law relative to territories, popular sovereignty, the right or travel of slave owners with their slaves through free territory, the constitutionality of tlioact of 1820 prohibiting slavery north ot* 30 decrees 30 minutes, Ac. The decision was deferred till this term, and another beating ordered—probably because the Coart did not. like to make a decision on politi cal questions upou the eve of a very exciting elcctiou. The case was opened yesterday on the part of the plaintiff by Mr. Blair, Mr. Geyer, of Mo., followed to-day on tbe other side. Mr. Reverdy Jobnsou is prepared to follow Mr. Geyer on the same side. Mr. Blair will close the argument. The decision of the court on all the impor tant questions involved will be of more Impor tance tliuu auy ever heretofore made. But they may not meet all these questions, and it will be very easy to evade them. In my letter of yesterday the type* made me say that the vote on Mr. Orr’a resolution was 103 to 83 iustead of 183 to 8. Thus it will bo seen that tho House almost unanimously arc uuwiiling to declare in favor of re-npenlng the slave trade. Yours, Ac., Ion. Ntro 2Uu)trti6tmnite, DANOINQ X0TIQE—2ND TUX. Hit. NICII01.S will oummeDoo bis Itacouil Titiu. Ibrlbluu, im TUESDAY, Daceiabor ,30tli, alls o'tibwk, I', ll„ .U(l uuWEDNES DAY, lw<eiuiur»i.i. m 3;< o'clock r M^iorU- tllw., MliMC unit Uuter.. Kor terms, A , .pply to Mr. N. Iroui a to A I'. M„ i-tuili .reek illy, ileiu-td Turkeys I Turkeys 11^ .MJt Turkeys! A Hl’MCNIHIl hit or t'lirlKdiiss Turkeys just re- coiveil uiul r.»r smIu st tho K. U. Depot or st the Xsrkutdurlnn lo-dsy uiul uvcpltir. •Ie«a-ll* I.. CUNMNUHAU. M«0¥ GOOD OLD SAMA1UTA N'l IMMKD1ATK HISI.m\ r |MIE subscriber has made arrangements to X seep u couetaut supply if the above Ihvalua- blu reiuetly, Tor tbe cure or (be bead acbo, tootb- auhu, vur-acbe. neuralgia, ague iu (be face, sore throat, aua all kinds of cuts, bruises, burns, spinal sllbciliuis amt Hitruim. iu a short space or time. Full directluns-wllb each |*ackage, aud warranted geuuiue. dtft-iu J, D. JEESK. Xf ALAGA GRAPES, Pig Homs, Pig Bacon, 111. Pig Sbouldtlrs, Just received per ateumcr AMU Vor sale by deu'20 J- D JESSE. (W \ DOZEN FRESH EGGS, tor sale by IUU dec-20 J. D. JESSE. DK. Mo'KINI.EV will teach a Frouob.ClaM?, tr ^ r at tbe Uohsu of Mrs. Wkias, ou York st. The b«st persona in Savannah can b» given aa ruferoace. uor28-tf CITY SHERIFFS SAE/bT I ^KOItUlA—(,'ITV OK r'AVA.VVAtt—Will oe sold on Eukotwn op Judoksv—From Judge James Jackson’s card, it will be seen that, according to Gov. Johnson’s construction, the late Act of the Legislature changing the time of holding elections for Judges of the Superior Court, re* S uiresthe election to be hold on the first Mon- ay of January ensuing (18571 instead of Jan uary, 1858, as was generally believed. It will bo seen tuat Judge Jackson is a can didate for re-election In this circuit. Tho Harno Act provides for tho election oi Solicitors at the same time. We have not heard ofnny candidates for this offico in this Circuit. —Athena IVatchm'an. Dkckahkd—John G. Bush, a ptiutcr, for merly of Virginia, died in New Orleans last week. 1 he deceased went with Lopez to Cuba, was taken prisoner, sent toCueta in Africa, aud finally went to Nicaragua, whore ho fought gallantly, and where he contracted, the disease of which ho died. United States Sltiikmk Comti.—11'a.ihinx- ton, Bee. 10.—Alter tho adjudging two miuor cases, the argument was resumed fu tho case of Dred Scott vs. Sanford. II. S. ^eycr for the claimant took tho broad ground that an African waa not capable of beiuu made a cllizcu.- Bo it has been held by the Courts in u number of coses, and at the time of the adoption of the constitution every State except oue of the slaveholding States held that lie could not.— The convention for the adoptiou or the consti tution left open tho African slave trade for twenty years. To his mind, it was not the in- toutlon of tbe framers ol that instrument to make on importation of material for citizen - ghlp, The law of Missouri says:" I f a negro comes with naturalization papers from another State he shall not be wliippud.” The law don't re cognize him as a citizen. 1 f a master carries a slave into a State where slavery does not exist, and the slave has not been discharged by tho ocal law, aud he takes him back to n Statu where slavery is established, the latter are nut bound to enforce the law of the other State, or exact the forfeiture imposed. Ue denied that Judgp Scott wus the first to deny that a slave wasomunhipated by residence iu a free State. It had becu decided every where that ibo mere temporary residcucu of a master in a uoa-slavehoidiug state does not emancipate tbe slave. Ho referred to the con stitution of Illinois, which he uudorstood was utended to interdict tho Legislature from, by aw, establishing slavery, and not to efi'ect transitu slaves. Iu the cuso of Massachusetts vs. Ames, tho slave was released by habeas corpus, aud not by the laws of the State. So in the case of Illinois, there was uo physical, legal or moral compulsion against a slave pac ing throngh the State. He thought when we examine the uuetilon the precedents recoguize the tight of Cougi-css to establish municipal governments in the Ter ritories. Ho denied that there had been any udicial decision allowing them to go lieyond ;hia. Tho remarkable fact that every attempt to legislate ou slavery was not undor the Con stitution but under the pretence of compact The act of 1798 and others were not an exer tion of power to inhibit slavery, but an exer cise of commercial power. In fact these very acta recognize the existence of slavery by local law and protect it. He gave a history of the passage of the Mis. souri Compromise,^which was only passed under the preasare of circumstances, to enable tbe ad mission of Maine to tako place. Ho thought tho South, there being no time fur' discussion, surrendered it tor the sako of peace, without considering the Question bn tbe ground of con- itltatlonality. Mr. Geyer entered iutu a loug argument in favor of tho doctrine of squatter sovereignty, stating that iu it the people were resisting what they resisted in the Revolution— the omnipotent power of legislation, uud con tending that nothing he found in the Constitu tion or decisions of the Supremo Court confer red supreme, unlimited power over the Ter ritories on Congress. He denied the people of tbe territories the power to set op any government they please. So also was It lncompctout tor Congress to im pose upon them any government. All the legislation of Congress must have reference to their admission on an equal with other States. Alluding to the fuct that all tho States assist ing in lormlng the constitution were slave- holding States except one, he said that they having provided tor a continuance of the slave trade for twenty years, it could not bo that they intended to deprive a portion of the people of the use of tbe territory obtained by the arms and money of all the people, or subject them to an arbitary use of ft. If Congress has omnipotent power over the Territories, there was nothing to prevent their making any mau tncrein a slave. Hu could not snpposo that such a thing ever eutered the muds of the fnuucrsof the constitution, jealous as they were of legislative power, and success- frilly as they resisted it. And they were uot the men to enact, upou this continent, the oppress ■ive power claimed by the Parliament of Eng- NeWSPAPEU CORKKSfONDKNTM IN NlCAIU- gua.—Several of tho newspaper correspondents iu Nicaragua have fallen there; among them Mr. Slate, who corresponded with the New York Herald, and Mr. Swart who wrote to the Dally News. Mr. Duffy, tho correspondent of tho Tribune is among tho besloged at Granada. Tuesday, the 30th Inst., before tbe court house or Chatham cuuuty, by order of HU Honor, John M. Millet*, .ludgo or the City Court of Savan nah ; ouu lot or rlco, cnlluo, toa, soap, mackerel, pep- >or, euillUh, herrlngu, claret, plcklej, butter, grlU, butter biscuit, pilot bread, oue largo lamp, oue cloak, scales aud weights, uud divers other articles usually (oatalued Iu a variety grocery store; said projHjrty being levied ou by au aVat-bmcut iu favor ursoubnrntioudoll vn. Christopher Fiogo, returna ble to tho Ft-brurry term of City Court ot gavauuah. KIHV’D M. PltEXDEKUABT, dels* Sheriff City Court orsavaunab. GENTLEMEN’S W. P. BOOTS. . deceived by rocout arrivals a supply of WUeutlemeu’M Water Prool* Boots aud Colters, K^numethlng FINK and NEAT. For sals by M. J. BUCKNER, dolt* 7t aud 162Glbbdu's range. EVENING DABBSES. HENRY LATHROP & CO. W UULD luvlto tho attention or the ladles to a very select lot or Kvoulng Dressos, rccolved pur Tuesday ’»ateumcr, comprising tho fallowing: flute and bluo Embroidered Crape Robes White Maline do Uco do do Tulle do do do Col'd Organdie -do dolO HENRY. LA1UROP Is CO. rUBT RECEIVED PER STEAMER: * White Moire Autiquc Ribbon? do Urocudo aud Satin do do and black Belt do Faucy T.ihscI Buttons Embroidered Hwks Muslins Childrens # Fancy Hose Col’d Moreen:;, Fancy Priiils, Ac., by dolH HENRY LATHROP A CO. E H0E1YED PER TUESDAY’S STEAMER: Very rich Brocho Scarfs Wliut do the Physicians say of Al’Lutic’s Vermifuge, prepared by Fleming Bros f l l-ti-u to tho testimony of an omlucnt physician In favor ol ' - 'lane's Vermifuge, which is now uni versally acknowledged lo bo tbo boat la use; ovou members ol tlie modiuAl facdlty (who aro so otteu op|M)«ed tr, tho use of putout modiclnos) cauuot witnhotd the approval or this invaluable remedy: l4.xy, Stark Co., < hlo, January 8,1840. \ have used Hr. M'I,auv*a Worm Specific, pro- pared by Fleming Urns., i'lltsburgh, Pa., iu tuy private practice, and am prepared to say that tbo mi|urallcleii success with vflilch 1 have prescribed its ttei», bottifor children uud adults, Induces me to say the most In its favor or any specific or patent medicine over before brought to my uottce. Tho inode of udmiuistrutSoii, the smallness or tho dose, uud the certainty of its efficacious effects, give it, In my opinion, a decided advautago over any other mudicino of the kiud before tho public. W Purchasers will ho careful to usk for Hr. M'lane’s Celebrated Vermifuge, manufactured by Fleming Bros., or llttsburgh, Pa. All oilier Verm- fiiges iu cumpurisuu are worthless. Hr. M'lauo's genuine Vermifuge, also his celebrated Uver Pills cau uovr be had at all respectable drug sterea. None geuui'ie v/idiout the viguufatc uf H.EMiNu nmis [17] decl8 ' (faiiiuimial 3uiclligtnce. Suvnnniili Nnrkt-t, Occemlm* 40. COTTON—.-'ales this farcuoon *207 bales, vise, lo at 11*,', IB at 11?*', 78 at 11 % t 1*20 at 1*2, 65at 12*, Eiporu. NEW YORK-Per steamship Alaba jia-6Jl bales cotton, 36 do domestics, 7 do woo], 160 casks rice, 60bbls dried fruit, 26 coll- packing jrarL, aud suu dry pkgs rniiae. ®[lipping 3utriligrure. Port of Savannah December AO Arrived. Pc hr Frank, Reder, 0 days from St Thomas, In ballast, to Mr-tor. Steamer Cordon, Brooks, Charleston—to J P Brooks. Steamer Wm Seabrook, Peck, Charleston, via Beaufort, Ac, to J P Brooks. Conner’s ran. from llagttr Siagur, with 4 halos cotton, to Wm Waters. Cleared. SteamshTp Alabama, Seltenck, New York—Pndel- ford, Fay & Co. Steamer Welaka, McNetty, Palatka, Ac—ClagUortt .V Cuunlngham. Departed. Stcame? Welaka, McNolty, Palatka, Ac. Sailed. Steamship Alabama, Sobenck, New York. Memoranda, New York, Hue 10—Arr, schr Enchantress. Jayne, Favaunah, 4 days;below, bark Peter B'tnili, Hoey, do; cld, rchr E K'ddcr, Harkson, do. Boston, Hcu 15—Arr, schr North State, Horton, Savannah Holinos’ Hulo, Dec 14—Arr, brig Samuel Utis, Liuieburuer, Suvuuuah. Salem, Dec 14—Arr, brig C F O’Brien, Fouutalu, Savannah. (Correspondence of tho Baltimore Suu.) _ . Washington, Dec. 16. The Important Constitutional Case in the Su preme Court—Mishit ol Slave Owners in the Dree States and Territories—Suit for Free dom on account of being cairieil into free Territory—Correction, 5*c. Tbs Supremo Court in full, the whole uutuber of Justices (nine) being present. This iu fortu- nate, Inasmuch an it has now under considera tion the mo»t important constitutional qacMtiuu that has ever been brought before it. The case of Dred Scott vs. Sanford iuvolves.qucatioiis ap pertaining to the rciutiou between tbe several States and between tbe United States govern ment and tbe Territories. The tacts of the caw presented, aa well as 1 cau gather—not having Passengers. Per fitoannihip Alabama, far Nsw York—T O.llln, J L Culling aud lady, Mrs Beach, P aeon, L It Montgomery, W B Lord, BI. McIntosh, Capt Dorr and 17 steerage. Per steamur Uardau. tram Charleston—E Moly- uoux, J 1* Thomas, J Harcastie, J K Mitchell, u ' Hunt, A Ully and svt, C M Morris, Hr Troup, J Ward, J IVHill. T Illllcr, MU* b'impaou, AUrahai and lady, Mrs M W Mitchell, daughter and svt, D Isivltt and Indy, Ilrger, W A Davis, TB Cohen, J A AlUtou, R F Fains, FMuCully and svt, Master Allston, Mr Wragg.B V Toagoa. U White, P 0 Brink. Griswoid, K'lhotuasseyi H W Wiengesand lady, J I. Youguo, lady and child, Mrs Huger. Sch’ln amt svt, C B Wcodon, U M Bonnot and 10dock. Porstcumor Wm Seabrook,from Char-oston, Au— H Decker, N Heyward and svt, T R Youmans, A R Norton, Miss Davis, Mrs Cross, Miss Williams aud rvt, W Habersham, T Rooney, O P Hamilton and svt,J Sllvy, Mr Payno and 6 deck. (Ernuaintt atettismwits. second Lcetan of tho Course SAVANNAH YOUNG MENS' CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, AT ARJIOBY HALL, On Tuesday Evening, December ta'JJ, AT 7^ O’CLOCK, P. M. PROF. JOHN LeCONTE, M. D„ Of South Carolina College. HtmiKUT: Thoeghu on the Wady or the Physical acleaces. A CUUHMK OF EIGHT OR TEN 1.T2CTUKKS will 23Lbe given during tho wiutcr under the auspices of the abnvo uatued Association. Emlneui geutteiuou from abroad amt at homo, have kluuly signified Ihuir read In uks to serve us without compeusHtioii, save necessarily iueurreil expeuses. Whatever surplus shall be rculixcd, will tie appropriated to wards tbe establishing of i Keidlug Room fin- jouuk men. ciiakue: Tickets for entire course $1 60 “ •» slugle.lccture *26 Tickets uiay be had at the Book Stores, froui tuutubers of the Association, aud at the door. J F-CANN, Lecture Committee: tlec!7 F. J. CHAMPION, K. MILLER, J. II SMITH. C. B. CARTER HOT AMD COLD BATHS. V EARLY customers, strangers, tud citizens are X respectlUlly uotlUcd that but water is ready far them from 6 A. M. till 9 P. M.every day except Sundays. A few more gentlemen can be well ac. commodated to bathe as often as they choose at one dollar a month, all aubscribers to commence irom Nov. 1st, I860 to Nov. 1, 1857, far $12. Btngle baths, 26 cents. Uottsou ticket from 1st May to 1st Nov., $16. J. M. HAYWOOD, -*gt. N. B. Hi subscribers, In addition to those 1 have, are all I can take at the low price of 12 dollars a year. nov!8 J. M. II., Agt. 1857. ANNUALS. 1857. 11) MO. elegantly llluslratod and Iu uew and Afl beautiful styles or blndlug, morocco umique, bevelled, bourds and a new aud beautiful style of illuminated covers. The Forget-me-uot, a Christmas, New Year and Birthday gift. lhe PutiaiKuua, a gilt far all seasous. Tho Lily of Tbe Valley. The Token, a Christmas and New Year gilt. The Snow* Hake, a Christmas, New Year and Birthday gift Tho Gift of Afl'eollou; The Pasaiou Flower; The Koso of Bharon: The Gem Auuual; Tho Mlguonetto; Frtendihlp’aOQerlug; The Moss Rose; Memory’s Gift; Tbe Freemason’s Annual. Tho price of the above Is $1 60 euoh, For safe by WARNQCK It DAVIS, Bouksofiers and Stationers dol • 16U Congress street tasitiit atelistiutiife. IMPORTANT ARRIVAL. ■ .rj * '• 5IADAUB 8WETT (lie celebrated Clairvoyaut, lion arrived In this city, and taken Rooms at No. 143 Broughton street, ouu door East or Jos. Sullivan A Co.’s Tin Store, whore sho cau be consulted respecting the PAST, PRESENT, FUTIJHK land DISEASES. oct'27-lf GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. 1857. Tlte Apiiug; Term Commenced Mon** day, Jununry IfJtli. Ciimmeiiecment, Wulncidny, July 24d, FACULTYs OKU. Y. HR'JWNK, President, I*. LOL’H, Natural Scieuce. J. U SEAL**. Music. Rev. C. W. STEVENS. Belles Lottres. r |^1IE Trustees euuoutice with much saUnlkcUou A that they huve u Faculty of experienced aud laborious oflli-ors, aud that they will be usslsted by ladies who are well qualified to teach, especially in the department of languages, aud iu the Schools of Music aud Dcsigu. Mdlio. Minivers, u native of Purls, besides French will teach Vocal Muxlc, In whluh slut greatly excels. Ix)cuted Iu tho mid.-d of a rolluod aud cbristlau community, lu a heaithfal aud accessible neighbor hood, possessing every facility far Imparting an ac complished oducaliou, the Georgia Female Collego relies confidently upou tho public for the patronage It deserves. Catalogues cuuUiuiug fartner iufunuaUou may be obtaiued by applying to either of tho ofllcers. THUS. J. BURNEY, Scc’y Board IVustces. Madison, Murgun Co., Don. 10th. I860. dol'J-dAtStAwtd liRKBNSBOllO’ FEMALE COLLEGE. ltov. .1. S. K. AX.0N, D. D„ ITMldcut. A SSISTED by an able corps of Teachers in u!l tbo deimrtmeuts. Tlie w inter Sessiou will o;h*u ou Mouday, the 6th dayofJuuuary next Cotnfrrtuble board may be secured for uuy uinu- bor of vouug ladies In privatetumlltcs at $12 OO per mouth. it. HOWELL, Seu’y. del 2-2 tv v . WAKXED TO HIRE. A NEGRO WOMAN lu uurso an infant. For ouo who is competent and trusiwoiiby liberal wuges will ho paid. Apply ut thu ollluo. Uclt) JUVENILE ANNUALS FOR 1857. T IE VIOLET, a Christmas and Now Yeur’s gift, with six colored Illustrations, iu cloth and mo rocco; prico $1 26 aud $1 00; Tho Koecbud, Illustrated with uuiuorous engra vings, bound In doth and morocco; price $1 26 and «l CO. Tho Humming Bird, a Christmas uud New Year’s gilt, edited by Ida llaitluud, iu cloth and morocco; prico $1 26 and $1 00. Tho Pet Auuual, with.dx illustrations; prico $1 *26 aud $1 00. Tho Christmas Box. with 5 enguvings; price $1 ‘26 Plain black Mousiin dolAincs. dolO HENRY incs, by LATUKOP Is 00. ami $1 00. (loci? FOR PHILADELPHIA—Tho uew schr LAMOT IHT’ONT. Capt Corsou, having most oi tier cargo engagod. will moot with despatch for tho above port. For freight apply U> duals HUNTER k GABIMKLL. NorioK, A LL persons having dejnands against WUGD A HINES, who have not nfroady presented them, will please present them forthwith at the ofllcc, 86 Bay ft, formerly Young & Wyatt’s. The uudersiguotl will ho no lougor responsible for coulruols ramie byJ.Hiucs, having dissolved all connection with him whatever. J. M. WOOD. Bavununh, Dec. 18th, 185H. Jol8 C lITY MARSHAL'8 RALES—Uu the first Tuesday J in January' uext 1 will sell iu fruut of the Court House, improvements oudouth huff of lot No. 33 Warreu ward, together with the lease of said lot, Icviid upou as Uio property or the estate of Clara A Oglesby aud Miss Matilda Ross, to satisfy tho city taxes of said property. deed HAN’T, 11: STEWART, c. X. GENERAL NOTICE. G. M. GRIFFIN has returned Irom Now I York and U this morning opuuiug a new «tock or Watches, Jewelry, Taney articles, Silver Ware, &c., and wlU bo ploaicd to have Ills friends and all others in want of such articles give him a cull. New goods will bo oponing all this week, G. M. GRIFFIN, successor to late M. Eostmau, corner Bryan and Whitaker otreots, dcc8 first corner abovo l’ulsskl House, ASSIZE OF BREAD. Cmr Tkkascrxm’s Orrtcx, \ Ravantiob, 1st Dee., 1860, J milK itvoruge nrlceo of Flour the past month X bdng Eight dollars |H-r bid, Bread must wolgb as fid lows : 10 cent loaf must weigh *2 Ik 0 ox. 6 -‘ “ “ « 1ft 0 ox. 3 “ •' ‘A 91* OX, JAMKd if. WlIiKlNB, deco City Treasurer. I JOUTEit AND ALE. . 60 casks Ulbbort’s Porter—pints 75 do UibburtV, JeUI-ey’s and Muir is don's pint Ale, lauding ami instore far sale by NEW BOOKS. K UCEIYED BY WARNOCK & DAVIS, Tuesday, Doc 16Mi, 1866. TUo Princo or tho House of David, or tbreo years lu the Holy Oily, being a series of lotlors of Adiuu, u Jowois of Alexandria, sojournUig In Jeru salem in tbo days of Herod, addressed to her la- Ihcr, a wealthy Jew in Egypt, and relating us by au eye witness all the scenes aud wonderful lucldenu In tho IJfa or Jesus iff Xaxarcth from his baptism Iu Jordon to his Cruciflxlou on Oa’vary; by Rev. Prof. 11 Ingraham, rector of fit John’s Church, Mobilo. Nowa, a talc or tho Komau Empire, and other stories, y Emile Bouvoslre, author of the Attic Philosopher in Paris, Ac., Ao. MOM OK Uve uud Laura, a guide far ull who wish to speak und write correctly. For sale at tho Southern Book au*l .Stationery Depot, dole 169 Congress st. fil'd 4 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON A CO. For Christmas. IBS POUND* Malaga Orapes, Jiiol Urrrlvcil and for sale by \Y. H. FARRELL, dolH corner Broughton uud Whitaker h|s. G RAHAM’S Illustrat'd Monthly Magazine far January; Paiuisidi's Udy's National Maguziue far January; Ballou's Dollar Monthly fur Juuuary; —MOHR OF— The Brother Jouathun for Christmas and New Year’s. For sale by WARNOCK ADA VI8, docl8 169 Congress streot. Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot, t'QU. BROUGUTON AND WRIT AKER ST*. APPLES. 60 bids of the cholcoat asaorlmeut. ORANGES, nooo sweet Havana Oranges. PINE APPLES. 20 dozeu Havana Pine Apples with a general assortment or the choicest new FRUITS AND GROCERIES of the season. —-AL30— 5,000 select brands Uuvuna Iegara< For sale by duel* WM. H. FARRELL HEW OBOOEBIES. JUST RBOEIVBD AND FOB SALE: A tot of Fine Wine, amt Manor., French Bran die). Havana Megan, AND A Ueuernl aMnirtnieulut' Clink. FAMILY OHOCEKXES. Next door to Marshall House. uov20-1m Snvnmiah, (Ju. M AL’KKREL, i;c.—10 bbliNo 1 uew Mackerel. •26 hulfbbU No I uew Muckerel; 60 kits, do do; 40 bbls Nu *2 do ; *20 hbdH do do ; 30 bbls No 3 do; *20 klUSaltuou; 20 kits Tcugues und hound* 1 . 10 do HuUibulFius: t cuso Hpluud Shad ; ldo do Eels: 200 boxes Scaled uud No 1 Hcrrlugs ; 10 do Codfish'.iust received and for salo dec3 WEBSTER A PALMER. WHITE KID GLOVES. ~ W HITE aud straw Color Kid Gloves Just re MlvaJ AUd for Kill by R , aYMONrt, 17 Whitaker st. rpOBACCO- X 16J puckages or Tobacco, aruoug which are the following brauds, viz: The weddiug cask twist. Dried peach do Molurldo pearr do Bough and ready do People's favorite, Undo Bum, Ace of trumps, and other favorite brands. Also, 10’s, 8 s uud 6'i Grant and WUIIama’. -ALSO- 50 gross Anderson’s So taco aud Amulet, Goodwin’s New York and Amorican, aud 200 doz fine Spanish mixed smoking Tobacco, For sale by J. LAMA, dec 210 Bay street UOAP. CANDLES, STARCH, &c- D 100 boxes Smith’s family Soap 100 boxes Colgate’s No 1 lb bars do 50 boxes do 1*{ lb do do 60 boxes polo Soap 76 boxes Bcadoil’a O’a tallow Caudles 60 boxes Uo 8's do Uo 60 boxes Cuigato’s 6 and 8 do do 100 boxos Beudoll's ana Oswego pearl Starch SO bbls E Treadwell’s aoda aud batter crackers 35 bbls sugar hand made Crackers 60 boxes soda Crackers 26 doz Brooms 60 doz painted Buckets 75 boxes large bowl Pipo3 *26 boxes ground Cofile •25 boxes ground Pepper *20 bags do Just received aud for salo by doc5 SCRAN ON, JOHNSTON It CO. earner uoruou. irom unaricsiuu—u n it, , W Lake, Mrs Airs, J KBullougb, Boston 4: [a, .1 D Jesse, Dr Wayne. Olaghorn k Cun- i, M Bouuall, J Delves, J Rom, J E JIUcli- i'll-.. /l „ Ll. .. t 11J I n...h«.ll L Consignees, Per steamer Gordon, from Charleston—C R R, Hu boat, W “ * “ Villakmga, * nlugham, , , - .. —. . ell, tkil Allot), OOxcnlLs, A Haywood. BothwollA Whitcbcud, lnvutt, W T Goodwin, M Molina, Bell k Prentiss, J Walter, C A Parker, Mr* J Chisolm, McM C King, Judge King, E J Purse. Pcrstouraor VV rfeabrook, from Charleston, Ac— 0 bules SI eotlon, Ac., lo J P Brooks, J Rlohardsou, J F Pe'oL SUNDRIES. on BBLS APPLES, 100 packages Raisins, 100 OvF boxos Goabon, Eng Dairy and P A Obceie, 76 bbls, half, quartor and eighth Buckwheat, 60 boxes Extra Figs, 60 do Fire Crackers, 75 bbfr dugar. Butter and Soda Biscuits, 76 bPM* windy, 80Q Oncna Nuti, 26 boxes and quarter boxes Oswego Starch, 600 wbolo, half and quarter boxes Sardines. Also, a fresh assortment oT Nuts, Citron, Jellies, Currants, Preserves, Sauces, Bananas, and a varie ty of such articles as aro generally wanted about Christmas week. Those In waut wlU please give me a call. A. H. CHAMPION, nov28-tf successor to Champion k watts IMIlKa HU.\. For wile l» IVAIINOI.'K & HA VIA. 169 Congress struct. NEW SALOON. W. D. Hunt respectively unuouuco* to his friends and customers, that ho bas opened a new Saloon at tho corner of Bay lauo aud Barnard Street, wboro ho 'will bo happy to wall on ull who may doBiro a fine slmvc, hnlr cut, or slmmpuon. doc8—2w S ITUATION WANTED ns Porter, by man who can give satisfactory reference.— Apply at this olllce. deco—tr *• fiOAUDlKo. A FEW YOUNG GENTLEMEN can he accoinnio. dutud with hoard aud lodging on Broughton street, ucurly opposite H. Morse’s House Furnish ing Store. AU .few Day Boarders. novl'2 CO OlilVA NTldb. W ANTED IMMEDIATELY a good Cook, who will bo willing to Irou aud wush for a small family. A suitnblo person will rccclvo gooil wngos and a permanent placo. Apply at this office. Itovli—ir NOTICE. O NE MONTH after dato application will bo mado to tho Batik ol the State of Gcorgiu, iu Savau- noli, far the piymcnt of u Twenty Dollar Nolo or Hnid Bank, the loft half which lias been lost. Also, for the payment of a Tun Dolfar Nolo of said Bank, No. 4,4'i l, tho right half of whluh has boon IohI JAMES L. HOWELL. Tcimillc, (ia., Dec. 4,185h _ law4t—dec4 LAND AGENOV. I 7IIE undersigued will, for five dollars per lot, , exumioo mty lands lutho counties of Appling, Wayne, Ware nr Coffee, and report totho owucr as to tuuir preseut value, tlte prospect for their be coming more valuable iu future, and whether or not there Is being any trespass committed tborcou, Invariably pledging himself to give a true aud cor rect account, far which nil remittance* wifi ho ex pected iu udvancc. He will also boll and remit when requested, and as directed, for seven per cent. Ho will also promptly atlenfi to nil professional business entrusted to his care. VERNON C. MCLENDON, my 13 AUoruoy at law, Uomcsvillc, Ur. NOTlClfi. A U, persous having clulms ugalusl the citato of George M. Wahlburg, latoofChuthnm county, decoa-tud, aro hereby notified to present them, troperly attosiud, to the undersigned, within the iuio prescribe l by law; and all persona indebted to said estate are hereby required to make imme diate payment to the undersigued. JACOB WA1.DUUUU, Administrator cum tcstaiucnto auucxo of estate of dccl-tf George M. Wahlburg. NOTICE. mWO moutlis tvftcr ilato application will be m.n'e X to tho llouorablo, tho Court of ordinary of Chatham county, far leavo to sell all tho property, real and personal, ol* the estate of George M. Wald- burg, lato of sold county, deceased, for tho benollt of the Itolr and crodilors of said estate. JACOB WALDBUKU, Administrator cum testameuto utincxo of estute of dccl-2m George M. Wald burg nov22 FHLLOW-CITIZBNS OP CHATHAM COUNTY. 1 am a candidate far ro-elcctlou to tho or- Ucc or Receiver of Tax Returns iu Jauuary TO THE VOTERS OF CHATHAM COUNTY. FelluW'Cltlxetis. I am a canJIilalc at tho dccumi, lu January ueat, for tho oOliie or Tat Oolloctor, and aollclt your au|i|»rt A. IIARMO.N. Savaanah, StpW 30th, I860. _____ SAVANNAH WATER WORKS.* OFFICE BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS, 1 Novombor 13lb, 1850. J T HE WATER RENTS far tho prosont year were due from the 1st iustaut, and payahlo at the ottice of tbe Board. The attention ot those persons supplied with water from too works is called to Sectlou 20 or An Ordinance to amend an Ordinance far tho care and management or the Savannah Water Works. uovlS It, J, B. BEE, Secretary. ■ del2 TAKEN up in Robertsville. a mall Bay Horae, with saddle and bridle attached. iThe owner cau get the same by calling at loodwlu’i Stables on West Broad at. N EW SMOKED MEAT—Just received per steam, er Augusta— 200 Smoked Beef. 200 lbs Fig Hams, 224 lbs Fig Bacon Stripes, 300 lb« Pig 8boulders, 75 Smoked Tongues, 100 Picklod do, For sale by do2 J. D. JESaL. B randik7rum and GIN— 6 hair pipes Sazcrao DoForgc, ISOS Brandy 3 do Plnet A Castllllon pa]e do S do Otard Dupuy k Co. do 5 do Camus do 3 qr casks Jean Louis 1811 do 4 do J Jacones do 10 qr culu low price French do *2 Puncheons Jamaica and SL Croix Rum 2 pipes grape IcariloltniidGiu For sale by J.J.AMA. does 210 Bay Street. C UNDY, CANDLES, COFFEE. ) 160 boxes and half boxos Candy 100 boxes sperm and star Gandies 160 boxes adm’e and tallow do 60 boxes fresh ground Coffte 160 sacks Rio do 76 mats Java do Received and far sale by decl& McMAHON k DOYLE. £ottn;ici\ Southern Lottery. OH THE THE HAVANA PLAN. I'KIZB) GUARANTIED 1 $102,000. Only 15.000' Nuabuntl I PRIZES PAYABLE WJTHOUT DEDUCTION, Jtispei- Couuty Academy BV AUTHORITY UK THE STATE OKHEuKI.U, GLASS IT. lb he drawn January 16th, 1867, at Concert Halt, Macuu, Ga., under the sworn auperintandeuceoi <A4. George M. l/jgau and W. C. Audursou, Esq. 49* Remember this lottery has ouly filtuen tuousaud numbers—less than any Lottery la the world, thorefare U is the best far iavesuneut. Ex amine the Scheme 1 l prize or..., I “ .... 1 •* .... 4 FOHKMK. 116,000 . 6,000 . ‘2,000 . 4,000 . 2,600 8,000 *>r 41,000 are.. - ot 600 are.. ,80 '• or 100 are M'fal *• or 40 are 60,000 arraoxtuATiox raizza. ‘20 approximations of MOO are 12,000 W “ " 60 are 2,500 60 “ " 20 are 1,000 1,712 prises amouuUag to $io2,Ol’ Tickets $10—Halves $6—Quartern $2.60 Tho 1,600 Prizes or $40 aro deTermlned by the lost figure oi the uumuer that draws the dapBai Prize ol $16,000. The Capital Prize will, of course, eud with one of tho figures—1, 2,3,4. £, C. 7,8,9, 0. Those Whole Tickets ending with tne same figure iu tbo last in the Capital will bo entitled to- $40. Halves and quarters In proportion. . 49* Persons seudlug money by mall need no (ear its being lost. Orders punctually atleuded to Communications confidential. Bank uotos of sound. bauks taken at par. 49*Those wishing particular numbers should order Immediately. GKO. A. McCIJUKY, Agt. l'he frlltowing iin SCHEME will ho drawu every Saturday. 8CHKK: 1 prize or 1 do 1 du . 1 do 3 prises of $600 aro 60 do 100 urn 100 do 60 are $$,000 1,600 1,000 1,000 1,600 B.OtO 6,000 1500 du io arc 24,000 1,067 44,000 'Vli.ll.. tlckolH ,1; Halve. ,2, Quarters $1 Drders addressed to JAMES F. WINTER, Mauagor, Macon, Ga NOTKCK. A I.L persons having demands against tho ostutc of Danlol O’Connor, dccoiwofi, will hand them u, duly attested,as required by law;aud tlmso in dented will pleuso muko payment, to W. It. SYftioNS, Qualifioil Adm’r. Novt'inbor 8th, 1860. uovH iilfrl'ici; A LL persous*iuilebVo(l to tho Kstalo of .lauo Me Douald, late of McIntosh county, deceased, are requested to tuuko immediate payment; thos- having demand* against said Estate are rctpicsted to present them, duly authouticutod. MU.SKhS D. HABUH, Executor. Nov. 7th, i860. uov7 GEO. A. McCLESKY, Agent, corner Bryan and Whitaker ata., Savaunah. mat or tuk lotikrt. SumoaalUo lloj.l I/iltury ot Cul,»-wltU tU, dilleroncc: tho Havana Lottery has 36.000 num bers—this baj only 15 000. Thoro are two wneois, on each or which there arc placed two I/Hjks. Tbo Euporintendebta havo each a key lo tho Locks, and tho whoota cannot be openod unless both aro present. There are placed hi tho whcei of numbers tin tubes containing slins or paper with tho numbers from No. I to 16,000. la tho \\ heel ot Prizes there aro p la cod tin tuboa con taining illpb of paper with tho Prizes on them rang- ‘-is from $16,000 to $ioo, jaw* tokos place, which will bo iu public, thu whools ato unlocked, and after revolving them, a number u drawn outor tho wheel oTnum- “°J*» •2; 1 ul tbo same Umo ouo U drawn out of the J •V” 1 boya, with urms bared to tho sheut- dor uud hhmUbldod—tho tube is slipped off, and the number la id up aud uuroUod, ao Uuit the whole auuionou can see It—thu number Is then called ofl and enrolled by thu Superintendents. Tho Prize drawn Is credited to thu uumbor drawn at tbe aim# time, aud so on until alt the Prizes aro drawn out, A ropy of tho Urawiug is then acut to tho printers unit ..iter coiuiiarlsoii, the Superintendents ccrtffy “’ * ■ e cot rcctnoss of the drawing. These Superin tendents arc sworn to perform their duty without luar or favor. * A drawing is sunt loevory oue ordering tickets. The I'r zes are uayahlo thirty days altor the drawing, in full, without any dUcounL 4Ut" Drawings take place on the 16th or eiurv tnoiuli. JAMES F. WINTER, Manager, Macon, Ga. M AI i VEAND IsOTTEHIeS FOR DECEMBER, I860. R* Franca 4k Co,, Mana|eri. a urano Maryland lottery (Ou the Havana Plan.) WAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY, OF MARYLAND. Fxtra Claes 7* •• bo drawu SATURDAY, Deo.fioth, iu Baltimore Maryland. 1 ‘fires amounting to $132,OUO will be distributed '.‘•irdlug to thofallowlugS|fiuudld Scheme: '40,000 Numbers I—1,000 Prices f Prizes payable lu fall without deducUou. NOTICE. W Y1.LV a COLLINS have taken uu olUco ou tho corner of Draytou st. aud Bay lauo, op- iosiio t»o ofilco of 0. A. L. Lunar, Esq., for tho ransaetlou t»r an Auction and General Brokerage business. Heal and Personal Estute sold ou Commission;ah so Stocks aud Bonds. Isiaus negotiated. Uboral advuuces mado on property entrusted lo them far ■ale. truovlB figOSi ana lMO. 11 ’ } mHE Auuual Uecliou far Scveu (7) Directors of X this Company wilt bo held on Mouday, the 6tit of Jauuary uoxt, at tho olllce corner of Bay uud Abercorn rtrect-i, between tho hours or 10 A. II. at 1 Y. M. FRANCIS T. WILLIS, dcol President, Central R, U, 6i Wanking to. of Ga., I Savannah, Dec. 2, I860. / TY1VIDEND No- 67.—Tne Hoard of Directors 19 havo this day declared - Dividend or FIVE PER CENT, on the General Stock of tho Company, from the profits o! tbo ast six mouths, payublo on Mouday, Documbcr 16th. Holders of Guaranteed Stock will be puid their uzuul dividends on the same day. ilec-4—3w GKO. A. CUYIJCR, Cashier. Central R. R. 6i Banking Co. or Urn,) Savannah, Doc. 2d, 1850. J T HE auuual election far Directors or this Com pany will be hold at the Banklug House on Bay street, ou Monday, 6tb January next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 1 o’clock, P. M. de2-td GKO. A. CUYLKlt. Coahlor. Bank or Comiueroe, I Savannah, 3d Dec., 1868. j B y a Resolution or tbo Board, it Is ordered that the third Instalment or Twcoty-five dollars per share, on tbo Capital Stock or thfa Bank bo paid on or bofaro the 31st January next. JNO. C. FER1ULL, Cashier. dec3-lawtd Orncx Sav’ii, auuxv k Gulf k. it. Co., i Savannah, Nov* 6,1860. j T HE Seventh Instalment of 10 por cent, on ill Capital Stock of tho Savannah, Albany and Gulf Rail Road Company, by n Resolution of the Board, is hereby oraorea to bo paid on or before tbe 10th day or January, 1857. WM. WARING HABERSHAM, uovti Secretary aud Treasurer. FRESH BISCUIT AND CBAGKRB8 J UST RECEIVED, comprising all tho different kinds Now YorkaflbrJs, consisting ot Cougrcrs, Egg, Milk, Wiiii} Lemon, Fodn. Abernathy. Maplo, ana other ULcult, Now Year’s Cake, Ginger and Spiced Snaps, Fox’s, Butter, Bo-ton. L'-mon, Pic NIC, Graham, Water; Sugar, andFam:> Crackers— allot which wo shall keep con- umly mi Imnfi ami receive fresh supplies by ovory steamer at the Savannah Grocery and Fruit Depot, Uov20 WM. H. FARRELL. C OFFEE. 600 bags fair to choice Rio Coffee 100 bags old brown and government Java do 76 bags Ugulra Coffoo In itoro and (or sale by d«el6 HOLCOMBE, JOHNSON * CO. TEAS! FRESH TEA8! mHE CHOICEBT and best ussorlineut nl TEAS X over offered at retail lu this city, includinu English Breakfast Toa, Delicious Oolong, Plantation Oolong, Silver l<caf Hyson, Plantation Imperial, and otliar favorite qualities, Juit raastved aud for ealo l>y WM. H FAKREU., no28 corner Broughton aud Wbttaksr ste. J 10,000 i .. «*ooa 3 2,000 V, arritoxiMAnox riuzw. 4 oT$160 Appro’x $40000 “ 14;«40 tor loo 4 of 00 4 or 4 or Sof 1-2 or 1-2 or 74S of 80 70 00 30 20 10 1,000 prizes, amounting to *’ .. 10,000 .. 6,000 ... 8,000 ... 2,000 ... 1,600 ... 1,000 ... 200 ..$132,«>0 Whole Tickets $10; Halves $6; Quarters $2 60. lilt I I.L1ANT SOHEMK (iliASll CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OP UARVLAND. Class T, Tu he ilruwu iu Baltimore, Md.,Saturday, D«c, 27. 1 prise of....,..,,.,, 1 " • . i " 4 prizes of. *20 •» $06,000 80,000 16,820 10,000 10 ** 10 “ 173 “ C(» *• 00 •* 00 •• ,., 2,M0 1,760 700 300 200 4,150 “ 25,740 •• » du,:t to prizes, amounting to $1,141,140 Tickets 4:0; Halves $10; Qoar. $6, Eighths $2.60. 49* All orders far Tickets or Packagaalnany or tho Muryliiud DiUorlM WlU roookoproinpt »tlon. Uou, aud (ho drawing malted to all purchasera im- mcliately niter it is over. Add ".**• T. II. HUBBARD k 00. So 30 Faycttostrcot, or Box No. 40,, 1,0 vD» Baltimore ltd. IMPORTANT TO PLANTERS 1 VAN DERVEER COTTON. f l , HE UNDERSIGNED have for aale a small qoan- A lily of the *eod of tbe above Cotton. Ita supe riority over < (her kinds or Cotton aro: 1st. ItylsHa as much or more per acre than any’other Cotton 2fi. It yields fifteen per coat, more Uat f- othor Cotton. 3d. 11m staple la longer, I stronger than auy other. 4tb. Hence It TWO to FOUR couth —‘ - short Cotton sold In statement of Farley, commission merchant, New'Orleua will showT** „ . ,. u h«» IifoiAW, October, ISM. \\ c have sold Mr. \ un Dwrvcer’a two last oroMs and irom thu oxcelluucu or his Cotton, have ob. talncd far itTWuto FOUR cents per pound more than other kinds of Cotton will command. Farut, Jcbvkt A Co. P anters deMring to procure these seed wUl do well to apply early, us thu quantity on sale in small. >alr samples of this year’s cron canba I soon at the olllce of LOCKETT 4 8NEUJNQB. I Petty Gulf Seed also far sale. deef