The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, July 14, 1763, Image 3

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CrgORG! M, WHEREAS the provoft-marfha! of this province hath advtrtifed to be (bid, on Friday the 15th day of July instant, for ready money, at the Watch-house in Sa vannah* A LARGE STOCK of cattle* and a Hock of hogs and heries* as they run in the woods, the property of my brother John M*intolh, of St. Andrew’s pariih, andfcized on execution: AND WHEREAS this large dock of cattle doth not in truth exceed one hundred head in number, and is my absolute property, as also the said Hock of hogs and horses, and my brother John M'lntolh hath no (hare or in •ereft therein; I DO hereby forbid the sale of the said cattle, hogs and horses; and Ido hereby caution and forewarn all persons whatsoever not to purenafe them, or intermeddle With them in anywise, as I am fully determined to defend ’ jny property to the utmofl extremity againil all attempts whatsoever that (hail or may be made unjustly to deprive me ihcrecf. RODERICK MTNTOSFL Strayed into Mr . With am Elliot's plantation on Little Ogtcbts, fame time in Augufl hjl , .A Bay It OKS E, about 13 hands high, with a (mail * JTTL white spot in his forehead, and branded on the right tioolder thus Whoever owns the said horfc, may have him, by proving his property, and paying renfonable char ges to DAVID HUGUINEN. 1> UN AWAY In m the fubfc.iber, a NEGRO FEL . LOW named Tom, about 25 years old, very well known about the country and in town, had on when he went away a brow n fuftian coat, white (hirt, and an old beaver hat. Whoever will deliver lim to William Evans, at Mr. Alexander FyfFe's, (ball receive a reward of fifteen (hillings ; and as 1 have fomc reason to fupp< fe he is harboured by (bme persons in the country, 1 hereby offer a further re ward of twenty-five (hillings, to be prid on conviction of the offender. RICHARD CAPERS. RUN AWAY from the icb-cribo, about fix months ayo, a NEGRO FELLOW culicd Cyrus', ht is a Ihort t*ick and we.l f t fellow, country bern, and talks good Lcgiiff, buts t.ks :<v, aid is about 24 *r 25 years of ag - /If*, ;b( ut our nenthi a_ o, another i\KGkO ILLICV r.rn tu (bjt j be :s .* tall and dim y- uny icllow, Vet y n.ich fitted v. nh the in a*. }> x, ic i.> a.tO country hern, and freaks j ood EnHil . 1 he:c tw au iuyp 1u to b- g* ne up to. ird. Augunr, as Cyris w. s icrn din euft'.dy near that j a e, and as the . her was up there l.idy ar.— All', an*, ther NiGRO vV (utulc.; *; be L a lit le ltd v , an. I t aK- t tre y 1 nuttier, nt E\g is of the Angela coun r ; he *s fuppoud t* :*< 1 1 kit;;, near &avant.ab, he has I :i taken luar hat place le;e ..1 t i tts btloie. Wl otvCi liirgs tl lempio s, or any 01 ih.i. , to uoferib r; t bis p-aatati n, or *oMr. G orge Bad l e m'*rchai.t in .avau ah, ‘had l>.’ I* die cm iy re garded, accr.rd’ng to he trouble they have b en .t, ar.u all legal char’ es jaici ;an if he c n find that they, or any ot tatm, Las been harboured or key t in fc*. et by any pci .on or per f. ns whatever, he v. ill j r f cute hint cr them to the utmoit of his power; and any j enoa (ha 1 be well rewarded that can give certain information by whom they or any of them b*cn io harboured or fcc.eted. JShrton-Halt, near Savannah, DA. DCUCLASS. 1 \th July, 1763. ttmmrnmmtmmmmmmm* - - , Vote u: the 1 tin ting (JJf it. A few Copies of the following A£s or the Ge neral Aflembly of this Province, viz. AN Aft to prevent the dealing of horses and cattle, and for the more cffeftual diicovcry and punitbinent •f iuch persons as (hall unlawfully brand, mark, cr kill the fame. An Aft for afeertaining the qualifications of juror*, and for edablifhing the method of balloting and summon ng ot jurors in the province of Georgia. An Aft to prevent the bringing into and fpreadingof con tagious diffempers in this province, an*? to oblige vefitls going out of any port w ithin the fame, firlt to produce, for that purpose, a pa/Tpcrt from the Governor cr commander in chief so; the time being; and also to prevent the har bouring of sick sailors and others. An Aft for fubjefting and making liable to attachment •be eftatc real and personal cf absent debtors, in the c utiody w power cf any person or persons within thri piovince. On IMonJaj the 13 th ittjfaH* ihiil heJa*Jat vendue, ferreetaj **>* nty enly , AParcelof HOUSEHOLD GOODS, consisting of be* steads, tables, chairs, looking gb (Tcs, Ac. ‘i he file will bcjiin at 10 o’clock in the moruiup, at Mr. John Graham's houjfc at Yamacratv. WILLIAM EWEN, Venduc-maftcr. To be fold, en Monday the 18/A day of July injf. for ready money, at tbi h aub-bcujt tn adVatmub, ONE HALF ol a TOWN LOT in Savannah, whereon is a good new frame of a houfc, 26 feet in length, and 18 feet wide, and a good liable and kitcheo, the pro perty of Jchn lielvenliinc, and seized on execution by MATTHEW ROCHE, Prov. Mar. THIS is to give notice to all persons inclined to become pure halers of the publick bills drawn by his Excel • lency tnc Governor, for the payment of *he silk culture of this province, that they give in therr names ami sums as soon as poffiblc, in order that they may be intitled to a pro portionable (hare of the said bills. GEORGE BAILLIE, Clerk of the Publick Accompts. T 0 be fold, on Friday the 15 th July infant, for ready money, at the IFaitb-bcuJe in Savannah, A Large (lock of cattle, a (kick of hogs and horses, m they . un in the woods.—Also to be fold at the Watch houfe, for ready money, on Saturday the 6th day of August next, a trail of two hundred acres of land in St. Andrew's pariih, butting and bounding south-well on land of David Miller on Sappcll > river ; the whole the property of Mr. John Maclntolh of S f . Andrew's pariih, and seized on exc extion by MAT l UtW ROCHE, l’tov. Mar. ja 4> *7®J* TO BE SOLD on very reafonahle trrmt, By J O H N S O N & VVYLLY, GOOD Vidonia wine, W'cft-India rum, North want ditto, molasses, Philadelphia flour, bifcult in kegs, hi n s, hard soap in boxes, anniiced, and dove cordials. ‘i icy have alio to dispose of, a very neat new chrite set on fled ;prings, a small fiie engine, ana m vcr ; cu:iou p? eket ir scroll 4 e. y v s T j M po R T j; D , In the P.te>t 7 .tJ I'rirrdf, Lerwnnee Farrell, jrem Nrw-I'rl, RL >ll dour, thip, watt.-, nnd buttet breal, lun;, cko- JU’ eclat •, foap* a few barrels ol ccrdj.ib, v hite v. :rfe ‘ince r, l : r.feet ‘ i.‘, .fv ho fit. ;t choi e Bo’Ti'derux * larer, anti aU * low, by A l LX * NLER FV i I !■: and C . Thy have also ms oiled in t-e lid an K ng, B <r, fnn: £< j ‘J, An afoitmcnt of nci f, leer ad t\d< rin ha* -pers; .ui frem St. Ch.i.'op 1 ers, a hew horiVad ofrutn, which they will difpo r e cf on the mrfl rrnf r.ablc ten.s. * y Q } ; L b o L i) B Y ANDREW DARLING & MUNRO, At the (lores of NMTrs. John and James Graham and Uo. at Yamacraw, and Mr. MoiTmanL dore on the Bay, MLNS and won fns best leather Ihoe- and, wo mens fluff ditto, childrens leather Morocco anj Rufiia rands and an aflertnicnr cf felt and caller hats r l he above to be fold for ready money, or a Ihort credit* on the mod reafonablr term;. * 1 U B E S C; L D REASON A B L Y, A'l RACT of LAND on Auguf. ne’s Creek, about io mil s from Savaisn. h, adjoining lnd< 0 Mefirs. Au j-ufline Houftoun, Cuthbert, Bu loch, and Van Munich, containing a pooti Loity’ of tide iwau-i’, .he it'll j rociflo# land and pine barren. . _ . . A trait of land cf 100 acres, in Putyfburgh townfliip, fit for planting and lawin?, with a :r.ft of 127 acres oppofitc thereto, containing chiefly cypress |w mp. (here is higii land on each tract close to the river which overflow*, and a large quantity of pine land ctljcining the fi.fl tract re puted vacant. . ~ An exceeding good farm lot. .no, j. m o.opcr tyihtng, Pcrciva! ward, ?*ljo*ning th'* ga:den lot'* of Savannah, and lots of Mefirs. Brown, Ouckr-he, and FrancL.—Lnquiw of the printer.