Newspaper Page Text
Number i 6.
; “ •” ♦
McJJiaa, December 14.
CytogjAflgASflN the night between the Bth and 9th we
I, had fnch a storm of rain, hail, wind,
and lightning, that in left than an hour
< ffVjfil | p&K the torrents of rain became so violent as
to remove Hones ten hundred weight,
yJtt and break down several dvices and walls.
The water in many houses was five feft
1 high. Seven perions loft their lives.
Many gardens and fields are covered with earth and Hones
* to the height of three or four feet.
Copenhagen* February 6. By the last year's bill of births,
‘ burials, and marriages in the bailywick of Aggerihuus, in
‘Korway, it appears, that two women were each, delivered
<of three children .at once; and another woman brought
forth fiye children in 09c year only. Among other Angu
larities, they reckon 150 married coqples, who have lived
together 80 years *nd upwards; 70 others who have lived
together 90 years and upwards; 12 marriages from 100 to
105 years Handing, and another that has uHed no years.
They have also recorded the following case of a woman re
markable for her piety and her misfortunes, who died laH
year aged 78 : Her firH hulband wilfully drowned himfclf;
her second hulband loH himfclf in the mountains ; her only
son kindled a pile of wood in a foreH, and leapt into the
flames; and her daughter, who was married, flung herfelf
into a river.
Ratijban, Fib . 7. They write from Vienna, that the
Empress Queen has given t * lc government of Comorre in
Hungary, with an appointment of 30,000 German florins
a year, to Prince Albert of Saxony.
War/aw, Fib, 23. To-morrow Te Deum is to be sung
here for the conclulion of the peace with Prussia.
Hague* Feb. 25. Private letters front Stockholm acquaint
us, that the fupercargOes appointed to go on board tile next
India (hips) are inflru&ed to make due inquiry, whether
the opening a commerce with Japan be practicable or not i
Whether a licence may not be obtained from the Chinese
court, for carrying on a trade to the peninlula of Corea ?
And whether, if this can be obtained, it may not prove a
means of fending their manufactures into the northern parts
of Tartary ?
Naples* Feb. 1 6. In digging the ground in order to lay
a foundation for anew church, there was found depolited a
vcflel, which contained 20,000 pieces of old silver coin,
upon which are engraved the heads of the Roman Emperors
from Caesar to Gcta. Upon fome of them Remus and Ro
mulus are represented fucking a wolf. It appears by thole
©t the latefl date, that this deposit has lain there about 1500
years. Tliefc pieces weigh 3000 livres. The King has
ordered them to be placed in his gallery. There was like
wise found a marble flatuc, representing Hercules killing
•a lion with a dagger.
RatijbdMarch 7. The Aulick Council having drawn
up a conclufum relating to the differences occasioned by the
guardian(hip*of Saxe Mcinungcn, his Imperial Majesty ap
proved of it, and, in confequcuce, the following refeript
was addrefled to the Dukes of SaxeCobourg, Goth}, and
Hildbourghaufen, dated the 25th of February.
•a. His imperial MajcHy b ing-in formed, by authentick nd-
P ces that tl c said Princes, contrary to the laws of the
Empire, have t;;k n the liberty to invade the dutchy of
Mcinungcn, by marching a body of troops to afTault and
c *-’ ion;vie the town of Meinunrrci), and that, on this oc
casion, there hud been blood (piit: ‘Fils entci prize h iiig
fonuary to the laws of the Empire, hi:, imperial MajcHy*
T H U R S D A Y, July h % 1763.
reproaching the said Princes with it,* and waving the Inw
pcrial resentments which this proceeding merit*, orders
them to wrthdraw immediately the said trip,, and to leave
the whole to the Imperial decision; informing them, that
in case of difobcdience, the Directorial Princes of the Circle
of>ranconia and Upper Saxony have received orders to
proceed to execution againH them, that the tranquility may
e re.eflablilhed. His Imperial MajcHy informs the faiJ
1 rinces, that he himfclf has taken care of what regard*
”J e . ni *VO n| ng them to comply with his command, and
to juHify tnemiclves m two months, otherwise they muH
expect he will proceed against them accordingly to the ri
gour of the laws. b 1
Pursuant to the said conclufum, a refeript was sent the
fame day to the Directorial Princes of the Circles of tipper
Saxony and Franconia, importing, that though they are
not ignorant ot the infraction of the publick peace,* com-
7 11 c tte^ b V! IC ? r * nccs °f Saxe againH the country am!
iubjcOs of Saxe Meinungcn; (who are under the protection
of the iupreme judge of the Empire) and that the said Di
rectorial Princes are obliged, by virtue of their office, to
put a Hop to these troubles; yet.his Imperial Majeffy could
not forbear charging them in particular, as soon as they
Dial! receive this, to give the Princes of Saxe three days to
put an end to all violence; and in case this exhortation
Hi juid not be regarded, he enjoins the Directorial Princes of
P rancoma and Saxony to order their troops to march againH
the Dukes of ‘Saxe Cobourg, Gotha, and Hildbourghau
fen; and, in order thereto, they are to make u e of the
contingents that make part of the army of the Empire, con
cerning which the General in chief has already received or
ders. It is however probable these measures will not bo
necefltry, feeing it is determined by the conclufum, that
the guardianihip and the adminiHration, begun by the Dut
ches Dowager of Saxe Meinungen, is annulled, in as much
as it is contrary to the advice of the Empire, 1747 ;be fide;,
t*c Princes and Anthony Augustus, bom
of the late Duke and Madam Ccfar, arc declared by that
conclufum incupab.e of fuccecding; and the Dutchcfs’s
taking potfeifion, in the ir names, in confcuucnte of the
will of the late Duke their father, vivas likewise abrogated
and annulled.
His Imperial Majesty sent also another refeript, of the
fame date* to the regency of Mcinungcn, reproaching them,
that, without attending to the advice of the Empire in
1747, they have acknowledged, by order of the late Duke,
hi* two said firft foils for co-rcgcnts. Uis MajcHy also give*
the regency to undcriland, that be has declared thelb two
Princes incapable of inheriting, and reserving to himfclf
the puniflimcnt which the conduit of the regency merits.
His Majclly iurthcr enjoins them to continue, under the
Imperial authority, their functions till further order*, and,
in the mean time, to | übliih the Imperial rdcript to the
fubjctls of Mcinungcn, ordering them not to acknowledge
for tluir fovercigns these two Princes under pain of death.
The Dutchcis Dowager i< commanded by this conclufum
to renounce that article in the late Duke's will, which is
contrary to the advice of the Empire; and his MajcHy adds,
that if this Pnnccfs will plead her right to the guardianihip
of the children, and to the adminillration 01 the country, in
due form, (lie iliall have u tinal rclblution thereupon.
Enchur/en in North Holland, Match 12. A fire broke Out
yesterday at I.utje-Brocck, which in less than three hours
contained 49 houses, notwithllanding all poflihlc aftiftauce.
The violence of thr flames wan such, that there art but three
houses left; one child was burnt ; the lying-in women were
Carried out in their beds into the fields, where they lay all
night. Hy this calamity the inhabitant, arc plunged into
the gic.iua diilrCls.