The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, June 02, 1763, Image 7

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MQREL aftd TEL F A TR Save jtf’imprHd* m the Cast, Raif, fim A complcai AfTortmcnt of EUROPEAN and EAST-INDIA GOODS, proper for the place and season, * Which they will fell on the moft tetfonable terms at their ftorc on the Bay, viz. IRISH and Meeting linens, 3-4.01* and 7-Bths garlix, oz , naburgs, dowlas, brown holland, brown rolls, white and dyed Raffia drabs, dyed and white pillows, ditto jeans, raveniduck, clouting diaper, napkening huckaback, pistol and holland long lawns, clear, dowered, and minionet dit to, cambricks, white Cyprus gauze, n nail and 3-4*lll _li. nen cheques, 7-Bths and yard wide cotton ditto* linen ilripes, furniture cheque, cotton hollands, a heat parcel of copper* J late.calicoes and chintzes, printed linens, cravat muslin, ndia nankeens, Turkey burdets, striped ginghams, India densities, pavilion gauze, glazed linens, buckram, brown and white prince’s linen, olue oznabrugs, cotton gowns, cheque paste Work, East-India and silk handkerchiefs, bor dered lawn ditto, rich white and black fadn, peeling ditto, maatuas, perfians, dowered satin and mode, alamoae, vel vets, bombazeen, aloneens, Angle and double meffinets, yard wide drefdens and Venetian poplins, ctmbletdes, cali mancoes, double and Angle damasks, durants, tamics, e- Verlaftings, serge denitme, fagathies, plaid, (haloons, broad doaths and trimmings, gold and Alver lace, buttons/ thread and vellum, cloth great coats, mens and boys sustain frocks and breeches, linen and nankeen lapelled wai ft coats, linen and cotton cheque Hurts, wool ana hair mattrefles, feather beds, mens, womens, boys and girls thread, cot ton, and worsted hose, mens Aik ditto, Aik and worsted breeches pieces, mens, womens, boys, and girls leather (hoes and pumps, womens and girls ftufF ditto, womens satin ditto, mens Angle and double spring spit boots, mens,, womens, boys, ana giiis leather gloves, womens Aik and durant quilted petticoats, umbrellas, Agured fadn, and’ mode capuchins, fafhionable Aik and fadn hats, hives, and bonnets, horse hair hats, Aik mits, playing cards, pins, needle!, threads of all kinds, tapes, holland and drelden, linen and Aik stock tapes, nonefofretty Aik and c:tton laces, gartering, fafhionable figured ribbons, black and colours ditto, fans, firrets, ana qualidcs, boys fadn caps, Alver watches with enameled dial plates, ditto in sh agree n cases, Alver and steel watch chains, stone links in Alver of various kinds, stone rings in gold, Ihirt buckles in Alver, stone necklaces and car-rings, Alver thimbles, temple fpcc tacles, Alver bow’d tortoifemell ditto, surveyors instruments, carpenters rules, Alver plated steel and brass spurs, razors in cases and soap boxes, japanned and paper fnuff boxes, ivory and horn combs, ihoe and knee buckles, pen aid cutteau knives, table knives and forks, feiffars, gilt, plat ed, lacquered, and metal buttons, tortoifcAiell, pearl, and glass ditto, mens and boys beaver and felt hats, womens rough ditto, Aik knee garters, buttons and twist, gilt and bine hair trunks, prints, glass decanters cut and ground, ditto marked punen, glass mugs, crewits and tumblers, e nameled and plain wine gl&Aes, glass candlesticks, chine Ware, delft bowls of allAzcs, stone and delft plates and diihes, done and Dutch mugs, 1,2, and 3 gallon stone bottles, white and black tea pots, milk pots, and sugar diihes, painted tin sugar boxes, coffee pots and tea cani flers, kettles, pudding pans and pots, copper feales and weights, coffee pots, tea kettles, and sauce pans, brass candlesticks and inuffers, nigh ted and key cocks, curtain rings, iron rim door and closet locks, portmanteau, splin ter, and pad ditto, Are dogs with tongs, (hovel and pockcr, box irons, bread and felling axes, timber and trace chains, carpenters and joiners hatchets, claw and lathing hammers, bricklayers trowel*, drawing knives, augers, gimblcts, rub and fey the stones, crosscut, whip, hand, and frame saws, ditto Ales and rasps, hand vices, ferdw boxes, steel yards, hinges of all kinds, gridirons and chaffing dishes, ditching and socket spades, broad hoes, froes, iron wed ges, and grindstones, Hambro’, deepfea log and Alhing lines, bed cords, Ihoe thread, tacks, and awl blades, cur ry combs and brushes, sand pjafles, iron pots and frying pans, rice and hair ficves, nails and wood ferews, plane irons, chizels and gc uges, window glass, pewter plates, ni -‘i/hes, bxibnj, spoons, mufurtf, porringers, cliamW P° h ? nte ” and long pipes, fine painted dit* 2* 01 > *® J?f*. Praffian and Sg blue, esrdirreafe, Spam* brown wfiitelejd.veilo* ok£. tod Venetfan td ground u ml, Itmpb atk, Poland (larch, Spaniih • lives tau % u ‘ J ’ I*PP. aifiplcc, rochpetre) g npowdei* and (hot, cinnamon, nutmegs, cloves and wfn Mdhyflbn tea, loaf sugar, French bar. iey in kegs, Turlington s balfiun, Bateman’s and Hunter’s drops, Brftrft oil, Godfrey’s cordial, Daffy’s, Stoughton’s midSqusre, grand elixir, golden and plain fpiries orfeurvy grals, fpints of htrtfhom, lavender and Hungary water -tu } ft 1 tO Z’ ttr ** d nd twin! h? and H needle,, palms tod Wtonels, neat fowlin- J??? a ?f kangers, (hoe, house, dose, painters, hearth” %&}**** br ? haur blacking balls, fialkets, faddlcs ’ bridI > crup pers, faddlebaci, whins and stirrup leathers, writing pa per, b ank books, leather cases, inkpowder, quills, pen -fahng wax and family biblcs, common ditto, and prayer book, witk sundry other articles too te dious to mention. R "I v /* *’• A NEGROE called Primus , belonging to James Skir -1 X vmg, Efqj of Ponpon. As he has not been heard of nnce, I am apprehensive he might have gone eway with a gang of Creek Indians which were down at that time, or that he may be taken up by fome of the back fcttlcrs, who, 1 am informed, frequently conceal runaway negroes, and work them in their own fields, or change them m fome of the northern colonies for horses; whoever delivers the said negroe to me, or gives information of his being concealed, mail be well rewarded; and whoever conceals him may cx pe£l to be prosecuted by XT B ,r . to. JOSEPH GIBBONS, jlj” e lS aim C^oW * Speaks tolerable good English, and had when he went away anew blanker, jacket and breeches 4 •** in 1 1 .—.. * THE fubferiber intending soon to depart this province, gives notice, pursuant to the aa of the General Af fcmbly, that he is ready to answer to any suit, and give bail to any writ or summons that (hall in the mean time be iffiied against hfm. And as it is ahfolutely neceftary that all accounts between him and the late Thomas Rafberry be ciofed before his de parture, he therefore requests all persons indebted to that estate to difeharge their refpeilive debts, or fettle the lame to fatisfa&ion, before the 15th day of June inst. and thofc who have any demands thereon, are desired to brim* them in, and they lhall be immediately paid by - WILLIAM RUSSELL. A HE fubferiber being about to leave this province in a Jl. very little time, gives no ice to all persons indebted to Francis Arthur and ccmpany, that there is an abfolate ncceffity for immediate payment of their rrfpedive debts. He will dispose of Ax valuable TRACTS cf LAND upon very moderate terms, containing 4750 acre", viz. One traft fitnate on North Newport river, about four miles from Sunbury, containing 900 acres, 400 of which arr rood swamp, with a Ane reserve of water, a good dwelling houfe thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared. Another tratl of 350 acres, on a navigable creek, within one mile of Sunbury, good for indico and rice, about 90 acres of the high land cleared, and a dwelling-house theie on, pleasantly situated. 800 acres on Bull Town swamp, four miles from a land ing. 900 acres on Newport swamp, Ax miles from a landing. 500 acres on said swamp, seven miles from a landing. 1300 acres in St. Andrew’s pariffi, two miles from a land ing. These four last trads arc principally rice land, and elleem ed inferior to none in this province, having great conveni cncy for back water. Enquire of Meflrs. James Read and company in Savan nah, or in Sunbury of FRANCIS ARTHUR. Who has fcveral town lots in Sunbury, fome with im provements, likewise to lifpofc of.