The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, June 09, 1763, Image 2

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£**&*, March u som advices from Ldpfick inform ; that the King 4 Tijattt li EB jaaaeMptace with tli# Empress Queen g but he re4° ne <* be Could soon be# ¥Oth &me otherpiWer. J *V \. Jfcre& 5. It is &id <Eat the’ States General have unani jiiytfljr r rg m< " n * fge& with which is iuppoied to proceed from feme demand the King of Praia has made on them* - ,- * V A Cl • One hundred and fofty men of WSr of diiTcfeht rates arc gg^tliiggferpili^wir Jjxfl, ad vile, that mcifengp* are contumely passing and re, jpaffing'between jhc coortt JUffia andfiuflia i and that it w*s fid, that a gramd aUiaace was’ actually on the carpeg Tbetwcen the n^mcnyppwCTs:y . * 1 A letter from the Hague {ays, that M. Hellen the Pruffiaij JMiniHer at that place/has aiked to be recalled: It is thought the King of Pruffia’ is desirous of hearing, from his £wn m°nth, an account of the Sate of things in Ho llandV *Thq fame rta&a Is aOo given* for Baron Kniphaufen *$ being recalled from Londori, as the King will receive from him an. accouht'of the {late cl"parties in England, where he will found high the terms of peace he has concluded, as (ecuring several advantages to his allies; whereas England, in mak ing her peace with France, has cjuite forgot his interctf, and did not even communicate to him*the terms of the treaty. March 1 $. ” The French King has appointed the Count de Guerchy, Lieutenant General of his armies, and Knight of the Order ■ ojfthe. Fjoly GKoft, hisAmbaflador to riiis court \ an£ he is to fin out for London immediately after Ih’e proclamation of the peascA AT, ? j ?v ; , , March *9, It if pohtiveiy a&rted, that a treaty is 09 root between our court and that of of the uunoft advantage tQ our trade, in return for our.projection. LWe that many officers of a|l ranks, now reduced to pay* bay* a prpjc& of peopling effiedually and immediately theimpcytant illandof St. John, in the neigh bourhood of Cape Breton,., if a grant of it can be obtained on the terais that they pjopofe. * * it is said that the French Minifcer at Peter (burg hath pre ijtnted 2 long memorial in favour of Prince Chajle/s preten fioiw to the ducchy pf Copland, cQuched. in terms that frem .10 indicate a re&l ution to fuppor t tfcjt Prince by force of arms, t from.p fay, tjjnt his Pruffiaa Ma tjcuy, of contributing t to uuhipwfy Saxony, hath stipulated for a barrier b*twe£i that.eleS and Branden -s|..rg, which Wng “ y eirl y above Ago.opb'fixdollars, Jor which he U to give the hauic of Snxcnv a him of money jonce for all. * t - 7 x Mux* 11/ Diilentions. are laid to nm very lngkamon. finSoSii*“ eXpe^ed will ic! ; Anew lord Lieutenant Oflreland wUI be appointed in • th?, e btt y of^' k%iving f ° r ‘ ht 2 cneral , nu J^f r Y tS^ i lK niota * n S the |ece was pfbclalmed s royal warrant flgned for that pin! ,_T > ‘voich was is follows. P , c£l ’ c / ck * he o®js of arms affetabltd at St. James’s vS: • 3- The high coaftabies 1 ’ 7'*t lfives ; sHCi* tpasr •king’s trumpets Thff * W ° a “ d tWO - 8 ’ The 4 .0. P'lr/uivants 2f fc2S? woTd? roykmg at nr.-nr. having on eh maces. j 2. Garter *. * ll<xe Ic d arms with ofhprre/arts? ‘ PaaC:pal ■“* • 3- A troop s p tl 0 T aime , and 3 reco "< l • officers pfWeftminlef retired T . c ”P ,<: -2 a r. where the Mayo/, Alderm" s^s"er i^ W f th,n i h \S a,e the ra^^-theirentm^fnt”^ 0 ”" 6 -* ,he re- Then proclvosnen was made a third time at the end of ! M- —■ ♦ Cfcncrty-lane. Then at the end of Wocd-ftrett in ru fide, whnre the cross formerly, fjnpd,• -“i'- * iht aiv CL A FftOCL AM at so V 1 George R. T „’H mcbcia,^jan £ ;*J„ X Kiig r/fl™/’’ lie Ki*l of both m the 10/4 day c/Ftonurj Ljl, end tie nttfeeniau thcr,*, 7 ‘ ten exchanged upm the loth d V efthie mflant March, J.777L mitj thereout, -we have thoughtJit hereby u auw—d ‘ ,l ? feune befrullijhed fhrSttgZciti Jz ” ftZJs?y*€ a z , f i 4"” •* ‘ZjZdt* andfricndlbip be JjerveTtavtdehh', afavcttl, Jkaa, Ur.d “r?J it, an flair, ftriSij charging dntte^auliag laying Jubjeß, to foie aettce hems, axdt, unfirm lL*/df tJ th *. M*t& accwdiKglj. . . ~. , . Give, a, mtr cart at St. yarned,, ,h, i,fid v ,r Xar(i ‘ ll&l* the thirdjtur tftur rtiek. * ’ GOD favc the KING. t / JaH at the time pf the paffitjjr by honfe, an arch-pickpocket fei2cd the goldlwatch of a tleman who was Handing lit the flreet, Z: evtry Jenfation than what arose from the cade. Filch, however, had lifct to have been greatly o - •S r r f °^ efor i Cooi lS off with .his boon-, hi v. detested and fened; bat as the croud was loft to eve-y ,hw but what ms in the fight of eves, and the their beam from what they were looting at, he was (offer ed to gtt away with his prrtc. Such a general difintijfiaivsri appeared at the end of Chan cery-lane, when the proclamation was read, that there was a great htfs, and one man attempting to pull off his hat a huzza, was knocked down and rolled in the kennel ’ March z 4. We hear that the Lord Mayor was not a<r attainted with Ae proclamation of peace being to bc"n Tnefday, tilt after thejeomindn council were fumnionei for that day. Various conjeautes are formed on that account. Ihe Queen is expected to lie in in June. • * ‘ • It is said peace was proclaimed on Tucfday, by acree ,me ™ Madrid, and Lilbcn, as wefl as L- rSm. ... „ 2 ®-, ft™ Monday last, m grand coccci!, hisMa jefty (htathed.his sword.. •- • . ’ ; • A M E K I .C A. Kew-York, April 2y. > latter end of February lad, 7 Spaniib men of Y T T waf > afT d fai.ed f.otn the Y • Y latter for Martinico, and the former for the Havana and Sooth Seas. - . Bcficn, April 2f. A pfopoftl is now on foot for fettling * yeiy extensive colony 'Upon the fireit part-of the* OHd, * ** to called New Wale.-, in honour cf his RovM Highness the Prince of Wales, who is to L*c foie proprietor of the colony. The number of families proposed to forth the firft fcttleaicnt are 4000, who zst to march in tv. cdivf hons, and are to compose two cities or towns, for the more convenience of laying out the land round each. •• . 4 * Cbcrkjhvm , May 2s. ’ Letters by. Crfpt.* Craig, from Havana, fay, that the King’s troops were preparing to V*ave that place by the loth of June; would be embarked in three V7 l [ i^ n9 * landed at St. Tenfacola, and Mobile. -Late letters from England affirm, that the Trench have v\! j c ® ern J? art of Louifan.a to Spain, and that the uke ae Niv'emots had declared it to I ord Egrcmont. *• On Sunday last was married here, bv the Hev. Mr. Drake, redor of Christ-Church, Mr. Thomas Lou"lf ton Smith, to Miss Elifabe:h Inglis, daughter of Mr. George Inglis. . * 5 t ‘ SAVAN NA H, J*n 9. .- /t/PT. Vi atts, who arrived at Tybee cn Sarurdav, in vV weeks from Dublin/in lat. ec. ldn. ac. {poke with a Dutch Eaft-Indiamar, the Captain oV which ac quainted him, that when Jv? was at St. Helena, hewnsin ormed by the Governor of that place, that, by feme .Eng- they had receive! advice of Crlonc! waper ahavmgfuccccdcd m hit e-pediticn