The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, June 02, 1763, Image 5

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Declaration of his Bthatinkh Majcfif s Ami fifador FxtreorJktaiy #,4plenipotentiary, ‘with’ regard to the Limits of Bengal in the Flaft-lr.dics. the underwritten Arabaflador Extraordinary and Vy plenipotentiary of the King of Great Britain, in order to prevent all Xiifyed of dispute on account of the li mits of the dominions of the fubah of Bengal, as well as of the coast of Coromandel and Orixa, declare, in the name and by order of his said Britannick Majesty, that the said dominions of the fubah of Bengal (hall be reputed not to extend farther than Yanaon cxclulive, and that Yanaon (hall be conftdered as included in the north part of the coast of Coromandel or Orixa.. Jn witness whereof, Arc. . ‘ ? Pone at Paris, the Tenth of February, 1763. (L. S.) BEDFORD, C. P. $. Algiers, February 3. On the 13th of last month, the Christian (laves, to the number of 4000, rose and killed their cuards, and tnaftacrcd all that came in their way. All the houfes*and the gates of the town were (hut; a general facre was apprehended, but after fome hours carnage, dur ing which the streets ran With blood, quiet was restored. Ratijbon, Feb. 21. The 19th M. le Baron Plotho received a courier, who brought him a refeript from the King of Prufiia, dated the 15th inst. with the news, that the peace was (igned that morning at Hubcrtfbourg, between his Prufiian Majesty, her Majesty the Emprcfs-Queen, and the Eleftor of Saxony, on the basis of the treaties of Brcflaw and Prcfden; and that consequently the county of Glatz, and all the countries belonging to lus Pruflian Majcily in Well phalia, and on the Lower Rhine, are to be restored to him; whereupon M. Plotho sent yesterday his fee retarjr of lega tion, to notify to the principal Imperial commifiary, and the other Imperial ministers, as well as to all the other mi nisters at the diet, this happy event. Berlin, Feb . 22. The 20th inst. the military chcft arrived here from Torgau, and we expett the King towards the end ©f next month. Vienna, Feb. 23. Since the arrival of M. Ledcrer, wlfo brought the court the definitive treaty of peace signed the 15th inst. at Hubcrtlberg, the court have di (patched couri ers to inform the courts in alliance with them of this event, notifying it at the fame time to all the foreign ministers. Nuremberg, Feb. 26. Yesterday the Prince of Stolbcrg received orders from his Imperial Majesty to difinifs the ar my of the empire; in consequence of which the Bavarian and Wirtemberg troops will quit the army the 28th of this month, and the rest of the troops of the circles will be di<- charged, and march to their refpeftive homes before the end of the week. Confines of Saxony, Feb. 28. Twelve Pruflian battalions are marching under Lieut. Gen. Neuwiedt to Westphalia. Hanover, March I. The orders given to evacuate Mun ster the 25th are countermanded. Berhn, March 1. Ilis Pruflian Majesty still remains in Saxony. The troops have begun to evacuate Saxony, and fomc of the regiments that compose the garrisons of Berlin and Potsdam have ailually entered those places, but the to tal evacuation cannot be compleated till iome time in April. Hague , March 8. The evacuation in the Pruflian domi nions goes on gradually. Cleves is already evacuated, and every thing will soon be, in thefc parts, in the fame condi tion as before the war. March 10. Yesterday the Prince Stadtholder, af ter taking an oath of fccrccy, took his feat in the Afl'embly of the States General and in the Council of State, with much folcmnity. There was afterwards an entertainment at the old court of 110 covers. A'njlerdam, March n. They write from I.einfick of the 1 ft inst. that all the Pruflian troops were marched out of that cie&orate into Brandenburg and Silcfia, except 6000, which arc to remain near Torgau till there is an account that the French have evacuated Wcfcland Goelders. The eleftion day of a Prince and Biftiop of Liege is ap pointed to be the 18th of April next. Hague, Manh 11. The King of Pruflia has been pleased to appoint Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick-to be Governor cd Silesia; the Duke of Bevcrn Governor of Pruflia; and the Prince of Wurtcmbcrg Governor of Pomerania. Berlin, 5. The ratifications of the definitive treaties with the E more is Queen and Elector of Saxony, arrived at Hubertfburg the ift jnft. ard were immediately c&haneM* This day the proclamation of his Pruflian Majefty*s pence with the above-mentioned powers was puUillitd with the usual solemnities in the different parts of this city; and to morrow Te Drum will be sung in the churches. London, F, Irucny to. Bv letters from Madrid we are told, that an order was gone to Cadiz for the tailing of an express veflel to St. Augustine, with ciders for the Governor and his garrison to hold themfelvcs in readme L to embark for St. Domingo. Feb. 19. It is said, that just before the definitive treaty was signed, the Duke of Bedford had aduall) di(charged a meflenger, with an accourit of bis intending ftiortly to re turn home, because the French court had vetufed to comply with, the pit sent terms of the treaty; But that the meflenger was, at the requcll of the French King, fer.t for back ; who had thereupon called a council, and notwithstanding the protest of litveral of his council, he immediately iigned the definitive treaty, agreeable to the terms of our cout.‘ March 8. We hear that there will be no more th ui 1 7,000 men kept on the British eftabliftuncnt, including invalids doing duty; and the fame number a< before the war on the lrilh dlabliihment; and 10,000 mm in the Bi it ll colonies, which are to be paid the firft year by Great B , but af terwards by the colonies. The accounts received that France 1 and her part of Louifiar.a to the crown of Spain, gain t. His M nelly has been pleased to give . id. toward* - c ng t - A0 colleges, the one at Ncw-Ymk, he other at ladclphia, for the carrying on ‘.ic 6 >ol. h s .il ady been expended. The Princeis Dowager of Wales has ;.ivcn tool, to the collection now earning on for the colleges of New-York and Philadelphia. March 11. The St. janciro Spaniih man of war was thought the fincll (hip of force ever built, her timber being cedar and mahogany; Ihc mounted 64 guns, 36 of them beautifully call in brass; our people launched and rigged her at the Havana. The greatcil part of her cargo is favc which confided of cochineal, sugar and (kins. March i\. Advices from Dantzig of the nth past in form us, that the greatcil par; of the Ruflian troop* which have quitted Pruflian Brandcbourg have taken the route of CouH .1; and by a letter from Nfchillaw we learn, that all ti it in.ate is under arms, no lets than 5000 Pruflians being .u !ly in full march towards it, in order to revenge the overthrow lately given them there by the Poles. Mini 13. Orders are illued for t llrftilh troops to c* vacuatc the Havana as soon as poflible. March 17. It is laid that the Parliament will rife the lat ter end of April, ani his Majesty will go to vilic his Ger man dominions in / ’iv. ft is laid that V icncrnors of our colonies abroad will soon be put unde iome regulations for the benefit of com merce, Ac. Yesterday morning Rice the broker landed at Dover, from France, in cuilody cf two of the King’s mcllcngcrs, Ac. who set out with him immediately for London. A M E R l C A. Newport, Rhode-Ifard, April 25. yyV'X,APT. Elliot arrived here yesterday in 25 days from V \ X Barbados, who advises, that an account was re- O L O ce j vc j there, just before he failed, that the Dutch V : v'X>v settlement of Bathetic* was lately surpri sed and cut off by the negroes, who malfacred all the inhabitant*. Expreflcs had been difpati lied to Statin, and other pa*.cs, with an account of this Blocking event. Neav-Ycrk, April 25. Sir Jeffery Amhcrft lus given Lieut. Calder, of the Royal Americans, an independent company in South-Carolina. S AV A N N A H, June 2. By a private letter from Charlellown, we have advice, that peace was proclaimed at London the erd of %* . 1 The packet-boats from London to the Weft-Indie* arc to be difeontinued j the lift was to he dilpatchcd from Lend -1 r t h March last. The mails from New-\ork, as well as fr Mil London, arc to l e continued, ;yid Will be u..p tel.: ;hc 2d Saturday cl ev< - y m0;.;.'..