The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, July 21, 1763, Image 2
LONDON, MM i. PAUL FISHER, Efg; of Clifton, near Bristol, who died lately, hat left to the Magdalen hospital 2001. and to the focicty for promoting the gcfpel 20001. to be disposed of ia the following manner : 5001. of it to propa fatinr of the rofpelin America, cool, for encouraging the roteftant workitog fchool* in Ireland, and the remaining joool. for the afeof the firft bishop that shall be appoints in America, with the interest of the fame, provided such a fee be appointed in 25 years. March a. A monument is going to be ere fled in Weft -91 in iter Abbey, to the memory of Chaises Watson, Esq; Vice Admiral of the Red, and commander in chief of the fleet in the Eaft-ludies, (nephew Right Hon. Sir Charles Knt.) in confederation cf whose many treat and eminent services, his fan, Charles Watson, has nee been created a Baronet of Great-Britain. The Scheme of the Lotteries for the corrent year. 2 —of— £. 10000 —is— j£. aoooo 2 —— 5000 10000 4 10 —— 1000 - 10000 *7 5 00 — ; — 13500 12 5 100 ■■■ - 13500 530 — : — / jo a6joo 5100 1 “ 111 *0 ■■ ■■ 102000 5800 Prizes, 302500 29200 Blank, at 51. each, 146000 First drawn joo Last drawn tooo 35300 Tickets at 101. each 350000 One to be drawn in May next, and its duplicate in No vember next. On the 12th of February died at Madrid Lord Viscount Pulteney, Lieutenant-Colonel of the 58th regiment of foot, one of the Lords of the Bedchamber to his Majesty, mem ber of parliament for the city of Westminster, and only son to the Earl of Bath. * March 5. On Thursday the crew of his Majesty’s /hip the Sutherland were paid their firft dividend for the taking the Havana, amounting to si. Bs. od. each common man at the King*s Head Tayern in Fenchorch street. There is now a greater demand from Germany than has ever been known, for crapes, cgllimancoes, fluffs, and woollen goods in general. The diAblution of the society of Jesuits in France is now irrevocably fixed, and many of those irreverend fathers are flacking over to England, while others are repairing to their new kingdom in Paraguay. 6 March 14. A customhouse is established at Montreal where all vefTels which do not draw above 12 feet of water’ may load and unload without flopping at Quebeck. * Men of war paid off in Portsmouth harbour since the con clusion of the war, viz. Firji Rate • Guns. Superb, -. Royal Sovereign, 100 Swiftfure, Second Rates , Thunderer, Neptune, 100 Fourth Rates . Namur, 90 Achilles, so St. George, 1 90 Dreadnought, 6 0 Sandwich, • 90 Thetis, co Royal William, 84 Windsor, L Third Rates . Frigates . Pnncefs Amelia, ~ 80 A&ive, .5 BeNona, 74 Diana, ,5 l?n.g°D, 74 Rainbow, j. I,frex 66 Sloops: ** Northumberland, ,74 Vfper, Lancaster, 1 64 Tryal. March 16. We are afTured by authentick advices from Fans, that the French East India company have presented a jnemor al to the court of Versailles, requefling to be ex empted from fending a garrison to Goree as it is not worth the expence. It is said the Marquis of Granby has fubferibed ioool towards carrying into execution the noble plan for ellablifh ug a Khool or hospital for supporting the orphans of infe rior officers ha vc been sl ain j au w whether by land or sea, 7 Th etlipfc calculated to happen on the 13th of March 1764, u reckoned by fomc to happen on the nth of the fad month, * the fune hoar j and in point of daricnefi to be equal to tneecltpfe which happened about to yeari a.„ • ifeS’ *K V*t w, “ e ‘ ron > Hague, that the s,af in Holland had come to a formal resolution in the affair. ** the Elector Palatine’s claims, which resolution had been communicated to the Resident of his Electoral Highness to lerve as an aufwer to ius memorial s but no copies of it were furred to come abroad. Nevertheless it was confidently rofh e mI H A Me ****■•• had given a fiat deniil to the Eleftor s demand, and were determined to make no concessions whatever to him. The Right Hon. Henry Fox, Esq; has purchased Lord Monfonis house in Piccadilly for 10000 guineas. March 21. It W this day ordcredby hit Majesty in coun cil, that the prohibition on the exportation of gunpowder faltpetre, or any fort of arms or ammuition, which was di * reded by order of council of the 17 th of September lall to he continued till the 20th day of April next, be taken off. rnvate letters from Holland advise, that the eledion of rrince Clement to be Bilhop of Liege will meet with a warm and ftrenuotts opposition, the canons who are the eledors being determined not to have a foreigner for their head. •March *2. Last Wedncfday anew dock was opened at Plymouth yard; to receive his Majesty’s ftiip Union of 00 guns; and although it was a remarkably low spring tide, lhe wmttn withthe greatest ease, and had more water than was fufficient. This dock is reckoned the largest in England, be equal to any in Europe. l he King of Portugal is going to keep a regiment of light hor c£l and i hc horses be from England. * officers and two engineers are gone or going to Dunkirk, to new the fortifications of that place, which j by treaty, and to view the new works eroded during the two last wars. r A? , ce WMS re examined on Saturday before the Lord Mavor, he made a full confeffion of his whole tranfac pons, and that the firft fofs he had In the Alley was 50001. mg the difference of fome flock which he had agreed for on account of a gentleman who would not take it of him, ana not having money to make good that difference, in or dCF np ? U P his credit in the Alley, firft induced him to prattifc forgeries. This tranfaflion happened about two years ago, and meeting almost every day with losses, he went on in forging, till at twelve different times he had ob the sum abovementioned, He readily signed his confeffion, begged that the Lord Mayor would be pleased to indulge him with liberty to remain in the Poultry-compter till the next Te/Hogs, ana that his wife might be with him ; •r T-j c ” k** Lordship granted, upon condition that his wife did not go out after (he was once let in; if (he did, not to be fuffered to go to him any more { no other persons 6e admitted to him. He told the Lord Mayor, that the Archbishop of Cambray promised toproteft him if he would embrace the Roman Catholick religion, which he absolute- Y refufed; that the guilt of his crime fat heavy on him, for he enjoyed not one happy hour during his absence, and was glad to return to England, that he might fuffer that pum foment which he moft justly deserved, tor the notori ous crime he had been guilty of, which was the only fatis faaion he could make to the publick. The Lord Mayor recommended to him, in very moving terms, to make the bell pfe of his time to prepare for a future slate, for that the nature of his crime is such, that he could not hope, after conviction, to receive the royal mercy. March ?6, It is said that Mr. Rice on'his examination behaved so candid and open in his declaration that it excit ed pity on every one present. * We hear that the nett debt of his Majesty’s navy, as it flood on the 31st of last December, amounts to 5,065,1521. Bs, jd. {, including the fuffi remaining in the treasurer’s hands, and the supplies granted last year not brought in. March 29. Friday died Lord Allon, Baron Forfar, of the kingdom of Scotland, He was a few years since cook to———- Mordaunt, Bart, when the title defeended t<a him. He is fuccceded in title by Mr. William A lion, a watchmaker, son of the late Mr. Allon, undertaker, in Wild-llreet, Lincoln’s-Inn Field*. March 31, The French King has appointed Mr. Law, a descendant of the famous Law, whose projedls occafioncd such a revolution iu the fortune* of many families inl*’rance #