Savannah Georgian & journal. (Savannah, Ga.) 1856-1856, December 31, 1856, Image 4

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■— HI 7T1— "T — yfiwl jLbhtrliMiwnlB. “5SfWSu» 1 wreobly to on order granted by tho rt of Ordinary of said oounty.will bo iota, bo- »the oourt houso door, to said couutv, on thd To—lit to February next, botweon too tawfol • ofialo, Ooo hundred and fifty (160) noroa of i Load, moro or loss, botonglug to tho citato of Edwardi, deceased. Sold for tho bonoflt or ‘tefsalddeoeased. Terras oosh. OBADIAH D. EDWARDth r 19th, I860. dec24 ■TATE OF GEORGIA, T DIRTY COUNTV^-AU persons concera- li ad arc hereby notified that, two monlha alter after date I will apply to the honorable Court or Or dinary of aald county, for leave, to aell all the real awfaffisa trrtiW.ofulldKW.4^ gnTENa, Airn'i. Dmabu Htb, ISM doca« *S5S»OF UKOUQ1A. S iTH-LM OOUNTY—To ill whom It m»y mn i WtMTMS) Junto Nowlin wlU opnly Oowt of Ordlntry for UHan of .itnMilrulon tnO ndmoolihidl f ull Buy ooooero, to be out nppew before uU t to toutt objection (tfnny Ibojrtun) on or bo. Ik* ini Uondoy tnFobrnujr not, otturwlto BtSSjSn BlEoS’tto'. OrOlnur rerObothom •«^ M U.^ofI*«»ra. o. o. a ITiTB OK QKORGIA, /CHATHAM COUNTY—Tb Ul whom It miyOon. \J omi Wbereu, Joint l orn* wtU*pply at tbe (tout of Ordlnu* tor lotion dtamlnorjr, u mintin' Wroloc «t too MUto of Henry Cotton, Am on, ihorotort, to cite omt odmoolob oil nbMiituofcoooirn. to Mud onpew boforo uld Ooortto adn objection (irony they boro) on nr baton too ant Hondo/ in April nnt, otborwloo nM boon will bo granted. Wltneeo, John Bioo, Km., Ordinary tor Cbatbom Otuly. tbla oorontt day oroewbor, 1868. MtMa JOHN BILBO, o. o. n. enilWB CO. EnoGWi MLB. S YTlrtnooCanorderironttboCourtor Ordina ry of oold ooubty, will beoold betoro tbo court w door In Joffononton, on tbo drat Tuesday, Morrobnorr, 1U7, dnrlnt tbo loud boura ofaolo, tkt kmue and lot In ute town or St Ibry’i, belong tag to OUOM E A Yollowloy. Tbt lot la liny feet In boot by ono hundred In depth. dolttOd . P. M. ADAMS, Ex’or. mwrBaBBBronic CHATHAM COUNTY.—To ell whom It may eon ooooorn ■ Wbereu, Z. M. Winkler tod A. Harmon will apply at the Oourt of Ordinary for letter. d!s< ■naary on tha utata or 9. Winkler. Tka,aan,Utuetort, to cue and admonlah oil wheal U may concern, to be and appear beiore uld Oourt to make obeiection (If eoy they bare) on or a tho Ant Mouday lu Juno neat, othorwlao told nuan. teillbogranted. Wltaeao, John Bdbo, bg., Ordinary tor Cbatam Oataty.tbia Hath day of December Ml. JOHN BIBO, 0. o.o. *** stamm [WfakoiKilA; yiBATHAH COUNTY To mi whom It may con' ITotrmt Wbtraaa, John u Ontrard wlU apply at tha Court or Ordinary tor lettara or guardian- l are, ute and admontob Ul wham U may ncoearn, to be and appear before aUdCburt to main objection (Ifany uteybave) on or baton tbo atcond Monday In January noil. •Iharwlia laid Alton will bo granted. Wltneee, John Bubo, Qq., ordinary tor Chalbam aaaaty, tbla M day or December,DM JOHN BILBO, 0. e. o. B® EK? nay con- Wfytm. Groover, Jr- one of Iho Sa5?as;affesS! Court or Ordinary (hr Lettara DlsmUsory, audio havo tho -Uto ortho said John Groover dismissed as oxeoutor of WlUiat* Groover, Sr., doceeeed t, | Thceo are, therefore, .to otto end admonish ell whom It mey conocrn to bo end appear before eeld Court, to tooko objection (tr any thoy have) In terma I ef tho lew, othorwlao salo lifters will be granted* WitnoM^ William U ?, I sq., Ordinary for Iho im Leo, Biq„ Ordinary ( t,UM. a.a OKOROIA, LIBERTY COUNTY LL pereene baring d.mutd, again.! tha eelate it A. D* Yloyd, late nr Liberty oonnly, do- J, will band them In duly atteited within Iho time preeorlbed by law, and thoie Indebted wlU make ImmedAte payment yyjTD, 1II0MA8 A. FLOYD. dolS-lm Queltfiea Ezeoutori, \ STATE OF GEORGIA. /"I HATHA M COUNTY—lo eu wnom tt mey Con- \J cent t Wherou, Jemw Doyle will apply at the Oeartof Ordinary ror letter* oumleory ee adminta. trator on the eatate of George Alexander. The— are therefore to olte and admonlah ail oon< earned, te be aad appear beiore aald Court to tuako objections. (ifany they have,) ou or boToro the tret Monday In April next, otnorwteo aaldlottora . "witMt?J(3m BUBo, Esq-, urmnary tbr Chatham • - STAtb OKp OBOrgia. ' /CHATHAM COUNT Y.—To all whom it may \J ooaoern: Whereat, Harris K. Harrison wlU apply at the Oourt of Ordinary for Letters or Guard* la—alpon the property or Laura A. Ulmer: The— are, therefore, to cite and admonish an who— It may concern, to be andappear before aald Goan to make ctyecUon (ir any they have) on or Mfcre the second Monday In January noxt, other* Wise said Utters wlU be granted- Wltaeee, John Bilbo, Eeq-, Ordinary for Chatham ly, tbla first day or December, UfiO. JOHN BILBO, o. o. o. GEORGIA,LIBERTY COUNTY. T > all whom It may concerm Whereat, H.W, Howard will apply at the court of ordinary Ibr letters of administration, cum t—tamento annoxo, upon the—UU of Hardy Deloach, deceased: Theso are therefore to cite aadadmlnlahall whom It may concern to bo and appear before said Court tomakootyeodon (it any they bavo) on or before the first Monday In February next, othorwlao said letters wlU be granted. Witness. W. F. Girardeau, fieq.. Ordinary for liberty county, tbla SdDecembor. 1860. do2-‘ W. P. GIRARDEAU, o. t o. MTATiU OF GEORGIA, B ULLOCH * SHINTY.—'To all whom it may cou ceru: whtfoas, Seaborn B Cowart will apply at the Oourt or Ordinary for letters dismlssoryas administrator on the citato or Patrick D Keleber, deceased : Those are, utorefore, to cite aud admonish aU whom nmayoMtoorn, to be and appear before said Oourt to make otyectfoa (ifany they have) on or be- foro tbo ttrst Mtsida/ In February next, otherwise said lottoru will be granted. Witness. WlUUm Lee, Esq., Ordinary for ttullooh County, this 6th day, 1116. augJ WILLIAM LEE. o. a. o. STATE OF GEORGIA, ptHAIHAU COUNTY.—To all whom It map V coucorn: Whereas, John S. Norris wUl apply at the Court or Ordinary for LeUera of Administra tion do bonis non cum testlmento annoxo on tho Estate of Dorothea Abrahams * The— aro, therefore, to oils and admonish all whom It may concern, to be and appear before said Court to make ohleeUon (if any thoy have) on or before the second Monday In January next, other wise said letters will be granted. 4 _ . WUnosa, John Bilbo, Esq, Ordinary for Chatham ounty, this 29th day of November. 1866.. novao JOHN’BlLBO, o, d. o. HATH^COUNTY^T(uSwhom it may v concern: Whereas Levi 0. Harby will apply at tho Court of Ordinary lor Letters or Administra tion cum twlamouto annoxo on the estate or Jaoub DeLamotta: Theso aro, therefore, to olto and admonlah aU whom it mayconoern,to be andappear before said Court to make objection (ifany they have! on or before the first Mouday In Tanuary next, other wise said letters will be grauted. Witness, John Bibo, Esq., Ordinary for Chatham county, tbla 29th day or November, 1860. Q0VU9 J0HN BILBO, o. o. 0. HTATtfi OF GEORGIA, /"CHATHAM COUNTY.—To all whom It may cou- V corn: Whereas, Androw Farry will apply at the Court or Ordinary for letter* of Administra tion on tbteiUU of Ellen Duffy, doceased: Then are, therefore, to cite end admonish ail whom It may concorn, to be and appear boforp said Oourt to make objection, (U any they have), on or before the first Monday iu February next, other wise laid lettara wlU ho granted. Wttuosa, John Bibo, feiq., Ordinary for Chatham county, this 224 day or December, 1666. do22 JOHN BILBO, 0. 0. o. v .next,before the Oourt Jiouao in BUteeboro, ' wing property, belonging to tbe ^iure'o lavle, Jr., 1968 aeres, more or Iom, of land h county, bounded north by Urn pnipcrty ’“Ties aodJohn Bater* north and west by / of John Blator, oast by Uto pro|»orty of Davis, And couth by tbo pr6pnrt) oT Jo* Davis. Bold torthobonrii «r the helm and orodltorsof Henry Davis. Jr-, ducoHsod- on thn protierty are ono grist end ono saw mill, J0SIA1I DAVIS, septlM-fim Ad mV. nr BUPERIORCOURT, Clintlintii Oo. . May Tkah, I860. Robt. M, Robertson,andoihaiH.compl’ntH,) v«. 1 Claudius B. Peaso, the Doboy steam Saw t Order Mill, Clark Baylou and William V Kayleff | and othorc.dofondauts. I TTapiwarlng to the Court that iwo olTliu said do* JL fondants, Clark Saylos and William K. Saylosro ■lao out of this County, aud arc <>>ot from the Stalo or Georgia, co that corvleo or thu above bill andiubpona cannot be nerved upou. thorn, on motion It is ordorud, that tbo said Clark esiyloii and William F. BayloH do appoar ami auswor tho said oompUlnant’c bill, on or boforo Iho drst day or tho next Term oT this Court, or In doi.ndi thornol, Unit aald bill bo taken pro confoeao agnlust them: aud it c further ordered, that a copy of this order be pub* (shod in one of tha public nuwsimpors «T the city of 8avanuab once a week for three months prior the coaslon of the next Term of this Court. Truoer ract from Mlnutea. W. 0. SHKFTAi.l., oet 2-.lawam Ooputy Clork, s. r.«. o. ADVkKTItUMI AUWKIJt, HtlUnW.lMIU, M. Authiirlxed Ageut for tho Saviimmli Journal. I/N1AI. KVIDENCK 01 THI* VALUE AND FIJtK- i*iujok upAMriM nr WILDEIPK NAIiAMANIIKR SAFER, Ai-Alamfavturftt by sennit ti Jilarvin, Ntu fork. In tho tiro oftheSd ll»«t. f which IMIMWHi- od tlio brick building occimlod by Mr. Jno. T. Thomas, opposite tho (las Works, m thla city, was a safo ot _ the above deaorlptkNW oontalnlng tho books, napors, and monoy of Mr. .Thomas, aud although tbo building was detroyod, tho said Bafo suslalnod im Injury wlmtovor rromtho Intcnsohoat to which It hud boon exposed. On open* lug the Safo, tho ooatents wero (band undisturbed, and in the same ordor and ooodltioo as wbon idaood there, oxoopta slight discoloration to the projecting ends oTa fow papers, and tho backs of one or two ol tlio books, cnuHod by tho steam gonoratod In the Safo, while at IU groatosthoaL The Safo and contents, as ItcaraolVora the ruliis, may still bo soon, In tho poraesslon of Mr. Thomas, at tho Gas Works. A largo assortment of these onto • brated Hafos always on baud,aud for sale by C. H. OAMPFIELD, PHOTO GKRAPBY OAltEY (fe POAVHI-SON’iS I have taken particular pal us with the iuun taring of my Ready Made Clothing, and I’eM , dent of pleasing all who may favor mo with WATCHES-WATCHES-WATCHER. We are receiving the London Lever Watches, of the moetcelohrated makers, In Gold and Silver cases. R. F. Cooper’s ini Iplex Watches, Watches for Timing Homs fine Swiss Chronometers, whloh we offer at reasons* be nrlo—, at our new store in Glbbt is* Range. septSI D. B. NICHOLS k 00. “as- 1 STATE OF GEORGIA, BULLOCH CO. mo all whom It may concern.—Whereas, Polly X B. Lenler and John B. MoUer will apply at the Os—tof Ordinary for letters or administration on the estate or Lake & Lenler. deceased. Tb—# are therefore, to cite and atmvralsb all whs— Itmay concern, to bo and appear before —Id Oourt. to make objection (ifauy iney have) on or before tho second Monday In January noxt, oth* erwt— —Id Utters wiU bo grantod. Wltaeu. William Lee.kXq., Ordinary for Bulloch Ooumv. this 19th day or November, 1869. WILLIAM LSB, O. B. 0. toATH okukuhuia, uullocii cu. fVlO all whom U may concern.—Whereas, Amorl* X «a Knight aud Uuher Cono will apply at tho Oourt Of Ordlaary for Utters of Administration on Iho Estate ot Green Knight, deceased. lb—o aro therefore to oito aud admonish all whom U —ay ooaoern, to bo and appear boforo said Court tu make objection (If any they bavo,) on or be< Monday In January noxt, other* ■aid litters will bo granted. William Ue t Esq., Ordinary for Bullooh ■ 19th day of November, I860. WILLIAM LEE, O.B.C. —mBKSBztmasm county, fPO all whom it may concern—Whereas, Simon ■ p. Williams will apply at the Court of Ordina ry for letters of administration on tnu estate of John B. Williams, deceased. These are therefore to clto and admoulsh all who— It may ooncern to be and appear before said OoarttoBMto objection (Ifany they have) on or boforo tho seoond Monday in January next, othor* wIm —Id letters wlU be granted. WUas—, William Lee, Esq., Ordinary for Bulloch County, this 19th day of November, 1066. Dora william lee, o. d. 0. i-IE Oil a I A.-BULLOCH COUNTY— Two VX monthi otter date we will apply at the Oourt ot ordinary or Bulloch county for leave to sell all the real and persoual estate or William it Hagtn, lato of Bulloch county, dcceusod, tbr tho bonofii of the holm aud orodltorsoTsald — tato. This 1st Dcoembor, 1866. NANCY liAOIN, Adm'X, d*c& JEPTHA HAG1N, Adm’r. I AD&IMIkWtAtOHa IalST A GRERAliLE to an order of the Honorable Or* iX. dlnary of Tattnall county, will be sold In the town ofBoldavUla, on the flratTuesday in Feb* rhary next, 300 acres of land, moro or leaa, situate in the 40th dlatriot. the late rosldenoo or Jesao Copeloud, deooased. Bold for a distribution among the heirs of said decease. Terms mndo knowu on the day oTsale. JAMhd COPELAND, deed Administrator. 'olTYfiESHIS'lFS' HAXiK. W ILL he sold before tbo Court House door, in tho olty of Bavannah, on tho Oral Tuooday m Jauuary noxt, botwocu the legal hours of salo, the following articles of groceries. I cask Hoe, 1 pipe gin, 1 ullage calk brandy, 1 tot decauttrs, 1 tot codec, 1 bbi pears, 1 aa potatoes, 1 lot buokots, 1 lot brooms, 1 lot tobacco, 1 ullage barrel Irish whiskey, ko., ko. Levied on as the property of cation to merit a continuance oTtl Patrick Fitzpatrick, to satisfy a (1 fa iasuod out of tbo Honor iblo,the City Court of Savannah, in favor of McMahon It Doyla vs Patrick Fitsputriok. Property pointed out by plaintUEi. EDW'DM. l'RKNDERGAST, deed Shorlff. 'CITY SUKltl^F’N HALE. W ILL bo sold boforo the Court House door in the city or Bavonnab, on tho flrat Tuodday lu January next, 1867, between tbe legal hours of tale: half lot and Improvements No. 6 Green Ward, In tbe city oT Savannah, bounded north by Brough ton street, south by lane; each by hairor said hit, and next by lot No. 7» Lovlcd ou ns tho property of James L. Oliver, to —Iliya II fit foued out of the hosorablo tbo City Court or Savauuab, in lavor of David B. Nichols Vn. James L. Oliver. l*roj>eri> pointed out by plaintiffs Att'y. Terms oasb. KDW'D M. PRENDKKWABT, dodr. fihorltl'. ilSteB ajjSBB SpmgS (ale THE subscriber U uow ready to for- luish OYSTERS in tho Shell, fresh open* ed or Pickled la any quantity to suit purchase™. Pickled Oysters in kegs ready to bo shipped. — I J. 1). JE88E. TAKtTNOlIOE, ' ' THE subscriber having ruccuved bis Fall and Winter stoex consisting lor Froncb, English and American Goths, CnsUineres and Vettings, L whloh he will soil by tbo pattern or maso to order lu tbe most fashionable stylo, for cash or city bc ceptauce. Also, a bandsome assortment or Ready —do Ctc thing, Shirts, Under do, Drawers, Cravats, Gloves. Suspenders, Umbrellas, Nock Tlas, Dress ing Gowns. Truuks, Valises, Carpet Bags, Walking Canes, and eveiythlng necessary for a gentleman’s wardrobe, Thankful for past Cavors he hop— by strict appli itlon to merit a continuance oT the same. Cutting and Repairing done at short notico. UOV29 JOHN W. KELLY. VAUVABLE IUOU FLAII'ATIOII FOR SALE, Ott W SAVAAMAU. be Ha STATE OF GEORGIA, g HATH AM COUNTY.—To all wnom it may cou earn: Whereas, Frances H. Macleod will sp ot tha Court of Ordinary for Letters or Admlnis* sr on tha—Ute oi Frances G. Macleod: Tb—a are, therefore, to clto uid admlnieh all wham U may ooncern, to be aud appoar before said Oe—ttomake objection (If any mey have) on or before tbe aaoend Monday in January uext, other* WkM aald Utters will be grantod. 1. John Bilbo, Esq., Ordluary for Chatham O N the lirot Tuesday In January next, I wlU sell tu Trout of the Court House, in the oity of Sa vannah, botweon the usual houraof sale,one Steam Saw and Grit»Mill, together with all the right, title andJnlercst of Hull and Quartnmon.ln and to oue thousand aoras notes of land, aud too timber therounto attached to said Blill, with thn Improve ments thereon, oonsisUng of a small dwelling, store houso, stable and negro houses, bald land lyiug lu Liberty County, Georgia, aud bounded by tbe laoiRof Mrs. Jones, Geo. W. Wultliour. Thomas Quartern!— and othors—the —mo levied upon to —Udfy a fi to. issued out of tho Sixth Circuit Court ortho United States for tho Southern District or Georgia, in favor of David Forvor vs. Hull at * Quartermau. Property poiutod out by plaiutlfis Att’y. ^ DAN. H. STEWART, . dmi6-eoillmu.. b. S. Marshnl. thUtbMd«rJSSmSSJfsifc toS' JOHN lilt,80. 0. 0. to aaaanu. mJi-toch utnjiypv; A AMDngnUTORa 1 8ALIi^-A(r.mbl.uu (•ryruudby Un Court or c otuty. wilt boiolu, boforo tha cou ..ti ttl. 0 an or- . r Ordinary of said I j, before the court house door In. said 'county, on the first Tuesday in Januiryi MSS, between the lawfol hours of —fe, (U7o) ono -* "it hundred and seventy acres of land, u bounded by William Proctor. Johu ./UUarn E McElven, John Proctor, and _ J E. Groover. .It being tho late rc.ddouco or Js—— Hallo, deceased; sUo, Be von negroes, vis r WUUs. Charity, Sarah, Tom, Msry, Caroline, and Cftoay, belonging to the estate or jamea liagin, de ceased Bold for tbe bouofit of the holra and ere* of —dd deceased. Terms uu tho day oftrnlo. KEZlAJt HAULS, MV 28 Administratrix, ■TATE OF GEORGIA, /CHATHAM COUNTY—To all whom it may is —M—n t Where—, Ann Kellar wlU apply at t£e Oourt ol Ordinary for Letters or Administration mM— —tato of Dennis Kellar: — ) ara thoreforo to cite and admoulsh aU iteiud Mt«Wb. iruUKt. WttM— John Bllbe, Esq.,«»rdlu»ry for Chatham S-"’--S?ttSrERkTI •BOMIA-LIBBRTY COUNTY, rra aU who— tt may ooncern—Where—, Jo. X MphI, Way wUl apply - tho Court or or* Ordteary for tottortofadmufitratloa on tho estate erwuila- F. Way, lato deooased. Tha— are, therefore, to cite and admonish all who—tt may ooaoera to be and appear before said Ooortto make objection, (Ifany they have,) on or before tho first Monday In January next, other* Wl—aoM letters WiUba granted. WUas-, W. P.GIrardeau, Esq., Ordinary for Lfo—ty Oeuaty, Otis 20th November, I860. Jg W. p. OIRAhukAP. o l.«. uo'iimisH co.—aiiL'ntKF’s hale, W IU. bo .old Ob too first TUESDAY lb Jbbuory next (1867) before the Court Uouao door iu tho City or Durien, within tbS legal hours or tale, the following desorlbed property, to wit: twcuty (20) acres of land with two (2) dwelling bouses, with all necessary out building* thereon standing. Levied ou as the property or Frost and Houlter, to satUty sundry leln Judgments Issued out or McIn tosh lnforiorCourt, in favor of G. W. Ferris and othors vs Frost r d Doulter. Property pointed out by platutills in execution. Terms carii, purchasoi paying for title?. • W. T. THORPE, deed Molutosh Co. McIATUEIl CO. I.HEku «".1 » \LK. W ILL bo sold ou Iho first Tuesday in Jauuury next, 1*67, before the Court Homo door in tbe city of Darien, within the leval hour* or sale, the following property to wit: Two hundred acre* laud, levied on ns tho pro perty or Charles Davis, to satisfy a it. la issued out or the Jusiloes Co irt, 271st District, in favor of Otlia Davis, vs. Charles Davis. Also, one hundred and fitly acres land, levied on— the property of tho aforesaid Charles Davis, toijaiisfy (be above execution, Celia Davis, ve. (Jharfos DavD, levied on and returned to mn by a Constable* Terms cash, purchases paying fur title. W. T. TUOltPL. Sheriff M.C. • DarienCa*, Dec. 9,1860. doo 6 Abhii9iI4irRAToit*N n/ihk. ■TATE of GEUJIGIA. AM COUNTY.—Whereas, Jm«pb W. Gib* bOM will apply at the Courier Ordinary for — executor on the Ramie of all CTSSfifi Lsttars DUtsoli MaUmw- . Thseei wbo-tt art, therefor*, to one and may ooncern, to be ana appear before said Q—r6 to maka objection (If any tony have) ou or before the first Monday In Apru noxt, othcrwlso mM letter* will be granted. Witnmn, John Bilbo, ISnHKrMEiMv ■TATE OF GEORGIA. ‘ A8ATHMI COUNTY ^-To au wnom it may ooo. \J mtb : Where—, John uuna will apply at the 0—it of Ordinary for Letters mum Dowry as Admin* foWatoroa the Estate of Henrv tUiwon, S These an, therefore, to cite and admonish all i tt-ay oohoern, to ha andappear before said MserStR tot’ JOHN HLSO, 0.0.0, \I7IIJ.bosoldon the Urst Tuesday in Jauuary VV next. (1867) beioro tbe Court House door In nihoavlIIe.Llbortyoounty, all that tract or pared 6T laud belonging to the Eltete of tbe Ute John A. Hefadry, decc—od, lying In the county of Liberty, hoar Taylor’s Creek, on the Cross Bay, adjoining land* ownod by KUMcFaU and Thom— Lanier, (within convenient distance of a good school and church) contalng 196 sore*, more or less, and — improvod. , Also, — the aame time and place, lot number thirty, lying lu HlnesvlUo. Liberty county, aud be* loafing to tho Estate of tho lata John A. Hendry, • Al*o, ai the same time and place,the undivided In* tercst (being one halO of tho Estate of tho late Jobs A. Hendry* .doc—R<XV to tbo foUdWtag tracu of lsniLstUlymg.ln the hOMbirof Liberty, vis: 600 sows, mdreorl—*i2®*f ttwresldenoo of John Per ry, on tbe waters of Cauoucheo river. 200 acres, more or leu. grautol tu IV Horton and on the sra- tors of tbe Canoucbee river. 612 aorcs, more or Iks, lying near thu ryttdoneu of William Rustlu, being well timbered and convenlout to Canonohoe fl % r o above being A port of the lands beloogtag to the* FjStale of John A. Hendry, deceased, and sold for tbo bouofit of tha heirs and creditors. E.D. nENDRY,! Adm ,_, 1*. B. HKNDUY,J Adlu n ' liberty county, Nov. 22, I860. N. it. Term* liberal and mado known on day af solo. ;; i" * . nov24 • I’O all whom tt may ooooern >- v 'hera—, Boats* A- min Alexander Will apply at tha Oourt of Or dinary Ibr Lettara of Dtsmtaewo—Administrator on tbo estate of Anson tVGIams.ute of said County, de ceased. Theso are,therefore,wolto and admonish all wbuui tt may concern, lob*, and appear before aald Court to make objection (iTeny they bave)on or be* forj! -theflrat Mwi , ^) r J n 4 otherwise said F for Tstt /Ordinary. e application will be OF THE STATE OF NOTICE. ME MONTH tiler date made to the BANK IBGIa for the payment ol a TWENTY DOLLAR NOTE of said Bank, tbe loll half of whloh h— been lost. B. DOUGLASS k CO. CharUaton, Deo. 11*1866. [lawlm] notice* rpUREE months after date application will bo X made to tho MsrlnoBank m savaunn.. for thu payment of two Twenty Dollar Bills, (vis: tatter ti, (o. 8,070, aad letter 0, No. 697.) the right halve* of which nave been lost by mail, oct 9—3m JAMrtt P. HUDSON. NOT | CM| -- O NE MONTH after dale application will be made to the Bank of the Btato of Uenrgiu, In Savan nah, for tbo payment of a Twenty Dollar Note d ■aid Bank, the left half whlcn h— bceu l'»«t. Al.-o, for the payment or a Ten Dollar Koto of said Bank, No. 4,444, the right hairof whloh b— boon lost ' JAMES I*. HOWELL. TenuUle, Oa., Dec. 4. I860 Iaw4t-dec4 NEW AND iPUMDIO PAhlllONA. OLE GOODS ms TBE FALU. TRADE OF HIM. WILLIAM 0. PR 1 (Jill, AT THE STAB CLOTHING EMPORIUM. 147 Bar Street, IS now opening the largest aud best se lected stock of Goods for Gentleman’* wear ever offered in the city of savannah. i Black and Colored Cloths, Black I me$kiua and CanImer—, Overcoating, Fancy Casttrae. j-i, and Bilk and Velvet Vesting*, which cannot bu aut- uused, are to be found iu bold proihttnu iu tbo let-chants’ Tailoring Department, and will tv mat!* lo order In moat approved stylo, and at ttioti no- lUUllUlilt'* pleasing all who may favor mu with their patronage. I have a lot or very tasty husiuc** suits, te which I Invite particular uttcntiun. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS ami Toilut artloloe of every descnptlou, aud u largo stwk ol TrunkB. Carpel Bug* and Valises alwayi on itaud. WILUAM O. FRICK, Star Clothing Fmporiutu, oot 2 147 Bay streeL mout, and In addition would add, that tho hooka are nowin use. J. T. THOMAS. Wood Yard, Ferry Wharf. July gnu, 1W. — “ & S' /XN the first Tuesday lu December uoxt, will V sold before tho Court Houso In Uio oity of.... vannah, the Plantation on the Savannah river, leu mil— from tbe city, known — Mulberry Grove, iw longing to the estato of the lato Philip Ultnor, con taining six hundred aud olghty-aevon ucrcn, ol which there aro two hundred uoroa or first quality tide rice laud, and one hundred und lllly*Uvuucrc* uudorgood banks aud iu afiucstate for cultiva tion. Also, soventy tivo acre* of high lau«l u. ler cultivation. Ou tho plsco are a good dwelling house, overseer’s bouse, burns, uogro houses aud .Ler outbuildings, all in a good state or repair. Pur/mus dostrlng to puroh—o will cull ujion U. K, Harrison, Ex’r, who roslde* wltlUu four miles of tlio Grove, or KIIzjlUlmer, Kx’trix, who reside* within iw miles »f the Grovo. Tormsor sale made known ou the day of * *-l* PosMesiilon not givun until the flrat of Januarv H. K. HARRISON, Ex’or. JylT-td ELIZA ULMER, Ex’trix. MW TheCharlestou Mercury will publish out >j week uutllthe day of aulo. 1856. 1856. RICH FALL DRY GOODS GRAY BROTHERS W OULD beg to inform their friends aud tbe pub lic that Choir tall supplies of rich and elegant have Just arrived—purchased from the most emi nent Importers of the country, and floteolod with u care — rogards elegsnea and beauty, which cannot bo appreciated until fully examined. We can confidently say that our stock of Rich Dress Goods and Cloaks cannot be surpassed for beauty and elegance, and that our Domottic Stock is as cheap as tbe like quality or goods can be bad from here to New York- Amo jg our assortment will be found the uiott elegant fiouuced Rob— with figures; Rich and elegant colored Silks, very cheap; Lyons’ Velvet Cloaks, trimmed iu tho nowett ami richest style. Cloth aud Moir Antique Clucks; rich aud cheap. All-wool Freuob Mouslin de Lalncu, new ami gank Lapina’ bettall-wool French de Lalnes, high uuiurs, lor misses. Lupins' beat Black Bombariue aud Cballoys. White Merino. Chulloy, do Utne and Bombauue, very fine. Cloths and Casstmeres, a lull assortment. Plantation Goods best quality, exceedingly cheap. Houakeueping articles in great variety, best quality at the lowest possible prices. The limits or an advertisement preclude* the possibility of enumerating any but few leading ar ticle*. We would respectfully request the attention ot purchaters to an examination or our stock, feeling confident that style, quality and price, will prove —tiitactory. GRAY BROTHERS, FASHIONABLE BEADY MADE K EOiiXVED by the undersigned afUUanpyly of READYMADE »-Li‘THING, consisting ol all artiolts necessar yfora ctoutleman’s Wardrobe. also: A choice assortment of French, English and Girin— Cloth. CMsuuerea and Vestings, which he ta prepared to make to order In the he»t stylo and at the shortest notice. He also desire* to call attention to bis stock of BOY’S AND YOUTH S CLOTHING, which wUl be found of superior style and workv msneblp W. R. SYMONS, OQI87 If 17 Whitaker sL ROOFING! ROOFING" WAHWat’a IK PROVED F1IUS AND WATTU-rROOT COMPOSITION ROOFING. mHK subscriber having been appointed sole agun X In Ibis city for Warren's Fire and Water Pn» Composition Roofing ta prep—ed to execute tUe same in a satisfactory manner. Tho attention 6r tha ciUxena of Savannah ta re* pectrnlly solicited to the above method of Roofing ow much used In tbe principal cities of tho United at—, (both North and South,) and As it b— bean sted nnder every variety or circumstances, I «vun- dently offer it to the public— a mode ot Roofini,- nohjectlonaplo In every partlenlar, whilst it cow- filn—. In a greater dogreo than any other roofing in sse. tho valuable requisites ef cheapness, durability and security, against both fire and water. It has rapidly eupercuded tho use or all kinds of roofe wherover U b— been introduced, giving in al o—m general satisfaction, being highly recommend- od by Insurance Cumpaules, and aU wbo have t—t- edit* utility. 40-CHARUB 3H0LL, Architect, wlU act as snot during my absence from the city, at whose oil—all Information will be ftreely given, and speci mens of tbe roof shewn. “ GALVIN FAY/Agent. July 26,1164. Agent for tbo Manufocturers, 171 Bay^L, Savannah, On. *-0F- PHOTOO&APHS, AHBROTYPEB & DAOUBEEKOTYPKB. MlBIBfi. CABBY 4 POWIUON Having Increased their tacllltlon fiir taking PHD* TOQRAPHd, AMBR0TYPE8 and DAGUKRRID* TYPES, are now pre)wrod tn tuko picture* of all who do*Ire In eilhor of tho stylun above mentioned and Inamannor unsurniwHoii lu the history of the Photographic Art. COLORED PU01OGUAPHS. Thusu are taken Ihtiu Dagm rrtiutypcn — pm'fmd, ly — ftromllfe, and aro CUi.ORKD either In ol. PASTEL, or WATER DOLORS. Wo have now secured tbo exclusive patent tar PRINTING ON CANVASS whloh can bo praQUiod by uo ofimr pomm in Chat ham county. By UUs newly discovered patent pro. o—s a magnificent and PERFECT UKBNK88 U produced from Daguerreotyim*,«f any site do- sired uptotheSIZEOFLIFfi. Biiuemotjrpei and Ambntypei. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Kxourata’s Umcs, cniat—Tox ASavasxjui R Road, Charleston, December 20,1866. EALKD PROPOSALS will be received al this ' olllco until January 16, 1867, for tbe Clearing, Grsdlug, and Trestle-work, on twenly*two (22) seo- loan of this Read, from Ed tato River to Salkebstchli liver, being from iho 30th to the fttat sections, In- I'liHive; and iomprl.*lug a dUtance of 22 mil— and 800 feet. Thore will be botwocu tbo |H)lnta shove Indicated nearly two (2) mile* of Pile andTrettle*work;but lu detacUud portion*, varying flrom 0 to 9, and in Home place* 14 feet in holgbL Tbe plans prop—ed to be adop'ed aro simple pile work up to grade, and Ito “Inverted W” Trottle, renting on mud Bill*, or upon bentn of tbroo plies each. Tho material must be ofthuhett quality or yellow or pitch pine, free from sap. Pluus and HpouldcatiouH may be seen, aud more exact Information obtained, at tbo olllce ortho En gineer, on and altir tho Bib January. Proposals may be submitted sepurslely for the Earth work, (Including Clearing,) and for the Pile and Trestle-work. Tbepropomi* will sjHicily tho price tor each aero of Clearing, (Including Grubbing, within tho limits of the exeurated or embanked breadth;) tho rate mi cubic yard of the —ravatiou *tr Embankment, vlth tho prico per hundred feet of Average Haul beyond tbo flrtt 100 root, (as It must be understood that when earth is hauled from the excavation Into l in oinbaukment It will bu paid tor but once, with tho sllittvuuco for avoruge haul') the price per lineal foot fur Trestle or Pile, work, of or within tbe lia.ils offi und 10, and 10 and •& feet hriget. or IT preferred the price per cubic taut, or foot board mu uturu of all material iu tbe Pile or Trestle-work. I'nymcnt* will bo made monthly, on tho esti mates of the Kugineer. of the work done; 20 por cout. being retained by the Company for its securi ty until the final compioti u. > ro|-o.-aln should bo addressed fit tbo uudcrttgnod, and eudorsed ,, l'io|K>finD for Graduation” or “Pro* po^ab- i'«>r fto'itesvmk.” THOSE. DRAYTON, Prcridunt aud Ohio! Engineer. dec.’tt—-duivii jaulf., DYING AND RRNOVATINO ~ * ESTA BLISHMRNT, 73 ton* sram_, nuu thk count nouu, SAVANNAH, GA., Established In 1839. S 1H£2 Hubscriber grateful to his Mends and patraiH for thoir continual tavora, would state l iu addition to tbe improvements In DYING, so < nlrod by him during hi* hut visit to England and Scotland, has made arrangement* for extondlng his buslno?8, by which ho in uow enabled to dye a greater Variety of colors uu ellk and woolen deemt, ihawis, iu., which he trusts will generally plciuo all who uuiy favor him with their palrouugc. Gcutlemou’s gunnvuts dyod, cleaned or rcuovatcd a* may he required, In tho same superior style whlol has gcneruUy bo much planned bis patrons am Irioud*. Table Covers, aud Ladles’ Crape Shawls, cleaned, and finished in the first stylo. litdics’ Bonnots dyed, bleached and pressed In Uii< most Itahlouable stylus Orders from Ilia country promptly atteadod to, Terms moderate. When parcels are sent by xnumbuuts or railroad, word should ha sent him by totter through tbe post office, so that he may know whero tu —II for them. -Alfi 4 _ ALEXANDER GALLOWAY SAVANNAH, ALBANY ds GULF RAIL ROAD. I "\N and alter Monday, tho 16th iuitL.ihoro will ' J ho ono daily paFseui;er und fruiuht train (r-un* days'oxcpptod) on tbo itavtuiuab, Albany aud Gulf Rail Road runuiiiR us follows: Leave fttvannub ntO k m. Arrive ut No. 1>$, known us Ways', at 10.39 A. >1. Leave No. I & at 10.40M. Arrive at No. 2 known hk Kletulug's, at 1120 A. M. Returning loaves No. 2at 11\ it. Arrlvo at No. 1 )i at 1.401% m. lajavo No l>j at 2 r u. Arrlvo at Kavanuab 3.1.01-. u. OonnectiDgatFlcmmiUR’i*,81oudaysaud tbursdaya with four horse, pu*t Ceneho.s to Darien, and on Mondays and Friday's from Darien. EDGAR L. 1IKRR10TT. duel i Chief hJigiueer. CENTRAL RAILROAD. md CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. O N aud alter Sunday, the l$th October, lust., and until forther notice, tbo Pusouger Trains ontno Central Railroad will run as follows : BKTWKKN SAVANNAH AND MACON. L—ves Savaunuh Dally at...6 a m and 12.16 t u. Arrlvo In Marini “ “..2.16 rs “ I an. Leave Macon - “.11.46 a at “ 9.30 m, Arrive in Savan’b *» “10.45 m •• 4.30 aw, BSTWKX.V SAVANar.10 AND APUUSIA. Leave Savannah 12.16 r at und 6 Arrive in Augusta 8.46 m “ a am. Leave Augusta 6. am- 4.30 p n. Arrivo In Savannah 1.30 pm “ 10.46 pm, BRITK— MACOX AND ACQl'STA. Leave Maeou 11.46 a m and 9.30 pm, Arrivo In Augusta 8.46 p M “ 3 am. L—vo Augusta C. am “ 4.30 pm, Arrivo in Macon 2.16 p m •* l. am, mrrwm SAVA.vxAn.'uiujamKTnsx k sasoxton. L—voNavanuab ....... .6. am. Arrive in Mllledgevilta .2.46 p m. Leave Maeou 1146 a v. Arrive In Eutonfim 6. pm. W M. WADLEY Gen’l Mapt. ftavHUimli.GK., Orl. 12. 1456. ectl6. BBDUOED Oar pre—ni taclltl— enable us to ruduce our prioes on the above pictures, and we liur—fter propose to take them at prlc— so low — lo be within the reach ef every one, being at from ONE DOLLAR AND UPWARDS! Messrs- Carey It Powelson wink particularly tn give notice that they will take UksniMM off Deceased Persona, from Dagnerreotyp— or Ambrotypca which Uteir friends may have in Ihelr posseoalou, of nny Hzc desired, colortd — above. Gallery over 8. Wllmot’a Jewelry Store, Market Square. nov20 Entrance on Bryan Street. NEW FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS. rlllUi uaderalgned have aud are uow reueivUig X thoir stock of Foreign and Domes Hit Dry Goods, To whloh iney iuvltu tbe atlomlou «r thuit lrleud> and customers, and public generally, us they feel quite confident that they t an oiler such induce menu as wUl utility the d—e>t buy on-, lu out line will be found a full supply oiviuntor*' Good , such — Kerseys, Blankets, l,iu.Mjr->, Klauuels. Sheetings, Shirtings, Cloth-, t.'iu-slwer—, with a good variety of other siyl-«*. E.iucy Dross Goods, such — rich, (all wool,) De Lames, tv united Plaids. Cashmeres, English aud Merineos. Silk*, black and colored. Also. Moire Antique Silks, Em broideries, Mantillas, Cloaks, D.y.-h Trimmings, Ac., Ac., all of which we offer on-liberal terma. Cali and examine at WD1.I.S .v \\ iLLIAM.s, oet 12 No. 141* Cou^rcHtt ttrr-ul. TO UII1LDEK8, T HE BUH80RIBEB is piepnicd to execute at the short—t notice, audle the most work* manlike manner, all kinds ul Metal Hoofing, Gutter*, Cornice, qr other work eonuectci* with tbe mauuliu)* taring or repairing oi Cuppci-, Galvuusu-d Iron, V.ioo orfih—tlron Busluom. HORACE MORSE. 18 166 Broughton &t tUANuKOF sp'UKDULK ON THE SOUTH WESTERN RAILROAD Over tvhleh pasave the Great New York & Now Orleans Mails, Two Daily Ruins between Macon and Columbus. L—ve Macon at 2 a m, and 3 p m; arrive at Oolubi- bus at 715 a m, and 1010 p m ; leave Columbus 416 am, aud 1 pm; arrive ut Macon'at 10 64 a and 618 p m; leave Macon daily ut 2 a m; for Ameri' cos and Sumter City; arrive at tho latter at 720 m; leave Sumter City at 110 p m; arrivo at Macon 016 pm. Trains to Columbus from a through connection be tween Montgomery, Alabama, and Augusta, Kings- vllle, Wilmington, Savannah, Mllleageviile and Eaton ton. Pott Coaches nm Trout Sumter City to Ttltahas* ■os, Albany, rhumaavilta. Bainbride. Ac. Hacks run from merlons tri-weekly in Lumpkin,Cuthbert, ko. t also from Fort Valley to Perry, HaynmviUo, Havkinsvilh- and Knoxville, Ga. Parscngers from points below .Fort Valley, should takjthrfuoou train from Bavannah; and the even* ing trniu from Augusta, to avoid delentiou at Ma* con; for other points take cither train. First class nieamabip leave Savannah for New York ou Wednesdays an-! Saturdays, and for Phils* delphlaon Wmluweayp. r'ansage la the Cabin 826, Stoeragefk. Vara from Montgomery to duvanuab $14 “ Columbus “ *• ..- lo ♦* Sumter City •• . •• 9 The almve Schodale went <mo operation Itcc. 1st, 1856. GEO. W ADAMS. 3up’t. Macuu, Doc. 6th, lSf»ti. deed TWENTY" DOLLARS REWARD WILL be paid for the «> proheusiou and delivery or my Negro Slave AUGUSTUS, who ran away rroni tho Jacksonville Rail Road Company, whero lie was hired, about .JMstNovember. Augustus ta a llkoly mulatto, witb asmall scar on oue chuek. He Is about 6 fuel 8 or 0 inches high, remarkably well formed, and about 28 years of age. The above Toward will be paid ouhta delivery at my plantation, or to Boston ik ViUalonga; Savannah,«r If lodged in any^ail, that I get him. riAMUEl. It. PYLE& dec2J—twlm Nownanviilc, Fla. SELLING OFF* Q1LK8, CASHklEBES, M. DbLAINES O Stella and Plush .-awls Cloth Cloak-*, .^asony Plaids and other styles oHV Inter Goo.u at GREATI.Y WKDlTUfR PRICKS. dec23 DxWITP k MORGAN. CABBAGE! CABBAGE!! T HE Subscriber has now In store a superior ... ol Northern Cabbages, In prime order, to suit tbe wholosalo uud retail trade. WM. H. FARRELL, ■026 corner Broughton and Whitaker afe •AOVRRTMIKa, TjiitOll the inorttuomplcto facilities In his own J; nslnbllHliinoiit, aud through Ills connections with several el tbo principal mnuufhnturng —tab* ilrthmtmlt of I'ldliidelphia, New York, aid Boston, the I 'u-l.Totalled Ik prepsr*-<l fi) rurnliish MACHIN DRY, PtiliI’.lHLI KlKitM KNOINKN, PORTABLE HAW, LIGHT AND FIAUJH M1I.IR0ABT AND WROUGHT 'HON RAILING, HTATUKtTEH, STORK FRONTS. Columns, Window Sills and IJnuls, Iron ft,.,.. Jl.iiM.iru A-.t a! /Vi.WA.rM tii-ir#*. lilt li *I*A OKtM tor out! lubioquont lucrUon.tor u, umitii than one month. # ■“*«*wi All Tabular work, with #r without Rules; ana a*. verttaoments occupying double column, shall u charged Uoublo tho above rates. ' nt, ‘ k Advertisements or whatovur tangth,forany tin,- tbss than sue mnntti, to he charged at tranitar.i rates. For a longer tlinnat the following ratca Door.-, HUutlerH, Am)., af fiurlhempricti, .j rr preparrn t<> repair Machinery aud iron work orevery' doscrlption, ut short notice, u|*ou niasonahlo terms, Au agent for GAllUi’d PHILADWJ'HlA MARBLE WORKH, he in also prepared to exhibit a great varie ty or dotigus for MONUMENTS, TOMB STONES, Ac. Also Iron Railing In great variety, lor enclosures, and to rt coivu ordor*, and put uu tho work at man* IHoturori’prices. II. II. I.1NVILLK. Suvummii, April 11.1866. aprll . FBICES. If® HUN It V I.ATHItOP & CO.. HAVE IK Kltrnii A UOMPi.Kfhnssortmvnt of t c following PLANTATION GOODS, Tu whieii they wuiihl Invito the ]*urtiouiur attention of PLAN IKltB, uml offer them ul reasonable prices uudou aucomuiodntmg lerms: Bubtay’h White Plains und Twills Heavy Ntirthcrn Drown Twills •* Black aud Grey “ Black and Urey Plata* Slrlped Cable Warp Koraoys Plata Linacys lu several grades London DuUli Blankets, in all weight* and sixes Cord do do Flue Whitney do Moo I atripm uud Fluids Franklin do do Rea) Cmtou uud Wool Flunnei* ** nil.Wool do Drown amt Blcucbed Canton Flannel SbirtiugStrips, r-trlped O-i-aburgi Whim Cotton o.-oiaburga M ami Ji urowu Shirting Blue Demins, Blue Drill Kentucky .Ivans, Heavy Paliucis Ncotch lloum-W, Head Kerr.hiofs. Av. oct 11 JUKI’ KHChlVKD Phil SIKXmEK AUGUSTA, *T TUk Savannah Grocery —AN IV FiUJIT DEPOT, IUU Hi*. Victoria und 1-aUivlmGr '.(im, 40 bhis. Splendid Eating APPLES, l-urge Pn-.-oi viog PKAIIS. QUINfM hike tho Utt. Chetiinfi, Hickory Nuts, .mi Frmb Date-i. Green i,IN«iKlt. Tomato.*', Pe« is. Carrots, .tr. Rye Flour, oat Meal, IVarl Bariev 10 kegj hura Goshen BUTTER 5 dt) Choice dr- AUU low priced qualities, togt-tlier ouh u varied SMtutimutt »• 11 fnli i.taCrii. *HT 16 L 11. FAKRKI.L. 0. C* POOLE, No. 11, Whittaker Street, (two dowrairum uryau,) W BOLES A LB AND HBTA1L DKALKII IN ■astirs. Blinds, liours, Pnliitu, OIU, Vur* nUhcs, Window GImm, Putty, dir. “^--*1 Painters’, Urataera’ uud Arttatu’ Brushes: WbUewai-h Heads aud Dusters, Dry ana Mixed Paints of every description, Artists* iornn tubus. Pri-parod Uuuvass, Ac. PAPER HANGINGS, BONDERS AND FIRE GUARD PATIERNN Rooms preitared with ueatnvai and despatch.-* Houso, Nlgu ami ship Palming, Gilding Urainlug and Glasiug uotte in tho best st.vl«» and al motlorate prices. All order*' iron* the n»«ou*v i'roni|4ly attended •-*, 1* No.ofBquaree|lmo|2mi-|3mofl|4mos|0mwH: 1 Square,.... 810 SBquaroe... 16 " *- 20 24 27 80 84 do 88 above spociflod, aproporuoc, WOOD—WOOD ffXHE BUBSUR1BER has just rrcoived, uud will X keep constantly on band ut LU Wmd Yard, Old Ghurtastou Wharf, a full supply of the ls>st of boated Block Jack, Uak, Hickory, Light woo i, ko„ Acu. All in waul art- respectfully invited lo give hint avail. II. C. RAY80I*..* P. S. AU orders tell at thu Book Mere under llw Marshall House will be promptly attcuded to. 9 BOOTS AND mtOES. A RECEIVED by tale arrivals, lady’s GAL INTERS. Gentlemon’aU*terdTIES. Gents and Bay*’ UAIYKR*. Gents l*>w Quartered. Calf and I'uteut U'ulhi r Gentlemou’s Flue BOUTS. M. J. BUCKNER, oct lu No. 71 and 162 Gibbon’s Building. NEGROES FOR DALE. rpHE subscriber oflbra for salo some Thirty or X more Negrr^s—connected by famllios, and having many bke /children. Among these people are good ploughmeo, axemen, and !i--iim) emeut*. They are aU or good character, and huvo been ac cuBtomml to the culture of cotton, etc. They will be delivered by tbe 1st of January uoxt For par- tioutars apply to John W. Anderson, or to nor 27—U BRYAN M. MOREL FINE FASHIONABLE (1L0TUI1, AT REDUCED RATES. B argains can now bo bad by *u tuo.o who wish to clothe themselves geutoeily, as 1 will sell the batanco of my Ready-Made, at reduced rates on time, and ton per cent, off for cash. U.) and avail yourself of the chance to obtain good arti cles. At tbe Btar Clothing Emporium. WILUAM 0. PRICE, June 27 147 Bay street. TOXTKA FAMILY *‘LuUK, An.—Just reeelveu, 60 Jj bags and bbls Extra Family Flour ; 20 bbU crushed and powdered Sugar; 20 bbls A, B an d C clarified Rugar; 20 boxes Ground Coffee, ta H and 1 lb packs; 36 do do Mustard, Ginger'. Cinnamon uml Mace; 10 cases Table Balt; 10 ualf bbls Extra No 1 Mackerel; 100 dnx /Jrouuis, //ui-ki-ts. Clotlus 12m-.* Scrub Bruahe«i';81 halfcbosta ooldUg Tea, looseand, ta lb pack*. For aale by DAVID o’ll.NNOR., UFOBTABT TO COTTON PLANTEE8, By wtalcli ttaalr Incomea must be K. UK P01U>, Al'Oliil-.CAUlIii HALL, if. E. Cornri -r-rJi Brough ;U and Uarnnrd hiroets. Savon* \W nail Ga.. Wbotariflloandietail U-alorainM UrugH, Medlcuut. and ChomlcaiB, llyo WuodamTd DyoBtufiJ»‘Fremdi, English, and Amcricuu Perfom* ory Fin Toll.-i und Shaving Soaps, Combs and Brushes of every description, Surgical and Dental Instruments, husoes amt Bup|xiru<rs ot all kinds, Bldwri, Futtfi.-. Manutactarcd Tobacco, AU tho Psteut or Proprietary Medicines of ilio day, Superior taka, Puru Wiuea ami ltruudics for Mcdlolual puriwaos, Extraota for Fiavoriug, Toilet und Fancy ArUcles, Lo. AT* K. U.—Especial attontlou given to the preparation or 1 hysiciuus’ Pruacriptlous and Family Rodpos. ship, Family and Travelling ModlctaoCascb, With plulu Dircctlouri fur uso, iuoludlug Mroullons foi treatmont In cast a of potaoniug, Drowulng, Ac. »P7 iy DUS. LKFLKli & IVILCOX, UeuTisu alLfc Duw tolly propared to in AKAfdkSndr scri full or partial units or Teclb UjjW&Bfyou the prlurlplo of Dr.J. Aliens’s 1 ■■■ r Patent Ceutiiiinniri Gum. By bin Improvenieiti, (beform ol the luce can bc ri-MuroJ to auydcgm-«: loi-iudlty that may bc dettred. ills applicable in all c.-si** where tbt- checks Imve islloo ta.atnl cuiiiiot In .'i-.eetedhyMiociosHHlebsorver.— Tula tnetluiu tu.nifilnes the fuUowlugv tvaougos:— An artificial sum » hiob exhibits a perfectly natural and lifo-Hke uppfcranct-, and imparts lo tlio tbeeth that iKJculiai «.-xproririonwhichclmractvrb.c* the ua* tarul organs. This G um uunsinUt ol a Hilaoleus compound wIdcb tatpplictl und fused upon tlio Teeth and Plali-lu such a manic r. us to f.ti up all the inierttices around the oft lie f.-ctii, uliJ also unites them firmly to each oiler'and to tlio Plato upon which they arc sett. Thin at-mirea perfect oloauliuejs of Hie Teeth Offitto ever DoWItt« Morgan, Jougr cast reel. Republican and Georgian copy. fob lu.: ti (LEAD Z—llKAli l to.ltEAD iTl “ Thai is, H you can seo; and o ,*^**.,... fjjjif you ean’l sco, you can lludjfc^.* ~y a JttlKnil kinds of-* helps to seo,” at the Watch aud Jewelry Btore of D. U. Nichols & Co., lu Congress street, next door to the comer of Whitaker, where yon cau purcluwu Watches, Jewelry, ttllvcr Ware, ami Kaney Goods, ns taw ns at any other store iu thu country. Wu have received per Htemn-diip Alabama u fresh lot of those line Steel Spectacle* • also, n supply oi Pebble nnil iVriscnplf. Ia-us, which wo aro proparotl to fit In all kind*, of I'runuM, at short notice, Uur Porlscoplu Lous (.*o called from i heir peculiar shape) have au advantage over all othors, us they Imvo a greater rouge ,-i' focus, so that tbo reader Is not compelled to h ud the book or paper at a certain distance foom tb,* oyp, Call and seo. D. U. N1CHOLH k 00. 4SF No oburgu lor showing goods, mar 11 D. B. N. A CO. GEORGIA FEMALE COLLEGE. 1857. Tint Spring Term Coinnu-nci-a Mon day, January IQlli* Commencement, Wednesday, July 522d. FACULTY: ID’.O. V. UU jWNK, Presideut, I*. I .oi l), Natural scion,••• . .1. It. BEA].**. Amsib. Bov. C. W. fiTEVKSS, Belles Lottre*. r |'UE Truttech anuouuco with much xulirifoctlon A ihai thoy have a Faculty of exporiencod and laborious clllcera, uml that they will be moisted by tadlos vho are well qualified to tea.-b, CMpcclaily ta tbo department or languages, aud in tbe j-cbooU of Music uud Deitlgo. Mdlle. Man vers, a nativo of Paris, besides French WlU teach Vocal Mubiu, ta which aim greatly excel. Located in tbe midst of a rcfiued and Christian community, ta a hea>tbt'ul and 'accessible neighbor hood. poriscsttug ovory facility lor imparting tin ac complished education, tho Georgia Female College relies confidently upon tho public for tho patronage it deserves. . Catalogues containing furti er luforhialU u may boobitaued by applying to either of the officers. ..THUS. J. BURNEY, , “Kvo’y Boanl Trustees. Madison, Morgan Co., Pec. 10th. 1^60. tlol2-dAtfdAwtd 8 do 0 do 10’ do For any tlm'o not. charge wlU ho mado. A deduction or 25 t«r cent (Tom tho abuvu will bo mado on advertisements appearing ei C h- alvoly on tho fourth pago or the dally. Advertisements ordered three times a week mi bo charged two-thirds tbe above rates. ’ Advertisements or derod In the Weokly edition, n per square for each insertion, for any time less UiL» one month. For mure than oue mouth at oau uu tho rates specified in tho above tablo. Special notloes, 10 centa por line for tho first, and 6 cents for aach subteqent insertion, and ta no oms to bo subject to contract. Marriage notices 81, Fu neral invitations 60 cents each. No special notice* Inserted for less than 60 coats. Obituary Notices Reports, Resolutions, or Proceedings ot any Society' Association, or Corporation, ordered to bo publUh- ed, 6 cents per Une. Steamboats will bo advorttsed at 840 per annua for each boat advertlsod. Steamships, where but one it* naming, 840Mraa nun; If two or more, $3ueach.. Auctioneers’ advertisement.: not to be subjeo contract, butte be chargnti ai the rate* prescribed per square. The paper, under no cir«*um* tances, to beinclud ed ta a contract. Professional and business cards not oxceedtaf 6 lines, will be Inserted al $20 por annum. Calls on porsons to boconu- candidate*, will be Inserted as other advertlm-mcnu, to be raid tor In' variably In advanoo. Announcing candidates for office, ilo, to be palo In advnnco. Advertisements not marked on the copy for a specified time, will bo Inserted until forbid, and payment exaotod. When any bill for two mouths advertising, oU at than contract, amounts to over 860, a dodta-uon o. 26 per cent will bc mado. Yearly advertising, with privilege • hsugo will bo taken at tbo following rates: For ono square, renewable once a wouk, |46 “ “ “ twice « 66 “ “ “ auuieaoroftener 7f Every additional square cunt t acled for In be chars ed ono ball thu above rates additional. Yearly advertisers shall be limited to thu Bpau contracted for. AU contracts shall be ta wriUng stating definitely tho naturo of tbe business to U advertised. Any advertisements not proi-erly con ncctod with the business shall be charged separata ly, and also auy oxcess of matter uvur the auiouui contracted for. Contract advertisement:! payablo quartony, sd vertisemouts from strangers aud transient persons, payablo In advauce. All others will be oon3ld«red duo when called for. Regular udvortlseru aud all others sending com munications or roquirtag u,dices designed to call at tention to fairs, ooacorta, soirees, or any public en tertalnmonta, where diargea are made for adult tonce—all notices of private associations, every no tlce designed to call attonUon to private enterprise*, calculated or Intended to promote Individual inis rests, cau only be Inserted with the understanding that the same ta to be paid for. IT Inserted ta the editorial coluum (which can be only at tbo disete Hon or tho editors) tbe same will be oharged ut the rate of not ta3« than 20 ceuta per line. The uuderaigned, publishers of Dolly, Trl*Weekly nd Weekly newspapers in guYumah, Ga., itk-dg.. ourselves strictly to adbero to the above Ull u! charges, and in no Instance to deviate tberc-ftoiu. Tbe above rates to take effect March 1, I860. *m to continue binding, until changed by the vote oi k majority of tbo underslguod. N.B.— 1 This schedule shall net tn any way «Ucu the Integrity of existing comrade. All contracts t* the year or any othor specified time, shall only cease with the or pi ration or tbe |>crlod for wblon tl.,, wero made, ft. ft. Unvox fc Co., tieniptan & Journal H.vnn A Bus, Republican. Tbomproa k Witoinotov. Mamina A’nw. Public Favor I TT AS already racked rftoln way k Sous, Btodart. XX J* D. Dunham k Co., Horace Waters, W Kuabe k Co n G Vogt, and IJghtt, Newton ft Brad* bury’s Celebrated Patent-Arch-Wi esl-Plnnk 61-4 Mill 1 1-3 Octave FIA3NTOB. AS TUK BEST IN THK UAHKK1'. W. D. ZOGBAUH ft GO. having recently recetveu a uew supply of ih** makers, woultl Invito the attention or me nmilraJ public to their stock, comprising every srtluh- In the lino, which run ho turn shed al New York Prices. Also, A rich asmtmeut of fine French ENGRAVCttld aud splendid CULORkD 1JIUOGRAFH8, with aud without Prnrno.', Jussi arrived and for sale at W. D. ZUUBAUM ft COJJ’ No.’s 107 Bryau and 91 Hk Julian its. TUE GRE AT~80VTlTE RN REMEDY pryor’s'oTntment. I T is ft sore and speedy core for burns, plies, corns, felons, lever soroe, ulc see,) lore a of any description, aad cure, which oi T HE undt-riigued has Invented and obtained let ters pateut fro n the United Stales for tue ar rangement aud combtaailoa of machluery for con verting seed cotton into yarns by oue continuous process, from the gin lbrou:b Him various prepara tion andspluntaguschiutry. until ills ready for shipment or weaving Tbe saving irom watto by this proems will bo almost ten per cent; aud yarns mado ftom tho fibre (unbroken and uuiujured b> the operations of tbe machinery iff the presoxt process used to upon and disentangle It) will bu about fifty percent, stronger and will command the markets of the world, distancing all ci-mpotltimi, at advanced prices. Tha uudertignMil 1* prepared to dlsi-ojo of privi leges to uao bis patent; and planters will be Inform ed as to terms, with complete Instructions bow to use It, bow to obtain tbe best manbinary, and ull other neces*ury particular*, ou appdeattou ad- tlresied to GKuRGR tt. HENRY, decl6-ly Moblh YEW TIN STORE AND SHEET-IRON MANUFACTORY. 141 SOOTH Of MASK XT SqCARr, NHVA.1l VTXXSr I would iuform my old friend* aud patrons 1 have opened tho above store to conduct Iho Stove, Tin and Bheet-lroa Business In all Us Lvarietuforms, and whare wilt be found a gen eral assortment of rttoVM, Tin and ffheet-Iron Ware, which I will bo ploasod to show, and at such price as will satisfy any one wtahlog to purchase. AU kinds of Roofing, Uutterrof Lead, Galvanised Iron Work of every description, Job Work and Re pairing executed with dispatch, old Uteres pat up and Plpeefttrnlshed at abort notice. Tinware at wholesale and retail. Cali down on Hryan street, It will pay you for your walk, •ict 2 JOHN J. teAURIUK, Agent. tn n An Ml* ^*SVI _ ulcers, scald head, tetter worm, soro nipples, (rcoommomled by nur aud crooked lips, Ireah wounds and soras It ta a moat valuable remedy n be teetified to by thousands wbo have'uaod it In many porttoni of the Booth fur the last fow years. In no instance will tbe salve do any Injury, or intorforo with a physician’s prescrip tion. ? Thu prnprteter.huH mynoro’-j certificates aud loiters from puoplo wbo have wed It themselves, and most earnestly rocommond tt to other* as a speedy aud certain romody for tb* above named diseases. A trial Is oil that Is heoessary for Its owa recummondaiura. Among the many that have testified to the effica cy of this valuable remody, and recommended tt to the public, aru Dr R A T lUdley, Judge E Y H1U, Judge O A Bull, R J Morgan,Esq, J L Stephens, Ebq, and thousands or others. Sold by J B Moore, Savannah, Ga; J E Hall. Amer cus, Ga: Clark ft Wells, Augusta, Ga; MoKeesou, Robins ft Co, New York; and druggists genersUy. AT* By remitting one dollar to the proprietor a ■Ingle box or Iho Otatthent wilt be forwarded by mall, tree of postage, to any part of tho U mates. Sold by J. B. MUUKK, Savannah, Ga., and drug- gists goneraUy. V. J. MOORE. Proprietor. mayl3 LaGrange, <Ja. UltBK.\>00lt0' FEM.1LB COLLEGE. Rev. J.K K, AXiOX, I), I)., Presldcut. A SW1STKD by an aldu corps ofTcachcisln all the department* Tne .v inter -e-i-iou will open uu Monday, tbe 5tb day <.f January m-xi. Uon.tvrtabiu tmard may l.o secured for any num- ber ol vnung liulles iu prlvutelaml les at 812 LO per month. D. UoWtLL, Scc’y. Uel2-‘2u A (111 A NCR TO MAKE MONEY! Profitable and Honorable Employment! rjlHK riutacriber is desirous of having an agent X lu each l ouuty aud town <>i «h»- L’uiou. A capital of I'r.uu 5 to 810only will l>e r-qured, and anything like an efficient, emugetu* n^ii ran make from three to it vo dollars per uey. L.vt-ry informa tion will be given by addri-iriiug, with u stamp lu pay return letter. WM A KINVLKR, Box 122S Phtladulpbla, hr. Past OlSco. deoil—2t ttUtl DOLLARS REWARD a* For uiy two uegrt es, or 100 lor either - lodged lu Jail a» I get them, JACK, sometiraea called John, a hrge copper colored, hames down look auil rough face, weighs about 1* a 6 feet lOlucbcri high, 22 yours old. Bouto s very black with % wide space betweeu hi* ucn per Trout teeth, high forehead, turns his feet out ta walking, is 6 leet 8 inches high, and weighs 160, and 30 years old, and when hoard of laat, they Were lu the swamp almve Fuvaniiah. My address Is 4 mile brauch, or Baruwell, B. C. augl2—wly WM. AbHLY. REMOVAL. Tbsaulwuriber baa Removed on thu A Bay, aext door to tho RepublicaaMUl office, where be ta uow opening at fit bamtaome assortment «l RPBl .VOUL AND SUMMER GUUltf, which bo will sell by the pattern or make to order in Dm most fashionable ftyle. Also, Ready Mado clothing for tho present aud coming season. Thankful for peat tavora, he hopes to merit a con- ttauanoe of the same. done at Just received White Drill Goats and ltants, White aud Figured Marseilles Yoata, for sale at o small pro* oprlk JOHN W. KK1J.Y. DI8BOLUTION. T HE Co-partnership of F. GHAMPIUN ft OU. is this day dissolved by mutual consent The butlneMoi the lato firm will b* sullied by F. Cham pion, wbo will oonttouo tho Grocery business uu uh> own aocount. F. CHAMPION, It. J. LAllCUMBIK. Saraunab, October 1, I860. sept 80-1 u. MAGAZINE8 POR JANUARY U37. ri ODEY’S LADY'S BOOK, and Graham's U Illustrated Magsilne, lor Januara, Received |Ut - ROBINSON A CAMP miAmms and tadJqbs, AND Dealers iu Unoifoady Rude CkUiTlI %(l. bavo toco.ved aud i pjued their stock of Fall uud Win- ^ tor GUOJI.S comprising a tall and 1 complete useorimcnt of Cloth*, Cussiiuervs, Vo*t- tags and Over CoattaK*. which wo will make und trim *ta our usual style, and at the shortest notice. Our ready mado Clothing ta manufactured at tHo well known house ofW. T, Jeuutags ft Cu, 231 Broadway, N«w York* and comprises all that la fin* and fjablnuablo In tbe Uuo. FfRNIHlllNG GOOD3 of evory dcsbription requi site toa gentleman’s wardrobe, constantly kept on band, all of which we offer on our usual credit terms, or at a discount of 6 por contfiir cash, at 3 BULL SsTRECTf SORREL BUILDING; oct 1—Iro next door to Puli*ki House. CRANE'S METALIO mmsm (BAsisiEffi- T 1D - a newly mvented ItUKlAL CABS, fash- tum-d to accord with tbe fcoliugs or the be reave and yot retaining all the requisites of an appropriate receptacle for tbe dead. There Is no reiuuuwhy such a receptacle should be made to create by its appearance disagreeable aetuaUeas. It ta onough that we should be bereaved, and wkab ever tends to soften or make lass keen tbo poignan cy of oar grief, commends Itself to oar considers- lion. So much that is repulsive has beta discarded in tbe arrangement and shape or tbe above Caw, that Ua name, the CASKET BURIAL CASK, Is an Involuntary suggestion, and I do not bMttate to avor that tbero has never been ta uso any thing so entirely ebasto, appropriate and con veolMlss tlw lD Tim Case permits a view of the entire MmP" It Is enclosed, the whole top being ytapowd1 Ot beautiful tliiok French Hate Glass.eufflclutitlyrtroog to rosist auy tntorual or external 1 '***7 fectly air tlglii. corapoerd of meial highly orna- mcniod, and wdlta»t tor airc*- Bamplen ot Messrs. CRA- vannah, P. 8. Porsoi nlvo right for t States, Georgia Carolina, wllU • ,. m ; fi owners of" t.-1. r*r* of . N B. Rights toon* or /4taiy -. >, h—*•?: morsooenties will be sold oct l^f-» EVENING DREBSKB. HENRY LATHROP & CO. W OULD invito the atteutiou of thu holies to a very select lot of Kveiitag Dresses, received per Tuesday's steamer, comprtatag the following: Pink aud blue Embroidered Crape Rcba> White Maltae do . Ucp do do Tulle ' do do do (Xff’d Organdie do d*19 HENRY LA1HR0P ft 00. FINDLAY'S mow WOnKS 1U00K.0WB0U. u TUo - ubacrltwr, Iron VM the bmlcM.. U pr.p.n-1 tg.’igHffiS KariaH, Bnllar-. Cltoultr, 8*l«“*3gS . 8.5 mil lUchln.ry, 'L'ttJS! Mill., SiiK.r mil., SStS^sfflgKV 2rjs , «"irj5 with promptnras and Ulajwua. y^put tug 7 _— a. M. GKIFFIS, SUCCESSOR TO WBU. BASOV* Corner of Brynn nnil ,«v .r.T«y*£S|k ^^■UomoS.^a Wlffil *' 'iroiWo ior rocoirod (por Bpronj* Yorks, nckieffivea ^2 ’jSjKfS ssaasiBga %Sass5?'“-“-sS5 ! Of second---™ ^ Biaacsr, and warrantea.