The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, September 22, 1763, Image 3

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TO BE SOLD. the tVatcb-bon/i in Savannah, cu Thnr/day the 10 tb day rs Novtm6er mext, A TRACT of LAND, containing TWO THOUSAND ACRES, situate in the parilh of Sc. Philip, on Great Ogechee river, and within two miles of Hardwicke. The plots to be fcen in the hands of JAMES READ. TO BE SOLD on very reasonable terms, by JOHNSON and WYLLY, Vldonia wine by the pipe, quarter calk, or any smaller quantity, not less than three gallons;prclerv. and fruits in bottles; St. Kitts rum by the hoglnead, quarter calk, or any quantity not less than three gallons; northward ditto in the tike quantities; aunifeed and clove cordials in casks of about j$ gallons; moiafies and treacle by the hoglhead; mufco vado sugar by the hoglhead, barrel, or hundred-weight; Cailiie toap in frnall boxes; Florence oil in cases containing •ne dozen of bottles; raisins in calks cf about soo lb. Likewise to be fold, a parcel of likely healthy negroe jaien. Credit will be given to the fir It of January. They have imported by the lall vefiell from Briltol, white, blue, and green plains, of an extraordinary good quality. Wanted, a parcel of live hogs. Hermitage, the 16 th Sept. 1763. ! TT 7irEREAS the fubferiber’s plantation, lately Chief VV “Jullice Grover’s, now named Hermitage, is griev •ufly and unfufierably annoyed and disturbed by negroes, who come there by )and and water in the night-time, and sot only rob, Real, and carry off hogs, poultry, Iheep, corn, and his potatoes, but create very great disorders a mongst his Haves, by debauching his Have wenches, who have hu(bands, the property of the fubferiber; and fome are so audacious as to debauch his very house wenches: These therefore .'re to give notice to all proprietors of Haves, that, alter the itth September 1763, the fubferiber is determined to treat all negroes that Hull be found within his fences, aHtrr funfrt, and before fun-rife, as thieves, robbers, and invaders cl his ; loperty, by (hooting them, and for that in t he has hired a white man properly armed for that pur y ‘(<•. PATRICK MACKAY. * I liE m lbribcr Lung about to leave this province in a JL very little time, gives no-ice to all peiions indebted to Fraud* Arthur and c nipany, that there is an absolute me fiitv for immediate payment of their refpe&ive debts. He will difpofc of fix valuable TRACTS of LAND upon very moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, viz. One tra& fituatc on North Newport river, about four miles from Sunbury, containing 900 acres, 400 of which are food swamp, with a fine reserve of water, a good dwelling oufe thereon, and 80 acres of the high lar.d cleared. Another trad of 350 acres, on a navigable creek, within one mile of Sunbury, good for indico and rice, about 90 acres of the high land cleared, and a dwelling-house there •n, plcafnntly situated. 800 acres on Bull Town Twamp, four miles from a 900 acres on Newport swamp, fix miles from a landing. 500 acres on said fw-amp, seven miles from a landing. 1300 acres in Sx. Andrew’s parilh, two miles from a land ing. These four last trads are principally rice land, and efteem cd inferior to none in this province, having great convcni ncy for back water. . Enquire of MeHxs. James Read and company in Savan nah, cr in Sunbury of FRANCIS ARTHUR. Who has several town lots in Sunbury, fome with im provements, likewise to difpofc of. LOST cr STOLEN from Kf/rs. John/on and IVyUy’ t *it barff, A CYPRESS CANOE, French built, about 15 feet. long, and 2 feet 9 inches wide, having a forccalfle, and a thwart and Hep for a mail, an iron clasp round her stem, and a ring bo’t. A reasonable reward will be given for said c.jioe, bv applying, ; t the above wharff, to ANDREW ELTON WELLS. THE fubferiber being about to depart this province for two or three month* hereby gives notice, pursuant to an aft ot tnc Afibuibiy, that he is ready to aniwer to any suit, and give bail to anv writ or luminous that Hull in the mean time be ififued again* him. &pt. 14. i 7 Fm. . 6 JOSEPH WOOD. TO JJ K SOLD, TRACT LAND, containing FIVE HUNDRED ACRES, fituatc o 1 Pipe-maker’s creek, live miles from Savannah, (lately purchased from the heir of John Spencer deceased) very fit for rice. c<*n, or indico. has a large quantity of fine cyprcft, and fome pine, and up wards ot 100 acres thereof already cleared, within fence, \uth convenient buildings. Any person inclined to pur chase the fame may treat with WILLIAM CLIP I ON. To be jJd ut Suidury on Monday next, byordr oj the Court of Vice Admiralty, SEVERAL BARRELS of DAMAGED PICE, and TWO HUNDRED BARRELS of GOOD RICE. ‘1 he conditions will be made knotvn at the time of fair by \ THOMAS M, C. A. On l tujday the Zftb infant nvdl bt jdd, at the fen nej Bcai.fl.t in Sottih-Carolina, ACARGOofTWO HUNDRED very likely AhcaUhv GAMBIA N E G R O E S, Just imported in the ship Marquis of GranS/, Capt. John Kitchen, by MIDDLETON, USTON, and HOPE. WUereas, by tiic militia aft 0/ tb!* province, it is cn~ aded, That every mailer, miilrefs, owner, mana- ft-r, attorney, or truile , of or for any Haves, Hull, on the rlt muller day after the 25 th of March in every year, return to the captain or commanding officer of the company of mill, tia in whofc beat or precind such Haves do live, refid#, or are commonhy employed, a true and faithful lift in writin? df all the male Haves of such person, or which are under their care rr management, from the age of 16 to 60 years, and therein fpecily the names, age, and country of such Have refnedively, and (hall recommend such as they ftiall think t > be moll faithful and fit to be intruded according to the bell of their knowltdge and belief; and every person refuf ing or negleding to make such return, shall forfeit and pay the ftim of *l. Sterling: Therefore all persons who did ne glcd making (uch return asafore&id on the fall muller day, arc desired foithwith to do it, or they will be liable to the said penalty. b E U k (j 1 A, In T* PERSONALLY appeared before me, David Montaigut* one of his Majcfiy’s jullices alfigned to keep the peace in the ra.ilh of Ciirift-church, William John Hon, late mark, neron ooard the Hoop Savannah. John Vicary mailer, no% riding in this harbour, who being duly Iworn maicth oaih, That whereas he this dtponent has been accufi and by Matthias Alh, that he did declare to him th. t he would notjproceed with the above-mentioned John Vicary in the said ioop Sa vannah in the prefont voyage, that he had found out by fome letters the roguery, and that Capt. Vicary would tun away with the Hoop; 11 w this deponent upon his oath de clarcth, that, to the bell of his knowledge, he vau’t remem ber that he Lid any of the abv*vc expreihons againll the pre judice or charaßei of the laid John Vicary, not having any foundation or ground ler faying so; but that he rcuuuii era he did fay he would not go in tuc veficl to proceed the voy age, bccaufc he had no money to pay Matthias Alh for what he owed him at that time. And (urthcr this deponent not. Sworn before tr.e, at his Savannah, the 9th WILLIAM JOHNS EON day of Sept. 1763. mark. DAVID MONTAIGUT. HRRE.S (undry per ons having grants for lands in this province, and who omitted to regiller and doc quet them in the proper ofiiccs within the time limited for that purpose, have made application to his Excellency the Governor in council, that a further time may he allowed to regiller and docauet their said grants, and the fame being taken into confidcration, his Excellency was plcafcd to or der as follows, viz. Ordered, That the Rcyifier of grants and the Deputy-auditor do receive and regiller, anodoequet all grin** that ftiall bk brought to them within the fpuceof fix months next ensuing, notwithstanding the time for reg. firing and the fame may bcclapfed. and that notice thereof be given, by pubiifiling this order in the Gazette. By order of his Excellency the Governor jn council. 6th September, 17 fit. CHARLES WATSON, C C.