The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, April 28, 1763, Image 2

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It is reported that a lookmg-glaft of curious workmanfhfe is now in the river, intended as a present from, the French Queen to the Queen of *** *■ . * We are informed, that the young lady, whose elopement with a man of a faftiion made to modi noifir fome time since, is returned from abroad, and has been received into favour by her friends. There is a report that a reconciliation is etfe&ed between a certain nobleman (now abroad) and his lady. ‘’ y ’ . V AMERICA. SAVANNAH, Aram ‘2B. To the PRINTER. S 1 R, . . • AS it seems that fome people are gfeitly diffatisfied #ith the preliminary articles of peace signed at Fontain bleau, and are apprehensive of future broils if peace is gi ven to the enemy upon such terms, to them the following ODE is addressed, by . .A. Z.- WHENCE, Britans, these defponding cares, This vain accusing of your fjuc^ Whence these unneceffary.fears, . . While George is guardian of your date ? With mild demand, but glowing heart, The King (hall fix-his people’s right; Shall honour witli fair peace impart; And trade with freedom (hall unite. But if deluded monarchs (corn, > Their proffer’d blelfing to enjoy, < Sodn (hall they know, in just return* He who wou’d save them, can destroy. His naval pow’r o’er all the main,’ Shall all his high behests fulfil, And teach repenting France and Spain, That Britain's Tons are Britons mil. • Britons , by nature prompt to war, Whom love of freedom always warms. Unwont the lead restraint to bear, * Eager oh fight, and hold in arms ; Rashly no more with civil rage, . For love of peace accuse the fate ; George (hall your every care aiTwage, By peace or war (hall make ye great. * The Britijh cross (hall honour find, From‘realm to realm,* from pole to pole, Far as can breeze a gale the wind, Far as* the utmoff wave can roll. The merchantfeet, secure their freight, Shall fear no force of plundering bands; But proad from world to world relate, So jufiice bids, so George commands. What then can generous Britons dread, Their leagues preferv’d, their faith unftain’d ? If to the choice of peace they’re led, Their pow'r, their rights (hall be maintain’d; If war their choice, revolving o’er Hawke's deeds, and * Abranj% glorious field, Again they’ll waste th’ Iberian foore, Again the crafty Gaul (hall yield. * Who fears the schemes of Gallic art? VV ho (ha.y of Carlos’ arms complain ? While Heaven its aid (hall (till impart, And George (hall live and rule the main f * The plains near s>utbeck. By Capt. Robin fen, of the Jhip Richard and Benjamin , which or nosed hereon Monday evening from Hew-York, aw have the the V h and *Ub inst. front which we take the following intelligence* “ Madrid, Dec.- 7. The Molt Christian King, of his own motion, and without requiring any equivalent at present, has ceded to our monarch Louisiana and New-Orlcans. i ms celiion 1$ made purely and precisely to keep up those sentiments of sincere and disinterested union which fill the the bread of the two Kings. “ LmJm, Jm. it. Letters from Paris fay, that the i*rench Lait-india company arc fitting out every vcffel they w *> htraitL’Orient, with the utiaoft diliirepce; tha* th* called Les Six Corps de Paris, of 74 guns, was huuche ] P New-Year’, day at L-Onent; and Le force, was to be launched towards the end of this m , n s c Another man of war, to be ndmed Les Etats de Bret 1", was going to be put upon the docks, and was to carry 0 , , guns. y 10 a^‘J hey Uk T f ’ h ” J “ Toulon on the eon.- (traction of (hips of war. * Letters frbm Francefof the Bth inst. advffc, that tun French Eaft-Indiamen were ready to fail from Port L’Or’ > ° for China, and that great preparations were making for . portation of guns, ammunition, Ac. in order to fortif y their placet in India.. „ 1 A litter from Bruffeh, dated Jan .4, fay,, tha , tl , learn from Pans, that the French mlniftry have agreed m fome of the new demands of the Engliih, and rdefted o. I that thereupon the negbciations were ftil] at a fiand uli the return of a courier from London, who it thought will bring with him the ultimatumof that c urt .^ letterf f°“i ,h * H * uc - J“"y >4. ftys, Left night the States received advice from Mr. Wcterfleben, their V fident at Franckfort, that the preliminary articles of oea e between the Emphffs Queen and the King of Pruflia were signed on the Bth instant, and that both the Pruflian and Austrian troops that were marching to take poffcllion of Gueldres, Ac. had received orders to return back. We im patiently expea a confirmation of this news: what adds to the * probability of it is, that fome letters from Berlin fay that the contraaors for the army had received orders to buy up no more provisions or (lores till they (hould hear further from the King. “ Jan. 25. The King of Prufiia has refufed to agree to the neutrality proposed to him by the courts of Grear-Bri tain and France, in favour of Westphalia and the Lower- Rhine. “ Jan. 27. The Marquis of Granby and fome other of. ficers of diitin&ion are daily expefted to arrive from Ger many; .■ - * “We hear that a penfiou of 3000 1. is or soon will lie fettled upon Prince Ferdinand, commander in chief of all ms Majefty’i forces in Germany. . “ 7**; *?. Wednesday night Hans Stanley, Efo; ar rived at his house at the Admiralty from Paris. ” Ad T* received by the Little Willet, Robinson, which is .arrived at Caftlehaven from Gambia, that a conii derable part of the fortifications of Gorec was ty accident * > *° wn and that a great many person s, men, women, ana children, were buried in the ruins $ but that ieveral were dug out alive, fome with broken limbs, See. “A variety of coatradi&ory accounts, relative to the French East-India advice-boat, (which had an Englilh pass) taken by the Dolphin man of, have been given in the pub lick papers with fome farming foundation for each of them ; it may not therefore be improper to assure the publick, that a case of dispatches, which (he has on board, has certainly n.ver been opened; the contents of which, it may be de pended on, have never been but are of such a na ture as to occasion the detention of the French (hip until an account came of the failing of the Liverpool man of War for the East-Indies, which departed from Plymouth the 21 ft inst. * “ New-Yori, April 11. Two gentlemen lately arrived at Antigua from Montserrat reported, that two Spanish py rate u oops had begn for fome time hovering about these lllands, and had taken three yeffels, murdering every per ron on board except the last, which they look in the night, from which two men fwara on (hore to Guadalupe, one of whom had two-stabs with a knife; and that a frigate was fitting out to be font after them. V j P l * Robinson, of the packet from England, which arrived here the Bth inst. left Falmouth the sth of February, at which time the definitive treaty was not signed.” We hear from Charleftown, that, by two veflels arrived there from Lilbon, they have received the agreeable news, that the definitive treaty of peace was signed the 10th of Fe Saturday last being the anniversary of St. Gsorce, the fame was duly *>ferved here. Custom-House, Ewtfred Inwards. From April 27, Ship Prichard and Benjamin, Anthony Robinson, London and New-York