The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, September 08, 1763, Image 3

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OtixwAtns. t For S:bf.y, Shop Two Friends, Robert Lucas, • Jamajea 7, 91oQp Beticy, John Archer, .* JTt. W HEREAS (unity per ens Laving grants (cr lnds in this province, ana who omitted to register and doc quet them in the proper offices within the time limited for that purpose, have made application to his Excellency the Governor in council, that a further time may be allowed to jegifter and doequet their said grants, and the fame being taken into confidcratton, hii>E*ccllcncy was pleased to or der, as follows, si*. v Ordered, ( / That the Rcgßler of grants and the Deputy-auditor do receive and rcgiitcr, and doequet all grants that* lhall be biought to them within the space of fix months next enfuiug, hotwithfonding the time for regilhing and decqueting the fame may be elapsed, and that notice thereof be given, by publishing this order in’ the Gazette. By order of his Excellency the Governor in council, 6th September, 1763. ‘ CHARLES WATSON, C.C. “geoTgTa. m WHEREAS, by v rtuTcf a writ of attachment to me directed, to attach the lands* tenements, goods and chattels, monies, debts, and books of account, of Shadlock Rivers, {Surviving copartner of Joseph Rivers and son) who is abfcQt from and without the limits of this province, (as it is said) so a$ to.make the said Shadlock Rivers a party in his Majesty’s general court of pleas to answer Joseph Wood, I have seized and taken into my custody a fchconer, called theSukey* with her tackle, furniture, and apparel; this is therefore to give notice to all and every person and persons whatsoever, having or laying any claim to the said schooner and premifles, to appear in his Majesty’s said court, on or before the adjournment day of October term next, to ihew caftife why the said schooner and premises Ihould not be ad judged to be the property of and belonging to the hid absent -debtor. ‘* MATT. ROCIIE, Frov. Mar. Savannc.h, Sept. 7> 7 6 V <1 Savannah, Sept. 8, 1763. The members of the Georgia library so ciety are desired to meet at the house of Nicholas Lawrence, on Thursday the 15th inst. at fix o’clock in the evening. Ye be /old at .Sonhury, the 19/ A infant, for reedy moneys ly or der of ‘ the Court r.f Vice Admiralty, SEVERAL BARRELSotDAMAGEDRICE,andTWO HUNDRED BARRELS of GOOD RICE, by THOMAS VINCENT, M. C. A. To he fold for eaf>, NEAT WINDSOR CHAIRS at 10 s. or 12 s. w'hcn painted, afchair, by JAMES MUTER. “Fo”b e sol l>7 On Saturday the 17 tb day of September next, at tl>e ll\itch-ho fe in Savannah, at the ttjual hour, for ready money, A TRACT containingONE HUNDRED and FIFTY ACRES of'LAND, bounded on the north-ealt on -Savannah river, at a place called l\>or Robin’s Bluff, late the property of John Davis deceased, and feizad on execu- ’ tion by MATT. ROCHE* Prov. Mar. •Savannah, Augif . i-6, 1763. TO BE SOL D, . On Saturday the 17 th day of September next, at the H'ateh-krafe ■ in Sarjdurnab, at the u/uul hour , for ready money, A LOT in Savannah, No. 5. Jekyl tything; Derby ward, on which are ( bui dings. Also, A FARM LOT, containing 45 acres, in the second tything, R-cynold’s ward, Nt>. 5. late the property cf John Fenrofc deceased, and Seized on execution by Savannah, Avgufl MATT. ROCIIE, Prov. Mar. 16, 1763. ‘ ’ - ** A JOURNEYMAN PRINTER may imet with good encouragement bv applying to the publiftier of this pauer. Au AITRENTiCE is also wanted. r _ T,O £E SOLD on very*rcafonable termsv bv * J o II N SON *Ad ‘W Y L L TV Vldonu wine by the pipe, quarter caffe, or any fmallcr quantity, not ids than three gallons;preferv a fruits iu bottles; St. Kitts rum by the hoglhcad, quarter cafle, Prirv quantity nftt Ids'than three gallons; northward ditto in tl e like quantities; annii'ecd ana clove cordiulsin calks of about 15 gallons; molailes and treacle by the hoglhead; tnufcc. vadq lug4.r by the hoglhcad, barrel, cr hundred weight; Caiulc soap in small boxes ; Florence oil in cases containing one ot bottles; raifms in calks of about 100 lb. They have imported by the last vcfltfs from Bristol, white, blue, and green plains, of an. extraordinary good quality. Wanted, a parcel of live hops. * KUJN iHiu uc tuLiuiur, aocut ux~ riloiiiha ago, a NEGRO bELI.OW called Cjras ; lie is a flroit Uiick and well f t fellow, country born, and talks good English, but speaks low, and is about 24 or 25 years of age.—Alio, about four months ago, another NEGRO FELLOW named CJjt ; he isa tall and flint young fellow, tery much pitted with the small pox, he is alio country’ born, and speaks good Englifh.—Thcfc two are supposed ro be gone up towards AuguAa, as Cyrus was seen and in custody near that place, a'hd as the other tvas taken up there lad year.—Also, another NEGRO FELLOW called CW, hf-i- a little fellow, and speaks but very indifferent Engli(h| ie r f the Angola country; he is fuppoied to be lurking near Savannah, as he has been taken near that place several times before.——Whoever brings these negroes, or any of them, to the fubferiber at his plantation, or to Mr. George ITail lic merchant in Savannah, fhali be fufliciently rewarded, according to the trouble they have been at, and all legal charges paid ; and if he can find that they, or any of them, has been harboured or kept in secret by any, per fori or per sons whatever, he will prosecute him cr them to the utmoß ot his potvef; and any person (hall be well rewarded that can give certain information by whom they or any of them h; ve been so harboured or fecrcted. near Savamtefb, DA. DOUGLASS. W r H ERE AS feme evil-difpofcJ person or pcrfoin have broke open the lock and door of cnc of the pvbiick market Rails of this town, ami likewise carried off the dd% bclonging to Rail No. 3. in said market, and the bell pole, whoever difeovers the ©(Ten cn, upm cnntißion (hall re ceive 20s. RcrL reward, and if required their name (hall be concealed. HUGH ROSS, clerk o r the mrhet. W iden as the Provoß-marshal of this province halhadl rcrtilcd fhrfalc, for ready money, on Saturday the loth day of September inst. a town let, known by the num ber 10, in Tyrconnel tything, Derby ward, situate in l>ro ghton-ffreet in the town of Savannah, wher on is a good dwelling-houftf, kitchen, Rore-room and ffabh.*; and whereas the said premises arc now under mortgage to Pickering Robinfotl,; by deed bearing date tr.e iSth day of January >762, and (land charged wi h the payment of one hundrtd and forty pounds, and intereA, being the purchase money thereof, by Alexander M'KcitHen* and are likewise, togethtr with his lands, fubjeft to a judgment re covered agamfl him by the said Pickering Robihfon, on bond, of laid date, for the fim of seventy pounds, being a moiety of the said pure had* money, and the in? :rcA tin rcof, on the 1 cth day of July HA, and proper’)’ and equeted in the office rs pleas; the fubferibers therefore, as atto/nies of the (aid Pickering Robinson, do hereby give notice there f to r.ll persons whom it may concern, and that no title, dther wife than of the equity oi redemption of the said lot and pri nt ills, can be made to a purchaser by the Provoß-m 1 Aral, v. iclirut the concurrence of the fubferiber", in wh.ofe hands a.c all the title-deeds. • HENRY YONGK, „ JOHN TALLF.Y, ur, ItJoJd &y the JuOJcr’facr , o-t i>, i y if.ijwutUt , e nii , A HOUSE and LOT in Savannah, together v,ith a good kitchen, wath-hnufe, (lore, and many other convcniencies, preiantly poll.’(Ted by Mr. Jofcph Wood. Alf) a travt of acres of land in St. Andrew’s parilh, •adjoining lands of Mr. William Haris, and a tratt of 200 acre.* off.ind in ChriA-chunh partth, about three miles from town, inferior to none in the province for rice, corn ar.d imli co. Likewise, four likcjy negr cs a fn.ill llo* kof horfs* and feme cattle. ‘ “ LLVI SIIEFT A LI..