The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, July 07, 1763, Image 3

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ytedity JhaU be obfcrved in-the dfpotthn of the fuf plies vMebyou nave granted, and when the accounts oft be memy arijutg from the JaU ofj'ucb frizes as-are vtjled its the crown Jhall be ciojed, it it my intention to dirt3 that the produce Jhall be applied to the public it Jcr yict. • My Lords and Gentlemen, • The extenjion of the commerce cf nty fubjc3s ; the improvement of tic advantages we have obtained ; ami the incteafe of the fublick re venue, an the proper works of peace. To tbej'c important and mceff'ary objects, my attention jhall bed retted. I depend upon your conjlant can to promote in your Jevcral counties that J fir it of concord and that obedience to law, which is essential to good order, and to the happineft of my faitlful J'ubjeils. It is your part to d.jcourage every attempt of a contrary tetuicncy jit jhallbe mine firmly to main tain the honour of my crown, and to pretea the rights cf say people . Then the Lord Chancellor prorogued the parliament to Thursday the 23d day of June. St. James's, April 20. Mis Maiefty in Council was thit 4ay pleased to declare the Right lion. Hugh Earl of Nor thumberland, Lieutenant General and General Governor of his Majesty's kingdom of Ireland. April 22. His Majesty having been pleased to deliver the custody of the Privy Seal to his Grace George Duke of Mail borough, the oath of Keeper of the Privy Seal was this day adminiftred unto him, and his Grace took his place at the board accordingly. AMERICA. _ Bojion , May 23. hear from London, that it had been proposed iC 1* to lower the duties on French mol&ffcs from 6d. W “ to 2d. per gallon, in order the more effc£lually *° secure the payment, which it was thought would be carried through before the rising of the parliament. Extra3 of a Utter from London, dated March 27, 1763. I cannot however omit mentioning a matter much the fubjeft of convfcrfation here, which, if carried into ex ecution, will in its consequences greatly affeft the colonies. It is to quarter 16 regiments in America, to be supported at the expence of the provinces. The money it is said will be levied by ad of parliament, and arise on a (lamp duty, ex cise on rum dirtil ed on the continent, and a duty on foreign sugar and molasses, &c. by reducing the former duties on these last mentioned articles, which it is found impracticable to colled, to such a one as will be colleded.”* Extrail of a letter from Surinam, March 22. ** A few days ago an express arrived here from Berbicia, f riving an the negroes of two plantations, be onging to Mr. Vanderforter, had burnt the houses, mur* dcred tne white people, and made off. Another express ar med yesterday, with advice, that 22 plantations more were cut off by the negroes, who, in a moil cruel manner, mur dered all the white people they could come at. —The inha bitants, are in a moil miserable condition, being obliged to take refuge on board the Ihips, and it is generally thought that the colony will be intirely ruined.'* New-London, May 27. A gentleman who left Jamaica the 10th of April informs us of there being an infurredion of a number of negroes in a part of that iiland. T hey par ticularly went into one houfc, and butchered the mailer by cutting off his hands, then his arms, his feet, and legs, and then broke his thighs. They afterwards killed three of his children. But the ringleaders in this (hocking atruir being taken, they were gibbeted alive, which had happily put a Hop to their horrid defigus. Ph&adeiphia, June 2. Yesterday arrived a large Spaailh Blip bound from Havana to Cadiz, having fprur.g a leak at Tea, and is in great dilirefs. Tuesday arrived here Capt. Whitlock, in 2 1 days from Jiarbadoes, who informs that two small pirate Hoops were cruifmg near Dominico. June 9. From London we have advice, that the Right Hon. Henry Fox, Efa; is mu it* a Peer of Great-Britain. Extrail of a letter frem Fort Pitt, May “J I. •• There is moll melancholy news here; the have broke out in fevcral places; they have murdered Col. C lap ham and his family, and two of our at the law-mill, J-uH by the fort, and two fculps arc taken from each man. An Indian has brought a war belt to Tufquerora, who fays Detroit \vw inverted, and St. Dutky cut oft, and Ensign Tawly taken priftmer. AH Levy’s goods tre flopped at I ufquerora by the Indian*; and last night 11 men were .at- at Beaver-creek, -and at leait Bor 9 killed; and we hear of nothing but fcalpitig every hour. M‘Cray'4 and Alifotfe 25 horses loaded with (kins arc all taken.'* New-) erk , Juste 13. An express arrived on Monday last from Pittfbourg, to his Excellency Gen. Amhcrft, advifimr of the Indians breaking out; and it is said the conmajties of light infantry* of the 17th, and regiments arc or dered to affcuible on Staten-liland, to be in readiness to pro ceed against the savages, (hould it appear that there is any thing general intended again ft the fcttlements. Jlojlon, June 13. Friday last arrived here the (loop Hep 7.ibah, Capt. Bryant, in 20 days from New-Providence, in whom came paffengerhis Excellency Gen. Shirley, Gover nor of the Bahama lilands; and we hear the Hon. John Gam bier, £fq; is deputed to fuccecU in that government during bis Excellency's absence. • Charleftown r, June 15. Two gentlemen from Ninety-fix, and the frontiers to the westward, inform us, that the coun try that way is very well fettled, people daily coming in from the northward, upwards of 300 families having puffed by Ninety-fix since March last, in order to fettle on the lands thereabouts. Some gentlemen in Virginia, who were at Ninety-fix, said, the lands there were superior to any they had seen on the continent, and exceeded their moil fanguinc expectations. The inhabitants have every conve nicncy that the fnortnefs of the time will allow of, and have ui fine profped of an extraordinary crop of wheat, rye, ami barley. They live together in the greatest harmony, an in fiance of which is, that a number of the inhabitants on Bush river, about 200 miles from Charleftown, affcmblcd 4th inst. and celebrated his Majerty's birth-day in the mod jovous manner. The fame gentlemen inform us, that the Cherokee Indians behave in the moll friendly manner to the tattlers. June 18. ‘Tis said that Pcnfacola will be made a civil government, and the port declared free and open to all na tions. Our letters from the Northward, by Capt. Noarth, fay, that all the independent companies there, and two battali ons of the Royal American regiment were already disband ed; that the4Bth and csth were the only regiments to lift sent home; and that the disbanded Royal Americans weft gone down to the 50th. June 22. Letters from Philadelphia inform us, that John Penn, Esq; son of one ofthc proprietors of Pennsyl vania, and nephew of the other, will soon fuccced the Hon. James Hamilton, Esq; in the government of that province. The (loop Katey, Davis, from this port for Cowes, hav ing met with bad weather, and received fomc damage, it put into fiofton in Ncw-England. June 25. On Thursday arrived three vcffelj from the Havana, which they left the 15th, when no order* had arrived for delivering up that fortrefa to the Spaniards, nor was any thing rcltorcd to theirpoft'clfion but she King’s dock yard and the company's house. The Governor of St. Jago was said to be in Honda-Bay, with three men of war and fomc transports with troops, waiting till Gen. Kcppel could deliver tip the place. By Capt. Jeremiah Dickenfon, who arrived yesterday in 22 days from Antigua, we have no other news, than that on the id inst. arrived at Martinique 9 fail of French merchantmen from MarfeilJcs, who were permitted to un load immediately, and apoiacre of 20 guns belonging t<* the French King, with (omc officers, &c. but no troops $ and that all the French iftands in the Weft-Indies would be icftorcd by the 10th, in terms of the treaty. We have great reason to believe, that no person whatever in Charleftown will inoculate the small-pox after next Fri day ; on the contrary each individual seems inclined to do every thing in his power to prevent the further spreading or continuance of that difordcr here. SAVANNA H, July 7. Ex/raß of a letter from a gentleman in Philadelphia , to his rorre - J'psn.lcnt here, dated June 6. t* expreffes from Fort Pitt since last night bring the di(agreeable accounts of the Indians breaking out, and have already killed fevcral people, taken many hoifcs and gooib, one of out small polls, and it’s feared