The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, September 08, 1763, Image 4

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TO BE SOLD, by w*y of chances, to be divided iato 1200 rickets, at 20s. Sterling each, and to be drawn in .Savannah ibme time in Oaobcr neat, The fdffawing ARTICLES, vhL i Cash, Omt hundred aadfiv*p**nds+ 10$ o o ‘j Ditto, Om hundredpounds* ioo o o < Ditto, Seventy she founds, T$ 0 c \J Ditto, fifty pun*, 100 O O 1 Ditto, Twenty-fivepounds* 50 06 3 Ditto, ‘ n, -bo 0 4 Ditto, fifteen pounds* 60 O O jo Ditto, £/>4r pounds* Jo O o j 8 Ditto, Six Jeundt* fOB o o no Ditto, four pounds* 80 o o. 46 Ditto, Tbreeponude* J3B o o 44 Ditto, Twopounds, * 28 o O • Ditto, TmpouudsfoutJbtSsngAS nfenny, .to 4 I < Coffeepot, 16 5 6 J Waiter, ‘ . 4 $ 9 2 Soop spoon, and 6 table ditto, j ij o 3 Swords, different prices, J 9 6 o 5 Hangers, iS O 5 Snuff boxes, different prices, 47 |0 6 5 Pairs of done ear-rings, J 2 0 0 1 Pair of done buckles, 100 j 6 Sets of tea fpoens, 7416 <6 Pairs of gold buttons, 6 6 o 61 Pairs of silver buckles, different prices, 71 ti a at Sundry articles, confiding of gold, sil ver, and jewclery, &c, all in 20s. prizes, 210 0 1 Ditto, • r 1 14 o _* * + o o 1200 WILLIAM WRIGHT. The tickets are to be bad, for cash only, of the above William Wright in Savannah. N. B. A dtfeouat of seven and a half per cent, to be de- efu t of cadi prises only. In case the tickets are not of by the time of drawing, the molwy to be returned; bonds for that pur pose, as well as for the due performance of every part, are given to William Spencer, David Montaigut, and John Morel, Efors. who are appointed infpeftors. XwAY, iiom'the plantation of Roderick M‘Ave> °* thc bf Aaguft ij6i 9 TWO NEGROE MEN, the one a yellowiih fellow named Vfbnu, about 2 5 years old, lady, and near fix feet high 2 the other a black fellow, named Jack, about five foet 11 inches high, who ran away about thrjee years ago, and was iaken up on Canouchie in Georgia by one Mouck. There were two more Degrees went off with them, Jfaac and CbrU Jfopber, eachfu foet high, and carried off three guns and a Tluqr arealjlappofed to begone towards Georgia and Sf. Asgudine. Their arc therefore to offer a rewardof TeuPeunds currency for each of the two fird mentioned ,e-. groes, and all reasonable charges, *to any.perfon or persons Who will apprehend and deliver them to their ramflcr at Pe- Jee, the warden of the work-house in Charledown, Mr. Vincent at Savannah, Jlr. S win ton at Sunbary, or to Cbarlefewn* Juguf . JOHN FORBES. 19* <703. ,T 9 be foul by she jubjeriber, “ * 1 1 ‘ ■ , A Stout able young NEGROE MAN, who has been used JTjl to making of bricks, WILLIAM EWEN. \A copartnerfhip of Franks Arthur and com-* VV pany expired fome time ago, and it being necessary to dole the affairs ofthat copartnerfhip as fpeedity as possi ble, therefore all persons anyways indebted thereto, are ve sted to pay the fame to the fobferiber on or before the t& day of November next, or they will be sued without further Bottceb y . JAMES BOX. £ AVAN NA H: Printed by James Johnston, at the Printing-Office in Broughton - Street 9 where Advertisements, Letters of Intelligence, and Subscriptions for this are taken in. ° r TO IB SOLD, A TRACT of LAND, in the prilh of St. Philip-,, ri* ° K Grt *' ri r r - on, a i„“„ ’ oco acres, bofaried to the north on fofeph Butler, Kfo* t f *“ lft . on *• f“ b £*L er *, to *** *veft on land , Jueiy adnmfed by MdTrs. Janet Read and aompanv: un. I *nis of joo acres of this trafl is exceeding good rcc land i with the greatest convenieucy for a dam and machine the , remainder to any in the province for corn or there are about too acres cleared and wider a good fence’ with a sow convenient buildings, and upwards of ioo lari c mulberry trees thereon. For forthur particulars inquire of • the fubfenber on (aid plantation. JOHN MAXvvp r r .: TTPinTs o l b; —^zsttr di tbt Wutcb4*uft in Savannah, on Saturday the \otb day September next* y A Traft of land, conttining four hundred acre., bei n£ > part of an iflaad situate in the river Alatamaha, in the f parilh of St. Andrew, bounded by the branches of the kid river and Aligator-creek. , Another t*a& of land, containing one hundred and £xtv , acres, fitnafie in the ptrifh of St. Andrew, bounded on the fo?b-weA by a fidt marsh, otyhe well by land of Samuel , Smith, and on the north by Jana vacant. ws 10 * r 5J 0t ’ * CBOW,s b y tbe number io, in Tyrconnel tything, Derby ward, situate in Broughton-facet in the town of Savannah, whereon it a good dwelling-honfe, kit. chen, fare-room and liable. The conditions of the fiileate, The fund payable the fird day of January next, giving approved fccurity; and the house and lottn Savannah, to be ready money: The whole the jprpperty of Mr. MacKeithen, and feised ou execution by SamamaA, Augetf MATT. ROCHE, Prov. Mar. 8/b, 1763, • y fobferiber being about to leave this province in a JL very litde time, giveseio iceto all persons indebted to Fwncis Arthur and company, that there is an abfoiute necessity for immediate payment of.their refpeaive debts. He will difpofeoffirvaluableTßACTSofLAND upon •very moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, viz. One tra£t situate on North Newport river, about four •miles from Sunbury,containing 900 acres, 400 of wlvch are good swamp, with a fine reforve of water, a good dwelling houfe thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared. tca£lof 3so acres, on a navigable creek, within one mile of Sunbury, good for indico and rice, about 90 acres of-thehigh land cleared, and a dwelling-house there on, pleafendy frtuaied. 800 acres oirßuMTown swamp, four miles from a landing. 900 acres on Newport swamp, fix miles ‘nom a landing. .SOO acres on (hid swamp, (even miles rom a landing. . acres in St. Andrew’sparifh, two miles from a land * ‘ * ‘ . - Thefo four lad trails are principally rice land, and esteem ed inferior to uoae in this province, having great-con veni. for back water. Enquire of Messrs. James Head and company in Savan nah, or in Sunbury of FRANCIS ARTHUR. Who has several town lots in Sunbury, fome with im* provements, likewise to difpofc of. Saturday the loth instant, foe truflees for the meet ing-house in Savannah tre to let the pews for the en duing year. Those concerned are desired to attend at ten o'clock in the morning. At the fame time they will be ’ ready t 6 receive the tent due for the year part. THE fubforiberintending to leave this province for fome *titne, hereby gives notice, purfoant to the lft of the General Afiembly, that he is ready to aafwer any suit, and to give bail to any writ or Jitmmons that (hall in the mean time be issued again ft him. JACOB ANDERSON. To be/old at pubiici vendue, onTbur/day the ic/b of September itiji. at Mr. 7obn HafUdt in Sunbury , at II o'clock in the forenoon, ELEVEN NEGROES, belonging to the estate of James - Baird dcceafod. The conditions will be made known on the day of sale. . JOHN MAXWELL, Executor.