The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 17, 1763, Image 3

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writingson all The breaks in Amsterdam, tec. Kill continue, and no# apoont'to 56.** From the Whitehall Evening Poll, Sept. 10. His Grace the Duke of Bedford President of the Council, in the room of Lord Granville deceased; the Earl of Halil’ fax Secretary of State for the southern department, in the loom of the late Earl of Egremont; the Earl of Sandwich Secretary of State for the northern department, in the room of the Earl of Halifax; the Earl of Egmont, First Lord of the Admiralty, in the room of Lord Sandwich; -Lord Hyde (brother to Lord Jersey) Post-Matter-General, in the room •f Lord Egmont | Lord Exeter, First Lord of the/Trade and Plantations, in the room of the Earl of Shelburn. Yesterday arrived his Majefty*s snow of war Hawke, John Brown, Esq; commander, from England. Cbarlejfowm, Nov. 2. On Monday last the American company of comedians, under the direction of Mr. David Douglals, arrived here from Virginia, where they have per-, formed a confiderablc time. They are te com mended in a particular manner by many gentlemen of eminence and cha racter in the northern colonies, both as to their abilities in their profelfion and their private conduit, which during their refidencc in thole colonies for several ytears past has been truly unexceptionable. We hear th£#have already, contracted for a very elegant theatre, whkt will be opened in less than a month. We hear his Majesty’s independent companies here are to be replaced by three companies of the Royal Americans.. Rice of this year’s crop has been fold at 50s. the hundred. SAVANNAH, November ry. ON Monday the 7th instant, the different nations of In dians that were present at the congress at Augusta, re turned their answer to the talk delivered by the Governors, in his Majesty’s name, the Saturday before; on Wednesday the 9th their Excellencies made their reply; and next day a Treaty of peace and friendfhip was signed by the Gover nors and the chiefs of the Indians; after which the congress broke up. The Indians seemed all well disposed; thm Creeks, sensible of his Majesty's beneficence, and his cle mency towards them, in forgiving all pall offences, of their own accord extended tke boundaries betwixt their lands and the Englilh considerably to the westward. Sunday last died here Mrs. Milledge, wife of John Mil ledge, Esq; On Tuelday evening his Excellency our Governor arrived in town from Augusta. Arrived from this port, the snow Providence, Lighten ftonc, at St. Croix. Rice of this year’s crop has been fold from 7s. 6d. to Bs. the hundred. Custom-House, Entered Inwards. From Nov, 15, Sloop Dolphin, William Deadmin, Monti Christi Outwards. For Nov. 15, Sloop Charming Kitty, John Earle, Tortola Sailsd. For Nov. 15, Snow John & Elizabeth, A. Lundbury,Charleftown Schooner Polly, Robert Taylor, St. Croix Entered Inwards at the Port of Suniurv. From 03. 10, Ship Lively, John Pringle, Jamaica Brigt. Two Friends, Hugh Stewart, St. Croix Outwards. For Nov. 5, Ship Lively, John Pringle, Jamaica Brigt. Midway, William Peacock, St. Kitts 6, Sloop Adventure, James Dean, Charleftown q. Brigt. Experiment, John Makes, St. Kitts 1 Fdk Bristol: The Brigantine Greenwich, Caftaim JOHN MARSHALL, • I tfck Tl 7 ILL be ready to take on board in VV ten days, and fail with all conve nient fpeetl: For freight of rice, indico, or deer skins, agree with JOHN and JAMES GRAHAM and Cos. N. B. Captain Marlhall has a convenient cabbin for three or four pa/Tcngets. fj be folk attb* bottfe of Mr. Jofepb IVright, by thefubferiber, FLOUR, Ihip bread, rum, cordial, onions, cheese, bar iron, candles, soap, pipes, preserved tamarinds, gin ger, nine apples, loaf sugar, and several forts of sweetmeats. * V n h JACOB VALLOTTON. LD ’ b * ch “"'’ *° •>* divided into r A tot ’ i KrU " e *“*> “< “b* dwn io oavannah a few days after an account is received of the ex^dedf t?CkCt * of at Ao S ufta . which is hourly The following ARTICLES, viz. 1 S*® 1 ’ •9” kunJr ’<lttonJs, | OC 0 O.WH, ,4 o o I Unto, Sevnij-fv, pmuh, .. 0 i * Ditto, fjfytuU r, too 0 o. 1 DiD • 60 o o • 4 n-5r 60 O o 22- ’ • 80 O o .18 Ditto, . Six petit t , o 8 0 Q *? Pi" 0 ’ 80 o o ‘4 6 P - ThntfmA, 138 0 Q 14 Ditto, Two pounds, - a8 o c 1 P ll ! 0 ’ Tnjmads/mrfilUqptttpaag’ JO . , . Coffeepot, 16 } 6 i Waiter, 4 1 o 1 Soop spoon, and 6 table ditto, 7 1 j o * .3 Swords, different prices, 0 0: • J Hangers, 18 it o . 5 SnufiF boxes, different prices, 17 16 o 5 Pairs of Hone ear-rings, ix o O * 1 Pair of stone buckles, a o o. 6 Sets of tea spoon s, 7 u 5 6 Pairs of gold buttons, 6 6 o 61 Pairs of Jilver buckles, different prices, 71 11 j 21 Suiyby articles, consisting of gold, fil ver,* and jewelery, bV. be. be. all in 20s. prizes, *, 0 0 1 Ditto, 1 14 0/ Toulr 0 0 1200 N. B. A difeount of feren and a half per cent, to be de ducted out of caffi prizes only. Jp case the tickets are not all disposed of by the time of ‘ drawing, the money to be returned; bonds for that pur pose, as well as for the due performance of every part, are Siven to William Spencer, David Montaigut, and John lorel, Efqrs. who are appointed infpeftors. WILLIAM WRIGHT. TO BE SOLD on very reasonable terms, by JOHNSON and WYLLY, Vldonia wine by the pipe, quarter calk, or any smaller quantity, not less than three gal lon sl; preserved fruits in .* bottles; St. Kitts rum by the hogmead, quarter calk, or any quantity not less than three gallons; northward ditto in the like quantities; annifeed and clove cordials in caflcs of about jr gallons; molasses and treacle by the hogftiead; mufeo \ado sugar by the hoglhead, barrel, or hundred weight; Caftile soap in small boxes; Florence oil in cafos containing one’dozen of bottles; raifips in calks of about 100 lb. Likewise to be fold, a parcel of likely healthy ncgroc men. Credit will be given to the firft of January. Also, Two neat Italian riding chairs, just imported. They have imported by the last veflels from Bristol, white, blue, and green plains, of an extraordinary good quality. Wanted, a parcel of live hogs. TOBESO-LD, A PLANTATION, situate on Savannah river, con taining 950 acres of land, of which 850 acres is river swamp, watered by spring tides, and about 50 acres of it cleared; the other 100 acres is exceeding good high lana, is chiefly cleared, and has a good dwelhng-houfe thereon. The fw amp abounds with a large quantity of very valuable cvprefs, fit either for sawing or making of flungles, very convenient to a market, being about ia mrics diffant from Savannah by land or water.-For further particulars cn, V* of cither of the b *}^|‘" n^ RSH AM. LEWIS JOHNSON, • JOHN GRAHAM.-