The Georgia gazette. (Savannah, Ga.) 1763-1776, November 24, 1763, Image 5

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■’ , 1* 0 N D O K. • - f •Tp King*s mod Excellent Majesty. 7 )>c humble Address of the herd Mayor, Aldermen, and Commas ¥ **>eaty of London, in Common Council ajfembled . Moft gracious Sovereign, WE your Majfcfty’s mod dutiful and loyal fubje&s, thje l>ord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the city ot London, in Common Council assembled, moft gladly embrace this joyful occafron of 4proaching your sacred per* ion, with our sincerest and warmed congratulations on the fafe delivery of the Queen, and the auspicious birth of a n-ther Prince, firmly trulling, that every “increase of your royal family will prove an additional security to our religi on, and that great charter of liberty* which, in conference of the glorious revolution, your illustrious house was chosen to defend. Your Majefty*s ever loyal and faithful citizens of London, exceeded by none Os your fubje&s in honest and anxious zeal for your Majcfty’s happiness, and the glory and prosperity of your reign, rejoice in every event which augments your domeftick felicity. Permit us, royal fir, to intreat your Majesty’s acceptance of our faithful aifurances, that we will, at all times, be ready chearfully to render to your Majesty every instance of alle* glance and duty which affectionate and loyal fubje&s can pay to the best of Princes. His Majesty’s moft gracious Answer. I thank yon for this loyal address, amJ for the fatisfaftion you txfrejs on the increase of my family. The religion and liberties of my p ople abways ha ve been, and ever shall be, the constant objecls of my care and attention . I jhall at all times defend ufon the affur tuices whichycu give me of yonr allegiance and duty . • ExtraS of a Utter from Petris, Augujl iz. “ You would be astonished at the number of English that are in this city; it is impoifible to pass thro’ a lingle street without meeting them; they are so profufe in their expenccs that the French cannot be perfuadea there is a poor Englilh nufn in the world. Assure yourfelf the French are meditat ing a heavy blow against England, and it will soon take ef fect, if the ministry can compass the abolilhment of the FarmersGentral, and lay an equal tax on the people; they will by this means increase the revenue 300 millions of livres, and get rid of 00,000 collectors* somewhat refembl iig our excifemen tnerefore detestable. The aim of the French ministry Teems to be to get a strong body of men in the Weft-Indies, before they declare themselves; for this pnrpofe there is scarcely a single Ihip fails for the iffands without soldiers on board it. The English who are here on the spot talk very freely among themselves of an approaching rupture, and indeed every thing bears the appearance of it. How this will be relilhed in England you bell know who are on the spot.” Extra3 of a letter from Dunkirk, dated August 20. “ Believe none of the reports relative to the demolition of the works of this place.—The cunette, it is true, is de ll roved, and a few of the outworks, which might be re built in a month ; but the great canal, .which is capable of holding 60 men of war, is still, together with its sluices, in excellent order: they seem to have no intention of destroying it, neither will any of the fortifications be demolilhed which can be of any future use to them: there are, it is true, fome workmen who leem to be doing something, but if they go on at the (tew rate th by now do, Ihould it be the intentioiuof the French to demolim these fortifications, the work would be seven years about. I need only tell you, that they have begun the work at the wrong end, to convince you they are not in earned. ** 11 ENRY LEWIS BOUR QJJTN HAS SELL, SUN and Turkey railing Jordan almonds, white and brown sugar-candy, barley-fogar, tamarinds, fagoe, Glauber and Epsom salts, single and refined Britilh oil, Hunter’s drops, Jackson’s bitters, oil ot callor, Turling ton’s balsam, Godfrey’s cordial, Stoughton’s elixir, plain and golden Ipjrit of feurvy-grafs, balsam ot life, balsam of Chili, Bateman’s drops, Squire’s elixir, Daffy’s elixir, Tkr. James’s fever powdert, Lockyer’s pills, Huugary and lavender water, * eye water, Fryar’s balsam, Jesuits bark, ‘camphire, Venice turpentine, spirit of turpentine, Spaniih fli.s. Venice treacle, cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, mustard, and molt kinds of medicines ; the whole newly imported for she lad veflcls from London. Boxes of medicines, with directions, prepared for plantation use. TO BE SOLD, byway of chancer, to be divided into ‘ taoo tickets, at aos. Sterling each, and to be drawn iT Savannah a few days after an account is received of th. exited* UCkCU ,° fcd ° f at Au S ulla which is hourly The following ARTICLES, viz. I Calh, One hundred and five pounds , ioe n n I Ditto, One hundred pounds, ICO Q 1 Ditto, Seventy-five pounds, 7c _ * Ditto, ,u : 1 2 Ditto, Twentyfae pounds, + CO o 0 3 Ditto, Twenty pounds, 60 0 o 4 Ditto, Fiftu.p.nJ,, 60 o o 10 Ditto, Eight pounds, ,80 o 18 Ditto, Six founds, , 0 g Q 2 °. 2j tto F**rpounds, 80 o 0 46 Ditto, Three pounds, ijg 0 *4 5. itto Two pounds, 28 o o I Ditto, Tat pounds fur fallings a penny, 10 4 . 1 Coffeepot, 16 s 6 I Waiter, . , 1 Soop fpoon* and 6 table ditto, - , * 3 Swords, different prices, 0 Q 5 Hangefs, 18 15 o 5 Snuff boxes, different prices, 17 16 o 5 Pairs of stone ear-rings, \ z 0 o 1 Pair of stone buckles, 2 o o 6 Sets of tea spoons, y u 5 6 Pairs of gold buttons, . , 660 61 Pairs of silver buckles, different prices, 71 n 2 11 Sundry articles, cOnfifting of gold, sil ver, and jewelery, &c. Idc. &c. all in 20s. prizes, 2 f 00 I Ditto, 1, 4 o Blanks.} to a Prize. o ° 1200 N. B. A difeount of*fevcri and a half per cent, to be de duced out of calh prizes only. In case the tickets are not all disposed of by the time of drawing, the money to Ite returned; bonds for that pur pose, as well as for the due performance of every part, are given to William Spencer, David Montaigut, and John Motel, Efqrs. who are appointed infpe&ors. WILLIAM WRtGHT. FOR & A L ft, 7 THE PLANTATION belonging to the fubfcrvbcr* situated upon the road leading to the Orphan-house, about five miles from Savannah, containing about )oo acres of very good land for rice, corn, or indico, having a large quantity of cypress, very convenient for the Savannah town market, with convenient plantation buildings moftlynew. The land is well known, being what I planted this year.— Likewise, 500 acres of pine barren adjoining it, convenient for sawing. Any person inclinable to purchase may ap ply to Jonathan Bryan, Esq; or to me at Charleftown. JOHN SMITH. Com, peafe, potatoes, cattle, and (beep, to be had rea fbnablv at the plantation by the purchaser. FREDERICK HOLZENDORFE, Saddler, GIVES notice to the publick, that hebas opened a ftiop opposite Mr. Fyffe’s store, and next door to Mr. Wright filverfmith* where the following work is made and mended, viz. Mens, womens, and boys faddlcs, bridles, and housings, harness, chairs lined, and where all kinds of faddlery may be had at the moft reasonable rates. As he is well provided with materials for carrying onhis business, he hones to eiveintire&tisfaftion to those who may employ him. 4s he to move with his family from Sunbury to thi'a place by the firft of January next, he begs the favour of ,11 those indebted to him to pay off their several notea and accompts by that time, in order to enaUe him to fatisfy those ,0 whom he is indebted. He will be glad his former custo mers will continue their favours; they may depend on being punftually served, and on easier terms than in Sunbury. P Wanted, Two apprentices well recommended for their honesty. SAVANNAft : Printed by JAMES JOHNSTON.