The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, April 21, 1763, Image 4

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A IX perfims Indebted to the estate of George Godfrey, late of Newport, deceaft, ‘either by bond,” note,* ox otherwise, are desired to discharge their refpe&ive debts without further notice; and all persons having any demands oa the (aid estate, are desired, by the firft day of J une next, to bring in their accounts, properly attested, to 3dOtOOO<GOoOOGcOKX3cO<)!OtGfGO^<OoOoOC^ A Good CHAIR and HARNESS to b fold very reafo mably. For particulars enquire of WILLIAM EWEN. THE high bred English Horse VALIANT, 15 hands and a half high, will cover mares this season, u my plantation near Savannah, at a guinea a leap, or three guineas for the season; live guineas to inline that the mare mall hold to the horle, if not, to be fared gratis next year. Good care will be taken of all the mares tnat (hall be lent. WILLIAM SMITH. N. B. The money to be lent with the mares, and as. 6d. to the groom. RUN AW AY from my plantation about eight el ays ago, A TALL Negror Wench named Jeanie, this country born, and speaks good Englifti, * Whoever delivers laid Wench to me mall have ten /hillings reward. March yb, 1763. JOHN SACHEVEREL. GEOKGI A, .March 30th, 1763. W Hereof, by-op iaqnef taken the lyb day of this infant March, on virus of the body of aae Alexander Crawford, found dead at the plantation of'John MfUedgt, Rf r , on Little Oge ehee, the verdiß of the jury ‘was, That the /aid Crawford was fobbed and murdered by a negroe fellow named Scipio, the property oftbefaid Mr . Milledga, whichJaid negroe has made his elcape: Ybefe are therefore to inform all per Jons thereof, acquainting them, that a reward of Five Pounds Sterling will he given, by the owner oftbefaid negroe, to any person or perjant who fall apprehend the fad mgr* alive, and difattM*,Jo the beeper of thegaol Ho Savannah 1 and, tn case be cannot betaken alive, Thirty Shil lings Sterling to any person who fail produce bit bead to one of the juices f theft act for t'qe parifb of Cfrif-Church, * N. B. The fold negroe is a middlefxedfellow, has his country mark ouhti left arm and brtafi be is well known at the plantati ons about Little Ogecbee. . TO BE SOLD, ‘T'HE my viliuble PLANTATION on which the fob -agreeable fituatjon, u not inferior tp *nv upon the river Savannah. It u u nulet from Savannah by land or water A Ki&uble ta j™ fcr|~4,'4n“: Stewt ‘■nfesssys&r WANTE D, A \& e or tw l ° of ftro “8 OXE N. well broke for draught. hQ. Whoever has got any to difpofit of may hear of a pur **a*erK by applying to the pnnter. ” Z ~ TO BE SOLD. on * nav 'Rable between Whitmslh if]and and Auauftlno** era*, near Half-Moon Blnff, very convenient fo?fi(hing eonafting of 33 4 acre. of a. good indico and corn Und as in the province, very fuitafle for raifingof frock, on whic£ -'JSrt r f °l < \“ PP “* 0f water for indico; 20 A Ww“ a nd r ab ° U ! 3 °° f the whole clear'd he*i. A f “ k ° f Clttle> coning of about 30 Any person inclinable to pnrehafe, may apply to WILLIAM GIBBONS. S A Stret N J by jAMES J ohnston * at Printing-Office in Broughton- S Tre iir mntS ’ CfS ° f Intelli S ence * aߣ i Subscriptions for this ALL perims hmng demands agafnft the estate of M. Edward Somerville, decealed, are desired to !, if aC ? UntS ’ p r p^rly * t . tefted > and tho <c indebted to the hud estate to make immediate payment to 10 JOHN RAF., ami ’7 „ THOMAS EATTON, } tutors. THE fubfenber intending to remove to has td fell two lots, v-ery pleasantly situated in t u town of Savannah, one hundred and twenty feet in s and ninety in depth; a good, dwelling-house and kitS thereon, anew (lore for dry goods and a counting-roo” with a fire-place in it, Urge out-stores, a (table aiuf chaif house, with all other convenient out-houses new a We n 0 r very good water in the yard, a good garden with many fruit-trees, vines, and ufeful roots, incTofed with a rtl fence of cypress boards. Also fronting (aid lots a wharf 140 feet front, and too in depth, a crar- -house on each end, two pits, blocks, fall,capfonand Hag,/., tabic to heave down two veffltls at once; a ftorchoufe thereon, co feet lon and feet wide, four itories high, divided into ten room!’ • fufticient to hold 2000 barrels of rice; a machine to hoist goods from the wharf into either story, or into the upper one, where they are rolled through intothetown; two men are fufticient to hoist and store a hoglhead of rum; the house re new, well bulk, and of good timber, the foundation strong and well made with brick. AMo, A trad of laud, 12 miles from town, and twafrom the river Savannah, containing 600 acres, 200 of which rice land, tke rest very good pine. Another trad, fix miles from town, and two from the ri ver Savannah, quantity 450 acres. Likewise, A trad on Ogechee river, has a fir.e bluff, con land 250 aCrCS ’ nCarly dinded bctweca fwam P and high Two years credit will be given for part of the purchase money. Aljoto be jold, Anew schooner, burthen 100 barrels rice, and draws hot five and a half feet water when loaded $ a sloop very well ftted that will carry 200 barrels rice; and a good chair and horf *- JOSEPH WOOD. THE fubferiber being about to* depart this province, hereby gives notice, pursuant to the ad of the Ge neral Assembly, that he is ready to answer any suit, and to give bail to any writ or fummonathat shall in the mean time be lfiuod again ft him. JACOB SPENCER. THE Members of the UNION SOCIETY are desired to meet at the house of Mrs. Smith in Savannah, on Saturday the 23d instant, at eight o’clock in the mov ing, being the anniversary feaft of the said society. ‘ By order of the stewards. PETER GANDY Clk. TO BE SOLD, FOUR HUNDRED ACRES of LAND, 350 of w hich are nee jand, well (locked with cypress, all near land ing places, with all convenient improvements theicon, con fining of a good dwelling-house with three brick chimnies, ?, a cc " ar , an< * °ut-houies, very pleasantly situated upon a bluff on Savannah river, abotft 40 miles by water from l 0^ 1 } ? rc 18 a v t cl 7 convenient barn raised upon an arri ficial hill near the lauding. Any person inclinable to pur chase, may apply to J. w. G. D’BRAHM. ■ ‘ m ■ ■ II ■ II I TAKEN up and brought to Savannah goal, on the 30th dayof Oftober last, a NEGROE MAN, who call j nunielf Abraham, and fays his maftcr’s nam. is -Baker: He U a young likely fellow, very black, about five feet ten in ches high, and (peaks but little Englilh. It is probable that he belongs to fome gentleman in Carolina, as no per ion of that name in this province owns him.