The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, June 30, 1763, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. Number 13. GEORGIA. *By His Excellency JAMES WRIGHT, Esquire, Captain * General and Governor in Chief of his Majesty's Jaid Pro vince, Chancellor and Vicg Admiral of the fame * A proclamation. BHEREAS the General Aflembly of this province (lands prorogued to Tucfday the fifth day of July next ensuing; and whereas no business of importance re quires the immediate attendance v f the (aid General Aflembly, but the fame may be postponed till a more convenient season, I have therefore thought fit to lfliie this mv proclamation, further to prorogue the said General Aflembly, and it is hereby prorogued according ly, to Wednesday the twelfth day of Otlobcr next ensuing, then to meet for the dispatch of business. Given under my band and the great seal of his Majesty's faidpro vince, in the Council Chamber, at Savannah , the twenty fourth day of June , in the year of our Lord One t houf andfeven hundred and fix ty-three, and in the third year of his Majeftjs reign . By his Excellency's command. - JOHN TALLEY, Dep. Seer. JAMES WRlCjllt. GOD save the King. ► * T~ - - r GEORGIA. Hts Excellency JAMES WRIGHT, Esquire, Captain General and Governor in Chief of bis Mayfly's J aid Pro vince, Chancellor and Vice Admiral of the fame, A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS his moft sacred Majelly has been graciously pleased to fignify to me, that he is determined, up ©n all occasions, to support and protect the Indians in amity And alliance with him* in their just rights and pofleflions, and to keep inviolable the treaties and compacts which have been made and entered into with them by his royal prede ceflors; and whereas I have received his Majesty’s com mands to declare his royal win and plcafure, that all persons whatsoever, who may# either wilfully or inadvertently, without any lawful authority for so doing, have seated themselves upon any lands reserved to* or claimed by the Indians# unde* any of the treaties or compacts aforefaid, do forthwith remove therefrom; Ido therefore, by his Ma jesty’s express command, iflue this my proclamation, in his Majesty's name, ftridly enjoining and requiring all per sons whatsoever, who may, either wilfully or inadvertent ly, have seated themselves upon any lands so rest rved to, or claimed by the said Indians, forthwith to remove there* from, as they will answer the contrary at their peril. Given under try hand and the great seal of his Majefty*s said province, in the Council Chamber•, at Savannah, . the twenty fourth day of June, in the year of our Lord One t houf and/even hundred andfixty-three, and in the third year of his Majesty's reign . By his Excellency’s command. JOHN TALLEY, Dep. Seer. JAMES WRIGHT. GOD save the King. THIS is to give notice to all persons inclined to become purchasers of the publick bills drawn by his Excel lency the Governor, for the payment of the silk culture of this province, that they give in their names and sums as soon as poflible, in order that they may be intitled to a pro portionable (hare of the (aid bills. GEORGE BAILLIE, Clerk of the Publick A-compta. THURSDAY, June 30, 1763. European inte najc ence □ Genoa, February 7, W§ E have an account from Leghorn, that our troops have mifearried inun altack againlt furiani In Corsica, and bceu rcpulfed even to the neighbourhood of Baftia. A captairi of the rebels) however, was taken priloncr, and condu&ed to Baftia. We know not yet the amount of our lofc. The two regi ments which the rebels were raifmg arc aClually complet ed. Our republick is entering upon a negotiation with the; Imperial court, tor obtaining a confidcrable corpsof troops, which the will take into her pay, to bring the rebels to their duty. . Copenhagen, March c. A great mortality rages in this city. In January and February the burials amounted to 020, and the chriltenings only to 309. This fleknefs has been carried to Norway likewise, where it is no less fatal. Genoa, March 5. ‘] he Corsicans have declared, in anew mamfcfto, dated the 2d pall, that fliould they continue in arm 1000 years, they will never (übmitto our iron yoke. It is confidently (aid, that the republick w ill soon cede to the King of Sardinia, on certain conditions* the marautfa:* of Final. Berlin, March 12. The King is at Schweidnitx giving orders for repairing the fortifications. Berlin, March 15. The King furni hes the inhabitant* of Cu rin with materials for rebuilding their heufe-, gratis* This town was beat down by the Ruflian bembs ?n 158. Naples, March i£. It is faid,’that the plates del Stati Pracfidii will be united to’ the grand duchy of Tuscany, to form a fcttlement for one of the Austrian Archdukes, who will keep his court at Florence. A cause has lately been decided in this kingdom, in fa* vour of the heirs of thchoufe of Fernandez, against the Je suits, for 86,000 ducats. % Vienna, March 16. Lall night Mr. Fradtch, agent at war, was murdered in his office, which was (Iript of every thing. Rome, March 19. with Portugal itill ful fills in full force. The reports to the contrary were spread by the government to appease the people. There are already no less than 20 candidates for the poll of Nuncio Extraordinary to the diet which is to be held fed creating a King of the Romans. Hambiirgh, March to. Gen. Baton Jalinus having alked and obtained from the Empress the liberty to accept of thrt command of this city, which has been offered to him by the Senate, is making preparations to set ou<- for this place, and is expcdlcd here by the end of next month. Versa tile si March 26. The King has nominated the Mar quis de Bauflet, formerly his Mlnifter Plenipotentiary to the Eleflor of Cologn, to replace the Baron dc Brcteui! at the court of Ruflit. Brufftls, March 28. There are subjoined to the treaty of peace between the King of Prufliaand the King cf Poland, three separate articles, the two firft of which relate to fome money matters between those t\vo powers, and the tjfi'rd pro vides that no confequcncc (hall be drawn from any titles af fumqd or omitted in the negotiation. A convention is like wise added, to explain fome articles which are exprelfed in general te ms. Thurmgia , March 29. The Austrians have intircly eva cuated Drcfdcn. LONDON, March 30. IT is said the Right Hon. William Gerrard Hamilton, Esq; will be appointed Chancellor in Ireland, and that the present Chacctd.or will retire with a pension of 1 sco 1. per a mu