Newspaper Page Text
Number 32.
JACOB’S law diaionary ; laws of the admiralty, 2 vols.
4 to; Wood’s institutes; King of Prussia’s laws ; office
of a notary-pubiick ; spirit of the laws, 2 vols. ori
gin of laws, arts, and sciences, with cuts and chronological
tables, 3 vols. Dean Swift's works, 8 vols. Sully’s me
moirs, 5 vols.. Titua Livius's Roman history, 8 vols. ad
ventures of signor Gaudentia di Lucca ; inftrudions for a
young lady ; private life of the Romans; account of the
Spanilh settlements in America, illustrated with a map of
America, to which is added an account of the siege of the
Havana; Pope’s translation of Homer’s Iliad and Odyfley •
reveries of field marffial Saxe; history of France, 4 vols*
Shaftelbury’s charaaerifticks, 3 vols. Boyle’s adventures ’*
.Voltaire’s candidus, or all for the best; the devil upon
crutches, with cuts 5 adventures of Robinson Crusoe, with
cuts; Fontaine's tales and novels; ceconomy of the human
life; treatise on agriculture; Maxwell’s practical hulban
dry; Storck on hemlock; revolutions of Portugal; Rof
common s poems; Swift’s tale of a tub; le diable boiteux •
history of Charles XII. of Sweden; Voltaire’s age of Lewis
XIV* vols. Rollin’s antient history, io vols. Vertot’s
knights of Malta, 5 vols. Rollin’s belles lettres, 4 vols.
history of the Arabians, 4 vols. Cato’s letters, 4 vols. Se
neca’s morals; Hume’s political difeourfes; fpeftator, 8
vols. Adventurer, 4 vols. Guardian, 2 vols* Tader, 4 vols.
Rambler, 4 vols. World, 4 vols. Idler, 4 vols. Addifcn’s
works, 3 vols. Milton’s paradise loft, and paradise regain
ed; Milton’s poetical works, 2 vols. Young’s works, 1 vob.
Vertot's revolutions of*Sweden; Biffiop Burnet’s history,
6 vols. military history of E during the civil war,
Mably’s principles of negotiation; Swift's history of Queen
Anne; Congreve’s poems; Bacon’s eflays; Moliere’s works,
5 vols. Shakefpear’s works, 8 vols. a feled colle&ion of
English plays, 3 vols. another collection of 2 vols. a collec
tion of English and Scots songs; Ramsay’s poems; Vol
taire's letters on the Engliih nation; Dryden’s eflays; But- •
ler’s Hudibras; Keyfler'a travels, 4 vols. Ferdinand count
Fathom, 2 vols. Gulliver’# rtravels, 2 vols. memoirs of
Brandenburg, wrote by the King of Prussia; Locke's essay
abridged; Gordon’s life of King Robert the Bruce; Pope's
eflays; Buckingham’s works; Fitzofburn’s letters on seve
ral fubjeCls; Ludlow’s memoirs, 3 vols. Wei wood’s me
moirs; Velleius Patercules’s Roman history; An Ton’s voy
ages ; marriage ceremonies as now ofisd in all parts of tne
world; Ramiay's evergreen, > vols. fee ma ion’s pocket
companion; Gee on trade; Law on trade; Watts’s logick;
elaboratory laid open, or the secrets of modern cheniiftry
and pharmacy revealed ; Black lock’s*poems; 2 vols. Oli
vet’s thoughts of Cicero; Fontenelle’s plurality of worlds;
Josephus’s works, 6 vols. Hume’s hiftor/ of England, 6 vols.
V? chriftian hero; Engliih songs ; Ben Johnson’s. Joe
Miller's; Falftaffc’s, and Tom Brown’s jests; memoirs of
Mils Sidney Biddulph, 3 vols# la aflcmblee, 4 vols.
Dodfley’s poems, 6 vols. Dodiley's fables; female ipeCla
tor, 4 female Quixote ; history of Osman I. emperor
of the Turks ; dialogues of the dead ; fortunate country
maid, 2 vols. Triftram Shandy, 6 vols. amorous friars;
Cbryfal, or adventures of a guinea, 2 vols. history of Lucy
Wellers K 2 vols. history of ipifs Bctfy Thoughtless, 4 vols.
Derrick’s travels, a vols. Tom Jones, 4 vols. Joseph An
drews, 2 vols. Fielding’s mifcellanics, 8 vols. Roderick
Random, 2 vols. Peregrine Pickle, 4 vols. Pamela, 4 vols.
Clarifla, 8 Vols. Grandifon, 7 vols. constituti
ons of the free masons; Gay’s poems and fablrs; Saxby’a
British customs ; new dialogues of the dead; Hayes’s and
Hewitt’s tables of interest; Leybournc’a trader’s sure guide;
THURSDAY, November j O , j? 6 3.
compleat houfewife, 2 of cookerv 1
wfy; Croxal’s Efop’s fables * BunvSl S? ““!* pWn and
Joieph or compleat dream interpreter • dialtaV **■ p * ro * refs;
pamon; merryman’s companion • Srimnn% fpintS
grammar; nuriner’s compass and kafn"ar” W,® “’
gatxon; Ewing’s, Fiftier’s HillN w;ir ,1” 5 navi ‘
Mair . book-keeping; Johnfon'j Engliih diftionarvahrirl’ !
a vols. 8vo; Ainrworth’s latin diHinn.n yabndg
vols. 8vo; Campbell on miracle cridcffi b ”f? ed > 2
the book of Job, by c. Peters A'M wi ; ,L ff f rta ' lon
tyy on the New'-TeVmcn,; voli. aio
oons, dialogues, and letters; Henry on fobermmdedneA
Tennent on regeneration; Ray’s wisdom of God
fanaier; eV Watts X on prayer l'wZL‘7 an< !
Ere(k'° , " ,C f ir ”' ty W j KS ! r hiftor y o{ ,he ten perfection! -
Lrelkine s sermons and gofpcl Ibnnctn; Tillotfon's work.’
-.0 vols. Young’s night thoughts; Bolton’s fourfold
and sermons; Bolton on the- covenant and catechism • Bar
row on contentment; Wright on regeneration, Hen r^
ife; Henry on prayer; Dodridge’s rife and progrefi of re
Ugton in the sous; Willifon on cite sabbath jIWIK £
era mental meditations and afflifled man’s companion; Dun
lop s sermons, i vols. Btlhop Patrick’s difeourfes; Gilpin
?”f i a ' a , n 5 temptations; Woolafton’s reltgion of nature se.
Rnk “V Eva " s sf " m , ons J 2 vols - Proteftam fyllcm, a vols.
man , dut y-°f min i new whole duty of
man; confcSon of faith; DukenlWs.letters o. fcveral
fubjefts; Sherlock on death; Drelincourt on death - Gor
don s, Ftlher’s, Wile’s, and Woolgar’s young man’s bell
companion ; Clarke’s cordery, Erffmusf Eufropius, Cor
ntltus Nepos, Tufttn, and Ovid; Clarke’s imroduftion to
the making of latin ; \ lrgil; Cacfar’s commentaries; Sal
lull; Horace; Barclay’s Greek gramhtar; Ruddiman’s ru
ei??.*”- | r *Tf J ri P le,fi,, B tnllruflor; Dilworth’s
small htftortes for children ; Filhcr’s Engliih grammar and
new Engliih tutor ; Greenwood’s Engliih grammar 1 moral
mifeellany; chnlhan monitor ; rational and chrillian cate
chtfm; Dyfche’s fpellingdiftionary; Dyfchc’s, Dean’s and
Dtlwotthis Ipelhng-boolcs ; bibles and common prater
books of different lire! and bindings; new tcllaments;
pfalters; church and diflenters primmers; horn books; kc.
A collection of Angle phys.
At fame place may be had, Sea charts for the coasts of
South-Carohna, Georgia and Florida; writing paper of all
kinds ; marbled paper; fine bloflom blotting paper ; cart
ridge paper; leidgers; blank books ruled and plain; Al
phabets of different fixes; files ; black lines; paper ruled
for mufick ; small prints for children ; parchment; leaden
flatts for laying on loose papers; pocket-books offeventl
forts ; letter-cafcs; broad and narrow stationer’s tape ;
quills and pens in any* quantity ; black and red ink-pow
der ; sealing wax and waffiers; horn and ivory pounce boxes;
ivory paper folders; brass fountain pens; brass and paper
pocket inkpieces;* ivory pocket-books; tin pens; pen
knives of different kinds ; black and red lead pencils ;
brass compares with itecl points; the fame with three legs;
pewter and wooden land boxes; pewter inkstands ; large
white skins for aprons, Sec. kc.
A good allowance to schoolmasters and others who
quantity of the above articles.—*Commiflions taken in for
all kinds of books.
WHERfiAS the iiorfe formerly advertiled by the fub
feriber has not been claimed, this is to give notice,
thafon the 14th of November he will be fold at puhlick ven
due at the ferry at Great-Ogcchce, unless the owner appear*
and proves his property before the day us sale.