The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, September 01, 1763, Image 1

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* * ■ # > GEORGIA GAZETTE. Number 22, EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE, ‘ m , r Cadiz, April 15* HHEY write from Gibraltar, that fome dif ference has arifcn between the Englifli * and the King of Morocco, and that the Euglifti consul in Barbary had precipi tately left Tetttan, the place of his niuai residence. It is (aid the ground of these broils is a complaint made by Admiral ritannick McjeHy, of the little refpelt paid by the Moors to the English flag, and their refufing to supply Gibraltar with proviflons under double price. t Lifion, April 18. The treaty of commerce between France, England, and Spain, ftiU upon the carpet, and will fooa be concluded. It is (aid a treaty of commerce between oar court and that of London will be concluded, much more in favour of the latter than any former treaty. *. Madrid, April 18. The King has nominated the Prince dc Malteran, Captain Os the Italian company of the body fuards, to benis Ambaflhdor Extraordinary to the court of ondOn. Cadiz , April 19. Lieut. Qen. Count de Ricla is appointed Governor of Cuba, and Brig. Gen. O’Rcily commander in chief of the forces on that island. , Venice, April 20, Alvife Mocenigo, procurator of St. Mark, was yeflerday elected Doge, and this morning Crowned with the usual ceremonies. Amjlerdam, April la. The different colleges of the Ad miralty feetn to busy in taking all ncceflary precautions to put our marinein a condition to proteil our trade, in case, sts there is room to fear* we should come to an open rupture with the Algerines. Leghorn , April 23. According to fome advices from Ge noa, the money and merchandize which the Spaniards found at St. Sacrament, and which will be lawful prize, though the place mufl be restored, amount to 30 millions of cru sades. [A crusade is about 2s. 6d. - Madrid, April 28. The commissioners appointed by the King t# inquire into the condud of the Governor of the Havana, and the other officers who commanded there, have put under arrefl, in their refpedlivc houses, the Count de Superunda, formerly Viceroy of Peru, the Marquis del Royal Tran({>orte, commander in chief of the (hips in the harbour, Don Juan de Prado, then Governor of Cuba, ami several captains of men of war. An officer of invalids is placed m the apartment of Don Juan de Prado, and ccnti nels polled at all the doors of his house. * Ratijben, April 28. Yeflerday Prince Clement of Saxony was unanimously chosen bilhop of this city. • * ’ * LONDON, April 20. Extra3 from a memorial presented by the French Minijltr to the • * “ . States General . ** A Sby the 11 th article of the preliminaries, Nattal and AA. Tapuloony, on the iildnd of Sumatra, are to be reflored to Grcat-Britain, and as these places had been put in pofTeflion of the Dutch troops by the Count d’Estaing, (though without any authority from the French court) this acquisition, therefore, to the Dutch, being void, as well in form as substance, his Moll Christian Majclly doubts not that their High Mightincfles will give immediate orders for surrendering these forts to the King of Great-Britain.” By a letter from Madrid of the 28th pail We learn, that the captain of the Hcrmione, which was taken by the Eng lifb, is fentenccd by the council of war to be put to death, ibr striking his colours without f ring a gun. Edinburgh , Aprl 1 0. A few days .igo 1 bricklayer’s wife THURSDAY, Siptember 1, 1763. in Stirling was fafely delivered of four children at a birth, two boy* and two girls. They ire all in a good way, and likely to live, and the mother is likewiie recovering. London, May 2. The lafl letters from Herefordfhire, De von, and.other cyder countries, fay, that the? commotions of the populace are now pretty well subdued, but, on the other hand, that petitions are preparing from all the bo roughs again A the cyder a t\ ; and aifo inflruftions to the ieveral representatives to use their endeavours to procure a repeal thereof in the next sessions. Map 3. In this day's Gazette areaddrefles from the uni verCities of Aberdeen and Glasgow. His Royal and Ele&oral Highness Prince Clement of Sax ony was defied, on the 16th ult. Prince Bilhop ofFreyfin gen in the duchy of Bavaria. 7 May 4. It was yeflerday reported that a rupture would Inertly break out between tne Salctines and Great-Britain, on occasion of fome arrears which we are laid to have left un difeharged, concerning the crew of the Litchfield man of war lately in captivity there. A French flat-bottomed boat, with 500 prisoners on board, going from Plymouth to St. Maloes, met with a little swell, which foundered her, and allperilhed. And on Sa turday another flat-bottomed boat failed from Portfmouthi with 400 on board, and it blowing a strong caflerly wind soon after, it was expedled they would be loll.—-The French should have made a fraooth sea to fit these boats, for they'll not live in any other. The French go on board them with reluttance; about 100 of them at Portsmouth purchased sat old prize Hoop, fitted her up, and failed home, rather than venture in the boats. May 5. There have been a l ready nine waggon loads off monev deposited at the bank, brought from the Havana, and three more are daily cxpcfled. ExtraS of a letter from Paris, April 28. “ We have an account from Germany, that tfre King of Pruflia was marching with a large body of his forces toward* Poland, but with what design was not known; fome imagine that he wants to seize Dantzick in order to extend his ma ritime trade, others suppose that he intends to seize two provinces which arc hemmed in by the dominions cf Poland, and which the house of Brandenburgh has long claimed.” Net a day or night passes without robberies, such Iwarms of rogues has the peace let loofc upon us, which arc daily increasing, as the /hips are paid off. May 7* The King has been pleased to appoint the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Stormont to be his Majefly's Ambafla* dor Extraordinary and Miniflcr Plenipotentiaiy to the Em peror and Emprcfs of Germany ; and Benjamin Langlois, Esq; to be Secretary to his Majefly's embafly at that court. Gen. Finck, the Prulfian General, who was made priso ner at Maxcn in November 1759, with his whole army, confining of about 15000 mm, is put under an arrcll at Berlin, and is to be tried by a court-martial. It is said that after Mr. Wilkes had finifiied his firll speech in the court of common plca% the mob gave a loud huzza; at which the Chief Justice having exprefied fome indignati on, that the proceedings of the court Ihould be interrupted by the clamours of a rabble; Wilkes rose up again, and with unparalleled effrontery addressing himfclt to the bench said, It is net the clamours of a rabble , my Lord, but the •voice cf liberty, which mus anu Jhall be hcasd. May 10. Mr. W s Hill continues to dillribute hard bills through the streets and coflcchoufcs, and Aiains ever/ nerve to impefe himfclf upon the Englilh populace as the champion and fuffercr for libeity. However, fome of the moll sensible and opulent men of the city, formerly his friends, are now nlhamed and Ihockcd at his proceedings. Hi: appl’cati* n fer a warrant to Larch the heufes cf the be-