Newspaper Page Text
Number 3g.
LONDON, August 20.
SY a letter from Lilbon we have a confirma
tion of the Lord Clive privateer blowing
up. Capt. Macnamara did not (hoot
himfelf, but was taken prisoner by the
Spaniards, and is since dead.
Yederday the Right Hon. William
Pitt, Esq; and several of the nobility,
who arrived in town from their respec
tive country feats, waited on his Majedy with their congra-.
tulations on the fafe delivery of the Queeh, and the birth
of a Prince.
His Majedy’s (hip Nightingale, which was convoy to the
Carolina fleet lad year, is now compleatly fitted out at
Chatham, and will soon depart as a cruising (hip on that
Edinburgh , August 17. By Monday’s pod was received his
Majefly’s warrant of Augud 6th, for lfluing a commiflion
appointing the Rev. Dr. William Robertson, Principal of
the college of this city, and one of miniders of this city,
liis Majedy’s hifloriographer in Scotland, with a salary of
tool, a year during life.
London, Aig . 24. By a gentleman from the Ead Indies
we are informed, that fome of our (hips, jud before they
fa led for England, had taken two snows, the one French,
and the other Dutch, each of which had officers on board of
the refpe&ive countries, and dispatches were found on board
for tht troops of each country to exercise hoflilities againd
the Englilh settlements in that quarter of the world.
Avg. 1 5. They write from Conflantinople of the 16th
*lt. that the designed Tarkifh minider to the King of Pruf-
Ea, was then Upon the point of setting out from thence for
Berlk, The presents which he was to take with him for
his Pfuffian majedy, were valued at 100,000 piaflers; they
confid of twelve very fine Arabian horses, a mod curious
spacious tent ornamented with pearl and gold fringes, a
(able richly set with diamonds, two exquisite fine esarpets,
twelve pieces of gold and silver India duffs, Sec.
We are told that two battalions of foot, of 1000 men
each, are forthwith to be raised, in order to be sent to
North America; and also an additional number of men, to
replace the sick and lame, which are (hortly expefled from
thence. „
One house in the city is preparing to (nip off, with tne
fird opportunity, for Florid* and Augudine, goods to the
amount of twenty thousand pounds.
We hear that Lieutenant-colonel Scott is appointed
Lieutenant-governor of the island of Dominico, Lieute
nant.colonel Gore of the Grenades, Lieutenant-colonel
Maddifon of St. Vincent, and Major Brown, late Com
mandant of the Barbadoes volunteers againd Martuuco, of
T Thc forces which the King of Prussia has aflembled in
Brandenburg makes it apprehended that he may invade Ha
nover, if the Britilh council per fid in refufing to pay the
remainder of the subsidy owing to him during the war.
Ang. 30. The greatest merchant at Berlin having failed,
his Pruflian Majedy offered to Advance him 200,000 nxdol
lam; which offer he declined accepting of, not being fuffi
cicnt, but the King of Prussia has granted him his protection
for ten years. ~ , , .
The/write from Amderdam of the 22d ind. that the
German Jews redding there had fubferibed 300,000 norms,
and their synagogue 60,000, to support the merchants there,
according to rive association entered into.
There are said to be very great heart-hnrning* among the
people of diflinaion in Ireland, on accounj of fome remov
als and penflons in the edablilhment of that kingdom.
THURSDAY, December # i,’ 1763.
Gen. Webb’s regiment came home from the Havana in
the Tyger man of war. The whole regiment now confidt
only 0136 rank and file.
September 1. The 15th ind. died at Saxe-Gotha, Prince
Louis-Erned, third brother to the reigning Duke of Saxc-
Gotha, and to her Royal liighnefs the Princess Dowager
of Wales, aged 55 years, 7 months and 15 days. He was
Lieutenant-general in the service of Cologne andMunder,
Colonel of a regiment of infantry, and Knight of the Black
Eagle of Poland.
Sept. 3. We hear that General Amhcrd is soon expected
in England from North-America, having had leave to re
turn tor the recovery of his health.
The fleet deflined for the EaA-Indies will fail about the
end of November, for which purpose a large quantity of
dores, &c. are now getting ready.
The parliament, which Aood prorogued to the 6th of
September indant, is further prorogued to the 11th of Oc
tober next.
We hear that Lord Bute is going to make the tour of
Europe. *,
It is said fome affairs between this nation and a neigh
bouring republick will (hortly be published which will lur
prife an Europe.
They write from Hamburg of the 26th ult. that they have
a lid of 54 houses that have failed fincc the nth. Baron
Stenglin has agreed to pay his creditors in three payments,
and the Jews Ephraim and Wulff have declared that they
will pay all the Dills of exchange of the insolvent houses
which they have iudorfed, but it is supposed there are none
of their indorsements.
News is daily expected that a great Prince has attacked
fome certain dominions in Germany.
The following is an authentick account of the behaviour
of Mr. Pitt at a Tate conference with his Majedy.—Our mo
narch, in consideration of the unhappy prejudices and dis.
gud* which have so long prevailed amongd a number of his
lubjefb, refolvcd, on the death of Lord Egrcmont, to facri
fice all private resentments to publick peace. As there
were now, therefore, two great offices vacant, (the Prefidcnt
of the Council and the Secretary of State) and two others
one of whom (George Grenville, Esq;) willing to refigo,
he hoped thofc places would satiate the ambition and ava
rice of the opposition.-—A person was accordingly employed
to found Mr. Pitt.—He was all moderation and condescen
sion.—He was immediately sent for to court, and introduced
to a private conference.—His Majedy having repeated the
fubdance of his plan, Mr. Pitt, with all the (upplenefsand
moderation of a courtier, acquicfced in every thing, and
infided only to be affided by the able counsel of Lord Bute.
—His Majedy anfwercd, that, were he even serious in thac
requeil, it was impoffiblc to be granted, as that generous
nobleman had determined, purely for the quiet of the pub
lick, however detrimental it mud be to his private affairs,
to retire where even the voice of faction itfelf could not
pretend he had the lead concern in publick affairs.—Mr.
Pitt then desired fome time for reflection, and to consult
his friends.—lt was granted, and accordingly on Monday
he returned to his Majedy. His behaviour and dile were
now quite changed.—ln dead of being moderate and sub
missive, he was arrogant and peremptory.—He told the
King, that, having maturely considered the Hate of the
parties, and of the nation, he could not again enter into his
Majesty’s service, but on the following conditions.—That
he (Mr. Pitt) (hould be appointed Secretary of State, and
have the disposal of all the offices.—That Lord Temple
(hould be Fird Lord of the Treasury, and be allowed to
name three of his friends at the fame board, one of whom
to be Mr. Wilkes.— The Duke of Cumberland to be placed