The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, September 15, 1763, Image 3
a negroe fellow, belonging to one Mr. VV Stewart, lately arrived in tlu< province from the Wsft-Indies, having lately been apprehended for-dealing of sundry goods from bis said matter, arid, among other things, of a piece of gold lace of conJUsrable value, which he laid he had fold to a taylor, deforcing Mr. Jonathan R-mington of Savannah taylor, the Cud Jonathan Kerning, ton therefore, to remove any unfavourable impressions there by occafiongd, to clear himfclf es such a Ulfe and uajult charge, anoto manifeft his innocencetOthe publick,mak eth oath as follows, to wit, That in June left this deponent made a fait of cloaths for Mr. James Jackson of Augufia, which were left with deponent in order to have a gold bind. Ing or edging put thereon, which the said Mr. Jackfonne formed this deponent he had desired Mr. James Graham to fend for to Charleflown. And this deponent faith, that, a bout the'latter end of last month, and, to the bed of this deponent** remembrance, on .Tuesday the thirtieth of said month, Mr. Alexander M*lnto& of Augusta applied to this deponent to know if Mr. lackfon'a cloaths were fioilhed, when deponent told him they were not, he having not got the binding, but that Mr. James Graham, as he under Hood, had font to Charleltown for feme, but that it was not yet arriveds whereupon the said Mr. M*lntofo told this depo nent there was a gentleman at Mr. Lawrence's, whose name was Stewart, who had fome binding, and therefore told this deponent to wait upon the said Mr. Stewart in his name, and he would let the deponent have it: That accordingly this deponent waited upon the said Mr. Stewart in the (aid Mr. JM ‘lntolh's name, who, not knowing this deponent, refufed to deliver him any binding without a written order from the laid M‘lntolh ; upon which this deponent returned home, #nd on the next day after, about seven or eight of the dock in the morning, a negroe fellow came to him from the said Mr. Stewart, and said his mailer was waiting for deponent to come for the lace: That deponent thereupon replied, Give my compliments to your mailer, and that 1 will either come or fond for it immediately; and deponent faith, that be soon after sent his boy, whom Mr. Stewart told, (as he informed him) that he would rather deponent would come jmd chufe the lace himfelf: That deponent accordingly Went to Mr. Lawrence’s, whore said Mr. Stewart was, and fr on thence went with him to Mr. Lloyd’s Iko re, in company With Mr. Lucas, where the said Mr. Stewart produced fc veral patterns of lace and binding, and deponent cboic pne of the latter, being a piece of narrow gold binding or edg ing, confiding of eighteen yards, which was delivered to him by the said Mr. Stewart for the said Mr. M'lntolh’s account, wherewith this deponent went home immediately. And this deponent further maketh oath, that he never was H the said ftorc for two months ever has been isr ee the day he so received the said edging from the said Mr. Stawart as aforementioned; nor hath ne had any con cern cr dealing with him fincc;%ior hath this deponent ever I d any concern or dealing with the said negroe; nor hath the (aid negroe ever been at this deponent's hoofo to his knowledge; nor hath this deponent ever spoke to him or (ten him since the time he came with a message from his maficr as before fct forth, until the said negroe was appre hended. JONATHAN REMINGTON. Sworn at Savannah aforefaid, Sept. 11, 1761, before me, CHARLES WATSON, Mailer in Chancery. 9# be jeld Lj the fubftrtbert, TWO LOTS, known by the numbers 8 and 9, in Fre derick tything, Darby ward, in Broughton-ftreet, Savannah, adjoining each other. Also, another lot in the said ilrcer, known by the number 3, adjoining well on the printing-office; and an exceeding goed trail of 300 acres of {and on Skeda.vay island, bounded northwardly by lands of John Davis. They likewise rcquell all persons pofl'efled of any of their small promilTory calh notes to tender them to Mr. Jofoph Clay in Savannah, in order to receive payment. 7 HARRIS and HABERSHAM. r* h fold at Jiurvlta, ■> it* 201a of APARCELof UKEI.Y MARES and HORSES of the ChickcCtw bleed. The fnblcnber h also a QUAN TITY of FAT CATTLE to difpofc of, which he will de liver at RaeVHall plantation, or at Augulla. Any person wanting to purchase WIN! ER BEK-h arC jQHN Savannah fa* , im ** ***“” The following ARTICLES, viz. ‘ Ditto, oTw ZS?'-* ’ ‘° s 0 0 . Ditto. ,ce % % a,4W o o *DutO, Ivmtf-filMfMUr, to O o 3 Ditto, Tnuenty pounds, so Q 4 Ditto, Fifteen pounds, 60 O A *0 Ditto, tight pounds, ; 18 Ditto, •Six pounds, 108 o a “%*****. 80 o o 46 Ditto, • Three pounds, 118 o /> 4 Ditto, ig o o 1 I ?'£ 0 ’ to 4 , 1 Coffee pot, 1656 Waiter, I * I Soop spoon, and 6 table ditto, 1,. J 3 Swords, dilfoxent prices, io o o s Haugen, ig , s 0 5 ShufF boxes, different prices, 17 16 o 5 Pairs of tone ear-rings, la o o 1 Pair of tone buckles, a o o 6 Sets of tea spoons, 7 ,, 5 6 Pairs of gold 4 buttons, 660 61 Pairs of silver buckiea, different prices, 71 u a ai Sundry articles, confiting of gold, El ver, and jcwelery, fcfr. ISc. idc. all in 20s. prizes, at o o * Ditto, 1 14 o *4O Prizes. 1 p, , ... Total £. taoo o o 960 Blanks, f ♦ BUn “ *° * Pri “’ * „ 1200 WILLIAM WRIGHT. The tickets are to be had, for ca(h only, of the above William Wright in Savannah. . N. B. A dsfccunt o £ fceen and a half per cent, to be de dulled out of caffi prizes only. In case the tickets are not all difpofod of by the time* of drawing, the money to be returned; bonds for’ that pur. pose, as well as for the due performance of every part, are given to William Spencer, David Montaigut, and John Morel, Efqrs. who are appointed infpellors. TO BE SOLD, A Valuable TRACT of LAND, containing 1000 acre'* situated upon a navigable creek leading from the ri vtr Afatamaha; the greater part river fwarap, well timbered with cypress, the remainder very good hi.-h land. For further particulars inquire of Lady Fioultoun at Savannah. RUN AWAY from the fubforiber, about fix months ago, a NEGRO FELLOW called Cyrm\ he is a fcort thick and well let fellow, country bom, and talk* good Engliih, but freaks low, and is about 24 or 25 years of a g r ,_Alfo, about four months ago, another NEGRO FELLOW named Cefe ; he is a tall and Him young follow, very much pitted with the fraallpox, he is also country born, and speaks good Engliih.—Thefc two are fuppofod to be gone up towards Augußa, as Cyrus was seen and in custody near that place, and as the other was taken up there lail year.—Also, another NEGRO l ELLOW called C*fxr\ he is 1 little fellow, and speaks but very indifferent English, is of the Angola country,; he is supposed to be lurking near Savannah, as he has been taken near that place foveral times before. Whoever brings thefo negroes, or any of them, to the fubferiber at his plantation, or to Mr. George Bail lie merchant in Savannah, (hall be fufficiently rewarded, according to the trouble they have been at, and all legal charges paid; and if he can find that they, or any of them, has been harboured or kept in fccret by any person or per sons whatever, he will prosecute him or them to the utmeft of his power; and any pcrlon ihall be well rewarded that can give certain information by whom they or any of tacm have been so harboured or fccreted. fT . cc Morton Hall, near Savannah, DA. DOUGLASS. lubjuly, 1763.