Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, December 27, 1856, Image 2

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Ofltolal ftptroftlnOtty mdOwnty HILTON, LAMAR& CO, FBOramOlfl AMD pvhjshim. muN>rr,V* A. n. LAlUBf l ■ATirmPAY MOBimrQ, p Um PrlMfl m€ Imansh Paper* B/omuaoivadsrtiaadlaf, the proprietors and piMUksrs or the throe papers tasted 1* Savannah, have adopted the fbUovtaf oalfora rate* or sub. eoripUoa, to uko oBhol this dap: BollpPopor, per oaata, la odTOioo..«..oo TrMTeektp « w 400 Wooklp, Mail* eopp, ia advaaoo 2 00 Wookljr t i?oooptes, to oao addrooa 8 00 Wooklp,etfht " •« woo Wooklp, tea « « 1. ltoo Weekly, twesty* « * 2000 wlltala 00* month Aram tbo time of sibsoribiif the chug# for Urn Dailp wlU bemwa dollari, and for the Trl-Woeklpjlm, MfpMa*^ **** ** waloalp to those who pap In The paper wtUInrarlablp be dieooaUaed upon Iho expiretioa of Ik* time for. whleh It baa been paid. The abovo rate* to take elhot from and alter this dale. «f*«D k gild, OpmIUmm . BtB.HjE.iairft00., OrngimdSramal. TIOHPtON ft WITHINOTOK, AT*m. aaraaaah, Jalpi, nil, $T3*htmibera in arreara are rtquuttd to raoponipromptlg to tha hiUa ancloaadin tfuir Ourlargt outstanding indtbitdnett "mranta ustn truing, *U who do not utile tkrir ucounit. BY TELEGRAPH, jjiw York Cotton Market. Wiw You, Dec. 28r—The Now York cotton “***«*» te® with an advance o'hUWng Upland* an aelllng at 12|; Middling Orleans, 1S|. Sale* 5,000 bales. Floor market hu declined she cents.. Indian Com dolL Sterling Exchange dull at 8} to 8 j. The Harman. ¥*w Yoix, Dm. 26—The Herman, twentj. thwt days oat, hu not pet arrived. Fears an frit aato her safety. Coiom’s IHQWIT—Coroner Eden held an Inqoest peaterdapM tho Poiico Barracks on the bodp of the unknown female Infant that was found bp Mr, Waters at his door on Wednesday right last The Jury re tamedja verdict, that the aoceaeed died from exposure to the cold weather. . Hairta’a Nsw MoxntY BCaoaxtNS^Har* per’e Stoiy Book, Ho. 26. These publications for Janaary, already noticed In oar columns, arc for sals bp Messrs. J.M. Cooper dr Co. Fmr fob ini Million—-From tho aamoffen. tlsmtn we have received. “Yon for the KUlton’ 1 or the Laughable. “Adrsntaros of Moses. Brown, Jones and Boblnson; shoring where thep went and how tbep went, what thepdid; and how they did It, with nearly 200 thrilling comlo engravings by Richard Doyle.’' This ver^ wonderful book is from the press •*Garrett Dick and FitsgeraldNow York,and is for sole bp J. M. Cooper ft Co. Ike ftontk ana tko Denaoeratlo Party. ▲ fact deserving to be well considered, and the responsibilities of which the Democracy will be called upon to meet, is, that, for the first time during the present generation, the whole region below the Potomao has, within the hut twelve months, oonsigned Its political destiny into the keeping of the Democratic party. . Hitherto the South hu been the prey of con tending factions. She hu been weak because her people wen divided. All have felt that this was her weakness. Both parties have been loud In lamenting, while each hu been ready to throw upon the other the blame for dissen sions which exposed her to the scoffing and contempt of her enemies. Half a dozen years since, some believing that these dissensions could never be healed while the old party names rallied their respective adherents, de termined to drop the designation of Whig and Democrat and form a Souihtrn Rights party, which it wu hoped would embrace the whole South. Vain hope! The unfurling of the flag of this new organisation was but the signal for Intenser feuds than had ever before been known in our section. Signally failing In its object of uniting tho South, the Southern Bights party speedily and wisely dissolved, leaving its ele ments to go whither their affinities carried them. Most of its members went into the Democratic party—many not before connected with it. The dissolution of the Union party followed, by which the Democracy wu still further strengthened, not only receiving back all Its members (with very few exceptions) who had gone into the Union party, but with them many who had been Whigs. Know Noth* ingism drove into the Democratic ranks another accession of hitherto alien forces—now faithful The mult, u shown by the late election, that the South, with the omission of the third- rate State of Maryland, is practically a unit. What wu so long desired hu at hut been attained—though not in the manner in which many hoped that it would be accomplished.— The Democracy triumphant throughout the whole seotlon lying below the Potomao, we may assume that our divisions have ceased. It now remains for the Democratic party to meet the responsibilities which popular confi dence hu imposed upon it. A Southern onion having been efieoted under its banner, its lead ers and Us members must see to it that public expectation is not disappointed as to the re sults which have been so frequently predicted u certain to flow from such unity of sentiment In the slaveholding States. Snraioa Biolsr's Speech.—Tho Harris burg correspondent of the Baltimore Sun, writee 1 ***-0i» The recent able speech of Senator Bigler in the Senate hu excited considerable comment in many quarters, and u many newspaper! have fallen Into an error In speaking of senator Bigler’s effort, I will merely state that that gentleman is not considered, In this State, u the "warm personal friend of Hr. Buchanan. 4 ’ Mr. Bigler is well known here u an active sap- S orter of Mr. Buchanan In the recent campaign, at farther than that the intimacy doee not ex tend. I merely mention this u a matter of in formation and to correct an error which now 1 to prevail, particularly In the South. Cotton fob Thimtl—Among the clearances from New Orlean* Tuesday wu the Boston ship Enoch Train. Captain Bich, for Trieste, with a cargo of 5433 bales of cotton, weighing nearly two miUion and a half of pounds, and valued at nearly three hundred thousand dol lars. Thiels the largest cargo of cotton ever •hipped from the United States to any port in the world, excepting Liverpool, and there hu but a limited number of cargoes exceeding the quantity shipped to that port Bxctalitt. One of the most brutal deeds ever recorded wu perpetrated by a negro shoe maker In Jua Merle strut, Havana, upon the person of a young mulatto, his apprentice. The boy wu talking to another boy, and hie brute or a master wised a hot boiled egg Just off the fire and thrust It Into the poor bul'l mouth, holding bti’hand over the mouth until the boy wu eafibceted and died. Lady Byron, widow of the poet, has by the death of the incumbent, Inherited the. title of BarootnWentworth. Mngwlar Manner In which Mr. Boltins tho young indy blushed overpotw nil In Love and got Married. ns Mr. Rollins farther declined that Mr. Roderick Rollins wu » bafcholor tvhi> bad seen sorno forty-niuo summers, and al though he wu a Initiate ol eccentric!lies, there were few raeu woro popular with old married ladles, or even with ouch singlo uuwi.s had ceased to bo flighty and had begun to take u sober view of tho pomps and vanities of this wicked world. It is Just possible, indeed, that the gentleman’s popularity might bo nttrlbut* ed In part to & very handsotuo citato which he hid inherited from his lather; for 1 have gen erally obeerved that a large lauded property is a groat enhancer of tho wit, beauty, or nro- fondity of its possessor. As Mr. Rollins grad ually lumbered along in II lo, ho naturally be came lose and less disposed to rapid locomotion and at the time ho is introduced to tho reader, he had dropped one and auother of his regular visiting acquaintances among tho ladies, until the number had dwindled down in number to exactly throe families. In one of these families—that 01 Mr. Petti grew—thero woro two elderly young ladies, named Rachel aud Amelia. These ladies were of tho respective ages of thirty-seven aud thir ty-nine, and having outlived their taste lor balls and jams, now solaced themselves with the society of a few old beaux who would occa sionally drop In of an evening and bayou quiet game of backgaiumou with them by the side of an old fashloued Liverpool coal lire. Among theao visitors, uono was more welcome than was Mr. Relilus. llis stories were generally long, and he had much to say 01 the sad de generacy of tho present fust age; hut theu, bo lide being rich iu the funds, ho was rich in his reminiscences of the oldcu time. He would every uow uud theu so afi'eetingly allude to tho brilliant evenings of bygoue years when be used to dance with tho Muses Rachel aud Amelia at tho public assemblies, that the K ladies, iu imagination, revel again jh those gay aud festive scone : and, os Mr. Rollins named oao und another of tho hc.ies and adorers who uso to figure iu tlm .Spauisli dances and ladies chains of that simple era ol Terpsichore, tho tears would course one ano ther dowa their innocent noses. Mr. Rollins was also aconuoiseur, and a highly gifted crit ic in green and black teas, and was well ported in cough and rhuumatio medicines gcnoinilv. Since he had got along in years, he had like wise come to take a great iuteresta iu »uoi. mat ters; he kept the run of proceedings of nil tin annual conventions, and was supposed to be familiar with the private opinions of m-ir„ of the Bishops. Now, tunic of the.« hi) j -. i were indifferent ones to ids fair companion and as such human weaknc.-i.-cs as love aud marriage seemed out of the question, the inter, couuse between them us cairn and cool u> moonshine iu winter. Thu condition oi ancient beaux aud aucient belles who have rctiiul from the drawingrooms ot mirth and fashion, and have taken to chess and needlewoik, uad to sober remiuisccuces of the heart conflicts they have undergone, is not of the cUeeiless charac ter which some consider it. it may he likened that offpensloned soldiers carefully housed in some suag harbor provided by tho Male, wlu re they may rest aud smoke aud talk of the mighty deeds they have dune lor tho residue of their hves. The wars are over, the battles have been fought; and wlmt, though one may have Ionian arm, auother u leu;, and a third has been lopped of all bis limbs, yet flic p.iiu aris lug from the wounds have been long forgotten, aud they now remember but the incidents und the glory of the conflicts. One of tho other families which Mr. Rollins led to visit, was that of the well known Dr. Anodyne. Tim Doctor himself was a gentle man of the old bchuol, and his lady could give you tho history of every family or note m tin. metropolis, but tho great attraction to Mr. Rollins was the society of their daughter Ilai* riet. Miss Harriet bud been in her day a cele brated beauty, hut having uow attained her fortienth year, it was generally supposed that the grand meridian of her clmiuu had hem passed. Iu early life there had bun some talk of a match between her aud Mr. Rollins, bnt this had long blown over and their conversa tion was now, to all human appearance, as ra tional and unimpassioued as though they were a couple of prosy philosophers. The remain ing family, honored with the pleasant acquain tanceship of Mr* Rollins was that of Mrs. At- terbury, a widow lady of considerable wealth and positiou. She was tho sister ot Mrs. Ano dyne, and consequently, her daughter, the amiable Miss Anna Mauu, was own cousin to Mbs Harriet, and very nearly of the same ripe age. Both these young ladies were on terms of the most agreeable lutimuey with tl c Mi r-v- Rachel and Amelia Pettigr* w. They had been companions iu girlhood, bed promt-nailed on the Battery, bad taken moonlight walks in company with each other amt their lovu> tbrough the graveled walks 01 St John’s pi,, r, and would doubtless sometimes have extended their strolls to the Fifth avenue, weic it not that the time I treat of was anterior to the dis covery of that fashionable thorough fai t*. When these lair spinsters would get together and grow inspirited und loquacious as they sipped their byson, Mr. Rollins was their toast and their oracle. But delightful as was tho rela tion subsisting between them and their unti quated beau, it was temporarily destined ton very singular kind of uu interruption. Ail at once, asonoof the wonders ot the wot id, a new light sprang up iu Mr. Rollins’s m.r.d, und this light was none other than n reflection Mom tfo. torch of Cupid. How it came to pass tha; Hint heart of adamant, which during 1110 fervor aim passion of youth had resisted the well direui .1 volleys from female eyes ol every color, nu.i bad at last succumbed, must forever remain a mystery. But Mr. Rollin'* love was us droll as it wcb untimely. Worse than tho poor ass »>i tu- schoolmau, hesitating between two bandits of bay, Mr. Rollins had fallen iu love witnml four of his female companions uttbe bjuic time. At first, this baoiieh r love developed itself in periodical fits of partiality lor one or tho other of the ladies, ju-jt ns it happened; vacillating, as it were, from day to dny. Thus tor a while, Miss Amelia Fatigrew would le the queen ot his affections fit- would call t« mind some roguish dimple ol her girlhood, und what a splendid set of teeth one of lur 10 :ni.;r ringing laughs would disclose in tho*u days of remote antiquitty. When Mi*. Amelia war thus boosted ou the topmost round of Mr. bel lin’* ladder of weathercock admiration, *!.c would suddenly be precipitated to Use ground by a dim shadowy recollection on the purl 0:' the bewitchtug mnunor iu which Alisa Anna Maria Atterbury or a ccnltny ago. Then the memor ies of his early partiality for MU-. Har riet Anodyue would so htir up poor R. vagrant scusibilitics that he almost not his miud to pop the question to her. lie ably would have done so ou a tei t;.iu aib nioon had he not stopped in at the IVttigrev.v, 0,1 hi way to Dr. Anodyne’s. It happumi on Hi occasion that Mies. Rachel was s.t h< in nh,i; and her tender soliritude in the matter of cold which Mr. Rollins mkt;., r.hudt himwithsuch au alloverDh of ttnsuta that fora period of some ha ly oigiu. lmm> ti< ady iu question was tho misiie.-n of. his heart. IMust certainly, Ids exclusive predilections in favor of Alias Rachel Listed uol .ager than the time 1 have specified,raid leu n o r.i i.,. 1 io entertain collectively. Ilis corn!.fa n 01 mi 1 was truly pitiable, J or bende tho iutvouh.:-. attendant on so unomuloiw anil state of the atrections. Air. Rolling kuoal- edge of the female heart led him Jo tic grounded couvidion that ewnshcuM I c ma! proposals to one of the lour, ho would i ;l the risk, ot losing the Iriend.-liip of ihe iugthree. Now, this wasu commgem-v i> painful to thiuk of, ond the poor nui’imn gentiemau spent a whole year iu devis.y. ways and meuus whereby it uiigli h; avoided*. As yet, neither of the ladies in question had the remotest suspicion of the whirldwiiul of eccentric passion whicli was tearing nway th< very foundations, of Air. Rollins’s mmul being for at any time ho happened to inuku tumu ex traordiuary demonstration, it wns croditul to the account ot a sudden find utn-xpectcd twinge of rheumathm with which he wascc- castonally nfflicted. Ono evening in tho mouth of November, while Rollins was sitting in his lonely room meditating on the past, and wondering « hither the tempest within would eventually lead him, he suddenly bounded from his chair, wrapped his fingers, looked out of the window, put more coal on the fire, plumbed himself again in his chair, and then soliloquized,“its of no use,” said he, “to endure this confounded pcipk-xi- *** any longer. Ono thing ia certain 51 love «iem All; and wny should I not ut oike declare myself ? Suppose they do laugh at niyquard- rupledaffection, wiiatlhon? luin sure they mu*t see. my sincerity and conclude that I am a man of an immensely largo heart, thus to be ablo to lovo uil four of them with this inox tin- . .jhslrctfL— of his ufibciionh was equallyv groat, for their three mutual friends, her eoujtwnauco uudi?r- wont an expression of tho moat comical curi osity; aud au at last tho proposed scheme was divulged, whereby u selection wm- lo lie tuac’o, Miss Harriot laughed until tho was well uigh choked. Ah, Miss Harriet! yon may laugh, butde vise a butter plau lor me, if you can. You know very well that if i wore to select any ono of tho other three, and leave you, you would consider yomaMfsfigirted and ncqluctcd. You sue,then, that it is quite news-ary i«>r the happiness of: 11 coueernctl tli. t 1 should carry my poiul. anu us l profess to be aiiovcb-jard in all my transactions. I shall fully state tlui to your lirther, und ask him to superintend the drawing.’ •Of course, Mr. Rollins, 1 replied Mis* Harriet ‘you can ask pa’s co-operation in anything you choose to, but tho whole procedure would be so strange uml unusual, that mi far as I um con cerned, 1 must beg ’ ‘Now, Alins Harriet, if you please, beg nothing,’ interrupted Rollius, ‘for rely upr u it l almli excuse neither of you, uud when you hare seriously considered tho subject, you will not wish to be excused yourself. What sense would thine be, I ask you, in my goiuc out ol our previous little circle, lor a wrie r ’ On tho day of" this inter v»w Air. Rollins made known his delicate intentions to the other thtee ladies, and at first they were disposed to regard tho matter in a jocular light,* but on being assured by Mr. Rolliu.- that lie l.,ved them nil with the poetic ardor of a ncvi r-dylng elf.-ctiou, it is difficult to say whether uriutzv meut or mirth was the predominant emotion ot their breasts. Win-n Miss Harriett Anotlyuc related to her thtlicr the .-ingulur communica tion which had been made to her, the Doctor was thrown into such convul-ious of laughter, that he prute-to to this day ire gained bcven pounds of flesh on the ttu-ngih in the evening the four loved om.^ got u>~ gether and compared note.-, and what aglow and Uutfer of chattering cxcittmeiu llioy were all in to he tine. Alis.s Atterljury, Miss AnoJne mid Alls.- Rachel Pettigrew made a feint of treating tho whole subject with deri.-a-u;; but Amelia Pet tigrev.- vuy t.mdidlyconiis^cd tlmt sin- wins at tiactcd by the novelty of the tiling, and ii the re at oftlie girls would agree j-I.u .would cheer- fully tall ia with Mr. Doilin.s's iiuiuoi. -And •’.hu ! why should we not i'Vue inquired, -on o.'i.j will bo sue t-» get .1 good i:uao.iuii, uud wc lo.ty be equally tuio that u.i.e.-.- wo unuscul lo bo would iu runs qumterly manner, koiuc • »ther than one of our own dour tolvc.. will bo the winner. Pa say.- that any persuu acquaint ed with Rollins might have known that if ho ever got iiiunlod .ti ail, :t.would be done up in tho true Rollins stylo, and for Jiis pan, hu caret 1100 uny particular impropriety iu our ownin, thcfco.i imptuchmeui,ar.d making oiirsolvc-sa grnnu llymcnc.:l lottery at Mr. Rodin'.- earliest convenience*. Besides, girls ! it is rut her* :t pleasant reflection tli.ii Mr. Rollins .-light* none of ns. and alter the lucky otie is Married und settled, the three remaining in single* dossed- nets will have that bio.-sedue.-s augmented in this trojihy to our wuuingchnime.” The ladies went off iu iresh cachii.nations al Miss Amelia’s playful oration; but it was plain to see that they were beginning to waver; to think more seriously of the matter, and before they parted, it was—"Weil after nil, no one is to kuow anything about it but ourst Ives—uud if pa foment.:—and if mu conseuts—und, in »Uor*,Mich rathe tendency among the fair sex for lotteries and matrimony, that Mr. Rollins carried his point. it was a cold but pleasant eveuiug iu tho beginning of December, that our lour homines and their lover weroassomblod in lire cosy buck pallor ut Dr. AucdyueV. The ladies looked somewhat excited, but ti.c worthy Rollins \vu» ns comfortable and H-lf-possc-s-foa ns u duck in a mill-pond; he teohied to regard thoupproneh- iug tran-action au in uo degree outre but u« regular ntid busir-e.^ like, mid us just the only method h it, whereby a gentleman with a capa cious heart could bu«*xt nested from a dkcmm.i. •‘Be siitislk-d, ladies!” no encouragingly said, "the result will he right! Hove you nil but my supreme affection will be centered on the prize I draw, for she will 0! course soon be* come my lawful and wedded 6t>misc! Audi would now say, for myself and in tho name ot my dear wife, whoever she may be, that our tricn-lship mu&t be- permanent and Q&iwoken.” At tins, iho Indies in uflutter ot amiable con fusion simpered a little; but just theu the heavy tread of Doctor Anodyne was heard, and their heart ; went pit-u-patu little. The doctor r-u* lured into tha spirit of tho occasion, uud with the most ludicrous but lect niir.g grav.ty put twenty tickets in u box. Each lady hud tier name on live of these, und tire doctor said tlmt he should take eleven out singly, Blinking the box alter eaelr time a ticket was drawn, and the Lidy Imviug tho largest number of the resi due must, according to the stipulation, step up to the Bishop’s office with Afr. Rollins and settle. la the first drawing of the eleven rickets, Mi 3 Rachel Pettigrew und Miss Atterbury ha 1 a majority of tickets, bat tiDo an equal number of them, and there was u necessity for another atteiupt. In the recond series of drawing-, whut a fluttering of heart.* there was when i;ie eleven ticket- were all taken in m the box. As the doctor deliberately opened them, even Roi lin'. bcfivyrd aoinc emotion, [ami ns it was an nounced fiiat n choice had l ot n eCcetod, and on the do t..r'»reque-iiLg ali tic pimitsta dr.i ' 'gh the table,,tlso seem was w.afliy tit*.- pe cil of n Cm.k lady,one ticket; l\/o hid one l;dy, lour -tick't: in Harriet, tho doctors l>*vt iii:3 iustently sprang *r * companionv,ivguid ng i ■ od bride, l-c.-lowed those ut-no bat* lips and Tho marriage can-.c Of groat eclat; the he result wns i<tincr tickets each; ad thi inly Miss !/ dauglrt.-iv Mr. RoJ- gulshsble ardor. Yet us I can marry hut one, the •election mast be made by their casting lots fbr me, and passing strongo it is too, that, this happy thought should ueverhuvo occurred to mo untill tho present hour. And then, in this delicious lottery, I shall bo euro ou my part to draw a prize, lor tho very good reason that there are no blanks. But will tho ladies enter into this arrangementT By my tuul they must. My proposed plan will at least show that I am not partial, and there will be no occasion among them for Jealousy.” It wga to Miss Amelia Anodyne that Air. first intimated the tender sentiments Grid;-*, band. i, and thr with *: w 11. Them fin* Mr. ,n:nl .:c Hcavi-n e!< el 0 in-s-e.- v.h feinrde hands can give in a fow weeks wit •mg i.idics .stand ng a M cronies of Rollins wig o*. his pule, rei ving a mutt h v,H3 preeminently 11 Ir. Rollin'a g"t i« mo : a ’ i.-.r Harriet mtexsinpliirg iture of t ‘lacioua liis-torv h_, 11 hit w ni!c- nny one of the bur knl es wo.f‘ ; i.ully;iufi Mr. wns Mi-s •\ un-yne v.*ln> h id ever truly L-ve-d him. Kr.Mii i*i il.f.'. tl rp, she Ind ciieii.shrd a secret afl- lion foi him who twpi’ty-tlnee yenre ago had won her y s.thfid and .su-ccptiU!* lie.ul, ai.d now luivmg fl.iriy won irtn iu.i l -itc»y, be fo •'ll intc.'.i-ai i\ ; bet l.iwful pro; crJ.v. It is true, Mte w.n - 'inetiniej inclti.t-n l:t!lrjcalou-y ut her litiD,.4i,d’. r. -utd f r line.* fiionds, hit 11s Mr. Rollins that the decision of the Inin concentrated hi: i iie. tloiiscni lier ulor.i-, .-bo lAcamc cMiront. 'i he three *>ie•;!<.• ladies 1 ratified e.l -o that they hud not been hlicvcd aside ai.d ncglc led in this grand sdieme, ever after n n-r Mr. .u.dMis. Roiim.; the sin rg- c. i nttacbnunt,and all thepartie* were ns ic- •;trhr ai d hiursbint i.: the intetvhaugoof fii. n l* ly vi -its, :i- they wen* prior to the rihtiriii'p iY, V. Com. Atlvfiti-tr. Af Ain:: The ii.iii D Indiu-try, ••a-Ynv \ oik, Her. 21— .• u..n.< r d<.!.. *!.!, uinetun days ,n; 1 ivo-i heie to-day. KliC came die lbilr nit- with the schooner ILiltimoiv, t.r Hulifox. The* . was sunk, but the crew w.-re saved. •• i ! Citmilhr, from Pavanimli, n.r lf.tli, rl ut .-*.*;* on the iltii in-t. The wa-l^, * ffby the brig Eagle und have ’ll* an Ili. Wind,«;i\—Oueoi tli'sepagoda niu-aiic.’jj at lliu Ai.:. um Fail-., rg-. abate 1 bv the treniend m 1 gale of tin* I ftli. It w 13 the old otie 20b feet hig’io iilje sunnuit r.f tlu* Lundy’- Lane battle f.M, Tho water below the F.ills’was tor a while rai-vd l<v the flood ahoy, over SO feet higher than iti erdiuary FtfUTIlteJl BY THR rftNAl Iast nlght’s mull brings some additional nows brought by the Canada, which we Insert t ' * •'Iho America waa badly damaged,having lost her bulwarks and bouts, uud hud tho for ward saloon completely gutted. Ono umn on hoard was iujuitd. OllBAT llltlTAlN. A deputation from Liverpool to London liad waited on Lord chireudon to ascertain wlmt la meant by the British dcuionstrntion ugaiust New Grunado. Sir Richard Cubden hud pnblibhed uuothcr letter on Maritime Law. The London Times, iu an editorial, buckH out ot the Arrowsmlth Georgia Railroad hoax. Monfrcd Boy, . u behalf of the Raclia of Egypt, lmd hud un interview with tho Aluiiches*. 1 cr Commercial A^srtciution, touching tho cul tivation of cotton. FiUNGE. It is rumored tlmt Cardinal Morlot’s mission to Romo relates lo the coiouatiouof Napoleon, which, should peace be consolidated, will pro bably lake place early uext year. Oommct cial affairs of Franco uro not regard ed us unfavorable, but much dissatisfaction is felt because the bank does not relax. Corn is declining in all the French matkels. SPAIN. Advices from Madrid state, that public opin ion wuu htrongly uguin&t the uew loan, and the Miuistcrof Fiimnce would probably resign. Malaga and Saragossa are atill politically agitated, but there has been no opeu outbreak. THE KKOFCUATllfl QUESTION. The King of Prussia 1ms presented thu reso lutions of thu German Diet ou the Neufchatel questson to the Great Powers, inviting them to join in collective view with a view to secure its rights. France and Austria advised Prussia to ab stain of this great question, promising ut the saute tune to support her views. There have been a great many marine dis asters in the Mediterranean sen NAPLES, The attempted assassination of the King of Naples occurred at a review of the troops on the Stir inst.. Accouuts of the affair differ. One says that whilo the troops were defiling a soldier rushed from thu ranks, striking the King in tint left side. He was arrested. .. SICILY. All was quiet in Sicily. The insurrection had been .-oppressed, und Renteventa, the leader, lmd been taken prisoner. The police of Messina hud seized a quantity of niu-kct* landed lor lhe irmtirgeuts. Count Lovatelll, an eminent Liberal, had been assassinated at Ravenna. KUSslA. The text or the note addressed by Russia, in October, to the Allied Powers, bus been pub lished, accompanied by a circular, demanding the re-iissenibling of the Conference at Paris. It contains an expose of the steps taken by the Russian Cabinet to insure the fulfilment of defends the Russian policy with regard to the 1. Ie of Serpents und liolgnid. The report Inut tho Rus.-hns had demanded permission to occupy theturitoiy of Morganis, is confirmed. it is reported at St. Petersburg, that there are at),OOU Russian troops ready tt* march to the frontier of Persia, on the very slighost instr uc tions from the FKitSlA. Ti.c- Pewisn capture of'Herat is confirmed. THE LATEST. Pahih, Yuursday.—The Journal Dos Debuts i.ays that England in entering ou tire Confer ence, lias distinctly declared that she will con form to the decision of the majority. Tkiiujbm; Flirts in Philadelphia—Onk H'-ndubd and Forty Houses Bukxen.—Phil- adeiphin, Dec. 23.—Three destructive fires o*> currcd here last night,keeping the firemen at wmk all night. John Fuusten’s brush und bl*>ck factory,in the lOtir Ward, was totally du-troyed.throwing two bundled hands out of cm pi •yu.c-ut. •Mills& Fiyrm’fl omnibus stables, West Phil-r- delnbia, were also destroyed, with HO lrorsefi uud 50 oinuibusses. Wii-on’splaning mill, near tiro N-tvy Yard, v.-os burnt. Tote] loss, $100,00D. the 20th and 21st articles of the Treaty, and iUUr 1 u! aammi-iia.., a.. <i.» U..—1 01. 1 . . .1. uiKm luo cstalu ol ln»; Uj > Tllt-e a. c liit-rota .* lo ci y in Cities—Hoaklrt Flvlh.— New York, Dec.22—‘Thodonths here Jatt week were 372; ol these 35 were of scarlet fever, in” a foiling off in that di-epse of JO, since last n Tli- deaths from sc-n let fever in Boston l.i-.t week were 40. Bohemian translation of the draiu&tiu works of fibakspeare has just Islt the pre-s, ond ij spokeu of a el editable affair. W» learn from the Paris j mrnals tliat Hit* Italian opera is at n v.-ry low ebb in that city, while tin* tjotidou paper.- inform us that in that city iti-iailtlici-.rgc. •1 sleamc. during t)v Tbo -jwuer< oftlie Bremen lino wiU nut dispatch either of them uiontii ot Januaiy. OF Cbl'.U tL. Savannau, Dec. 25,135S. uuctt met—Pa-srnt, ilia lion. James P. Sert-veii, Mayor; Aldciuicn Gordon, Kuloy, Champ:-n, hAsInger, Walker, Po.-,ty. ii j. 'iP.’.iiiua Purse uu Alderman elect, up- p.*ai( ii and liie with of oflke duly admin- : t> t Council v ti deuce iu Souti House, bat k e it up upon .1 1. hail brick tbic pairs as may *. ditiou ol two i itury in the i> thu mum t..i! j itii Till, WAS Amount ot. W.ilkci. lfosolrid.T, . .•lock, l\ M., by Edward G. Wilson, J. P. l'hTtrlUN. of Mrs. .SaIpiuu Cooper pniyiug ill allow her to move tier rc-i- i Broad street, opposite the leu [sun tho proper line i.i.d to ruiu* 1 ick basc-mt-nt to be one and n k, aSo to make mi h general 10• c necessary aud to inuke an ad ojuis by running up the lower .r about n- high as tire eves of iug. and roofing, sri.l addition read and granted. • counts passed $01.41). .<d .aid adopted by Aldtimau i t Council tidjouimd until 7 nox Monday. Coum i! adjoin n Kdwakd G. Uil-on. Clerk of Council. iv ltd., ltd*. uut.s.tcla the •u niariiiugoftlie* and pujit-rfe "< »..*•• .'SU-ai Ur ... iirfto labeled, item uur book* vo tl..- biud’ug «*: »suirci II,. . any iSn-nmi Pori uf Sitvmnmlt.: .UcMiulwr J47 A wived. St*.lrr Kllza .Mm, IRuuli'g.i, r^-oo.liue, with *J.480 bushels rough rive—u> It lhbt 1 -.tiurn t Bon tftoop rwatlow, Uuie, Osocheo. with 3600 busli roiigh riue, to liabcrshum A- Hon. ‘Reamer Wm.Soahrook, Polk. Tharlestoh, via Ocaufort, &c, to .1 I’Brook- Ntmuior Haudoll'ti, Ward. Angutta, loS M L«r. tUciu Wiuktor'd tlni. from iiliatnla-n. with B.'O hu^hulx rough rino, to ’/ N tVlriklor., Ship Co out-l. Cussi*y. foverpmjt—A Low .V Co. Tcru Kulu Uriglmni, Norti-n, Nt-w York—UrlghHui, Kelly & Co. Potar buuuuot DuPont, Cursou, Ptriimlelpliis—Hun lor A Utunuu.'i!. Schr, Purkc-r, Ituvaim—Ucur*, lln.iurmou & Co* Schr Mrtlnu Law, Paoknn', PiiUu.iojphiu— Urlgbatn, Kelly .'. Co. Ucp-irlid. -tcutnur Swuir, Brown, I'cmoro’.* Ferry. Steamer ltnudolplr, Ward, ,* ugusta. CimsIgiiH'K, * t’vr l»ri|t Compeer, fioin i.ivwpo..;_ crane*. W x Co. Uatler»h.» &Co, .sit teffilium, X ti A- H Weed. Order. Purtitojuror W Saab took, from ChurloMun, .vo— 11 butt’s cotton ut-o mdze. ro. r Hrooks, J Iticl.- nrd.-oti, J b ■ dot Pasuiij'i-n, Porsteamer Wm.-eatuooh, i.-m i iiar.est:m, Xx*— J J (Jomiiiig?, \V ii li.r/zai , a and soin't' Ark- wiighl uud4 rvta, ii Wm-... Sn atUrtim. Mai ler i'lttlcraib, MLj .nonal , .1 1 .nonall, W t.lake, F W J-r.-Aliug amteU. UecuipU Per Ceiitrui Uutlroud. lire, .b —11-Jbbik-.icotton....-.{.in—1571 bates cottou, 55 bbl.-, flour, t»d bat .* .n.un, u - ct) hide- a*.d mi.zo. to Lull.,-, p .v , i,, Pur.-on.- Jcu-, I’uttcn, 11 \ (•o, Order, A lltru idgi', nubun «Uarave a To, ; ui'ii ,V W, Crane, W a to, Co, en.- H, liothwell A* Yt, Codlt.H X V, l.utki-tt ,5.1,0. 1) X L. Xiuiy X Co, \\iy a J. ilunier .t • , D.itaan. A* Co, iltni.s. u, r X I t. Frunnu.i k ii. aud oilier Xtui Abucrtisi-mcntc To «Uu Voters of tiu Thr 1 a litnt, u, 31. 1 kcl-jW CiT.ZK>d : I am u caiididato tor the uAlce of ,)u«iiei*0l the »V...e in y.iur Uist lict on raiiir.luy, , January !> ai?.t rcjj'ecU'uf- ■y u.-k yom .h j oii. Vo ir uu'i »,•) v*i, ui -7-*t ' -c.- M-. it''J.l.AXi COUNT V. Where*-*, tl. ortduary for :-la.noiitO IK- ot^ouoiA fJV'H.iwhoro it may X ttoward will npj.,y ..1 tli*.- il uiuy coii.-vru t«- bo uo.l m to uuKvol.jc 1:0.. (n any U.i-y Inw U.c-Ihsl Mokdi.y it. Fcortury nuut iUL-rs W. i l>e ^MOicU. WltilOss, W. I*. (ill'ur<lcuu, Lsq Liboriy county, ttds 3d i.caun dec'- \V. 1*. Ol .ed: i-h «.ll whom re mbl Co Tihuuiy thr rea . •RAU, 0. L T TEN 1 i.uECK LOUjiSi'. 'HE UAH AND Dim'd SALOON rtm. injured nioiy r-- do-7-3 K I-' di.lX, .-u.*y To the Vole:-!, ol the- Piv.t l)litrl..t, l'Kiiaiw-cij.- 1 am acandM-.r- lor 10 eioem u t.# rj,,. ..flf-w ot Juslict the Peace, for ihi. bi-irra, una rcijiecifufiy sr.lfcd ycur upjiori. : lie etved u wifi be bold ttiihoetDce Jotiiiod ihon.-.j L eu, on tuha of )ai»i.a<-), 1S07 7 o’c.ock, A, -.. dec .5—"I LA Ci LX> t. • uXXLLi . OiTtce Sav.. Atbnny t*. Gulf ' li. Co.,) savannah Dcrannm -Jdi. 13:0. j A X ELECTION fur Thittecu Directors of UU .'uvauniili, A.r.nuv him (iuil ltuilroa i to juny, wilt b*.-held ut iha nlflea, 0:, da; of JaucKry next WM. W.attX.. XJAill-tt.'t} dosSI—td Jleelrnulc^* S.* lug Han];, 1 -ivatina!.. i»h fa.., J6ir,. / O X WEDXESDAY StXf, 31s. iustout.-un elevliott will bohcl ! ui i!i„ Pu'iking hmisv .fly for Five 11 rumors n. iimuiij'i- tho utlairs this Bamc for one year doC'Jn—coca a. Si. WILUA.Ma, Cashl r. ' Important to planters! ' VAN DERVEER COTTON. • HI. liXi>hlU-J(/N' t> hnv • f"! ;..<ie a liinuliq. ’ tuy • tloiity over. Ih-.-. as mt!< h >>r i.m.ii •-1. i. - Uw 1 a;nd- -.-t per u.«:r» ‘Uoi. direr C«>U«. •trougj-r limn an) o TWO In FOUR fen idi.'rt t'.iUoli .->(ild iu statement F»rie\ J.a Jl S II|I l Uyuid: -•flier Colton t than any i tluej and We Ir i«, . '»!r. V lilM -i-llcnre ol < to rUL’H L-l'CotloU Mi oi-r. b -r. 16.*. *1’a tan lust ir • tuton, have i'.m.ifc,. ■ .if tO Hj , malt F:i.i f lip.n a .~x u.: m.y.t 'i i;».\ ,m> Clerk ut Cuuncil's Office,) SaVAiiuuh, 22J December, Ijorj. j An electi'di lor the hiiluwing city ofikc-is will take place at tlic* niveting oi Co.-noilto be lieid .Monday, 5tli day <»l January next, viz : Harbor \hs.or—*uiary SI,200;*bonds j'j.UOU. Htiiltb Ofllctr—ulury $500, und fro*; bond? $1,000. Ion Vendue Ma-lc-ra—bomls $1,000 Vendue Masters must set flirlli in tiieirappli- cations "the stoic or place ut which lie intends to conduct or cany on hU general vendue or auction business.” Applications slating the names of the sertiri- tie« (reipiircd to each lutiui) nut-t be handed into tu me before 10 o’clock, I’.M , of that day. tty order of Council. L'dwaiiij (I. Wilson, Clerk of Council. I I.KCTtON nuiicu—city ofkickiis. Au election fur the following city officeis, by Council, will take place ut the next ivgiilur meeting of Council, to be bold on Thursday, the«th Januaiy, 1807, ut half past 7 o’clock, P. M. Salary Ruud. C,ty Treasurer. $1,200and fees, $1U,UU0 Clerk of Council... City Marshal City Surveyor Messenger of Council Clerk of the Market .400 .. .000 . 1,000 .000 . POO 'Marini; Losssfs.—It is stated iu the New Yoil: paj ers that the close oftlie year gives, mobg other Hmitmarios, id lean a footing than t'veulysix million-; to the los.tvi by marlm ilcr.vritcrs during 1656, of which two-third falls upon New York city. Los?.—Among the lo.>t on board thoill-fatod sleamc-r Lyonnais, was Don Jose do Culatc, a Spanish ouia-r of rank, Jiving in Cuba, and Hun viucer.t Diaz Comaz, r.f the same Island. Tiiu latter gentleman had got ton up a Royal Album, and was on hn way to Spain to Intel en! the Queen iu its r-uccres. Aiijia and Munitions pok Nicaiiaova,—-A ."uspic-iotH ftenmear«d Harriet, has arriv ed at Analachicoln, Fla., with lout teen hundred siaml of nrnnnnd ammunition, A-.;., on board. It i i nipfo-ed: ho i; destined for Nicaragua. Extensive Rt'mNts. : ».-~Sjnce thoopculnr; of navigation to the pnpeot time, the Hudson River Tron.'-pnrtotion (Jompnnv bns <atrii-d front Albany to New Ycnfc nver*4n.f>00 of cattle,60,ObO swine, and 10,000 slu rp, upon which tho buck chorees amounted, nemlv to $300,000. , * Ninety-six young Indies of Memphis have, petitioned tho Council of that city to clean out and nave a certain street. It is needless to nly elv- II,i: .-MlHctlully. lUVil, VN J). £5T .vli p.»u»inj.,;,u.'iz«ii l.oi-.-J.llo biuygtilj. • lUc ub.ivc Ct-critic 17 Uny sitt,.-.ava. >lllUIIIClTIiii jiltdllyl'ill'l’. abb bad Inspired, and on the first mention of it | say tlie petitioned was granted at once. Sit v«* nnn COTIOX—tu ces o; ii..- c.i,. yosisi'K; wer. 110-i-j. .loll Slat aJ'j, ,v>.| UV i-OOl.- i; 1 Havana—.-: lor. Elll./ ..i • ton. 1 •. . J > o .-lunfour ,l.,i Xx.'.V \ ' *Ii rv - LLVF.IU’OOt —; Brig fo>nj|.ai-r—*. c n>tvi i *Iiu-l£«-», D. ccmiii-i- g nurkot > estt-r.lay iimfor t! i,4 i.i tviibtitii ciiange. Un- Hai«s 7AOUalo.*, viz: tonal 1», i.; ..i i;, 4.-.i 11 *i. iu ai 1-, ia: fl.ilos Jethro nt t M. klfpiirl*. ' .Cam—bafot '.''.i'U, I n w—o7. 1,1)00 5,000 2,00! 300 1,000 2,00 - t, .acbij... , -**» s a Lip .Llizal’»tli—<.’i.iUhkssalt .... - tea- coal. 14 cases steel, 8 btlfo it higi on*N, do, 02 ban; irt-n, 21 en-.l:* nantws t,-‘> Anvil*, 10 balm bj-^li.^,pkg HAVANA—Br.g lied Wing—lu7 hhils molasses, 0 tea do, 24,COO aegars und u quantity of fruit. Keeper of the Power Magazine. Fee. Chimney Contractor lor that part* of the city cast of Dull atrn.-t. Fees 200 Chimney Contractor Jor tiiut part of the city west of Dali .*4 reel. Fees 200 Keeper ot the Pest Hou.-e.. . 3ui) 600 Five Port Wardens Fees 500 I vveivc Measures and Inspectors of Lumber l-Ves 500 One Inspector of Turpentine.... Fees 2w) • me Inspector of Flour.Fees 1,000 i wo Inspectors of Wood Fee* 600 i wo Inspectors of Salt, Grain, ccc J-Ves 600 I wo " und Gungcra of Liquor Fees 500 •Six Weighers of Cotton, Rice, Ac Fees tjtjo City Printer 600 1,000 Superlntendant of the Fenven^t-r Depart* iiu-nt for 3 yea is—bidstn i>w banded in before 10 o'clock A. M. of the day ol tin* election. $1,000, more than the bid. Proposals for keeping the Public Pumps aud Cisterns in order, ' raining wills, aqueducts, cc-s.vpools, «fcc., for one year. Contractor to furnish oil mulct iais. 1’ropos.tLs for keeping the city docks in good order for one year. Applicants und contractors must hand iu their applications or proposals to mo before two o’clock, P. ii., of the day previous to the election; and state therein the nunn-s of then •ccnrilics—two required to each bond. The bonds of all contractors mo iu double the anio int of contract. [Contractore me e.-uc- ciab'y directed to read the following extracts from city oidiuauces:] ib ac by virtues* oftlie resolution passed by Council on tlie 22d December, iS5*J, and iu com- j'limco with tho city ordinances. Siivnnnuh, 22d December, lb,Mi. Edward G. Wilson, Clerk of Council. NBW'mjoKsT RECEIVED BY WAKNOCK & DAVIS, II .’lu-s ay. Dec Klin, lso. I’*- "r uc.« •.( tiu Ifou.v-of, or ifjr U « year* i. . Ito'y City, buitq. a •ii..-, ot n-tiers <-J Alb.-, u .fow os ot Alov.iu i.i , . - j *ti i nin 7 in Jeru a •be nay* «»f Hero.i, .-»!-ii-o--t*<l io her tu- h i , . w'lilu.y Jew In ftiypt, u.ui t.-iat-n^ .a by un .ill Illy PC-.*I!1- .uni wontleriiil uiclif.-UL- i ; It.’- I.itu • ! f Xa/imtU Iruai hi.- h.ipfi.-ni in .t-.m-'u to ilia Cruelflii'i.i iit, c.v'v.'iy; hv (t< v l‘n»T. 4 ti Ingraham, rrctnr of fit Jnhnfo Chirircb. MahlV*. a tale oi* thu Roman Ktnpiro. nut oilier ?loi i<-s, y Fniilo Fouva-ire, auUiur f iLo .sine J hiiovopher in 1'uri^, tic., kr.. WORK Of J.-\e atil Loarn, a guide for nit who wfoJi io •peak* writo correctly. For j-hIo at ihu douthcra £ooit<tnd ^utioucry iiopot, dalO 169 Congress at. Sight Preserved 1 BLIHDNE8S PREVENTED 1 SEMMON8 & CO., THE CELEBRATED HAN UFA CIVltBliS AND IXVMT0H8 Of The .Vewly Itivsitled and Improved SPSOTAOIiBS, f pitoM thu improved H,.-uoniclu Manufactory mui ; Cornwall optical Establishment, East Bridge 'truro, ro-puoilully their urrival on spro- fothloual visit to Savannah, with a splendid assort- mout of their nowly invented and Improved Spec* taoles uml nny b<- Coin-ulted ou and otter Monday next, tbo thiil iu-t., at their ofllco over tho Drug ttorouiS !». Bruut'y & Co., llodg-ou's uew build iuvs, corner of bull aud Brouphtou street*. i’lioso celebrated Spectacles are made of Brnziliau I’obb'.oj. aud constructed In uccorduuco with tbo ph lusopliy ot uuture, iu tho form of aeoucave cou- vex-mlrnw, admirably uuaptpd to the organ of algbi, and can bo used by the old aud the young to pursue the most minute employment, either by it"/ <-r caudle light, with perfect oase, and never cau-i! tiu giddiui'ss oftlie head,or impaosastsen nation to the oyo. tlmt muny exi>crience from using the co.mnou kitiu, but lend to struugiheu aud Uu- pr**vo tut* sigh 1 , as wilt oe seen by thu following te.-aiiuouiuis linn Uusn u.-iug them. filliuo htuis iroiu 8 A. 11. lo 51’. M. sv.u,null, December lW;h. TKS'l IMLOAT.4L8. H.iitLtno.v, 3. C.. Oct. ‘.5th, 1666. Dear sir it adbrdi mu/reut ploasu o to statu that besides tho excellent qa dity of your glasses, the rntuHcu.-, ,.r concavo-convex l«*ns, allow greater latitui.o in the Uold of visiou. aud inure U.4.-C au-l comfoit to thu eyu. besides thu3c (idvantuges, 1 would aflo tuimtiuu your improve- ment iu the urraugemeiii of the frame, which 1 think ia won calculated t<> abut oil tho.-.u rays of ligl.t which cuii! ot Lo brought within tho axis ol vision, b- tins *.i it may, 1 huvo no hu-iution in uliirtiiiiig that your glos.rus udiird tno more comturt ttr.n uny 1 have hitherto tried, uui consequently 1 can rocotniueiid tliuui with oonddeuou to all who stand in »l such aid. Very ru • ccunlly, your ob’t torvaui. i OKUIll.Vli.4, M U., rrureosor of Surge ry, n. c. College. Mr. J. 11. Sommoud, Chiu lo-ton. CUAKLMIOX, Nov 7, 1.55. Mr. J. II. rii-mmoiisDear sir: 1 havo uml y, ur gias.<-Of Uu- ten days or more, and mest ioav ».iy that piuiWu uu Imttor thuu any I Lav hcretolorc scon. Wishing y. u ail sue- sss, l um vout.*. Ac , U. r.DWAIUW IlOl.'JKOOh, ». i»., Froicato! of Anatomy, . udical i.oilvgc, a. C. Acavan-A, La , Xov. td, 1856. I have i xanilned and am now u-ing u pair ol the* bcaut-ful cry.-tsllne, uiin.tcus purcimted by Piv-foasor bouton. Ibey aru cousirucicd ujion hiricty phiioropbic&l piiliciplch, and Iroiu several con.-liioiauocs, aie noi surpoase-d, if equalled, by nuy 1 have over seen The coiiCAva-uouvcz form of the i&u.-es rc&uiu- tiling the »ixtcr or arraligoinui.t of thu linuiau eje, coliiKU u I i g>:r nuiubui of rays ibuu could be cou vc) e i ui <.ti i utiiia from oi uinary gla. : so-> o; the f uiue dsial piiive-r, uud tlius the dLitnct- n, n<*-r> oi vision. The of tbo gla*sos, also, givt ,i ginatc-r held of viaiou with less muse-ular a- tliai. In short, Uio whole arrangement seotiiK admiral ly u ilculatou to promote ease aud distinct- iveuess of vision, uud to preserve the heallfy fuiiebon ol that Invaluable or*au, (be Iiuiuhii eye A. iIJiAXN, red 21 Fr.if. o.' Chemistry. Duo. Mud. «'oi. ACSCsia, Xov. 17, Uli. Mi. c.edvou . is tarnished me with a pair ol v-peuacie.-, ti.nn which 1 d«i ivt- great comfoit aua iM.-m-hi n. Icciuring, I cheerluiiy unite with 1 role Di ga-. ond i>n,j hell, iu tLeir i-ecouilm-ndiiaou ol ills NpsothciJ, a- EVE, XI. D., Prof. Sled. Cot. Uro. .V.r. a. u-iJc j, .—I'oarSir; 1 have tosUd mor- ought), 11Li:iK. itio Spectacles purchased tl' you, suiu take phasurv m saying 1 am very much incased wl ii them I lOitiid them decidedly mure casy and c<-mf« rtabfo than any I have over tried, 1 ex perience no fatigue or drawing ol the e)e*, which had been tin- LO..U with all other glasses I have u ed;, ol, the coutraiy, utter using them night and day for fOiiio time, 11X] cr.eucu no unpleas jiiitnehr- wliaiover. i do not pretend to uaderftacd anything of me ncii'Utmo principles U|>ou whicli they are construct- o i; bin, imho a practical u-o oi r them, I cheerfully ad .- n yi<sLiuoii) to their Mij-erfor qus.iiy. v-oy rospcctiuliy, 1*. 8. b AVI UK. ■Vac.-ii, W.. Ja.i dd, 1560. docile KLKCTiOK NOTICK. 4 '■ i leciiOii will lui held at the Court flou.-e in Ijl tho oily of .-a-, aunati, on Mondry, Iho null day wfj.-.m:i.r) (foi.7) itisuin..', lor u Judge of thor>ujM- rior Courts :or tho eastern Judicial Distiicl ofGeor gi:t. dye Jubiiees of the Inferior Cou it for lliecoun ty oi Chatham, a Tax Coiiei tor aud .t receiver oi Tax Batnrus for Chutfl..m roumy. Iho Polls will be jpened nl seveu o’cltck, A. M. and be clo-ed at six o'clock, P. M The Mic-i.ll' oi Chntlmm county, or his lawful Deputy, together with tlie Count) ' o.iatublcs, are requiu-d lo belli attendance :o ; ri i-r\ u und iiiainnun order, rim Justice- u. .he Inferior t'ourt preside. Hy order - O'. lhtlf Honors: WJIL’AM H. CUYJ.hR, J I. C. C. C. .tJOXTOUMLTlY Ol .MMlNli, J I U C. C. NO All ii KN'AtP, J. I. C. C C. JAM'S K. (I*iliFKEY, J. I.C. U. c. tlltUiUHI I*. Jl-UtlihSoN, J. i. V. C. i. Attest: \V. tl. ilL'LLoCII. Uurk l. C. U. C. ded7 EhRCTIOS NOTH K. A .N Klevtiou Is heiely ordered lo bo lie! i ai tbe Lngim: house in Wusbiiigtoii square ou -ainr- day, the third day of January, Ir67, loeitci two Ju-tices ot the Pimcl-tor the fourth District, (ti. .VI) * I-tovided for by law. The Po in will lie opi-neo t seven o'clock ol that duv, and he clu-i-ii ai Uvi- 'chick. P. M. eLvaniiah, iwlh Dec., IHUi. FHKUU0LDCU9: w. i-i.ncan'. John k. tcckku, J bh ilk J-; AI.I-.3L J. C. Sll.t W, O. O’KOl’HKK, (lei: 14 EVililY ’DAY (» —^ Brings Something New. H ave you -or-n tie (JOl.l Ex KAUI.KF If not take ii look at oKIFF’.S Jewelry store, there he Maiub with wings spread, and there he will 'land a term niier fctorm. A.-o, ihc Fattier t-f all Clocks Inuarrived, kceji- ng the day o tho Week, day ol the-Month uud year. It is wenh I'.ioifiiig at, and can be seen u. r-JC.FF'N wuh a great variety of Uile Cli cks. '-'•'h a ticking you ntver hoard. The llelidayB nc c.iniitig. all the litllelo.Vs and some of the big oin-r oxj cct ;-n <cnt-. SKiFF Inii a rate as t< rtment 11 lam-y articli-.s aud jewelry, au taole for h!I cla.-9i.-s. at re<isoiiMbltf|-rice». A lino a,-drtmeiit of new and liiucy Nlivi-r Ware will bo received by atcumsr to-day. V. tv. SKIFF, Sign of thr* (J Iden Eagle; de£-lw tu9 Congress st. RKJsLl.VG OFF* ulLKS, CASHMERES, M. DeLAINES O Stella ami ITurii.-awl, (huh Cloak*. Faxony Flaids and oilier slyfo- o'. \V inter (iuous at (rKEATI.V REDUCED I KICIOS. fioc-3 I-kH'ITT k MORGAN. xoncK. CQUinS, CRACKERS, FIRE WORKS aud O j .*Vl EILS—Ordilianve p u-.-.eii Dcc’r 15,1817. vviiiMUiw, much dungiir is upprenended from the odiargoof guns. p.Hlob. squibs or oilier iuatru- -.‘lit-', wherein the aiticlu of gur|iowderLs uh-iI, witliin tbe limits oftlie ci y of Savannah, by iucon- sidi raU'perK n- almost every evening. •->C. 1. Thai from aud ulcer the passing or this Ordinance it shall bo the duly of the marshal of the city uforiv.nin. and the constables thoroof, to inform against all and every whilo person round wfihiu the limits of the »uid city discharging or attenipTing to disohitrgo, any guilt 1 , pLtois, nr other tl rearms, crackers or nny oilier Incombusiiblo proyaratiou, and that tho percon >o informed againntho pun. ishod 03 koreluatter uienlionod, ifairco white par son. to be tlne-1 in a sum t ot exceeding Sod. Sec. 2. That If uny perreu of color b-.* muud so of fending as aforeduid, such purvoii of color (hall re- o ivo corporal punishment uot cxt-aedlug teu. lash es, to be Inflicted by the officer present. clerk or CooxaL'n Ovrics, i Savrtunali, votli Doceuibcr, I86d. J To the Cil v Marshal, tho Captain of thirPohco, and other oiRccrs and private* Vou are hereby uotitieJ to strictly obsnvoand cnlorcothe provisions of ths abovo Ordinance, cm nud utter Motid-iv next. By order of JAMES I*. SCREVEN, Mayor. Edward O. Wilson, Clerk or Council. doc21 juveSiLE amkuals roFim f rMlE VIOLET, n Christmas and .Now Year's gift, X wlih six colored illustrations, Iu cloth and mo rocco; price 51 23 aud $1 (IO; • Tho ifo-ebud, illustrated with numerous engra vings, bound iu- loth and lU 'rt cco; price SI 25 and St tO. Tho Humming bird, a Christmas and X’ew Year's gilt, edited by Ida Maitland, iu cloth and. morocco; price $L 25 aud SI 00. . Tho Pet Anuoul, witb-ix Illustrations; pncoSl 26 and 51 00. The Christmas box, with 6 eagavlngs; price $1 26 aud fel on. For sale by WAKXOCK A DA VIA, dsclT • 169 OoDgrsss surest. 8WAS & CO’S. L0TTEI1IK8, [Auniowwm, uv thx sura ok aumama. | ^nntjjcrn Bititani araiimti Intltti CLAPd L, To be drawn In tho City of Mobile, Alabama In public, on TUFFDaY, December CO, te&ij 1 on the plan of ' a-liyGLE NUMBERS. Jobs UCHrw.and W. W. Modt-imt, Fnp, Comm'r, 80,000 Tli-kcU—3,^30 Frizes I Uoro than Ono Prlzoto every Ten Ticket, SUliEALbl! 11'rtM ofr... $40,ooo I 11 ‘rise of.. 1 “ .... l2,Ooo to I nzer u.. 1 “ .... 6,000 > 100 *• 1 »» .... 2,0001 loo *• 1 “ .... 1,000 Al’FROXlM AT ION .-tl.IRM 2Uii PRIZES; 4 prises of 515J approxini'g I.»i.40,oo0are fe,.-,, 4 “ 126 •• J2.0UOani Aim 126 100 76 8,280 prises atuountiug to. FlUCK 4JK msSlTr Whole Tickets tlO; Halves $3, quarlere t. j., 80,000 Prizas of 840 will t,o UoU-rmiLcd bv ti e latt flguro of the .Number Dial draws the Mn.ow Prise. For.cxuinplc, lithe Xu inner ilruwiiig tlie 840,OoO Prise ends with X'*i. 1, u„-n uil ibi- Ticket* where thu number ends in 1 wo, be artifice lo «,u If the Number ends with .No. J lin r. u„ tl, t . i, CKe ^ where the Number eui'n m 2 Will bo cmitlud u, 840, and so ou to 0. Ccriltlcaies ot Packages will bo f oi.i nt Ui.* rm lowing rates, whicu i.- me risk : CcrtiUcalci. oi Packages oi jo Whole 1 -ckeo-... f- u " loiu-i - *’ lo quarter •• n, ^Address Orders for Tickets or Cortiilcutes - u - r to S’. i-WA.N & CO.. AtlttLta, o'a. V,, S. SWAN, Montgomery', A;t., m-1 °°V28 box s-j, Fuvitn’Lali j-. u - - ■ ■ Southern Military Aiademy Loii’y. CLASS M. To be drawn in the city of onraturduy, Junutir) lo, i- ,7 \ lt , SINGLE NUMBERS. in public, P’hu 01 Johu Martel and W. W. MiUuire, L-qs., (.omm'r, 3U,UU0 Tlckt u:—3,vist) Frlzv*! More than ouo Prize to every Ten Tlckete! NOVEL bCiii-.Mi:; \ Priss of $fo,0u0 I 1 Prise of ‘ ” Da.O'0 I lu Prize* of ' ^e>) 1 “ 1,00'-' j u APPROXIMATION IV.USKfi ; 4 prise, of 8H.0 apjdg to U ,eue prlt. 8 40 2000 loo 4U 4 i e food 5oe •rOO J2.O00 6, uud 2.01-0 i.ioo 1‘rissiare J10 " l,fct).» •••J 1.0,000 3--80 prizes amounting to Tickets 810, Halve. t5, Q iarrer* t _ t.-.i, fho drat 210 prizes are dvaded in lire u.,, ^ oiauner. The Ural 3.000prizes oi 340 be decided by u.4 laatilgurubl thu Number that drawti the hie,one Prize. Fur c-xumple, ifthentrultr draw-rug ti,. •15,000 i rize etnia with .So. 1 theu all the pckei. where the number ends la 1, will 1 e entitled to t-ji If tbe number ends with .No then all the tkkeu where ii.u number ends in 2 whl he ei.tified lo Uo and uo on io u. CertidcLtes of PAckugc. will be sci-i ti the fol lowing rales, which 1. the rick: CerUlicatu oi p mhagei of 10 w hole tickets b«-< “ ** JO hall - bo M “ lo quarter *• ie Orders for tickets or certihcate. can be adui • either to 3. SWAN' A- CO., Atiuifiu, Cr,.. 01 3. 3WAX, Monigomer). Ala and corner bull and bay .1 reels, ifowu-nuh. TOV28 FOilT GAl.SKb AV.\Di£.M \ lACi l'l. it \ OLA-jr to. To be drawn In thu city of Atlanta, On., ... TL'EsOAY, Janury XO, IF57, on 11,t p er, 1.1' H.Nt;i.F. Xt’MBKKn I! 1 80,000 TtcKfls“»3,S07*l , *ixe» .Nearly Ono Frizu Ioevery N'luo Tickeu BRILLIANT SC U 1LN11, 1 Prize of.. 1 do 01 1 do 0! I do wl 1 do of I ifo ol 1 do ol 10 Uo ol Uo do ol 100 oy yf 100 do ol 3tOO do »f 8,307 prizes amounting to..... 875,000 b , lOjfl-O Ia.. )o,oe0 ii.. , liytw u.. 4,000 Is.. 1 100 I. .. 1,1-00 !>.. -.'tOi.r-. Whole Tickets *10—il.ilws fj~ 82.00U Prizes of » be uelenoli.ed by tbs iust Uguieof tbe i.uinl i.r lli.d draws the sdty-n Prize. For examph*, U the number diuwing Un |40,0u0 ITiseend.- with Xu. 1. theu nil the Intel-, where the number r ods 01 1 will be entukd o* If tho Number end. with No. then *..l the in .» wheie the number ends in _ will U- uniiffo; 0 , aud so ou to 0. ■ CcrtiUcHtes of Package, will bo ml 1 at fin fol lowing rates, which iv the n.-k: Certidcc-e of]*uckaget»f 10 IS tn-fo Ticket l “ •* JO trail , - ,,i “ •* lo quarter •• ).y PLAN Ol-' TillC LOiTEPilES. 30,000, Numbers corrcjondiog witn ihc.-»- num bers ou the Tickets are p.uud in one V. ht. i i:.« Ilrst2l0 Prises un* plac'd in uncil.u .1 number Is 1I1 awn ihmi the tiumoer Vwa., uiA ,.i the suUie time a Pr.Ze is drawn lj.1,1 tin- • ;t, u r Wnccl. The Pnzu drunu U pHtfen ■ j.<* Number drawn. This iteration is icj-oafo.: nnm u|l the prisw- are drawn 01,1. IX' Oilbrd.I.M; TICKET.* 5 , Enclose the money to uur a-idresr r •),« '* ordured, ou receipt of which tin v will b,, r.Ji •! by ilrat The Ibt of drawn nuuiltrs and pun-swill be ■I ‘-a . if •n.i..cuia'i'ly ttftir It,-- ,!r..wi:- ( ,. O • ip'<‘.T Q ( write iheir • >i.,.tur plan . ai-.. !.»ir lVs. udi-*e. Cou,ly uud ri- ini .-r every pr.v.e is ii.ew,. . js bio wiihov.t di.duclion.* A : pi i/.es 01 b 1,000, uud under, paid injii.«-*Mat« !) utter iu ui awing—other prizer at ti.e i..-u i.t,i,. -i thirty days, t'uli without dtdncllon. W AUcoiumuuicatioubbtricl.y c«.uCi!.-ut ai. PrizeUckvU cusued or ri Lewcu in other t .c., at cither office. Address orders for tickets or ceillffi-aus i-ulwi 1 8, JsWA.N K CU., Atlt.'iuu, us , S. FIVAX’, Monlguinery, A or Box 200, Mobile, Ala delft KOVAL HAVANA LOTTED\ fpiIE uext Ordinary Drawing of tire RuyoJ X Hat ana l/atcry. coudu-ted by t!.<- rpu.^!. fiovei nnii-nl, under ilia supervision i>i tnc (npiaia General ol Cuba, wiil take j lace at H..\ n a, < kRtui'diiy, Juiiuui-y .'id, l's »7. §258,0») 0! 1 80RTEU NUMEKO -JN <4.M'ITA1. PlUZn' Cr 1 prize or $100,000 1 « 80,000 1 . 1 •* 20,000 i “ 10,000 I “ 4 0,000 4 approximations to the ? ofS40U to 860,000, 4 or (400 ' 810.000, -t of $200 to $5.0oo. Whole Tickets $20-11 a. OSr Prises casbad at sigh count. bills on all sprout tonka A drswiug will bs forvvar anil in known. .... CommunicHtloiiaadiiresifd foK-N JAu-Libiw.. (rare of City Post, Charleston, c. C .) onul 6 of January, will bs atteude-1 to. deo!2~u&tw • [nUUDELPIfla SDTIJaWMEIT.] Porempfory Sale— Hock «-t UbuKt t w* ture of Ueorgo J. Henkols, No. 1. J Chi*tLJt-»t, Philadelphia. _ , . ^ Ou Tuesday, toremb ir SCih, uuur.srcfl-g «f * u o’clock iu me mirifug, will be r-old, without re- servo, tho cnilro.siock of aup. ri< r and Cabinet Furniture »’l Mr. (J.^orge J. h-nxeu, u«- clmiug business on account of ill hsatin. Tho block comprises all the latsst French pat- irus of Drawng itfcom. Dining R- om, Uhrary bod Room Furniture—a large portion of rsceut iu- loftallon, and iho baluin o n.anutactured hy Mr. Henkels lor Ids regular ware room frIiM-, ai d H by Ur tno most valuable and varied. A-soruu«nt over r-fforod at public raio in this country- As Ur. Houketa is compelled, ou account w a-* health, to gtvo up busln«Ai«, every article will po»»- lively be sold without reserve. hill parllm.lsrs in caialoguo*, wi-kh may 0* procured of M. THOMAS A SONS, Auctioneers, Nos. 67 aud 65 South F'ouith streut, (jfclfl—eod4 Phdadelphh. fa- MERINO UNDER SHIRTS. FUt»H supply of Bilk and Dcrmo Ui-dW