The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, April 21, 1763, Image 3

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iki Majefty’i royal intention. .tad null tad void. And, that no person or perlon* may plod ignorance of this pro tection and caveat, fdo request and demand, that it be entered in the book of caveats against grants, usually kept in the Secretary’s Office in the province of South-Carolina. In tefiimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and fial, at Savannah in Georgia, the 30 th day of March, in the year of our Lord 1763. TAMES WRIGHT. By his Excellency’s command. JOHN TALLEY Deputy-Secretary. Savannah in Georgia. I Grefi Elliott, Efyuire, a Member of bis Majesty's Council for the pro vinthcf Georgia, do hereby declare and certify, That on Tnefdaythe fifth day of this infant April, about the hour of nine in the forenoon, at the rejuefi and by the direction of bis Excellency Janut Wright, Efouire, Governor of Georgia, l did exhibit and tender to bis Excellency Thomas Boone, Esquire, in Charlejhwn , the original of do Ich the before written is an exad copy ; and that he abjolutely rejufed to accept, receive, or pemfe the fame; that on my telling him / Jbculd enter it in a proper manner , he replied, The Secretary's Office was open to every body', and that / did immedi ately after carry the fame to the Secretary's Office, and tendered it to the Secretary's clerk, who told me it fiould be recorded in the af ternoon ; that, about four o'clock in the afemoon, Thomas Scottowe, Efqnire, Secretary ts the province of Soutb-Carolina, did return me the fame, telling me be vuas direded by the Governor and Coun cil, §r in Council, to declare to me, that the fame Jhould not be re ceived or entered in bis office . Given under my hand and ftal, at Savannah, the 20th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1763. GREY ELLIOTT. A gentleman who arrived here on Friday last from St. Augustine informs us, that on the 12th inst. the day he left that place, two schooners and a fioop failed from thence for the Havana, having on board the Bilhop of Cuba, and several families going to fettle on that ifiand. The Spaniards seem diflatisfied at St. Auguliine’s being given up, andit’s thought that at lcaft two thirds of the inhabitants will become fub jetts of Great-Britain, rather than quit their properties. They have great plenty of provisions, three veflels from New-Spain, loaded with flour, having lately arrived there. Flour fold from four to four and a hulf dollars the cwt. He adds, that a veflel was just arrived from New-York, which brought a news-paper of a late date, in which was a paragraph that mentioned the court of France having a greed to give up to Spain the ifiand of New-Orleans and their settlements to the the MiflUippi, in ex change for their part of St. Domingo. Omitted in the titles of the afls pafled last session of As sembly, published in our last \ “ An Ad for preventing frau dulent Mortgages and Con veyances, and for making valid all Deeds and Conveyances heretofore made in refped to any Defed in tie form and Manner of making thereof” Custom-House F.ntries Inwards. From April 16, Sloop Sally, William Gooding, Rhode-Ifland 18, Sloop Nancy, Thomas Whitehead, Philadelphia 20, Schooner Tybee, Tho. Tucker, Charleftown Outwards. For April 14, Brig. Laieah&Sufannah, J. Anderson, Barbados 15, Schooner Rebecca, Richard Wright, Ncw-York 18, Schooner Hibernia, John Butler, Havana *,* The ode Jigned A. Z. came too late to be infer ted in this week's paper, but jhall ha ve a place in our next. TO BE SOLD A TRACT of LAND, pleafantlv situated and healthy, in Newington village, Christ-Church parilh, con taining five hundred and fifty acres, inferior to none ih the province, suitable for rice, corn, or indico, with a great reserve of back water, has a good dwclling-houfe, barn and uut-houfes, with many other conveniences; and a large quantity of mulberry trees fufficicnt to raise four or five hundred weight of cocoons; fifty acres offaid land is alrea dy cleared and under good fence fit for planting, and a good paflure; like wife good sawing timber, plenty of cypress, white oaks, Sec. Sec. a very convenient carriage to town, being upon the bread road, and only five miles difiancf; said land joins Meflrs. Joseph and William Gibbons. For fur ther particulars apply to JOHN FRANCIS TRIBOUDETT, or ’ ADRIAN LOYER. THE fubfcriW being under a necessity of bringing his affairs to a speedy settlement, theie are therefore to beg the favour ot those indebted, to make immediate pay ment. Their compliance will be gratefully acknowledged .°y WILLIAM WRIGHT. ■ “ - - THE Office of Register of Grants for Lsnds and Re ceiver of Quit-Rents, is removed to the house of James Houftoun, where all perfonsin arrears for quit-rents are desired to pay the fame. All persons that have grants lying in the Register’s Office are likewise deft red to take them out. JAMES HOCSTOUN. ■-I*.. .. .. ..■■■ ■■ ■■ ■ 1., - to. . TAKEN up in St. Matthew’s parilh, a cream coloured HORSE, branded on the near thigh with a croft, and on the mounting (boulder TE iu one. The owner may have him, on proving his property, and paying charges, by applying to Nathaniel Miller in said parish. TO BE SOLD at vendue, for ready money only, on Monday the id of May next, at the ferry on Great Ogetbee river, TWO YOUNG NEGROE MEN, fome cattle and houftiold goods, belonging to the estate of the late Mr. John Deveaux, deceased. The lale will begin at 11 o’clock in the morning, at the ferry house. WILLIAM EWEN Vendue-mafter. N. B. The money must be immediately paid at the place of sale. FOR LONDON, a The Snow Midway Planter, Robert Stirling, Mailer, be'round here in about ten days; has the greatest part of her cargo in. For freight of Skins or Indigo, apply to April 21, 1761. JAMES READ and Comp. ’ __ • - - nr ... - ■ ■ A TABLE of the ASSIZE of BREAD, in Pounds. Ounces and Drams, Avdirdupoize weight. FOUR PENNY LOAF. Price of four White Wheaten Houlhold. per ioolb. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. lb. oz. dr. Shillings lO 2 II 4 r 4 I 2 568 ll 2 7 4 3 II 2 414 8 12 240 I 3 — 2 I 33 112 4 2 6 14— i 14 13 2 14 33 13 IO 15 — 112 12 211 2 3 9 8 16— 111 o 288 *— 300 17— 1 9 6 18 — 1 8 o 240 Joo ,p— 16 11 20— 159 - ■—— 205 211 12 TWO PENNY LOAF. to— t 15 10 209 2114 11— 1 3 10 1 13 9 *■ 2 7 4 12—1 2 o in o 2 ■ 4 o 13 — 1 010 ‘ ■■l* 1 ■ 1 814 14 — 015 7 * 7 2 * l t 3 15— 0 14 6 1 s 9 1 12 12 16—613 8 I 4 4 -ii< o 17— o 12 11 1 3 1 1 9 6 18—012 o ‘ 1 2 o i 8 o 19 — oil 6 ‘■■■- I 1o —“ 1 611 20— o 013 PENNY LOAF. 10 — 010 13 I 0 4 I 5 IO 11 — o 913 - 1 014 12 1 3 ,c> 12 — 090 013 8 1 2 o 13- o 8 s o 12 7 1 o 9 14 — 0 711 on 9 0 K o 15-0 7 3 O 10 12 o <4 6 IJ— 065 098 O 12 II 1 8 060 090 19— o 5 n 088 oii <; 20-0 5 6 ° B .’ H I have enquired into the price of Flour, and find it to be Twenty-five Shillings per hundred poimds weight; i nl vpe mull weivh according to the above tztwe. loans mult HMLUE, Com. Gen.