Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, December 30, 1856, Image 3

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Ednor*l—rl««e «n«»« HARD1NU M • Mtldldlte ftf JaitlW Z ■£>*, <»• 4g ifS® w w “' >M MmS, a *,Vu MANY TOIW DASoWoVoADBItrif. IkWilBtni A. BitNAill riM|HWU'ully In g U tU u , patron tint ho wilt Won hl» Aiail ii Armory Il.ll, •« mt'irtajf, Ncivoo. iSflurofonoMiin m “yn. NMHOli will mKm hi* .wood Tern. krOMU, oil TUESDAY,' Deownber atTldo'olook, l‘. If., »ttd on ITCONESi ImbordW, al a« O’clock I 1 . HtforU- Z'uuuai Muter.. lor lerma, k., wplylo tt/ H. from llo l P. U>. MCl1 we4, k d*y deli-W A «• jtTeim, Amm,* RTi*“ dr, uo’KINL*Y will leach a French.Claas, |f |t Un botM of Mrs. Elkins, on York ai. nabMlMN»u In Savannah oau ho given u oo?28-tf Volin of the Pint District. Fsuow-CmisxiI am a candidate for reelscUon to tho offloe ol Justice or for lliU DUtrlct, and respectfully aollclt roar tuppori. The election will b* hold at the office •fjuauce Tliomas Eden, on third of January, 1857, ill o’clock, A. U. -atfMd LAURENCE CONSEU* fctki Voton ofthifhEid District. r nu ... rs-electioa to tho office oT Justice of the f0St for thia DUtrlct and rwpeotfollv solicit your KWjfi, at the election to be held at tho office of MetBatford, ou8dJanuary, 1-367* at#o’clock Li de24-3t EDWARD G. WHBON. {IroCesston al <ff arirs. J. LAMA, Importer and WAolooalo Dealer UoanUlt Man, French Bran- ‘TimTwiTioOj Whisky 6i other Liquor*. 410 BAY STUlilET. cm »uo keep on hand a full assortment or all iin^idf Tobaoco, both manufactured and tear, ulo Mart of every variety. dee& -—jncTmTHrarik; mhssor or physioiogy, in oulgthorpk MEDICAL OOMiEGK gg> office and residence at No. 168 Broughton itfKt, Savannah. tf—deol JOHN B. GOLDING, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Vienna, Dooly County, Georgia, f lLL practice in the countloa of Dooly and Worth of the Maoon circuit, and Sumpteraud jMurtheS. W, G. RIVKHIN0B8i don. Jot. D. Allen, Barnwell G. H., ti. G. Mr. Edward C. Wade, Savannah, Geo. *a. iuounr oouraa. wo. oocraa n me*. COUPER St FRA8RR, rACTORS & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Bay street, Savannah, Ga. fmyll MABIBTTA, oof»-ly Ik*, w. ur«WG • a. a. **■».•* GKMKN * »MIK>JC, ATTORNEYS at law • uuiuti taoxunoN, ua, • ” 7WH,iPapiEr amt Foreign and Dotneatlo Fruit, corner Broughton and yyhUdktr-iti. Fowu aud country supplied with choice gmitfr at moderate prices. All orders promptly attended to, and tutlsfcbUou always guarantood. JOHN KWLIiRN , ATTORNEY AT IjAW, Office corner Bey eud Drayton streets Jyi* MM SAVANNAH JOURNAL, BOOK & JOB OFFICE. Mt-iohuls ora boSpjtimfeshort iwilnn with filll-llrado, Bills of Latlliig, Dray Books, ClratilnW; ttiuita and IBank Books. _ _j'Houlnr attention given to BOOK AND PAJU PHLET PRINTING, .suoU ns (MtaldgUOH for Oollogon, "roceedlneH or Mbetlugs, Reports, By-Lawe, otc. Thankful for tho vory llliernlitatronngo horctoforo received, we reepecttully solicit u continuance ot the name, (baling that wo shall bo able to please all who may fhyor us with a call, both as to prices and cutlon of work. NOTAR" RUIIELL, lYANGES^iScolSfcSlf *AND COPYIST. Will oxeute Deeds, Mortgages, Power ol Attorney, Wills, Bonds, Notices and Taking ol Interrogatories, once at the Court House, Savannah, Ga. Court Daye, Third Tuesday in each mourn, and held at the office of Edward G. Wilson, Esq. Residence, Gaston, between Bernard and Tattnall a *Anyballatnight,uu business, will beutlended to Ira mediately. JT'D* _ "wSTb. CONNBLLY, attorney at law, ikAMLLa, woan oountr, u., (roar ovnex. auumy.| WiU practise la the Southo|nUrcuit,and in Macon, Dooly and Worth Coontlee olThe Macon Qroult. mt Particular attention given to the collection ot chums In South-Weeteru Georgia. JoM-6ra LOO. l mm ,u rained to t LANIER HOUSE, MACON * > t GEORGIA LOGAN A MEARA, Pbopriktors. THE Proprietors of this well known es tablishment respoctlUlly give notice that they are still candidates for tho patronngo .of the Traveling public, and deter- .6 omit nothing to doservo well or their gnoeta and maintain the reputation of tho House. FREE TRANSPORTATION ol’ Passengers and Baggego, to and from the House, by a due now omnibus aud baggago wagon, which they have provided, for that purpoee. Paeiengers will hereafter be at no expense whatever (br trans portation or themselves and their baggage either waybetweui the lanler House and the Railway Stations In Macou. We ask a continuance of public patronage and promise attention and comfort to our guests. LOGAN ANKARA. Macon, Oct. 14,1868. nov27 ggSQAH AMD TOBACCO STORE. No. 3», Bull street^ (Mgn of the Big Indian.) N. B.—Keeps constantly on hand Spanish, Hail Spanish, and American Sogart, at wholesale and re alt. Also, Chewing Tobacco, Snuff, Ac. Juno I JBBSR T. BERNARD, 1 LAW, ATTORNEY AND OOUNSEUDR AI Nvwnaiuviiie, Fla. Referenoo^tieorge Brown, William Dell, New nansville, Fla., R. B. Hilton, Boston A Vlllalonga. .. • - my ll Savannah, Ga. K. J. DAVANT, JR, FACTOR AND OOMUISSION HBROANT, So. G7 Bay Street, j>’ ju Bavan nah.Ga O. W. MABRY, attorney at law nusnum, hxuu> oo., oa. Will uttoud to professional business in UieCuuutiee or Heard, Carroll, Campboll, Coweta, Fayette, Meri wether and Troup. Reference—Hon. K. Y. HiU, LaGrange, Ga.; Goo* David Irwin, Marietta, Ga.: Colonel M. M. Tidwell, Fayetteville, tiu ; and Mr. William Dougherty. Co, lombtui, Ga. _ eepl7-ly M. WHIT SMITH, ATTORNEY AT LA W , AUWATOR, un VLOMSA. Will pracUoe In the Eaatern and Southern counties Refer to-Gol. S. S. Sibley, and R. B. Hilton, Sa vaqpah. fob2~tf CHAS»0. CAMPBELL ATTORNEY AT LAW, imXXDOETttL*, QA, Praottoes Law In the various Counttee of the Oo mulgee QrcuL, and the adjoining Counties ol Twlgge, Laurens and Washington. Refer to—John Boston, H. A- Crane, and R. I Hilton. feblt ueor^bi Ar&oRWJNr ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT i-AW, an a Cmmikiionerqfthe U.8. Court if Utuim* foi the Statt of Georgia. Office Corner Bay and Bull streets. ].* my lo JAMBS M. SAVAOB, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ta is viLtt, rnoMaa ooontv, oa, aU nuaine* entrusted to his care will iftHoputfenUi lyr—marl7^ Ibsvbrson ROBRRTS, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, AND DEALER-IN Timber and Lumber. SAVANNAH, a*. WSUAn H. DAllBB, iltOENKr AND OODNEELWR AT LAW, TnaprllU, Count,, So, Win urauUcelu Thomas, Lowndes, Clinch. Ware, ti>i>ilug, Telfair, Irwin, Laurens, and Pulaski iai iuum,'Georgia; and in Jeiferson, Madison, Ham ilton, aud Uolumbiaoountles, Florida. [my ll ill also give are. Offloe In the store of John Bay street. D. A. O’BYRNE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office 17#, Bay-st., over Turner H Co's. Drug Store SAVANNAH,GA. nov 10—ly i a. waiuuT. j,f. R. savAOl. WRIGHT As SAVAGE, ATTORNEYS AT LA W, BRUNSWICK, OA. Jjl# A. MoALPIN <4 BROTHERS, Lumber, Mill and Brick Yards. neyts iAVANNAP, OA. EDWARD G. WILSON, MAGISTRATE, NOTARY AND OOMMINSIONKR OF DEEDS. At Messrs. Ward A Owens’ Law Office. [myll “OGDEN; STA&RJ piag and Oommiisioi e. a. haeoini & CO n Shipping and Commission Merchants, UAY-HTBIKr. SAVANNAH, OA. *— K, GUMMING. ATTORNEY AT LAW, sbl-ly iKwurroir, oa. * i, tUKHiaON. A 0. MOOUXS HARRISON A McGBHBB, TTjmr ST N O U SlTBi ARCHITECT, ' J AV1NG resumed the practice of hlsprotea* IX slon, oBbra his services to hie friends and the pnbllc as an Architect and Superintendent. Dealgnn fot any part of the oounlry supplied aud executed In all the various branches of his profatj alon, such as Publlo Edifices, Stores, DwelUnge. Monuments, kc. Thoroughly Fire Proof Stores de t gnedaud executed. Office at present In Bay Un^ rear x>f the Custom Heuse. jan 8—ly AUCTION, COMMISSION, RECEIVINGS Forwardlnir Merchants* 19 AMD 61 UtOAMTMIBT, COLUMBUS, 0101011. ■ Particular attention given to the sales of Real i, Negroes and Produce. • Liberal advances made on Negroes and Mer- BUSK, PATTEN* CO. | GUNBY * DANIEL, VOolumbue, Ga. SIKWARToGRAYs 00.) SpgHK'**’} — vzsis&a H. A SMITH, t Mobile, Alabama. oct a • ly Auction & Commission House, Macon, Ga a. R. McLaughlin, General Agent and Auctioneer, SeUoita from hfi Irlenis consignments of every description. Takes orders for Cotton. sa* Special attention given to tho sales of Rea Estate, Stocks and Negro property, at publlo and private sales. Prompt rclumt and dUpatek. t ILitorcaoe—0. A. L. LAMAR. mob 80 JOHN BILBO, Ordinary of Ctaatbam County, AND ATTORNEY AT IAW. ^ATTORNEY AT LAW, Savannah, Georgia. tSt Office on Bay street, over the Bank of Sevan- Mb. maylS WEXLSAWlttlASTs, DOMESTIC, FOREIGN AND FANOTt DRY GOODS. No. 149 Congru+tL, Savannah, Oa. UA T. WELLS, formerly of Beaufort DUt. 8. 0, tBEOPHlLUS WILLIAMS, “ SorlvenOo.,Ga. wy 1. UCXIR. H. n. KIXLLWOe LOCKETT * SNBLLINGB, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND SHIPPING AGENTS, ■ Savannahf (la. WUl attend to the eelliug of all kinds of produce wtotattenUon gtvenfo reoet?” v aud forf^dlng mav 3V-/ i war sc’f. «... • ..1. ... '*• ••! L'UJ . :.k JL u. w T “K !I *wpondiog"»V ■ '[J 9 ’ 4 ‘“'aMoo: t^'r. , 'ifii oia >.i :MS • lick & Ti X -ilflltSHS kl LkW, BBjJNSWTOK, OA. , . -Hies In the Brunswick Ctroult-comprie- .vibe following Counties; * TohIi a IULLKB. L. 0. ROL «m ir JOHN a. PALLiGANT, ' „ VEOUIUI AMD RBTAU. DIAL1B IN WINDOW BUNDS, WINDOW SASH AND PANS _ DOORS, west elds Monument Square, Savannah, Ga. mavll dxvuts: ATTORNEY AT LAW, ir AHA, OA* .saSa-Bjtair&ur,a^u., u , 1 A Beullardo Savannah. jan# att W 0 M b5'eTaTl\w. ■AVANiraa. qa. r Thomas M. Turner ACo. a Drug “WIUS AND RESIDENCE, No?'14 UBIRTY-St., One door west of Dray too, pattrrion; : AND OODNHELLOR AT LAW' Jgoprtll., C A foil fORWANnW? * »*MMiS5®r TCRWABDDfQ AND OORJUSSION U&CHANT9, ^ >»■ MlAT-fanr, eAvunrAB, oa J. M« EYRE, COMMISSION MEROHANT, augfo No. 14M Bayet., Savaunahi JOHN c. booYhT CIVIL ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR, wm also give his attention to designs In Aroblb Aroblteo- »HwIm iyl3 8* Wo BAKER, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, Troupvtlle, Lowndes County, Ga. Reference—Hon. W. B. Fuanra, Bavwmah, Ga. myll LANIER St ANDERSON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, aft-ly vaooit.oa. FOE BALE. MA UK. DANIELL’S RlOoE’UsUUoo, nailed <•. •r Oglethorpe, deliverable at any time after tueilrat of January, except the Mills, which wlHiie required to thrash and pound tho crop. The place consists of about eight hundred (800) :ro3 or Improved tide swamp, In tho lost pitch of tide, immediately opposite Savannah, on the South Carolina shore, with brick buildings for thrashing and nounding by'Steam. The property will be sold together or In parcels. If all can be disposed of. longtime will be allowed en part of the purchase money and shorter time on about half the balance. delB-lw ROB’T. UaBEHSHAM * BON. V Charleston Courier and Mercury will insert for one week and Bond their bills to R. Habersham Ac Son. YOB BALE. I A valuable flee plantation on the 8*< ktllla river, at a good pitch or tide, ran- Malnlng four hundred acres tido swamp, ol'which two hundred aud fifty arc cleared under bank, with threo hundred ane fifty acres of plno and hammock land attached, soventy acres of which havo been cultivated In corn. On tho prem ises are a small dwelliug house, overseer aud ne gro houses to accommodate one hundred aud thir ty uegroes, a barn and other plantation hnlldlugs. The settlement Is prettily situated on an elevated bluff of tho river and remarkable fords healthful- ness. This properly lo be sold lor a division. Further Information may bo obtained fretn the undersigned on the adjoining plantation, or by addressing him at Jeffersonton, Camden count;' CABIN PASSAGE TO NEW YORK $&> OO. 8eml*Wwkly United .state* Mall Line* TIHE NEW AND SPLENDID SIDE-WHEEL ■ Steamships— KNOXVU.LK..l,6tKi imia..C!api. C. D. Ludlow. AUGUSTA .... 1, fi OD “ .. Oapt. Thomas Lyon. FMRrDA 1,800 ; ‘ ..Capt. M. S. Wbodhuli. AUBAMA.... 1,800 “ ..Capt. G. R.Schenck. WILL LKAVti UiVXNNAn BTKBT WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. These ships are among tha largost on the coast, uusurpossed In speed, safety aud comfort, making their passages lu Oily to sixty hours, aud are com manded by skillful, careful ar J . polite officers.— Having eloguui state-room accommodations, they oTer a meat desirable conveyance to New York. Cabin Passage to New York $26 Steerage Passage to New York 8 PADRLFORD, KAY h CO., Savannah. dAM’L L. MITCHILL. U Broadway, fob h New York. novl8-tf . UAZELHUR8T. NOTICE. * - Tho undorslgnod wtsblug to make a change lu business, odor to soil on Thurs day, the 18th day of December, the MAG- NGUA HOUSE, at Bristol, Ilia iurgest convcuicntly arranged Hold in Western Virginia, Immediately ut tho terminus of tho Vir ginia and Teunessoo Railroad, u point that will re ceive full patronage from the Road at all times. Tho Magnolia House possesses advantages over all othor houses at Bristol, It being the only acces sible houso in tho pl&co. Tho Hotel is directly opposite the Vh. * Tonn. R. R., 140 feot front and rumdi g 100 foetbaok. and 3 Btorlea high, and within 40 yards ur the track, with good water and eut buildings all complete They will also sell 4 Lots adjoining tho Virginia Depot, well suited for business or any kind. The abovo property, if not disposed of privately before, will bo sold to tho highest bhldor, at publlo auction, In front oT the Magnolhm House, ut 12 o’clock, M., on Thursday, tho 18th day of December next. Torms—One-third cash, aud tbobalancoln two miual instalments, in one and two years, tho pur chaser giving bonds with approved security. W. G. PECK. GEO. V. LANGHORNK, nov#—tiSD •*». W. IIANKORD. BTKMJ.VO LAMIRR. SAtlVSOX I-ANIKR liAMAB. J3OU0B, (FOKHMLT COLEMAN H00RF) KNOXVILLE. TENNESSEE. * Mr. Sterling Ijmlor, late of the Cmier House Houso, Macon, Ga., and Sampson Lanior, Into of Tuskegee, Alabama, will be happy to meet all friends and custom- .Jio Lamar House, whore they have ample accommodation for two hundred und fifty porsons. nov8 8. & 8. LANIER, Proprietors. • touentt—: L A briok tenement' on Juum. street. Rout $300. A. WILBUR, 111 Bay st., dccO next door to Morning News office. . . ^ t PALATKA) FLA.. i s f M<x yii ®*’t ^nandt- m ani Jackmville. Picctata and Black Ornek, Fla, * TBF, stoamor WELAKA,.Capt, N AKba«Plk K i"ni will loaro for tlin above pUnen ovory.Vafofifoy Morning) at lo o'clock. This boat bus largo and airy Blftto Room whsoui raodatious, ami taking tbo Inland Piwsago. olfoni overy inducoiucnt lo Invalids aud •Muim. - Fruiglil will bo tukeu for Trader’s Hit! and tutor mediate htutUliUHOn fit. Mary’s River. No rroight will be tukou aftor Oo’olock. K ‘For rreight or lwssugu apply on board at the h lurldu Bloum |>ackot wharf Tho stoamor W. LliBBY cvnueota regularly with Maryd for Cabtrevllle ami Camp Camp CI^GUORN A CUNNINGHAM. this boat at St. Pluoknoy. novaa FOR CHARLESTON DIRECT. A. Thp superior steamor GORDON, F. Burden, Commaudor, having . beet' thoroughly overhauled and ftirnishod with u now boiler, will run regularly— twice a week—between Savannah and Charleston; leaving Snvanualt overy Wednesday imd Saturday nftorntHins, at ll o’oloek, and returning will leavo Charleston every Monday aud Friday afternoons, at 4 o’oloek. Fortrolght or iiashago apply to J. P. BROOKS, Agent, uovO Charleston wharf. FOR DEMERY’S FERRY, AND ALL THE INTERMEDIATE LANDINGS ON THE SAVANNAH RIVER. • Tbn new bon steam packet dWAN, Captain Richard Johuson, will leavo Charleston wharf overy 'Friday morning, at M o’clock, punctually, for Domory T s Ferry, ami all Intermedi ate landings on tho Savannah River. SST Tiie Swan has superior accommodations for nssengers. For freight engagement* apply to JOHN S0J)t2o JOHN RICHARDSON. FOR BOSTON—Tiio A 1 fast sailing ship ’NOBIA, Capt Weeks, having most or her igud aud going ou board, will meet wltn ■ tch. For freight apply to DARLKTON * PARSONS. WANTED TO CIIAR'ER-A vessel of Jabout 200 tom capacity for tho South side of '1 and borne, MULLER * MIGUELS, dol6-3tood corner Day aud Lincoln sts. Ft tit FREIGHT OP. CH ARTER--The now .bark KMPRE&% Capt Morris, would prefora tiinner freight. Apply to d«30 CAULEIDN k PARSONS. STUTTERING AND STAMMERING, C 1URED by Dr. WYCKOFF, of Pittsburg, Pa., J without pain or Surgical Operutlon, who will send tho euro to any part of tho World, on the re ceipt of $10; and tho monoy returnod, if tho euro is not effectual. All letters must bo addressed to Dr. Wyckolf, Bex 746, Pittsburg, l*a., In carts of Arthurs. Rodgers & Co,, Bankers. J*. N. Correspondents will please vtniltm /-tamp for return postage. Caution.— All perseus who cannot produce my genuine certificate, are humbugs. eopt26—wly Dr. W. ATTENTION PUBLIC. NEW HACK, SALE AND Livery Stables, FOR RENT. * L A comfortable two story house on a base, ment, corner 8t, Jullcn and Lincoln streets Poasoaaion given Immediately. For partlnu- lara inquire of J. J. Gammon on tho promises, novll R* B* HILTON, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW Offloe oorner or Bay and Drayton-ita. my u ■ATAMKAH, OA. Armory Rolling Mills, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, t. ABOHEB a 00,* Propriatom. BAR IRON, all tlxee, manufaoturodfrom the best Charcoal Pig Metal. FLATS, up to. 7 Inches. , ANGLE and T IRON. ROUNDS and SQUARES, up to 6 inches. RAILROAD SPIKED, Do. CHAIB8, BRIDGE BOLTS, Screwed and Tappod. J9*Strlct attention paid to the quality and finish of our IRON, and all orders promptly Oiled. de9 3m QROOBRimB, d)0> T> ECEIVED per steamer Alabama, and in store: XL 80 kegs extraGoshen Butter, 60 boxes SUU Cheese. 20 do English Dairy Cheese. 16 boxes Pine Apple Cheese, 30 barrels cboloe Apples, 00 Barrels extra Eating Potatoes, 86 BABBELS BED ONIONS, I# BARRLLS YELLOW ONIONS, 9 barren Tomstoei, a BARRELS PEARS. 4 BOXES NIW MUONS, 15 DO NKW RAISINS, 10 halt boxes new Raisins, lOquarter do do do,' also: 2 barrels extra Pig ** 2 barrels extra 1 2 barrels extra Dried Beer, looked * Pickled Tougues,* Tongues, Corned Beef, Pork.&o. For sale by I{. H. WATSON * 00., oot28 No. 28 Whitaker street. also: , lookM k Pickled T UXIiXiIWBl HSAOl DBSUBS, M., ^PHE LADIES are respectfully invited to X call and examine a choice selection or DRESS GAPS, HEAD DRESSES, and BONNETS, of the latest NEW YORK and PARIS STYLES at Mrs. ■. O. COLLINS’, residence corner South Broad and Jeffersou streets. dec$-2m FOR RKNT, _ TWO comfortable Wooden TEN EM KNVd I corner of IJberty and Drayton streets. | Apply to^ JOHN BOSTON. ah NO. 225 DAY STREET, FREEitiAN, HENDERSON & GO. PROPRIETORS. T HE HUbrcribors-wonld inform the publlo that they havo opoued a Stable in tho Brick Build ing o» Bay Ktrnot, between Montgomery and Jcffor- son streets, aud have added to their already LARGE STOCK several well broke SOUTHERN HORSES, besides uuw BUGGIES aud l'ARUIAGKS, aud are now able to supply all orders in their line, Thoy will havo OMNIBUSSES and HACJC8 on the arrival and (louarturo of tho Curs and Steamers And also HACKS for PRIVATE ACCOMMODATION. Thoir establishment In all its departments, they aro determined SHALL NOT BE EXCELLED IN THE SOUTHERN COUNTRY. FREEMAN, HENDERSON A CO. out80—tf FORRBNT. THE anbsoriber being about to partition off the two elegant and commodtoua Bto rlea over Dr. Brantley’s Drug Store into offices, offers them for rent by 1st or No- iFnext. CHARLES 8HOLL, ■ept 29 Architect. tstt FOR HALF. A VALUABLE IA»T, hear the Central Railroad Depot, about 60 x 100 feet. This Lot Is foe simple. On the premises are three comfortable Wooden BUILDINGS, rent for fiooJ per annum. Terms moderate. to j. b: oubbedge, Ageut. MERCHANTS’ HOTEL. tACX9LQNLYlUnEi. JEA8T. FLA, M, BOARD m DAT $ 1 60 ioahd rat WHS BOO BOARD PXR MONTH 20 00 .maylS lyr JF.PHJ v ' v ‘%am JOHN MflDOWI Fire Insuranoo, I’rcsldent. iDOWKLL, Jr., Kocretary. to, limited or perpctuaT, made in town or country, on ovnry dosorlpflonofproperty. Murine Innuraiioo on Vossola, Cargo and Freight. ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, nov 13 164 Bay street. HOWARD BIRR AND MARINS INS. COMPANY OF imADBLPHlA. (Franklin Building, #4 Walnut aL, Philadelphia.) CHARTER PERPETUAL. Inoorperted by Act of the iiegiatatnre of Penn sylvania Capital paid in and Invested $408,190 Chartered Capital 600.000 Iniurance against Ixnw or Damage by Fire, Ma rine and Inland Navigation, at the lowest rates. PKROIVAL M. POTTS, President. 0. E. SPANGLER, Vice President, W. H. WfKllK Dooretary. ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, novltt 164 Bay street. fc'IRK AND MARINK 1M.DRANOK. THB INSURANCE COMPANY I OF VIMOINIA. UplUl WOO,000 00 * lrpl “’ charter' mPBriiAi.' ® ,,MTa ’ risks on Cargo, Freight, Buildings, Mer ic., m town and oointiy. promptly and liberally adjustod. ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, uovlS 164 Bay street. The undersigned having been appointed Agent ..r tho above Iniurance Companies, Is now pre pared to issue Policies or Insurance, oa VESSELS, CARGOES, FREIGHTS, HOUSES, STOCK IN TRADE, FURNITURE. Ao.< 40., at as low rates as any other ru§ewiftto apracy In this city, and pledgee himself to his friends and thoso who may be desirous to Insure with him, that the offices for wblob he la Agent are aonnd, well conducted, and will pay prompt* ty occur, without cavil or delay. ROBERT AUSTIN. Agent, uovlfi 164 Bay street. reliable, ly all losses tbut may THB ORB AT WESTERN IN fl URANUS CO. OFNEWYtotK. A RK Wkln, MARINE uA RIVER RMu .1 Ihalr A.oacy, .a Dniloa .lre.1, aearth. Baf. A|iproT.b Risk* will bo Wbon pa UbsrAl w«o, ud tbo usual credit given on Premium Notea. Three quartern of the busluess will be returned to the customers iu Scrip. wt22-lm O, A* L. Louutr, Agent. INSIJHANCE. Southern Mutual Insurance Company, Southern Mutual Life Ins. Company, Home Insurance Company, of N. York, Springfield Fire * Marine Ins, Com'y, Risks in the above Insurance Companies underta ken by WM. KING k SONS, / . Splendid collection of Oil PalnUsts, Engravings, tad Chinese Fancy Goods, soluble lor'Holliday Gifts, consisting or ladles work tablos, famished card Pablos, chess table, tea table* ladles work boxes, tea oaddles, glove boxes, Chinese figures, vases.. Ao., Ac., to ho sold on THIS EVENING! at 7 o’clock, at tho store oorner of Congress ana Whitaker it. Saloto continue every day and even ing until the whole Is sold. Catalogues may bo had atouroountlngroom. Terms cash de24 Administrator’s Bate. Ob the first TUESDAY In Fsbruary next, at 11 o’clock, In rront of court house, will be sold: Lots Nos. 7 and 0, Forsyth ward, c omer or Whit* aker and Huntingdon streets,fronting on tho Park, 4$ by 180foot, subject to the etty ground rent of $— per annum. Bold as the proporty of Robt H Griffin, deceased, by virtue or an order flrom the Court or Ordinary, for,the benefit of tho heirs and creditors or said sis. late, by order ofthe administrator. Terms at sale. de28 T. J. BULLOCH & CO. N0.154 BAY STREET. Six lots on Taylor and Gordon streets, u*m**a Price aud East Broad, upomho following terms: One-third cosh, tho balanoo in two equal Instal ments, at the expiration of six and twelve months respectively. d*27 AtirtvateSalo. SWhdila choice Bacon Bides, 10 M casks Brandy, 10 X do do 12 kegs Goshen Butter, 20 hair bbls choice Family Uoof, For sale low to closo consignment. 1 Improve:—, iuico iuu 40 by 80, situated on lot known as No. 10 Cnrrytown, on the corner of Tatnall, Gaston and Minis streets. The middle lot haa a good one a tore wooden building, allln fee simple. For terms apply at onr countirg room. de20 Ou the first TUfiiDAY In January uoxt, in front of the court houso, will be sold: Farm lot No. 10 aud part or lots Nos. 7, 8 and 9, ’a Tythlng, Decker Ward, containing, by BY OCTAVDS COHEN. Executor’s Balo. Will he sold bofore tho Court House, on the Ural TUESDAY In January next, between the usual hours of sale. Lot of land No. 169, 31st District, originally Lee, now Marlon county, containing 202M acres, being the proporty of Estate of Jno. Screven, deceased, ana sold for beneQt or the Loirs and creditors, ootfg ^ V. BCRBVEN, Executor. A CLOTHING A ■ , ..K'EMPOItraM.w Carpenter’s Tythlng, Decker I j hOOR wxst OFTQBkxpubuoAH heading boom, I - • W.O.PHoe,, Und, situated about three miles from the city or Pa- vannahon the Ogechoe Canal, with improvements Misting ut a dwelling, negio houses, i and a good well or water. 40 acres of | id under cultivation AUOt Two wharflota, Nos. fi and 4, on Hutchinson’s Isl and, opposite the city of Savannah, each 197 feet front. Terms at sale. deel7 Capa, Shirts, Collars, Gloves, Hosiery, Canos, Umbrellas Cravata, Stocks. Handkerchief, Family or valuable Servants at Private Sale* A good cook, washer and ironer and good bouse servant, aged about 84 years, with her 4 elildren, [ all smart and likely; girl aged 16 years, a boy 9 years, a girl 7 years and a gtrl 6 years. Sold for no foult. Titles warranted. Terms | tab, del? Also, Superflnq Cloths, coaslmora and Vestings, wLI bemads to met* sure.unexoeption able in stylo • Orders from city and county solicited. . Plantation boat at private sale. ■ — - — A aulendld Canoe Boat. 86 feet long, splendid | All BilUousDorangsmenta, BlokHeadaol model, very last, and will be sold at a bargain. SANFORD’S INVZOORATOR , I B a mild laxative, tonic and stimulant, and Is recommended to tho publlo, relying upon IU in trinsic worth In the cure of tho following complaints kHeadaouo, Dyspep Fulton Market BeeT at Private Bale. Just received per steamer Knoxville: 12 half bbls t ulton Market Beet, put op expreflB- ly for ns, and warranted better than any other sold In this market. Weehall receive by every atoamer a Bmall In voice of this Beer, whlohwe con with confidence recommend to the dealers and warrant it lo give satisfaction. uovll Bavaunoh, 14U> No. 99 Bay street. deo!4 Potatoes at’Private Bale. . Just received persohr TKaymnud from New York, 20 bbls Potatoes, In gxxt order. noil General Apples at Private ."ale. , Just reeelved per schr E L B Wales, York, 30 bbU Apples, in prime order. from New noli IUK SUBSCRIBER Is prepared to effect Insurance heBtateof - Tfo any amount in the B'tato of GoorgU, on LIFE, FIRE OR MARINE RISKS lu ihu following good Block Companies Houses and Lot at Private Skae. l»t No. 17 corner of Taylor and Tattnall-Btreela. I 80 tolOOfoet, with improvemenu, oonsUUng of a doable tenement two story House, on high base ment—all In good repair. For terms and ether | attoution of tho Ladles to and rich ulook of ^KrSK^ilTrND MARINE ^ INSURANCE COMP’Y, 1 U0TB OF PHILADELPHIA. Capital $1,260,000 Hou. THUS B. FLORENCE, President. Row. R. Usuuold, Seo’y. CHARTER OAK FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE OOMP'Y, OF HARTFORD, CT. Cash Capital $300,000 RALPH GII.LETT, President, New Fish. Just received direct by echr L ti l)*vi<; 20 bbls new no. 2 Mackerel 20 do do do 3 do •0 hit bbls do do 2 do 20 do do dodo S do 20qr do dodo 2 do 20qr do dodo 3 do 10 bbls Picketed Shad , . 100 bexes. each 40 lbs, new Codfish—prime Jab. H. Bwuuuk, Seo’y. io do do 60 do, smoked 8almon, now fATE MUTUAL FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE lauding and or *ale low from the wharf. —ALSO— 50 boxes fresh ground Java Cofl'ee. Bacon. Jusl received in store, and for safe low, aud on accommodating torms: 40 hhdH prlmo Bides, ««21 Carter Potatoes at Private Hale. Just received per echr J T Grice, from New York, 60 bbls Carter Potatoes. oct24 Just received per landing. (OOool ... . . 25 barrels Holland low oct 24 fogs echo STATE OUMP’Y. OF PKNN8YLVANIA. Capital and Aasela .$309,900 J. I*. RUTHERFORD, President, Stus Wako, Soo'y. HRIDGKI’ORT KIRK AND MARINE INSURANCE I COMP’Y. OF BRIDGEPORT, OT. Cash Capital and Assots $126,000 HENRY W. CHATFIKLD, President, 1 J. H. WigHBCWf, Scc’y. EQUITABLE FIRE INBURA.NCB COMP’Y, OF LONDON Capital $2,500,000 CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMP’Y, OF HARTFORD, CT. Capital and Surplus over $400,0001 J.3C. WALKI.EY, President, 1 payable to tho wifofroc from the claims of creditors. Marine Insurance on hulla or cargoos to all parts ofthe world A. WILUUU, oct23 Gone Ins. Agent and Broker. CHARTER OAK E^IRB AND MARINE oo2l looner I.B Davis, and now 600 Boxee first quality 8moked Herrings “ Hand Herrings In dry salt, ft For Roof, The counting room and st >re next to our store, formerly oocuptod by Mayer 4 Blum. Also,soveral aug20 TO CONSUMKKB OF PICKLES. B E1.IF.VINU that tbn Public have become tired of purchasing Pickles lu Packages, holding, In many cases, fifty per cout less than represented, we have commenced putting up. in addition to our present second size jar, au urtlclo which wo are la- Wiling “ WM. UNDERWOOD & CO’8. EXTRA PICKLE8,’’ and are Qllinp. into full sized jars, which are legibly stamped iu the glass, with their oxact contonts iu ouucos—thus enabling tho consumer to verylfy thoir truth. Those Extra Pickles uro pul up with overy regard to style, quality aud flavor, and will bo sold at fairly remunerating prices. Wa havo made no change iu our manner of Grconlng Picklos, never having resorted to any do- letoriousmeans to attain this eud. Tho Cider Vin egar which wo urn is made from sound fruit, and is entirely free from Vitriol or any other mineral acid; which is not tho cose with tluu used lu most brands of English Pickles found in this country. WILLIAM UNDERWOOD 4 CO., 67 Uroad street, Boston, Mass. uovl8-3aw3iu MILLS HOUSE, CORNER MEETING AND QUEEN-STREETS, chasubiov, e. a. JUL THIS Hotue la now adapted to all the 19 wants of tho Travelling Public, and the or- J|y|H forU of the Proprietor will be to deserve '‘’“'“Thomas ti. NICKERSON. S K m at ri 01 HUDSON’S FERRY FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for salo nil her ■ possessions in Scrlven county, contain ing about one tnousand acres of l*nd, more or less, all adjoining said Ferry, and extonding to tbo Augusta road — Tbo Improvements consist of a good ore, Warehouse; and all other necessa ry out-buildings. About sixty-live acres are under fence and in good order for cultivation. The land la first quality, and well supplied wtth fencing (im- bor. It is an excellent Blond for the morciimniiae business. The Ferry U the best located ami most patronized ot any ether betweeu Savannah and Augusta. There & also passing through tho land a never failing sirea Grist or Saw Mill. W 1 ’ FINDLAY’S IRON WORKS MACON, OEORGIA. ^ Th«' nhocriher. from ton* •*pw-l*»** 1* Wtho btulneu. ta prepared to furnish steam _ Boilers, Circular, single and Gang Nr Saw Mill Machinery, Grist aud Merchant iflf ftr^Sna. 1 “ “ I with bia many Improvemenu, U warranted to be equal to the beet made at any other establishment. His world are on a scale as extensive as the larg- ala, Habitual OosUveness, Chronic Diarrhea, Colic Pain in the Stomach and Bowels, General Debility Female Weakness, Ac. For sale by DfuggleU gel orally, and by John, B Moore A Oo, and Wm. W Jttncoln, Savannah. ly fobI2 rilHE subscriber has removed ou the Bay, next X door to tho Republican offlco. where he Is no v> opening a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter goods, which ho will sell by tho pattern or moke to order lu the moat fashionable style; also, Ready- inado Clothlug from the eolebrated houso of James Wilde, Jr,, k Co.. Now York. Thankfol for past tavoru. hu hopos by strict application to uerrlt a contiuuauco of tho same. N, B,—Cutting, Altering and Repairing done at the Bhorlosi notice. Just received a tot of whit's and colured Hbirfe. oct 30 JOHN W. KELLY. EE^FKE^H£MBaOIDMTE8 HENRY LATHROP & CO. W OUIJ) Invite tho their very largo i assma}iB2)2i]8iaiBaiBg} Opened THlti DA Y, embracing the following atylosl Real Thread, uoullonaud Maltese SETfS “ French, Muslin and Cambrio “ Mourning Notts, iu Book, Cambric and Linen Cambric and Swiss, Edgings and Inserilngs Embroidered, H. 8. Bordered Hdkfli Muslin and Cambrio Bands Misses Bolts, in great variety luftuits’ Caps, trimmed. —ALSO— Children'a Worsted Capes Opera HoodB, Ties, ko. Colored, Silk and CashmereScarfo. oct 6 BOOTH ANU HHOHH. THB subscriber has opened m a BOOT and SHOE STOKE at ■ Nos. 71 and 162 GIBBONS’ M eBUILDING, next door to the Umuing burnt ul’Goorge S. Nichols A Co., and so* Holts tho patronage olhis friends and the publlo In genoral. M. J. BUCKNER, oct 7—ly MOUKNISO OOOllH. B LACK BombaziKos, Paramattas; do French Merinos and Cashmores, \ and 6-4 M. doLakios, Coburgs, Alpacas, Saxony Plaids, Raw Bilks, Valencias, English and rreuoh Crapoe, Wbito aud Bl«uk Crapo Collars aud Sleeves, Black Bordered Clear Lawn Hdkfe, &c., &o. | For salo by uoSO DiWITT. RS L ga I havo soen, by B 0 Ooodric ”°fomw trousul at Paris, with Illustrations. Henry Wikoff'g Advonturos of a Roving Dtplo- ..Iw $800JW) | rh2£SJ£ ,# ’ H K W Welch*, Capital D1RKCTOBB .* Ralph Glllott, Barzellal Hudson, Warobam Griswold, Philip Ripley, ADEdsoo, Boswell Brown, Albert F Day Mason Gross, J B Russell, William W House, A F Glllott, B C Osborn. RALPH QILLRIT, President. Jaa. H. Bpmocx, Seo’y’ on all usual rates A. WILBUR, Agent, 111 Bay st, next to News office t complete. Orders received for any so passing tbro _ fully sufficient to - supply any further particulars address Ga. — JONES. r\ISS0LUT10N OF COPARTNERNHII*—Tho cm 1 / partnership heretofore existing between the subscribers, under the firm of BRUSH Si C0„ Is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Either par ty will sign lu liquidation. New York, November l, 1860. COPARTNERSHIP. SMITH .1. KASTMAN bus this day formed a uo- partnership with JOHN 0. L1XJYD, and will con tinue tho PROVISION BUSINESS, under the Arm of EAbTMAN Si Ll.OYO, at Nu3. 40 an.t 42 Broad Rt. New York, November 1,1860. KASTMAN** LLOYD, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND dealers in provisions, Nos. 40 and 42 Broad Btreet, N. Y. Smith J. Eastman. John C. Lloyd. With nmplo means, wo purpose at all Uraoa to buvo on hand, for tho selection of tho trade, In lots to Hull purchasers an ample store of PROVISIONS, embracing Pork, Beef, Lard, Tallow, Greaso, Smoked, Pickled and Dry Bull Meats, Hams, Bides, 8hmi liters, &c. • Wo respectfully solicit the coutiuuatiou of tho fa vors of onr old t riends audpatronB, and the pat ronage of the trade generally. All shipping orders, and orders received by mall, will rccotvo pirtlcu- lar uttentiou, and will lie oxcoutnd at the lowest tuarke* rules. deo9-6w UPX IN8UBANCE. I puom, Bonds, Uncle T HE I 1 ailed States Life Insurance Annuity and I ray oraortmeut com] Treat Company takes risks on the lives of I color desired. Whit* Persons for life, or for a shorter period, and! Watches repaired by and under the supervision on Slaves for one or four years, oo as favorable I rfseif, and all other work done in a workmanlike terms as any equally responsible Company. I manner, and warranted. may 21 Capital and Assets, Jan’y 1st, ISM..$1,421,612 42 1 Do’s Courtship and its consequences. Douglas Farm or life In Virginia, by Coasin Alice Homo and the World, by tho author of Sou roc- clrs of a residence lu Europo. Lanraan’s Adventures In tho Wrtds of America, with illustrations by tho author. Mlllednlcia; a thousand plcosaut things from Notes and Queries. Paul Fane, by NP Willis. Dr Kauo’s Arctic Exploration, hair bound calf, ecll W. THORNE WILLIAMS. HARRYING TOO LATE. A TALE, by ttoorgo Wood, author of “Peter Scblcmlbl In America.” commodore Perry’s Japan Expedition, Govern- tncutodition, in quarto, with colored plates, extra calf gilt. Widdloflold’s new Cook Book. Fashlouublo Life, by Mary U Eastman, wife of — " * ‘“my. _ Mormons, by the wtfo of with colored plates. the Bbatemuc, by MJss Warren, author of in MoroccoMsee, ond suitable'for presents. I have I Wide, Wide World. ■u« >hu da* received in addition to my stock of I The Rime of tho Ancient Mariner, by Coleridge, • - conightoolored Curls,Tbpeys.Bralds.Frwjt I elegantly illustrated and bound In extra gilt mo- . ----- -— Ac,, which now makes I roeco. ... - - - B Envelopes In great variety. Drawing Slates, wlthvolvot corners, anew In vention, much improvod—twenty-five cents earjh, nov24 W. THORNE WILLIAMS. eat at the North, and he Is prepared to fill orders with promptness and dispatch. 1 aug 7 ROBERT FINDLAY O. M, GRIFFIN, SUCCESSOR TO LATE H. EASTMAN Corner of Bryan and Whitaker Btreeta. & HA8 now on hand a beautiful as- ■ortment of Jewelry of every dis- criptioa and kind worn byudleeCifl | ana gentlemen, and will sell at unusually low p The subscriber having been appolntad Agent for iSSmtntSKEtew^re*s)a F large I Fashionable ure, by Marj Savannah for tho above named first chua Fire and gt^JiSSn^verWar*. constatli of Cake and I Capt Eeastman, U. S. Army. Marine Insurance Co., li prepared to Issue Pollcle* pukS!*? Dlafoand enxraved FUh Knives and I Female Ufo among tho Moi “ ■l.arlptl.M ot prop.rty u «>• 1 ates of other good companies. 1 gpQoag Napkin Wn n, Nutmeg Graters, Ac. Ac., all | Hlils of tbi A. WILBUR. Atent. I lilzi I Wide. Wide ’ halrworkol ipiiai auu Anivifl, jiu-j ui, un..*i,wi,ou ■ A bonus of 25 per cent has been declared on the | to ell policy holders entitled ROBERT AUSTIN, Agent, M. D., 164 Bay st. business of last year thereto. Ricn’u D. Arnold. «. Medical Examiner. KABIUB SCHOOL. mHE MISSUS SCHOOL Will be opened on WED- X NEUDAY, October 16th. ■ nits, uuiuu.uwib nuu mi utuvr inuuuvuuiBDi pro* The Regulations require that after the opeulug ol I paraUous now in use, Is always of good consistency, FERNANDINA. FLORIDA,) December 8,1866. j PROPOSALS for tradings and (Urnlsblng Cross-ties X , oa that portion of the Florida Railroad, ex- tending fromSantaffee River lo Coder *Key, somo seventy miles are Invited. Persona dtsposedlocon- •^‘““•ttmlne profile* and specifications at ooi» Florida. deo!2-2m JOSEPH FINEGAN A CO. /v. - . DARI1N, Oct. 27th, 1856. s Co-partnership heretofore existing under f^TlSISSSBtEgri& todebled to Ui. Ulo In. In niki !mm—»■ °^ ABKH S VALUABLE PLATNATIOIY FOR8ALE jra THE SUBSCRIBER offers for sale Ids AM 9 PLANTATION, pj InUbertyCounty,calledMlllhoveu.situntod threo miles from Hinesville, and six miles from tboGu) Railroad, containing Three Thousand Acres. Three hundred acres cleared and under good fence, most of which has been cleared within tho last fow years. The other portions have been highly manured for a numbor of years, and ore now very productive. On the place is a valuable Saw and Grist Mill on a Hue stream, In good running order t a largo und commo dious Gin House, as good as now, with running gear for horse power, together with a good Gin. Good new framed Negro Houses, sufficient to accommo date fifty Negroes. His eloganl now two story Dwolling House* together with all uocesaary out Buildings, such as Stables, Corn Houses, Ao. In fact every thing In such order that the purcliasor eon realise the foil resources of the loud without the outlay of a dollar in fixtures. It is probably tbc ■>eet settled Plantation In Liberty county. it will bo sod one third cash, the balance in one ad two years. The only Inducement to sell is the foot that the subscriber baa another Plantation six miles from this, and the necessary attention to both takes too much time from his professional engage ments, hence he would relievo himself of the care or one by disposing of it. When at homo the subscriber will take pleasure in showing the place to any one who may call, and In his absence Mr. Benjamin Dorsey will show it. WM u 0AU i inKNt QOEBAL H01I0B* (1 n. OWrriH bu Jut nulmd VT# lot of Stiver r " - PI* Halve*, Foils, Knives and Forks, Coke Knives Crumb Bcnpen, to., Mo., mostly In morocco case*, to table for presents. novll’ andf^fortao Under W. R. SYMONS, 17 Whitaker ri. oct 16-law8w FOR BALES. f Six Tracts of Land, 600 acre-, each, .t.v miles from the city or Savannah on lli« N. Gulf Rail Road, woll adapted to the growth Rico, Cotton and Corn, and wnml enough to pay ten times over. Apply to fob ST U 0. A. CLOUD PATENT ICE PITCHERS. J UST received. ONLY thirty-two days from Baf timor* by the new Steamship Line. The nu merous enqulrera wilt bn glad to learn that ihov have finally arrived. KENNEDY ft BEACH, Hoisa-farntihing Store, Hodgson’s New Block. Mi 4 BOTANICAL DRUG STORE. TJK - Pi Tuesday in January next, betweeu tbo legal hours ol ^ale, bolero tho court house door In Chat ham county: Eight .Shares of tbo Capital Stock of the Central Railroad atul Banking Company of Geor gia, field by order of the Court of Ordinary of said county, for tbo benefit of tbo heirs and creditors or the Estate of Philip Ulmer, decoased. H. K. HARRISON, Ex’or. uov2t-td ELIZA ULMER, Fjc’trix. f, iclnes, ftc.,sacn, that U him to do so. A coi attend to the store. The undersigned will continue, ns heretofore, to give hU whole attention to the practice of medicine, iniffil Ua branohea. Usual Indulgence for visits, Ac. Will eel! medf t a very small profit, and for cash only, Tho underslgnea also take* ‘ L1 1 announce that he Is boarding and negro patients In his In Armour for $20^ger^ Savauuoh, Nov. 18th, 1866. 3m^-novl8 the School, “ Appllcanta shall be received every I does not turn i day of the first week, and oa Monday of each sue-1 moment. For s I ceedtng week of the term.” There are stillseveral V vacancies In the School. Until the opening of the I School, applications may bo mido to the Principal, [ who will be found at the School Room every morn ing from 9 to 10. By order of the Commissioners, octlo B. MALLON, Principal. PIANO FORTES* ^HAVING lately received targe ad- 999 ditlooi to oar HANO FORTF are enabled to offer at this tit ™ S ••greatest variety from the bestL footurers, from the plainest square to the most elab orately carved, and from six to seven octavee. j . .. Oar Pianos are selected from the manufacturers .... — v. ...i wlota w# have foil confidence In, and we are par- I **MW l F b F the® to give a guaranty with I overy instrument sold by us m regards durability, 9to per moo in. i \oae, Mo. PARK, M. D. I persons in want of a first rata instrument may re-1 “ gsuoha\r- 1 RHOADS ik SON’S. IXTRA prepared Muciiago for office and general _J use, being a substitute for Wafers, Sealing ’as, Gumarublu and all other incouvouient pro- Is always or good consistency, and Is ready lor use at any 1 0 by WARNOCK ft DAV18. 169 Congress street. EVENING DRESSES. HENRY LATHROP & CO. ■fTrOULD Invite the attention or the ladles to a Vf very select lot or Evening Dresses, received por Tuesday’s steamer, comprising the following: Pluk and blue Embroidered Crape Robes White Mallno do Lace do do Tulle do do do Cot’d Organdio do dol9 HENRY LATHROP ft CO. mmm. QA BBIB APPLES, 100 packages Raisins, 104 Ow boxes Goshen, Eug Dairy and P A Obsese, 76 bbls, half, quarter uad eighth Buokwhoat. 60 boxes Extra Figs, 60 do Fire Crackers, 76 bbls Sugar. Butter and Soda Biscuits, 76 boxes Candy, 200 Cocoa Nuts, 26 boxes and quarter boxes Oswego Starch, 600 whole, half and quarter boxes Sardines. ly with safety upon getting such a one by selecting I from the following makers, whose instruments we I oodexvor to keep constantly on hand, vis : H. Wor-1 . oeeter, J. Chlckerlng ft Boa. Naan ft Clarke, Bacon I Also, a fresh assortment or Nuts, Citron, Jellies, Wholesale and Retail Dealers lu For-1 ft Raven*, H. Waters, and Haines. Brothers ft Com-1 Currants, Preserves, Sauces, Bananas, and a varie* V* ^ * I. w. MORRELL ft CO. I ty of such articles as ore generally wonted about Christmas i— aug27 THE ONLY MUSIC GENT'S AND BOY'S WEAK. B LACK Caaulmcros and Doeskins, Fancy do, Black and Col'd Cloths, Tweeds, fc’atinoU, Bilk Voaibig-*, Muriuo und Cotton Under Garment*, Ho siery of all kinds, Gent’s i iuen Cambric Hdkf’s, Hem’d Stitch’d do. do., Col'd Borders do., Stocks, Napoloon Tics and Cravats, ftc., ftc Foreuio by MIT* llawnr ft MORGAN. GENTLEMEN’S W. P. BOOTS. A Received by recont arrivals a supply ot Ma. Gcutlotnon’fl Water Proof Boots and Goiters, ra^fiometbing FINK and NEAT. For sale by ^ M. J. BUCKNER, doll) 71 and 152Gibbon's range. TWENTY DOLLARS REWARD * WILL bo paid for the apprehension and delivery of my Negro Slavo AUGUSTUS, who ran away from the Jacksonville Rail Rood Company, where ho waa hired, about i November. Augustus U a likely mulatto. with a small scar on one cbeck. Ho is about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, remarkably well formed, and about 28 years of age. Tho above reward will be paid on hl3 deltvory at my plantation, or to Boston ft Vlllalonga, Sivannab, r.r If lodged in any Jail, so that I got blni. SAMUEL R. PYLES, dec26—twlra Newuonvllle, Fla. HKE.LIKU OFF. ' QTLK8, GA8HIIEBBS, M. DtLAINES O Stolla and Plush Bawls Cloth Cloaks, Saxony Plaids and other styloa or Winter Goods at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. d*o23 DsWITT ft MORGAN. elgn and Domeetlo Dry Goods. B EG leave to say they have romoyed to thoir large new store, 176 BROUGHTON STREET, whvre thoir ample room will enable thorn to keep a complete stock fn every department. Also, a fall line of PLANTATION GOODS, ofthe best Southern manufocture, Con BuyeSat thefowrat IWP"*®® strict attenllon to i EXCLUSIVE SM Dress and Ladles and City Cash prices. ooU9 lea and Gents Famishing Goods, well a« the Country Buyers, at ices. «. BROWN ft CO., 176 Broughtoa it. W. D. ZOOBAXTM* CO. return (banks to it for their fovors, i to their busluess. for <w and would therefore ibllo to their Ittwutioa of Savannah, Oat. lit* IBM. T IE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing be-1 tween the subscribers, under the nam6 of J* V. CONNERAT ft GO., was this day dissolved by mutual conseat. Mr. Joseph V. Ooonerat will at-1 tend to the vettlereen t of the affitin of the said firm. J. V. CONNER AT, TWS fs Rt tluTfelN A»«’ THE UNDERSIGNED forest of Johx Uma, wtU beraoRer o wholesale GROCERY AND PRODU& ... •Sf 0 * 1 ** v OONNERAT 'Viwiiul AIM. OB bud . ml of Musical Merchandise, and a a of Horae and Foreign Muslo. 00129 STAPLE DRY GOODS. /COTTON and Linen Bheetiags, ShlriUngi, Irlfch t) Ltneas, Pillow Cue linens, Bird’s Eye Dia pers, Huckabacks, Hook and Fins Damask Towels, S, 9 and 10M Sap. Irish and Scotch Table Damasks, j Napkins and Doyles, Real Welsh and American Flannels, Fine Both and Whitney Blanket, linen Those in want will please give me a call. A. H. CHAMPION, nov28-tf successor to Champion ft Watts BLEACHED SHIRTINGS, IRISH LINENS L INEN and Cotton Sheetings Wbito Marseilles Quilts and Counterpanss Sup’r Bed Blankets English, Welsh and American Flannels 7,8,9 and 10)4 Table Linen Damask Huckabacks aud Towellings Table Napkins and Doyles Brilllanfos and fine Long Cloth* Long Lawns, Bird’s Eye Diaper, ftc.. ftc. For salo at tbo lowest prices by d*ol4 DsWHT ft MORGAN. CANDLES. gPERMACBm, Adamantineand TalhmoTvsrloju a». TOET received by stermer Alabama, a targe el of Block Cloth Frock Oorts, Black Doeskia a Flgnered Cassimere Paata, Figured Black and Fi -«»-* 'toih arculor Talmas, for WM. R. SYMONST ' rts, Black Doeskia sad I ay Silk Vesta, Blue Pilot sale low by their subscriptions. Torsi ARPBl’S NEW MONTHLY MAGAZINE FUR DECEMBER—This is the beginning of a new —v—«.— wtU pleas# call and renew for sale by WARNOCK ft DAVIS, Booksellers tad Stationers, BQTgfi IWgOBgress-t. SARAH PXRCITAL. NEW .YORK brands ;8oap of various brands, from 6, 1,10 and 12 cents. Chemical Soda Soap 10 cents: Wo. man’s Friend 10 cents. Call and examine at BARRON’S Family Grocery, sep26 Whitaker and Charltoa-atreeta. JUVENILE ANNUALS YOR 1857. mHE VIOLET, a Obrlstmaiand New Year’s gift. X with six coiorod illustrations, In cloth and mo- rocco; prioo $1 25 and $1 00; The Rosebud, Illustrated with numerous engra.' vlngs, bound In cloth and morcooo; prioo $1 26 and * The Hamming Bird, a Christmas and New Year’s gift, edited by Wa Maitland, In doth and morocco; price $1 26 and $1 00. ’ The Pet Annual, with six illustrations; price $1 26 and $100. The Christmas Box. with $ engavlngs; price $121 ui.100. Forwleoj WARNOCK k DAVI3, 4mU U.Oongnu street. OKOBOIA BADE! NSRCO SHOE8. TOST RECEIVKD-100t».kM. Mom CtaunpuM, RrHB NEW . YORK LEDGER, oooUIntag I mBE3Qb.crtber hu luitreoelTKl mother suppljr «l n boiM ImntrU, > bora CebUel, lOboree X ainh Penlnl: or, Ut. Bride or Ut. Rome of I X ot QMr.Lt mad. negro Brogiu. Flutwa Oordw Rettge. nr Hit. it, joeld. AIMM nddllknll enppl,of RroUtw JonA|wWto^MgKUte|r aon./e worgue^^InriSdS ktM A.BONADD, corMrB^M. Mljw. OUlltDOK, AgMt. n*u*