The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, June 23, 1763, Image 2

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We hear that the stations of the several regiments are fix* ed as follows: In Great-Britain. ll* Borland's Horse 1034 33. Griffon’s Dragoons 2655 37. Stewart's * Light dragoons 402 Making 2116 effective men. Foot guards In America. ift F. 2d battalion Erskine’s 20 battalions, 500 men each 6. Guise's 4. Duroure's 7. Lord Robert Bertie's 9. Whitmore's .8. Barrington's 15. Amherst's 13. Pultney’s 17. Monckton's 14. Jeffereys’s 22. Gage’s 21. Panmure's . * 27. Warburton'^ 23. Bofcawen's 28. Townlhend’s 25. Lord George Lenox’s 34. Lord Fred. Cavendiffi’s 31. Oughton's 35. Otway's 32. Leighton's 38. Talbot’s 36. Lord Robert Manners’s j.o. Armiger’s Each regiment confiding of 42. Lord John Murray’s 529 men. 43. Noel's Gibraltar . 44. Abercrombie's 19, Lord Geo. Beauclerk's 45. John Bofcawen’s 20. Kingsley's 46. Thomas Murray's 24. Cornwallis's 49. Stanwix's 30. Loudon’s 60. Royal Americans, 2 bat- Making 2116 men. talions Minorca. 63. Boothby’s , 3. Howard's Making 10000 effe&ive men All the rest it is expedled will be sent to Ireland. The additional duty that is to be laid on wines, is said to be 81. per ton on ail French wines imported, and4l. per ton on all other wines without diflindtion that are imported into *his kingdom; the produce of which is to establish a fund for the payment of the interest of the 3,500,000!. to beraif cd for the service of the prefen t year. March Ig. We hear that Norborne Berkeley, Esq; Lieu tenant and Cuftos Rotulorum, and one of the Knights of the ihire for the county of Gloucester, and Groom of the King's Bedchamber, will Ihortly be created Baron Battitoe, which is the oldest barony in England. Major John Maunfell, of Gen. Otway's regiment, is ap pointed Lieutenant-Colonel of the 7 2d regiment, command ed by the Duke of Richmond. March 26. We are informed, that the Right Hon. the Earl of Harcourt, Master of the Horse to the Queen, will be*appointed Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. And that James Stuart Mackenzie, Esq; Member of Par liament for the county of Ross in Scotland, will go Ambas sador to the Court of France, on the return of his Grace the Duke of Bedford. March 28.. .We can assure our readers, that his Majesty ‘will not visit his ele&oral dominions this year. ; Match 30. Anew treaty of commerce is on the carpet be tween France and Holland. March 31. We are told that a great change is already begun amongst the Ministry. It is said his Grace the Duke of Devonshire will be madeFirft Lord of the Treasury, in the room of Lord Bute, who will be made Lord Chamber lain or the Houfhold; Mr. Pitt to be Secretary of State; and several great Commoners, who now enjoy high polls* on their resignation, will be created Peers. . Ten (hips of war are ordered to be fitted for North-Ame rica, and to be there stationed. There appears to be no foundation for the report of the King of Prufiia’s setting up claims on the Dutch. car go of the Spanish man of war loft near Ramfoate is valued at upwards of 70,0001. 6 A. M E R I C A. Nt tv-York, April 18, * • $ St. Mary’s on Lake Superior, being the J I advanced post the French ever had in the F Indian country in Cahada, was, by fomc un- I known accident, on fjie 20th December last, m the night, reduced to alhes, with the bar racks, and every thing that was in the fort, and the com manding officer, an gentleman, (the fort having been in the possession of the English since the redudion of Canady) was much torched in endeavouring to avoid the names, . • ‘ • ’ * St. John's in Antigua, April 27. Extra? of a Utter from Bartholomew Putman, matter of A,, r ? *er Leopard, whofailedfhm this if and the 21 tt iJ bc/frlT Martinique, dated Basseterre, Guadeloupe, , April th a perjon in this town. r to “ It is with much grief I acquaint you of my r w fortune which I met with the 23d, at one o'c od l /’ mormng, five leagues di.We from DottunicoV S w bemg boarded by a Spanifl, pirate, and after beW fin! ’ ana used barfcaroufiy was turned adrift with mv boat out water, or provisions of any kind. 1 cannof info™ you nghtly where ihe belonged to; only from what they told me, wmch was, that (he did belong to the island of Mar*i ritta, and that the Captain’s name is'Antoney she h' ! one carriage and 12 swivel guns, and a 4 hands; but had manned fit prizes, and for the molt part cruises off Domi mco, md ms been there for five weeks. I beg you will fend this account to my owners in Salem.’* Bcfcn, May 9. Tliurfday last Capt. fofter arrived at Si lem, in 26 days from ‘Statin; and by a passenger that fincl came to town we learn, that on the sth of April, three of the pirates lately mentioned to be carried into the Weft Tn dies, were haaged viz. the Master, Male, 2nd another* and the owner branded. 7he pirate u'as a sloop, having only fmali arms; they confeffed that the method they u fJ to destroy the people they took, was to blindfold them and °£ Cr ‘Tis said two others are hovering about Martinico, and that two armed brigs from ’Statia are in pursuit of them. AVw-/V,, May 16. Thobrigt. Betsey, Capt. Buckma j’..a£,vei her ® . Dn Monday in 33 days fiom Berbicia, and informs .us; That on the 26th March he failed f om Su rinam for that place, w ith 120 officers and soldiers, and on Jus arrival found that moft of the white inhabitants of Ber bicia had repaired to Fort St. Andrew, at the river's mouth the negroes having possessed themselves of all the plantati ons which lay along the river: That he was informed by the Governor, that the negroes had murdered between 40 and 5° whites, and had several of the white women in poffeflw on: I hat he, in company with two (hips, took the Gover nor and soldiers on board, and went up. to the said Gover nor s plantation, which, on their appearance, the negroes quitted ; but two days after 5 or 600 of them came and at tacked it, whom the whites, with the loss of one man, soon beat offi That after they had been at this plantation fix days, the Governor received a letter from the negroes, letting 1m know, that if he would make peace with them, the/ wou and give him the lower part of the colony, and they would keep the upper ; if net, they would wait on him in aday or two, burn the ships, and cut all the people's throats. Gaps. .Buckmafter came away the evening after this letter was received, and failed out of the river two days after, when he met with a brig from Barbadoes, w ith 500 soldiers on board, bound to Demarara, being appreheniive the ne groes would rebel there also. - Gonnc&icut papers we find, that letters have been £ ce . I™* 1 ™* t * l^ re f rom the Secretary of StateJ fignifying his . J .X s disapprobation of the Connecticut people’s at tempting settlements on the river Susquehanna and Dela ca^*e can be the King: I he rcfpe&ive committees have accordingly given notice to all persons concerned, not to proceed to enter upon, or make any settlement on said lands, till his Majesty ’3 plea lure is known. ’ * 4 - MtWrtirh May 19. On Tuesday last arrived a Hoop rom Martinico, which brought letters for several gentlemen in town. We hear that a vcflel had just arrived there, that was met at sea by another vessel from the Eaft-lndies, bound /1 * having Col. Coote on board, who ftopt the vef lel till he w'rote and sent on board her a letter for Gen. Ru r lane, Governor of Martinico, giving an account of the tonauejt of the island of Manilla, by Col. Draper, in Not whereKe found two millions, fome fay twi and a half.millions Sterling in specie, and that a rich Acapulco Ihip had also fallen into his hands. Same day Capt. ——-arrived from the Havana* which he left the 2d inst. He acquaints us, that the day before he failed, an English officer, that had formerly been a ferjeant, but had obtained a commission for his bravery at the atrack of the Moro, was executed there for the murder of an Engliih foldicr, which was oceafioued by means ol I tronuup *