The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, May 26, 1763, Image 4

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be fiU, kj ]**ttf*****Q*’ the fißowhsg BOOKS. DEM* Swift's wwhs, 8 Wr. 12 m m Unity's n^.mnrs r r Wr. I*m Titus L/vha's Rests* hsflory, 8 wit. list* ; Bucl-aaan*s liflory sfSnthud, Z ZvO \ A Jeiiftt ‘idled** Y plays, 3 Wr. laws Another cMe&itoi> $ Wr.* I zm Tbmjbns Jcafirn, with cots Collodion -of Scotch oad Eughft , Mg* Allan RoofY* poems Adventures *of Sign:r GuadtsMio di Luces * • i ihjln&hw for a yotasgUdy king tfPsytffiAs laws, z volt. Origin*/ laws, arts, emdfii • ernes, with csts s*d ebroude gicaltahks, 3 **' ols* Zvo . Private liftof the Romans Account oft be Spamffettlemtnts in America, iMftrated With 41 map es Amer ica i to which is added , as amuut es the fere es the Havana • Po/it tranjlation sf Homedsl • bad in iW. Pope's tranjlation of HeaudsO dyjfty m 1 W Wilt by*s commentary ms tie New-Teflament, 1 volt. 4 Jo J OHN GRAHAMin tending (bon To depart this province, gives this pub lick notice, that -he is Te%dy to answer any suit that may be brought again ft him, and to appear and give bail to, any summons that.(ball be issued, agreeable to an ad of Aflembly of this province Called the Attachment Aft. . / He has to dispose of, two trtds of land, pkafaatly fituste on North Newport river, within eight miles of the town of Sanbury, adjoining each othar, the one confiJKag of 300 acres', about 40 of which one cleared, and the other of 70b acres; both arc very suitable for rice and indlco plantations, and are well timbered with oak,-of which a great <maay Raves may be made; each trad has above a mile front on the river, and will he fold together, or fcjttratUy, and cm. dit given if requited. For further particulars enquire of Mcflrs. Dnnbar, Young and Simpson laerchaets in Sun. * bury, In whose hands the plats may be fren, or Mr. James Graham in Savannah. , . ‘ , • \ * .*• __ ** 1 *■ I'll | Savannah, the May, 1764, WJfsreas, by an inquefl taken tie teytb day of March Ufl, on tviewif the body of one Alexander Crawford, dead at the plantation Os John Ms Hedge, Ejquire, on Little Ogechee , the vtrdiS ff-fhe jury was, 49 That the jaid Crawford was fobbed ** and murdered by a negroe fellow, named Scipio , the property of ** the feud John MiUedgewhich Jaid negroe, immediately after perpetrating the faidfsa, made bistfeape; and although a reward of few pounds Sterling was offered by the Jaid John MiUedge for apprehending tide fetid negroe , be hath not pet been taken % and whereas it is of puhltck utility that the said negroe Jbould he brought to jstfice, therefore lattice os hereby given, That , over and above the reward offered by thefaid John MiUedge , a farther reward of ’Ten Pounds Sterling will be paid by his Majeftfs Treasurer for this province , to ary person or petfom who fallapprehend the Jaid negroe* W deliver him to the Provofl-Marjhal at Savannah ; and if it Jbosdd happen that thefaid negroe is killed in taking him , iufncheafe, on a proper csnijieatt and proof tbereff, the person or persons JhaU he inti tied to a reward of Five Pounds Sterling. By order of his Excellency the Governor. ; NOBLE JONES Treasurer. SAVANNAH: Printed by James Johnston, at the Printing-Office in Broughton - Strut, where Advertifoments, Letters of Intelligence, and Subscription* for this - Paper, arc taken in*’ a The reveries of Fitld-Marjbsd . Sasee Anew copr bad, containing . text, half wit, and nested hood ; Office of a mary-pubhek Milt ads Par ads ft loft\ with eats Milton’s Faradifs regained poetical works, atwrr. Bed Job nfon's jess Ley bourne's tradeds fare guide Hifloryof France, 4 Wr. \tmo Siefiejbarf* char Oderiflicks, 3 vou. itm Boy l?s advtuturcs Voltaire*s Cassduhsy or, Aft far the & the devil open two flicks, with cuts Adventures es Rahinfon Cmfot, with cuts Fontaine's tabs ‘ a A novels Prtfident Forbes*s works, 2 Wr. Spirit ff the laws, trials* Oiconesay of the human lift Treatije on agriculture MaxweWs pro#seal hujbandry Cawanks’s novels ~ Fifeds young mast’s heft c§m~ p anion Ptny*s letters Stor ck oss hemlock A colieUiau fjingU pbys, £*V. GEORGIA, March 30th, 1763. •• * W*T- h ‘•*? ib* 19 ,t Ja} ,r,hu iH „ m March, mt vtaw of the body of one AUxanlr traJ orJ flowed dead at the plantation of John Msllftbe, Ej v on Little qJ chee, the .verditt f the jury was, That %e j<ud Cravforu sfwner of thefaidnegroe, to any terfn orperjms vsboJhaU atpnhsU the feud negroe dive,, and ehlswer him to the keeper of the gaol] n Savannah, or to ary person who fall produce his bead to out of th* jnjHces of the peace tor the parif fChrfl-Church. V N. B. Thefaid negroe is a middlefixed fellow, has his countt, mark on hie bfi mas and hreafl ; ht is writ known at she plantaZ ons about Little Ogcehee • * NOTICE is hereby given, That the church -warden* ’ and vediy of cVtft-chunch pnrifh, in theZ n of Savannah, extending up the river Savannah, including t K iHands, as far at the foath-ead boundary of Gofhen, J ro m thence in a fonth-weft line to the river Great Ogechee, a„d from the town of Savannah ea&vard as fa- as the mouth of the riaer Savannah, including the sea islands, to the mouth of the river Great Ogechee, and all the fettlcmeuts on the north fide of the (aid river to the weftem boundaries there, -of; have, agreeable to ad of afTembiy, affeffcd the estates real aad pcrioadi of all and every the inhabitants, owner/ and occupiers of hnds, tenements, and hereditaments, rel fidents and non-reddeats within the said parilh, at 3d. per head for nil Raves; id. fbroveryaoo acres ofland; 6d. for every tool, at in terei and Hock in trade; and i-Bth ofthp general tan paid on the value of lots in Savannah, to dis- v charge the necetiary expenccs of the said parish: i hcreforcy all per foe* conccried are defined t pay their refpcttive aI. (effluents, on or .before the firfi Tuesday in June next, to David Montaigut, and Philip Deiegal, Eiqrs. or Mr. George Bail Lie merchant, at Savannah, who arc appointed to receive the fame, nr execution* will be ifiiied againil dum without farther notice. - \ . Savannah, April JAMES READ, 1 Church. -6, 1763. GHARUBS WATSON, J wardens, W 1” ‘■■■ “—i* ■ ■ ■■■■■’ .". —. •. •. 3, the ofieHbrs and colledora of the publick tax for town of Savannah, and pariih ol Chrid-church, do hereby give notice tc all persons liable to pay taxes, ei; ihea in their own right, or as attornies, guardians, execu tors, admintftrators, or triaHees, to any person or peHbns whatioever. That they (hall render unto us a particular ac. count in writing, upon oath, of all lands, lots, houies, (Laves, monies let at tntereA, goods and efibds whatsoever; and that we fh&ll begin to receive the fame, and payment of the taxes, at the rates here-under mentioned, on M’ nday the 30th day of May next, from the hours of 10 to 1 2 in the forenoon, and from 3 to 5 in the afternoon. At the houle of Mr. Nicholas Lawrence in Savannah, and there continue to fit for that purpofc until the 10th day of June and no longer. RATES of the TAX. Three Jhißingt nine-pence on every 100 acres ofland. Eleven fillings three-pence on every tool, of the aiTefled ra lue of the town abd wharf lots in the town of Savannah# including the places commonly called Yamacraw, Ew. eOfbargh, and Trustees Gardens. Seven fillings Jbc-pcnet on the buildings and improvement on the fame. Three fillings nine-pence cm every negroe and other (laves. Fifteen fiUmgs on every free negroe, mulattoe, or rouftec* above the age of i 6. Eleven fillings three-pence on every tool. Hock in triule, ter be rated on the firft cost of the goods imported in thf . province. , Eighteen fillings on every tool, let out at interest. Savannah, April DAVJD MONT A [GUT* 7, 1763. - GEORGE BAILLIE, PHILIP DELEGAL.