The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, August 25, 1763, Image 4

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WHEREAS feme evll-difpofcd perron or persons have broke open the lock and door of one of the publick market stalls of this town, and likewise carried off the door belonging to No. 3* in said market, and the bell pole, whoever difcoixrs the offenders, upon conviction lhali re *ceivc 205. fieri, reward, and if required their name thall be concealed. HUGH ROSS, clerk of the market. UN AWAY from the lublcriber, about fix months ago, a NEGRO FELLOW called Cyrus ; he is a fliort thick and we v l set fellow, country born, and talks good Englith, but fpcaks low', and is about 24 or 25 years of .age.—Also, about four months ago, another NEGRO FELLOW named Cofr; he is a tall.and slim young fellow, very much pitted with the final 1 pox, he is also country born, and speaks good Englilh.—Thefe two are supposed to be gone up towards Augusta, as Cyrus was seen and in cuftodv near that place, and as the other was taken up there year.—Also, another NEGRO FELLOW called Cetfar\ }rC is a little fellow, and fpcaks but very indifferent Englilh, is of the Angola country; he is fuppoied to be lurking near Savannah, as he has been-taken near that place several times . before. Whoever brings these negroes, or any of them, to the fubferiber at his plantation, or to Mr. George Bail lie merchant in Savannah, shall be fufficiently rewarded, according to the trouble they have been at, and .all legal charges paid; and if he can find that they, or any a! them, has been harboured or kept in secret by any person or per sons whatever, he will prosecute him or them to the utmort of his power; and any person shall be well rewarded that can give certain information by whom they or any of them have been so harboured or fecrejted. blorton-Hall, near Savannah, JO A. DOUGLASS. WHEREAS a town lot, known by No. 10. in the firft tything, Reynold’s ward, in the town of Savannah, with the garden and farm lots thereto belonging, originally the property of Messrs. Andrew Grant and David Douglass copartners, were many years ago conveyed to trustees, for securing the payment of certain debts due from that co partnerlhipj and whereas the trustees named in the said i:<*Bveyance being long since deceased, one of the creditors of the said estate did lately make application to his Excel lency the Governor in council, that the premiffes might be Fold for the purposes intended, who was pleased to order accordingly, and the fame have since been fold at publick vendue; these are -fhcrefore to give notice to the creditors *of the laid copartnership, that they make known their re fpe&ive demands to the fubferiber in Sa\annah on or before Hie 10th day of O&ober next. WILLIAM EWEN, Vendue-matter. ‘HOHE Gentlemefi of the firll troop of horse militia, cotn i manded by Lachlan M‘Gillivray, Esq; are required to meet at the Captain’s house, compleatly accoutred, on Thursday the firft day of September next, at nine of the clock A. M. By order of the Captain. JAMES MUTER. TO BE SOLD, On Saturday the ljth day of September next, at the Watch-house in Savannah, at the ujual hour , for ready money, A TRACT containing ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY ACRES of LAND, bounded on the north-east on Savannah river, at a place called Poor Robin’s Bluff, late the property of John Davis deceased, and seized on execu tion by MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar. Savannah, Augujl 16, 176;. to be sold! “ On Saturday the ljth day of September next, at the Watch-house in Savannah, at toe ujual hour, for ready money, A LOT in Savannah, No. 5. Jekyl tything, Derby ward, on which arc several bui’dings. Also, A FARM LOT, containing 45 acres, in the second tything, Reynold’s ward No. S . late the property of John Penrofe deceased, ?.na seized on execution by Savannah, Augujl MATT. ROCHE, Pro-/. Mar. TAKEN UP by the fublcriber about five miles from town, a red HEIFER, has no brand or mark. The owner may have it, paying charges, by applying to PHILIP M.LLER. TAKEN UP on Lieut. Barnes’s plantation, aboat thr.* miles from town, a strong bay HORSE, about *3 ami a half hands high, marked on the near fhouldcr ? y and on the near buttock C P, has a liar in his forehead’ lhe owner may have him, on proving his property a paying all charge*. r “ TO BE SOLD, A PLANTATION, situate on Savannah river, con taining 9<;d'acres of land, of which 850 acres is river swamp, watered by spring tides, and about 50 acres of i t cleared; .the other 100 acres is exceeding good high hind is chiefly cleared, and has a good dwelling-house thereon.*— The swamp abounds with a large quantity of very valuable cypress, fit either for sawing or making of Ihingles, very convenient to a market, being about 14 miles distant froi* Savannah by land or water.—For further particulars enquire oi either of the fubferihers at Savannah. 1 JAMES HABERSHAM. XEWIS JOHNSON, JOHN GRAHAM. TO BE SOLD “” A Valuable PLANTATION, lituate upon the point between South and North Newport rivers, contain ing 1200 acres of land, exceeding good in quality for corn rice, and indico, with a large quantity of feeding marih in the front, fufficient to maintain a considerable number of cattle, horses, and other Hock, very easy to be inclofed by a Ihort fence, about 100 acres cleared and within with a good new framed barn, overseer’s house, and negro houses. Any person inclining to purchase may treat with JONATHAN BRYAN. ‘”T A HE fubferiber being about to leave this province in a JL very little time, gives no ice to all perions indebted to Francis Arthur and company, that there is an absolute necessity for immediate payment of their refpeclive debts. He will dispose of fix valuable TRACTS of LAND upon very moderate terms, containing 4730 acres, viz. One tra& situate on North Newport river, about four miles from S unbury, containing 900 acres, 400 of which are good swamp, with a fine reserve of water, a good dwelling. house thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared. Another trail of 350 acres, on a navigable creek, within one mile of frunbury, good for indico and rice, about 90 acres of the high land cleared, and a dweEing-houfe there on, pleasantly situated. 800 acres on B ull Town swamp, four miles from a Janding. >9OO acres on Newport swamp, fix miles from a landing. 500 acres on said swamp, seven miles from a landing. .1300 acres in St. Andrew’s parifii, two miles from a land ing. I hefe four last trails are principally rice land, and ettcem ed interior to none in this province, having great convcni ency for back water. Enquire of Messrs. James Read and company In Savan nah, or in Sunbury of FRANCIS ARTHUR. Who has several town lots in Sunbury, fome with im provements, likewise to dispose of. ~’ TO BE SOLD, 4t the IVatch-hcvfe in Savannah, on Saturday the \otb day of September next, ATradt of land, containing tour hundred acres, being part ot an ifiand ficuate in the river Alatamaha, in the parilh ot St. Andrew, bounded by the branches of the said river and Aligator-cj-eek. Another trad! ot land, containing one hundred and sixty acres, situate in the pariili of St. Andrew, bounded on the south-west by a fait marlh, on the weft by land of Samuel Smith, and on the north by land vacant. A town lot, known by the number 10, in Tyrconnel tything, Derby ward, situate in Broughton-llreet in the town of Savannah, whereon is a good dwclling-houfe, kit chen, store-room and liable. The conditions of the sale arc, The land payable the firft . day of January next, giving approved fecurity;-and the house and lot in Savannah, to be rcadv money; The whole the property ot Mr. MacKeithen, and seized on execution bp Savannah, Augnjt MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar. 8//-, 1763.