The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, April 14, 1763, Image 2

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A srre&t number of petitions for land in the frontier parts . of this province, towards the Cherokee country, continue to‘be granted, and thofc parts will very soon be much bet ter fettled than ever they were. Several petitions have Ukc wife been presented for lands lying south of the river Alta tnaha. Extras efa Utter , dated Havana, March 18, 1763. We ex {id Admiral Keppel here from Jamaica about the middle of May, and imagine we may all leave this place in about three months: Some transports are arrived here from Jamaica to carry off the garrison, but their deto nation is not known. Six Spanish prize ihips of war, all of the line, viz. Tigre of 70 guns, of 70, Sovcrano of 70, Aquilon of 70, ana San Antonio of 60, are now al most ready for the sea, and are to be sent to England; they are to be manned from the ihips here and at Jamaica with Tailors fufficicnt to work them, and a number of soldiers are to be put on board of each ihip. The America and two ihips of war that were on the docks are to be burnt.*— The dock-yards have been destroyed in such a manner as will put it out of the power of the Spaniards to build any men of war here for three years at lead. April 2. There are on board four of the ihips now out ward bound for England no less than 215,585 pounds of in dico, and 235 hogmeads, 232 bundles, See. of deer (kins, besides sugars, ana other valuable commodities: And in the whole fleet above 100,000 dollars in specie, besides gold. • A brigantine was seen aihore lad Wcdnefday on St. He lena breakers; but there is no account yet received who (he was. RICE, Forty Shifting!. SAVANNAH, April 14. THURSDAY lad his Excellency, after delivering the following speech, was pleased to prorogue the Ge neral Affembty of this province to the sth day of July next. Gentlesneu of the Council, Mr. Speaker, and Gentlemen of the Commons House of AJfembly , .IT Return yon thanks for preserving that degree of unani- X ®ity and temper which has fubdded during this very long feflion ; such conduct, Gentlemen, you wifi geneiuJly .find to answer the bed purposes for the good of the commu nity. But I hope, at our next meeting, that business will have quicker dispatch, and the tax bill be passed earlier. I am certain the one will be more convenient to your selves, and think the other would J>e so to your condituents in general. JAMES WRIGHT. Savannah, . Council-Chamber, April?, 1763. A£U passed lad Seffioa of Assembly: A Bill, intituled, An AS for raifhtg and granting to his Ma - J*Jh *l* Sum of One Tboufand Niue Hundred and Thirty-four Pounds Nine Shillings, for the Use and Support of the Government •f Georgia. A Bill, intituled', An A3 to prevent Damages which men arise from Dam or Banks for referring or flopping Water, lAc. An Ordinance appointing the Honourable William Knox, Efo\ ■Agent for the Affairs of this Province in Great-Britain. A Bill, intituled, An A3 for impawering the General Court of Pleas to grant Writs of Partition rs LanJs and tenements held in Coparcenary, joint Tenancy, and Tenancy in common in this Pro v**c*9 **d appointing the Methcd of proceeding therein . tbeAfixe A& & c9ntinMin & an AS for regulating ******* An A3 for amondhtg an A3 for confrituting tend dividing thefeveral Diftrids and Divisions of this Province tnto rartjhts, Cjfc. ******* ** *'******* D inttt J*f *> An A3 to prevent Persons throwing Ballad or KUb Tr\ or J aU ‘** Trm into the Rrvrrs *** navigable Creeks *ar the Channel: of the fame. * A intituled, An A3 te prevent the bringing into and Jg*ffng of contagious Difhmpers in this Province ; and to oblige sft ”*S £9 Port within the fame frf to produce, for ™ PtJlfrrtfrem the Governor or Commander in Chief andh™ W U ** V€nt Ah harbouring of JUk Sailors •A BiU t intituled, An A3 to inpower the Cemmiffsoners appoint ed, inn-. I hy an A3 of the General Affetnhly, for repair',** ,r Lbrifi-C hutch in Savannah, to lay out a Spu oj Grtmaa jot en .. ing a Parijb Church thereon. A BUI, intitul'd, An Ad for regulating a Worl-hcufe for the Cujiody and Pumjbment of Negros* , A Bill, intituled, An Ad far holding fpedal or extract dhuy Courts of Common Pleas, &c. Sunday lad failed from Ty’oee for New-York, with a fair wind, the Marlborough transport lhip, Capt. Thomas Wills (mentioned in our iait to have put m here tor repairs.) Capt. Wills allures us, that he found the land opposite the fort on the island o Cockfpur, which is but three milts from sea, a very convenient place to heave down large (hips at, and that he hove down his (of*Bdll tons) by purchases which he provided at a very trilling expence, and theuthei her compleatly. Ext rad of a letter from Cbarleftovm, dated April 3. ** All the vessels for London are failed this day with a fair wiifß at N. N. W. and as it continues, doubt not of their getting a good offing before it comes round.** Extrad of another letter , dated April 9. 41 Capt. Fitzherbert, who arrived here on Wednesday, in 18 days from Barbadoes, informs us, that five days be fore he left that island, his Majelty*s iloop Ferret, com manded by Capt. Clark, brought in a large Spanish Ihip, valued at near ioo,oool. Sterling, w.tich he cut out of a harbodr in Porto-Rico, eight days before the cessation of arms took place. 41 The Marlborough man of war foundered on her pas sage to England from Havana; the crew and cash were re moved on board the Antelope, (which met with her finking) and carried into Lilbon.’* Married. Mr. William Smith toMifs Elizabeth Wood. Dr. William Pillans, of Charleftown, to Miss Mary Hayne. Capt. James Talbert to Miss Dickenfon at Sunbury. Custom-House Entries Inwards. From April 11, Brig. Sally, John Scollay, Salem Sloop Sally, Isaac Upton, Rhode-lfland Schooner Friendfliip, John Morey, Curacoa Outwards. ‘ For April 11, Snow Bofcawen, William Dobbs,. Curacoa Arrived from this Port, At The Ruby, Durfee, Rhode-lfland Arrived at Charlestown. From March 27, Bonetta man of war, Capt. Carey, St. Auguiline Ship Clayton, Charles Hall, Havana Sloop St. John**, Michael Kelly, Antigua Sloop John, William Seymour, Montserrat Schooner King George, T. Corbett, Cape Fear Sloop Wolfe, DanierMartin, Antigua 31, Ship Loudoun, Andrew Lyon, Glalgow £ n P w Betty, James Coile, Havana • April 1, Brig. Savage, John Young, Bermuda r Saided, for March 29, Brig. Elisabeth, Morley Harrison, Cowes r sloo P Charleftown, Joseph Beek, Havana Sloop Sophia, Ambrole Farrel, Georgia ; ‘ Sloop Margaret, John Maclean, New-York 3°, Bng. Britannia, Dudley Saltonftall, Havana Sloop Kendal, John Dickenfon, Barbadoes ’ Sloop Martha and Mary, G. Tucker, St. Kitts Sloop Elisabeth, James Gilchrist, Antigua Sloop Mary, William Hi*gs, Bermuda * £ .. Thomas Morifbn, Liverpool April 1, Brig. Mary, John Shoals, Guernsey Brig. Jacob, John Sarly, New-York f - . Cleared, p or April \, Ship LancalhireWitch, R.Bryfon, Philadelphia greyhound, James Brockington, Ditto Brig. Greyhound, W. Pinnegar, New-York Brig. Pococke, Henry Caftlc, Havana Schooner King George, T. Corbett, Cape-Fear . Schooner Dolphin, Amos Otis, Bolton \ cfx? Dub “?* J er * Burrows, Philadelphia r Iw P cT X \ CbrA <*°P b Jones, Hzvznz Sloop Sally, John Henderton, Antigua ’ „, , sittratiau in tin PRICE CURRENT. Barbad°. Antigua and St. Kim Rum, from *s. to ts. - 6d. the gallon. Nciv-Eugland Ditto, as. 6J. 33