The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, July 07, 1763, Image 5

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GEORGIA* ByMis Excellency JAMES WRIGHT, E/juire, Captain General and Govsmor in Chief of His MajcJh's foul Pro vince, Chancellor and Vice Admiral of the J ante, A PROCLAMATION, WHEREAS by an aa of the Genera! Afl'embly of this province, intituled, An Ad to oblige Ships and other Veflels coming from Elects infc&td with Epidemical D jhmpcrs to perform Quarantine, all (hips or veflels, and boats, of what burthen lcevir, coming into this province from places in* fcaed with the small-pox, or other epidemical distemper, shall be obliged to perform quarentine, in such place and manner, and for such time, as (haH be direfted by the go vernor or commander itvehieffor the time being, by and with tbe advice and confcnt of his Majesty's honourable council: AND WHEREAS, bv my or4er made, by and with the advice and consent of his Majesty's honourable council, on tlye nineteenth day of January last pail, in pur suance of the (aid ad for preventing the small-pox then, and now in Charleftowu, South-Carolina, from being brought into this province, it is among other things ord< r ed, That all (hips, veflels, or boats, coming into any river, creek, or harbour in this province, from any parts of South-Carolina, and all matters or commanders, mariners, seamen, and pattengers, and merchandize on board the fame, shall be fubjett to such quarentine as in the said order (dc cified, unless they produce a bill of health, attested before and signed by a magistrate of the place from whence such ihips, vcffels, or boat shall come, in which bills of health .shall be inferred the names of every person on board; and all and every person and persons, travelling by land or water, coming from any infefled place in the (aid province of South-Carolina, arc thereby prohibited to enter into, or come within this province, until those orders are withdrawn, or such reilraint taken off; it is neverthdefs therein provided, that any'perfon or persons, coming from the said province of Soutn-uarolina, who shall produpe like bills of health as before mentioned, and shall make oath that they have not been in any infected place since the time of their obtaining the lame, shall and may be admitted and fuffered to pais within this province. AND WHEREAS the intent and meaning of ihe said order hath been evaded by persons com ing immediately and dircttly from Charleilown, and other infected parts of the said province of South-Carolina, who have procured bills of health at Beaufort ,and Puryiburgh, ’ and thereby have been permitted to come into this province,* to the great and manifeft danger of the inhabitants thereof, 1 HA v E I HEREFORE, by and with the advice and con ienc of his Majesty’s honourable council, made the follow ing further order and directions, agreeable to the tenor and intention*of the (aid act, viz.*lT IS ORDERED, That for the future, during the continuance of the quarentine by the said former order enjoined, no person or persons what- er lhall be permitted to come or pass, with their veflels or otherwise, into this province, n , ewithftanding they may have a bill of health, unless such person or persons a j firlt make oath before a magistrate of tnis province, that he, (lie, or they ijave not been attendant upon, near, or in the fame house with any ftek person infected with the small-pox, within twenty one days then next before, or in, or at Charieftown, or any other infefted place, within twelve days next before the obtaining of such bill of health. AND it is further ORDERED, I hat all and every Hi ip, vcflcl, and boat, coming to this province from Charieftow n or clfc where, which (hall have on board any person or persons in fected with the fmall-pox,’ (hull lie quarentine for the fpaec of FORTY DAYS after the arrival of such ftrp, vcftel* or boat, in any creek or harbour within this province, at the places for this purpose refpc&ivety appointed in and by the said former order, under and fubjeft to the like rcftri&ions as therein mentioned for (hips and veflels performing qua rentine: Provided, that all and every person and persons on board such (hip, v ft’cl, or boat, not being infetted with the small-pox, shall be fubjeft to a quarentine f twenty one days only, he, (lie, or they going on (bore at such place as for this purpose (hall be appointed, and remaining there during that time, under the order and directions of the of ficers appointed to fee quarentine performed. AND all matters of veiltls, mariners, and paflengt rs, and ethers, are hereby required to \ nr due obedience to this order, on pain of incurring the penalties bv the aforrfidd ;<< t i liiCled; For notifying whereof, IDO IJEREBI ih’uc this my pro clamation, he eby Ari&ly commanding and requiring all • r *. c * the cuftotm, matter of the guard boat, magitlrates ot the several parilhes, and all other officers civil and mill’ tary, to fee that thefc orders, in every rcfpeil, be duly ob served and obeyed, and to put the aforefaid ad in executi on agamft all offenders agatnft the fame. \ Given under my band and the great Jeal of his Mayfly's/aid province , in the Council-chamber at Savannah, thefijih day of July, in the year of our lord One thoujandJevm hundred andfixty-three, nnd in the third year oj his Majt t flf t retgn. By his Excellency's command, • JOHN TALLEY, Dcp. Seer. GOD fevc the King, by way of chance,, tote divided Into 1200 tickets, at 20$. Sterling each, and to be drawn in Savannah as soon as all the tickets are disposed vs, 1 he following ARTICLES, viz. I Earn, Gne hundred used five pounds, 10? o o * Tv** 0 * O*/ hundred pounds, 100 © © 1 Ditto, Seventy-five pounds, , 7C o o 2 Ejflj pounds, fOO o o 2 rtvt'tj-five pounds, 50 o O 3 Ditto, Twenty pounds, £OOO 4 ft" 0 ’ fj/leeu poundi, 60 o o *o Di tto, Eight pounds, 80 o o *8 Ditto, Six pounds, - ,08 o o 2 a S- tl0 ’ *£TP"*dH 80 o o 46 Ditto, Throe pounds, 133 © D H Ditto, Two pounds, Q 0 I Ditto, Yen pounds fourJhillingslfi optnsry, 10 4. • T I Coffee pot, 16 5 6 1 Wiutcr - 4 \ „ 1 Soop spoon, and 6 table ditto, I , . ‘ 3 Swords, difteremt prices, o 0 5 . .IS IJ O i Snuff boxei, different prices. . . _ 5 Pir. of stone ear-ring,, ~ “• ” I Pair of stone buckle,, a o o 6 Sets of tea spoons, v 7116 6 Pairs of gold buttons, 660 61 Pairs of (liver buckles, different prices, 71 11 * 21 Sundry articles, confiding of gold, sil ver, and jcwclery, ffic. Iflc, all in 20s. prizes. 2I n Ditto. , ,4 o 96° mt,";. i+ Bi * ks ,op - Total £ ’ 0 0 1200 ‘l he tickets are to be had* for cash only, ofMeflrs. Morel and Telfair, Mr. Alexander Fytte, Mr. Machenry, Wil liam Wright, and Dr. Jolin Perkins, in Savannah; at Mid way, of MeiTrs. Dunbar, Young and Simpson; and at A lat am aha, of DONALD MACKAY. N. B. A difeount of (even tA a half per cent, to be de duded out of calh prizes only. As no account has been received of what number of the tickets lent to Augusta and the Southward arc disposed of, beg leave to defer the drawing to the firft of Auguih Tn case the tickets arc not all disposed of by the time of drawing, the money to be returned; bonds for that pur pose, as well as for the due performance of every part, are given to William Spencer, David Montaigut, and John Mor el, Kf’qrs. who are appointed infnefton. ”''T*MiE (uSicrilicT intending to leave this province for 1 lomc tim ■, gives notice, pursuant to an a& of ehe General Ai’embly, that hr is ready to answer to any suit, , ami give bail to any u'rit or fnmmons that (hall be iflued agaiutt hian JOSEPH WRTGHT.^ To be J fil'd, on Min Jay the 1 ‘ith day of' July mJK jot re nay money at the Ifutcb-biuje in Savannah, ONE HALF of a TOWN LO'l’ in Savannah, whereon is ag od new fr ine of a house, 26 feet’in length, and 18 (ett w’nic, and a good liable and kitchen, the pro p rtv of John Helwnfttne, and foisted on execution by MATTHEW ROU{E, l'roy. Mar, .