The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 17, 1763, Image 4

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ftfc JU/*SmUiy, f % aa Ttu/itf the tyh igfanf, h Thom** VucinT, Afor npiffi SNOW FRIENDS ENDEA- A VOUR, now lying before the town A °f iunbary, with all.her tackle, furniture, and apparel; ihe is better than half (heath- SjpeßWMy ed, and has nails enough to finifli her. — Also, Three or four hundred barrels of good rice will -be ibid at the fame time. hENRY LEWIS BO UR QUIN HAS TO SELL, SUN and Turkey raisins, Jordan almonds, white and brown sugar-candy, tamarinds, fagoe, Glauber and Epsom (alts, fingk and, refined Britiffi oil, Hunter's drops, lackfon't bitters, oil of caftor, Turling ton's balsam, Godfrey’s cordial, Stoughton’s elixir, plain and golden spirit of feurry-grafs, baifam of life, baHamof Chin, Bateman’s drops, Squire's elixir, Daffy's elixir, Dr. James’s fever powders, Lockyer’s pills, Hungary and’ lavender water, eye water, Fryer’s balsam, Jefoits bark, cam phi re, Venice turpqstme, spirit of turpentiac, Spanilh ffiet, Venice treacle, cloves, .cunumton, nutmeg, muflard, and raoft kinds of medicines; the whole ndWly imported by the lass vc/Tels from London* Boxes of medicines, with drrefljon x prepared for plantation uto* . ‘ . -* r* Ufild* on Tuesday the ixytb infant, at the ufital plot* in Sa vannah, H the ligbejt bidder, A DECKED FLATT, wrdi all her tackle; Ihe is * *ig#d like a fehooner, and finis well, is remarkably strong and well built, and when loaded draws but three feet and a half of water, altitough it is foppbfed she will carry 140 barrels of rice. Six months credit wtH -be given, if re quired by the purchaser, upon paying interest to JOHN MULLRVNE. WHEREAS the fubferiber, in a few months, proposes to depart the province, therefore desires aif perlbaa who are anyways indebted to him to make speedy payment.: otherwise muff put ail his eutflaadrng debts into the h?ads of an attorney. Admail perfoa* who have any demands on'-’ him are desired to bring intheir accounts far payment, He hath to fell THItEE TOWk LOTS in Savannah, and several valuable TRACTS of LAND, viz. A containing 1000 acres, known by the name of Vale Royal, of which 2*o acres is exceeding good rice land 5 alfa 281 acres rice land opppfite tolt on Hutchinibn’s island, * a !^ e r? rn ’ I ? ce jpounding machine by watei, a good overfcers house, with leveral other improvements, a mile and a half from Savannah, as well situated far pleasure and profit as any traft in Georgia. 2 Ooe traa containing 800 acres, commonly known bv the name of the Sabine Fields, formerly Mr. Thomas Bur ceedingly well timbered with white and red oaks, bays and nines, exceeding good land, at least 200 acres of good rice land, anew barn 72 feet by 64, a good dwelling-house, and other improvements. One traft, containing 350 acres, two miles from Savan k ™ ad 'j hiefl y Mgh fvvap.p, pleasantly situated, hath on it a dwelling-house, barn, and other im provements. One traft, containing joo acres, on Little Ogeehee, very good, withont improvements; it joins Mr. Haberfham’s lanZ One traft, containing 1000 acres, in HaUfax, fronting on Savannah river opposite Matthews’s Bluff, the richest find ot river iwamp, well timbered with oaks and cypiefs. This traft takes in two or threeaeres of high land for a settlement. One other traft in Halifax, containing 450 acres, upon the river, a noted place fora ferry, opposite to Mr. Blake's * there w-a house and improvements upon it. ° d - *763* LACHLAN MACGILLIVRAY A. JOURNEYMAN PRINTER may meet with good ‘ 1 Strett J°? N * TON at the Printing-Office in Broughton- JK ukcnt ’ CttCfß ° f Intcl,i S encc and Subscriptions lb! thip %£*** *•'* .TJLOUR, ship, middling, milk and buttsbread M, Jr. 4eira wine In half pipe* and quarter cafeTj. ffiaic ; fpirus, common rum by the hogihead, barrel, half bairel and ten gallon kegs, cheese, butter, gammons, double beer’ loaf sugar, almonds, candles, soap, chocolate, white wine vinegar, onions,’ bar iron, and earthen ware. ,N.B. Wanted immediately by said ChriAopher Pechin, 4<>ut 500 bnftelt of Indian corn; nee., and foal !,!.■. * THE rubfcriber being about to leave this very In tie tune, give, no ice to all persons indebted to Francis Arthur and company, that there is an absolute necessity for immediate payment of their refpeftive debt. He willdiipoie of fix valuable TRACTS of LAND upon very moderate terms, containing 4750 acres, via r One traft fitnate on North Newport river, about f O -, mileafromSunbury, containing 900 acres, 400 of which are good swamp, with a fine reserve of water, a good dwelling, npnfe thereon, and 80 acres of the high land cleared Anothertraaof 3 50 Kr, on a navigable creek,'within one mile of Suttory, good for mdtetr and rice, about oo icm of thefuglmiid dewed, and a dweUing-houfe there* on, pleasantly situated. * 800 acres on Bull Town swamp, fourmiles from a landing 9°° acres on Nenyort swamp, fix miles from a Undine! • 500 acres on said swamp, seven miles from a landine. ‘ 130oacresm St. Andrews pari ft, two miks from a landing, These four lall trafls are principally rice land, and etteei. ency fortacVwater* prOT,nce ’ havin 8 g*‘ conveni. .Enquire of Meflrs. James Read and company in Savan. or in Sunbury of FRANCIS ARTHUR ._3f several town I ots in Sunbury, fome with im prove men ts, like wife to dispose of. kORG IA, ‘ 1 WV* a G T ral Court of Jl leas begun and hoi. ■7 *, . de ” at Savannah, on Tuesday the lithday of Ocio 'wau*ww‘n ay *r EiateiWk..Taitiin,- Abf.i„ m Cmnr Wll !™ fl rffi3ke Peny,- Solomon Cmnpt, David Hugmnen, Chnftian Rump, John Thomv bwl an Le ” u > m S du J> fommoned an/returned to fine th court, whereby they fi- became liable to a fine of four pounds, but the /ion *rJ[" u '’ tb* senior and presiding judge wij “*g a 's ‘0 the (? m of forty ££. V t ,s . to R‘ ve notice, that procefi will moll certainly Sfc/illS 7 *# r h i fa and fines > u “ fefs ‘be/ (hall refpeftively ke good and fulhcient excuses upon oath within thir y Pr-u™ d f te b^ reof - . C. PRYCE. “Wthonotary s Office, jL 3d Nov. 176;. f- *• said defaulters are desired to take notice that a M J P a y*Me at the offioe on every excuse, and that np re g whatever will be given to any excuses but such as are npon oath. w - ttrf , nn , „ . - Hermitage, the 1 6tb Sept . ¥X7HEREAS the fubferiber's plantation, lately Chief T:* Junice Grover s, now named Hermitage, is pricy ••fly aitd unfufferably annoyed and difiurbed by negroes, who come there by land and water in the night-time, and not only rob, Heal; and carry off hogs, poultry, focer, corn, and his potatoes, but create very great diferders-a mongft his slaves, by debauching his (lave wenches, who have huffiands, the property of the fubftribfcr; and fome are to audacious as to debauch his very house wenches: These therefore are to give notice to all proprietors of slaves, that* after the i6th September 1763, the fubferiber is determined to treat all negroes that (ball be fbund within his fences jutcr sun-set,. and before fun-rife, as thieves, robbers, and invaders of his property, by lhooting them, end for that in tent he has hired a white man proncrly armed for that pur- P ose - PATRICK MACKAY.