The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 03, 1763, Image 1

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GEORGIA GAZETTE. Dumber gK WHEREAS the horse formerly advertised by the fub feriber has not been claimed, this is to give notice, *hac on the 14th of November he will be fold at publick ven due at the ferry at Great-Ogechee, unkfs the owner appears proves his property before the day of fie. DAVID HUGUENIN. * ■” 1 1,1 ■’ ■ jil ” ’■ ■ 1 ■'* < 1 . '” ’ ■ ‘ “ WHEREAS the fohfcribei;, in a few months, proposes to depart the province, therefore dcfires all persons who are anyways ijatkoted to him to make payment, otuerwife mud put all his out (landing debts into the hands of an attorney. And all persons who ha*e any demands on him are ieiired. to bring in their accounts for payment. He hath to fell THREE TOWN LOTS in Savannah, *n%l federal valuable TRAC FS of LAND, via. A trad, containing 1000 acres, known by the name of Vale Royal, of which no acres is exceeding good rice land; alio 281 acres rice land opposite to it on Hutchinson’s iiland, a iarge new barn, rice pounding machine by water, a good o.wric>r l s house, whh several other improvements, a mile sed a half from Savannah, as well htuated for pleasure and protit as any tra& in Georgia. One trail, containing Soo acres, commonly known by the name of the Sabine Field;., formerly Mr. Thomas Bur- about two miles and a half from Savannah, ex ceedingly well timbered with white and red oaks, bays and pines, exceeding good land, at lead zoo acres of good rice laud, anew barn 72 feet by 64, a good dwclling-houfe, and other improvements. One trad, containing 350 acres, two miles, from Savan nah on the Ogechee road, chiefly high swamp, pleasantly £ mated, hath on it a dwclling-houfe, barn, and other im provements* One trad, containing 500 acres, Little Qgeyhee, very good, without Improvements; it joins Mr. land. One trad, fcmuiuing 1000 acres, in Hsiifox, luting on Savannah rivet opposite Matthews’s Bluff, the richqfi kind of river swamp, well timbered with oaks, and cypress. This trait takes in two or three acres of high land for a settlement. One other trad in Halifax, containing 450 acres, upon the river, a noted place for a ferry, oppose to Mr. Blake’s baronv; there is a house and improvements upon it. LACHLAN MACGILLIYRAY. ‘TIE fubferiber being about to leave this province in a very little time, gives o ice to ali persons indebted to Francis Arthur and company, that there is an abioluie neceflity for immediate payment of Kfpedive debts. lie willdifpofe of fix valuable upon very moderate terms, containing viz. One trad situate on North about four miles rrom Sunbury* containing w h:ch are good fw amp, with a fine reserve 4good dwelling houfc thereon, and-fto acres of cleared. A.v.-ther trad acres, on a niatigabk creek, within One mile of Sunbury, good for indico and rice, about 90 acres of the high land cleared, and a dwclling-houfe there on, pleafautly situated. Soo acres onßullTown swamp, four miles from a landing. 900 acres on Newport swamp, fix miles Iroin a lauding. 5 00 acres on laid swamp, (even miles ’rom a landing. 1300 acres in St. Andrew’s parifo, two qdlea from a landing, i heic four lad tracts are principally rice land, and cileem ed interior to none in this province, having great conveni iucy for back water. inquire of Me firs. James Read and company in Savan nah, or iu Sunbury of FRANCIS AR l HL’R* Who has several town lots in Sunbury, iome with irn . Pavements, like wife to dispose of. THURSDAY, November ,763. EUROPEAN INTELLIGENCE. . LONDON, Jut; s. ‘ BT is said that U the meeting of the Par liamcnt petitions from the leveral bo- F l Scotland will be presented to theHouie, requelling redrefc for the nu ny virulent papers lately pubiifhed, tend ing to raifo difienfions and diiturbances between the North and South Baton*, and t* alienate the affedions of the for mer fioin the latter, to the danger of both. 74 14. They telj us in letters from Germany, that an alliance between the courts of Vienna, Vcrfailles, Stock holm and Madrid, is now on the carpet, if not already con cluded. The Rev. Mr. Entick, Mr. Arthur Bcardmore, and his clerk, and Melt Wi Ton and Fell, have given notice to the Right Hon. the Earl of Halifax, in pursuance of the ad of parliament of the 24th of the late King, on which the bill of’ exceptions lall week exhibited at Guildhall, on the trial of the journeymen printers, is founded, thqy (hall bring their feverdl adion > againit his Lordlhip and the meflengers, for their iinprifonment, on account of several numbers of* the Monitor, concerning which no prosecutions have been - carried on. Their several recognizances w rc by the Court of King’s Bench difeharged the laJl day of hit term. July 16. A scheme is ready to be prefentpd to the go vernment for eftabliihing anew commerce in Florida. A marriage is very much talked of in Ge * .Iny, between Frederick william, Prince Royal, and Hereditary Princo of Prussia, born Sjept. 25, 1744, and the Princess Caroline Matilda of England, youngcil filler to his Majefly, born July 22, 1751. A letter from Lilbon fays, “ On the arrival of the Lord Clive and her consorts in the river Piate, they weredppofed by the following lhips, which, after a Ihort coated, surren dered, viz. the Conception of Ark, of iioo tons burthen, mounting 50 guns, commanded by Signicr Don .ofeph Foo ilere; the Sauda Barbara, of Soo tons, mounting 2S guns, commanded by ; the Sambroune, of Soo tons, commanded by Signior Don Roqucy Sambroune; the St. Pedro, of 000 tons, mounting 28 guns, commanded by Signior Don Domingo; and the \ igilante, of 600 tons, mounting 23 guns, commanded by Signior Don Roquty St. Marteen, which by iomc accident tired, but was 10011 extinguiihed. These ihips had taken iu part of their load ing for Europe, confiding of mahogany plank, raw hides, cocoa and The above privateers then proceeded to attack Nova Colonia, and after fix hours bombardment the fortfurrendered. The lhips received foinc inconfiderabk danuge ; but beiug spirited with their fucccfs, rcfolved to repair, with all pofiibJc expedition, and proceed immedi ate iv ;o attack Buenos Ayres.” julx 21. They write from the Hague, that a camp is to be traced iu the plain of M-edricht for 20,000 Dutch troops, and that they are preparing the field equipages of the Prince Stad:holder, who will fc: up his tent iu this camp. 71/v 2;. Our advices from the Hague arc fuller than, ever of tVe great diligence used there in railing recruits, and uut'ine their military force on a rcfpedable tooting, paru cularly in the E.ul-lndies. These advices confirm the report 0 f the tracing out a camp near Madhicht for 20,000 men, and that the French are actually going to have one near Idle for 60,000 men. /- j This day at noon (locks foil near one per cent, occauonea it is said by iome advices from abroad. * 7,,,., 2 A. The Dutch are foiled with a panniek on account of a claim laid againil them by the court ol Berlin, oou me