Newspaper Page Text
to be Governor of Pondicherry, in the room of Mr. Lully.
The trial of this gentleman is not yet over.
April is. Letters from Berlin advise, that h’s Pcuffum
Majesty arrived there the 30th ult. on which occasion his
Yubjc&s-cxprqflcd them (elves with the greatest gratitude and
acclamations of joy. Hu Pruflian Majesty had not been
within the wails of that metropolis, fincc the 4th of January
King of Prussia has made Mr. Mitchel* the Britifti
Minifler, a present of a gold (huff-box, with his piAure set
cound with diamonds.
The Hermione prise is bought for the King of RrdH\
and is to be fined out at his Majefly's yard at Deptford.
Extrmß of a lettarfrom Parity March si.
** The Duke of Bedford, who has had his audience of
leave of the King and Qgeen, and the royal family, is tak
ing his leave of the princes of the blood, and other persons
of diftindion, and proposes to set out in a few days on his
return to England, lius nobleman is greatly esteemed,
and we wefe in hopes he would have ftaui at leaf! till the
peace had been publickly proclaimed | but besides the de
lire of the King his mailer to fee him, he want* to be in
England before the parliament breaks up. The present
•which the King proposes to make him will be extremely
trich and magnificent.”
SAVANNAH, July 21.
SY runners from the Lower Creek towns in nine days
we leans that every thing is quiet there.
We hear from Auguila, that the French and
Northward Indians have killed and fealped several
of the Cherokees.
John Wilkes, Esq; member of parliament for Aylefbury,
is laid to have been, committed to the Tower, and the printer
of a paper called the North Briton to Newgate, on account
of the writing, printing, and publiftiing of Tome particular
number of that paper; upon tne fall of which immediately
Aar ted up another called the Champion.
Capt. Deadxnan, who arrived here on Monday last, the
Aay before saw five 4ail of vessels off of Charleilown bar,
itanding in for that port; one of which, a how from Bri
flol in ten weeks, he spoke with.
We liear from Charleilown, that, by the resolution en
tered into by the phyjfcians there not to inoculate, a Hop
is slmoft put to tne lmall-pox in that place.
Dud. Friday lall, Mrs. Mary Young, widow of Mr.
Wiliiam Young.-—This morning, Mrs. Bolton, wife of
Mr. Robert Bolton.
Cvstom-Hovsi, Entired Inwards. From
J*h *B* Schooner Dolphin, William Deadman, Salem
Sailed, For
7*h *3* Ship Francis, John Glazonby, Charleilown
14, Schooner Elizabeth, John Oram, Pifcataqua
A Small parcel of healthy NEW NEGROES to be
fold by GEORGE BAILLIE and Cos.
RUN AWAY, a NEGROE FELLOW called Fran ca,
used to the sea, is an artful plauftble fellow, and may
attempt to pass for free. All mailers of vessels arc hereby
cautioned againfl carrying the said negroe off the province;
and whoever brings him to the fublcriber, or to the jail
keeper in Savannah, lhall have a reward of twenty (hillings
Who desires all persons who have demands on the late
Lancelot Lawrance, or the fehooner Sally, to bring them
in properly attested.
WHEREAS the copartnerlhip of Meflrs. Grahams and
Moffman hath long since been expired, and it be
ing neceflary to close the affairs of that copartnerlhip as
speedily as pofftble, therefore all persons indebted thereto,
either by bond, note, or upon account, are requeued to
pay the fame to the fubferiber, on or before the 25th day of
August next, otherwise they mull exped to he sued without
■ iftinttioa by JAMES BOX.
R UN f r? m . W pUntMftoa, 1 NEGROE MAN
nnnj Bti, He i> very likely fellow, middle fi zn |
and of a yellow complexion, and fpeaki very good Rnllift
He jay# that he aru bora in Virginia, and helot,ved for’
merly to a man there ofebeumeof Moone, who hulatelv
removed to the Watercei. He had with him when hewem
away apairof old huck&in breeches an
lix Ihirt, a pair of ouaUitw trowfen, and a neat rail „r
brown cloth. He carried & with hii
branded P R.—Whoever will deliver thit
Savannah, or to Meflrs. Moodte anand
in Charleilown, lhall receive TEN POUNdISTOJdNf •
*•*"* beside. a reasonable nllowanc.forthe t
conveying him to Savannah or CharleflowJ. F
A Valuable PLANTATION, situate noon the
/V between South and North Newoon rmS, conm£!
tng taoo acres of land, exceeding goo Sin quxlire f or “ r ”
rice, xnd indtoo, with a large quantity of feeding m rfh in *
the front, fuflictent to muntun a considerable number of
cattle, horses, end other flock, very etfy to be indofed bv
a Ihort fence, about 100 acre, cleared and within fe„ c ,
with.good new framed brn, overfeer*. house, and negro
houfe#. Any person inclining to purebafe may treat with
7 * b<jUJ ’ °” * 8, J * W •****>• r,ady „
tbt If ate h-house m Savannah*
ONE NEGROE WENCH, the property of Mr fohn
M'lntoih of Sapello, and feixed on execution by
h l. MA ' rT ’ RQCHR ,
nr HE fnbfcriber being about to leave tlijs province iVS
X '> •>’ give# notice to all perim indebted
♦ohrencu Arthur and company, that there iianabfolute
necessity for immediate payment of their refpetlive debts.
He will dispose of fix valuableTßACTS of LAND upon
very moderate term#, containing 4750 aerti, vix r
One traft situate on North Newport river, about four
miles from Sunbury, containing 900 acre., 400 of which ate
good swamp, with a fine referee of water, a good dwellimr
houfe thereon, and So acre# of the high land cleared *
Another trail of 350 acres, on a navigable creek, within
one mile of Sunbury, good for indico and rice, about QO
acre# of the high land cleared, and a dwelling-house there,
on, pleafantiy situated.
800 acres on Bull Town swamp, four miles from a land
900 acres on Newport swamp, fix miles from a landing
500 acres on said Iwamp, seven miles ‘rom a landing.
1300 acres in St. Andrew s parifli, two miles from a land
Thefefour lall trads are principally rice land, and cllecm
ed inferior to none in this province, having great conveni
ency for back water.
Enqoire of Meflrs. James Read and company in Savan
nah, or in Sunbury ot FRANCIS ARTHUR
Who has several town lots in Sunbury, fomc with im
provements, likewise to dispose of.
Strayed into Mr. William Elliot's plantation on Lit/It Ogechee,
fome time in Augift l a st t
A Bay H O R S E, about 13 hands high, with a final!
white (pot m his forehead, and branded on the right
fliouider thus Whoever owns the said horfc, may hav e
him, by proving his property, and paving reasonable char
RUN AWAY from the fubferiber, a NEGRO FEL
LOW named Tom , about 25 years old, very well
known about the country and in town, had on when he went
away a brown fuflian coat, white Ihirt, and an old beaver
hat. Whoever will deliver him to William Evans, at Mr.
Alexander Fyffe’s, lhall receive a reward of fifteen (hillings;
and as I have fomc reason to funpofe he is harboured by
fome persons in the country, I hereby offer a further re.
ward of twenty-five (hillings, to be paid on convidion of
the offender. RICHARD CAPERS.
It' l deft red that advert ifem cats fir this paper he givenTn
always by Wednejday morning at far theft % and that the mtney be
Jent with them. The rate oj adyertiftvg */, three Jbtllingi for every
tin lines, t, 2 or j week.